Kara McIlroy
I am Kara McIlroy, Daughter of the Lightning, Mind of the Sundered Body, Rider of the Timestream, Traveler of Dimensions, and Friend to the Machines
Kara is very upbeat and nerdy, she often makes references to video games and movies and is rarely ever negative in emotions. She sees every new event that happens to her as a learning experience and a way to better herself as a person. Like her father she tries to remain a positive force even when there seems to be no hope to keep the moral of her friends and teammates at it's highest.
Chasing Destiny
Kara’s origin is a strange one but in this day and age, what super hero’s isn’t? First we set the stage and get the players in place. Kara’s story starts with her father, Seth “Keio” McIlroy. Before his birth and when he was 8 Keio was exposed to dimensional energies from the elemental lightning plane of Rai Kel’tho Las which piqued the interest of the god of that realm who watched the young boy develop his powers and learn to draw on the strength of the realm.
Fast forwarding to after the creation of the clone of her father Chaosiris or simply just Siris, Keio and his evil clone self came into contact with the Elemental from the lightning realm who wished to take Keio has his Avatar to aide in his takeover of our dimension. Keio refused but Siris offered to take the power, the Elemental sensed great weakness in the clone and nearly killed him before retreating from a gathering group of heroes.
This event compounded Siris’ already existent issues of feeling like he was simply a flawed copy of Keio destined for nothing. He focused his rage into the creation of what he believed would be the ultimate vessel for the power of the Elemental. He attacked Keio at his wedding wishing to kill his rival and steal the soul of Alenna Seryna, Keio’s late wife. Using similar cloning techniques that were used in his creation he started Project V and placed the soul of Alenna within the growing creation.
Keio and his team managed to track down the villain and while Siris escaped to fight another day he was forced to leave without Project V. Keio took all the information he could from the villain’s base’s servers before rescuing the engineered baby girl from the self-destructing base. He would later learn about his wife’s soul being put into the baby and decided to adopt it as his daughter in memory of his wife.
The Irish Rose
Keio fearing that Siris may come looking for the baby girl, now named Kara, took her to his grandmother, Eva, in Ireland. At age three Eva noticed that Kara was developing psychic powers like Keio had in his youth. Keio examined the information for what DNA was used to create Kara and discovered that Siris had primarily used his and Alenna’s but had also used the DNA of a powerful psychic, Rebecca “Lust” Voclain, who was part of a rogue PRIMUS unit he’d had run-ins with in the past. He sent the genetic information to his long time friend Dr. Mulan Hanahara who had her lab work up the details.
Based on what was in the files, Mulan showed that Kara’s psychic powers would be on or close to the same level as Voclain’s, she also noticed that Kara had the same markers that showed up in Keio’s DNA after his exposure to the elemental portals which meant she might be able to manipulate electricity like him, she also noted that she might also develop technopathy like Alenna but metagenetics were fairly random so anything could happen. Keio started training Kara shortly thereafter in how to properly use her powers. Not too long after this Siris and his Renegades were caught and put in prison, Keio brought Kara to Millennium City to finally live with him.
Kara: Avatar of Destruction
Approximately a year after Siris’ capture the Elemental, Reikelos, tore a dimensional rift open over Millennium City’s West Side and sent lightning creatures to attack Keio and Meta-S.W.A.T. led by a being known as Shoth, an alien mind controller that had joined with the elemental. Shoth took control of Keio turning his powers against the members of Meta-S.W.A.T., the hold was only broken when Kara went full Gohan and the four year old used her budding psychic powers to nearly kill Shoth. Broken and barely alive Shoth sent the lightning creatures to mass on Keio and Meta-S.W.A.T. while he kidnapped Kara. The dimensional tear slammed shut behind him.
Keio and the team quickly gathered their strength and using the Infinity Crystal they reopened the rift a few hours later. But, what was a few hours for Keio and the team was years for poor Kara. While she had been captured, Reikelos and Shoth had broken her and molded her into a powerful and destructive avatar and slave. Meta-S.W.A.T. battled Shoth and his lightning creature army while Keio went after Reikelos and Kara. Keio managed to injure Reikelos but Kara ended up wiping the floor with Keio after this leaving him barely alive and falling in and out of consciousness, Reikelos and Kara then opened another rift and escaped. Shoth managed to subdue Meta-S.W.A.T. and forced them back through their rift, leaving the Infinity Crystal in Rai Kel’tho Las for Shoth to pick up.
Shoth found the bloody Keio, took him by the head, lifted him into the air and began crushing his head with his hand. The pain brought Keio back to consciousness and he used his telekinetics to grab the crystal and focused a telekinetic blast through it, all that was left of Shoth was a blood streak across the ground. Keio was close to dying when a thin creature arrived telling him his work was not done, the creature lifted Keio up with its mind and used its power to fuse Keio with the crystal. The process left Keio healed and the creature informed him that Reikelos could not be allowed to survive as his plan could bring about the destruction of the multiverse if left unchecked.
Reikelos and Kara arrived on an alternate Earth and wishing to test her might, Reikelos had Kara destroy the planet and in turn everyone on it. Keio appeared shortly after this and once again fought with his daughter and the evil elemental but with the powers of the crystal the fight was not as one sided this time. The battle took them across multiple parallel Earths causing massive destruction on many of them but Keio finally managed to break Reikelos’ hold on Kara forcing the elemental back to Rai Kel’tho Las. Keio and Kara stared down Reikelos and together in a finally attack they destroyed him and his evil plans to conquer the multiverse.
The Girl Who Saw the Multiverse
In the calm after the final battle everything that Kara had been forced to do came pouring back into her mind and the 7 year old girl, unable to deal with the horrors, turned her own psychic powers against her mind in an attempt to kill herself. Keio barely managed to stop her and Kara was left with little memory of what had happened to her. They took a few days to recover and as they were about to head home Kara told him they needed to help the people that had been hurt in the battle. Keio thought about the destruction that had happened before he managed to break the hold on Kara and agreed with his daughter, so instead of returning to Millennium City they departed for the realities they fought in.
The next 9 years were an adventure as the Father-Daughter duo travel to every world affected by the battle and helped where they could. They weren’t always greeted with open arms and had much to prove to multiple parallel Earth governments but they were successful in their adventure. During their travels Keio taught Kara everything he knew from the basics like Math and Science to his martial arts and self defense training he had received from UNTIL. Luckily for Keio, he had brought SCRI with him in his ACE suit when he and Meta-S.W.A.T. had chased after Kara. SCRI proved to be invaluable in Kara’s education as well as having access to all of Keio’s favorite movies and TV shows.
After they finished helping out in the final world, the duo finally decided to go home.
Sunshine on My Window
Upon returning to their Earth, they discovered only a few weeks had actually passed despite 9 years having passed for them. Kara took up a life of an average teen age girl with super powers and even joined her adopted sister Lacey at Ravenswood Academy of which her father had attended when he was her age. There Kara met two of her first real friends, Rachel and Sunny, and eventually joined the Young Sentinels with Lacey.
Kara was an ace at school thanks to all SCRI and her father had taught her making that aspect of her life very easy for her. After school, if she didn’t have training with the Sentinels she’d train with her father and the members of the newly formed Freelancer Security Company which was built from the remnants of Meta-S.W.A.T. after the city shut down the project. It was this time when many of her now iconic equipment came to be such as the prototype that would become the TASIR and PEN gauntlets, her twin robots Mario and Luigi, and even the Bracer Bow and Cross Bracer.
A Soul in Steel
Sometime later, Siris and his cronies escaped from prison and attacked multiple Freelancer operations across the US. Kara was at the Freelancer main base, the Garage, when Rhino Tank attacked it. In the ensuing fight Siris appeared and stabbed Kara with the blade pulling her soul out of her body. Rhino Tank activated his most powerful technique, the Laser Apocalypse, which left a crater where the Garage was. The flash from the attack masked Siris and Rhino taking Kara’s body and replacing it with a cloned one and left it in the crater to trick Keio into thinking she had been killed.
Siris took her body and finally finished Project V turning it into a psionic powerhouse. Kara’s soul somehow broke free of Siris’ sword and as a gathered group of heroes her fighting her former body she managed to take control of the armor around the body giving the heroes time to put a stop it. Angered at its defeat Siris destroyed the body leaving Kara as a ghost possessing the armor.
After the final battle with Siris, Keio and the Freelancers discovered that he had kept the body of Alenna to use in his experiments. Upon coming face to face with the body of her mother, Kara vanished briefly into the aether, there she met the spirit of her mother. Even though Kara was created with Alenna’s soul, Alenna had gone to the afterlife and had been keeping an eye on Kara. When Kara was trapped within the blade she managed to free her. The two had a heartfelt moment and Alenna told her that she was the daughter she always wanted and that it wasn’t her time.
Returning to the suit Kara told her father about the experience and inspired by it, he used the machines on the base to create a new body for Kara that was made from his and Alenna’s DNA. Ice-Heart put her soul into the body when it was ready and it was time for life to return to somewhat normal. She returned to school and like her father; Kara graduated from Ravenswood both early and with honors. She soon set to out Boston to start at Harvard's School of Engineering for a degree in Aerospace engineering.
Bark at the Moon
After graduating from Ravenswood Kara joined the ranks of the Protectors of the World and became a full member of her father's Freelancers along with other sweeping changes in her life like her father remarrying to Leilani and going into semi retirement. While in Boston she tried to have somewhat of a normal life again keeping her hero work to the Protectors and Millennium City, but after stopping a mugger that was attacking people on campus she began patrolling her new home city. The local media in Boston have dubbed her the "Boston Blitz", while she isn't actively trying to hide her identity she has taken to talking in her thicker Irish accents while in the persona.
Between helping the local heroes in Boston as well as the police, speed running her way through her engineering program, and her continued work with the Protectors, She wasn't left with much of a personal life. Which being that she was rather shy around people she didn't know she was relatively okay with but it seemed the universe had other plans. While investigating a missing student she pretended to be a police officer named 'Starling', after the character from the Silence of the Lambs, which so happened to be an actual officer in the Boston Police Department.
She was confronted a few days later on campus by one Detective Adam Starling who clearly was not a young red headed girl. While Kara was attempting to find a way out of the situation Kara was attacked by large coyote sent by a villainous cannibal called Skinwalker who was responsible for her missing classmate and Adam quickly put 2 and 2 together and figured out that Kara was in fact The Boston Blitz. Adam decided not to arrest Kara for claiming to be a police officer and offered to let her help him take down this Skinwalker.
Surviving Disasters: A Beautiful Tragedy
The Search for the Skinwalker went on hiatus as Kara, Adam, her parents, and most of the members of the Freelancers were kidnapped and spirited away to different dimensions by a force claiming to be that of the Elemental, returning to seek revenge. She has been trapped in a dimension that sees periodic attacks by giant monsters that all appear to be from Rai Kel'tho Las as well as RenSys bioweapons. Kara made an attempt to force herself back into her home dimension in an attempt to get help, upon reaching a building in Millennium City she was confronted by someone claiming to be Chaosiris in a body looking like her's and was then snapped away by the magics keeping her in the alternate dimension. For the first time in her life she fully tapped into her demigod nature and halted her return entering a limbo like space between dimensions. She tried to return to her Earth and while she succeeded she ended up almost a decade in the past running into a much younger version of her father back when he still worked with UNTIL and was a liaison for the super team known as the Independents.
Here she realized that she had the opportunity to prevent her biological mother from dying at the hands of Chaosiris, only problem with that is that if she did that she wouldn't exist and Keio wouldn't have met and married Leilani. She made contact with her father and his team and told them about some of what was going on keeping any details that could be time altering to herself. The team convinced her to not alter the future and her team, the Protectors of the World, came back in time to rescue her and reassure her that altering the past would be a very bad idea. Upon returning to the present she launched an all out offensive on RenSys retaking the Freelancer base in the asteroid field, Lelantos, back and coordinating a small strike team consisting of Craig "Havoc" Jackson and Sparkfly to take out the RenSys/VIPER base on the artificial island known as Verloren. She spent a few days with her father in his dimension shortly after this (time dilation resulted in her being gone for a couple of hours normal Earth time), there her father voiced his hope that she'd officially take him up on his offer to finally retire leaving the mantle of 'Keioseth' in her hands. It was after this that she officially changed her call sign / heroing name to Keioseth (II).
Shortly after taking over her father's mantle, SCRI picked up a distress signal coming from the very edge of the solar system. The Protectors went to investigate and discovered a haunted spaceship which was actually a trap set by the Ryoushii Empire. Hacking into the comm frequency used by the Protectors as well as the one used by the Freelancers, the alien empire was able to lock onto and teleported every member of both teams into a large spaceship in Earth orbit known as BATTLE PRISON. After defeating the Battle Prison's Warden the group met up with Keio's airship navy and returned to Lelantos to figure out what to do next. They soon discovered that the aliens had frozen Earth in time and were planning on destroying it, taunting the heroes into revealing themselves. Splitting up Kara, her father, Tesseract, Peacemaker, Zwein, Cosmic Glory, and African Violet attacked the Capital ship while Sparrowhawk took the rest of the team to disable the attack ships that were to destroy Earth with the Freelancers and Airship navy handed the space battles.
In the end the alien leader, Sei, fused with some unholy creature and attempted to enter the atmosphere to attack earth directly. Kara and CG attacked him, Tess fought his sister Lorelei, Zwein and Violet fought Siris who was summoned from hell, while Peace and Keio dealt with an elemental core that Sei had stolen the energy from and caused it to basically go into meltdown. Keio, mortally injured, sacrificed himself to phased the core out of our universe while Kara fused together with CG to take out Sei. Lorelei was captured, Siris was sent into the void of space, and Sei was killed. While the heroes prevailed Kara's father was no more.
Legacy of the Endless Void
While she grieved with her family over the lose of her father she found her powers in flux. This was somewhat expected as her father and her had discussed what would likely happen were the core to be destroyed but she was not expecting it to be so painful. She lost much, well almost all, of her abilities to control and manipulate electricity, lightning, and plasma. During this time she, with the help of Detectives Adam Starling and Hayden Crawford, FBI Agent Albert Johnson, and UNTIL Agent Ashley Jensen, tracked down and battled with the supernatural serial killer known as the Skinwalker. The battle was a long one resulting in what was thought to be the Skinwalker's death at the hands of the two agent's SUV after it crashed into him and splattered him into a wall. He somehow survived this and escaped after killing the driver taking his body to the morgue.
After this her power went crazy following one of the Ryoushii runes picking her to be it's new host following the death of Sei, who held 28 of the 30 of these powerful mystical symbols his younger sister in possession of the final two. Peacemaker, Cosmic Glory, and Zwein were quick to aide her resulting in Peace and Glory to become hosts to two of the runes. Thanks to some quick thinking on Peace's part and the spiritual reinforcements of Zwein the runes proved to be inert lacking in their godly powers however the other 25 were scattered across the planet. SCRI managed to decode some of the database from a captured Ryoushii ship which spoke of a way to remove the runes.
Powers & Abilities
Kara can communicate and sometimes manipulate electronics, machinery, and other types of technology. Largely used to streamline the information she receives from her AI SCRI and to control her nanites which can be used to create simple tools or, to a limited degree, aide in healing. She can also digitize her mind which she does while sleeping to continue working. While she 'dives' her physical body is vulnerable.
Demigod Physique
This increases her durability, endurance, senses, healing ability, and has slowed her aging.
- SCRI - The Supercomputing Resource Intelligence was designed as the ultimate personal AI. Keio, shortly after she came online, shortened her name to SCRI as play on the fact that she was designed to locate anyone on her network and allow for users to call in backup and resources. As the years passed she has been updated from a very basic program to a full fledged quantum AI with a multitude of functions. Kara recently gave her the ability to split into multiple versions of herself to aid in her acclimation with humans as well as running the Freelancer Database. SCRI was designed by several people including but not limited to: Dr. Seth McIlroy, Alenna McIlroy, Dr. Mulan Hanahara, and Dr. Lindsey Turnbeau as well as her neural network being based on a scan of Kara's own mind.
- THINGs - The Thermal Imaging Night-Vision Goggles were originally built by her maternal Grandfather, her father has improved the design over the last decade to include may other functions such as an audio and video commlink, GPS system, and targeting assist.
- Mark VIII ACE Suit - The main improvements of the Mark VIII ACE Suit is the graphene based armors which are lighter and stronger than the previous ACE Suit armor plates. The main benefit of this graphene base is that it can be applied to the entire suit and not just the armor plating (synthetic muscle fibers, joint areas, etc) which makes the suit 50 fold safer for the user than the Mark VII. With the addition of the Aegis-Δ (Aegis Delta) barriers, the Mark VIII is virtually indestructible by conventional firearms. The Mark VIII also includes the PEN System which adapts to metahuman physiology and can increase the strength of the user's powers.
- Mark IX ACE Suit - The Mark IX streamlines the VIII and adds magictech into the construction resulting in a lighter, easier to move in suit that is more magically protective than any other version of the ACES, however the suit has a smaller power supply resulting in weaker defensive barriers as the majority of the power goes to maintaining the 'barrier helmet' and much lighter armor than the Mk. VIII. The Mark IX can also be summoned at will thanks to the ACElet (ACE + Bracelt) additionally SCRI can launch the Centurion heavy armor which attached directly to the Mark IX adding extra power supplies and heavier armor.
- ACElet - A magictech bracelet worn by a member of the Freelancers which allows for in field summoning of their Mark IX ACE Suit. By giving the device a spin while wearing it and calling out the name of their armor, the Freelancer's Mark IX ACE Armor with form on their body in less than a second.
- TASIR System Mark IV - The fourth generation of the Turbine Assisted Ionic Regulator Gauntlets and a new version that attaches to the legs were designed to make up for her new lack of electrokinetics, they act as Tasers allowing her to shock people with her punches and kicks. These shocks are minimal but they 'get the point across' as she puts it. The gauntlets retained their Gunbuster form without needing the power supply of an ACE Suit. With an ACE Suit they can activate the Buster Cannon and Super Guncannon forms.
- Blitz-Blades - No longer made from lightning she's used the tech in her TASIRs to essentially make psionic energy lightsabers. The hottest gift every nerd will want this holiday season.
- Robots - Kara has four robots that she uses to aide her, the medical drones, nicknamed the "SCRIbots" or "eyebots" since they are controlled by SCRI and have a large centered 'eye', designed by her father and "Mario" & "Luigi". M&L are her personal helper bots, built originally to help her with her gadgets she can refit them with weapons to aide her in combat.
- Skyboard - Her main mode of transportation while on duty, the Skyboards utilize a smaller version of the LMNT core that powers the Archangel and Freelancer Ospreys. The Boards weigh 23kg (50 lbs) and can collapse from their full length of 183cm (6ft) down to 46cm (1.5ft), the are capable of reaching approx. 400 km/h (249 mph) with a maximum flight ceiling of 10,000ft. Kara has built 3 fully functional Skyboards (Her personal one, one for Dobergirl, and one for Wildeye) and a simpler one with a much lower speed and max altitude for Cosmic Glory's S.O. Brad.
PTSD: While she managed to erase her memory of most of the horrible events she caused while mind controlled by the Elemental, somethings go deeper than just memory. She has been known to have nightmares and once froze up during a fight when a teammate was being mind controlled by a psychic.
Technically Human: Kara might be genetically engineered and she is technically a demigoddess but her body hasn't been that heavily altered. While she can withstand slightly harder hits than the average person were her tech and psionic defenses to be broken she is still fairly squishy.
Mental Strain: Over use of her psionics can cause strain. The first signs of this is her nose and/or ears bleeding, sickness in her stomach, and can eventually lead to her passing out.
Chat Room Limit: Her telepathic links are limited to 5 people plus her any more than that links into the mental strain.
Mind Tricks Don't Work on Me: Her mind tricks rarely if ever work on people, used for beasts or monsters.
I've Got to Concentrate...: Her technopathy requires a lot of concentration and so she can do it on the fly/while moving. When she digitizes her mind, her body is an empty shell.
Willful Issues: Much like her mind tricks the nerve manipulations and illusions can be fought off with will power and also take a lot of concentration.
Magic: Her Mark IX ACE armor has magictech in it so it is fairly resistant to magics but the Mark VIII has weaker defenses in terms of magic. Also without her armor she's just as prone to magic as the average person.
EMPs: Strong enough EMPs can shut down her tech.
Please No Teleporting: Genetics are a bitch as they say, like her father she has Teleportation Sickness wherein she becomes physically ill after being teleported. This does not seem to happen with the use of portals. Family, Friends, and Allies
Nerve Damage: She has a burn scar and nerve damage in her right hand from an accident with Razira's powers going out of control, is protective of her right hand because it cause lots of pain if touched.
A Touch of Death: Thanks to having her soul ripped from her body several times now as well as having spells specifically aimed at her soul, her soul is very close to the afterlife and death, making it very weak and susceptible to attacks focusing on it.
The McIlroy Curse: Not actually a curse but members of the McIlroy family seem to have very bad luck.
Hell Hath No Fury...: She has a temper, rarely seen unless you draw blood or significantly harm a friend, but she has one. This can also lead to...
Berserker: On some very very very very very rare occasions her temper can take over and she can lose control of her powers and go all berserker .
Family, Friends, & Allies
- Seth McIlroy - Her father and mentor. (Deceased)
- Leilani Hua Kea - Her step-mother.
- Lacey Peters - Kara's adopted sister.
- Jason Orson Hunter (McIlroy) - Kara's Uncle, older brother to Keio.
- SCRI - SCRI is like a sister to Kara and Keio always considered SCRI his third Daughter.
- Hunter - One of her "Uncles" and how she trains with to practice her sword play.
- Silver Eagle - Another of her "Uncles" who she often asks for advice with her bots.
- Sunny - Kara's best friend, the other half of TEAM DK.
- Angel "Imp" Anderson - Kara's other best friend, yes you can have more than one.
- Adam Starling - Boston Police Department Detective, her main contact within BPD and her exboyfriend.
- Chalice - Rachael is a good friend of Kara's from Ravenswood.
- Darwindestructible - One of the people that helped rescue her soul, Kara owes Darwin her life.
- Ice-Heart - Kara's go-to when it comes to magic based anything.
- Titan - Mr. Grey is a member of the Sentinels and someone that Kara looks up to as a role model.
- Thundrax - A friend of her fathers and another role model of hers.
- Razira - Kara doesn't have too many females in her life that she specifically looks up to as a role model, but Raz is one of them. Kicking ass as a wolf is so cool.
- Nate - Nate (All Star) and Riptide were pretty instrumental in having her join the Protectors but she also has a deep respect for the man as he risked his life to save her's and her father's. (Deceased)
- Sparrowhawk - She's tough but fair and a good leader.
- Hayden Crawford - Adam's partner and at times a pseudo father figure to her.
Known Associates
Freelancer Industries - Kara has taken over as CEO of the company following her father's death..
Young Sentinels - Kara's former supergroup while she was attending Ravenswood Academy.
Rogues Gallery
Name: Renaissance Systems
Abilities: Rogue VIPER cell and Weapons Manufacturer
Lead by Erzengel, Rensys was a former VIPER cell before it split form them and started manufacturing bioweapons. Using a combination of magic and technology they create powerful genetically engineered super soldiers. They both create them by design and have their own mercenary force they send out for a price.
Name: Alexandra Seryna
Abilities: Technokinetic, Weapon Proficiency
Affiliation: Leader of RenSys
Very little is known about the 'Erzengel' outside of the fact that she is a clone of Alenna Seryna made by VIPER. She has shown technokinetic abilities and the ability to understand and use any and all weapons with the proficiency of a master simply by holding it. She is dangerous, intelligent, and a mystery.
Name: Unknown
Abilities: Shapeshifter, Sorcery
Affiliation: None
Skinwalker is a male Navajo witch who uses dark magics to murder people, he is also known to eat the flesh of his victims. On top of his magical powers he also has the ability to transform into various animals, most commonly that of a Coyote. Very Dangerous.
The Master
Name: Fabian Rios
Abilities: Psychic Powers, Expert Chemist
Affiliation: VIPER, RenSys, Renegades
Rios was going to college and took up dealing drugs to help pay for his tuition. He soon came to realize he had psychic powers and that certain drugs allowed him to mentally control people. Taking his knowledge of chemistry to a darker level, he created a drug known on the street as 'Mirror' and with it he could fully take control of and manipulate people.
The Renegades
Name: The Renegades
Affiliation: Independent League of Supervillains
Originally brought together by Chaosiris, the Renegades now operate under Rhino Tank. Their mission is cause chaos and strife on the Earth by any means necessary.
La Llorona & La Mala Hora
Name: Rona & Mala
Abilities: Chaos Magic and Weapon Creation
Affiliation: The Renegades
The 'Twins' are Chaos Conurbites who are made of personified Chaos Magic. They were created by Siris after a visit to the magical planes and theft of a powerful magic scroll. They are insanely powerful but also have the minds of children making them easier to deal with. Extremely Dangerous.
Mistress Tempest
Name: Lorraine Crest
Abilities: Weather Control, Winged Flight
Affiliation: None
Tempest uses her ability to manipulate and control weather to rob banks and jewelry stores. She has had many run ins with both Keio and Kara and has recently started up a small rivalry with Kara after she stopped her from robbing a bank.
Name: Rebecca Voclain
Abilities: Lust Manipulation, Telekinesis
Affiliation: Member of the S.I.N.S.
She is an augmented human and was a victim of a rogue scientist named Dr. Alfred Wei, who sought to engineer his own private army of meta-humans to help him take over the world. This plan was eventually stopped before Wei had gathered his army. A UNTIL Field Agent, her team was captured, tortured, brainwashed, and experimented by Dr. Wei.
RP Hooks
- New CEO of Freelancer Industries following her father's death.
- Member of the Protectors of the World.
- Former member of the Young Sentinels.
- Also known as 'The Boston Blitz'.
- Graduate of the Ravenswood Academy.
- Attends Harvard.
- Her Father and Mother's UNTIL dog tags.
- Pink and turquoise Heart hairpin from her biological mother, Alenna McIlroy (Seryna).
- Pair of her father's favorite aviator goggles and his custom made Freelancers Hooded Jacket.
- A red hat given to her by All-Star.
- A poster of John Carpenter's The Thing signed by the Cast, crew, and actors: A gift from Sunny.
- A 2016 Winter Classic Official Game Puck signed by Tuukka Rask of the Boston Bruins: A gift from Angel.
- Siris' Soul Stealing Sword: Kept in a magic vault owned by Ice-Heart.
- The Rhino Tank Armor: taken from Tankred Anders when he was imprisoned after nearly succeeding in killing her.
- Crystal taken off the deceased former elemental guardian of Rai Kel'tho Las.
- The robotic arm of Sei Gunnarsen.
- Twin Daggers of Lorelei Gunnarsen.
- Due to her father's status as a god, she is by all technicalities a demigoddess.
- She really did register with UNTIL as "Keioseth II - Electric Boogaloo with a Vengeance this Time it's Personal: Part Duex: The Next Generation"
- Like her father, Kara has Teleportation Sickness, the shock of teleporting tends to make her nauseous and usually violently ill. Portals do not seem to cause it though.
- Hides it well but she has mild PTSD from being mind controlled on multiple occasions.
- Can Play the Piano.
- Trained in her Father's fighting style.
- Regularly practices Gymnastics, finds it stress relieving.
- Favorite Drink - Half & Half Iced Tea Lemonade.
- Favorite Food - Squidballs.
- Favorite Video Game - Mechwarrior Series.
- Favorite Movie - Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
- Favorite Song - "Rumors of my Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated" - Rise Against
- Favorite Sports Teams - San Diego Chargers (NFL), Boston Celtics (NBA), Atlanta Braves (MLB), Boston Bruins (NHL).
- Favorite Board Game - Arkham Horror.
Opinions and Comments
Have an opinion about Kara? Leave it here.
- "She's a more capable hero than I could have ever wished to become. She's gonna make her mark on the world." - Seth McIlroy
- "Kara is awesome! Asskicking powers and gadget stuff and she's an all around cool person! We totally need more super nerd girls punching faces out there!" - Dobergirl
- "Competent, though a bit more whimsical than I'd prefer. I think we'll see a lot of good come from her on the team regardless. She's an eternal optimist, which can only help boost the morale of others on the Protectors." - Sparrowhawk
- "I'm just starting to get to know her, but how is she so kickass and cute? She knows how to dress too!" - African Violet
- "She's a good kid. Helpful, too. She may be a little too fresh and just a bit green, but her heart's in the right place, I can tell you that much. Her and Sunny are just little bundles of fun." - All-Star
- "Kara has grown up into quite the capable hero. Her abilities are impressive just by themselves, but when augmented via her ACE Armors, her powers get boosted to incredible levels. I still worry she's too young, but she can definitely handle herself out in the field." - Razira
- "Kara's pretty talented. She's smart, pretty powerful, and definitely resourceful. She's a young gun to look out for." - Artifist
- "We get along like Tuna and Mayo. She's cool, fun to hang around, and my go to friend for when I'm feeling particularly impish and need a partner in crime" - Imp (Angel Anderson)
- "I'll never complain about having more McIlroys on our side. Kara's certainly her father's daughter, but she's brilliant and capable in her own right; I'm interested in seeing how she progresses." - The Peacemaker
- "The girl is talented. Maybe too talented for her own good. If she's on the team, that means Sparrowhawk screened her. That counts for something. There's no doubt her skills are useful to the team. Hopefully her time with the Protectors will be educational." - Captain Adamant
- "Kara's a blast to be around, but I pity those that get on her bad side. Only thing that kind of bothers me is she can be just a tad bit reckless. I really hope it doesn't come back to bite her." - Tesseract
- "Lots of money, lots of talent, no PR sense, no talent for dealing with the public. That's okay, you can't have everything in life." - Ada Clover
- "Young but brave, she is one of the people that aided in retaking my kingdom when it was under siege. She has a tendency to speak before she thinks, but it is endearing enough!" - Tartolmec
Meta Information
Live Action
- Actress: Either Emily VanCamp or Hayley Williams
- Buffy Summers: Aka the Vampire Slayer, Kara uses a lot of Buffy Speak
- Cara: One of my friends from High School and primary basis for Kara's personality.
- Winry Rockbell: Bits and pieces here and there, mostly her dedication and technical prowess.
- Keioseth: She is his daughter after all.
Personal Soundtrack
- 1. Theme Song: Calypso - Spiderbait
- 2. Morning Routine: I Love Rock And Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
- 3. Happy Mood: 19/2000 (Soulchild Remix) - Gorillaz
- 4. School Day: Gel - Collective Soul
- 5. With Friends: Weekend Song (D.END Remix) - The Freestylers
- 6. Training: I Like It Heavy - Halestorm
- 7. Lab Work: 2nd Flight - Approaching Nirvana feat. Veela
- 8. Date: Save A Little Love For Me - Club Des Belugas feat. Ester Rada
- 9. Patrolling: Trouble - Pink
- 10. Street Battle: Lightning in My Hands - White Wizzard
- 11. Suit Up: - Ghost Assassin - Maduk feat. Veela
- 12. Lelantos: Immortal - Luis Montoya
- 13. In Space: Lost in Las Vegas - Two Steps From Hell
- 14. Sad Mood: Delicate - Damien Rice
- 15. Memories: Everything Fades - Poets of the Fall
- 16. Breakdown: Hospital For Souls - Bring Me the Horizon
- 17. Berserk: You're Gonna Listen - In This Moment
- 18. Failure: Cold - Five Finger Death Punch
- 19. The Protectors: Above All - Alliance
- 20. Freelancer: - Chasing Destiny - Sub Pub Music
- 21. Prep: The Roar of Knell - Kyueko
- 22. Face to Face: Revenge - Masseve
- 23. Final Fight: The Nightrager - Bob Katsionis
- 24. Victory: Here Comes My Sun - Valice feat. Carolyn Vox
- 25. End of the Day: Take It Off - The Donnas
- 26. Credits: Scrape The Sky (feat. Fresh Big Mouf) - Can't Stop Won't Stop
Image Gallery
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Team Leader Sparrowhawk | ||
Field Leaders: Captain Adamant • Peacemaker • Razira • Thundrax | ||
Protectors Charter Members: African Violet • Atomac • Blue Cyclone • Blue Pheasant • Citizen 13 • Cosmic Glory • Fahrenheit • Gold Rush • Hydro Light Of Being • Lucky Shot • Marauder • Mercuriel • Oni • Sinsonte Azul • Tesseract • Wildeye • Witchery Way | ||
Protectors Reserve Members: Aura • Noble • Psion • Wolfgirl |
@Keioseth's Characters | ||
Heroes: Keioseth • Keioseth II • Cobalt Crush • Starlancer • Asche • Voukashin • Kanaloa • Crimson Mage • Bruno McLeod • Jace McLeod Kwiksilver • Arcturus • Drystan Zauberei • Boun Takashita • Skyraider | ||
Villains: Renegades • RenSys • Rogues Gallery | ||
Places & Things: ACE Suit • The Garage | ||
Groups: Freelancer Industries |