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The Unmissable
The Star-Spangled Sharpshooter
Ult ewg-star full.jpg
"These colours don't run."
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Player: Swixname.png
Super Group
Primary Field Leader
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Nathaniel Jackson Carter
The Star-Spangled Sharpshooter, The Best From The West, The Honcho of Headshots, General Freedom
4th July 1976
Hudson City, NJ
Flag USA.png American
Millennium City
The Barlowe Building
U.S. Special Metahuman Operative
Protector Of The World
Legal Status
Criminal Record, Pardoned

Military Service Record

U.S. Special Metahuman Operative

Protector Of The World
Marital Status
Dating Ada Clover
· Known Relatives ·
Geoffrey Carter (Father), Rochelle Masters (Mother, Deceased), Arthur Daggett (Adoptive Father, Deceased), Jennifer Daggett (Adoptive Mother, Deceased), Maya Mendez-Daggett (Adoptive Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
38 (Deceased)
Body Type
Peak Athletic, Muscular
· Distinguishing Features ·
Circuitry Throughout Irises (Closer Inspection)
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Hyperkinesis - SteelTech Bionic Eyes
· Equipment ·
The S.T.A.R.S Suit - S.T.R.I.P.E.S - Specialised Ammunition - Dual SteelTech A001 Iron Patriots - Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle - M110 SASS - Barrett M82 - Dual SIG-MPX-Ks - Smith & Wesson Model 500 - Dual Smith & Wesson M&P Shields - Mossberg 590 - M4A1 Carbine - HK UMP-9 - M249 LMG - M134 Minigun - MGL-140 - Mk 19 Grenade Launcher - FIM-92 Stinger - M3 MAAWS - PSE TAC 15 Crossbow - SteelTech L95 Particle Rifle - 'Memento Mori' - 'Moxie' - Strider SMF - Dual Gerber Mark II Dagger Knives - Throwing Knives - Tech Grenades - Proximity Discs - Propulsion Pads - Pocket Projector - Stun Rod - Grapnel Gun - Rebreather - Medpack - The 'Shooting Star' - Comet Recon Bike - 'Liberty Belle'
· Other Abilities ·
Peak Human Condition - Master Marksman - Master Strategist and Tactician - Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Expert Athlete - Extensive Military Expertise - Multilingualism - 'Adaptoisms'


athaniel Carter was an all-star high school quarterback growing up in Hudson City and struggling to stay on the right side of the tracks when he developed the unique metahuman power of hyperkinesis and became a costumed crook. After an attempt to go straight led to his partner in crime murdering his lover, Nate went on a blood-soaked rampage which ended in a life-sentence at a maximum security prison. Broken, Nate was offered a second chance at life by the government funded Project Patriot and conditioned to be the perfect soldier. With his chequered past behind him, a fresh start before him and all the guns, grit and determination he needs to make the most of it, Nate charges into battle as the All-Star, kicking ass and taking names for truth, justice and the American Way.

Though his sarcastic wit, smug overconfidence and detached cynicism can alienate his allies just as often as they endear him to them, All-Star is as much a self-sacrificing hero as any of his fellow crimefighters. With a mouth that fires off as fast and as often as the guns he slings, All-Star defends his countrymen through thick and thin against the various threats stacked against them: domestic, foreign and -- more often than he'd like -- otherworldly.



Born on the Forth of July

"Wasn't always the charmingly rugged star-spangled hero you see before you. As a matter of fact, you could say the odds were stacked against old Nate Carter from the moment he came kicking and screaming into a world that didn't want him. 'Born Under A Bad Sign' doesn't even begin to describe it." - All-Star
"Why do all my vacations end in blood, bullets and someone trying to kill me?"

Early into the hours of the 4th July 1976, Nate Carter was born somewhat prematurely to Geoffrey Carter and Rochelle Masters -- an out-of-work drunkard known to bounce around between odd jobs and a stripper he had accidentally impregnated at a friend's bachelor party, respectively -- in Freetown, Hudson City, New Jersey. Despite a number of birthing complications both early into the pregnancy and during delivery, he managed to pull through a frail, but relatively healthy baby. Relieved, his mother named him Nathaniel Jackson Carter, taking the names of the only two men she felt had ever treated her with love and respect -- her late father, Nathaniel, and her older brother, Jackson. Opting to spend the night drowning his sorrows at a local dive rather than waiting at the hospital, Geoffrey Carter missed the birth.

"The doctor told my mom I was 'scrappy'. A real fighter. An underdog. I mean, I'd have to be to get through the rest of my life." - All-Star

Growing up in the projects of Masonville, Nate found himself on the receiving end of his belligerent father's bad temper more an more frequently. Heated arguments grew into threats of violence and insults which grew into actual domestic abuse of both Rochelle and Nate as the years went by, colouring the latter's hatred for his father. Though Rochelle often did her best to take the brunt of Geoffrey's anger and physical abuse, a black eye and a few bruises were unavoidable every for the young Nate every now and then. By age twelve, Nate had experienced more than his fair share of pain and punishment at the hands of his father, who would use his failing grades, poor relations with teachers and fellow students and constant schoolyard fights as excuses to abuse him further.

"My old man and I never really saw eye-to-eye, for obvious reasons. My mom and I were just burdens he would take his anger out on when all his anger and frustration bubbled to the surface. Now that I'm older, I understand him, I guess. Guy was a simple man trapped by his own mistakes. I've been there. Doesn't mean I'm anywhere near to forgiving him for what he did to us, though. I will never forgive him for what he did to us." - All-Star

Far from a model student, Nate would often mirror his father's behaviour in and out of school, picking on smaller and weaker children, regularly getting into fights and causing his mother no end of grief. Despite his poor behaviour, though, Nate cared for Rochelle and, though her skills as a parent and a positive role model were severely lacking, Rochelle cared for her son. Encouraging him to take up sports to keep him out of trouble and away from his father, Rochelle took reduced shifts at the Paradise Club to support Nate on his efforts to get onto Morrison Middle School's football team. Through her efforts and Nate's determination, he was eventually accepted onto the team and would continue to pursue sports throughout the rest of his academic life.

"There's one thing my mom told me during those months that stuck with me ever since. She said: 'Don't be good, Nate. Be the best there ever was.' Heh. When I think about it, practicing after school and pursuing something real were the best times I ever spent with my mom. And that's all I care to think about when I remember her." - All-Star

Despite becoming a promising young athlete, Nate's troublemaking tendencies only lessened slightly, especially in the face of his father's continuing abuse and rejection. Nate continued to be a bully and a delinquent and only seemed to worsen when he began to associate with a group of local vandals who would tag property in the area. During one particular act of tagging, the small gang was caught by a patrolling police officer and, seeking to buy his friends time to escape, Nate led the officer on a chase through Martin Luther King Jr. Park which ended in his being detained at the local police station. While waiting for his mother to retrieve him, Nate met another juvenile delinquent who had been caught picking pockets in the area -- Antoine 'Wheezer' Freeman. Enthralled by the older boy's tales of delinquency and abundance of superficial charm, Nate became fast friends with Wheezer and the two maintained regular contact from that day forward.

"Wheezer had enough charisma and charm to talk a nun out of her...nun pants, even back then. After just a few minutes of conversation, the lil' bastard had me wrapped around his finger. Have to wonder if we were ever really friends." - All-Star

Claiming to be a young upstart in a local Jamaican gang, Wheezer would often meet Nate after school and run his mouth about his exceedingly bright future, often claiming that he would rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld and make it out of Freetown some day. As he and Nate grew closer throughout middle school, Wheezer began encouraging Nate to join his gang, vowing to take Nate out of Freetown and away from his father when he eventually became an important member of his gang. Though eager to win Wheezer's respect, Nate hesitated due to the warnings of his mother, who made no attempt to hide her disapproval of Wheezer. Regardless, Wheezer insisted on making Nate his partner, giving him time to think about the offer.

"I was young and stupid, but even I knew there was something dangerous about Wheezer. Back in Freetown, we had a quaint little expression. 'Running the Numbers'. See, the Numbers was just about the worst part of the worst neighbourhood in Hudson City, and anyone who could survive or -- god forbid -- thrive there, through whatever means, was a mean son of a bitch you had to watch out for. They were 'running the Numbers'." - All-Star

On the night of 12th August 1993, Geoffrey Carter arrived home drunk after being fired from his latest job as a dockworker. Already riled up by a bar fight, he quickly got into an argument with Rochelle and, upon being hit with a particularly caustic remark, began to savagely beat her into submission. Desperate to defend his mother, Nate grabbed a knife and slashed at his father's face, giving him a nasty scar. Infuriated by Nate's actions, Geoffrey disarmed and turned his assault on him. Still dazed from her beating and spurred into action by Nate being placed in harm's way, Rochelle grabbed the knife and stabbed Geoffrey in the shoulder, screaming for Nate to get the police. Rushing out of the house and pushing through his injuries, Nate ran until he collapsed from his injuries in front of a police officer several blocks away. Though he managed to divulge all the information he had, the officer arrived at the scene too late.

"I don't really know why I ran out of the car when I saw the officer stop at the half-opened door. Even as the neighbours tried to hold me back, I kept moving. I had to see it for myself." - All-Star
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Splayed out in the middle of the floor and bleeding to death from several stab wounds, Rochelle -- a victim of Geoffrey's psychotic rage -- barely held on to life as she was rushed out of the house by paramedics and towards the local hospital. Delirious from blood loss, she barely registered her distraught son and died within minutes of reaching the hospital. Geoffrey Carter, a fugitive for his crimes, fell off the radar, never to be heard from or seen again. With no legal guardian to look after him, Nate was promptly placed in the child welfare system, spending his last year of middle school bouncing from foster home to foster home.

"Looking back, I'm not surprised most people didn't want me. I was too old. Too troublesome. Too broken. Damaged goods. And I didn't make much of an effort to convince them otherwise, either." - All-Star

While in the foster care system, Nate met and befriended another orphaned girl named Tanisha Patterson. The polar opposite of Nate in almost every way, Tanisha was an academic, courteous and diligent girl who wanted nothing more than to find permanent residence with a good family. Despite their opposite personalities and the fact that they would often find themselves split apart by the foster care system, Nate and Tanisha spent the time they did have together confiding in one another about their insecurities and dreams. Tanisha, whose parents had both died in a house fire, gave Nate hope that he would find a family and become an athlete and Nate promised to help her overcome her fear of fire and protect her from the other foster children. Eventually, the two friends parted ways when they were both permanently taken in by different families, promising to meet again one day and sealing their promise with a sudden kiss.

"I mean, I was an athlete. I had been attached to girls before, but never the good ones. Tanisha was different in that way. She made me want to do better, be better. Years later and I still feel like a dork when I say that out loud." - All-Star

A Fresh Start

"Never been one for long goodbyes, especially when it comes to leaving bad memories behind." - All-Star

After being taken in by Arthur and Jennifer Daggett -- a middle-class married couple living in Benton County -- Nate's life took a radical shift in tone. No longer living in the ghettos of Hudson, surrounded by poverty, crime and negative influence, he struggled to adapt to his new life as a proverbial fish out of water and often lashed out at his adoptive parents and his younger adoptive sister -- a Colombian girl named Maya, who had been living with the Daggetts since infancy. He was especially confrontational towards Arthur, whose attempts at trying to be a positive male figure in Nate's life were met with aggression.

"I guess you could say I was scared. No, uncomfortable is the right word. I had gone from being just another kid on the wrong side of the tracks to living in the 'burbs with the nicest people I ever met. And I hated it." - All-Star

Transferred to Northdale High, Nate had no issues attaining popularity due to his good looks and athletic prowess and wasted no time taking out his frustrations about his new environment on other kids. Quickly joining the Northdale High Eagles and becoming the team's star quarterback, his freshman and sophomore years were full of athletic victories, womanising, regular harassment of other students and, of course, below-average grades. For the first time in his life, Nate felt in control and wasn't afraid to show it by walking around like the cock of the walk.

"Okay, so I was a major dick in high school. I'm the first person who'd admit to that. I'm all better now. Kinda. Really it depends on who you ask and whether or not I shot them." - All-Star

At home, Nate's life began to improve as he dug a niche for himself within the community. Growing to care about the foster family he had earlier rejected, Nate took up Spanish lessons after school to better communicate with Maya and began to forge a more healthy relationship with Jennifer and Arthur. For a time, Nate existed in a comfortable status quo. However, the return of two important figures from his past stirred matters up. Having been sent to a new family and transferred to Northdale High, Tanisha found herself running into her old foster brother in an entirely new environment.

"I swear to god, it was like one of those corny rom-coms you see all the time." - All-Star

Despite not having seen each other in two years, Nate and Tanisha were more than eager to become friends again. Catching up during their free periods, the two rapidly mended the gap in their relationship and soon became nigh inseparable. Proud of Nate for having finally turned himself around, Tanisha offered to help him with his poor grades on the condition that he ceased bullying others and promised to stay out of any future trouble. Nate readily accepted her offer and the two worked to pull his grades up. As they studied together, however, Nate became less and less able to keep his lingering crush on her a secret. Mustering up the nerve, he eventually confessed them to her and -- much to his glee -- found that she had been harbouring a similar crush for years. Once just friends, Nate and Tanisha became romantically linked, the result of years of deeply confiding in one another.

"Ahh, Tanisha. Probably the healthiest romantic relationship I've ever had. Still, whenever there's an up, there's always a down...and Wheezer was a hell of a way down. He was about to make my life just that little bit more complicated." - All-Star

Having sought Nate out through his connections, Wheezer resurfaced into his surrogate brother's life towards the end of his junior year and the two rekindled their stark friendship. Somewhat jealous of Nate's 'cushy life', Wheezer constantly teased and guilted him about having forgotten his roots and about leaving him behind to pursue his dream alone. Since their last meeting, Wheezer had taken ot more serious crimes -- mugging, car theft, breaking and entering and more. A bona fide criminal, he shared his ambitions of pulling off a 'perfect score' and insisted that Nate join him in it. With sports scholarships being offered to him from several colleges and Tanisha acting as a positive influence, Nate turned him down. Angered by his 'betrayal', Wheezer broke off contact with him and returned to Freetown.

"Wheezer had been a good friend at a point where I sorely needed one. It wasn't easy turning him down, but Tanisha, Arthur, Jen, Maya...they made the right choice obvious for me." - All-Star

Crime and Consequences

"If there's one thing I've learnt over the years, it's that every action has an opposite and equal reaction. What I wouldn't give to go back in time and cram that old chestnut into my thick skull." - All-Star

That was not the last Nate would see of Wheezer, however. A year later, a dishevelled Wheezer returned to Benton County desperate for Nate's help. Having fallen into a gang of like-minded bank robbers, Wheezer found himself indebted to the masked crime boss known only as Janus for inadvertently botching a robbery. Panic-stricken, Wheezer feared that Janus would kill him if he didn't make up for the money he lost on the botched job by pulling off a robbery of his own and pleaded with Nate to help him. Tanisha, repulsed by Wheezer's criminal activity, implored Nate to turn him in to the authorities and return to his studies, lest he end up squandering his football scholarship to Millennium City University. Unable to leave his old friend to the dogs, however, Nate reluctantly agreed to help him in whatever way he could.

"In hindsight, it was damn stupid of me. I should have said no. Lord knows I wanted to. But, Wheezer had been my best friend. I couldn't let him go down for what he did...and he knew it." - All-Star

For the next month or so, the two spent their nights plotting a two man robbery of a small jewellery store in Freetown. Not wanting to cause concern to his family and Tanisha or get Wheezer into further trouble, Nate made sure that no one else was made aware of their plans. Mere days after Nate's graduation and acceptance into Millennium City University, the two would-be bank robbers made their move, arming themselves and holding up the jewellery store. As Nate held the store owner at gunpoint, however, the man triggered the silent alarm, alerting the local authorities to the crime in progress. Angered, Wheezer ordered that Nate shoot the owner but, when Nate flat out refused, they made a hasty retreat.

"Wheezer was scared. For a second I'm pretty sure he just wanted to drop the money and turn himself in. To this day a part of me wishes that he did." - All-Star

The two partners in crime made a swift run for their getaway vehicle and fled from the scene with their haul. Unfortunately for them, a nearby patrol car responded to the silent alarm and began chasing them through the streets of Freetown. With their situation looking bleak, the combined pressures of Wheezer's yelling, the high-pitched wail of sirens and the stress of their situation triggered Nate's dormant metahuman gene strand, activating his powers for the first time. In an instant, time slowed to what felt like a standstill. His senses heightened to superhuman levels, Nate began to instinctively take in every piece of information about their situation in an overwhelming rush of knowledge. His mind sped up to a feverish pace and began to make calculation after calculation about how best to deal with their pursuers. Taking his gun almost subconsciously, Nate opened fire on the patrol car, pulling off an impossible trick shot to burst its tire. Thanks to the manifestation of Nate's powers, he and Wheezer managed to escape police capture and return to their safehouse.

"It was like being awake for the first time. Looking back on every thought or reaction I ever had, every thing I ever saw, before that moment is like watching an old-timey war movie in black and white. Everything became sharper, clearer, faster, more focused. Hyperkinesis -- I don't know how I ever lived without it." - All-Star
"Gotta love the Three Bs: beers, babes and bullets. Lots of bullets."

The moment Nate and Wheezer were far enough away from the scene of the crime to rest easy, they excitedly tried to figure out what had happened. Eventually coming to the conclusion that Nate was somehow superhuman after studying his uncanny reflexes and accuracy, Wheezer began to entertain the possibilities that Nate's newfound powers brought to the table. Tempting him with promises of riches and status, Wheezer persuaded Nate to put off going to college for a year so they could use his powers to get rich quick. Paying off Janus and taking influence from the masked criminal himself, Nate and Wheezer donned masked costumes and became the 'Trouble Twins', with Wheezer acting as the brains and Nate using his powers to pull off their daring robberies. After a few months, they earned notoriety in the criminal underworld and had amassed a small fortune through their crimes.

"I wish I could say it wasn't, but it was amazing. The thrill, the money, the costumes. I lived for it. ALL of it." - All-Star

Not everything in Nate's new life of masked crime was fast cars and high stakes, however. Tanisha, curious about Nate's decision to hold off on going to MCU, began following him around in her free time. Eventually, she stumbled on the safehouse he shared with Wheezer and the true source of the money he claimed to earn through his part time job. Though Nate tried to convince her that the situation was only temporary, Tanisha felt too betrayed by Nate's lies and sickened by his selfish lifestyle to listen to him. Though she promised not to tell anyone about Nate and Wheezer's operation, she made it clear that she and Nate were finished and that she never wanted to hear from him again. Departing to MCU at the start of the academic year, she and Nate parted ways on a profoundly bitter note.

"I've made a lot of mistakes, that much I do know. I mean, look at me: I'm the poster boy for screw-ups. But losing Tanisha to my greed, ending things like I did... It still keeps me up some nights." - All-Star

Embittered by his loss of Tanisha, Nate threw himself deeper into his operation with Wheezer. The two decided to expand their operation exponentially, seeking out ambitious young criminals eager to make a name for themselves and forming a small band of criminals to assist in their high-stakes robberies. Among these hired criminals was a hacker and intelligence specialist named Amanda Cho. Cynical, fiery and thrill-seeking, Amanda was just the type of girl All-Star needed after losing Tanisha. The newly formed team became known as the 'Trouble Team' -- high-flying, death-defying kids looking for fast cash, big scores and as many thrills as they could find along the way.

"Man, was it good. I mean, it was really, really good. We were a bunch of crazy kids living fast and loose and nothing even had a chance of stopping us. Well, almost nothing..." - All-Star

When Nate's year out began to come to an end, Arthur suffered a sudden heart attack on his way home from work. Upon receiving news of the incident from Maya, Nate rushed to the hospital where he was being held and went with the rest of his family to visit him. While Maya and Jennifer dealt with the doctors, Arthur confided in Nate that he knew about his criminal activity. Insisting that he stop chasing selfish dreams and step up to become the man of the family, Arthur admonished him for what he had done. Angered by the loss of approval from the only father figure he ever had, Nate rejected Arthur and left to collect his thoughts. As he calmed himself down and came to the realisation that there was truth in Arthur's words, however, he received another emergency call from Maya, this time informing him that Arthur had suffered a second heart attack and died. Needing to see it for himself, Nate returned to the hospital and watched as Jennifer and Maya mourned over Arthur's dead body. With that striking image planted in his mind, Nate made the decision to put an end to his life of crime.

"Arthur had always tried to do right by me, even when I didn't deserve it. He was the best man I ever knew, and I wasn't about to let him down. Not again. Not after Tanisha, or my mom...I wasn't going to let another person down."- All-Star

With Arthur's death still fresh in his mind, Nate discussed his decision to leave the Trouble Team behind and depart for college on his MCU scholarship. Though initially reluctant to get out of the exciting life of masked crime, Amanda revealed that she would be willing to take up a legitimate job in Millennium City to be with Nate, who she claimed was a positive influence she sorely needed. United in their decision, the two lovers confronted Wheezer about leaving the gang. Not willing to lose Nate's power, Wheezer attempted to guilt Nate into staying again. When that didn't work, the two got in a brief brawl which Nate easily won. Resolute, Nate left Wheezer behind and, with Amanda at his side, moved on to greener pastures.

"Didn't take someone with a supercomputer for a brain to see that Wheezer had changed. Or maybe he just showed me his true colours. Either way, he made me realise that I had changed too. For Wheezer, it was too late: he was never going to leave it all behind. Me, I wanted out." - All-Star

Convincing himself that the only way to win back Nate's loyalty was to remove all distractions from the picture. Returning to Janus with half of the stash he had accumulated through his crimes, Wheezer struck up a deal with the masked criminal. He and his gang would assassinate Amanda, Maya and Jennifer so Nate would have no one else to go to but Wheezer. Little did Janus know, Wheezer also planned to reveal that his gang was responsible for Amanda's death to inspire a rivalry which he believed would drive Nate to loftier heights of crime.

"I should've known what Wheezer was planning. The look in his eyes as he lay down in the muck was like a trapped animal. He would've done anything to get his way -- especially after I humiliated him." - All-Star

As Nate prepared to turn in for the night, the arrival of a black car outside the Daggett family home caught his attention. His powers sharpening his perception, he managed to catch a glimpse of a masked hitman in Janus Gang garb through the tinted windows. Rushing downstairs, Nate pushed Maya and Jennifer to the ground just as the Janus Gang opened fire on their home. Begging his family to stay down and call the police, Nate rushed out to pursue the fleeing car, chasing it down with his motorcycle and, after a high-speed chase, running it off the road. Infuriated by the idea that they would target his family, Nate beat the gang member that survived the crash to a pulp and ordered him to reveal why Janus had ordered him to kill his family. Fearing for his life, the hitman revealed that Wheezer had paid Janus to kill his family and his girlfriend. Shocked by the revelation, Nate made tracks towards Amanda's apartment, hoping to reach her before it was too late.

"I just ran. I didn't think. I just kept running. I can't even remember what was going through my mind. I only remember how fast my heart beating through my ears." - All-Star

Nate arrived at Amanda's apartment to find just what he had feared. Her apartment had been broken in to and she had been beaten into submission and shot execution style, killed instantly. Anguished by the fact that he had allowed another person he loved to slip through his fingers, Nate cradled Amanda's body and vowed to get revenge on Wheezer for what he had done. With only rage to drive him forward, Nate arrived at their safehouse in search of Wheezer. When the Trouble Team offered violent resistance, he mercilessly mowed them all down just in time to catch Wheezer fleeing from the safehouse towards an old chemical factory.

"The old 'showdown in a chemical factory' cliche. At the time it didn't even occur to me -- I was blinded by rage. In hindsight, I probably should have seen what happened with Wheezer coming." - All-Star

Following Wheezer to the chemical factory, Nate demanded that he tell him why he ordered Amanda and his family killed. Desperate to get out of his situation alive, Wheezer explained his motivations to Nate while creeping up behind him and lining up a headshot. As he prepared to fire, however, Nate dodged at the last possible second and Wheezer's bullet struck a vat of chemicals, creating a hole from which the chemicals sprayed into his face. Staggered and in excrutiating pain, Wheezer fell off a walkway and down to the chemical drainage grate below, knocking loose another vat on his way down. The chemicals spilled onto Wheezer from on high, seemingly dissolving him into nothing and washing him down the grate. Just like that, Wheezer was no more.

"Wheezer died screaming, melting away into nothing. All I remember thinking at the time is how good it felt to watch him die. Kind of disgusts me how it still does." - All-Star

Though Nate had gotten the revenge he so desired, his rampage through Hudson had attracted the attention of the local police and they surrounded the factory as he began to leave. Surrendering without a fight, Nate made the local news for his crimes and was sentenced to a life sentence at Stewartsburg Penitentiary. Broken by all that he had lost, Nate was a 'model' prisoner. Keeping to himself, never causing any issues and spending most of his time in his cell staring at walls, he refused to see Maya or Jennifer whenever they came to visit him. Nevertheless, he earned the ire of a group of ex-gang members in his cell block, who interpreted his sobriety as a challenge. Picking him out as a whipping boy, the gang spent a significant amount of their free time beating or stabbing Nate and leaving him just alive enough to do it again tomorrow. Full of self-loathing, Nate believed he deserved the punishment for his mistakes and never put up any resistance.

"I guess it wouldn't be too melodramatic to say I wanted to die. As far as I was concerned, I had failed everyone. My mom, Arthur, Jen, Maya, Tanisha, Amanda -- even Wheezer, in a way. When those Nazis came sniffing for a punching bag, I was hoping they'd finish me off so I wouldn't have to."- All-Star

A Star Is Born

"Give a man a cause and he'll be twice the man he was. Give a man a cause and a gun and he'll be twice the man he was with a kickass gun."- All-Star
"Shoot you once, shame on you. Shoot you twice, shame on me."

Nate's cycle of self-loathing and abuse came to an unexpected end when, at the age of twenty-two, after spending three years in prison, he received a visitor who wasn't Maya or Jennifer. His curiosity piqued, Nate begrudgingly accepted the visitation and went to meet his mysterious guest -- a redheaded man in black who introduced himself as Kurt White.

"To this day, I'm convinced that's not his real name. I mean, Kurt White? Seriously?"- All-Star

Kurt explained to Nate that his powers -- which he diagnosed as hyperkinesis -- gave him potential to be the perfect soldier and offered him a chance to redeem himself for his past sins and earn his freedom by joining up with a clandestine metahuman military training project called Project Patriot. As Kurt described it, Project Patriot sought to assure the American populace that there were superhumans in the world willing to fall in line and do what it takes to take the fight to the 'real threats' following the crises of faith brought on by the (then recent) 9/11. As a member of Project Patriot, Nate would be the first metahuman to become an extension of the U.S military and federal powers, doing what had to be done behind the scenes while being the face of a new generation of more modern, pragmatic heroes who answer to some higher power in front of the cameras -- a 'Cape' and a 'Cowl'. Acknowledging the complexity of Nate's past and his extremely positive psychological validity for the program, Kurt believed that Nate would be the quinessential American underdog who could symbolise the potential of even the most condemned person to stand tall against greater threats while appealing to the key demographics Project Patriot hoped to console.

"Kurt explained it to me like this: heroes can be broken up into two categories. You have your 'Capes', guys like Defender and Thundrax, who fly around with their powers out in the open, doing right the right way and giving everyone that hope for a better tomorrow and blah blah blah. Basically? Your traditional hero -- old-fashioned morals and all. Good guys, nice to work with. Then you have your 'Cowls', guys like Nighthawk and the Harbinger of Justice. These guys do things with a little more cynicism. They usually don't have the powers or the upbringing that allows your average Cape to fly around soundly pounding villains and giving speeches. So what do they do? They bring the fight to the bad guys on their level. They hit hard, do damage and invoke a lot of controversy in the process. While the Capes are keeping Dr. Destructo or Captain Whatever from blowing up the planet, the Cowls are making sure the vermin don't get too big for their britches and, nine times out of ten, They trust authority about as much as authority trusts them. Kurt told me that the two archetypes are equal and opposites and that both are needed to make sure ALL the bad guys get what's coming to them and EVERYONE can sleep at night. Then he told me what Project Patriot was all about. He wanted someone with the brutal effectiveness of a Cowl and the trustworthiness of a Cape. The public image without the scout's code. The down and gritty without the brooding and anti-social. And I was supposed to be that guy."- All-Star

Swayed by the notion of redemption but unsure of himself and his worthiness of a second chance, Nate requested that Kurt return in a week, by which point he would deliberate and give his answer. Agreeing to Nate's terms, Kurt left him to reflect upon his life and reconsider his future. During Nate's careful consideration of Kurt's offer, the prison gang cornered him in the mess hall and prepared to beat him as they so often did. Given new vigor by Kurt's offer to become something more, Nate fought back for the first time since his arrival and put his regular abusers in intensive care. When Kurt arrived to visit him in solitary confinement three days later, he willingly accepted his offer.

"Redeeming myself for murder by killing some more people. Heh. Yeah, it's kinda funny in a morbid way."- All-Star

His criminal record pardoned -- rather than expunged, as Kurt had originally offered -- Nate underwent intense physical and mental training for the next three years, learning a variety of martial arts and talents as well as advanced military training in combat, tactics, strategy, espionage and more. As he travelled across the world on the taxpayer's dollar, learning from the best teachers money and connections could by, he gradually honed his hyperkinetic capabilities with his body and mind, focusing himself into becoming a living weapon. By the time his training was complete, Nate had become an entirely changed man. Gone was the troubled boy from Hudson City. Gone was the solemn criminal counting the days to his death. From that day forward, Nate Carter became the man he would be for the rest of his life -- and he wanted nothing more than to start on the path towards redemption.

"I may have gotten out of my life sentence but, as far as I was concerned, I was still carrying out my punishment. A life sentence is a life sentence, whether I spend it in a jail cell or bringing justice to whoever needs it most. My training gave me the discipline and training I needed to do just that."- All-Star

With his training over, it was time for Nate to pass his final test -- four years in Afghanistan serving with the United States Marine Corps. Instantly given the rank of Sergeant and placed in charge of his own squad, Nate was flown into Afghanistan to fight the good fight and get the understanding of real war Kurt was certain he'd need to succeed as a member of Project Patriot. Arrogant and overconfident about his own combat prowess, Nate was unprepared for the welcome he got from the war-torn land and his own squad.

"The place was hell. I grew up thinking I had it rough because I lived in the projects, but what I saw down in Afghanistan gave me perspective. This was war -- actual goddamn war. And there ain't nothing else remotely like it."- All-Star

Not seeing Nate as a true marine due to his special circumstances, his squad treated him with thinly veiled disrespect and made no effort in concealing their distaste for every order they gave him. They even went so far as to pull pranks on him during off-time, mockingly calling him ' The All-Star'. With no real practical experience, Nate floundered for the first few months, often falling short of objectives or getting his squad injured in the process. The last straw was when a brief moment of indecision crippled one of the men under his command. Completely dejected by his continued failure, Nate retreated into himself and spent most of his off-time either working out or sitting in silent contemplation.

"I thought I was a something special when I flew into Afghanistan. Somehow more important than the other marines -- the REAL marines -- I was fighting with because of my powers and training. I was a joke to them, and rightly so."- All-Star

Nate's first real test of leadership took place six months into his tour when a military convoy his squad was a part of was bombarded by mortars in the deserts of Afghanistan. Though the rest of the convoy perished in the ensuing firefight, Nate was able to keep his squad's vehicle mobile long enough to escape from the threat of immediate danger. The damage was already done, however, and the vehicle broke down in the middle of enemy territory. With their radios all either damaged or down, Nate's squad found themselves stranded behind enemy lines with no hope of rescue. Particularly angered by Nate's lack of leadership, Corporal Donald Duffy (who would later go on to become the crimefighter known as the Chauffeur) challenged Nate's leadership and engaged him in hand-to-hand combat. Though Nate easily defeated O' Duffy, the rowdy corporal managed to get in a solid punch to Nate's jaw. As he reeled from the blow, Nate had an epiphany about his method of leadership.

"Should have been thanking Duffy for that haymaker -- the guy knocked some much needed sense into me. Up until then, I had been treating leadership like another task. A chore. To me, it wasn't the 'real thing'. It was just another stepping stone towards my idiotic idea of redemption. When O' Duffy hit me, it hurt like a bitch and that's when I realised that it was the first time I had ever been hurt out in a land where pain and suffering is everywhere. And I realised that this WAS the real thing. That I had a responsibility to the men under my command. I helped O' Duffy back to his feet and I decided to do something right for once."- All-Star

Walking over to their broken vehicle, Nate dipped his hand in motor oil and used it to paint a star on to his helmet. Then, apologising to his squad for his arrogance and rallying them to his side, he fearlessly led them right through enemy territory, making sure to stop and help anyone who grew too weak and throwing himself at any danger they encountered along the way. Impressed by his sudden change in nature and heroism, his squad gradually became more and more compliant with his orders, their respect for him growing with each obstacle he guided them past. Eventually, through sheer strength of will and determination, Nate led his team back to base camp and, upon his arrival, was hailed as a hero. The nickname given to him sarcastically became his de facto codename among his fellow marines and tales of the fearless All-Star spread throughout the armed forces. On Nate's part, he only further committed himself to his role, leading his loyal squad -- dubbed 'The Hall of Famers' by their fellow marines -- through a number of missions for the rest of his tour in Afghanistan. When his tour drew to a close, All-Star and the Hall of Famers were certifiable legends and Nate was given the rank of Staff Sergeant -- one he had actually earned.

"Being a leader was never about being the toughest or smartest guy in the room. It's about giving everyone around you something to believe in, whether it's your orders, your strength of charater or even just your sense of humour. So long as you can give the people under your command that one thing, I believe anybody can be a leader. I may not have had the star-spangled uniform yet, but, to my men, I was already the All-Star."- All-Star

Returning to the states to meet with Kurt, Nate decided to make a pit stop in Hudson City to reconcile with his family. Approaching Maya and Jennifer for the first time in years, Nate sat down and ate his last meal as Nate Carter in the company of the people he loved most, sharing with them his tales of bravery and catching up with all that he had missed during his absence. When it came time to leave, Nate embraced his adoptive family and reminded himself of the importance of remembering his roots, no matter how far he went.

"Being out there fighting a war taught me that family is what you make it. Rochelle Masters and Jennifer Daggett were my mothers. Arthur Daggett was my father. Kurt White and Maya Mendez-Daggett are my brother and sister. The men and women of the United States Marine Corps were my extended family. And the heroes I fight alongside now? They're just about everything else."- All-Star

Returning to Washington DC to meet with Kurt, Nate made it clear that he had grown in the four years since they had last seen each other. Ready to take on his duties as the first member of Project Patriot, Nate was given three things that day: his uniform, his custom-made Iron Patriots and a new resolve -- to atone for the sins of his past by using his gifts to forge a better future, no matter how much personal sacrifice it would take.

"I came a long way from just another poor black kid from the ghetto, huh?"- All-Star

With his first mission -- a journey to South America to investigate reports of a vicious mercenary made of gas -- already waiting for him, Nate rejected the name 'Sgt. Patriot', instead opting to go by the name given to him by the brave men and women who had given him a family and a cause for the past four years. From that day forward, Nate Carter became the All-Star -- the star-spangled sharpshooter with a gun at his side and the flag at his back. Since that fateful day, All-Star has been on the front lines, fighting in the shadows and in the light for liberty and justice for all. He has fought, killed and very nearly died to establish himself as one of many heroes ready to lay down his life for the world he's sworn to protect.

"I've learned a lot of lessons in my life - some the easy way, some the hard way. I've had it rough and I got the scars and bruises to prove it. I've had my zigs and zags and my ups and downs every which way. But if there's one thing that's always stayed with me no matter what, it's this: if you want to change the world, it's not enough to be good at what you do. You've got to be the best there ever was. My name is Nate Carter -- All-Star, if you're nasty -- and I'm the greatest marksman alive." - All-Star

Protector Of The World

"It's been a long time coming, but it finally came."- All-Star
"Bang, bang, you're dead; fifty bullets in your head."

Though All-Star would go on to establish a name for himself in the superhero community and to take on threats alongside the likes of some of Millennium City's greatest crimefighters, he remained somewhat detached from the superhero community at large, mostly due to his own reluctance to embrace the role of a superhero, instead insisting that he was nothing more than a government agent. His stance on superheroics changed with the meeting of his fellow costumed crimefighter, Sparrowhawk.

"Hooking up with Al made me realise I was marginalising myself. If I wanted to truly do good, I had to start burning the candle at both ends." - All-Star

All-Star and Sparrowhawk went from acquaintances to partners to lovers in a relatively short period of time, with the latter persuading the former to become more deeply involved in fighting crime outside of his government assigned work. Initially reluctant but somewhat intrigued by the notion, All-Star agreed to join the short-lived super group known as Rising Force.

"I'd stomped a few heads alongside some genuine capes before, but Rising Force was my first taste of really getting my foot in the door. Worked with some good people. Shame it went belly up." - All-Star

Unfortunately, Rising Force quickly fell apart as a team and All-Star, thrown off balance by his sudden lack of direction, buried himself in his government work once more, taking on missions of increasing difficulty to recapture the feeling of fighting crime in a group and almost getting himself killed through the severity of his work and an unwillingness to take downtime.

"It was a rough few months, I'll tell you that for free." - All-Star

Eventually, Sparrowhawk came to All-Star with an idea -- founding their own super group. Understanding All-Star's real desire to be a part of something more morally reassuring, she proposed that he join her as co-leader of a new government mandated super group which would bring together costumed individuals from different backgrounds to act as a global response and rescue team -- the Protectors of the World. Despite his reluctance, All-Star begrudgingly agreed to assist her with her plan.

"I distinctly remember saying that I wanted no part in it, now that you mention it..." - All-Star

Within a few months of recruiting and organisation, the Protectors of the World were born and would go on to become a premier super group, fighting local, global and even cosmic threats as a single cohesive unit. A successful venture in almost every sense of the word, the Protectors gave All-Star purpose and a family again and, with time, he grew to enjoy the company of his fellow Protectors and began better himself through them, finally embracing the mantle of a superhero.

"I may not act like it sometimes, but I owe everything to the Protectors. They pulled me out of a dark place and gave me another reason to get out of bed in the morning. Don't like to think about what might've happened if I didn't sign up." - All-Star

Traditionally not much of a team player, All-Star never really embraced his role as a field leader or a Protector despite his commitment to his team mates. He frequently drifted in and out of the active roster and left his responsibilities to Sparrowhawk, making it abundantly clear that his first priority was always his solo work as a government agent.

"Guess I never really took the job very seriously. I was going through the motions and saying the right lines, but there was no heart in it, y'know?" - All-Star

Things took on a dramatic change for the worst when Sparrowhawk briefly betrayed the Protectors and left them in complete disarray. With a treacherous Sparrowhawk still at large and many of the team injured during her surprise attack, All-Star returned to Millennium City and reluctantly took up leadership of the team. Their mission -- to capture Sparrowhawk and any of her collaborators as quickly as possible.

"Al put me in a real tricky position when she did what she did. In a lot of ways, I'm still mad at her." - All-Star

As leader, All-Star assigned Sentinel the role of being his temporary second-in-command and did everything in his power to rally the Protectors in their most desperate hour. With All-Star at the helm, the team pursued Sparrowhawk and the organisation that had manipulated her and brought them down, succeeding in returning a wayward Sparrowhawk to the side of angels at the same time. Though they managed to complete their mission and ultimately topple an entire evil organisation, their victory came at a significant cost and dealt a crippling blow to the team's trust in one another. Requiring time to lick their wounds, the Protectors agreed to a brief hiatus and went their separate way.

"Still not really sure what happened there, if we're being completely honest." - All-Star

Indeed, the consequences of Sparrowhawk's actions had a lasting effect on many members of the team, including All-Star. Unable to fully trust or forgive Sparrowhawk after what happened and having cheated on her with Ada Clover during the event, All-Star ended their relationship on relatively amiable terms and committed himself to Ada instead. Having been taught the true importance of his role within the Protectors, he also resolved to take a more proactive stance as the field leader of the team and to commit to their efforts more seriously. Through fire, an older, wiser All-Star was born -- and he and the Protectors of the World were all the better for it.

"If I was gonna make sure what happened there never happened again, I couldn't be the showy gunslinger I once was. Not all the time, anyway. Up until then, I had seen the Protectors as a part-time job -- easy. But that's the problem: nothing worth doing is ever easy." - All-Star


"Something tells me this is going to be the longest week of my life." - All-Star

Recently, during his regular attempts to locate his father, All-Star stumbled upon a potential address in Canada. Originally intending to kill the man who had brought him endless misery, All-Star did not inform any of his fellow Protectors (who were on a hiatus anyway) and set out to the Canadian Wilderness to seek his long-standing revenge.

"I like to say I was seeing red, but I wasn't. I never claimed to be a good person. I was going to find my father, I was going to make him feel every bit of pain he ever inflicted on my mother and I, and then I was going to put a bullet between his eyes. But nothing ever goes as planned..." - All-Star

When All-Star arrived at the address, however, he quickly found that the resident wasn't home. Breaking into the cabin to keep himself warm and find out whether its inhabitant was truly his father, All-Star stumbled on something he could never have foreseen: old mission briefs which implied that the man who might have been his father was actually an operative for the CIA.

"And, just like that, my whole damn world fell apart." - All-Star

Just then, the owner of the cabin returned home and All-Star immediately confronted him, confirming what he had already suspected: that Geoffrey Carter was very much alive and that, after years of searching, he had found him. Confused by what he had discovered, All-Star pressed his long-lost father on who he really was. Though he took some convincing, a reticent Geoffrey revealed that he was, in fact, a retired CIA operative.

"My dad...the deadbeat I had spent my whole life hating...was a goddamn spy. And for the life of me, I had no idea what that meant." - All-Star

Geoffrey explained that he had been dishonorably discharged from service following a problem with alcoholism and had subsequently settled down in his hometown of Hudson. There, he met All-Star's mother, Rochelle, who ultimately gave birth to him. After being coerced at gunpoint, Geoffrey went on to reveal that the circumstances surrounding his mother's death were not what they seemed. Before All-Star could inquire any further, however, he caught the movement of a camouflaged assassin in the snowy tundra. Pushing his father to safety, All-Star fought and killed a squadron of masked mercenaries who had come to kill Geoffrey. Realising that the situation had escalated, Geoffrey decided to tell All-Star the whole story provided they fled to somewhere safer. All-Star agreed, albeit reluctantly.

"Someone had sent trained killers after my dad, which told me two things: he knew something big and he could no longer be trusted to keep his mouth shut. " - All-Star

Retreating to one of All-Star's safehouses in Canada, the father and son duo took the opportunity provided to further discuss the death of All-Star's mother. Deeply remorseful, Geoffrey revealed that he had been contacted by his superiors within the US Department of Defense about an project he had signed up to be a part of before his retirement called Project Patriot -- the same splinter cell of the Department of Defense that All-Star would later be a part of. Before falling off the wagon, Geoffrey had legally sworn to serve his country by subjecting himself to genetic therapy designed to manually engineer the traits he would pass on to his offspring. Though he no longer found himself in the CIA's employ, he still had the obligation to forfeit his son, whose still to be activated power of Hyperkinesis and top percentile athletic genes, were the result of the aforementioned experiment and Project Patriot wished to take him into custody to begin his training once he turned eighteen. Despite his abusive relationship with his wife and child, Geoffrey refused to give him up to the morally questionable organisation and promptly told them to leave him alone. Despite this, however, he spent the rest of the night drinking away his problems and, after a heated argument with his wife, drunkenly beat her to death. Unable to protect his son anymore and immediately regretting his actions, Geoffrey fled the scene and spent the rest of his life running from his mistakes.

"I couldn't believe what he was telling me. I was a patsy: the twisted science experiment of some faceless man in black: a genetically engineered weapon who had been lied to all along. My god, I wasn't some kid from the streets who stumbled his way into the spy game: I was planned from the start. And...and someone was going to pay for it." - All-Star

Needing to confirm his father's story, All-Star forced him into accompanying him to Washington DC, where he infiltrated the office of Kurt White in search of answers. Once there, however, Kurt caught him in the act and, realising that there was no other way around it, revealed to him the truth about Project Patriot.

"Kurt told me he never wanted to keep it from me. That he was just following orders. Orders. All of a sudden, they stopped meaning a damn thing to me." - All-Star

According to Kurt, Project Patriot was formed as an attempt to use advanced genetic therapy to give birth to the perfect soldier: a genetically excellent killing machine capable of both taking on entire squadrons of soldiers alone while still being weak enough to be eliminated in the event of a glitch in their programming or a broken arrow situation. Of the fifty male operatives who signed up for the project, eighteen were rendered infertile, fourteen gave birth to normal children, ten were killed in the line of duty before they could pass their modified genetic material to a female host and only two actually gave birth to children made hyperkinetic by the experiments. Taking the opportunity of Geoffrey's dismissal from service to run a secondary experiment, Project Patriot immediately took the other child into custody and trained him from birth while allowing All-Star to lead a normal life until he reached maturity. This other 'Patriot' was labelled 'The Control' and was ultimately locked away at a top secret containment facility in Cuba once All-Star was deemed the greater success. Though Kurt knew of Project Patriot's sordid past when he became its director, he had been a vocal proponent for leaving All-Star to live a normal life and only brought him into the fold when he was placed in prison and had nothing else to live for.

"My father lied to me. My best friend lied to me. My country, my government, my superiors: they all lied to me. They let me go along ignorant of what I really was because they thought I'd go rogue if they told me the truth. Well, they were right. Because there was no way in hell I was going to let them get away with locking up the only other person on the planet who knew what I was going through." - All-Star

Though he forgave Kurt for his duplicity, All-Star remained resolved to free his fellow Patriot from his life of imprisonment. Seeking to make up for what he allowed to happen, Kurt agreed to arrange a new identity for the Patriot where he would be free from the watchful eyes of Project Patriot but was forced to remain behind to ensure that he would not be incriminated if they were caught, allowing him to complete his part of the mission. Geoffrey also offered to help, wishing to right his own wrongs. Together, the father and son borrowed the Protectors' Peacekeeper jet and flew out to the containment facility, unaware that Project Patriot was well aware of their plans.

"Kurt wasn't the only one who knew the whole story. Agent Hunter had also found out the truth himself and had used it to leverage himself into a better position within the chain of command. He got to be Project Patriot's 'security chief'. He was the one who sent the mercenaries after my dad, and he wasn't about to let me blow the lid on the whole operation by freeing Project Patriot's dirty little secret." - All-Star

When they arrived in Cuba, All-Star and Geoffrey immediately found themselves being tracked by Project Patrtiot enforcers. After a brief shootout in the middle of a small village, they narrowly evaded them and arrived at the containment facility. With the gear they had taken from the Barlowe Building, the two broke into the facility and searched for the second Patriot.

"The reality of the facility was worse than I expected. This place was a dumping ground for burned agents, failed experiments, broken birds who were too much of a liability to let run free. It was a den of suffering. I wouldn't have wished it on my worst enemy." - All-Star

As they did this, however, Hunter's trump card was revealed: having promised him a reduced sentence for his assistance in silencing All-Star and Geoffrey, the agent had arrived at the facility ahead of time and freed its most dangerous prisoner and All-Star's greatest enemy: Wheezer. As they made they shot their way past the prison guard in search of the second Patriot, Wheezer revealed himself and sought to stop All-Star from completing his task. Determined to save the second Patriot, All-Star sent his father ahead and fought the more powerful Wheezer off.

"Wheezer and I had been at each others throats for years. On that day, I knew that I wasn't going to let our rivalry get in the way of doing the one thing that would give my life real meaning. That would make me more than just a weapon. In that moment, I knew I would die to save the other Patriot's life." - All-Star

While All-Star fought Wheezer to a standstill, Geoffrey reached the second Patriot's cell and opened it to reveal that he was actually a girl, no older than sixteen, who had been suspended cryogenically and had not aged a day since her detainment. Freeing her from her stasis pod, Geoffrey fled from the prison with her to the rendezvous point he and All-Star had agreed upon earlier. Meanwhile, All-Star was dealt a mortal blow by Wheezer during their battle. As Wheezer taunted him in his gaseous form, All-Star waited until he received word that Geoffrey and the girl were free and taunted his enemy into taking on a solid form. Falling for the bait, Wheezer became solid and began to choke the wounded All-Star to death. Just then, however, All-Star revealed his secret weapon: a dimensional storage box he had confiscated from the Think Tank a year ago. Before he could react, Wheezer was drawn into the box and trapped within its confines. Wishing his former friend goodbye, Nate smashed the box to pieces, trapping him in a world with no exit.

"Wheezer was only a shadow of the man I once knew. Trapping him in a world of darkness didn't feel good, but it sure as hell felt right." - All-Star

Covering his bleeding wound, All-Star met Geoffrey and the girl outside and left with them to the location they had agreed to meet Kurt's contact who would take them to a new life. Though Geoffrey and the girl seemed ready to leave, All-Star revealed that he wouldn't be going with them, planning to be the one to face the consequences of his actions. Before they parted ways forever, Geoffrey apologised to his son for everything he did. All-Star simply told him to make up for his past by taking care of the girl and staying away from the bottle. As he saw them off, the girl quickly thanked him and asked to know his name. In exchange, All-Star asked for hers and was amused at the reply: Amanda.

"That's a beautiful name." - All-Star

Once he was certain Geoffrey and Amanda's plane had made it out of the airspace free and clear, he boarded the Peacekeeper and used auto-pilot to fly back to the Barlowe Building. As he journeyed back home, however, he became very aware of the fact that the gushing wound in his side meant he wasn't going to make it. With his mortality staring him in the face, All-Star drew his phone and left a few parting messages: one to his adoptive sister, another to Kurt White, a third to Sparrowhawk, a fourth to Ada Clover and a fifth and final one to the Barlowe Building's answering machine.

"Hey, guys. Nate here. So, listen...I kinda screwed the pooch on this one. No-Good Nate, huh? You're probably going to hear a lot about what I've been up to in the next few days. A lot of stories and recent events. But I don't really think any of that is important, so here's what you should really remember. My name is Nathaniel Jackson Carter. I was born on the 4th of July, 1979. I am a soldier I am a patriot and, what's more, I am my own man. I've done some bad things in my life, but I like to think people like you helped me do some good too. You people were my heroes. In my own way, I looked up to you. You were what some murdering punk like me could never hope to be. It was an honour serving with you -- all of you -- and I'm sorry about the mess I made. Thanks for putting up with me and...keep up the good work." - All-Star

With his final thoughts documented, All-Star lit up a final cigar, tuned the radio to his favourite station and sank comfortably in his chair. As the Peacekeeper flew over the country he had devoted his entire life to, All-Star died peacefully -- just the way he would have wanted it.

"Been fighiting wars my whole life. Now I'm tired. Now I could use some peace and quiet. You know what's funny? Despite everything I now know, I still wouldn't change a thing. Not a thing...Not a damn---*" - All-Star's Final Thoughts

Later, All-Star was given an honorable burial beside Amanda's grave -- his final request to Kurt. As his friends and family gathered around to say their final goodbyes, Kurt gave a final eulogy to his fallen friend.

"Nathaniel Jackson Carter never had it easy. He gave his life for his country in more ways than one. He got his hands dirty so that other people wouldn't have to and, sometimes, it ate him up inside. But I know he wouldn't have regretted a single minute of it. He was a patriot, a friend and -- though he'd never admit it -- he was a hero. And the world is poorer for his passing. To Nate Carter, the All-Star: there will never be another that shines half as bright as he did." - Kurt White

Departing from the funeral with Hunter, Kurt probed him about his thoughts on All-Star's activities beforeh is death. Hunter admitted that all of All-Star's recent discoveries would have to be wiped from the slate to minimise risk to any future projects and that he would move to convince his superiors that Geoffrey and Amanda could not be trusted to roam free either. Kurt solemnly agreed to his statement and pulled off of the road, stepping out of the car. Curious, Hunter stepped out too and asked Kurt what he was doing. Before the other man could react, Kurt drew a sidearm and shot him dead. With steely resolve, he drew a shovel from his trunk and prepared to dispose of the body, adamant that no one would undo All-Star's final deed.

"Nate was always willing to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. In his absence, I think I can take one for the team." - Kurt White

A few days later, the truth behind Project Patriot was leaked by an anonymous party and the often dubious operation was finally shut down. Kurt White honorably retired amidst the media blitz, confident that he no longer had any sins to make up for and ready to face the consequences of killing Hunter should they ever arise. Project Patriot died with Nate Carter.

"Nathaniel Jackson Carter, 'All-Star' -- 4th July 1979 - 20th January 2015 -- Fearless Soldier, Devoted Protector, Fallen Hero" - All-Star's Epitaph


"Turns out the most powerful weapon at my disposal is me. How about that?" - All-Star
"It's not really about being the best; it's about being the best I can be."


"You couldn't handle a piece of my mind." - All-Star

All-Star has the unique power of hyperkinesis. His brain processes information, movement and external input at a significantly faster rate than a normal human's. It subconsciously takes in all spatial information around him, processing it at inhuman speeds and performing complex subconscious calculations and mental operations based on it. This higher cognitive functionality is aided by a vastly enhanced level of communication and between the hyperkinetic mind and the rest of the body allowing him to to make split-second calculations and assessments which would take even the most advanced human brain several minutes to do and to react to these calculations instinctively. Though this doesn't inherently make All-Star a genius, it does give him near perfect accuracy, as he is able to mathematically work out factors such as distance, air resistance, trajectory and more in milliseconds. This information is then used in coordination with his exceptionally accelerated perception to heighten his senses to the point where time itself appears to slow very slightly to allow for more precise reactions. His aptitude for quickly processing information also gives him enhanced agility, enhanced dexterity, enhanced reflexes and the ability to analyse and read subtle body language at a greater level than most. In addition, All-Star's memory has been enhanced and accelerated to superhuman levels allowing him to learn and memorise skills and information much faster than an average human and to retain and recall that information with photographic precision. This enhanced memory makes him far more resilient to memory loss and erasure but also causes him to 'dump' unimportant bits of information such as the names of minor acquaintances. All-Star's hyperkinesis also makes him highly resistant to telepaths, his mind too fast for many to even get a lock on.

Perhaps one of the most unusual applications of All-Star's hyperkinesis is the ability to throw almost anything with inexplicable force, accuracy and power, allowing him to weaponise a variety of mundane items. The exact explanation as to how is, heretofore, unknown, but All-Star is able to throw or launch anything from rocks and pebbles, pens, playing cards, toothpicks, tools, broken glass, boomerangs, teeth, paper-clips, rubber-bands, needles, nails and more with implausible accuracy and strength, allowing them to travel distances they normally shouldn't be able to travel while penetrating and damaging things they shouldn't physically be able to.

The upper limits of hyperkinesis and its growth as a power are still being explored. It is theorised that, in a more intellectually inclined subject, hyperkinesis might have developed in a drastically different way, unlocking psionic and precognitive abilities instead of the physical and sensory ones seen in All-Star. Whether or not these powers will eventually be unlocked by All-Star remains to be seen, though some believe his power of projectile augmentation may be an early manifestation of future psionic prowess.

  • Near Perfect Accuracy
  • Accelerated Cognition
  • Accelerated Perception
  • Enhanced Dexterity
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Body Language Analysis
  • Psionic Resistance
  • Projectile Augmentation

SteelTech Bionic Eyes

"Nothing gets past these babies; if you're out there, I see you." - All-Star

An unfortunate on-the-job accident caused serious damage to All-Star's eyes, permanently blinding him. In order to counter the severe damage caused by the accident, Project Patriot commissioned the construction of new cybernetic technology capable of not only fully restoring the man's eyesight but also greatly enhancing it. The result were the SteelTech Bionic Eyes, a marvel of cybernetic engineering created through the process of cloning the human eye and proceeding to use advanced nanotechnology to enhance it. Though almost completely indistinguishable from normal eyes, the bionic eyes have very subtle enhancements which lend themselves to All-Star's effectiveness and flexibility in the field. The rod cells and cone cells in the bionic eyes responsible for normal human vision have been greatly multiplied. While the average human has up to 150 million rod cells in their retinas, All-Star possesses roughly 500 million. This not only gives him spectacular eyesight even in darkness, but also allows him to perceive minute details otherwise imperceptible to the human eye when used in conjunction with his hyperkinesis. Additionally, the bionic eyes have a powerful telescopic function which allows All-Star to 'zoom in' on far away objects.

The SteelTech Bionic Eyes are also capable of using impulses from the brain to scan and replicate the retinal patterns of others, allowing All-Star to circumvent various security measures or to mimic the ocular functions of certain people or animals, such as the panoramic vision of rabbits. Another more passive application of the bionic eyes allows All-Star to see through illusions, camouflage, the bending of light and other tricks designed to deceive the eye better than most. The augmentation has also made All-Star an even better marksman than he previously was. With his eyes no longer holding back his hyperkinesis, his accuracy has increased almost tenfold.

  • Enhanced Visual Perception
  • Telescopic Vision
  • Retinal Shapeshifting
  • Illusion Detection
  • Further Enhanced Accuracy


"Powers are nothing if you don't got the skills to back them up." - All-Star
"Here's my idea of a dead man's hand."

Peak Human Condition: All-Star, through intensive training, has reached the pinnacle of human conditioning and athleticism. He has all the physical prowess of an olympic-level athlete at the top of his/her game and could be considered a near perfect physical human specimen in some regards. Capable of pulling off complex acrobatic feats, enduring even the most strenuous activity and showcasing feats of human strength that would give a powerlifter pause, All-Star is a physical powerhouse by anyone's margin. With regular maintenance and exercise, his body remains a finely-tuned machine which keeps him one step ahead of the opposition.

Master Marksman: All-Star is an extensively well-trained marksman with years of experience. Though his training alone has more or less made him into a top-grade marksman, his hyperkinesis also lends itself to his talents to increase his proficiency as tenfold. He is arguably one of the greatest marksmen alive and has performed feats of marksmanship which often appear to be far outside the realm of possibility, such as ricocheting fired bullets off of multiple surfaces to hit his target, making airborne shots with uncanny accuracy and hitting weak points most people wouldn't even be able to locate from a mile away. With his mastery over his hyperkinesis growing and his limits being pushed on a regular basis, All-Star is only becoming a more proficient marksman as time goes by.

Master Strategist and Tactician: Years of military training, operations, high-school football and field leadership of the Protectors of the World have given All-Star an aptitude for strategy and the application of tactics both on and off the battlefield. As a result of his hyperkinesis, All-Star's mind is often able to intuitively grasp the most minute details about situations and use them to rapidly formulate plans of action and reaction, making him a fast-thinking and highly improvisational leader who thrives off of changing circumstances. As such, he typically takes charge of situations and puts his enhanced tactical prowess to use whenever he feels he needs to, as befitting of a self-proclaimed 'tactical genius'. Whether it's facing down a single supervillain or an army of foes, All-Star strives to always have a plan, a contingency and the flexibility to pull more from his ass when needed.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite his preference for more long-ranged combat, All-Star is a very competent hand-to-hand combatant and is well-versed in Jeet Kune Do, Boxing, Savate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga. On top of this, he has a 3rd degree black belt in the MCMAP, which provides a more brutal and practical alternative to martial arts. He has also undergone some training under his ex-girlfriend, Sparrowhawk, in the ways of Aikido and Eskrima. In combat, All-Star usually sticks to a straightforward but brutally effective blend of Boxing, Krav Maga and MCMAP, with a few choice techniques from his other fighting styles thrown in every so often to keep his opponents guessing.

Expert Athlete: Having been an athlete for a large part of his adolescence and continued in his athletic training during his adulthood, All-Star's athletic prowess rivals that of most Olympic-level athletes and even manages to dwarf them in some areas. As a talented acrobat, gymnast, swimmer, runner and quarterback, it isn't surprising that his athletic experience has valid combat applications

Extensive Military Expertise: All-Star has picked up a plethora of useful skills from his time spent training in Project Patriot and his subsequent years as a part of several military outfits. These range from standard survival and stealth based skills and CQC training to advanced knowledge such as jet piloting. Having been extensively trained in modern warfare, covert ops, survival, espionage, military strategy and more, he possesses all the knowledge and skills of a living weapon. He has subsequently spent a great deal of his career putting them into practice and honing them to the point of mastery, arguably making him one of the most lethal men alive.

Multilingualism: Over the years, All-Star has become fluent in several languages. Having learnt Spanish during his teenage years and Arabic during his tenure with the USMC, he has since developed a command over Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, French and Swahili during his time as a spy and a superhero. He also has some understanding of Portuguese, Russian and Korean, but only enough to get by.

'Adaptoisms': A lingering side-effect of sharing a consciousness with Adapto while within the Polychoron, All-Star possesses select knowledge of physics and cybernetics which typically lies dormant in his subconscious until triggered by something external. Though these 'Adaptoisms' -- as All-Star has come to call them -- have their uses, they usually only amount to brief flashes of insight in tight situations.


"I've got the constitutional right to bear arms. You've got the constitutional right to run away screaming." - All-Star
"I'd give my life for my country, but I'd rather take yours."

The S.T.A.R.S Suit

"The SteelTech Advanced Recon Stealth Suit -- because I'm reckless, not suicidal." - All-Star

Designed by the esteemed combat engineers of SteelTech's advanced warfare division, the SteelTech Advanced Recon Stealth Suit (or S.T.A.R.S Suit) represents the bleeding edge in military grade technology for the U.S. soldiers of tomorrow. Designed to enhance and support the natural abilities of ground infantry while also adding supplementary recon based functions, the S.T.A.R.S. Suit was designed to give recon operatives, spies and black-ops specialists the ultimate upper hand while operating in the field. As a prototype, All-Star's S.T.A.R.S is the only one currently in existence and has been custom tailored to better suit his needs.

A mesh undersuit of highly resistant protective duracloth topped with an outer layer of military-grade synthetic lightweight para-aramid fibres and a ballistic vest woven with flexible carbon nanotube alloy provides its wearer with as much protection against all forms of dangerous elements from fire to electric shocks while remaining flexible and comfortable enough to allow for long periods of intense activity. Additionally, the suit is lined with a layer of protokinetic gel which reactively alters the temperature of the suit and changes its density to conform to the wearer's shape. The protokinetic gel layer can also pressurize to potentially save the wearer's life should they fall incredible distances or be placed under the pressure of high gravitational forces. Cohesive nanotechnology planted within the innermost layer of the suit allows it to meld to the wearer's body, acting as a 'Second Skin' which treats and eventually immunizes the wearer against harmful toxins, poisons, diseases, viruses, bacteria and other similar internal hazards. This 'Second Skin' also syncs with All-Star's S.T.A.T.S and uses the same nanotechnology to monitor and maintain his physical condition, stemming lactic acid build-up and performing other regular maintenance to keep him operating at peak capacity. The 'Second Skin' also dampens the wearer's thermal signature, allowing for protection against thermal imaging. Perhaps one of the most useful functions of the 'Second Skin', however, is its 'Rigidity Response' system which reacts to the breakage of bones and heavy bleeding by intensifying pressure on the affected areas, allowing its wearer to continue operating through the pain of such injuries for longer periods of time without worsening them.

The S.T.A.R.S. suit's functionality doesn't stop at the suit itself, though. The bracers, made up of a low-density questionite alloy, allow for added protection during close quarters combat and have been outfitted to guard against bullets, knives and even some energy based projectile attacks. The boots, meanwhile, use strategically placed dura-gel padding to protect against sprains, breaks, penetration and bruises in even the most intensive conditions. The boots also use a system of clasps over laces to minimise the risk of tripping, are steel-toed for durability and combat applications and possess an under layer of adaptable polyfibre which increases comfort and protects the wearer's feet from water, infection and inflammation. Additionally, patented 'Nightrunner' stealth technology has been built into the rubber soles, greatly suppressing the volume of the wearer's footsteps. The gloves can be synced to All-Star's comm-link and pressed against solid surfaces to allow for long range eavesdropping through them. Sound captured by these gloves can be recorded and downloaded to the thumb drive in All-Star's STRIPES. On a more traditional note, each glove is padded with brass and kevlar for added protection and combat effectiveness. These supplementary features are rounded off by the belt of pouches tied around All-Star's abdomen, each of which utilise technology based around the concept of 'Hammerspace' to quadruple their storage capacity.

The entire suit is woven in with interlocking nano-scales designed to reduce drag and air resistance and repel water like a swimsuit, allowing for increased adaptability for aerial, high speed and water based missions. Perhaps the most important use of these nano-scales -- and the most technologically advanced function of this new suit -- is the SteelTech patented 'Double Take' active camouflage system. Operating with a direct electronic link to All-Star's S.T.A.T.S, the 'Double Take' uses smart nanotechnology to mimic the camouflage response of certain metahumans, adapting to the surrounding environment to superficially replicate the pattern and texture of anything it comes into contact with. One weakness to this function, however, is that it doesn't acoount for the wearer's face, leaving it exposed and visible to anyone looking hard enough. Also to its detriment is that it only superficially camouflages its wearer and is usually far easier to detect upon closer inspection, hence the name.

  • Enhanced Durability
  • Enhanced Immune System
  • Enhanced Stamina and Endurance
  • Enhanced Survivability
  • Enhanced Adaptability
  • Thermal Dampening Technology
  • 'Rigidity Response' System
  • 'Nightrunner' Stealth Technology
  • In-Built Touch Microphone /w Recording
  • 'Pouches Of Holding'
  • 'Double-Take' Active Camo System

"I ask you, what's the point of blowing something up if you don't appreciate your fruits of your labour?"


"Hm. Someone really wanted the acronym for these things to spell 'S.T.R.I.P.E.S'" - All-Star

Developed by SteelTech, these S.T.R.I.P.E.S or SteelTech Real-Time Information Perception and Evaluation Shades are designed to perceive and analyse their wearer's surroundings and possess a myriad of features which give All-Star the one up he needs when out on the job. Effectively a mini-computer with all the processing power to match, the shades come with an advanced tactical HUD which monitors All-Star's ammo, physical condition and the environment and objects around him. In addition, these shades allow All-Star to lock on to hostiles via a sophisticated target array, giving him a better tactical grip of combat situations. The shades possess a heartbeat monitor which can be used in conjunction with a body temperature monitor to calculate the emotional and physical state of those around All-Star, enabling him to detect the bodily changes associated with lying, infection and, more frequently, death. The shades possess Thermal, Night Vision, Binoculars, Sonar and Ultraviolet imaging and a 'Smart-Fit' function which molds them to the contours of All-Star's face, preventing them from falling off in all but the most frantic of situations. Perhaps his most iconic piece of gear, All-Star is rarely seen in the field without his eyewear.

More recently, the shades have been upgraded to resemble goggles and utilise the same 'Smart-Fit' technology to stick to All-Star's face without the need for arms or straps. These goggles possess double the processing power of the shades and grant their wearer with a number of additional functions such as satellite uplink, a facial and armament identification, size and weight estimation, GPS tracking, holographic projection, a power/energy scanner and a video/photographic camera. They are also equipped with the more tangible functions of a retractable thumb drive loaded with military grade decryption software and an in-built flashlight which can be used to increase vision and blind others in close quarters combat.

Specialised Ammunition

"You say bulletproof, I say no such thing. You just need to find the right kind of bullets." - All-Star

All-Star knows better than anyone that it pays to be prepared, especially when fighting alongside and going up against people who could crush you without a second thought. As such, going into battle with specialised ammunition on-hand allows him to better adapt to circumstances in which he'd typically be at a hefty disadvantage.

Hammerhead Ammunition uses advanced hyper-thermal technology to melt through metal, kevlar and anything else someone might wear for protection with superheated shots. Hellfire Ammunition uses contained hellfire shells cooked up by military sorcerers to bypass magical defenses with mystical fire which is very difficult to extinguish by normal means, making it extremely effective against magic-based and intangible foes. Blessed Silver Ammunition uses a tried and true method to keep supernatural monsters, demons and the undead at bay. Gel Ammunition expands into a solidifying gel on impact, making it significantly less-lethal than standard ammunition. Tranq Ammunition consists of bullet-like darts tipped with powerful sedatives for additional non-lethal capabilities. Brickbuster Ammunition uses nanoexplosives to detonate into a concussive blast on impact, generating enough force to make your average brick think twice before throwing their strength around. Tracer Ammunition is a special ammo type which uses bullets laced with a resonating electromagnetic charge to allow the shooter to tag and track targets over moderate distances.

It is uncommon for All-Star to keep more than a few magazines of specialised ammunition in his personal armoury at any given time due to most of it being appropriately expensive. Fortunately, FMJ and rubber rounds are always in abundance.

Dual Steeltech A001 Iron Patriots

"I've seen a lot of pretty twins in my day, but these babies are my favourite." - All-Star

Specially designed for use in Project Patriot, the Steeltech A001 Iron Patriot is a revolutionary new handgun which is designed to be "smarter than the average firearm". Incorporating semi-automatic fire, manual and automatic focusing and targeting, the Iron Patriot boasts a low recoil, a large magazine capacity, a comfortable ergonomic grip, impressively long-range firing capabilities and enough stopping power to pose a threat to even some mid-level bricks. Smart firing technology allows the user to seamlessly transition between semi-auto and three round burst firing types and an in-built laser sight can be toggled on to give an added bit of security in combat situations. In short, it's the perfect handgun for someone in All-Star's unpredictable line of work.

An Iron Patriot can only be operated by its designated owner, whose genetic signature is programmed into the gun's memory. Any attempt to use an Iron Patriot by an unauthorised party results in the gun releasing an electrical discharge into the wielder and locking down.

Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle: When All-Star's A/SRH-C1 was lost in a battle, he quickly found that the company which once produced the hi-tech weapon had since filed for bankruptcy and ceased production. Unable to acquire a replacement for the rifle, All-Star simply decided to go back to basics with a more traditional make of gun. Now, All-Star uses a MK12 SPR as a designated marksman rifle. The SPR is a highly versatile weapon and comes outfitted with a high-tech scope, custom selective fire, a suppressor, a collapsible bipod and a side-mounted motion tracker. Though the SPR only has an effective range of 600 yards in most hands, All-Star has shown himself to be very capable of using the rifle as one would a sniper rifle. He typically keeps the SPR slung over his back for quick and easy access and, though it doesn't collapse like the A/SRH-C1, he can still be very mobile while carrying it.

M110 SASS: For times when he needs a sniper rifle with a little more range and a lot more oomph, All-Star uses an M110 SASS. With an effective range of approximately 800 metres and a lightweight, ergonomic design. the M110 SASS is the perfect companion for the sniper on the go. It can be disassembled in less than three minutes and serviced without tools, another feature which makes it ideal for All-Star's particular line of work. Like his MK12 SPR, All-Star's M110 SASS has been outfitted with a number of personal modifications. A hybrid scope with thermal imaging and standard settings, a detachable suppressor and an additional frame designed to lower recoil all contribute to making the M110 SASS even deadlier in the hands of the star-spangled sharpshooter.

Barrett M82: For times when All-Star needs to snipe at something tougher, further away or -- more often than not -- both, the Barrett M82 provides a more powerful alternative to his standard M110 SASS. An anti-materiel rifle, All-Star's Barrett M82 has been modified to add even more of a punch to its shots, allowing it to penetrate some of the most durable metals known to man and several layers of various obstacles. A veritable powerhouse of a gun, the Barrett M82 is another sterling addition to All-Star's expansive arsenal.

Dual SIG-MPX-Ks: All-Star prefers his Iron Patriots in most circumstances, but the lightweight SIG-MPX-K submachine gun is both more capable of punching through body armour when using standard rounds and is, according to All-Star, the height of modern gunslinging fashion, which is to say it looks cool. As such, he owns two and uses them to fire all the bullets at all the things.

Smith & Wesson Model 500: All-Star occasionally carries a Smith & Wesson Model 500 revolver on his person as a back-up gun. With its abundance of stopping power and its reputation as the most powerful handgun in the world, it packs much more of a flat-out punch than his Iron Patriots, making it handy for when the chips are down or for when he just needs to terminate something with extreme prejudice. The revolver fires rounds powerful enough to put down elephants and buffalo with well placed shots. It carries five bullets in its cylinder at any given time. All-Star is capable of firing it with very little recoil and carrying it around rather casually, a testament to his often underestimated strength.

Dual Smith & Wesson M&P Shields: Compact and effective, the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield provides a lightweight alternative to All-Star's usual handguns and acts as a handy concealed carry firearm for situations in which a larger handgun would be inefficient. Naturally, All-Star has two of them.

Mossberg 590: In more recent times, All-Star has been known to carry and use the Mossberg 590 as a combat shotgun. Though All-Star prefers to wield more accurate and rapid firearms, he can't deny the utility of having a gun which physically embodies the essence of 'back the fuck off'. The Mossberg 590 is usually slung at All-Star's waist for quick and easy access, provided he's actually carrying it at all. Sometimes he pumps it with one hand and it's awesome.

M4A1 Carbine: Lightweight and very, very good at spitting a bunch of bullets in the direction of anyone who looks at you funny, it's not hard to see why the M4A1 Carbine is a popular rifle. For All-Star, it provides the perfect deterrent against overzealous mooks storming him in waves. Well, that and it looks damn cool -- especially when you slap a grenade launcher onto it.

HK UMP-9: Sometimes you need to travel light. Sometimes you need a little more than a dinky handgun. For times when both are applicable, All-Star has his HK UMP-9 submachine gun. With a custom suppressor for added stealth when operating, the HK UMP-9 is always handy.

M249 LMG: Though All-Star has always valued quality over quantity when it comes to firearms, he holds onto his own personal M249 for that every once in a while when you need to riddle everything around you with bullets. Relatively lightweight, durable and effective, the M249 is everything one could want from a light machine gun: an unstoppable killing machine.

M134 Minigun: In All-Star's mind, there are few things more satisfying than firing a gun. Therefore, the more barrels a gun has and the more bullets it fires, the more satisfying shooting said gun is. For times where his only goal is to completely blow the enemy away with a seemingly endless storm of bullets, All-Star has a detached M134 Minigun. Though its weight and rate of fire make it difficult to employ on most missions, it more than makes up for its weaknesses on the few occasions in which it is used.

MGL-140: The MGL-140 is a US military made variant of the M32 MGL and acts a lightweight six-shot grenade launcher All-Star uses on occasion. Although intended primarily for offensive and defensive use with high-explosive rounds, with appropriate ammunition the launcher is capable of being used for less-lethal anti-riot purposes. All-Star's personally modified MGL-140 is capable of firing Explosive, Sticky, Tear Gas, Knockout Gas, Incendiary, Concussive, and Beanbag rounds.

Mk 19 Grenade Launcher: for times where it helps to set up shop from a vantage point and pelt the enemy with grenades, All-Star keeps a Mk 19 Grenade Launcher in his arsenal. Though it's somewhat lacking in portability, it shouldn't matter when everyone's running and screaming in a field of explosions. Fires Explosive, Riot Foam, Concussive and Beanbag rounds.

FIM-92 Stinger: A light to carry, easy to operate surface-to-air missile, All-Star usually uses his FIM-92 Stinger to blow planes, choppers and the odd power armoured combatant out of the skies.

M3 MAAWS: Big, bad and very handy at taking down heavily armoured opponents, the M3 MAAWS as a recoilless rifle designed to give infantry a lighter, cheaper alternative to traditional rocket launchers. All-Star doesn't use his very often, but it's useful to have it around anyway. After all, you never know when you need to make something very big a whole lot smaller.

PSE TAC 15 Crossbow: Though he considers his guns to be far superior and more viable in most cases, for times where All-Star requires absolute silence at the cost of reload speed and fire rate, his PSE TAC 15 Crossbow is always waiting in the wings. The crossbow comes with a variety of custom-made arrows. These arrows come in Standard, Armour-Piercing, Explosive, Timed Explosive, Net and Shock. All of them hurt.

SteelTech L95 Particle Rifle: The latest in a line of weapons specifically designed to combat high-powered metahuman threats, the SteelTech L95 Particle Rifle is a lightweight energy rifle capable of firing bolts or concentrated beams of hyper concussive particle energy, making it extremely effective when employed against bricks and other metahumans. Fuelled by an energy efficient fusion battery, the CAU Particle Rifle requires no reloading, instead releasing excess heat periodically between use and within seconds in the event of overheating. It's always good to have it nearby when going up against tougher opponents.

"It ain't perfect, but it's mine."

'Memento Mori': When All-Star ventured into a powerful interdimensional artifact the Polychoron with Adapto, this one-of-a-kind sidearm was an unexpected byproduct of the Polychoron's reality altering powers and All-Star and Adapto's own desires. Though not what he wanted or expected, 'Memento Mori' (named after the Latin saying uttered by Adapto after the experience) is actually an interdimensional space-time conduit. Drawing on energy and forces from a host of different and varied universes, Memento Mori is able to adapt to whatever threat All-Star faces with the energy best suited to eliminate that threat. Be it hellfire from a demonic plane, celestial energy from some forgotten land or concentrated atomic blasts from a constantly erupting world, Memento Mori lives up to its name by drawing on that power to remind even the strongest foes that anyone can die. So far, the source of Memento Mori's advanced technology and its mechanics are unknown and it only seems to function properly in All-Star or Adapto's hands.

'Moxie': All-Star's combat knife (or Moxie, as he affectionately calls it) serves many purposes and is a key component of his arsenal. Be it an average day of crimefighting or a recon mission in the tropics, All-Star always has Moxie ready to rip and tear through anything in his way. Crafted from a lightweight, but extremely durable, metal alloy and edged with a super thin layer of nano-plasma to help cut through more durable enemies, Moxie is one hard-hitting dame.

Strider SMF: A military issued tactical folding knife, the Strider SMF's compact size and folding mechanism makes it the ideal tactical knife for survival situations.

Dual Gerber Mark II Dagger Knives: Moxie is all well and good when you're hacking away at branches, vines or your average meatheaded goon or brick, but for times when the enemy is giving you a run for your moneyt and a large combat knife would be impractical, All-Star always carries two Gerber Mark II Dagger Knive. Lightweight and with a shorter blade length than Moxie, the dagger knives provide an agile alternative for fast-paced close quarters combat.

Throwing Knives: All-Star usually keeps a row of steel throwing knives tucked into sheathes embedded in the straps of his leg holsters. These knives, the pinnacle of aerodynamic technology, are engraved with very stylish stars so All-Star's enemies know who straight up wrecked them.

Tech Grenades: Utilising modern weapons technology to provide an effective yield despite their compact size, tech grenades are metallic, cylindrical tubes which can be primed at the press of a button. Using a SteelTech developed gas called 'Adaptagen' which reacts differently to exposure to different catalysts, tech grenade effects can be altered on the fly, allowing for maximum adaptability without forcing the user to carry excessive explosive ordnance. Tech grenades can be primed to be Explosive, Fragmentation, Incendiary, Cryo-Foam, Riot Foam, Concussive, Sonic, Stun, Smoke, Tear Gas, Knockout Gas or Flare.

Proximity Discs: These handheld discs feature state of the art motion detecting technology which enable them to detect any movement within a preset area and detonate when something passes through its sensory range, under usual circumstances. Along with the range of its motion detection, the size of a proximity disc's area of effect and the parameters for detonation can also be set to suit the situation. Come in Explosive, Shock, Concussive and Stun.

Propulsion Pads: Similar to proximity discs in size, propulsion pads were designed by SteelTech to aid soldiers in the field and rescue services during natural disasters to better improve their ability to move large objects with added ease. Once adhered to an object, propulsion pads use built in miniature jet engines to propel the object away on a preset course of flight trajectory. The flight trajectory, jet strength and detonation time of the pads can be altered by the wielder to suit the situation. All-Star personally likes to use them to send bad guys into the stratosphere and has refitted some of them to explode after a certain period of time.

Rebreather: A small rebreather no bigger than a harmonica. It allows All-Star to breathe under water and in low oxygen conditions. Given their small size and tendency to be lost or damaged, All-Star usually carries several. The rebreather can also double as a respirator, giving him resistance to gas-based attacks.

Pocket Projector: A recent addition to All-Star's arsenal made for him by Adapto, the Pocket Protector is a pen-like device capable of firing a concentrated particle beeam at the push of a button through the use of concentrated neodymium, allowing the user to cut through various sturdy objects while out in the field. Can also be focused for welding purposes. Due to its flexible nature, All-Star can use his Pocket Projector to open locks, cut through solid objects, seal cracks in various surfaces, cauterise wounds and more.

Stun Rod: Simple in design and function, All-Star carries a hand-sized stun rod taser on his person at all times. He typically uses it to tase people, as is expected of a taser. His particular stun rod has been modified to allow for much higher voltages when dealing with durable metahumans and cna typically discharge enough electricity to paralyse a non-meta out on the first jolt and render them unconscious after an extended shock.

Grapnel Gun: Compact, collapsible and lightweight, the SteelTech Grapnel Gun is a recent military invention which promises to grant greater maneuverability to infantry operating in mountainous and urban environments. It functions by using a 'magazine' of of compressed CO2 to launch a hyper-tensile nylon cable with a weighted prong at bullet speed. The line can then be reeled in via a powerful motorised spool system to either pull the wielder upwards or to pull the targeted object towards them. It can also fire a secondary cable from its lower barrel. This can then be anchored on the shooter's end to create a zip-line using the gun itself as a pulley. All-Star's grapnel gun can also be attached to his belt for added security when in motion -- no one wants to lose their grip on the only thing keeping them from becoming pavement pizza.

Medpack: All-Star usually keeps a small medpack loaded with bandages, tourniquets, medical tools, healing salves, water, suturing thread, painkillers, antiseptics, burn ointment, water purification tablets, combat gauze and other vital medical supplies on his person while out in the field. Compact and kept within a protective 'combat-proof' case, the medpack goes a long way to keeping All-Star up and running during long-term missions.

The 'Shooting Star': After saving a car dealership owner from a gang of chop shop running car thieves, All-Star was given a good deal on the most coveted car at the dealership: a Crystal Red 2013 Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible with white racing stripes. Lovingly named the 'Shooting Star' by its owner, All-Star's Chevy has no particularly specialised features: it just looks really super awesome and goes really super fast.

"These colours don't ru-- huh?"

Comet Recon Bike

"A need for speed should never be ignored." - All-Star

Commissioned from the Black Moth military weapons development company by Project Patriot, the Comet Recon Bike was made with the intention of being the ideal mode of fast, all-terrain transport for specialised recon-based operations. The result came in the form of an armored, high-speed motorcycle outfitted with an array of unique features making it perfectly suited to field operatives in need of speed, stealth and everything in between. All-Star's Comet has been painted red to match his own colour scheme and can have its turret detached to be deployed in the field and for civilian purposes.

  • Kendrium Alloy Armoring
  • Low-Volume Stealth Engine and Exhaust
  • Satellite Navigational System and Targeting Computer /w Voice Command
  • Fully Adjustable Headlights /w Strobe, Ultraviolet and Flash Settings
  • Adaptable Suspension /w Durable All-Terrain Tires
  • Detachable Side-Mounted Machine Gun Turret /w Automated Targeting
  • Side-Mounted Storage Compartments
  • In-Built Multiband Scanner
  • Capable of reaching speeds of up to 250mph

'Liberty Belle'

"Who needs flight or super speed when you've got the Liberty Belle?" - All-Star

'Confiscated' from a group of international terrorists during a coordinated attack on the Barlowe Building, 'Liberty Belle' -- or 'Belle', for short -- is a state-of-the-art combat ready Grav-Bike outfitted with its original offensive and defensive armaments as well as a number of custom features put in place by Nate in his spare time. Though 'Belle' was badly damaged when Nate first got his hands on it, he has since spent a hefty amount of time repairing and modifying it (with the help of his more technologically proficient friends) and treats it almost as if it were his own child, regularly maintaining it and lovingly personalising it. With its exceptional speed, extensive firepower and an abundance of sentimental value, 'Liberty Belle' is one of All-Star's most prized -- and useful -- possessions.

  • Aluminium Composite Hull Plating
  • Compact Hyper-Fusion Jet Engine
  • Onboard Flight/Targeting Computer /w Built-In Communication System and Voice Command
  • Under-Mounted Particle Blaster
  • Dual Retractable Miniguns /w Specialised Anti-Materiel Ammunition
  • Dual Retractable Anti-Air Turrets /w Specialised 'Stormbreaker' Anti-Air Ammunition
  • Six Compressed Medium-Range Tactical Missiles
  • Four High-Powered Long-Range Tactical Missiles
  • Thirty-Two SMART Micro-Missiles
  • Two 'Bunker Buster' Air-To-Surface Missiles
  • Two 'Afternoon Delight' Incendiary Missiles
  • Titanium Cable Grappling Line Launcher
  • In-Built Stealth Technology /w Low-Power 'Silent' Feature
  • In-Built Multiband Scanner
  • Advanced Electromagnetic Safety System keeps rider mounted in the event of turbulence or elaborate combat maneuvers
  • In-Flight Stabilisation System negates the negative effects of G-Force and allows rider to maintain control of the bike
  • Capable of reaching just below supersonic speeds when pushed
  • Synced to All-Star's STRIPES, allowing him to control it from afar


"The best thing about bursting through a door guns blazing is knowing that you're always the most interesting person in the room." - All-Star
"Yeah, I had a crossbow phase."

All-Star is often described as being 'rough around the edges' and very much looks the part. Tall, muscular and rugged, he is attractive in a conventional macho sense of the word and outwardly comes across as your typical meathead. In fact, it is not uncommon to see All-Star in bandages covering fresh wounds, a very obvious new bruise or, in some cases, missing teeth. However -- with short-cropped hair, a full beard, sharp, vigilant eyes and a host of old battle scars -- All-Star possesses the presence of an grizzled veteran, weathered and experienced from a lifetime of fighting. As such, he carries himself rather paradoxically with both the bearings of a soldier and a rogue and can look resolute and stern just as readily as he can look sly and unkempt. He typically compensates for his brutish outward appearance with a warm demeanor and natural charisma.

A product of his difficult upbringing and unconventional lifestyle, All-Star is a complicated man with loner tendencies. This is not, however, because he has a particular distaste for social interaction but, rather, because he enjoys being alone with his thoughts. Though he comes across to many as a bit of a jock due to his macho mannerisms, he compensates for a lack of formal education with a natural practical intelligence and a cunning, unorthodox tactical mind belied by both his macho looks and his seemingly flippant and foolhardy nature. Often walking into situations in which he is outmatched, outgunned or underestimated, All-Star tends to deal with matters in his own unique way and enforces his methods with an action-oriented mindset and a take charge attitude. Unfortunately, this also means that he often makes no attempt to hide his stubborn side if he encounters conflicting ideology on or off the battlefield. Death is a large part of All-Star's life and, as such, he has developed something resembling indifference towards it. Though he is more often than not responsible for the death he so regularly encounters, All-Star almost never kills in the company of heroes and always seeks alternatives if possible, even when operating alone. That isn't to say he shows any real remorse when it comes to killing, however, as he typically views his victims and targets as people who deserved or needed to die. In fact, ending a life has become as mechanical an action in All-Star's eyes as brushing his teeth -- a fact which frightens him just as much as it further detaches him from the gravity of the act. The fact that he considers killing and harming others one of the few things he's genuinely good at only makes matters more complicated and gives way to further internal conflict.

Perhaps as a sort of coping mechanism to deal with the tragic circumstances which often surround him, All-Star has a cynical and wry sense of humour which he readily demonstrates through irreverent quips and aloof banter. This often gives those working with him the impression that he is detached from or ambivalent towards the events that conspire around him which, naturally, causes friction between himself and those who take a more severe approach to heroics. However, his constant quips and unflappability also serve purpose of inducing the calm needed to keep his powers operating at peak capacity, making them all but essential. Despite outward appearances, All-Star takes what he does very seriously -- to a fault, even. It becomes apparent to anyone that studies his behaviour that there is a keen perceptiveness behind his bravado. Indeed, a history of recurring failure and loss have made All-Star all too well aware of his shortcomings, often causing him to be especially hard on himself and fueling his near self-destructive need to prove his worth to others. Hiding these insecurities behind a veneer of arrogance and machismo, All-Star often keeps those closest to him at a 'safe' emotional distance, rarely letting them get close enough to gain a thorough understanding of his personal issues or inner thoughts. This compulsive need to keep others out of his affairs can be evidenced by his negative reaction to press and popularity.

A patriot and a soldier at heart, All-Star has a deep sense of personal honour and loyalty towards his country, friends and its ideals. He is a natural guardian who seeks to protect those around him from even the slightest danger and strives to uphold his personal values in the face of adversity. He takes a great deal of personal responsibility for the well-being of his friends, family and teammates and is prone to shouldering excessive levels of guilt when they are injured or killed by something he could have prevented -- especially when in a leadership position. Full of grit and stubborn as he is strong-willed, he maintains an unwavering devotion to what he holds dear and rarely backs down from a fight, even in the face of far more powerful opposition. Perhaps still seeking to atone for his sordid past, All-Star is always willing to lay down his life in the name of a worthy cause and prides himself on being the first one in and the last one out of any combat situation he walks in to. Though his methods and style are often unorthodox and highly improvised, he is a born leader who always thinks on his feet.

Something of a 'workaholic', All-Star rarely takes time off from his work for the government and as a Protector, preferring to throw himself into even the most dangerous of missions rather than be left to his own thoughts, most of which are extremely pessimistic. As such, he is rarely ever in the same place for more than a short period of time and is constantly hopping around between his various responsibilities. When he does have some precious free time, he typically spends it drinking, practicing his combat skills, maintaining his armory, exercising or engaging in one of his less diligent hobbies. Outside of drinking and socialising with those closest to him, All-Star regularly gambles and plays video games as an outlet for his competitiveness. Due to the stressful nature of his job and the importance of staying relaxed in relation to his hyperkinesis, he also engages in several more calming activities. These include playing his harmonica; attending to his bonsai tree and listening to jazz. In addition, he is a a highly skilled chef and a huge fan of westerns, thrillers, martial arts films and, more bafflingly, musicals; Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone and Julie Andrews are all cinematic idols of his. He also isn't one to say no to a good political thriller or military book when the mood strikes him, as his love of John Grisham and Sun Tzu proves.

All-Star's approach towards romantic relationships reflects his fast-paced lifestyle. He regularly flirts with the women in his life regardless of intent and places little value on the sanctity of sexual relations. He sees physical intimacy as completely independent of romantic feelings and usually engages in it as a means of either releasing pent-up stress or seeking comfort. This approach naturally has a negative effect on his ability to maintain long-term relationships, many of which end due to his inability -- or unwillingness -- to connect with his partner on a significant emotional level. At times, he even directly sabotages said relationships on a subconscious level. Still, anyone able to pull him into a meaningful romantic relationship and chip through his exterior will find him to be a loving and devoted partner, grateful for their dedication.

All-Star's Myers-Briggs personality type is ENTJ.

Friends & Allies

(OOC: This section has been cut down to help make the page a little less lengthy. If your character's no longer on the list, it don't mean I don't still love you, baby.)

Adacloverlogo.pngAda Clover

"Ada makes me happy and that's all there is to it." - All-Star
Ada clover headshot.JPG

After Sparrowhawk's apparent betrayal of the Protectors of the World during the Eugenics War, All-Star and was forced to take on a firmer leadership role in order to help bring his rogue partner to justice. Emotionally vulnerable and conflicted as he was, All-Star had a brief affair with Ada Clover in a desperate bid to escape the pressures of their situation and eventually began dating her exclusively once Leviathan had been defeated, breaking things off with Sparrowhawk. Coming out of his more intense romance with Sparrowhawk, All-Star is happy to be in a more natural relationship with Ada and is more than happy to take things slowly.


"You don't share a consciousness with someone without getting to know them a little. Long story." - All-Star

Though All-Star and Adapto had shared interactions in the past and were relatively amicable towards one another, a recent trip to a fractured universe created through the power of the Polychoron led to both All-Star and Adapto gaining control of the unknown artifact at the same time, creating a link between their consciousness and sending them to another plain of existence. There, All-Star and Adapto bonded and made a shared decision to undo the damage to the Megaverse done by the Polychoron, restoring reality to its natural state. Despite no longer being 'one', however, their time sharing a consciousness has developed their understanding of one another and led to a developing friendship.


"Dusk is like a sister to my by this point. Still one hell of a wet blanket, though." - All-Star
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All-Star and Fist have something of a love/hate relationship. With both often being on the receiving end of the other's jabs and quips, they're much more compatible on the battlefield than they are off of it. All-Star trusts Fist to have his back at all times when he's out in the field and makes sure to have her back just as much.


"Fantasma speaks her mind about as much as anyone could. What good is a friend who doesn't give you a hard time when you need it?" - All-Star

A more recent addition to the Protectors roster, Fantasma is as opinionated as she is bold and isn't afraid to tell someone what she thinks of them. With a personality so similar to All-Star's, the two are prone to heated arguments and squabbles over even the smallest things. Regardless of their bickering, though, All-Star trusts Fantasma to be straight with him when it really matters and appreciates her fiery temperament.


"Hisashi may not be one for chit-chat, but he's the guy you want at your side for everything else." - All-Star
Katsuo Headshot.JPG

Perhaps the member of the Protectors most similar to him in terms of upbringing and world views, All-Star quickly befriended the taciturn Katsuo and sees him as a confidante -- someone he can vent his grief and misgivings about the more controversial aspect of his job without fear of judgement or chastisement. All-Star also trusts Katsuo to take the pragmatic approach both when fighting and when making hard choices - a trait which he sees as invaluable.


"Christ, what an asshole." - All-Star

Riptide and All-Star have an odd relationship built as much on camaraderie as it is on thinly veiled contempt for one another. All-Star cites that Riptide is one of his best friends because he's just as much of an asshole as he is and Riptide often says words to the same effect (when not stating that All-Star is the bigger asshole). Ultimately, All-Star trusts Riptide both on and off the battlefield and couldn't think of anyone else (of the same sex) he'd rather go out for a drink with.


"Alex and I have history. Some good, some bad, all of it important. She'll always be my partner." - All-Star
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Though they have recently gone their separate ways romantically, Sparrowhawk and All-Star still share a professional and personal relationship. All-Star sees himself as one of the few people who understands Sparrowhawk due to their past together and provides her with emotional support when he can. Despite the turbulence of their romantic past tohether, All-Star still genuinely cares for Sparrowhawk both as a friend and as a partner.


"What can I say? I'm a people person." - All-Star

POTWglobelogo.pngProtectors Of The World

African Violet: All-Star and African Violet don't have the deepest relationship, despite their both being charter members of the Protectors. They are friendly acquaintances who work well together with no real friction.

Chivalry: All-Star finds Chivalry's 'roleplaying' to be off-putting and readily refers to him as a fruitcake. Though he respects the hero's apparent achievements, he aims to keep him at arm's length until he sees his competence in the field for himself.

C.O.P.: All-Star gets along with C.O.P. and sees him as someone who doesn't let self-righteousness get in the way of doing good. He's prone to ribbing the robot when they do interact.

Dobergirl: All-Star thinks of Dobergirl as a little sister and teases her accordingly. Still, he trusts her more than most superheroes and the two have developed a rapport on and off of the battlefield.

Grey Osprey: Though the two have only met passingly, All-Star respects her weapon of choice and is happy to see another 'underdog' fighting the good fight.

Kaira: All-Star is wary of Kaira at the best of times. He finds her behaviour to be erratic and unsettling and her unwillingness to divulge information to be irritating. While he doesn't care for her in the least, though, he appreciates her intelligence.

Keioisis: Like Dobergirl, All-Star sees Kara as a younger sibling and is prone to teasing her. Unlike Dobergirl, he is rather protective of Kara due to a promise made to her 'father', Keioseth.

Phenom: An arrogant blowhard bound to get himself into trouble, Phenom reminds All-Star of himself in a lot of ways and, as a result, he often treats the younger man with disdain and disapproval, lecturing him on his flaws and insisting he turn his behaviour around.

Razira: All-Star and Razira don't always see eye-to-eye. He sees her sense of morality as antiquated and her motherly tendencies as cloying. Regardless, he trusts her to an extent and holds no ill will towards her, even considering her to be a friend.

Seadragon: Seadragon scares All-Star just a little bit. His short-temper paired with his devastating power means that he would rather not have to lead the Atlantean into a fight.

Sentinel: All-Star thinks of Sentinel as one of the more handy Protectors to have around at any time. During Sparrowhawk's betrayal, he made use of her as his de facto second in command and readily relied on her strategic advice. He's much less appreciative of her deadpan remarks.

Voreen: All-Star doesn't know much about the plant-based alien but views her vast powers as nothing short of a tactical treasure chest in the field. He's also fond of the tight curves of her outfit.

Wildeye: All-Star hasn't interacted with Wildeye much and has no real knowledge of his prowess in the field. In fact, he often forgets the manimal's name and his existence on the team.

Zelara: Despite their minor romantic history, All-Star sees Zelara as a sister and the two remain on rather good terms. All-Star trusts her expertise to support him in a fight.


Agent Kurt White: All-Star's handler and the director behind Project Patriot, Kurt White was the one who personally sought out and enlisted All-Star in the government project. Prior to meeting All-Star, Kurt was a freelance government agent who severely damaged his left leg on a mission and was forced to take a 'desk-job', as it were. Although All-Star still doesn't know Kurt's real name, the two are close and trusted friends.

Geoffrey Carter: All-Star's biological father. Despite the many years that have gone by since his disappearance, All-Star still harbours a borderline homicidal hatred and crippling fear towards his abusive father and occasionally takes time out of his schedule to search for him.

Amanda Cho: All-Star's late girlfriend from a simpler time. A criminal who worked with him and Wheezer, she was killed by Janus Gang hitmen hired by Wheezer. Her death still deeply affects All-Star, who hails it as one of his grandest mistakes.

Arthur Daggett: All-Star's late adoptive father. Though the two initially had a strained relationship, All-Star grew to accept him as a father prior to his untimely death. He still harbours great respect for him.

Jennifer Daggett: All-Star's late adoptive mother. Outliving Arthur, Jennifer was regularly looked after and visited by her two adoptive children and was most supportive of All-Star's heroic lifestyle. She recently died peacefully in her sleep, drawing Nate to Hudson City where he defended her funeral from Wheezer.

Antoine Freeman: All-Star's one-time best friend and partner in crime. Also known as the supervillain Wheezer. All-Star blames himself for Wheezer's mutation as much as Wheezer does and desperately seeks ways to end his path of vengeance, to no avail. Wheezer simply wants All-Star to suffer as much as possible.

Rochelle Masters: All-Star's late biological mother. An uneducated stripper, Rochelle attempted to do her best to ensure her son had as good a life as she could give him, but was struck down before she could. All-Star loved his mother, warts and all, and still references her most memorable piece of advice to him -- 'Don't be good, be the best there ever was.'

Maya Mendez-Daggett: All-Star's adoptive sister and a defense attorney operating out of Hudson City. Though their different lines of work often keep them apart, they retain a close relationship and support each other when needed.

Tanisha Patterson: All-Star's ex-girlfriend from a simpler time. Though their relationship ended on rocky terms, Tanisha recently resurfaced into All-Star's life as a physicist working at a lab he had been sent to guard from attack. Tanisha still resents Nate's actions, but blames herself pulling him out of his life of crime before leaving him, indirectly leading to his current lifestyle.

Doreen Stritch: All-Star's elderly neighbour. Quick to complain and pull All-Star up on his unconventional lifestyle, she cares for his safety nonetheless and thinks of him as a son of sorts.

The Hall Of Famers: A specialised squad of Marines led by All-Star during his tour in Afghanistan. Though several of the Hall Of Famers were lost in battle or simply went their separate ways, All-Star remains in contact with Sgt. Tyler Keaton, his second-in-command who would go on to do black-ops work, Cpl. Donald Duffy, who currently operates as the vigilante known as the Chauffeur, Cpl. Stephen Lang, who now works for the private military company Broadsword, LCpl. Javier Niebla, now a surgeon operating in Venezuela, and PFC Matthew Tracy, who has since climbed the ranks to become a Colonel. Outside of those five, All-Star has since ran afoul of PFC Christopher Ackerman and Cpl. Ian Parks, the former of which became the supervillain known as Ultra-Patriot and the latter of which has snubbed him following a personal controversy.

Rogues Gallery

"The hell's a rogue?" - All-Star

(Lovingly compiled and filed by All-Star's case officer, Kurt White. He knows what a rogue is.)

Threat Level Key:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Insignificant. Not worth batting an eye at.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A very minor threat. Normally reserved for common super criminals.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Maybe a personal threat to one of our agents but, otherwise, nothing.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Moderate threat. Capable of interfering with an operation to a slight degree.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous enough to warrant looking out for. Usually reserved for low-powered mercenaries and assassins.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous on a national or international scale but not an immediate threat. This is usually where we start acting against them.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
High-Level. Capable of posing a threat to our government, its organisations or our agents. Definitely ones to take out ASAP.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A global threat in a big way. These guys can't be allowed to roam free so long as we can do something about it. Usually reserved for leaders of cults, terrorist organisations and etc.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
God help us if anything is this dangerous. We're talking world destroyers, here. Let's hope we never have to personally deal with one of those.


FILE 001



Real Name: Antoine 'Wheezer' Freeman
Powers/Abilities: Gas Mimicry and Manipulation
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money/Emotional
Once All-Star's closest friend and surrogate brother, Antoine 'Wheezer' Freeman's molecular structure was radically changed when the future star-spangled sharpshooter took revenge on him for causing the death of his girlfriend, inadvertently bathing him in dangerous chemicals. Thought to be dead, Freeman returned as Wheezer, using his powers over gaseous substances to devote his life to making All-Star's a living hell. His complete devotion to that cause makes him All-Star's most dangerous enemy and the one most likely to finally be his undoing.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 002



Real Name: Harry Butz
Powers/Abilities: Optic Blast Projection
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
A timid, meek ex-robotics engineer working for Steel Industries, the put upon Harry Butz took a turn towards villainy when he was unexpectedly downsized by the company he had devoted his entire life's work to bettering. Stealing his own prototype suit of G.A.Z.E power armour, Butz turned its high-powered optic blasts to bank robberies and grunt work as the ironically short-sighted super criminal, Gazerbeam. Despite the potential of the G.A.Z.E armour, Gazerbeam's cowardice, incompetence and lack of ambition make him one of All-Star's 'less formidable' foes.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 003



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifting, Invisibility
Occupation: Professional Spy For Hire
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
The ultimate man of mystery, no one knows the Infiltrator's true identity or origin -- at least not anyone still breathing. A spy-for-hire with a cold, calculating approach to all he does, he first encountered All-Star while infiltrating Project Patriot disguised as its director, Kurt White. Though his presence was uncovered and he was promptly thwarted, the Infiltrator has since become a persistent thorn in the side of anyone his clients pay him to pursue, replace or kill. A true professional through and through, the Infiltrator is always as deadly as he is elusive.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 004

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Real Name: Senji Dojima
Powers/Abilities: Master Archer and Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Emotional/Ideals
Once the heir to the Dojima Weapons Development Company of Japan, Senji Dojima's silver spoon was ripped away from him when a clan of ninja assassins murdered his father. Seeking revenge, Dojima infiltrated the clan, learned its ways and, eventually, killed its leader. With his revenge had, Dojima became the Warhawk - an infamous mercenary righting the wrongs of the world by killing those he considers to be unjust and anyone who stands to defend them. He has crossed paths with All-Star many times and, though they respect one another, they remain stark foes.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 005

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Real Name: Dr. Harrison Hemlock
Powers/Abilities: Brilliant Bio-Chemist and Botanist
Occupation: Leader of G.A.I.A
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Ideals
Once an admittedly eccentric but otherwise harmless scientist, Dr. Harrison Hemlock's messages of environmental preservation took a decidedly more radical slant over time until he was inevitably blacklisted by his peers. Placing the future of the world on his shoulders, Dr. Hemlock gathered a small army of like-minded individuals and founded the eco-extremist group known as G.A.I.A (Guardians Against Industrial Aggression). Now, G.A.I.A stands as one of the most dangerous terrorist cells in the world, with its unstable founder at its head.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 006

Mirror 2.PNG


Real Name: Dr. Klaus Hirsch
Powers/Abilities: Reflection Manipulation
Occupation: Master Criminal (For Hire)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/???
A brilliant but troubled German physicist specialising in the reflection of light, Klaus Hirsch promptly murdered the rest of his team once he finally perfected his mirror suit and became the master criminal known simply as the Mirror. Since then, he has established himself as a renaissance man of crime, going from assassinations and mercenary work to grand heists and human trafficking. With his mastery over his powers growing every day, his only consistent motivation seems to be his own burgeoning god complex. He was killed when All-Star trapped him within a mirror and shattered it.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 007

The Quartermaster.JPG


Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: None
Occupation: International Arms Dealer
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power
With a family history of arms dealing dating all the way back to the Renaissance era, the Quartermaster is the latest in a line of mysterious, masked war profiteers who have accumulated wealth and infamy by exploiting human misery. This Quartermaster sees himself as more of an individual than his ancestors and seeks to set himself apart from the family tradition by being the last and the greatest Quartermaster who ever lived - by perpetuating war throughout his entire lifespan. Amoral, self-serving and as ruthless as they come, he just might achieve his goal.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 008

The Pied Piper.JPG


Real Name: Stanley Shaw
Powers/Abilities: Vermin Manipulation
Occupation: None
Origin: Magic
Motivation: Insanity
As enigmatic as he is pungent, Stanley Shaw is a mentally unstable homeless man who somehow managed to stumble his way onto a magical flute with which he can command hordes of vermin at once. With this awesome power at his command, he dubbed himself the Pied Piper and declared war on the wealthy denizens of Millennium City. He first became an issue for All-Star when he attempted to overrun the city with an army of sewer rats. Really more of a joke than a legitimate threat, All-Star still isn't entirely sure of where he came from.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 009

The Soviet Supreme.JPG


Real Name: Ivan Grigorivich
Powers/Abilities: Gravitational Aura Projection/Manipulation
Occupation: Self-Proclaimed 'Flag-Hunter'
Origin: Metahuman
Motivation: Fame/Insanity
A USSR loyalist metahuman circus strongman with the ability to manipulate a personal field of gravity surrounding his body to devastating effect, Ivan Grigorovich eventually took his obsession with Soviet Russia to extremes, donning the identity of the Soviet Supreme and waging war on all other patriotic heroes standing in the way of 'Soviet supremacy'. He has since been responsible for the deaths of over thirty patriotic heroes worldwide, taking scraps of their costumes as tattered trophies. He has also developed a particular obsession with All-Star, due to his being 'the one that got away'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 010



Real Name: Dr. Morris Whitman
Powers/Abilities: Mind Manipulation
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Power
Morris Whitman was a wheelchair bound cyberneticist working a dead-end job at Harmon Industries when he was fired for selling information to competitors. The final push needed to kick his persecution complex into overdrive, he developed a suit of power armour which allowed him to walk, a crown which allowed him to bend others to his will and an array of mind manipulating gadgets. With the means to seize the control the world deprived him of, he became Tyrant - the villain who uses his cutting edge technology to force others into committing crimes for him.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 011



Real Name: Frédéric Buret
Powers/Abilities: Master Swordsman and Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money
An outspoken traditionalist among costumed mercenaries, Frédéric Buret is one of the rapidly disappearing remnants of a time of honour among thieves and dignity in even the most immoral lines of work. Full of pride and rigidly attached to his moral code, he leaps into battle as the Swordmaster - a whirling dervish of swordplay who leaves anyone he crosses amazed by his natural talents. Just as likely to do good as he is to do evil, the Swordmaster has run into All-Star while doing both several times.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 012

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Real Name: Lester Goodman(?)
Powers/Abilities: Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant and Marksman
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Insanity/Ideals
There is little that is known about the man beneath the Clownface mask. Known only by the alias 'Lester Goodman', he was allegedly brought up poor in the deep south and is assumed to have been a victim of heavy child abuse before killing both his parents. At some point, he fell into the world of organised crime and became Clownface, working his way up the ranks and laughing all the while. Cruel, sadistic and very good at his job, Clownface takes great pleasure in subverting the expectations of anyone he meets.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 013

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Real Name: William Powers II
Powers/Abilities: None
Occupation: International Crime Lord
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power
For some men, it isn't enough to have money and power: they want all of it. William Powers II is the founder and president of Powers Technology by day and the ruthless, megalomaniacal known as Dollar Bill by night. With his considerable wealth and connections making it easy for him to take a passive role in most criminal activity, he rarely gets involved to the point where he would be caught red-handed and is all too willing to cut ties when he is. Virtually untouchable, he seeks to win back 'his city' from the rising tide of costumed heroes and villains turning it into a farce.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 014



Real Name: Heikichi Yoshioka
Powers/Abilities: Spiritual Vampirism, Master Necromancer
Occupation: Ruler of the Shinobi Kage
Origin: Magic
Motivation: Ideals
Once one of the most esteemed paranormal researchers and archaeologists in Japan, Heikichi Yoshioka was corrupted when by a mysterious mask after unearthing it during an archaeological dig. Driven mad by the artifact's constant beckoning, he fell into its dark embrace and became Kyukonki, the Man-Demon, ruler of the Shinobi Kage - an undead army of necrotic ninja. A slave to the mask's will, Kyukonki seeks to bathe the world in everlasting darkness and necrotic hordes and will risk -- and lay waste to -- everything to see his nightmarish world become a reality.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 015



Real Name: Edmund G. Garrison VI
Powers/Abilities: Egg-Themed Weapons and Gadgets
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Fame
The object of ridicule all his life for his egg-like physical proportions, unfortunate speech impediment and family history of failed villainy, Edmund G. Garrison VI ultimately decided to fall back on his grandfather's old egg-based technology to become the new and improved Egghead. As Egghead, Garrison sought to restore the Garrison name by finally becoming the master criminal generations of his family had hoped to be. Though all-Star's repeat interference have more or less crushed his hopes and dreams, he remains annoyingly persistent with egg puns to spare.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 016

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Real Name: Dr. Bartholomew Loeb
Powers/Abilities: Next Level Intellect, Power Armour
Occupation: 'Evolutionary Scientist'
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Ideals
A scientist as brilliant as he was vile, Dr. Bartholomew Loeb had always suffered from crippling body image issues andwas obsessed with the idea of accelerate human evolution. Inevitably, this gave way to a mad bid to separate himself from his inferior human body in which Loeb had his brain surgically removed and placed inside of a suit of power armour. After being written off for his radicalism, he turned his brilliant mind to forcing evolution wherever and whenever he could, toying with forces mundane and supernatural to further his twisted perversion of science in pursuit of perfection.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 017

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Real Name: Bashir Davda
Powers/Abilities: Emotion Manipulation
Occupation: Political 'Revolutionary'
Origin: Metahuman
Motivation: Ideals
A soldier of fortune, Bashir Davda had seen more war than any one man should and was more than happy to voice his malcontent at the state of the world he saw and even happier when he came to the realisation that his words had the power to radically amplify and manipulate the emotions of those who listened to them. Creating an amplification helmet and abandoning his life as a soldier in favour of a new calling, Davda became Commander Propaganda and has since made every effort to shape the war-torn third world in his image, using his powers to bend the masses to his will.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 018



Real Name: Michael Toff
Powers/Abilities: Mathematical Genius, Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money
A soft-spoken, hard-hitting Jamaican-bred mathematical genius turned mercenary, Michael Toff utilises an especially gifted grasp of mathematical principles and almost inhuman levels of internal calculation to become a formidable threat to anyone unfortunate enough to be in his sights. Able to count bullets, calculate trajectory and find patterns in certain actions with relative ease, his accuracy rivals All-Star in ways which continue to catch him off-guard in near-lethal ways.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 019

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Real Name: Horatio Fischer
Powers/Abilities: Weaponised Hook Hand
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
An underpaid and underachieving mechanical engineer making pocket change as a handyman at a local auto shop, Horatio Fischer's 'big push' came when his employers refused to compensate him for an on the job accident which robbed him of his left hand. Rather than seek legal advice, Fischer used his squandered talents as a mechanical engineer to juryrig a weaponised hook hand and launched an attack on his former employers' autoshop, his rampage only ending when All-Star intervened. With thoughts of revenge now behind him, he sets his sights on that elusive 'big score'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 020



Real Name: Christina Carmichael
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength and Durability
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
The leader of the Revenge Gang started out as one of many forgotten urban youths living on the streets of Westside. Typically conning tourists out of their money and engineering minor thefts, Carmichael struck it big when a suit of power armour meant to be delivered to a distributor fell off the back of a truck and into her waiting arms. Donning the suit of armour, she crashed onto the scene as Platinum, applying street rules and her newfound indestructibility to a more lucrative line of work. Her only problem is finding a way to get out of her clingy new toy...
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 021



Real Name: Victoria Faraday
Powers/Abilities: Super Speed
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money
The hard-drinking party girl heiress to the Faraday Oil Company fortune, Victoria Faraday spent most of her life squandering her father's money and making a fool of herself in the tabloids. After one unfortunate photo op too many, her disappointed father cut her off and demanded that she support herself. Rather than get an actual job, Faraday stole her father's Black Card and bought a super serum on the Black Market, ingesting it to gain the ability to run at incredible speeds. With her new powers, Faraday became Vectoria, falling in with a bad crowd to steal back what's 'rightfully hers'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 022

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Real Name: Tucker Vance
Powers/Abilities: Halloween-Themed Weapons and Gadgets
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Thrills
After stumbling upon the hideout of the deceased Pumpkin Jack II, pizza delivery boy and lifelong slacker Tucker Vance decided to take advantage of his situation by donning the various pieces of Jack II's gear and hurling his entire arsenal at his verbally abusive boss. Though Nate managed to stop him before he seriously hurt himself or anyone else, Vance's brief taste of power was enough to keep him chasing that high for the rest of his life. Currently, Vance uses the Jack II's tech to make a name for himself as Pumpkin Jack III, the cackling creep of the Revenge Gang.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 023

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Real Name: Ronald Blake
Powers/Abilities: Vast Number of Skills and Talents
Occupation: 'Hench' For Hire and President of Hench Co.
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money
A mercenary arms dealer and 'Hench for Hire' making up for what his lack of exceptional talent with determination, charisma and quantity over quality, Ron Blake - or Henchman - prefers to stay out of the affairs of superheroes and supervillains so long as he isn't being paid to meddle in them. Opportunistic and just a bit cowardly, he'll just as readily turn a gun on All-Star as he'll help him out of a jam and has even gone so far as to fight alongside him on certain occasions. Regardless, All-Star trusts the man about as far as he can throw him, and rightfully so.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 024

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Real Name: Rebecca Kwan
Powers/Abilities: Photographic Reflexes, Healing Factor
Occupation: Professional Thief
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money/Thrills
A promising young gymnast, Rebecca Kwan's life took an unfortunate turn when her corrupt scientist father ran into trouble with the criminal organisation known as Ouroboros. When he proved unable to mass-produce his new super serum, the organisation kidnapped him and demanded the return of their money. With few other options, Kwan took her father's serum and used its power to become the Copycat, stealing to pay her father's ransom. Though she eventually managed to save her father with All-Star's assistance, she has since embraced the thrilling lifestyle of a master thief.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 025

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Real Name: Jasper Mulligan
Powers/Abilities: Vertigo Blaster
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Fame
Once a talented audio engineer, Gerry Mulligan wasn't satisfied creating electronic devices and sound systems for the mindless masses. Instead, Mulligan set his sights on using his technology to establish a reputation for himself in the criminal underworld. To accomplish this, he developed the Vertigo Blaster, a gun capable of firing concentrated blasts of sound which cause extreme vertigo in others, and became Mr. Vertigo. With his weapon secured, he set out to take down the first hero that popped to mind: All-Star. Though All-Star won their bout, Vertigo has made several attempts on his life since and has gone on to do odd jobs for the highest bidder.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 026



Real Name: Christopher Ackerman
Powers/Abilities: Energy Manipulation
Occupation: Radical Terrorist
Origin: Science
Motivation: Insanity/Ideals
Once a member of All-Star's Hall of Famers, PFC Christopher Ackerman secretly lived out his sociopathic fantasies by torturing and killing innocent natives in the name of patriotism. Eventually caught in the act, he was beaten by All-Star and arrested for war crimes. Selected to be a part of Project Patriot by Garrett Hunter, Ackerman was empowered by experimental ultra-energy waves, transforming him into the Ultra-Patriot. Though he (sadistically) followed orders for a time, he eventually went rogue and attacked All-Star, seeking to prove his superiority. Today, Ultra-Patriot remains a constant reminder of a grave mistake.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 027

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Real Name: Garrett Hunter
Powers/Abilities: N/A
Occupation: Agent of Metahuman Affairs (Department of Defense)
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power
A ruthlessly ambitious federal agent, Garrett Hunter became the director of Project Patriot through the use of underhanded tactics to unseat Kurt White. As director, Hunter cut corners to one-up his predecessor, introducing powers to subjects and not taking psychological factors into consideration, resulting in the creation of the violently sociopathic Ultra-Patriot. As punishment, Hunter was demoted and suspended, his duties returning to Kurt White. Though not a criminal, Hunter is extremely vindictive towards Kurt White and All-Star and has regularly attempted to seek revenge on both.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 028



Real Name: Stacy Locklear
Powers/Abilities: Limitless Shapeshifting
Occupation: Enforcer
Origin: Science/Magic/Tech
Motivation: Emotional
A thief living on the streets of New York, Stacy Locklear was taken in by the Think Tank in a rare act of kindness and volunteered to be one of his twisted experiments. Using science, technology and magic to meld the DNA of various shapeshifting creatures from different dimensional planes with Palvan's genetic structure, the Think Tank created the abomination known as Chimera. Unflinchingly loyal despite the pain of the procedure, Chimera serves as the Think Tank's right-hand woman, using her grotesque powers to serve him any way she can. She is also known to use her powers more nobly away from the prying eyes of her master.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 029



Real Name: Ali
Powers/Abilities: Animal Mimicry, Animal Telepathy
Occupation: Mercenary Leader
Origin: Magic
Motivation: Power
Once a Nigerian mercenary feared for his ruthless pursuit of magical artifacts lost within Africa's great expanse, the man known only as Ali was bestowed with tremendous powers when his path of destruction eventually lead him to the lost temple of a wrathful beast god. Chosen to be the fallen beast god's harbinger of wrath and destruction on Earth, he became Ali the Man-Beast, the avatar of bestial savagery. With the ability to mimic the traits of and telepathically communicate with animals big and small, Ali the Man-Beast and his band of mercenaries have seen fit to claim all of Africa as their kingdom -- one way or another.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 015



Real Name: Queen Zambala Yaminde III
Powers/Abilities: Various Forms of Zoziu Poison, Super-Genius Level Intellect, Brilliant Toxicologist and Hypnotist
Occupation: Queen of Zombavu
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Power/Ideals
Inspired By: Queen Bee II (DC), Count Vertigo (DC), Talia al Ghul (DC), Doctor Doom (Marvel), Purple Man (Marvel)
Born to the king of the sovereign nation of Zombavu, Zambala Yaminde III's first-class education made her into a brilliant toxicologist with an expertise on the mind-manipulating poison of Zombavu's national plant, the Zoziu flower. Captain Collider first encountered Zambala when her father, the king, went insane. Together, they overthrew him and placed Zambala on the throne. Unbeknownst to Captain Collider, however, Zambala had perfected the poison of the Zoziu flower to the point where its scent could bend others to her will and, with it, set her father on his self-destructive path. Despite this, Captain Collider was forced to leave her to her rule for Zombavu's sake.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



"Turn every weakness into a strength and every strength into a one-liner, that's what I always say." - All-Star

Frankie Say Relax: While All-Star's hyperkinesis enhances his accuracy, reflexes and procedural memory beyond that of a normal human's in most cases, heavy stress can have the inverse effect, making him far less competent than the average person. As a means of countering this weakness, All-Star is often flippant and detached in and out of combat and goes to great lengths to ensure he always keeps his cool.

Muh Emotions: Although he is a highly skilled marksman who openly brags about it, All-Star harbours hidden feelings of inadequacy about his power and how useful it makes him, especially when working alongside superheroes.

Don't Believe The Hype: All-Star's arrogance and boastfulness may be an act for the most part, but even he can end up believing his own hype sometimes. That's when his overconfidence gets him into sticky situations.

You're Gonna Carry That Weight: All-Star's done a lot of bad in his life and has taken more than a few lives. Though he likes to pretend it doesn't bother him, his self-loathing, despair and deep-seated regret occasionally bubble to the surface.

Almost Human: Due to the highly-specialised nature of his power, All-Star is, for all intents and purposes, a normal human in terms of physiology. This makes him vulnerable to all the external and internal hazards that most people would be vulnerable to.

Soldier Boy: As a military man, All-Star does things a lot more rigidly than the average hero. While this can have its advantages, it often causes hesitation when dealing with legal grey areas and means that he'll sometimes unquestioningly follow orders from his government superiors.

Hello, Nurse: All-Star has a natural weakness for the ladies and, while a pretty face and a few flirty words aren't enough to completely disarm him, they do cause him to drop his guard a bit under the right conditions.

Razzle-Dazzle: One of the drawbacks of All-Star's bionic eyes is an enhanced sensitivity to light. Though he wears shades at all times to combat this, he can be quite vulnerable to light when not wearing protective eyewear.

U Dont Fukkin Control Me: All-Star has issues with his mind being influenced by outside forces such as telepathy and chemicals. His fear of being manipulated in such a manner is so severe, it borders on being a phobia.

Young and the Reckless: Though he is a talented strategist and tactician, no one can say that All-Star isn't reckless at the best of times, preferring to think of a plan along the way rather than 'waste time' coordinating his efforts before acting.

FATHEEEEEEEEER!: In case you haven't figured it out by now, All-Star has some pretty severe daddy issues.


"Well, it certainly drowns out the tormented voices of all the men I've killed constantly weighing down on my conscience. Kidding. What? I'm kidding!" - All-Star
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people....with guns."

1. Freedom - Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton

2. Smooth Operator - Sade

3. Gotta Knock A Little Harder - The Seatbelts

4. Nuclear - Mike Oldfield

5. One Finger Snap - Herbie Hancock

6. Fire Dance - Dizzy Gillespie & Lalo Schifrin

7. Beast - Nico Vega

8. You Know My Name - Chris Cornell

9. Devil In Me - Jamie N Commons

10. Jungle - Jamie N Commons & X Ambassadors

11. Epitaph - King Crimson

12. Two Against One - Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi

13. Black - Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi

14. Sinnerman - Nina Simone

15. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Nina Simone

16. Truth - Alexander Ebert

17. I'll Take It All - Joss Stone

18. Surrender - Depeche Mode

19. Paradise Circus - Massive Attack

20. Dream A Little Dream Of Me - The Mamas & The Papas

RP Hooks

"Half the people who try to kill me know me on a first name basis. The other half slept with me." - All-Star
  • All-Star frequents Sherrera's Bar, often spending his time drinking and fleecing other bar patrons out of their money by playing darts.
  • All-Star is a video gamer and a fan of First-Person Shooters, often playing them online in his spare time.
  • All-Star is a sports fan and will openly discuss it with anyone.
  • As a freelancer, All-Star is at the United States Department of Defense's beck and call and gets assigned to a number of jobs which involves working with the likes of UNTIL, PRIMUS, the FBI and the United States Military.
  • All-Star is a top-class chef, having taken up cooking as something of a hobby.
  • All-Star can't help but appreciate a good gun.
  • Are you a woman who frequents social spots and is currently dating around? Odds are you may have been on the receiving end of All-Star's flirtatious nature in the past.
  • All-Star spent four years serving with the United States Marine Corps during his early years as an operative of Project Patriot, obtaining the rank of Staff Sergeant.
  • All-Star has some connections to the Japanese Yakuza, having worked with and against them in the past. He can still pull a few strings with the more reputable branches and isn't exactly popular with the less reputable ones.


"No, I am not General Freedom. I wear it better." - All-Star
Zach-Star 2.png
  • All-Star is inspired by: Hawkeye (Marvel), Bullseye (Marvel), Captain America (Marvel), The Punisher (Marvel), War Machine (Marvel), Deadshot (DC), The Comedian (DC) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
  • All-Star is a bit of a gamer. His favourite genre is, predictably, First-Person Shooters and he maintains a very high position in a number of online leaderboards.
  • All-Star absolutely loathes magic and anything to do with it. While he doesn't outright disbelieve in it like other magic haters, he believes that absolutely nothing good comes of it and that magic would not be sorely missed if it were to disappear from this world.
  • All-Star possesses a large collection of movies, which he treasures deeply.
  • All-Star is occasionally mistaken for General Freedom and other patriotic heroes by ignorant civilians, crimefighters and even villains. This is a source of chagrin for him.
  • All-Star often whistles or hums the song 'Yankee Doodle', especially when put under stress in the middle of intense combat. It helps him relax.
  • All-Star is a huge fan of Bruce Lee and adopted many of his philosophies growing up. This is largely what motivated him to learn Jeet Kune Do.
  • All-Star has a bonsai tree named 'Bosley' which he regularly maintains in his spare time. He finds it relaxes him. Until someone touches it, that is.
  • All-Star's penmanship is atrocious. Like, doctor level atrocious.
  • All-Star keeps a signed picture of Julie Andrews in his wallet. Of course he does, she's a national treasure.
  • All-Star is a fan of the works of James Patterson and enjoys political thrillers in general.
  • All-Star doesn't like hospitals or doctors. They make him antsy. He also has a phobia of being controlled or manipulated against his will.
  • All-Star is ambidextrous, and not afraid to show it when shooting at you with a gun in each hand.
  • All-Star plays a mean harmonica. Just ask him.
  • All-Star is inexplicably popular in Japan.
  • All-Star has always been something of an alcoholic. He frequently drinks for the sake of drinking but is kept coordinated by his hyperkinesis. In other words, his brain processes the alcohol so quickly that it takes much more than the usual human amount to get him drunk.
  • All-Star is a frequent smoker of Redford Cigars. This is largely due to the fact that his first cigar was a Redford given to him by Kurt White after their first successful mission together. Expensive as they are, though, he prefers to use them sparingly and usually sticks to the cheaper and more portable cigarettes when he needs a fix in the field.
  • All-Star has a vast armory room hidden within the walls of his penthouse, which he regularly uses to modify, clean or just plain look at his many, many weapons. Additionally, he hides several weapons around the Barlowe Building and keeps a gun locker in his room just in case. Stumbling upon a Colt .45 in a box of Wheat-O's is a common occurrence for his fellow Protectors.
  • All-Star has appointed himself as the de facto drill instructor of the Protectors and seems to take a little too much pleasure in programming increasingly challenging scenarios into the Barlowe Building's training room -- many of which are catered to the weaknesses and shortcomings of each Protector.
  • You haven't lived until you've tried All-Star's fluffy, chewy 'All-Star Apple Pancakes'. With a delicious dusting of cinnamon and a drizzle of hot syrup to make them just that bit more scrumptuous, they're his most prized dish.

All-Star's Adventures

"Guns and grit, blood and spit, and everything in between." - All-Star
"There are twelve bullets in each of my handguns. I could take you out with one -- two, if you're lucky -- but I'm just gonna go ahead and empty the damn things for funsies, okay?"

All-Star: That's Not My Name!

A huge battle is being waged throughout Millennium City. Guess who's late for the party? It's not General Freedom.

All-Star: Scared Starless

There's nothing to fear but fear itself. And maybe bullets.

All-Star: The Interrogation

Ever had one of those days where you woke up in the nude to a bunch of buff guys interrogating you? Nate has.

All-Star and Sparrowhawk: Like a Bullet Through My Heart

It's Valentine's Day and Nate can't quite decide what to get Alex. Don't worry, it gets more interesting.

All-Star: Same As It Ever Was

Have you ever wondered what it is that made Nate the man he is today? No? Whatever, here's a story about it in seven bite-sized chunks*: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

*Story chunks may or may not be bite-sized. Please do not try to eat story chunks.

All-Star: No Place Like Home

Nate pays a visit to his hometown of Hudson City. It's awful.

All-Star: Breaking Point

Stranded in Venezuela with no gear, no back-up, a frightened little girl depending on him and an entire terrorist cell out to put him six feet under, Nate Carter is on a mission that'll change his life forever. With the world closing in on him and a shadowy conspiracy threatening to swallow him whole, can Nate prove once and for all that he really is as good as he says he is?

Covers All-Star's recent week-long absence from the Protectors of the World

Chapters: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

All-Star: Ceasefire

A day can mean anything to anyone. To Nate Carter, a particular day in his life stands out among the rest and tells a story of memories, promises and moving on.

All-Star: Road to the Eugenics War

Nate and Riptide meet at Mercy Hospital to discuss plans and consequences in the aftermath of Sparrowhawk's betrayal, concluding with a firm resolve.

Art Gallery

"Who am I kidding? They're all my good side." - All-Star


"Constructive criticism is appreciated. Inflammatory remarks? Less so. Those are -my- thing." - All-Star
"I'll live. You won't."

"He can be a bit of a bastard, but for what it's worth, he's a good guy. Puff the Gun-Toting Dragon, eh? I bet people are gonna start usin' that some time..." - Snowtalon

"Nate underestimates his true value, regardless of how boastful he comes across to others. I'm a better person for having met him, and that's not something I say about many. A partner, an ally, a friend... and much, much more." - Sparrowhawk

"All-Star? He's pretty cool actually. Don't have a single problem with him. We got similar viewpoints, come from similar backgrounds, and not to mention, he's got a helluva shot. He's alright in my book." - Anarchy

"My opinion about Nate changed. I still haven't spent much time with the guy, but he's once told me something that's been sort of shifting in my head for a while. He said something about his skills defining who he was. That not being the best about what he does would make him lose his identity... That, kind've opened up an old wound of mine. And I kinda, sorta freaked out at him." She pauses for a moment. "I apologized, later on. But yeah, he and I got a little something in common, on that, I think. I'd have to chat with him about it at some point." - Natasha Roy

"Having worked with All-Star a few times recently, I'll admit he's rather rough around the edges at first, but he's cool-headed and determined to get the job done - some things I can't say about some of my powered colleagues." - The Peacemaker

"Almost as good a shot as I am. ..Almost. Other 'n that he takes his job seriously and handles his shit 'n that's more or less all ya can ask for." - Desperado

"An excellent ally. He is accurate, carries the right equipment to allow for a high degree of versatility on the battlefield and is quite capable of handling his job. He doesn't seem to know the difference between an android and a robot, however." - Doll

"A big mouth, but his heart's in the right place." - Thundrax

"He's always wearing sunglasses. I think he has light sensitive eyes or something. And he said I was childish! I'm not not childish... right?" - Impsblood

"He's a hater with a silly mustache. Come on bro, don't be like that." - Zee

"He is a fun person with a love for living life. I always enjoy the time I spend with him. I do not think his facial hair is creepy, either." - Greymist Wanderer

"General Freedom? He's an alright guy, I guess, but I always thought he was like, bigger, you know? And angrier. Less shooty, too. Oh well!" - Dohwa

"Nate? I like Nate. He's the sort of asshole you like having around because he makes you feel better about yourself." - Riptide

"Handsome, professional and he really knows how to wear his guns and moustache. He's not as good with women as he likes to think he is though." - Demoness

"Definitively not the 'shoot first and ask questions later' type, as evidenced by his taking advantage of an opponent being surprised in order to... ask them questions. But yeah, he does seem to like his guns. And dislike other peoples' kneecaps." - Snow Leopard

"Terrible taste in facial hair and his inability to recognize that I'm a woman aside, he's definitely someone I know I could rely on in a fight. He strikes me as the sort to not let something as silly as being outclassed ever take the fight out of him. And if he's half as good as he thinks he is..." - Artifist

"The first true friend I made on this world, and one of the finest examples of Terran warrior-hood in- ..What? Stop giving me that look, you know what I meant!" - Zelara

"Impressive enough, I suppose." - The Doctor

"World's. Dumbest. Mustache." - Blue Freedom

"Cool guy and he always is vewy fwiendly! I wike him a lot! Hi Mr. All-Star!" - Chocolate Chip Chelsea

"A real professional. Ready to face any situation that's thrown at him, even if he complains about it a little bit sometimes. All-Star's alright in my book." - Victory

"He cheats at poker." - C.O.P.

"He seems like a pretty cool guy, despite wearing sunglasses all the time. What, does he think he's a rap star or something? Er, anyway, we seem to get along pretty well. And he's pretty hot." - Ada Clover

"I can't decide if this guy is over the top or really bat shit insane from all the stories I've heard. So far he seems like a very capable field leader and an generally cool guy. And a fellow brotha who's a metahuman is always a plus in my book. Wait he's tapping Sparrowhawk?! That black sumuvabitch..." - SoulStar

"He is a sincere man. Perhaps a little too sincere." - Voreen

"Loudmouth." - Katsuo

Swixname.png v  d  e
Active: Captain ColliderAll-Star
Inactive/Incomplete: Mach VScience StorkThe FleaBearzerkerKid Billionaire
HenchmanCaptain CashCitizen ZThe Lovecraftian ManScrewballPatricia Pan
Misc: Frontiersmen

Protectorslogo102119777.png v  d  e
Team Leader
Field Leaders:
Captain AdamantPeacemakerRaziraThundrax
Protectors Charter Members:
African VioletAtomacBlue CycloneBlue PheasantCitizen 13Cosmic GloryFahrenheitGold RushHydro
Light Of BeingLucky ShotMarauderMercurielOniSinsonte AzulTesseractWildeyeWitchery Way
Protectors Reserve Members: