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(Protectors Missions, 61-75)
(Protectors Missions, 61-75)
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* '''Prelude to Nocturne''': An assembly of heroes gathers in the Barlowe Building to discuss Adrian Arkwright. Sparrowhawk and Artifist relay information about the true nature of the drug known as 'The Thirst'. Several others supply insight in how to deal with this threat. It is noted that Arkwright is laying low and must be brought out into the open, as he is hiding something... though what it is exactly is still a mystery. (-'''Featuring''': [[Artifist]], [[Fathom]], [[Armory]], [[The Peacemaker]], [[Zwein]], [[Stonemason]] and [[Sparrowhawk]] alongside numerous Honorary Protectors)
* '''Prelude to Nocturne''': An assembly of heroes gathers in the Barlowe Building to discuss Adrian Arkwright. Sparrowhawk and Artifist relay information about the true nature of the drug known as 'The Thirst'. Several others supply insight in how to deal with this threat. It is noted that Arkwright is laying low and must be brought out into the open, as he is hiding something... though what it is exactly is still a mystery. (-'''Featuring''': [[Artifist]], [[Fathom]], [[Armory]], [[The Peacemaker]], [[Zwein]], [[Stonemason]] and [[Sparrowhawk]] alongside numerous Honorary Protectors)
* '''Sanguinis Cruentatio, Part One: A Shadow Cast''': TBA
* '''Sanguinis Cruentatio, Part Two: The Seal''': TBA
* '''Sanguinis Cruentatio, Part Three: In Darkness''': TBA

Revision as of 13:16, 1 August 2015


OOC Notes


The Protectors of the World (or known simply as The Protectors) are a super group in the same vein as The Champions, a coalition of heroes who are tasked with taking on world scale events. They have an extensive variety of different skill and power sets in order to deal with conflicts as they arise. Their missions take them from covert operations in faraway countries to fending off large scale, Earth threatening villains. When the stakes are high, it is the Protectors that are called to the scene. This super group takes cues from teams such as THE AVENGERS and THE JUSTICE LEAGUE. It is very much a 'capes and tights' organization with a modern spin.

The roster of the Protectors is composed of charter members who are permanent fixtures in the Protectors. There are in addition Honorary members and Reservists that help out when possible. Charter members are the main force of the team. Each one has the ability to access the Protectors communication hub and utilize the Barlowe Building for every day tasks. Some members even choose to live there. Honorary and Reserve members are utilized in a more support capacity, dependent upon specialization and need on any given mission. Reservists have access to the communication systems, however Honorary members do not. Honorary members are also not limited by their involvement to any other super group they may work for.

As it stands, the Protectors are not looking for applications or actively recruiting unless otherwise posted somewhere. When we wish to add to our ranks we typically look for more established players who fit the tone of stories we enjoy telling. Most of our team is comprised of individuals who are already comfortable with each others' play style. We also have in place a soft cap of around twenty individual players with a 'no alts' policy in place barring Honorary status. This ensures that everyone can participate and never quite feel out of the loop of the goings on internally within the Protectors (or who is playing what character, what story lines are going on, etc etc)... as is often the case with large super groups. Players who are not part of the team may from time to time join in Protectors of the World adventures as Honorary Members, which is always a great way to meet new people and share in the fun.

To learn more about the Protectors of the World, click on the Protectors logo below to head to our website!



Founders, March 2013. Part One: Thundrax, Particle Man, Dobergirl, Sparrowhawk, C.O.P., Howitzer, Riptide and All-Star

The Protectors of the World were created when the heroine Sparrowhawk, seeking to create a more proactive strike force of seasoned heroes, came to UNTIL to request the ability to begin such a team with their backing. With the assistance of her partner, All-Star, the two began the arduous task of reviewing both notable and up-and-coming heroes that would mesh well both personality and power wise. Bringing in an assortment of super heroes who were close associates, friends and even relative strangers, they began in earnest to forge a team that would be a force to be reckoned with. Some of the early members included African Violet from South Africa, Katsuo from Japan, the robotic C.O.P. from America, Canadian legend Thundrax and even former teenage ingenue Dobergirl. They set up headquarters in Millennium City's downtown Barlowe Building, occupying the uppermost ten floors.

The first year of the Protectors was extremely busy and quickly tested the mettle of the newly formed group. They were taken to task before their headquarters were even completed and the roster finalized by the 175, which was the number of secret identities compromised during an attack on PRIMUS. This was followed up by battling everything from African gods to World War 2 villains with a score to settle against old foes. The Protectors earned a sterling reputation for these successes. Hailed as heroes across the globe, UNTIL ensured the Protectors were on the first lines of defense when situations would arise. New heroes continued to join their ranks as their team expanded, such as the well known heroine Razira and the mystical aquatic hero Seadragon.

The beginning of 2014 was marred by the apparent betrayal of the team's own leader, Sparrowhawk. In actuality she was captured, tortured and then brainwashed by members of the Apotheosis Project, an organization established to ridding the world of super human influence. They used to her to attempt to turn public opinion against super powered beings under the guise of an anti meta heroine named Virago. After an assault in which Sparrowhawk single handedly defeated most of the group, the Protectors were in in a state of shock and tried to quickly rebound. Problems further intensified as All-Star, taking on leadership of the team, suggested they kill Sparrowhawk, not aware of her current state. This created a rift within the Protectors, causing Thundrax to question the morality of All-Star's methods and resulted in him leaving the team. There were other challenges as well. From Canadian Fist losing her powers and going on a mission to restore them to discovering a gene bomb that could readily kill off most of the Earth's super beings, the Protectors persevered. Founding member Black Sigil sacrificed himself to save the lives of the Protectors and Xanthe was taken out of commission by an attack from the villain Cassowary. After Sparrowhawk freed herself from the mental thrall she was under, she joined her friends just in time as a monster known as Leviathan attempted to destroy Millennium City. The collected forces of Protectors both charter and honorary faced him down, and both he and the Apotheosis Project were toppled, though at a great cost.

The events of the last few months being known as The Eugenics War, the Protectors struggled to stay together as internal strife and distrust ate at them. All-Star took a more proactive role in leadership while Sparrowhawk took it upon herself to bring the rest of the Apotheosis Project to justice. Katsuo upgraded his armor as Canadian Fist took the new identity of Artifist. The Barlowe Building was renovated and upgraded even further after Leviathan's attack. The alien heroine Voreen was brought into the fold as a new member, helping to revitalize the sense of camaraderie just as Sparrowhawk returned to the team as active leader. They fought such enemies as the Children of Prajna and stopped a multidimensional device from tearing apart time and space itself.

It was months later that All-Star was killed fighting an old adversary of his with the aftershocks leading to Sparrowhawk taking an unannounced extended leave from the team. The Protectors, losing both their main driving forces, focused less on the Protectors and several of their members went to other endeavors as the Barlowe Building grew silent. It was months later when Sparrowhawk chose to return, determined to re invigorate the team and rally them once more. The first order of business was to add new blood to their ranks. Members were inducted such as veteran powerhouse The Peacemaker, second generation hero Stonemason, the tempestuous aquatic heroine Fathom and the effervescent Cosmic Glory. Zwein found himself working alongside both the Protectors as well as leading a group of Westside heroes as Honorary Protectors. A memorial was held for their Field Leader, All-Star, while passing the baton to Razira to continue his work, essentially moving from the old to the new.

Their timing could not have been better. More recent events have proved even more challenging to the Protectors. The cosmic cult known as the Almagest and the return of the bizarre Kaptain Komics were just two of their new battles. The Protectors clamored to save the world and civilization from being destroyed by a terraforming, near planet sized space ship and then took on the responsibility of keeping said planet safe as it harbored millions of life forms aboard. Razira became both its protector and custodian. Cosmic Glory dealt with graduation and the move into adulthood only to find her secret identity compromised. Sparrowhawk became owner of the German Shepherd and Protectors mascot Thunder, Thundrax's pet before he perished. They have found themselves working undercover to retrieve DNA samples of super powered beings to dealing with the evil designs of the villainous Captain Conquest.

The Protectors stand together as one of the world's most accomplished and respected crime fighting teams, ready to battle anywhere that they are needed.

The Barlowe Building


The Barlowe Building serves as the current headquarters for The Protectors. The building, primarily an executive hotel, has had its uppermost ten stories redesigned to accommodate the super team's needs. The headquarters is run by an artificial intelligence known as Mother, a more intuitive version of the program designed by Sparrowhawk for herself to aid in crime fighting which was co-created by UNTIL contractor Simon Reynolds. Mother handles every day tasks as well as more specialized functions, such as controlling PORTAL (see below).

The upper floors contain the following:

  • Living Quarters. The residential facilities of the Protectors is composed of twenty four 900 square foot residential suites. These are for reserved for the active members of the Protectors of the World and constitute two of the lower floors that the Protectors utilize at the Barlowe (the lowest floor actually is home to their security network). Some members use these as full time living quarters; others are used intermittently by certain members when in town or merely as a home away from home, decorated as they wish. Certain rooms are tailored towards an individual's specific needs. Seadragon, for example, once had a large water tank in his personal quarters.
  • Common Room. Wide and expansive, the Protectors of the World common room possesses a flat-screen satellite television, numerous sofas and chairs, a warm fireplace and access to a variety of media from movies to video games. With a direct link to the dining area, it acts as the main social hub for the Protectors of the World when they're on and off duty.
  • Dining Area. With a fully stocked kitchen with access to a wide variety of supplies and a table large enough to accommodate most of the team, the dining area is one of the main social hubs for Protectors spending time at the Barlowe Building.
  • Gymnasium. Outfitted with all the finest exercise equipment and facilities to help the Protectors tune their bodies and minds, the gymnasium of the Barlowe Building caters to humans, meta-humans and extraterrestrials looking to get a good work out. With an Olympic-size pool, a sauna and studios for acrobatics and dance, the gymnasium has everything you could need to stay in shape -- and then some.
  • Rec Room. Much like the common room, the rec room of the Barlowe Building was made with socialization and easy entertainment in mind. With a fully-stocked bar, a pool table, a media center, an arcade, a state of the art sound system and a library of books and files, the Protectors are free to kick back, relax and enjoy their free time in luxury.
  • Crime Lab. With enough top of the line equipment to put the FBI to shame, the crime lab offers the Protectors ready access to all the fixings they need to tend to the investigative side of their work, be it autopsies, crime scene investigation or substance analysis. Though, for all intents and purposes, it can very well act as a regular lab for more scientific Protectors, calling it the 'crime lab' just makes it sound cooler.
  • Medical Center. Attached to the crime lab, the Barlowe Building's medical center is a facility equipped to deal with the medical emergencies of even the most esoteric members of the team. With medical equipment and supplies suited to human and alien biology and flash-freeze storage for the dead and the unconscious, it serves the Protectors well when things take a turn for the worse. The Medical Center is overseen by the Mother AI.
  • Mystics' Room. An area slightly off the crime lab and medical center, this room houses a number of trinkets and books which benefit the more mystically inclined Protectors and is equipped with supplies which would benefit any mystic from an alchemist to a dimensional wayfarer. It has been specially warded against intrusion and scrying, safeguarding it against any particularly sneaky magic-types. Mostly used by Artifist.
  • Tech Room. An area beside the Mystics' Room that serves as a hub to repair, creative or investigate items of technological origin. Various schematics are available of numerous devices villains have created and used from UNTIL files. Prototypes and other interesting things are about the room in various phases of construction. A service Bay for C.O.P., as well as his own quarters, are off this main area.
  • Counseling Office. With the obvious stress entailed by a life full of combat and high stakes, a counseling office has been set up in the Barlowe Building This provides a safe location for the Protectors to vent their worries, frustrations and hang-ups to the team's resident counselor, Aura.
  • Briefing Room. A moderate circular room containing a large table with a holographic display in the center of it, the briefing room acts as the main rendezvous point for the Protectors before and after missions. Here, they make ready use of their access to a relay of worldwide news and events to brief and debrief on upcoming missions, organize strategies and assign roles. Lockers containing primary and spare costumes/gear allow the Protectors to suit up before charging in to battle.
  • Training Room. A hi-tech facility which makes use of a combination of hard-light, holographic projections and more traditional mechanical systems, the training room is outfitted with advanced combat simulation technology which allows it to mimic the dangers and intricacies of actual combat scenarios withing a .001 margin of error. From the control tower, scenarios can be programmed and fine-tuned via a user friendly command interface overseen by the Mother AI and data from the the Protectors' various field missions and training sessions can be analyzed and implemented to keep things challenging.
  • Hangar. An expansive hangar which stores the Valravn and the various vehicles the individual Protectors regularly make use of. Access to a large supply of tools needed to maintain said vehicles is also a given.
  • Mission Control. Usually manned by Sparrowhawk, the mission control room acts as the communications and observation hub for the Protectors of the World. From here, all the technological facilities of the Barlowe Building can be controlled and scrutinized and access to satellite transmissions allows the Protectors to maintain visual and audio coverage across the world via the Mother system. When an outside party wishes to contact the Protectors directly, this is where they're usually put through to.
  • PORTAL, or Photonic Operated Remote Teleportation Arrival Link. The PORTAL system is a large, arch like device located off the main meeting room. Maintained and operated by the Mother program and activated by voice command, Portal uses orbital way-points keyed to the Protectors of the World's holo-badges to allow for instantaneous teleportation to most locations of interest across the world. The PORTAL system can therefore grant the Protectors the ability to respond almost instantly to the global threats they often find themselves facing. Despite its efficiency, however, the PORTAL system is both expensive to use and prone to causing nausea and dizziness in some. As such, the Valravn is the more economic choice when time isn't of strict importance.
  • Defensive and Offensive Systems. Due to its very public location and the value of many of its interior facilities, the Barlowe Building is outfitted with a number of offensive and defensive countermeasures and apparatus to help keep the enemy out (or, in some cases, in). With powerful weaponry and defensive systems courtesy of both some of the most brilliant minds on Earth and some even not of this Earth, the Barlowe Building is more than capable of holding its own.
  • Trophy Room. A stretching hall full of glass cases and displays, the trophy room is home to the collection of trophies, souvenirs and gifts the Protectors have received during their missions. With security measures put in place for the more dangerous items, the trophy room offers a nostalgic walk down memory lane for any Protectors in the mood.
  • Thunder, the Wonder Dog: Formerly known as both Leo and Hobo, Thunder is Sparrowhawk's pet dog. He is a mostly pure long haired German Shepherd canine that lives in the Barlowe Building alongside the Protectors. Thunder is less of a guard dog and more of a overly zealous, face and hand licking best friend to the group. Sparrowhawk acquired him from Thundrax after he had the dog in his possession a week before he apparently met his demise. Sparrowhawk found herself listed as the emergency contact via the shelter the dog was rescued from. Thunder is perhaps a bit too comfortable around the building and can be found sprawled out wherever he can catch a nap, mostly by the large windows catching some sun or in front of the elevator to greet people. He seems to be highly motivated by food and attention (but definitely more so food).


The Valravn

The VALRAVN is the Protectors' personal state of the art jet and primary mode of transportation when PORTAL is not necessary or available. Initially designed on a prototype designed by Alex Harper and her friend Simon Reynolds and called the Peacekeeper. This was used by the team until its destruction during their mission in Savage Beginnings, Finale. It went under further enhancements with the assistance of Zelara and Voreen by integrating various alien tech in its weaponry and defense systems. All the Protectors are trained in its basic use though it has a built in user intuitive interface to aid those whose experience in flying may be a little less informed. It is responsive to all current charter and honorary members of the team. Typically the Valravn is piloted by Razira, Zelara or Sparrowhawk.

Capabilities include:

  • VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capability
  • Can operate in and withstand deep ocean pressures; cabin has been built to regulate decompression
  • Has a flight speed of 4,200 mph inside the Earth's atmosphere (slightly over mach 6)
  • Can be fitted for outer space travel, reaching faster than light travel outside of Earth's orbit.
  • Can fit comfortably a flight crew of two and six passengers
  • Kendrium armored plating along the hull for maximized natural defenses
  • Nanite infused repair system to minimize structural damage and possible decompression
  • Repulsor projectors: Enabling a form of stasis to immobilize items and people
  • Gadroon modified force field system
  • Repeating pulse laser
  • Sidewinder seeker missile system (x6)
  • Magnetized under hull
  • Side mounted plasma cannons
  • Kendrium Alloy Cable/ Winch
  • Worldwide satellite interface for tracking, coordinating and relay
  • Screechers: Sonic wave devices capable of emitting several types of sound to disable and incapacitate large groups
  • Holographic and stealth capability
  • In the interior of the ship is a number of UNTIL issued weaponry at the Protectors' disposal
  • PORTAL enabled technology, allowing it to open gateways between most large cities





"A capable leader needs to excel in numerous roles. That's my specialty."

Name: Alexandra 'Alex' Harper
Abilities: Polymath, Hyperthymestic Memory, Genetically Enhanced Human Attributes

Sparrowhawk is one of the world's most dangerous combatants and a master in a multitude of skill sets. After traveling the globe for years as both an agent of UNTIL and as a costumed crime fighter, Alex saw a need for a strong and efficient team which could handle world wide crises or threats. Thus with the backing of UNTIL paired with her own connections created the Protectors of the World, who would be on the first line of defense to tackle such events. Often Sparrowhawk works behind the scenes in a supervisory capacity, ensuring heroes are sent out and tasks completed as efficiently as possible. This is not to say she abstains from field work completely... she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty when she can. Sparrowhawk often works more covert missions as well for the team due to her background in espionage and infiltration.




"Do not underestimate the wolf inside of me. Or else you will get burned."

Name: Confidential
Abilities: Fire/Ice Manipulation, Lycanthropy

Razira, unlike all of the others of the Protectors' team, has her past and civilian life buried behind layers of 'need to know'. What little she has said include that she was born in Florida more than 30 years ago, moved to Millennium City to get away from it all, gained a college degree in Business Management, and became a barista at the main coffee chain there. At least until she was kidnapped, genetically altered, and eventually became the Hero she is today - a werewolf with the powers of oxygen based temperature control. Now nearly a four year veteran of the heroic lifestyle, she was approached out of the blue by Sparrowhawk, inviting her to the Protectors. Despite being a lone wolf type through her former job at UNTIL, something deep down told her to accept. Now she finds herself as Field Leader hoping she can keep the team in one piece through their many dangerous adventures across the globe and beyond.


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"You've already lost. The only thing still up in the air is how you're going to lose."

Name: Dusk Vermillion
Abilities: High Magic, Psionics

Dusk Vermillion is the daughter of a former UNTIL agent, Nathaniel Vermillion. Coming to Millennium City after her powers emerged, Dusk quickly caught the attention of UNTIL and its Superhero Liaison Program. With her impressive natural command of magic and psionic abilities to further bolster her tool kit, Dusk has been relentless in fighting evil both supernatural and mundane in hopes of living up to her father's name and the high standard she tries to hold herself to. Hoping to better uphold her ideals, she joins the Protectors to fight alongside some of the world's finest. And if that happens to let her fight alongside her idol...




"As a Protector, I specialize in making sure any innocents are out of harms way."

Name: Thandi Wessels
Abilities: Dark Energy Control, Dark Energy Blades, Teleportation
Rank: Member

Thandi Wessels. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Thandi is the descendent of a line of magic linked to ancient energies of the African continent. When her magical abilities came of age, Thandi was able to use her dark energies to assist others, and became a local hero in the Johannesburg area. Over the years, she participated in the 2004 Tsunami relief efforts and eventually was chosen to receive UNTIL training. For several years, she participated in international humanitarian efforts and UNTIL-sponsored activities. She has been a part of several international superhero groups and in 2012 was part of an UNTIL effort to repel an attack by Warlord in Okinawa. Her name was offered by UNTIL to Sparrowhawk and Thandi accepted her invitation to join the Protectors of the World.




"People say you can't solve every problem with a gun. I disagree"

Name: Michael Malcon
Abilities: Olympic-Level Marksman, Extensive Munitions Knowledge and Experience
Rank: Member





"The Shining Knight always Slays the Dragon"

Name: James Richardson
Abilities: Galahad Powered Armor, Golden Sword
Rank: Member

The persona James adopts as Chivalry is, while not exactly different from his normal personality, far more extroverted. Chivalry is loud, boisterous and straight-forward. He's well known, especially in the Millennium City area, as a resolutely heroic figure. He's taken down more than one giant monster and has racked up a good number of villains defeated. Many heroes remark on his thickly put-on Early Modern English dialect, sometimes leading to confusion, but usually leading to amusement.




"Do I look like I'm here to negotiate?"

Name: Construct Optimized for Peacekeeping, 18 of 20
Abilities: Superstrength & durability, flight
Rank: Member

The Construct Optimized for Peacekeeping Unit 18 of 20, or simply "Mills", is one of a decommissioned series of robots whose purpose was to not only to aid police forces with apprehending metahuman criminals, but apparently make said criminals regret they were ever born, Mills was made with pride in Austin, Texas by Syntha Tech Industries. Mills, like all C.O.P.s, is a fully self-aware artificial intelligence construct installed in a massive and heavily armored chassis built to withstand the worst types of punishment super villains can dish out and then return the favor with both fire power and brute strength. Mills is currently with an elite division of M.A.R.S. known as Special Unit Alpha, which defends the city from rogue A.I.'s and other dangerous synthetics. Though he is often criticized as being every bit as dangerous as the villains he was designed to fight, there's no denying his impressive service record and he always gets the job done by the book. ("The Book" is what Mills named his night stick.) At first, he scoffed at the idea of ever joining a superhero team and declined Sparrowhawk's invitation, but later changed his mind after a lengthy talk with Syntha Tech's C.E.O.




"Make a wish!"

Name: Faye Carrano
Abilities: Super Strength, durability, flight & Cosmic Flame
Rank: Member

When you wish upon a star, all your dreams should come true or so the rumor goes. Faye Carrano saw just that past the smog of Millennium City and wished to be a super hero. Faye's wish came true and the Cosmic Glory came to be! She comes in like a bright comet in the sky, surrounded by her cosmic flame. It fuels her super strength, take hits that would knock a normal person down, fly through the sky and in space. As her days as a child and teen end and adulthood begins, Faye is still wary of the future and what "fame" may bring her. The people, however, matter the most and she is ready to fight to protect one and all!




Name: Maria Teresa García Ramírez de Arroyo
Abilities: Ectoplasm Generation/Control, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility
Rank: Member

Long ago, one of Maria Teresa's ancestors incurred the wrath of a powerful witch who placed a terrible curse on his bloodline: the women who shared his genes would soon find their skin fading to a ghostly white pallor and their blood turning to gelatinous ectoplasm! She is the most recent inheritor of this curse and, as a result, has a host of spectral powers at her disposal, ranging from the generation and control of ectoplasm to invisibility, and even what is effectively immortality! However, the curse does not come without its downsides, the most obvious being the fate that awaits her; if she cannot track down an artifact that can finally lay this curse to rest, she will be doomed to wander the earth as a bodiless spirit for all eternity. Maria has taken up the life of a superhero to expose herself to the more supernatural elements of the world, but can she find the one object of her salvation before it's too late?




"Criminals will soon learn that it was never safe to go back into the water."

Name: Carmen Tethys
Abilities: Enhanced Attributes, Half-Atlantean Physiology
Rank: Member

A former operative of the United States Coast Guard, Carmen Tethys' life would change forever after a call in about a strange research vessel. Having been separated her from the team aboard the boat, Tethys ran into the famous Dr. Percival Lake who had been conducting experiments to create a special type of aquatic super solider spliced from the DNA of kidnapped Atlanteans. A brief scuffle got her accidentally injected with the prototype serum and it worked. She became nearly perfect human being with peak strength, agility, stamina, and intelligence and thanks to the Atlantean DNA could also survive in any aquatic conditions. She left the Coast Guard shortly thereafter and with her newly gained powers became the super heroine known as Fathom.


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"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Name: Hisashi Ijiri
Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Healing Factor, Enhanced Physical Attributes
Rank: Member

Hisashi was born and raised in Himeiji, Japan, and was completely normal in every sense of the word. He was particularlly close to his younger brother, who viewed him as a sort of role model growing up. His brother eventually went missing and Hisashi was given an offer by a group that would help in searching for him. Becoming wrapped in the group's xenophobic politics, he was eventually chosen to undergo a procedure to become something akin to a superhuman with the aid of nanobiomachinery. Hisashi became a frontline force in the group's goal to create a utopian society despite how much he hated doing so. Eventually the group fell to infighting and Hisashi disappeared in obscurity. He decided to use his powers in the hero community under the name of Katsuo instead, operating in Japan before immigrating to United States. While not the most famous of heroes, Katsuo joined the Protectors due to his increasing involvement in affairs around the globe.




"In the struggle against evil, there is no shame in defeat, only in not fighting."

Name: Kara Alenna McIlroy
Abilities: Psycho-Electrokinesis, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Technopathy
Rank: Member

Kara was created by Keioseth's dark-side incarnate Chaosiris in an attempt to unlock the special powers and abilities of Alenna McIlroy (Seryna). He used a magic sword, known as the Aurora, to steal Alenna's soul and then place it within a cloned body that was programmed to follow his commands. He planned to use age acceleration to make her an adult before using her as a weapon but Keio and his UNTIL unit found an rescued her. Keio raised her as his own but after Siris formed a team to try and capture both father and daughter she was sent to live in Ireland with her Grandmother. Years passed and once Siris was believed to be dead she came to live with her father until she was kidnapped and taken to an elemental lightning plane. The Freelancers managed to rescue her but the time displacement of the plane had caused Kara to age to her teen years. She was living a normal life until her body was mortally wounded and her soul stolen. After being rescued she was placed into a cloned body that was genetically related to both Keio and Alenna, truely making her Keio's daughter.




"I am more than willing to die for this world, vash'ra. But I'd prefer you go first."

Name: Zelara T'shal
Abilities: Anthari Physiology, Mk.3 Warmaster Armor
Rank: Member

Zelara T'shal hails from the spacefaring Anthari race, whose homeworld was destroyed by Valak the World Ravager decades ago. While flying an experimental vessel looking for planetary settlement candidates, her ship experienced a catastrophic warp-drive malfunction and crashed on Earth, losing all hands save her. The blue-skinned extraterrestrial has pledged her life and loyalty to her adoptive homeworld, doing battle with Earth's enemies with advanced combat armor and powerful energy weapons. Though she doesn't seem much of a warrior at first glance, and indeed only possesses rudimentary combat training, she makes up for this shortcoming with powerful alien technology, a knack for reverse engineering, and a near-fanatical determination few of her opponents can match.




"As long as I live, I will fight for the innocent and the weak. And I'm not dropping dead anytime soon."

Name: Sebastian Steinman
Abilities: Super-Intelligence, Telekinesis, Power Armor
Rank: Member

The Peacemaker is a Millennium City based metahuman who's been active as a superhero for the better part of a decade. Originally made to serve as a successor and counterpart to a hero from another world, he was sent to this universe just in time to witness the Battle of Detroit. Left injured and in stasis for many years, he re-awoke during the Qularr invasion, initially with no memory of his origin - only his real name and his superhero alias. While struggling to come to terms with himself and the burden of his mantle, Peacemaker has become not only one of the most brilliant scientists and engineers among the superheroes of today, he's also an incredibly powerful psionic whose mastery of telekinesis, assisted by his power armor, also makes him a powerful force to be reckoned with.



"I suggest you lay down your arms and come peacefully - dead or alive, you are coming with me."

Name: Serenity King
Abilities: The Arsenal
Rank: Member

Serenity King, once a normal person with normal hopes and dreams, was the victim of an unfortunate and tragic incident with a now-retired former hero. A stray explosion sent by his powers detonated in the cabin of her car just as she was entering, blowing her away from the wreckage and dealing horrific amounts of damage to her body. With the aid of a powerful benefactor, her brother Daniel rebuilt her body using advanced alien technology, fused with her own biology and some of his unique biomechanical workings. While this saved her life, it also turned her into a powerful weapon - one that she has chosen (supported by her brother's foundation) to use in the fight for good. Assigned to the Protectors by UNTIL after the Virago incident, Sentinel maintains their AI, Mother, as well as the Barlowe building's defense grid and their emergency response systems.




"Look dude, I really don't wanna have to drop a mountain on you just cause you can't behave. So like, don't make me do it, man."

Name: Tobias Ferguson
Abilities: Geokinesis, Seismokinesis, Geo-Empathy
Rank: Member

Hailing from the West coast, Stonemason II is the second to wear the name. Granted immense powers over earth and soil by a primal being known as The Living Earth, this meek and seemingly unassuming young man hides immense strength behind an easy-going attitude and goofy smile. Once a side-kick to the original Stonemason, Tobias has heroism in his blood and fearlessly steps to the front at any call or beckon. Do not mistake his pacifist nature for inability, however. At his will, the ground will churn and quake, stones will fly and the very Earth itself will turn on whoever he points his finger to.


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Name: Imani Abbot
Abilities: Duplication, Teleportation, Chronokinesis
Rank: Member
"It is far more important to do the right thing than it is to hold to the letter of the law."

Imani Abbot is the daughter of Texas Congressman Malcom Abbot. This hacktivist turned hero gained her powers during a freak accident while visiting a dimensional travel testing facility. The incident caused the entire south Texas town of Frontera to simply disappear, with her as the only survivor. Accidental exposure to dimension particles has left her with the ability to change the vibration of her molecules in such a fashion that she can put herself into a state of tetra-dimensional existence. Up-and-coming with a lot of potential, she now uses her talents to assist the Protectors in their mission.


Voreen by fradarlin-d8sy267.png


Name: Voreen
Abilities: Super Strength, Shape Shifting, Plant Based Powers
Rank: Member

Voreen was born on a planet known as Sha-Prylen. It's a word of botanoid aliens who can grow themselves into any shape they wish. Usually this process takes days. For voreen it is mere moments, she was born a mutant, her metabolism was on overdrive and she was capable of even absorbing plant-matter and incorporating it into her biomass to aid in the recovery of any beating she had taken. The later ability had caused a fair portion of the population to regard her with some fear, but her dedication in fighting for what's right generally kept her viewed in a positive light.




"The difference between you and I is that one of us is nothing more than a filthy animal who learned to walk on two legs. The other is me."

Name: Hermes Balewa
Abilities: Cybernetic Enhancements, Super Speed
Rank: Member

Dragged from his home on Monster Island by ARGENT, and used as a test subject for some experimental cybernetics to enhance his speed and combat capabilities, this cheetah manimal escaped his captors shortly after being relocated to Millennium City. After H.E.L.I.X., the supergroup that had first rescued and recruited him, disbanded, Wildeye drifted from team to team, eventually becoming an agent at UNTIL for several years, and finally finding himself among the Protectors.





Abilities: Swordsman, Spiritual Energy Powers
Rank: Member



Reserve Members

Reservist Protectors are members of the team that are only called on for specific reasons, or that can be called upon to replace members that are currently incapable of taking an active role.




Name: Ada Flores
Abilities: Hammerspace, Limited Combat Training
Rank: PR Representative

Signed on by UNTIL, Ada is the public relations manager for the Protectors of the World. It is her job to be the 'face' of the team for news and media outlets. With a Q score that proves a valuable asset, it is up to her to ensure she can make the best out of any bad situation. Currently, Ada spends most of her time out of Millennium City, tending to both her own career as well as that of the Protectors. While they do not see her much, Ada still is an important part of their success.




Name: Dr. Jacqueline Whitelock
Abilities: Empathy, Telepathy, Telekinesis
Rank: Reserve Member, Psychologist

Aura, an UNTIL costumed hero/ agent from Great Britain, was relocated to the United States after the anti-meta 'heroine' Virago began a crusade against the super heroic populace. Setting off a chain of events where the heroes of Millennium City were facing severe issues of mistrust against each other, Aura stepped in to provide support to the struggling Protectors of the World. Her chief role is as both counselor and therapist, but she isn't opposed or shy from assisting with combat related duties, if and when she is needed.




"Don't worry. I've got more than enough bite to go with the bark."

Name: Sunny Oskern
Abilities: Augmented physical abilities, Enhanced senses
Rank: Member

Sunny Oskern is a former sidekick to veteran street level hero, Doberman. From the the small but growing city of Flatlake, Michigan, Dobergirl is an enthusiastic, strong willed and loyal young woman with a varied and growing skill set. Though originally nothing more than an obsessed fangirl, working under Doberman she was trained in unarmed combat (mostly boxing and street fighting), the use of improvised and unorthodox weaponry and some minor detective skills. In the last few years she's further sharpened her skills, picking up a knack for common tech used by the hero community, a familiarity with high grade weaponry and advanced vehicles used by both legal and criminal organizations. She also due to DNA alternation has highly increased physical capabilities and senses mirroring those attributes of her namesake. While a charter member in good standing, Sunny eventually took on a role as a Reservist to take some time off to herself.




Name: Chance Wiebe Thomas-Arasaka
Abilities: Martial Arts, Weather Control
Rank: Member

A crime fighter since his teens, Chance Thomas-Arasaka, The Harrier King, works to empower people of Millennium City's 15th Street Barrio with and without a mask.




Name: Shira Levi
Abilities: Particle Explosions
Rank: Member

Shira Levi is a retired veteran of the Israel Defense Force, bringing nearly three decades of military experience to the team. Born in Jordan in 1963, she was taken from her family by the mysterious Black Sand cult and was used as one of their test subjects. Fortunately she was rescued by the efforts of Aaron Walker and the Israeli Special Forces. Inspired by the people who saved her, she later joined the service at age 18 where she remained for most of her adult life. Now older and wiser, Shira hopes to influence the new generations and, when necessary, bring her considerable destructive powers to bare when evil refuses to back down. Although Howitzer has often lead strike teams and troops in the field, she believes a younger, more energetic woman such as Alex is better suited for leadership and hopes to offer her advice when needed.




Name: Avakai Ty'Lori
Abilities: Voltexian Weaponry & Cybernetics
Rank: Reserve Member, Heavy Assault Expert

Avakai ty'Lori, aka Riptide, was born on the ocean planet Voltexi, where his father owned a vast import/export business. His future would hold something different for him, however - he signed on with the military as soon as he was of age, receiving various cybernetic augmentations and intensive training in the use of multiple deadly weapons of war. After being discharged from service when it was discovered his body was not receptive to the newest line of cybernetics, Riptide decided to take to the stars, working as a bounty hunter to help pay his way throughout the galaxy. He traveled for almost six decades before finally crashing on Earth. Now he helps the crime-fighters of the planet with his extensive knowledge of extraterrestrials and weaponry, proving to be a deadly and ferocious combatant even versus seemingly overwhelming odds. His normally laid-back attitude hides a far more predatory, bloodthirsty nature; Riptide only truly feels alive when he's on the battlefield. His friendship with Sparrowhawk resulted in his recruitment into the Protectors of the World, where he will continue to ply his trade. Busy with interstellar work and off world for much of the time, he currently is a Reservist.


Protectors Missions/ Events

Protectors Missions, 1-15


  • Heart of Darkness (Parts One and Two): African Violet, along with several Protectors, returns to South Africa to face the mystical threat of Tsetse-Bumba. (-Featuring: African Violet, Howitzer, Xanthe, Dobergirl with Honorary Protector Extractor)
Founders, March 2013. Part Two: Katsuo, Sparrowhawk, Black Sigil II, Zelara, African Violet and SoulStar
  • The Devious Dr. Ashe and the Mag Men!: The Protectors make their way to an island off New Zealand, where a rescue operation turns out to be more than they bargained for as they battle the volcanic powered Dr. Ashe and his Mag Men. (-Featuring: All-Star, SoulStar, Black Sigil, Dobergirl, C.O.P. with Honorary Protector Extractor)
  • Depths of the Kraken: A specialized and heavily armed submarine like vessel is taken by the villainous Kraken in order to annihilate a Canadian City. The Protectors prevent it but pay a heavy price: Razira, their newest recruit, makes an incredible sacrifice almost taking her life. (-Featuring: Riptide, Zelara, Sparrowhawk, Razira, C.O.P., and Xanthe)
  • To Hollywood, Love Ada: An interview with sensationalist television show SUPRCHAT (courtesy of Ada Clover) turns deadly as the Protectors square off against the Kailai, quite possibly the cutest, furriest sixty foot terror to rampage in Los Angeles. (-Featuring: Canadian Fist, All-Star, SoulStar, Thundrax, Black Sigil alongside Protectors' PR Rep Ada Clover)
  • Savage Beginnings: The Protectors discover ancient technology that seeks to de-evolve parts of the world as a bustling vacation paradise is turned into a savage prehistoric jungle. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Xanthe, Razira, All-Star, and Zelara)
  • The Collector, Parts One and Two: New Vigil and the Protectors investigate a rash of hero abductions. Their combined efforts reveal the Collector, a villain from the future hell bent on taking the abilities of super powered individuals, even if it kills them. (-Featuring: Black Sigil, African Violet, Xanthe and C.O.P. alongside New Vigil's Mercy, Galactigal and Crimson Mage)
  • Nuclear Winter: The Protectors journey to Russia to confront a potential thermonuclear threat and end up bringing a sense of closure to a father and daughter faced with insurmountable obstacles. (-Featuring: Kaira, SoulStar, Katsuo, Thundrax, Xanthe and Dobergirl)
  • Dickman Cometh!: The Protectors get called in to deal with a powerful superhero who has suddenly become a douchebag and end up tussling with an extradimensional, reality-warping comic book affectionado. (-Featuring: Dobergirl, Zelara, Katsuo, Black Sigil, and Canadian Fist)
  • It's A Dog's Life: Dobergirl and a few Protectors take a little road trip to Flat Lake, Michigan for the first annual 'Doberman Appreciation Day'. The city is nearly destroyed by an old villain named Winged Terror with a score to settle, hoping to draw Doberman out of hiding or kill Dobergirl. Sparrowhawk discovers the shocking truth about her super heroic canine friend's former mentor. (-Featuring: Dobergirl, Razira, All-Star, Keioisis, and Sparrowhawk)
  • Operation: Leviathan: An escort mission from Greece to the United States to transport the omega level villain Leviathan goes awry due to the intervention of the power armored female assassins known as the Furies. A fight over the Atlantic Ocean is fought to keep Leviathan, currently in cryo stasis, from waking up or being freed. (-Featuring: Black Sigil, Zelara, Katsuo, Sparrowhawk, Xanthe, and Dobergirl)
  • The Beginning Place: Higher Planes Drifters: After Thundrax's soul is stolen by the sorcerer Josiah Brimstone and consigned to the torments of Hell, the Protectors and several allies strike a bargain to remove the amulet of Luxon, prized artifact of Thundrax's archenemy Zorasto and lynchpin of Zorasto's power play in the Netherworld. The team ventures to the Library of Kryptos to uncover the amulet's secret: that it is an ancient psychopomp of Death's Domain. Travelling next to Death's Domain, the heroes overcome numerous obstacles to receive the aid of Luxon's wife, the Eternal Mourner.
  • The Beginning Place: The End Time: Learning that Zorasto's traveled back in time to 1938, where Zorasto was attempting to alter the timestream so that anyone with a heroic nature would not receive superpowers. Fighting their way through everything from demons to a deadly sharknado, the heroes managed to remove the amulet and beat the tar out of the demon before the dukes of hell grabbed the renegade demon lord and consigned him to torment. As per the bargain, Thundrax's soul was freed, though the time travel paradox caused Thundrax's brother Jack to be hurled forward in time to an unknown date.
  • Savage Beginnings, Part 2: The Protectors trek to South America to follow up on a signal being relayed from the rainforests. Something is amiss when they are ambushed by strange, prehistoric like creatures. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Dobergirl, Razira, All-Star, and Black Sigil)

Protectors Missions, 16-30


  • God King of the Forgotten Islands, Part 1: The Protectors were called to look into strange sightings of armed, birdlike creatures flying over the city. These creatures turn out to be Eagle Warriors in the service of Tartolmec, a powerful extradimensional lord and former hero who hasn't been seen on Earth since the late 90s! They soon found themselves facing down the God King himself, who was on a crazed rampage looking for one of his wives! The Protectors found themselves stuck with the poisoned and weakened Lord of the Five Wells when something drew his transport back into his home realm and left him stranded. Who is Lindy Okida and what exactly is going on back in the Forgotten Islands? (-Featuring: Zelara, Canadian Fist, Fantasma, Xanthe, Katsuo and Keioisis)
  • God King of the Forgotten Islands, Part 2: The spirit of Tartolmec's wife, Ianthe, speaks through Lindy and gives a dire warning: His high priest Acutl is unhappy with the way things are run and has decided to initiate a power grab with the help of a powerful demon called Tzanthl. This threatens not just the Forgotten Islands, but Earth as well. The Protectors get a taste of what's to come when a mystic well forms in Heathesville, Ohio and begins spreading poison and corruption through the surrounding area. After dealing with the wells guardian and a squad of rogue Eagle Warriors, the team was ready to head to Tartolmec's realm and put a stop to this. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Fantasma, Razira, Keioisis, and Canadian Fist)
  • God King of the Forgotten Islands, Part 3 and 4: Finding the Forgotten Islands to be a gloomy and horrible wreck on arrival and Acutl unwilling to step down from his stolen kingdom, the adventure ends with a fight for survival against the empowered priest Acutl and the demon god Tzanthl himself! While the team faces down the combined fury of the usurper and his demonic god, Fantasma helps Lindy and Tartolmec infiltrate the palace and shut off the device Acutl was using to steal his power! Without the might of the Forgotten Islands behind him, Acutl folds and must flee with Tzanthl. Thanks to the Protectors, the Forgotten Islands are safe... for now at least. (-Featuring: Grimoire, Fantasma, Katsuo, Razira, and Canadian Fist)
  • THUNDRAX: NOT JUST THE MOVIE: Several Protectors (and a few additional heroes) accompany Thundrax to the blu ray extended edition screening release party of his self titled movie. Things go awry when a powerful villain known as The Irrepressible Id shows up to make the night living hell for those in attendance. Thankfully, Thundrax and company are able to keep Id at bay, though he does raise puzzling questions as to who he is and why he is doing the things he is. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Thundrax, Dobergirl, Razira and Canadian Fist)
  • Watery Graves: What happens when an army of mystical sea creatures attack coastal cities off Burma? The Protectors of the World and the Young Renegades are on hand to find out. Chinese villain Ao Guang, in possession of a mystical staff that controls such beasts, creates all out war for the teams as they must seal a rift in the fabric of space/ time! (-Featuring: Seadragon, Razira, Sparrowhawk and Canadian Fist alongside Young Renegades Devil Ray, Wavegirl, Victory with Honorary Protector Midas)
  • Romper Room Ruckus: The entire city of Evansville, Indiana goes missing and all that is left is a comic book calling card. The Protectors of the World travel to a four colored world run by the insidious KAPTAIN KOMICS filled with both good little children and 'bad' adults. Trapped in the bodies (and minds) of children themselves, they don't exactly have their work cut our for them until Kaira uses some science know how to save the day. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Canadian Fist, Razira, Dobergirl, Sparrowhawk, Kaira with Honorary Protector Falconet)
  • Most Happiest Yelling Discomfort Land: When Japan's newest amusement park, YUM YUM HAPPY ROBOT TIME, comes under siege by the villain known as M.E.K.K.A., the Protectors of the World must face off against robot janitors wielding lasers, deadly ferris wheels and spheres of doom! (-Featuring: Razira, Canadian Fist and Jade General with Honorary Protectors Tengu and Nightstrike)
  • A Very Protective Christmas (Part One): A magical imp invades the Barlowe building during the first ever holiday party. Its demands are simple: bring her Nate Carter (who decided to opt out for Las Vegas) so that the entire team can learn the true meaning of Christmas, or spend an eternity trapped with her. Naturally, the team goes to on a manhunt to retrieve the gunslinger while learning a bit about themselves in the process. (-Featuring: All-Star, Jade General, Seadragon, Kaira, Sparrowhawk, Canadian Fist, Katsuo and Dobergirl)
  • Virago: A trio of electrically charged villains, THE TRANSDUCERS, take over a power plant and those inside as hostages. A new heroine by the name of VIRAGO steps in to save the day, though the night culminates with the most horrible of things: Razira, her powers somehow activated to unheard of levels by one of the villains, causes destruction and mayhem. The end result is the deaths of one of the villains as well as several people. Virago proclaims that both villains and heroes are a threat to the stability of the world. (-Featuring: Razira, Keioisis, Jade General and Canadian Fist)
  • Crystalline Chaos: A massive monster made out of a seemingly-organic form of sapphire material and its army of smaller creatures is rampaging through Millennium City, smashing and crushing its way through to Downtown. Something seems... off, though. It seems to be moving with a purpose. What could the monster be hoping to achieve? (-Featuring: Sentinel, Dobergirl, Katsuo, Razira, Canadian Fist, and Lifebinder)
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  • Snowblind: Philadelphia hero Snowblind goes out of control, sending a good portion of the city into a frozen wasteland. The Protectors of the World take him down, securing the safety of the City of Brotherly Love while raising new questions that all is not what it possibly seems with this robotic hero. (-Featuring: Xanthe and Zelara with Honorary Protectors Katerra and Keioseth)
  • How To Get A(bobble)head In Business: Protectors' PR Rep Ada Clover assembles the team to see her newest marketing plan: Protectors of the World bobble heads! Unfortunately, these little buggers are not just adorable, but deadly... and together they plan to kill our heroes! The Protectors afterwards realize that this was all a set up, and someone is definitely gunning for them. (-Featuring: Seadragon, African Violet, Katsuo, Sparrowhawk, Canadian Fist, Razira, Jade General and the lovely Ada Clover)
  • The HALCYON Conspiracy: When UNTIL registers strange trans dimensional energies coming from a remote area in northern Canada, they ask the Protectors to look into it. This takes them to a HALCYON research facility, who dabble in a number of esoteric ideas and programs. Recently raided by a group of high powered mercenaries, it fell prey to the accidental opening of The Cthulhu Project, a dimensional doorway to a netherworld. The group brings their A-game to find a way to victory, facing off against the eye of the storm. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Razira, Black Sigil, Seadragon, Canadian Fist, Sparrowhawk and Sentinel)
  • Spring Forward / Fall Back: A crowd of mysterious strangers gathers at the Millennium City Convention Center, which is hosting an exhibit of the Gems of the World, a collection of some of the rarest and largest gems! With security beefed up, everything looks to be in the clear, but Sentinel isn't so sure. Contacting her fellow teammates and a local hero to investigate the scene, they soon find themselves facing a collective of goons with odd masks! When the crowd suddenly attacks and the goons make All-Star forget his team, everyone is left wondering exactly what they were after... (-Featuring: All-Star, Canadian Fist, Xanthe, Lifebinder and Red Rush)
  • Accipiter: A journey to a deserted HALCYON base leads to more than what the Protectors bargained for. Sparrowhawk shows her true colors, neutralizing the Protectors she has traveled with while taking with her undisclosed information retrieved from their database. Was Sparrowhawk also the anti-meta heroine Virago? With Canadian Fist gravely injured, Katsuo's tech destroying him, Razira's mind once again tampered with and C.O.P.'s systems compromised, the entire team worries that things will get worse before they get better... especially with Sparrowhawk still on the loose. (-Featuring: Razira, Sparrowhawk, C.O.P., Katsuo, Black Sigil and Canadian Fist)

Protectors Missions, 31-45


  • The Ties That Bind: The Protectors make their way to Houston, Texas when a distress call to UNTIL goes unanswered by the ILLUSTRIOUS THREE. Under attack by soldiers with access to high tech weaponry and equipment, they manage to kidnap two of them as a fight between the Protectors and villains commences. Their leader showcases amazing physical talents as well as a mastery in combat, taking down Wolfgirl and forcing Xanthe into cardiac arrest... resulting in him falling into a coma. A 'tachyon grid' is discovered that somehow disrupts dimensional fields. Not our heroes' best day. (-Featuring: Seadragon, Xanthe, Razira, Canadian Fist, Aura and Kaira with Honorary Protector Wolfgirl)
Razira and Katsuo take defense while Canadian Fist aka Artifist and Sparrowhawk run offense against Kaptain Komics.
  • Revelations: After a man dies under mysterious circumstances passing along a cryptic message, the heroic Harrier uses his detective know-how to discover an uncanny link between ten exceptionally well off families across the country. Each of them possesses a child of the same age who is incredibly gifted beyond the norm... and also currently missing. With possible ties to Sparrowhawk, her father being one of the ten, the Protectors begin to start piecing together a puzzle that may have dire consequences. With half the team going to talk to the families, the other half choose to learn a bit more about them behind the scenes. (-Featuring: Harrier, Razira,Aura and Riptide with Honorary Protectors Black Dog and New Vigil's M.E.D.I.C.)
  • Go Henshin Katsuo Super Mode! :
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    When a strange bomb of unknown origin erupts in downtown Tokyo it somehow removes the powers of everyone with superhuman abilities for miles around. A terrorist group takes advantage of this, causing UNTIL to be at its wits end and finding its resources stretched to the limit. The Protectors are called in but find themselves powerless. They must rely on the old gear of a team known in the 1970s as KAMEN EIYUU. Using their special 'Flurry' belts, the team possess several abilities which assist in taking down a host of cyborg-insect mutations that are causing havoc in the city. (-Featuring: Katsuo, Canadian Fist, Black Sigil, Razira with Honorary Protector Ada Clover)
  • JAILBREAK!: Sparrowhawk, freeing herself of a mental device controlling her, takes down a remote island facility in South America and frees numerous heroes, including Dobergirl, who have been held captive for the past few weeks and experimented on. While Sparrowhawk falls to a neural implant attempting to kill her as well as a severe beating from a villain known as Cassowary, Dobergirl sets off a signal to the Protectors to locate them. The team heads out to find themselves in the middle of a war between captive super heroes and high tech soldiers. Sparrowhawk, Dobergirl and several heroes are rescued, but not before a strange bomb is detonated. Black Sigil manages to contain the resulting explosion and saves the Protectors though at the cost of his own life. The team's dynamics fray as tensions rise between its core members. (-Featuring: Dobergirl, Sparrowhawk, All-Star, Black Sigil, Razira, Canadian Fist ,Seadragon with Honorary Protector Riptide)
  • Going For The Gold: Canadian Fist leads a group of Protectors on a mission to Arizona to locate a mystical dagger that may be her only hope of recovering her powers. It takes the love of her man, special guest star THE FLEA, to bring her back to life after an attack almost kills her. (-Featuring: Razira, Canadian Fist, Katsuo and Aura with Honorary Protectors RoboGirl and The Flea)
  • Enter The Leviathan: The monstrous Leviathan is teleported into the heart of downtown Millennium City. The Protectors lead the battle above as Sparrowhawk and a second team work on dismantling a gene bomb located under the city. The Protectors, aided by a whos whos of past and present Honorary members, save the day and the threat of the Apotheosis Project is removed... for now. (Featuring: Dobergirl, Seadragon, Katsuo, Canadian Fist, Sparrowhawk, C.O.P., Zwein, Razira alongside numerous guest stars such as Katerra, Thundrax with Honorary Protectors)
  • Roses are DEAD: An odd plant creature obsessed with despair calling itself la Fleur de Misere attacks Paris, France on Valentines Day, causing couples to fight and slowly infecting the rest of the populace with hopelessness and rage! The Protectors were forced to overcome the wicked weeds hypnotic pollen and save the most romantic city in the world! (-Featuring: Keioisis, Katsuo and Canadian Fist with Honorary Protectors Temezca and The Flea.)
  • A Streetcar Named DESTROY: When a group of disgruntled scientists hijack an experimental super car loaded to the brim with dangerous weapons and gadgets, the Protectors must engage in a city-spanning chase to stop the out of control vehicle before it causes any damage. (-Featuring: All-Star, Katsuo and Sentinel with Honorary Protector Red Rush)
  • Birds of a Feather: The Protectors go undercover in India posing as anti meta human agents to infiltrate the sky carrier of the villainous Crimson Fury. Their newest recruit, Grey Osprey, is on hand to ensure that information pertaining to gene bombs devised by the Apotheosis Project will never be used again. (-Featuring: Grey Osprey, Harrier and Sparrowhawk aided by Honorary Protectors Violet Mask and Knight Watch)
  • Conundrum: When an ambassador is kidnapped in Millennium City, the Protectors learn of his past which involves the murder of a young girl. What happens when the law can't protect those it is supposed to? (-Featuring: All-Star, Dobergirl, Keioisis and Razira with cameos by Sparrowhawk and Henchman)
  • The Chinese Room: A rogue AI with a chip on its shoulder holds Millennium City hostage by turning its electric appliances into dangerous sentient weapons and it's up to the Protectors to fix its mess. (-Featuring: All-Star, Dobergirl, Keioisis and Fantasma with Alec Baldwin as Katsuo)
  • The Great Beasts: All Star heads up a team of Protectors to Greenland, where they face off against a demonic entity after discovering their original quarry are actually the ones they are sworn to protect! (-Featuring: Grey Osprey, Sparrowhawk, Razira, Phenom and All-Star)
  • Miskatonic Mayhem: When the Protectors are called in to supervise the unveiling of a device in New York that can actually let others peer into another new dimension, they have to face off against terrifying creatures from beyond that want to kill and feed off anyone they can. (-Featuring: Voreen, Razira, Zwein and All-Star.)
  • Body Doubles (Part One): Razira, whose life was under threat by a supposed alien from within UNTIL, learns a far deeper involvement into hidden affairs. The would be killer alien is actually a human with aberrant DNA, devised by the Apotheosis Project for... something. The team heads to Taiwan to seek some answers, only to find a scientific lab and research center with three very bizarre canisters... each containing something living in it. The Protectors take said canisters back to Keioisis' asteroid base to open, unsure what lurks within. (-Featuring: Phenom, Razira, Keioisis, Voreen and Honorary Protector Wolfgirl.)
  • Body Doubles (Part Two): On an asteroid lab, Keioisis opens the containers found in Taiwan... leading to a knock down, drag out fight between the Protectors and something that looks very much like Craig Carson, Thundrax! (-Featuring: Phenom, Razira, Katsuo, Keioisis and Honorary Protector Wolfgirl.)

Protectors Missions, 46-60


  • 'Hench For A Day' or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Sign The Contract': When a contract signed by Dobergirl comes back to haunt her, the Protectors are forcefully enlisted into the service of the mercenary known as Henchman. Their mission? To protect him from Ouroboros, GAIA, VIPER, ARGENT, The Mercenaries Guild, G-Force and The Society of Sin -- all of which are out for his blood. But as matters begin to spiral wildly out of control, the question of what it is Henchman has done to earn himself the ire of these criminal organisations becomes more and more pertinent... (-Featuring: Dobergirl, Sparrowhawk, Chivalry, Keioisis and Honorary Protectors Foxhound and Henchman)
  • The Great Stellar Escape: The Protectors are pulled out of time and space to quell a prison riot in the extradimensional cosmic prison known as the Hotbox -- home to some of the Multiverse's most dangerous cosmic lawbreakers and the enigmatic White Warden, who oversees the facility with rigorous adherence to the cosmic laws. Things take a turn for the unexpected, however, when the very prisoners they were summoned to incapacitate claim to be their universe's only hope of stopping a dangerous future threat. (-Featuring: Dobergirl, Voreen, Razira, Keioisis, Artifist and Katsuo))
  • Just Bee Yourself: A swarm of giant bees, released last year from a lab doing questionable genetic experiments, has returned to Millennium City and they're ready to settle down. Led by the villainous Queen Bebezzzal (or Princess Bebe, in her off days) the creatures tried to create a hive from available materials, such as local buildings, and set to kidnapping human subjects for their queen! With the help of PRIMUS and the slightly off Dr. Busby, the Protector's were able to rescue the civilians and capture the scientifically important bees for future research! (-Featuring: All-Star, Fantasma and Katsuo)
  • Throwback Thursday: Three years ago a portal opened up over downtown Millennium City, causing two large alien creatures to fall from the sky. When their fight caused confusion and chaos to erupt, it was up to the pre- Protectors of the World to put an end to it! Can a rough around the edges rag tag group (with an evil Katsuo for added measure) stop bickering long enough to stop this menace? (Featuring: Razira, C.O.P., Wildeye, Sparrowhawk, Katsuo and your Frenemy Neighborhood The Flea)
  • Fire Woman: The Protectors head undercover to Colombia, were a cult called 'The Children of Prajna' have relocated to start life in a compound called Utopia. Little do they know their leader, Dr. Martin Merriweather aka the Shining Son, really has plans to activate a doorway to another dimension and wreak havoc upon the Earth... (Featuring: Sparrowhawk, Zwein, Razira, Voreen and Keioisis)
  • Rebirth of the Beast, Parts 1-7: When people begin to disappear all over Japan and strange, fantastic 'Beasts' appear wielding an array of bizarre and awesome abilities, the Protectors are asked to investigate. Several battles wage as they diligently work alongside the Anti-Beast Taskforce to battle a variety of creatures that attempt to lay waste to the country. (-Featuring: Katsuo, All-Star, Fantasma, Artifist, Keioisis, Razira, Voreen, African Violet, Zwein and Honorary Protector Robogirl)
  • When Stars Align: A team of insane villains from Greece, the Almagest, want to capture the powers of the stars for their own selfish purposes. With their leader, who has harnessed cosmic energy, threatens Millennium City, its up to the Protectors to make sure this doesn't happen! (Featuring: Artifist, Razira and Cosmic Glory with Honorary Protectors Thundrax, Maverick and Fighting Eagle)
  • THE INCREDIBLE, AWESOME, STUPENDOUS RETURN OF KAPTAIN KOMICS!!!: Kaptain Komics returns to pester the Protectors once more! When the dastardly Kaptain escapes jail and becomes fixated on a long cancelled syndicated childrens cartoon called 'Princess Pufflewump's Magical Castle', he steals half a city and its townspeople to transform into his own version of the Magical Castle. Its up to the heroes to take him down and save the people he has kidnapped before he does much, much more harm! When they think its all over though, a city in the sky almost spells certain doom unless a last minute rescue can be found! (Featuring: Sparrowhawk, Razira, Cosmic Glory with Honorary Protectors Maverick, Killer Spider, Heat Screech and Colonial)
  • We Walk In Shadows (Part One): Zwein leads a team of Honorary Protectors to the underbelly of Westside to investigate several mysterious deaths of the homeless. What they find is an underground organization processing a new super drug which is a combination of blood and a mysterious chemical agent that bestows incredible addiction coupled with amazing powers. Is an actual ancient vampire named Adrian Arkwright responsible for this new and dangerous concoction? (Featuring: Zwein alongside Honorary Protectors Mutt, Brimstone, Clockwork and Michael Lawrinson)
  • We Walk In Shadows (Part Two): Zwein and his team of Honorary Protectors rally to face off against the forces of Adrian Arkwright at an old manufacturing plant. Soon it becomes apparent that the cargo they are retrieving is none other than dozens of human victims. From werewolves playing guitar on vans to the brutality of fisticuffs to the stopping of time itself, the team pulls no punches to free the innocents. They are left, however, with a promise from Arkwright that this is not the end... not by a long shot. (Featuring: Zwein alongside Honorary Protectors Mutt, Brimstone, Clockwork and Michael Lawrinson)
  • Savage Beginnings, Finale (aka Do The De-Evolution): When terraforming beacons of ancient and extra terrestrial design are activated and cause worldwide panic as the planet itself is poised to be terraformed into a prehistoric state, new member Peacemaker joins members of the Protectors go off world to confront the cause of this... in outer space? (Featuring: Razira, Artifist, The Peacemaker, Voreen, Sparrowhawk with Honorary Protector Kaira)
  • Savage Beginnings, Finale 2 (aka Do The De-Evolution): The Protectors race against time as a large space ship closes in on Earth to wipe out humanity. While the planet below continues to be terraformed, its up to Razira, who holds the secrets of the de-evolution, to step up and reveal truths two million years in the making. When the world is besieged by an army of war drones, the team fights in the stratosphere along side Star*Guard to secure Earth's defense! Finally, Razira learns that 'Mother Wolf' is in charge of the fate of a planet as the Protectors promise to secure and find a new home for the remnants of an entire civilization. (Featuring: Razira, Artifist, The Peacemaker, Voreen and Sparrowhawk)
  • Gadragon the Destroyer: In India, the Protectors face off against a man named Gadragon, who claims to work for a prison planet. When they stand between him and the alien life form which he is to return, the team realizes they've made a dangerous enemy. (Featuring: Artifist, Stonemason, Razira with Honorary Protectors Albatross and Heat Screech)
  • Avalon: When Silversmith, Boggart, Willow Wisp and Pace, otherwise known as British heroes The Adventurers of Avalon kidnap and hold hostage several members of England's Parliament, the Protectors are called in to assist. But what starts out as a fight between super teams ends with the realization they are being controlled by the evil entity known as Spring Heeled Jack! What turns from a simple hostage crisis at Stonehenge quickly escalates into a fight for their very souls! (Featuring: Razira, Zwein, Wildeye, Sparrowhawk and The Peacemaker)
  • Death Metal: The Protectors' resident counselor, Aura, decides to strengthen the bonds of friendship and teamwork with a fun night out to a rock concert. As luck would have it, however, the team gets involved in a hair raising battle when the band's lead singer is targeted for death by a number of high-priced assassins! What is worse, the music of Ava Adore and her band Resting B!tchface, or the insidious villains Pinball, Deathknell, Dark Animus and Klepto?? (Featuring: C.O.P., Wildeye, Aura, Razira, Cosmic Glory, Fathom and Zwein)

Protectors Missions, 61-75


  • Memorial for the Fallen: The team has a memorial for All-Star, aka Nate Carter, former Field Leader of the Protectors. Several heroes throughout the world pay their respects to him and honor his memory. The team convenes at Nate's favorite watering hole and discuss their future plans. Razira is given the promotion of Primary Field Leader, taking Nate's place. (- Featuring: Pretty much every current active Protector)
  • The Thirst: Hordes of starving humans, going into a terrible form of withdrawal from the so-called 'Vampire Meth', attack and loot every single place that stores blood in Millennium City. When Mercy Hospital is overrun, its up to the Protectors of the World (and friends) to prevent it! When the mysterious 'Lovecraftian Man' arrives, the team must wonder is he friend... or foe? A continuation of the Adrian Arkwright saga from WE WALK IN SHADOWS. (Featuring: Voreen and Zwein alongside Honorary Protectors Mutt, Biomorph and friend/ enemy The Lovecraftian Man)
  • Smoke On The Water: New recruit Fathom discovers an oil platform in international waters, thought to be abandoned, is actually active. In fact, it appears that a weapons smuggling operation is going on there courtesy of a villain by the name of Captain Conquest! The Protectors are taken to task to locate proof of this, handle numerous well trained soldiers and fight off the dreaded Killer Chrome. Their operations uncovered, a quick get away is made by Conquest, who almost gives the Protectors a free ticket to Davy Jones' Locker. (- Featuring: Fathom, Artifist, Zwein, Sparrowhawk and Voreen)
  • Everything Old Is New Again: When super villain the Time Bandit breaks into a research facility and collects the chronal energy of a space/ time invention, he drastically alters the world. The Protectors realize that he has went back to 1938, manipulating world events to remove super powered heroes as well as secure himself a top world authority. This makes the Protectors themselves travel to the past in order to stop him before he sets his plans into motion! (- Featuring: Tesseract, Sparrowhawk, Zwein, Razira, Artifist, Stonemason, Cosmic Glory)
  • Whatever Happened To Steel Champion?: When a town in Pennsylvania is under attack by two mystery men, the Protectors come in to investigate. When the antagonists refer to Cold War terminology, it is thought they are robots from decades ago. It is actually revealed that they are 1950s heroes Steel Champion and his sidekick, Scrappy. As a battle wages on, the truth is uncovered: both heroes were housed in an abandoned military facility for nearly forty years and that they are partly human! Decades of isolation had driven them to the brink of insanity to the point that the past was the present. After the Protectors snap them out of their fugue state the duo are returned to humanity, hoping to somehow forge new lives for themselves. (- Featuring: African Violet, Fathom and Voreen)
  • Race to Graduation: When Cosmic Glory graduates high school, the Protectors aren't the only ones there to cheer her on. It is brought to their attention via her boyfriend, Brad Jones, that an old enemy may be making an appearance. Two in fact, as Galtoid and members of TYR have it out for our cosmic cutie! After the battle is won, there is news that the Protectors may be in for further trouble. Who said life after school was ever easy? (-Featuring: The Peacemaker, Zwein, Fathom, Stonemason, Cosmic Glory and Chivalry alongside Honorary Protectors Thundrax and Lash)
  • Picnic on Planet Razira aka Avestus: The Protectors convene on the massive space vessel discovered during the finale of Savage Beginnings and which currently resides close to the moon. The group discusses their present course of action, the history of the space ship they have acquired and what the future holds. Zelara begins to work on understanding what secrets the ship may contain and how to deal with it while the team learns the affinity Razira holds for it. And C.O.P. even brought some beer. (-Featuring: Zelara, Fathom, C.O.P., Razira, Wildeye and Sparrowhawk)
  • Big Guns (Part One): A visit to a remote city leads to an underground hideout. Following up on intel after their scuffle with Captain Conquest, the Protectors stop a weapons shipment with some very hi tech devices. A fight breaks out in a hidden underground bunker against the conniving Lady Midnight and her guardian, the vampiric Bathory. (-Featuring: Sparrowhawk and Tesseract with Honorary Protector, the Freelancer SCRI)
  • Brazilian Shakedown: The Protectors travel to Brazil where are called to assist. A town is under siege by seismic activity that is in no way natural. A VIPER nest is discovered to be the culprits instead. Utilizing and testing a new weapon out they are unleashing it upon the unsuspecting public! The Protectors team up to stop this threat with the hero Armory, who is to become their newest recruit. (-Featuring: Armory, Stonemason, Sparrowhawk, Cosmic Glory and Razira)
  • The Requisition: In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the Protectors must go undercover to infiltrate an exclusive party for some of the world's most prominent crime families. Why have they all convened at this gala? It is a cover for the silent auction and sale of usable DNA of some of the world's most prominent heroes (from genetic materials originally discovered in the mission Body Doubles) with the potential of cloning for their own use. It is up to the team to not only recover these but defeat the villains that stand in their way: the demonic enhanced Hellbent, probability manipulator Windfall, assassin sisters the Furies and the high powered Bifrons! (-Featuring: Stonemason, Fathom, Sparrowhawk, Razira and Zwein)
  • Once Bitten: The Protectors are given the location of a large supply of 'The Thirst', aka the 'vampire meth' that has afflicted thousands. What they do not realize until too late, however, is that this is all a set up. Their arrival was orchestrated by Adrian Arkwright himself to teach the team a lesson... one that almost costs them their lives. As they lie broken, the vampiric sorcerer begins to put his final plans into motion... (-Featuring: Tesseract, Zwein, Razira and Freelancer Havoc as well as an appearance by Stonemason)
  • Prelude to Nocturne: An assembly of heroes gathers in the Barlowe Building to discuss Adrian Arkwright. Sparrowhawk and Artifist relay information about the true nature of the drug known as 'The Thirst'. Several others supply insight in how to deal with this threat. It is noted that Arkwright is laying low and must be brought out into the open, as he is hiding something... though what it is exactly is still a mystery. (-Featuring: Artifist, Fathom, Armory, The Peacemaker, Zwein, Stonemason and Sparrowhawk alongside numerous Honorary Protectors)
  • Sanguinis Cruentatio, Part One: A Shadow Cast: TBA
  • Sanguinis Cruentatio, Part Two: The Seal: TBA
  • Sanguinis Cruentatio, Part Three: In Darkness: TBA

Protectors Missions, 76-90


The Trophy Hall


Some of the items in the Protectors' Trophy Hall include:

  • Illyana's slightly-charred doll from Nuclear Winter
  • A signed extradimensional copy of 'PROTECTORS OF THE WORLD #1' starring Dobergirl, Black Sigil, Canadian Fist, Katsuo and Zelara from Dickman Cometh!
  • A copy of the SUPERCHAT episode featuring the Protectors from To Hollywood, Love Ada
  • The disembodied head of Doberman's statue from It's a Dog's Life
  • A suit of battered power armor from one of the Furies in Operation: Leviathan
  • A library card from the library of Kryptos, keeper of secrets, from The Beginning Place: Higher Planes Drifters
  • A laser spear from one of Tartolmec's Eagle Warriors, from The God King of the Forgotten Islands
  • Holographic display of M.E.K.K.A. and an offline janitor bot from Most Happiest Yelling Discomfort Land
  • Broken bobble heads of Ada Clover, Sparrowhawk, African Violet, Jade General and Razira from How To Get A(bobble)head In Business
  • Kamen Eiyuu power belt (aka Flurry) given to the Protectors from Agent Ishinomori from Go Henshin Katsuo Super Mode!
  • Holographic Display dedicated to Black Sigil, who died heroically while saving numerous heroes on a remote island near Peru in JAILBREAK!
  • Dagger of Kryladar, currently inert with no obvious magical properties, from Going For The Gold
  • A potted flower with a disturbingly grumpy face from Roses are DEAD
  • Fragments of the dimensional device/ pineal cortex stimulator from Miskatonic Mayhem
  • Hench Co. security jumpsuits for Dobergirl and Sparrowhawk from Hench For A Day or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Sign The Contract
  • The Chauffeur's Used Golden Apple from The Great Stellar Escape
  • One of Princess Bebe's forearm stingers, with some poison still inside, from Just Bee Yourself
  • Princess Bebe's Mace from Just Bee Yourself
  • Netherworld Mystical Pendant of Dr. Merriweather, Shining Son, from Fire Woman
  • Holographic display dedicated to the memory of Field Leader Nate Carter, All-Star, who was killed in action
  • Vintage penny dreadful titled SPRING HEELED JACK, THE TERROR OF LONDON from Avalon
  • Signed CD from Ava Adore of Resting B!tchface's single, I Love You Like A STD, from Death Metal
  • TYR armor and weaponry culled from operatives in Race To Graduation


Villains & Foes


  • The Apotheosis Project: The Apotheosis Project was a vast organization of people scattered across the world whose purpose was to remove super human individuals from the planet. Many held high ranking positions in government and military organizations. Most of the names of those affiliated with this movement were discovered by the Protectors. After the fall of Leviathan in Millennium City, the remaining members went into hiding. Sparrowhawk took it upon herself to bring the majority of them to justice.
  • Ao Guang: Chinese mystical villain. He is well versed in the occult and supernatural. Often utilizes mystical objects and items to enhance his powers. Ao Guang was responsible for opening up ancient rifts deep within the ocean and attempting to wipe out parts of Burma before the Young Renegades and Protectors defeated him.
  • Cassowary: Jason Mansfield is Cassowary, one of the main players who was involved with the Apotheosis Project. Essentially a genetic 'brother' to Sparrowhawk, Cassowary has led attacks on the Protectors before. With the Apotheosis currently brought to its knees, Cassowary still is at large, using his power and talents to garner him favor in the criminal underworld.
  • Crimson Fury: Crimson Fury is an Indian super villain who has created a technological empire in his home country. He sells weaponry to the highest bidder and was one of the vendors used by the Apotheosis Project. Crimson Fury used an air carrier about a mile in length to conduct his business venture. The carrier was destroyed by several members of the Protectors of the World, though Crimson Fury himself escaped.
  • The Datamen: A collection of six individuals who together have amassed a computerized criminal empire. Originally they were responsible for retrieving 175 coded named out of PRIMUS' files. The files were wiped, however, before they could be properly decrypted and sold to the highest bidder in an 'auction' of sorts for villains. The Datamen were foiled but currently still at large.
  • Dr. Ashe: Dr. Ashe was a scientist who heralded the Mag-Men, creatures of ancient power, in New Zealand.
  • Gadragon: Alleged alien jailor or warden of a prison planet. He was involved in one battle with the Protectors, but he made a hasty exit and a promise to return soon to Earth.
  • The Furies: Trio of Greek female assassins. They are sisters Aylala, Alissa and Ariadna Petros. Each one of them is highly trained and wields a specially designed suit of power armor. They work for the highest bidder, which has put them at odds against several heroes, most notably the Protectors. Alissa's power armor was recovered by the team during one fight, though all three have since upgraded their uniforms and fighting equipment. They remain at large.
  • Kaptain Komics: Kaptain Komics is Eugene Harris, your stereotypical slovenly comics reading nerd. What what he lacks in character, he makes up for in power. Kaptain Komics is a mutant, one who is actually able to slightly bend the fabric of reality to his own bidding. The only things he requires is an imagination and a focus to keep his powers engaged. In the past this has been such things as a pen or a hair ribbon. He often plays upon things he already knows about to shape his fantasies into reality like books, movies, cartoons and, you guessed it... comic books.
  • The Kraken: The Kraken is a notorious super powered pirate who has command of a fleet of a number of aquatic vessels. His men are fiercely loyal to him and well-trained. The Kraken himself is versed in armed and unarmed combat. He possesses the ability to lift around 40 tons, enhanced reflexes, the ability to survive underwater and withstand great pressures as well as a suit of armor which grants him additional protection. His favorite above-water weapons are two energy whips that he is incredibly adept at using. Some say his small army could very well number in the thousands and he has several dozen ships that do his bidding upon the high seas.
  • Leviathan: Leviathan is a villain of almost immeasurable power. His origins are unknown, and more monster than man, Leviathan revels in utter destruction. This villain is deemed to be one of the most dangerous beings on the planet, akin to Grond. Leviathan can grow to a height of around one hundred and fifty feet, lift over fifteen thousand tons and has the ability to release a poisonous, toxic gas from his pores. Currently Leviathan is held in stasis at an underground facility in an unnamed city in the United States.
  • M.E.K.K.A.: A technological genius and madman, M.E.K.K.A. began primarily as a nemesis for Sparrowhawk. He had runs ins on several occasions with the group Rising Force as well as the Protectors. Though he is currently in Stronghold Penitentiary, his creations still exist and even do his bidding. Lairs of his dot the world, and often lairs are still uncovered that are in the process of devising new ways to bring evil into the world.
  • Shining Son: Dr. Martin Merriweather was a cult leader whose influence led to the creation of the Children of Prajna. Merriweather, using a mystical pendant, took his followers to a self labelled utopia. His true ulterior motives were to summon a creature of great other dimensional power. Dr. Merriweather's hopes were dashed by the intervention of the Protectors and his pendant destroyed, thereby sealing the ability of the creature to pass into our world.
  • Spring-Heeled Jack: Spring-Heeled Jack is a demonic entity that may or may not be the same Victorian era monster from the 1800s. Spring-Heeled Jack inhabited members of the Adventurers of Avalon to turn briefly evil and kidnap several members of Parliament. He was using Stonehenge as some sort of mystical focus as he fought and was defeated by Zwein and several other Protectors in combat.
  • Steel Champion & Scrappy: Steel Champion and his faithful side-kick, Scrappy, were heroes that the government in the 1950s used to fight in the Cold War. When things subsided, the two were placed into a facility to be held. The facility was officially closed in 1978, but the two remained. They were at one time human, though treated very much like robots. For 37 years they remained awake, driven to a form of insanity from decades of solitude and inactivity. They fought against several Protectors after the two almost destroyed a small Pennsylvania city. They were awoken from their confused mental state and surrendered. Both of them now are free, working with UNTIL as well as receiving psychiatric treatment from the Protectors' own counselor, Aura.
  • Tsetse-Bumba: A mystical spirit deity of sorts, Tsetse-Bumba worked at destroying African Violet during a trip to South Africa. Her plan was foiled when her throat was ripped open by none other than Dobergirl... though it remains to be seen if you can actually kill something so powerful.


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Team Leader
Field Leaders:
Captain AdamantPeacemakerRaziraThundrax
Protectors Charter Members:
African VioletAtomacBlue CycloneBlue PheasantCitizen 13Cosmic GloryFahrenheitGold RushHydro
Light Of BeingLucky ShotMarauderMercurielOniSinsonte AzulTesseractWildeyeWitchery Way
Protectors Reserve Members: