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The Unmissable
The Star-Spangled Sharpshooter
D-Star Box Redo.jpeg
"These colours don't run."
Freeform Music-player.png
Player: Swixname.png
Super Group
Primary Field Leader
· Other Affiliations ·
Enforcers Of The World - U.S Government - UNTIL - PRIMUS - Project Patriot
Real Name
Nathaniel 'Nate' Jackson Carter
General Freedom, The Best From The West, The Star-Spangled Sharpshooter, The Precise Patriot, The MVP (Most Valuable Protector), The Gunslinging G-Man, The Bespectacled Badass, The Honcho of Headshots
4th July 1984
Freetown, Hudson City
Flag USA.png American
Millennium City
The Barlowe Building
Freelance Government Agent Protector Of The World
Legal Status
Criminal Record, Pardoned

Military Service Record

Registered Federal Agent
Marital Status
Dating Ada Clover
· Known Relatives ·
Geoffrey Carter (Father), Rochelle Masters (Mother, Deceased), Arthur Daggett (Adoptive Father, Deceased), Jennifer Daggett (Adoptive Mother), Maya Medina-Daggett (Adoptive Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Peak Athletic, Muscular
Bald (Black)
Heavy Scarring on Body
· Distinguishing Features ·
Circuitry Throughout Irises (Closer Inspection), USMC Tattoo on Upper Arm
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
- Hyperkinesis - SteelTech Bionic Eyes -
· Equipment ·
- S.T.A.T.S (SteelTech Advanced Tactical Shades) - Dual SteelTech A001 Iron Patriot Pistols - Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle - Smith & Wesson Model 500 - Smith & Wesson M&P Shield - Mossberg 590 - Accuracy International AS50 Sniper Rifle - Dual Heckler & Koch MP7s - M4A1 Carbine - M249 LMG - M32 MGL - FGM-148 Javelin - PSE TAC 15 Crossbow - Dual SteelTech M151 'Knockback' Pulson Pistols - SteelTech BOX Energy Rifle - 'Memento Mori' - Tracer Gun - 'Moxie' - Strider SMF Knife - Throwing Knives - Mini Grenades - C-4 - Proximity Discs - SteelTech H520 Grapnel Gun - Aerosol Gas Canisters - Strangulation Cord - Rebreather - Trauma Kit - The 'Shooting Star' - 'Liberty Belle' -
· Other Abilities ·
- Peak Human Condition - Master Marksman - Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Master Tactician - Skilled Thief - Skilled Acrobat - Advanced Military Training -


athaniel Carter was an all-star high school quarterback growing up on the streets of Hudson City when he developed the unique metahuman power of Hyperkinesis and became a costumed crook. When he was put on death row after being framed for the murder of his fiancée by his partner-in-crime, Nate was offered a second chance by the U.S Government and conditioned to be a soldier, a spy and, most importantly, an undying patriot. With his checkered past behind him, a fresh start before him and all the guns, grit and determination he needs to make sure he makes the most of it all, Nate charges into battle as the All-Star, kicking ass and taking names for truth, justice and the American Way.

Though his sarcastic wit, boastful arrogance and oftentimes abrasive nature annoy his allies just as much as they endear him to them, All-Star is as much a self-sacrificing hero as any of his fellow crimefighters. Through thick and thin he's always ready to defend his countrymen from its enemies: domestic, foreign and - more often than he'd like - otherworldly.



"When I was born, the doctor told my parents I was a bouncing baby boy. They told me I wasn't even human. Set a good precedent for the rest of my life." - All-Star
"Why do all my vacations end in blood, bullets and someone trying to kill me?"

Nathaniel Carter was born in Hudson City to an out-of-work, heavy-drinking father and a hooker he had impregnated at a friend's stag party. Immediately hated by both his mother and his father simply for existing, he was regularly physically and emotionally abused by his drunken father and neglected by his scornful mother for the first fourteen years of his life. Growing up without a single positive adult role model, Nate would often cause trouble at school or in the neighbourhood, often earning disciplinary beatings from his father. One night, after a particularly hard beating, Nate fled his house to recollect himself. As he did so, however, he ran into a local sixteen-year-old drug dealer named Wheezer - a runaway who sympathised with the younger Nate. The two took an immediate liking to one another.

"When I first met Wheezer he was beating the shit out of some poor sap for stealing an old lady's purse. He then proceeded to sell the old bag some low-quality weed for 40 bucks. I liked him already." - All-Star

Wheezer took the young Nate under his wing, vowing to take him with him when he left Hudson City behind. The two boys became fast friends soon after, developing a brotherly bond which would last for years. Wheezer taught Nate everything he needed to know to survive in the harsh urban environment he called home and Nate, in turn, provided the older boy with some much needed companionship. For a while, at least, Nate's childhood was a moderately enjoyable one.

"Wheezer and me became inseparable. He was there for me when I left the house in the morning and when I ran out of school in the afternoon. Hell, he was more of a parent than my mom and dad combined. Feels weird to even say that." - All-Star

However, things in Nate's life took a dramatic turn for the worse when, after a night of heavy drinking, his father staggered home and had a heated argument with his mother. As a frightened Nate watched from the sidelines, their spat became increasingly more aggressive until, in a fit of passion and anger, his belligerent father hit his mother. Leaping to her defense, Nate attempted to halt his father only to be attacked himself. By the end of the night, both Nate and his mother lay savagely beaten at his father's feet. Panicked by the aftermath of his rage, Nate's father quickly fled the scene, never to be seen in Hudson City again. His whereabouts remain unknown.

He just hit her. He hit her again and again. My mom was bad, but she never hit me like dad. I guess I loved her, in my own way. When dad hit her and I ran to help, I like to think I was doing it out of love. Maybe I just wanted to hit him back." - All-Star

When Wheezer, looking to drop off an old toy of his for Nate, stumbled upon the unconscious forms of Nate and his mother, he quickly called the paramedics and accompanied them to the emergency room. Whilst Nate recovered from his injuries, his mother had suffered internal bleeding in her brain and died in the night. Nate's father disappeared and Nate was put into foster care until arrangements could be made for his adoption. Though Nate was eventually adopted into a loving family at the age of 15 (after a year of bouncing around from foster home to foster home), he never fully recovered from what happened and remained somewhat distant towards his adoptive sister and parents, frequently lashing out at both. He held an especially high level of contempt towards his adoptive father, Arthur, projecting his unsettled feelings of anger towards his biological father onto him.

"After that, life just sort of stopped having meaning. I was just drifting through it, waiting for something to happen. Luckily for me, it did." - All-Star

Wheezer and Nate became much closer following the incident, their friendship developing into something of a brotherly bond. Wheezer, however, soon fell into trouble when he became involved with a mob-boss named Card Shark. When Nate graduated from high school, Wheezer talked him into a joint bank robbery to pay off his debts. Although Nate was reluctant to risk losing his football scholarship to Millennium City University, he eventually agreed to help Wheezer out.

"In hindsight, it was damn stupid of me. I should've said no, but Wheezer had given me so much in life: companionship, guidance, respect. I couldn't turn him down and he knew it." - All-Star

Wheezer and Nate got to work plotting their bank robbery in their free-time and quickly decided on a relatively low security bank. When the time came to rob said bank, however, things took a rapid turn for the worse. Whilst Wheezer hastily loaded money into a bag, Nate held a bank teller at gunpoint. Using Nate's own inexperience and reluctance to pull the trigger, however, the bank teller managed to distract him long enough to trigger the alarm system, alerting the local authorities to their actions. Wheezer, furious and panic-stricken, yelled at Nate to kill the bank teller. Nate, however, hesitated, giving Wheezer time to gather himself and reassess their plan of action.

"Wheezer was scared. For a second I'm pretty sure he just wanted to drop the money and turn himself in. To this day a part of me wishes he did." - All-Star

The two partners-in-crime took what little they could and ran to their getaway car for a speedy getaway, quickly entering a high-speed chase with Hudson's police force. The combined pressures of Wheezer's yelling, the high-pitched wail of sirens, thepursuing squad cars and his own nagging guilty conscience triggered Nate's genetic mutation, causing his powers to manifest for the very first time. For Nate, time seemed to slow and the chaos swirling wildly around him faded into the very back of his mind as his power of Hyperkinesis changed the way he perceived the world around him permanently.

"I felt it. Every trivial piece of information, every seemingly irrelevant piece of information simultaneously flooding my mind. I was solving complex calculations I didn't even know I could solve. I saw the gun in my hand and I heard Wheezer screaming at me. I felt everything snap into place and I pulled the trigger." - All-Star

Nate's Hyperkinesis allowed him to make quick work of the pursuing police officers, firing his gun and pulling off almost impossible trick shots to incapacitate them. The two evaded capture and made their way back to their safehouse, where Nate quickly told Wheezer about what had happened to him. Seeing the opportunities Nate's new power could give him, Wheezer persuaded him to help him pull off a heist. Although Nate was, again, reluctant, he too saw the potential of his newfound abilities. Setting aside his dreams for the future a bit too eagerly, he took Wheezer up on his offer and decided to postpone going to college to take a year off to get rich with him.

"I was a stupid, greedy kid holding on to unlimited potential and a bag full of more money than he had ever seen in his life; of course I wanted more." - All-Star
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Knowing the risk he was taking going into crime with Wheezer, Nate took inspiration from the various masked criminals and crimefighters operating in Hudson City and became the masked criminal known as the Highwayman, a reference to his use of simple pistols in all his heists. Together with Wheezer, Nate began to pull off a string off bank robberies in the Hudson City area, using his Hyperkinesis to execute daring plans, constantly evade the authorities and accumulate a small fortune. Before long, their daring exploits garnered notoriety throughout Hudson City and their small fortune was rapidly becoming more substantial.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little fun with it at first: dressing up in a silly costume, ripping off the wealthy and getting away with it? I was spiraling out of control until I met her." - All-Star

Eventually though, Wheezer decided that it was time to expand their operation to compete with the more big league supervillains in Hudson City. He decided to branch out from bank robberies to more serious crimes and recruited a small unit of professional criminals to help him and Nate do so. One of these criminals was a hacker called Amanda Cho, who quickly won the affections of Nate. The newly assembled group took on Nate's star-theme and became All-Star and the Starlets, becoming accomplished and well-known criminals.

"Man, was it good. I mean, it was really, really good. We were a bunch of crazy kids living fast and loose and nothing even had a chance of stopping us. Well, almost nothing..."- All-Star

When Nate's gap year began to draw to a close, Arthur, suffered a heart attack after a heated argument about his secretive double life. Shaken by the death of the man who had done nothing but try to connect with him to fill the void left by his own father and deeply remorseful about the role his actions had played in Arthur's death, Nate reconsidered his life of crime. At the behest of his adoptive sister, Maya, he resolved to get his life back on track to honour Arthur's memory.

"Arthur had always tried to do right by me. I was some abandoned punk with no prospects and he never stopped trying to put me on the straight and narrow, even when I resisted him the whole way. Arthur Daggett's last words to me were: 'Don't just walk away' and I'm not walking away ever again."- All-Star

Nate, with Arthur's death still fresh in his mind, discussed his desire to leave the group for college with Amanda, his now steady girlfriend. Amanda took the opportunity to tell Nate that she was pregnant with his child and supported his decision, more than willing to leave crime behind to settle down with him. Wheezer, however, was less enthusiastic about the idea.

"Didn't take someone with a supercomputer for a brain to see that Wheezer had changed. Made me realise that I had changed too. For Wheezer it was too late: he was never going to leave it all behind. Me, I wanted out." - All-Star

Wheezer fumed at Nate for wanting to abandon him and pleaded with him to forget about college and stay with the Starlets on the condition that Amanda was allowed to take a leave of absence to give birth to their child. Nate turned him down, informing him that he had too much to lose to continue living a life of crime. He took Amanda and left the Starlets for good. Furious, Wheezer concluded that the only way to get Nate's head back in the game was to eliminate any distractions.

"I should've known what Wheezer was planning. The look in his eyes as Amanda and I walked away was... It wasn't human. It wasn't sadness or anger: it was feral. Like a beast backed into a corner, Wheezer attacked with everything he had left. It was enough." - All-Star

Wheezer went to Card Shark and humbly requested his aid in getting rid of Amanda and sabotaging Nate's chance to get into college. Though Card Shark agreed to do so for a fee, his methods were unexpected. As Amanda and Nate slept in the night, his men snuck in to their room and killed Amanda, planting evidence to frame Nate for her death. However, Nate awoke during their operation and fought them off, killing all but one with his bare hands. Devastated by the loss of Amanda, Nate interrogated the remaining goon and discovered that they had been hired by Card Shark to assassinate Amanda for Wheezer.

"Betrayal. Have you ever really felt betrayed? Have you ever felt pure hatred and despair well up inside of you and force its way out like vomit? It's a feeling unlike any other. It's everything that is vile and horrible hitting you like a sledgehammer and it's something you don't come back from. It'd be easy to look back and talk about what I'd change if I knew what I knew now, but then and there? I lost all control." - All-Star

Driven by a lust for vengeance, Nate donned his All-Star costume and went searching for Wheezer, confronting him and the Starlets at their base. The Starlets refused to let him see Wheezer and ordered him to leave with threats of violence. In a fit of anger, Nate killed the Starlets in an intense shootout and went to find Wheezer, swearing on Amanda's life to do the same to him.

"It was a damn bloodbath and I was right in the middle of it pulling the trigger. The Starlets were bad guys, but they were my team. I butchered them like animals." - All-Star

Nate tracked Wheezer to an abandoned chemical plant, where he had been hiding after getting word of Nate's quest to find him. Nate and Wheezer fought with Nate quickly besting his former best-friend. As he moved in to end him, Nate hesitated, giving Wheezer a chance to flee and hide from his attacker. Nate eventually chased down Wheezer and killed him by firing shots at a vat of chemicals behind him, causing them to spill out onto Wheezer and dissolve him.

"I can never let myself forget about what I did to Wheezer that day. If I do, it means I've forgotten what it is that keeps me moving forward." - All-Star

Though Nate had gotten his revenge, he was quickly located by the local authorities, who apprehended him without a struggle. He was quickly sentenced to death for the murders of Amanda and the Starlets as well as his long-running list of other crimes.

"At that point, I would've accepted death with open arms. I had nothing left to live for and no will to atone for my sins. Death was logical: it was easy."- All-Star

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Nate's life was far from over. At the age of twenty-one, after spending two years on death row, Nate was contacted by Agent Kurt White, a man who claimed to represent a government program called Project Patriot which helped death row inmates reform by training them to be soldiers for the purpose of serving their countries. White had read a profile on Nate and his unique metahuman power and had decided to use him as one of the first subjects in the project, personally choosing him out of a list of similarly fated candidates. Although Nate was reluctant to leave his punishment behind, he ultimately decided that it presented a perfect opportunity to redeem himself.

"Redeeming myself for murder by killing some more. Heh. Yeah, it's kinda funny in a morbid way."- All-Star

Nate underwent intense physical and mental training for the next two years, training in a variety of martial arts and military combatives as well as undergoing advanced military training and learning to hone his Hyperkinesis. By the time his training had finished, Nate was an entirely changed man. No longer wallowing in self-pity, he had found purpose in dedicating himself to his country and learning to appreciate the value of doing what's right.

"They broke me down and built me back up. I had a job now: the first real job I ever had in my life. It was the first real thing I could do to make a difference for the better and I wasn't going to squander it like I did everything else."- All-Star
"America. Fuck yeah."

However, Nate's training wasn't truly complete until Project Patriot enlisted him into the US Marines as a final test of his combat prowess. All-Star was pushed through the ranks to Sergeant and placed in charge of a small squad of experienced and inexperienced marines for a six month tour of duty in Afghanistan, much to the disgruntlement of many of his squad members.

"I was a greenhorn, the cute little pet project of the boys upstairs keeping the real soldiers from doing their jobs and I thought I was something special."- All-Star

Nate's first real test of leadership, however, took place when a military convoy his squad was a part of was bombarded by mortars in the deserts of Afghanistan. Though the rest of the convoy perished in the ensuing firefight, Nate was able to keep his squad's vehicle mobile long enough to escape from the threat of immediate danger. However, the damage that had been done to the vehicle ensured that it would be going nowhere else in a hurry. Nate's squad was stranded with no means of contacting their superiors in hostile territory.

"It's funny what hopelessness can do to a man. Strong guys start punching walls and shouting, trying to be angry enough to hide the fact that they're scared. Weak guys either crumble in fear or stand tall, try to find the same strength that they've been grasping at their whole lives. Guys like me? We either reach deep down and find our true selves or we fall faster and harder than the strong men and the weak men: it's a flip of the coin."- All-Star

With his squad falling apart from the oppressive heat and the pressure of having to stay hidden from enemy scouts, Nate realised that what his team needed more than ever was hope. Using the motor oil from the wrecked vehicle, All-Star painted a star onto the front of his uniform and led his squad fearlessly through enemy territory, single-handedly killing ten armed hostiles and inspiring his squad to follow his lead.

"It was the moment when everything clicked: being a leader wasn't about being the strongest or the loudest guy in the room, it was about planting your feet in the ground and giving everyone else an anchor. It was about standing up when everyone else fell down and not leaving a single one of them behind."- All-Star

Though it took weeks of determination and grit, All-Star and his group of survivors eventually made their way back to a US Outpost, alerting the outpost to the ambush tactics being used by the hostile forces in the area and earning the respect of the men under his leadership and even his superiors. To them, Nate was nothing short of a war hero and, for the last two months of his tour, they followed him unquestioningly. By the time Nate's tour was over and he returned to Project Patriot, he was physically and mentally conditioned to finally take the next step in his path to redemption.

"I was ready. I had seen men kill and I had killed to see others live. I knew what it was to carry the burden of responsibility and I was more than prepared to let that burden grow. Before I just wanted to die: now I wanted to die for my country." - All-Star

Nate immediately jumped into service as the new and improved All-Star. His first mission was to infiltrate a biochemical engineering lab in Iraq to find and procure a sample of a lethal new bioweapon which caused rapid muscle decay. Much to Nate's surprise, the bioweapon was none other than Wheezer, who had been transformed by the chemicals which were thought to have killed him.

" Wheezer was alive, but he wasn't the same. His skin was... Purple and unnatural. His eyes were white and empty. Every time he spoke, a noxious fume drifted out of his mouth. I barely recognised him, but he did enough recognising for the both of us." - All-Star

Wheezer, now made out of living gas, had survived his accident all those years ago and had crawled to Card Shark begging for a second-chance. From there he had worked his way up to being a successful mercenary, taking jobs left and right to be a biological weapon for his employers. Thought Wheezer thanked Nate for his new life, he resented him for his new look and for 'betraying' him. The two fought and Nate was badly wounded, his body failing him as Wheezer left him to die.

"He was everywhere, filling the room and my lungs with poison.I still remember the searing pain and the fear. I thought I was going to die and, for the first time in my life, I cared." - All-Star

Although Nate survived his encounter with Wheezer due to the intervention of a group of travelling natives, it became clear to White and the others working on Project Patriot that their new agent needed the right gear to back up his skill. Commissioning Steel Industries to help them do just that, the heads of Project Patriot soon had themselves high-tech tactical goggles, specialised ammo and advanced firearms capable of giving Nate the edge he needed to best Wheezer and complete his mission.

"From the moment I first laid eyes on the SteelTech Iron Patriot pistols, I knew I was in love." - All-Star

Nate tracked Wheezer to his safehouse in South America and fought him once more, this time with his new gear. Though the fight was still intense, Nate managed to pull off a win by sucking Wheezer into a military vacuum pack, containing him long enough for the authorities to take him away.

"Wouldn't be the last time I'd run into Wheezer, but it gave me a sense of closure. From there on out, I felt I could leave the past behind and look to the future. It wasn't just about atonement anymore: it was about justice." - All-Star

Nate went on to take part in a number of secret and not-so-secret missions as a freelance government agent, fighting alongside soldiers, special agents and heroes alike before fully cementing himself within the crimefighting community as a member of the Protectors of the World. Now, be it as a super spy or a superhero, All-Star will always be on the front lines, fighting tooth and nail for liberty and justice for all.

"I've learned a lot of lessons in my life - some the easy way, some the hard way. I've had a rough life and I still got the scars and bruises to prove it; but if I wind up with a bullet in my head in a back alley in some shithole country ravaged by another pointless war, the one lesson that'll be on my mind as I die like a dog is that there's never a good reason to stop trying. Whether you're rotting in a jail cell wishing you were dead or staring into the angry eyes of a living god, there's never a good reason to stop trying: there's never a good reason to walk away." - All-Star


"Turns out the most powerful weapon at my disposal is me. How about that?" - All-Star
"It's not really about being the best; it's about being the best I can be."


"You couldn't handle a piece of my mind." - All-Star

All-Star has the unique power of Hyperkinesis. His brain processes information, movement and external input at a significantly faster rate than a normal human's. It subconsciously takes in all spatial information around him, processing it at inhuman speeds and performing complex calculations and mental operations based on it. This ability allows him to to make almost-impossible split-second calculations and assessments of situations which would take even the most advanced human brain several minutes to do. Though this doesn't inherently make All-Star a super-genius, it does give him near-perfect accuracy, as he is able to mathematically work out factors such as distance, air and wind resistance, trajectory, force, friction, co-ordinates and angles of refraction in milliseconds. This information is then used in coordination him exceptionally enhanced hand-eye coordination to make him far more physically capable than even the greatest human specimen. In addition, All-Star's procedural memory has been enhanced to superhuman levels allowing him to pick up and memorise motor skills much faster than an average human and functioning almost like a lesser form of photographic reflexes. This aptitude for quickly processing information lends itself to his marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat skills, giving him enhanced dexterity, enhanced reflexes and allowing him to analyse and read body language. All-Star's Hyperkinesis also makes him highly resistant to telepaths, who would find that reading his brain is the mental equivalent of trying to catch Usain Bolt.

Perhaps one of the most interesting and useful applications of All-Star's Hyperkinesis is the ability to throw almost anything with inexplicable force, accuracy and power, allowing him to weaponise a variety of otherwise mundane items. The exact reason for this is heretofore unknown, but All-Star is able to throw or shoot anything from rocks and pebbles, pens, paper, playing cards, toothpicks, tools, broken glass, bottle caps, frisbees, boomerangs, teeth, hard fingernails, paper balls, paper-clips, rubber-bands, needles and nails with impossible accuracy and strength, allowing them to travel distances they normally shouldn't be able to travel whilst penetrating and damaging things they shouldn't physically be able to.

  • Near-Perfect Accuracy
  • Enhanced Procedural Memory
  • Enhanced Cognitive Faculties
  • Enhanced Dexterity
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Body Language Analysis
  • Resistance to Psionics
  • Projectile Augmentation

SteelTech Bionic Eyes

"Nothing gets past these babies; if you're out there, I see you." - All-Star

An unfortunate on-the-job accident caused serious damage to All-Star's eyes, permanently blinding him. In order to counter the severe damage caused by the accident, Project Patriot commissioned the construction of new cybernetic technology capable of not only fully restoring the man's eyesight but also greatly enhancing it. The result were the SteelTech Bionic Eyes, a marvel of cybernetic engineering created through the process of cloning the human eye and proceeding to use advanced nanotechnology to enhance it. Though almost completely indistinguishable from normal eyes, the bionic eyes have very subtle enhancements which lend themselves to All-Star's effectiveness and flexibility in the field. The rod cells and cone cells in the bionic eyes responsible for normal human vision have been greatly multiplied. Whilst the average human has up to 150 million rod cells in their retinas, All-Star possesses roughly 500 million. This not only gives him spectacular eyesight, but also allows him to perceive minute details otherwise imperceptible to the human eye when used in conjunction with his Hyperkinesis and gives him the uncanny ability to see in the dark almost as easily as one would see in light. In addition, these enhancements allow All-Star to occasionally perceive imperceptible electromagnetic wavelengths and spectrums of light.

The SteelTech Bionic Eyes are also capable of using electrical impulses from the brain to manipulate the focal length of his eyes, essentially allowing them to operate very much like hi-powered binoculars and can scan and replicate the retinal patterns of others, both of which have a number of useful applications for espionage. Another more passive application of the bionic eyes is to allow All-Star to see through illusions, camouflage, the bending of light and other tricks designed to deceive the eye better than most. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, these augmentations have made All-Star an even better marksman than he previously was. With his eyes no longer holding back his Hyperkinesis, All-Star's accuracy has increased almost tenfold.

One disadvantage of the bionic eyes, however, is that the same sensitivity which makes them superior to normal human eyes makes them far more vulnerable to bright or blinding light, forcing All-Star to wear shades to reduce the risk of being completely incapacitated by a well-placed flashbang or light-based attack.

  • Further Enhanced Perception
  • Night Vision
  • Minor Electromagnetic Vision
  • Telescopic Vision
  • Retinal Shapeshifting
  • Minor Illusion Detection
  • Further Enhanced Accuracy


"My powers made me a weapon: my training made me a man." - All-Star
"I consider myself to be a very talented individual."

Peak Human Condition: All-Star, through intensive training and regular exercise, has reached the pinnacle of human fitness. He has all the physical prowess of an olympic-level athlete at the top of his/her game and could be considered a near-perfect physical human specimen in some regards. All-Star's body remains a finely-tuned machine which keeps him one step ahead of the opposition.

Master Marksman: All-Star is an extensively well-trained marksman with years of experience. Though his training alone has more or less made him into a top-grade marksman, his Hyperkinesis also lends itself to his talents to increase his proficiency as tenfold. He is arguably one of the greatest marksmen alive.

Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite his preference for more long-ranged combat, All-Star is a very competent hand-to-hand combatant and is well-versed in Jeet Kune Do, Boxing, Savate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga. On top of this, he has a second-degree black belt in the MCMAP, which provides a more brutal and practical alternative to martial arts. He has also trained under his ex-girlfriend, Sparrowhawk, in the ways of Aikido and Eskrima, albeit to a limited degree. His most preferred style is simple Boxing or the aggressively effective Krav Maga, though the utility of his military combatives and, more recently, his Aikido can't be denied.

Master Tactician: Years of military training, operations and high-school football (coupled with a naturally tactical mind) have given All-Star an aptitude for strategy both on and off the field. As such, he typically takes charge of situations and puts his knowledge and his tactical prowess to use whenever he can. In fact, he is known in military circles not just for his sharpshooting, but also for his keen tactical mind and leadership skills. Whether or not anyone takes what he says into consideration, however, is another issue entirely.

Skilled Thief: Having spent most of his life growing up in Hudson City and a good portion of it being a masked criminal, All-Star has picked up an assortment of skills which have made him an all round impressive thief from picking pockets to executing elaborate heists.

Skilled Acrobat: All-Star is a highly trained and very adept acrobat and frequently puts his training to use in the field, pulling off complex acrobatic feats with trained ease.

Advanced Military Training: All-Star has picked up a plethora of useful skills from his time spent training in Project Patriot and his subsequent years as a part of several military outfits. These range from standard survival and stealth based skills and CQC training to advanced knowledge such as jet piloting.


"I've got two words for you; Second. Amendment." - All-Star
"Shoot you once, shame on you. Shoot you twice, shame on me."

S.T.A.T.S - SteelTech Advanced Tactical Shades

"They're sunglasses, but they sure as hell aren't cheap." - All-Star

Developed by SteelTech, these Advanced Tactical Shades have a myriad of features which give All-Star the boost he needs when out on the job. With all the processing power of a computer, the shades come with an advanced tactical HUD which monitors All-Star's ammo, physical condition and the environment around him, allowing him to scan and identify different objects and substances. In addition, these shades allow All-Star to lock on to targets by responding to brain-wave activity, allowing him to keep tabs on hostiles whilst in combat conditions. The shades possess Thermal, Sonar and Ultraviolet visual settings and a 'Smart-Fit' function which molds them to the contours of All-Star's face, preventing them from falling off in all but the most frantic of situations. Perhaps his most useful and iconic piece of gear, All-Star is rarely seen in the field without his eyewear.

Dual Steeltech A001 Iron Patriot Pistols

"If there's one thing you should know about me it's this: I love these freakin' guns." - All-Star

Specially designed for use in Project Patriot, the Steeltech A001 Iron Patriot is a revolutionary new handgun which is designed to be "smarter than the average firearm". Incorporating semi-automatic fire, manual and automatic focusing and targeting, the Iron Patriot boasts a sizable magazine capacity, a comfortable ergonomic grip, impressively long-range firing capabilities and enough stopping power to pose a threat to mid-level metahumans. In addition, each Iron Patriot has an in-built ammo-switching function, allowing the user to switch between standard, high explosive and incendiary ammo types to suit their situation. The gun also has an in-built silencer, which can be extended from the barrel of the gun and an tactical light which can be toggled on and off. All of the handgun's functions are operated by an intelligent mini-computer which responds to voice commands. In short, it's the perfect flexible handgun for someone in All-Star's unpredictable line of work.

An Iron Patriot can only be operated by its designated owner, whose genetic signature is programmed into the gun's memory. Any attempt to use an Iron Patriot by an unauthorised party results in the gun releasing an electrical discharge into the wielder and locking down.

Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle

"All the charm of a down home boy with a few modifications for that all important edge. Kinda like yours truly." - All-Star

When All-Star's A/SRH-C1 was lost in a battle, he quickly found that the company which once produced the hi-tech weapon had since filed for bankruptcy and ceased production. Unable to acquire a replacement for the rifle, All-Star simply decided to go back to basics with a more traditional make of gun. Now, All-Star uses a MK12 SPR as a designated marksman rifle. The SPR is a highly versatile weapon and comes outfitted with a high-tech scope, a suppressor, a collapsible bipod and a fingerprint-identification system to prevent unauthorised use. Though the SPR only has an effective range of 600 yards in most hands, All-Star has shown himself to be very capable of using the rifle as one would a more specialised sniper rifle. He typically keeps the SPR slung over his back for quick and easy access and, though it doesn't collapse like the A/SRH-C1, he can still be very mobile whilst carrying it.

Accuracy International AS50 Sniper Rifle

"I can drop every asshole in a room from 1000 yards out and still have time to light one up before they'd even realise I was there." - All-Star

For times when he needs a sniper rifle with a little more range and a lot more oomph, All-Star uses an Accuracy International AS50. With an effective range of approximately 1500 metres and a lightweight, transportable and ergonomic design. the AS50 is the perfect companion for the sniper on the go. It can be disassembled in less than three minutes and serviced without tools, another feature which makes it ideal for All-Star's particular line of work. Like his MK12 SPR, All-Star's AS50 has been outfitted with a number of modifications to make it more versatile in the field: a hybrid scope with thermal imaging settings which can be toggled on and off, a fingerprint identification setting to prevent unauthorised use and an additional frame designed to lower recoil all contribute to making the AS50 even deadlier in the hands of the star-spangled sharpshooter.

Smith & Wesson Model 500: All-Star usually carries a Smith & Wesson Model 500 revolver on his person as a back-up gun. With its abundance of stopping power and its reputation as the most powerful handgun in the world, it packs much more of a flat-out punch than his Iron Patriots, making it handy for when the chips are down or for when he just needs to terminate something with extreme prejudice. The revolver fires rounds powerful enough to put down elephants and buffalo with well placed shots. It carries five bullets in its cylinder at any given time. All-Star is capable of firing it with very little recoil and carrying it around rather casually, a testament to his often underestimated strength.

Smith & Wesson M&P Shield: Compact and effective, the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield provides a lightweight alternative to All-Star's usual handguns and acts as a handy concealed carry firearm for situations in which a larger handgun would be inefficient.

Mossberg 590: In more recent times, All-Star has been known to carry and use the Mossberg 590 as a combat shotgun. Though All-Star prefers to wield more accurate and rapid firearms, he can't deny the utility of having a gun which physically embodies the essence of 'back the fuck off'. The Mossberg 590 is usually slung at All-Star's waist for quick and easy access, provided he's actually carrying it at all. Sometimes he pumps it with one hand and it's awesome.

Dual Heckler & Koch MP7s: All-Star prefers his Iron Patriots in most circumstances but the lightweight Heckler & Koch MP7 is both more capable of punching through body armour when using standard rounds and is, according to All-Star, the height of gunslinging fashion. As such, he owns two.

M4A1 Carbine: Lightweight and very, very good at spitting a bunch of bullets in the direction of anyone who looks at you funny, it's not hard to see why the M4A1 Carbine is a popular rifle. For All-Star, it provides the perfect deterrent against overzealous mooks storming him in waves. Well, that and it looks damn cool.

M249 LMG: Though All-Star has always valued quality over quantity when it comes to firearms, he holds onto his own personal M249 for that every once in a while when you need to riddle everything around you with bullets. Relatively lightweight, durable and effective, the M249 is everything one could want from a light machine gun: an unstoppable killing machine.

M32 MGL: The M32 MGL, or the M32 Multiple Shot Grenade Launcher, is a lightweight six-shot grenade launcher All-Star uses on occasion. Although intended primarily for offensive and defensive use with high-explosive rounds, with appropriate ammunition the launcher is capable of being used for less-lethal anti-riot purposes. All-Star's personally modified M32 is capable of firing High-Explosive, Tear Gas, Knockout, Incendiary, Cryo-Foam and Beanbag rounds.

FGM-148 Javelin: Kept more as a souvenir and keepsake than anything else, All-Star's FGM-148 Javelin was given to him by an old Marine friend as an unconventional parting gift after his time in Afghanistan. Still, the FGM-148 Javelin is a rocket launcher and, as such, has its (very explosive) uses. After all, you never know when you need to make something very big a whole lot smaller.

PSE TAC 15 Crossbow: Though he considers his guns to be far superior and more viable in most cases, for times where All-Star requires absolute silence at the cost of reload speed and fire rate, his PSE TAC 15 Crossbow is always waiting in the wings. The crossbow comes with a variety of custom-made arrows. These arrows come in Standard, Armor-Piercing, Broadhead, Impact, Explosive, Timed Explosive and Shock. All of them hurt.

Dual SteelTech M151 'Knockback' Pulson Pistols: Developed using popular pulson technology and patented SteelTech ingenuity, the SteelTech M151 'Knockback' Pulson Pistol fires a concentrated beam of concussive pulson energy at the pull of a trigger, allowing for less-lethal incapacitation of anyone on the receiving end of one of its blasts. Running on cheap, energy efficient pulson cells and outfitted with a function which allows its user to both alter the concussive force and the thermal power behind its blasts, the Knockback is just what All-Star needs when he needs to take his targets out non-lethally but can't make quite the dent he wants to with bullets.

"It ain't perfect, but it's mine."

SteelTech BOX Energy Rifle: The latest in a line of weapons specifically designed to combat high-powered metahuman threats, the ST-BOX-ER is a high-powered energy based weapon capable of firing concentrated blasts of weaponised electromagnetic pulses at a target through the use of three barrels working in conjunction with one-another. These pulses are capable of accelarating its target's structure at a molecular level, allowing it to cause near crippling pain to even the sturdiest of bricks. The weapon can be altered to increase the width and power of the blast to suit the wielder's needs. Whilst the ST-BOX-ER is, at its core, a non-lethal weapon made to incapacitate powerful metahuman threats, an extended blast from it can cause lethal rupturing within the body and can even lead to the liquefaction of organs.

'Memento Mori': When All-Star ventured into a powerful interdimensional artifact the Polychronon with Adapto, this one-of-a-kind sidearm was an unexpected byproduct of the Polychronon's reality altering powers and All-Star and Adapto's own desires. Though not what he wanted or expected, 'Memento Mori' (named after the Latin saying uttered by Adapto after the experience) is actually an interdimensional space-time conduit. Drawing on energy and forces from a host of different and varied universes, Memento Mori is able to adapt to whatever threat All-Star faces with the energy best suited to eliminate that threat. Be it hellfire from a demonic plane, celestial energy from some forgotten land or concentrated atomic blasts from a constantly erupting world, Memento Mori lives up to its name by drawing on that power to remind even the strongest foes that anyone can die. So far, the source of Memento Mori's advanced technology or the inner machinations of the weapon itself are unknown, something which doesn't seem likely to change in the near future, as the weapon only seems to function properly in All-Star or Adapto's hands and directly counters any attempts to breach its surface.

Tracer Gun: Resembling a small tube more than it does a gun, All-Star's tracer gun is loaded with small electronic bugs which can be fired with the pull of a trigger. These bugs can be used to track or eavesdrop on the person they're attached to. The bugs can also be removed from the gun and manually placed.

'Moxie': All-Star's combat knife (or Moxie, as he affectionately calls it) serves many purposes and is a key component of his arsenal. Be it an average day of crimefighting or a recon mission in the tropics, All-Star always has Moxie ready to rip and tear through anything in his way. Crafted from a lightweight, but extremely durable, metal alloy and possessing a custom-made quick release sheath which makes it difficult for attackers to draw it in a brawl, Moxie is as close to a ballsy killing machine as a knife can get.

Strider SMF Knife: Moxie is all well and good when you're hacking away at branches, vines or your average meatheaded goon, but for times when the enemy is putting up a struggle and a large combat knife would be impractical, All-Star always carries a Strider SMF folding knife. With its short blade length and strong frame, the Strider SMF gives All-Star a tactical edge when push comes to shove and shove comes to blows.

Throwing Knives: All-Star usually keeps a row of steel throwing knives tucked into sheathes embedded in the straps of his leg holsters. These knives, the pinnacle of aerodynamic technology, make useful and effective ancillary weapons and are engraved with stylish stars so that All-Star's enemies know who straight up wrecked them.

Mini Grenades: Compact and ready-to-use grenades which prioritise portability and quantity over power and strength. Come in seven varieties: Concussive, Flash-Bang, Smoke, Explosive, Tear Gas and Incapacitating Agent (Knockout).

C-4: All-Star always has a few blocks of C-4 on hand for breaching-and-entering. Its malleability and ease of use makes it useful in a variety of situations.

Proximity Discs: Compact, adhesive and volatile, these hand-sized discs feature state of the art motion detecting technology which enable them to detect any movement within a preset area and detonate when an outside threat of significant size, shape and body heat passes through its sensory range. Along with the range of its motion detection, the size of a proximity disc's area of effect and the parameters for detonation can also be set to suit the situation and needs of the user.

SteelTech H520 Grapnel Gun: Compact, collapsible and lightweight, the SteelTech H-52 Grapnel Gun is a recent military invention which promises to grant greater maneuverability to infantry operating in mountainous and urban environments. The Grapnel Gun works by vacuuming air into a high-pressurised compartment and releasing it to fire a hyper-tensile nylon cable with a Kendrium-tipped hook. The line can then be pulled in via a powerful motorised spool system to either pull the wielder upwards or to pull the targeted object towards them. In addition to its primary grappling line function, the Grapnel Gun is also capable of firing a secondary hyper-tensile nylon cable from its upper barrel. This zip-line, once fired, can be detached from the gun in order to embed the wielder's end of the line into a sturdy object, at which point the gun itself can be converted into a pulley. Currently being tested in limited numbers by the US military, All-Star has procured one for himself as a 'birthday present' from Agent Kurt White.

Aerosol Gas Canisters: Pocket-sized aerosol gas canisters containing various types of gas. The portability and concealability of these canisters make them extremely useful in a range of potential situations. Each canister contains one of six types of gas: Knockout, Laser-Detecting, Corrosive, Coolant, Bug Repellent and Mace.

Strangulation Cord: All-Star keeps retractable strangulation cord on his person at all time, extracting it from its roller whenever the dirty deed of strangulation needs to be done. The wire, made out of a hyper-durable nylon polymer fashioned by Steel Industries, is capable of choking even super durable throats with enough force.

Rebreather: A small rebreather no bigger than a harmonica. It allows All-Star to breathe in low-oxygen conditions and gives him a resistance to gas-based attacks. Given their small size and tendency to be lost or damaged, All-Star usually carries several.

Trauma Kit: All-Star typically carries a well-equipped trauma kit in one of his pouches. The kit contains a supply of bandages, dressing, a tourniquet, duct tape, Quik-Clot, nitrile gloves, lubricating jelly, a cold pack, anti-bacterial wipes, SAM splints, a penlight, some medical tools, several useful drugs, a skin stapler and disinfectant spray. Having received some training as a combat medic, All-Star uses the kit to keep himself - and, occasionally, allies - up and running in emergency situations.

The 'Shooting Star': After saving a car dealership owner from a gang of chop shop running car thieves, All-Star was given a good deal on the most prized car at the dealership: Crystal Red 2013 Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible with white racing stripes. Lovingly named the 'Shooting Star' by its owner, All-Star's Chevy has no particularly specialised features: it just looks really super awesome and goes really super fast. All-Star would quite literally make love to this car if he society would allow it.

"Pick a card, any card!"

'Liberty Belle'

"Who needs flight or super speed when you've got the Liberty Belle?" - All-Star

'Confiscated' from a group of international terrorists during a coordinated attack on the Barlowe Building, 'Liberty Belle' - or 'Belle', for short - is a state-of-the-art combat ready Grav-Bike outfitted with its original offensive and defensive armaments as well as a number of custom features put in place by Nate in his spare time. Though 'Belle' was badly damaged when Nate first got his hands on it, he has since spent a hefty amount of time repairing and modifying it (with the help of his more technologically proficient friends) and treats it almost as if it were his own child, regularly maintaining it and lovingly personalising it. With its exceptional speed, extensive firepower and an abundance of sentimental value, 'Liberty Belle' is one of All-Star's most prized - and useful - possessions.

  • Aluminium Composite Hull Plating
  • Onboard Flight/Targeting Computer /w Built-In Communication System and 'Crybaby' Combat Warning Function
  • Dual Side-Mounted Particle Cannons
  • Dual Retractable Gatling Guns /w Specialised Anti-Materiel Ammunition
  • Back-Mounted Anti-Air Turrets /w Specialised 'Stormbreaker' Anti-Air Ammunition
  • Six Compressed Medium-Range Tactical Missiles
  • Four High-Powered Long-Range Tactical Missiles
  • Thirty-Two Smart Micro-Missiles
  • Two 'Bunker Buster' Air-To-Surface Missiles
  • Titanium Cable Grappling Line Launcher
  • Defensive Shield Projector
  • Optional Voice Command System
  • In-Built Stealth Technology /w Low-Power 'Silent' Feature
  • Advanced Electromagnetic Safety System keeps rider mounted in the event of turbulence or elaborate combat maneuvers
  • In-Flight Stabilisation System negates the negative effects of G-Force and allows rider to maintain control of the bike
  • Numerous Storage Compartments
  • Capable of reaching just below supersonic speeds when pushed
  • Synced to All-Star's left bracer, allowing him to control it from afar
  • Middle segment detaches to form an escape pod in case of emergency
  • Fully-stocked mini-bar built into back segment
  • Horn which plays 'Yankee Doodle' when blared
  • Retractable Cup-Holders
  • In-Built Chick Magnet


"The best thing about bursting through a door guns blazing is knowing that you're always the most interesting person in the room." - All-Star
"Yeah, I had a crossbow phase."


First and foremost, All-Star is a soldier, and a good one at that. Bold, brave and quick-witted, he has earned himself a position of respect for his levelheadedness, near-uncompromising dedication and leadership qualities. All-Star genuinely cares for those around him and, despite not thinking of himself as a costumed hero, regularly goes out of his way to help them. For all his good qualities, however, All-Star can be brash, cynical and, oftentimes, frustratingly aloof. He tends to take life at his own pace, which can typically conflict with those who move at a different one and can be blunt when dealing with others. In short, he's something of an asshole. Despite this, however, his arrogance is rather artificial. He puts up a front as someone who is rather overconfident in his abilities to mask his insecurities about who he is and his own self-worth. He often questions his own usefulness as a 'crime fighter' and truly believes that if he isn't the very best marksman around, he doesn't even deserve to fight alongside his fellows, some of which have powers which make him almost obsolete. In All-Star's mind, he needs to constantly prove his worth as a hero to ensure he isn't underestimated or cast aside by his more powerful peers.

All-Star almost always remains calm and jovial even in the face of danger, balancing out some of his more negative personality traits with an abundance of charm, wit and general friendliness. His laid-back personality is largely the result of the nature of his powers, which function poorly under stress. In that regard, All-Star typically makes sure to take a detached approach to most everything as doing so allows him to function at optimal capacity. This detachment usually manifests in the form of casual banter and a somewhat sardonic sense of humour on the battlefield, where he frequently makes quips at the expense of friends and foes alike. There is, however, a hidden dark side to All-Star's level of emotional detachment. When carrying out missions of a uniquely personal nature or pushed to his emotional limits, All-Star can be the cold, merciless killer he was trained to be.


Placing little value in physical relationships and sexual intimacy, All-Star is a gigantic flirt and a shameless womaniser. A lot of the time, he can hardly be in the same room as an attractive woman without making a pass at or playfully flirting with her and he typically isn't afraid to make perverted comments. Despite the inherent chauvinism in his womanising ways, All-Star genuinely respects the non-physical aspects of his relationships with women, provided they stay in his life long enough to forge a deeper connection. All-Star's issues with commitment, his high-octane lifestyle and his self-destructive tendencies often put a strain on his long-term romantic relationships however, causing many of them to end in heartbreak and regret. No matter how long a truly romantic relationship lasts with All-Star, he is usually a sensitive and emotionally open partner but exhibits a certain cautiousness stemming not only from his past relationship problems but also from his hang ups surrounding his first love, Amanda Cho.


Self-sabotage is at the core of many of All-Star's actions and decisions. Despite usually being quite affable and sensitive to the emotions of others, he often pushes those who get to close to his true insecurities away through blunt words and actions. In that regard, he can be very childish in the way he displays affection, preferring to insult, joke and mock rather than be open about how he feels. In addition, All-Star can be extremely hard on himself, typically taking most - if not all - of the blame for when things go awry and constantly taking on unnecessary burdens out of a personal desire to atone for his past sins. It would hardly be a stretch to say that he suffers from something of a martyr complex, always looking to sacrifice himself to 'make up' for the mistakes he made all those years ago in Hudson City. Unsurprisingly, he is a heavy drinker and a frequent gambler.

While he often provides others with a firm, leader-like personality to rely on in times of uncertainty, All-Star views himself in a harsher light. In his own eyes, he is little more than a killer and a thug trying to make up for past mistakes by making future ones. Though you would scarcely get him to admit it, he seems all too willing to throw his life away for a good cause and is so willing to do so because of his survivor's guilt from his days in Hudson City and beyond. All-Star is, in many ways, defined by the sins of his past and risks being capsized by his personal demons at times. It will take work and some sort of closure to allow him to finally move past that guilt.


When not working, All-Star has a host of hobbies and activities outside of helping out Uncle Sam. He's a gun nut and loves to collect them just as much as he loves to go down to the shooting range and practice with them. He is a talented chef, a football fan, a jazz aficionado, a connoisseur of old westerns, kung-fu films and action flicks and a bit of a gamer. He can also cut a mean rug when he wants to.

Friends & Allies

(OOC: This section has been cut down to help make the page a little less lengthy. If your character's no longer on the list, it don't mean I don't still love you, baby.)

Agent Kurt White (NPC)

"Kurt and I get each other. Working together for seven years will do that to you." - All-Star
Mr. White.JPG

All-Star's handler and perhaps his closest friend, Kurt White was the one who personally sought out and enrolled him into Project Patriot. It was Kurt that oversaw his training and taught him everything he knew and he still continues to act as a manager of sorts to the government agent. Prior to meeting All-Star, Kurt was a freelance government agent who severely damaged his left leg on a mission and was forced to take a 'desk-job', as it were. Although All-Star still doesn't know Kurt's real name, the two are close and trusted friends.

There is not much that is known about Kurt's past other than the fact that he was the driving force behind Project Patriot. Regardless of his shady past, however, Nate trusts Kurt as both a friend and a mentor and the two are always able to rely on each other.

Ada Clover

"Ada makes me happy and that's all there is to it." - All-Star

After Sparrowhawk's apparent betrayal of the Protectors of the World during the Eugenics War, All-Star and was forced to take on a firmer leadership role in order to help bring his rogue partner to justice. Emotionally vulnerable and conflicted as he was, All-Star had a brief affair with Ada Clover in a desperate bid to escape the pressures of their situation and eventually began dating her exclusively once Leviathan had been defeated, breaking things off with Sparrowhawk. Coming out of his more intense romance with Sparrowhawk, All-Star is happy to be in a more natural relationship with Ada and is more than happy to take things slowly.


"You don't share a consciousness with someone without getting to know them a little. Marcel's my little 'Brain Brother'." - All-Star

Though All-Star and Adapto had shared interactions in the past and were relatively amicable towards one another, a recent trip to a fractured universe created through the power of the Polychronon led to both All-Star and Adapto gaining control of the unknown artifact at the same time, creating a link between their consciousness and sending them to another plain of existence. There, All-Star and Adapto bonded and made a shared decision to undo the damage to the Megaverse done by the Polychronon, restoring reality to its natural state. Despite no longer being 'one', however, their time sharing a consciousness has developed their understanding of one another and led to a developing friendship.

Canadian Fist

"I never had a big sister. Especially not one who's younger than me. Yeah, Dusk and me are complicated." - All-Star
Canadian fist.JPG

All-Star and Canadian Fist have something of a love/hate relationship. With both often being on the receiving end of the other's jabs and quips, they're much more compatible on the battlefield than they are off of it. All-Star trusts Canadian Fist to have his back at all times when he's out on the field and makes sure to have her back just as much.


"Good body, better friend." - All-Star

All-Star enjoys Paradigm's company and likes to think that she enjoys his too. Though All-Star is friendly towards the majority of his fellow Protectors, he sees Paradigm as the one he's one of the friendliest with. The two often trade banter and playful flirtation with one another and All-Star has made it a habit to constantly remind her that she's madly in love with him.


"Rip's a total asshole." - All-Star

Riptide and All-Star have an odd relationship built as much on camaraderie as it is on thinly veiled contempt for one another. All-Star cites that Riptide is one of his best friends because he's just as much of an asshole as he is and Riptide often says words to the same effect (when not stating that All-Star is the bigger asshole). Ultimately, All-Star trusts Riptide both on and off the battlefield and couldn't think of anyone else (of the same sex) he'd rather go out for a drink with.


"Alex is amazing. She's a great fighter, she's smart and she's caring. She just needs to learn how to come out of her shell a little." - All-Star
Screenshot 2013-01-02-20-17-04.jpg

Though they have recently gone their separate ways romantically, Sparrowhawk and All-Star still share a professional and personal relationship. All-Star sees himself as one of the few people who understands Sparrowhawk due to their past together and provides her with emotional support when he can. Despite the turbulence of their romantic past tohether, All-Star still genuinely cares for Sparrowhawk both as a friend and as a partner.


"Zelara's a nice lady. Plus she helps fill out the 'Z' section in my contact list." - All-Star

All-Star and Zelara are fast friends, despite their widely different perceptions and cultures. All-Star has taken it upon himself to teach Zelara the ways of Earth in a more laid-back and modernised way than UNTIL and enjoys spending time with her on the whole. Though the intrepid alien girl soon developed a crush on All-Star, he had no choice but to turn her down. Nevertheless, the two have remained good friends.

Super Groups

"What can I say? I'm a people person." - All-Star

Protectors Of The World

"The Protectors of the World are just that; everyone matters." - All-Star

Created when the heroine Sparrowhawk, seeking to create a more proactive strike force of seasoned heroes, came to UNTIL to request the ability and funds to go ahead with such a project. Though Sparrowhawk, already having connections within the organization, found this to be a relatively difficult task, she persevered and, eventually, sought All-Star's aid in forming her unit: The Protectors Of The World. Looking to support his partner by helping her in bringing the concept to fruition, All-Star readily left Rising Force and the two began the arduous task of reviewing both notable and up-and-coming heroes that would mesh well both personality and power wise, bringing in a range of familiar and unfamiliar candidates to create a unified force dedicated to the protection of Earth and all its inhabitants.

The Protectors currently have their headquarters in the upper penthouse levels of the Barlowe Building. The levels have been renovated to act as living quarters, a functional training area and meeting area. It also houses a state of the art laboratory and gymnasium. Their headquarters is also outfitted with a larger version of Sparrowhawk's 'Mother' artificial intelligence computer system as well as Portal. Portal, which is accessed via the Mother computer, creates doorways within select areas of the world that have been predetermined and routed. Portal locales are situated across most main cities on Earth, barring a few countries that have not had previous agreements or sanctioned by UNTIL.

Though All-Star is officially the field leader of the Protectors, he very much views the group as Sparrowhawk's project and prefers to work alone or with her on most occasions. In addition, he feels somewhat awkward leading a group of unknown elements such as superheroes and is reluctant to fully embrace his leadership role. Regardless of these feelings, however, he has no real qualms with working with a bigger group of crime-fighters and is more than willing to commit himself wholly to the group when the time comes. He gets along with his fellow Protectors for the most part, but tends to refrain from staying at the Barlowe building for too long.

During a recent run-in with Leviathan which forced All-Star to step into a leadership role, he learned the true value of being there for his teammates and has since dedicated himself more fully to the team, truly embracing his role as Field Leader.

Enforcers Of The World

"It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it." - All-Star

Rogues Gallery

"The hell's a rogue?" - All-Star

(Lovingly compiled and filed up by All-Star's case officer, Kurt White. He knows what a rogue is.)

Threat Level Key:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Insignificant. Not worth batting an eye at.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A very minor threat. Normally reserved for common super-criminals.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Maybe a personal threat to one of our agents but, otherwise, nothing.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Moderate threat. Capable of interfering with an operation to a slight degree.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous enough to warrant looking out for. Usually reserved for low-powered mercenaries and assassins.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous on a national or international scale but not an immediate threat. This is usually where we start acting against them.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
High-Level. Capable of posing a threat to our government, its organisations or our agents. Definitely ones to take out ASAP.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A global threat in a big way. These guys can't be allowed to roam free so long as we can do something about it. Usually reserved for leaders of cults, terrorist organisations and etc.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
God help us if anything is this dangerous. We're talking world destroyers, here. Let's hope we never have to personally deal with one of those.

Wheezer (Antoine 'Wheezer' Masters)


Powers/Abilities: Gas Mimicry. Gas Manipulation. Avoiding Fart Jokes.

Occupation: Mercenary-For-Hire

Likes: Hating All-Star

Hates: All-Star

"We're family, Nate. You always go the extra mile for family." - Wheezer

Wheezer is a tricky one. He's a ghost from Nate's past and we all know how much the guy hates talking about his past. From what he has told me, I know that Wheezer was a childhood friend and one of the most influencing people in Nate's life. We studied him the last time we managed to capture him (with a vacuum cleaner) and found that every single particle in his body had been metamorphed by some unknown chemical procedure. As a result, he has the ability to literally change himself into any gaseous substance he so chooses, with the only limit being his lack of scientific know-how. I've seen this guy turn into a cloud of agent orange to kill an entire platoon of soldiers. I've seen him huff and puff and blow a stream of chlorine gas right at my face (I'm okay). He's the real deal. And whenever he's involved with something, Nate makes it his own personal mission to take him down. Whatever their history, it's deep. One thing I've noticed, though? He's one of the only enemies Nate almost always hesitates to put down.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
This guy has on occasion drifted into top secret government facilities through air vents. That coupled with the fact that he's basically a sentient bio-weapon makes him a danger to anyone he's pointed at. The only real thing keeping Wheezer from being a higher threat is the fact that he's got no interest in us outside of Nate - guy's made it his personal goal in life to make Nate's a living hell. All we can do is stand back and hope our boy eventually comes out on top.

Gazerbeam (Harry Butz)


Powers/Abilities: G.A.Z.E Armour allows for the emission of Kinetic, Heat and Particle blasts from eye-blaster. Also boosts physical condition to just-above peak human levels. Having all this and still not being able to make people take him seriously.

Occupation: Career Criminal (Member of the Star-Smashers)

Likes: Winning

Hates: Losing

"Here's looking at you, All-Star!" - Gazerbeam

Gazerbeam, Gazerbeam, Gazerbeam. Where do I begin with Gazerbeam? The guy has potential and lots of it. He's got a suit of power armour which could potentially take down a tank, a genius-level IQ (Who doesn't have one of those in this business?) and an uncanny ability to keep on swinging no matter how down the chips look. But, regardless of all of that, he almost constantly fails or slips up. Why? Because, at the end of the day, he's a clumsy, uncoordinated nerd with anger issues. He used to be an ex-engineer named Harry Butz (Not even kidding) before his little research team got downsized by Steel Industries. That's when he decided that he was the chosen crusader of the 99%. He also decided that he was the 99%. All of it. So what was his next logical step? He decided to take the suit of armour he had been working on, snatch up a ridiculous name (Gazerbeam? Really?) and start knocking off banks. For a while, he was actually kind of successful. Then he robbed the National Bank of Millennium City and decided to take a hungover Nate hostage. That didn't work out too well for him, to say the least (Search 'Supervillain Defenestration' on Youtube, then search for the Sparta remix). Since then, he's taken it upon himself to be a thorn in Nate's side whenever he gets out of prison. Nate likes the challenge but I don't like the paperwork.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Gazerbeam may be a walking weapon, but he lacks experience, common sense and coordination. He's just a minor annoyance for Nate and barely a blip on the radar for us.

The Infiltrator (???)


Powers/Abilities: Exosuit can bend light for active camouflage alter genetic material to allow wearer to take on the appearance of another. Can perfectly replicate sound. Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, spy, assassin and hacker. Oscar-Worthy Actor.

Occupation: Professional Spy-For-Hire

Likes: When a plan comes together

Hates: Meddlesome people who stop a plan from coming together

"A soldier serves his people, a spy serves his masters. You cannot be of both worlds, Agent Carter." - The Infiltrator

The ultimate man of mystery. No one we've found has any idea who the Infiltrator is or where he came from and even fewer people know how to find him. All we've really been able to surmise is that the guy appeared on the espionage scene late 2009 and has been making a big name for himself as a 'Spy-For-Hire' ever since (Think evil Solid Snake). That suit he's wearing is what makes him a real problem. The thing allows him to bend light to turn invisible or rewrite his genetic code to allow him to shapeshift (Think eviller Mystique). We first ran into him when he kidnapped and impersonated one Agent Kurt White (That's me) in order to get closer to Project Patriot in the hopes of finding out all its secrets. He would've gotten away with it too if All-Star hadn't noticed the fact that my imposter lacked all my charming traits and witticisms (I love the guy, really I do). All-Star knocked the guy from a chopper in a fight to the death, but his body was never found. A few months later, he impersonated a hot bar floozy when he was providing security for Russian terrorist Vladimir Patowski at the same time we sent Nate in to find out what he could about Patowski. They got to second base before the Infiltrator tried to strangle Nate to death (It was creepy for everyone involved). Nate survived and ended up bringing Patowski down, but the Infiltrator escaped again and has popped up all over the place since then. Whenever he tries to kill Nate, he claims it's all business but neither of us buy it; The guy's insane.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
You can never really be sure when or if the Infiltrator's lurking around a corner. He could be anyone, anything and anywhere. He's quick on his feet, good at his job and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. That makes him very dangerous.

Warhawk (Senji Dojima)


Powers/Abilities: Exceptional Marksman. Skilled Hand-To-Hand Combatant. Possesses an insane number of trick arrows.

Occupation: Mercenary-For-Hire

Likes: Bows. Like the ones he uses.

Dislikes: Guns. Like the ones All-Star uses.

"To be a hunter, one must know their prey." - Warhawk

I've known Nate longer than I've known most people in my life (Pet tortoise excluded) and have been in this game even longer. I can honestly say that there are very few people I've met who I'd refer to as his equal when it comes to being a marksman. Warhawk (AKA Senji Dojima, in case you forgot to read the title of this dossier) is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of those people. The guy is practically Nate's equal and opposite. Nate uses guns, Dojima uses a bow. Nate grew up poor and orphaned on the streets of Hudson City while Dojima, the heir to the Dojima Weapons Development fortune, grew up with a silver spoon (Or, more accurately, ten silver spoons) in his mouth. Nate spent his youth pulling himself out of the gutter with sports while Dojima spent his youth pulling himself further into the gutter with compromising snapshots and controversy. Nate's life fell apart when his fiancee was killed, Dojima's life fell apart when his father was assassinated. And, while we managed to snatch Nate up and turn him into a weapon for good, the ninja clan responsible for producing Daddy Moneybags' assassin snatched Dojima up and turned him into a weapon for vengeance (It's always 'ninja this' and 'mecha that' in Japan. It's why I refused that transfer). Only difference is Dojima opted to kill his sensei, lash out on his own and become a (Very, very angry) mercenary. Regardless of any differences or similarities in their 'origin stories', however, Nate and Dojima were practically instant enemies when they came face-to-face during an attempt by Dojima to assassinate a corrupt CEO we were keeping tabs on. Now, I don't think Nate would give a damn about some slimy, back-stabbing businessman under any other circumstances, but if Dojima put an arrow between the guy's eyes, we wouldn't have been able to get a bead on his accomplices and superiors. So Nate ended up risking life and limb to save a horrible human being and, in the process, made an enemy out of a brooding mercenary (It's like he's a giant acne-riddled teenager) who hated everything the guy represented (Not a bad first encounter as far as Nate goes). Though Dojima's pretty much moved on from that failure and both he and Nate have developed some sort of respect for one another, the guy still sees Nate as his anti-thesis and Nate (Poor sap that he is) has a nasty habit of running into him an unhealthy number of times (Most of these chance encounters ending in a hail of bullets and arrows). The two have a complex relationship and I'm pretty sure they've saved each other's lives more than once (Which usually warrants a friend request on Facebook, at the very least) but, as of right now, I doubt you could put them in the same room and expect both of them to walk out unharmed.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Warhawk's one of the deadliest and most efficient assassins I know and, though he usually only goes after 'bad guys', he's still a danger to anyone so long as he's been paid enough. Still, the guy's not too awful as far as murderous criminals go. He, at the very least, has a code of honour and remorse and is capable of setting aside his bloodlust and love of money to do the right thing. This coupled with the fact that the guy recently up and disappeared off the face of the planet means that he's only as much of a threat as he wants to be and, even then, he's a threat that can be dealt with.

Dr. Hemlock (Dr. Harrison Hemlock)

Dr. Hemlock2.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Brilliant Biochemist/Botanist. Genius Level Intellect. Great Gardener.

Occupation: Leader of Eco-Terrorist Organisation G.A.I.A

Likes: The Discovery Channel

Hates: All the other channels

"We are GAIA. Bleed for your planet." - Dr. Hemlock

You may not remember this, but the good Dr. Hemlock was actually a friend of mine. We went to college together (Woo, Princeton) and were relatively close. Even then, Hemlock was obsessed with global warming and the environment. If he wasn't protesting some pharmaceutical company or cleaning up oil spills, he was tending to his (Admittedly delightful) garden or studying. By the time we graduated, most of us could see Hemlock had grown bitter, especially since nothing he did seemed to change the fact that mankind just wouldn't stop destroying nature. When I went with Nate (Who had invited himself) to my college reunion, we could both see Hemlock was planning something. Nate did some snooping around and found a bomb loaded up with deadly plant spores (That was a very bad sign). Though we managed to get everything under control, Hemlock managed to sneak out in all the chaos. At first, we were stumped as to why Hemlock would try to gas a room full of nerds and worn-out party animals (Well, I was stumped; Nate didn't care). We figured out it was just a test-run when Hemlock tried the same thing on ARGENT's HQ in Millennium City by crashing a blimp into it (Oh, the humanity). Now, nobody likes ARGENT but we weren't about to let everyone inside get gassed to death. Nate managed to get on the blimp and take down Hemlock's ragtag group of eco-terrorists, punch three of Hemlock's teeth out (I counted) and set the blimp down in an empty field. Hemlock went to prison, after that, but he was quickly sprung by sympathisers (Who would sympathise with this psychopath?) and went on to start his own little organisation of like minded eco-terrorists called G.A.I.A (Guardians Against Industrial Aggression) and has been violently crusading for the rights of plants, animals and everything in between (Not humans, but you can't please everyone). He's dangerous, charismatic and very, very intelligent (I can't believe I signed this jerk's yearbook).

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Hemlock may have been a little lower if it wasn't for his newfound influence over a group of radical eco-terrorists. GAIA are quickly growing and branching out their operation and Hemlock has definitely made his callous disregard for human life all too clear. He's extremely dangerous.

The Mirror (Dr. Klaus Hirsch)

Mirror 2.PNG

Powers/Abilities: Mirror Suit allows him to manipulate light and sound around him to create realistic illusions. Able to travel through and trap people in mirrors via pocket-dimensional technology. Can do that neat infinity mirror trick.

Occupation: Criminal Mastermind and Mercenary-For-Hire

Likes: Mirrors

Hates: Seven years of bad luck

"This world exists as a reflection of my own fractured psyche, Agent Carter. If I am the mirror, you all exist within my surface." - The Mirror

German engineering: impressive even when it's evil (And in this case it's very evil). You've probably seen stacks of files and reports on the Mirror, because I know I have. He was a megalomaniacal, solipsistic, manipulative German physicist before he decided to ditch his team and set his sights on being an evil prick (Pardon my French). This guy has a role to play in almost everything, from international terrorism to human trafficking and everything in between. He uses a hi-tech suit (Jumpsuit?) with a mirror built into it and a helmet which is also a mirror (Just in case you forgot that this guy has a thing for mirrors). This gear gives him the uncanny ability to be an illusion-casting pain in the ass. As if that wasn't enough, he's also tricked out with gadgets (Which, of course, are mirror-themed) and a laser pistol. A laser pistol. Clearly this guy means business. Though he's officially always been hired help, we've always suspected that he's got bigger plans for himself. Our suspicions were confirmed when he literally tried to assassinate the political leaders of Russia, England, China and the U.S.A all at once (Overreaching, much?) and with the sole intent of establishing himself as a threat to all of our hides. If it wasn't for Nate infiltrating his operation and shutting it down from the inside (like a gun-totting health inspector), he may have actually killed one of them. After that whole incident, the Mirror has flip-flopped between deadly gun-for-hire and deadlier evil mastermind. We've been trying to keep tabs on him but, as one would expect from an illusionist, he's hard to pin down. Nate's confident we can stop him. Me? I'm not so sure.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Anyone who's almost succeeded in dropping multiple world leaders is a definite high threat and the Mirror is no exception. He's got tech we're still not able to properly explain and the mind of a total genius. He's in it for himself and no one else and his loyalties change as readily as the time. Watch out for this one.

The Quartermaster (???)

The Quartermaster.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Competent Hand-to-Hand Combatant and Marksman. Extremely Well-Connected. Rich. Powerful. Could sell stripes to a zebra.

Occupation: International Arms Dealer

Likes: Capitalism

Hates: Pacifism

"It's not evil, it's capitalism." - The Quartermaster

TThe Quartermaster. Now this one took a little research. Turns out that there's been a Quartermaster from way back in the Renaissance era (The one with the courtesans and art). A single man who dedicated his life to dealing arms. The first Quartermaster was a wealthy noble whose main source of income was the renting out of mercenaries and the sale of weapons. At some point, this noble decided that it was (For whatever reason) very important to ensure that his descendants would continue the 'family business' so that the world would never be without a Quartermaster selling weapons behind the scenes. So he went and got a family crest designed (It's actually pretty cool), accumulated as much money as he could before he died and taught his son everything he knew about war profiteering. And that son went on to do the same to his son. And that son went on to do the same to his son. You probably get the idea. However, at some point, the bloodline just came to a dead end. It can only be assumed that a Quartermaster decided to skip out on having kids and instead went with taking someone under his wing (Anything to make our jobs harder). The current Quartermaster is an unknown, like the ones before him (Turns out masks are designed to hide your identity). What we do know about him is that he's smart, cunning, savvy and everywhere. He's been caught selling arms to Al-Queda, the North Koreans, revolutionaries, mercenaries, supervillains and even to aliens (Don't ask why an alien would need AK-47s). Nate first ran into him while rescuing a bunch of POWs in Afghanistan (He took pictures, so check his Twitter). The guy was out there selling a wanted terrorist an orbital cannon. Nate took the terrorist out and destroyed the orbital cannon codes, but the Quartermaster was gone by the time he was done. His type are usually the last to arrive and the first to leave. Although Nate's met the Quartermaster several times since then, our favourite arms dealer has always been untouchable in one way or another. If he isn't being backed by power armoured bodyguards, he's rigged an entire block with explosives. If he isn't able to slip out during a skirmish, he's always got a chopper hovering nearby (Or twelve). He's definitely near the top of our most wanted list.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
The Quartermaster doesn't pick sides, mostly because it's bad for business. As such, he's got nothing against us, Nate or anyone and we're all but certain that's not going to change anytime soon. Still, he's got weapons ranging from Brickbusters to WMDs in his arsenal and he's been shown to be completely indiscriminate in who he deals them to. If we were to take him down, we'd be seriously nipping a lot of our enemies in the bud.

The Pied Piper (Stanley Shaw)

The Pied Piper.JPG

Powers/Abilities: A flute which allows him to control vermin and anyone under the age of 18 for some reason. That's literally it. Seriously.

Occupation: Being Homeless

Likes: Flutes, apparently

Hates: 'No shirt, no shoes, no service' signs

"This city is gonna wish it paid the piper." - The Pied Piper

This is a homeless guy. This man is homeless. Everything about this man screams homeless. He has no home. He is homeless because he has no home. He is a homeless man. Why is he homeless? I don't know. Who knows? I don't know, but he is homeless now and there's nothing that can be done about it. For some reason this homeless man also has a flute which seems to be capable of manipulating the minds of vermin and minors (Two of the most weak-willed creatures on the planet). Aside from that, he is very much homeless and he has no home because he's homeless and he has no home. I'm really grasping at straws, here. Why are you making me write a report about a homeless man who Nate punches in the face every so often? It's not my place to ask questions, but this is a homeless man. A homeless man. What the hell?

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Sir, this is a homeless man with a magic rat flute. The common cold is more of a threat to us.

The Soviet Supreme (Ivan Grigorovich)

The Soviet Supreme.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Able to alter his centre of gravity and redistribute to different parts of his body to devastating effect. Skilled Greco-Roman Wrestler. Knows where to find red pants in the 21st century.

Occupation: Self-Proclaimed 'Flag-Hunter'

Likes: Soviet Russia

Hates: 'In Soviet Russia...' Jokes

"What is a true patriot? One who is willing to not only stand for his ideals, but who is also willing to enforce those ideals." - The Soviet Supreme

What is the modern day obsession among the most moronic of morons with latching onto cultures they know next to nothing about and completely altering their lives based on their limited scopes of knowledge on said cultures? You've seen these kids who get all wrapped up in Japan, right? Well, The Soviet Supreme is like that but with Soviet Russia. Ivan Grigorovich used to be a circus strongman touring Russia (Of the non-Soviet variety) before he decided to turn his talents to 'furthering the Soviet agenda' (In his own words). Bragged that he could withstand any impact and break anything with his own two fists. Of course, what most audience members didn't know was that Grigorovich could only do those things because he was a meta with the unique ability to alter his centre of gravity (And I thought Nate's powers were specific). At some point during his illustrious career, he decided that he would take his loyalism to Soviet Russia to new extremes. He donned a goofy costume and decided to wage war on the past enemies of Soviet Russia in the most literal way possible: He literally travels the world hunting down and fighting (Sometimes killing) heroes and villains wearing flag-themed costumes. Funny thing is, he was pretty good at it too. He took down flag-wearers from places such as Germany, China and Britain before moving onto America, where he made a name for himself by dropping some rookie hero called the Freedom Fighter (Wore his underpants on the outside) from a 20th floor window. After that, he mangled Liberty-Man's spine and smashed Commander Stars and Private Stripes' heads together so hard they exploded. That's when he moved onto his next target: Nate (Because no one was expecting that). He came after Nate hard, but he managed to pull through and actually won somehow (Seriously, don't ask me how). Grigorovich got shipped off to a high-security prison back in his homeland and we thought that would be the end of it, which only made his escape from the high-security prison all the more irritating. Since then, he's shown that (Unlike most people Nate humiliates) he knows how to move on with his life and is still dodging the law and hunting flag-wearers all over the world. Every now and then, though, Nate's name makes its way to the top of his list again and he comes after the poor schmuck like a freight train (Only twice as loud). Nate's managed to survive thus far, but who knows how long it'll be before his luck runs out.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
The Supreme Soviet is just a misinformed loony with an F in Russian history and a hard-on for Joseph Stalin. He's got a very problematic power but no interest in us outside of Nate when he's wearing his little flag get-up. Still, when he does come after Nate he makes one hell of an impression and makes like a wrecking ball in a china shop. He's one for Nate to look out for, but he's only a mild concern in our books.

Tyrant (Morris Whitman)


Powers/Abilities: Wears a hi-tech 'crown' capable of manipulating the minds of others. Possesses a wide array of mind control devices. Powered exoskeleton makes him less of a nerd.

Occupation: Professional Criminal

Likes: Control

Hates: Not having it

"Control is an illusion: to have it you must make those around you believe that you do." - Tyrant


Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Swordmaster (Frédéric Buret)


Powers/Abilities: Master Swordsman. Highly Skilled Acrobat. Professional Moustache Twirler.

Occupation: Mercenary-For-Hire

Likes: Sharp, poisonous things

Hates: Blunt, not very poisonous things

"The sword is mightier than the pistol, mon ami." - Swordmaster


Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Clownface (???)

Clownface 1.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Extensive military training. The very model of a major modern psychopath.

Occupation: Mercenary-For-Hire

Likes: Gratuitous violence

Hates: Gratuitous kindness

"Come on now, boy: where's your sense of humour?" - Clownface


Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Dollar Bill (William Powers II)

Dollar Bill.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Genius Level Intellect. Extreme Wealth. That's basically it.

Occupation: International Crime Lord

Likes: Keeping his mind on his money

Hates: Not keeping his money on his mind

"All men are powerless before the almighty dollar. Even the super ones." - Dollar Bill


Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Kyūkonki (Heikichi Yoshioka)


Powers/Abilities: Drains life force through physical contact. Master Necromancer. Commands an army of undead shadow ninja. No, really.

Occupation: Leader of the Shinobi Kage

Likes: Creepy demon masks

Hates: The living

"I have cheated death too many times to fall by the barrel of your gun, Nate Carter." - Kyukonki


Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Black Light (Sebastian Crawley)

Black light.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Light Generation. Light Manipulation. Light Face.

Occupation: Professional Criminal.

Likes: Being seen.

Hates: Reflective surfaces.

"I'd tell you to lighten up, but that seems a bit cliche." - Black Light


Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Egghead (Edward G. Garrison)


Powers/Abilities: Super-Genius Level Intellect. Egg-Themed Gadgets and Weaponry. Egg puns out the freaking ass.

Occupation: International Criminal

Likes: Egging Enemies

Hates: Egg On His Face

"Consider, for a moment, the egg. Its exterior is unattractive both geometrically and aesthetically, but within it holds a miracle of life, a treasure behind its hardened shell. Now, tell me which came first: the chicken or the egg?" - Egghead

Before I go into detail on this one, I'd like to assure you that we take our jobs very seriously and that this report on Nate's rogues is in no way some sort of ridiculous prank. Please keep funding us so we can keep beating up weirdos with ridiculous themes and concepts for the good of Americans everywhere (But mostly in America). You've probably noticed by now that this particular rogue is wearing a costume which makes him look very much like an egg. That is because he is wearing a costume for the express purpose of looking very much like an egg. Despite the obvious lapse in judgement Eddie Garrison had when he decided to go into crime looking like the Easter Bunny's chosen herald, the guy has a super-genius level IQ (Which means he's even smarter than smart, just so he can be even more special) and was born into more money than most of us would see in their entire lives (Most of us, anyway). Ever heard of the phrase 'Money can't buy happiness'? Well, Garrison is living proof of just how true that little chestnut is. His dad was an oil tycoon and his mother was the CEO of a major software development company. He had toys, friends and a servant for everyday of the week, but none of that really made the poor bastard feel any less empty inside, especially given the fact that he was born looking uglier than a horse's ass on a hot day and with a head shaped like an egg (Gee, I wonder where he got his little nickname from?). If that wasn't enough, he also got a raw deal with a nasty little speech impediment which made him pronounce 'ex' as 'eggs' (I don't think I've ever met anyone more screwed over by life). Naturally, he got picked on. A lot. By the time Garrison was out of Harvard with a major in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Business, he was just about ready to snap at the whole damn universe. Still, that didn't make it any more surprising when he went Columbine on his research lab after one whispered insult too many. 8 dead, 16 injured and one disturbingly calm culprit without the common decency to just off himself. The media had a field day with that one and, once the whole mess was thought to be over and done with, most everyone agreed that Garrison should rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life. Except Garrison, that is. He went from going off the deep end to going off the deeper end once the prisoners got his hands on him. Apparently, he could take all the beatings and 'extracurriculars' in the world, but once they started calling him Egghead and pelting him with the stuff? Let's just say things got a little worse (Even though they got a lot worse). Garrison busted out of prison on his own steam, killed 5 inmates in an act of revenge and started answering to Egghead and Egghead only. He threw his stupid outfit together, made a bunch of ridiculous gadgets (See: Egg-Bazooka) and branched out to crime to get the respect he figured he deserved (Swell plan). Since then, Egghead's proven to be very capable of accomplishing that little goal. With eyes and ears everywhere and all the intelligence he needs to make sure those eyes and ears do their jobs, he's probably one of the most elusive and dangerous criminals on our Most Wanted List and is almost always at least two steps ahead of anyone dumb enough to come gunning for him - and you'd have to be pretty dumb to even consider it with the power and connections he has. Luckily for us, it doesn't get much dumber than Nate Carter.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A crazy genius with gadgets, goons and a grudge? A guy with moles on top of spies on top of worms on top of even more moles? An egotistical jerk with an overpowering urge to prove to anyone and everyone that he's better than them with everything he needs to pull it off? Yeah, he's a threat and, yeah, he's a big one. Don't let the egg thing throw you off, Egghead is as hard-boiled as they come. God, I hate myself.

The Think Tank (Dr. Bartholomew Loeb)

The Think Tank.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Super-Genius Level Intellect. Power Armour. Good at, like, all the sciences.

Occupation: Scientist-For-Hire

Likes: Science

Hates: When All-Star refers to beating him up as 'Braining' him

"The human body is a flawed and outdated mechanism. I am superiority. I am evolution." - Think Tank

When one of your foes is a robot brain in a jar, you've really got to start asking yourself whether or not this is really what you want to do with your life (At least, that's what I tell Nate whenever I get the chance). Dr. Bartholomew Loeb (Why do so many of these people have ridiculously ironic names?) was born rotten. From the moment he first started walking to the day he graduated from his Ivy League university with full honours, Loeb's been a selfish, vindictive little worm out only for himself in this world (Which can probably be said for every single person in this gallery). It says a lot about your personality when you immediately leap into the world of organised crime the very second you step out of one of the most prestigious educational institutes in the country, tragic sob story be damned. It says even more about your personality when, using your mastery over science, you start selling doomsday devices and experimental weapons to the highest bidder so you can spend the profits on making yourself into a freaking brain in a jar (No, seriously, what the hell?). No one's quite sure what convinced the 'good' doctor Loeb that the human body was merely holding him back or why he did it (I'm gonna go with 'crazy') but, at some point about a year or so back, Loeb disappeared off the face of the Earth and came back looking like a cheesy sci-fi villain and calling himself 'The Think Tank' (Hoping he didn't just do it for the pun). So, now a brain suspended in science-goo strapped into a hi-tech suit of power armour, Loeb stepped up his game and entered the big leagues, selling his services as a nerd to the highest bidder and making a lot of messes he sure as hell wasn't going to clean up himself. Now, normally, we leave this sort of insanity to the capes (I think the Flea is available?) but, when we found out about the guy making a thermonuclear warhead for one of America's enemies, I think it became pretty clear that he had to go down ASAP. Nate and a group of black ops boys managed to take Loeb to school and shut down his operation, but our cerebral friend managed to slip away at the last second (Exploding bases. We really should see those coming) and has been dodging and weaving us ever since, giving the boys upstairs quite the headache (Too soon?). Just another problem for the pile for Nate.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Make no mistake, The Think Tank is a menace to society at best and a threat to the entire world at worst. The only thing that's been holding him back is his complete apathy towards world affairs and his own shortsightedness but, if he were to ever stop doing odd jobs for nut jobs and enter his 'World Domination, Evil Laughter' phase, we'd all be in some serious trouble. Let's stop him before that happens.

Commander Propaganda (Bashir Davda)

Commander Propaganda.JPG

Powers/Abilities: Voice can manipulate the emotions of others. Extremely well-trained soldier and military leader. Has a name that no one can say seven times fast.

Occupation: 'Freedom Fighter'

Likes: Hate-Filled Speeches

Hates: Yes

"The average man is a frightened sheep, seeking guidance from the exceptional few. I believe that what I do has true, infallible purpose, Agent Carter. Can you say the same?" - Commander Propaganda

Commander Propaganda. There is a name that is extremely fun to say, as far as names go. The man himself? Not so fun. Before he glued himself to a soapbox and rode around the world on his high horse, Bashir Davda was a traditional, old-school 'soldier-of-fortune'. He devoted his entire life to travelling the world, killing people, learning how to kill people better and getting paid large sums of cash to kill people (This is a guy who clearly knew what he wanted from life) and he was, irrefutably, one of the very best. He was intelligent, relentless and, most importantly, always professional (Much like yours truly, but without the fiery hair of passion). So professional, in fact, that he was able to keep his own radical viewpoints and ideas under wraps at all times. That is, until, he retired from his long life of killing people and decided to pursue a lifelong dream of his: becoming a globetrotting freedom fighter (Yes, seriously). the thing is, Davda had grown pretty disillusioned with the world around him during his time as a mercenary. He'd seen countries crumble to dust, rebellions crushed within seconds and dictators strung up by their own intestines (Very colourful, that last one) but what he hadn't seen was permanent, revolutionary change, and he did not like that one bit. So instead of joining Amnesty International like a normal person, he decided to go and have some of the greatest scientific minds money could buy play Build-A-Bear with his body, giving him the power he felt he needed to become the 'voice of change' he felt this world deserved (He really should have kept an open mind about the Amnesty International thing, if you ask me). Armed with the ability to complete telepathic control over the emotions of those around him. In a few short months, Davda went from war-torn country to oppressive dictatorship, giving lengthy speeches and pointing his riled up civilian zombie armada at the enemy. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Well, it wouldn't be if Davda himself wasn't a devout anti-meta, anti-alien, anti-government, anti-capitalist, anti-religious, anti-authority, anti-everything hatemongering ass. So, what happens when you give a disgruntled and opinionated old bastard the power to control people with angry rants (Aside from a profound sense of regret)? You get public enemy number one; a psychopathic 'freedom fighter' fighting against everything freedom stands for and one of the most potentially dangerous individuals on the planet (Charlie Sheen notwithstanding). Yeah, the good commander is intimidating, but we've got one thing he doesn't: much, much bigger guns and more guns where those guns came from (Gunland, probably). What, were you expecting me to say Nate?

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
I'm pretty sure the obvious danger of a Che Guevara wannabe turning your average Joe and Jane into drones hellbent on bringing about the collapse of all civilisation isn't lost on you. Still, I feel I should drive the point home one more time just to make sure it sinks in: Commander Propaganda is a jerk and we do not like him.

The Tally-Man (Michael Toff)


Powers/Abilities: Exceptionally Talented Mathematician. Skilled Marksman and Hand-To-Hand Combatant. Can make crime 'funducational'.

Occupation: Mercenary-For-Hire

Likes: Math

Hates: Haircuts

"Self-sustenance and deceit plague the thoughts of all living things. Numbers are transcendent. Numbers do not lie." - Tally-Man

You know, I've always secretly suspected that math was evil (And not just because it's the only subject I got C in) and there's no better way to support this belief than with Michael Toff aka the Tally-Man (Like the old song by whatshisface, remember?). Michael Toff was born with a natural penchant for mathematics and was doing long division by the time he was 7 and calculus by the time he was 10. Coming from the tiny island nation of Jamaica, he was quite the celebrity there (And all Kim Kardashian had to do to get famous is take off her clothes). The Jamaican government spent valuable resources trying to turn him into their favoured son and his family raked in bucks every time he blew someone away on a quiz show. By all rights, the kid should've have grown into a respectable egghead making six figures a year. And he probably would've if he didn't spend his time behind the scenes developing a complete detachment from humanity and putting math on an ideological pedestal. As he got older, Mikey (Because that's what I'm calling him now) started to think of everything as mathematical equations for him to solve. He went from finishing complex sums on a chalkboard to counting the number of times certain behvaioural patterns popped up in his peers and using that information to categorically learn everything about them (Definitely not creepy in any way, shape or form). Despite graduating from Princeton at the top of his class and getting offers left right and centre, Mikey was anything but satisfied with the way his life was going. To this day, we're still not sure what made him turn to being a mercenary (Again, I'd personally go with 'crazy') but, if his ramblings can be in any way believed, his decision was all about wanting an 'intellectual challenge'. So, Mikey Toff went from a brainy kid from sunny Jamaica to a cold and calculating (emphasis on the 'calculating') mercenary specialising in heists, assassinations and 'tactical consultation' and using math to do it. You have to imagine what it does for business when you can rob an international bank dry in less than an hour, read the enemy like an open book and walk into high-security facilties because you calculated the exact time each patrolling guard spends looking the other way to the nanosecond. When Toff started calling himself the Tally-Man, he ran into Nate and not only correctly calculated the exact number of bullets he could fire before running dry but also discovered a recognisable pattern in his thought process in a hand-to-hand fight. Needless to say, he kicked Nate to the curb without even firing more than one bullet (Talk about emasculation. Seriously, ouch) and all because he had managed to come up with a mathematical formula for beating him beforehand (Now who said advanced math had no real world applications?). Although Nate recovered and hasn't run into the Tally-Man since, the poor guy's never forgotten the freaky bastard's last words to him: 'I've got your number' (Generic, but understandably effective).

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Ever wondered what it'd be like if the Count from Sesame Street was evil and had a creepy Jamaican accent? Well, me neither, but that's essentially what you're getting with the Tally-Man. There's no denying that this man's a danger to anyone he encounters, more so because he can topple entire task-forces without lifting a single finger against them. However, what really makes the Tally-Man dangerous is that, no matter what he's doing or where his loyalties lie, he's always keeping everyone's score and it's only a matter of time before he starts subtracting. Still, the guy's just a merc with a gun. He shouldn't be too difficult to remove from our own little equation.

Snakeskin (Omar Saheed)

Powers/Abilities: Brilliant Herptologist and Chemist. Possesses a wide range of self-made poisons and drugs. Owns a ridiculous number of pet snakes.

Occupation: International Drug Dealer

Likes: Looking At Snakes

Hates: Looking Like A Snake

"You ruined my life, Nate. So I shed my skin and got a new one." - Snakeskin

I'm really starting to see a trend in the number of esteemed scientists who decide to turn to lives of crime after major life-changing events. You'd think at least a couple of them would just see a therapist or something (Or at least just blow their brains out). Omar Saheed was a childhood friend of Nate (From way back when the two were orphans in the system) and an expert on snakes before a little accident ended up horribly scarring him beyond recognition. The guy was always a little shifty, according to Nate (Because non-shifty people don't specialise in snakes). He was determined to win a Nobel Prize for his one-of-a-kind snake venom derived drugs and always seemed willing to go to any length to ensure he'd get it. So when he tried to hire a group of criminals to help him capture and dissect the last living specimen of an endangered species of snake, Nate found out and took it upon himself to try and stop his friend from making a horrible mistake (Not that going into the science of snakes wasn't a horrible mistake). It didn't work out so well. Saheed drugged Nate with a non-lethal snake venom and left him hallucinating on the floor of his laboratory. By the time Nate recovered, Saheed was meeting the poachers at an abandoned warehouse (Do criminals ever not want to meet at abandoned warehouses?) and a few steps away from getting his stupid ass shot for being a few bucks short of the asking price. Nate stormed the place and took out the poachers, but failed to save Saheed from the ensuing fire (He still beats himself up about that). When Saheed recovered from his injuries and saw what the fire did to him, he flipped his lid and ran off, blaming Nate of course. With his rep in shambles and his face in even worse shambles, Saheed turned to the same organisation he'd hired his poachers from and offered his services as a drug-maker (Of course, he might've just watched 'Breaking Bad' and assumed it'd be a blast). Flash-forward a couple of years and Saheed, now calling himself 'Snakeskin', resurfaced as one of the most successful drug dealers in the game and Nate's newest target (Can you say 'uh-oh'?). Saheed somehow managed to capture Nate during his mission and reveal his identity to him before pumping him full of a lethal poison and leaving him to die in agony (So, yeah, he was still a little pissed). Though Nate succeeded in defeating Saheed and getting the antidote, he hesitated to off the guy just long enough for him to slither away (Rimshot). Since then, Nate's accepted the fact that Saheed was his fault and his responsibility and has sworn that the next time they meet, he's 'cleaning up his mess'.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Snakeskin may supply scumbags and lowlifes the world over with drugs, poison and nightmares, but he's low-key enough for his presence to not be a major issue. That coupled with his single-minded focus on getting revenge on Nate means he's very rarely a major issue for us as a whole.

Captain Hook (Horatio Fischer)

Captain Hook.PNG

Powers/Abilities: Weaponised Mechanical Hook For A Hand. Skilled Mechanical Engineer. Possesses a moustache more flamboyant than Nate's.

Occupation: Career Criminal (Member of the Star-Smashers)

Likes: Right-Handed Activities

Hates: People Who Are Familiar With 'Peter Pan'

"I'm not a bloody pirate!" - Captain Hook

Nate knows a lot of interesting people. Just when you think his little black book of scumbags and psychos can't get any more packed, another freak crawls out of the woodwork and barges his or her way into his life. Take Horatio Fischer, for example. Fischer used to be an underpaid and underachieving engineer making a few bucks on the side as a handyman (The irony isn't lost on me). Now, when you're holding onto a degree in mechanical engineering and still living in a crappy one room apartment above a convenience store you're going to reach a breaking point sooner or later (Usually sooner). Fischer's came when he got in an accident on the job and ended up losing his left hand, which was made even worse by his employer's refusal to compensate him and the fact that any case he tried to make went down like the Titanic in court. Rather than drown himself in enough booze to flood a small island, Fischer decided to get a little proactive (As proactive as a one-handed ex-handyman can get). He managed to throw together a weaponised mechanical hook for a hand out of virtually nothing (I think the really amazing part is that he managed to do it with one hand) and went out to take the money he felt he deserved from his employer. If it wasn't for Nate being there to complain about a bum job they did on fixing his TV, he'd have gotten away with it too. Fischer kicked up a fuss and made a hell of a mess before he got taken down and got a few years in prison for his troubles. But, as you can imagine, keeping a mechanical engineer capable of putting together dangerous weapons using salvaged pieces of scrap (And a few rubber bans, of course) wasn't too easy. Once he got out of prison, Fischer started living a life of crime as Captain Hook (Ridiculous, right?) and has put his expertise into 'engineering' complex heists and jobs to steal back the cash the world 'stole' from him (He actually does a surprisingly awful pirate impersonation).

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Captain Hook may be a talented engineer and a competent criminal, but his problem has always been that he thinks a little too small. So long as he keeps knocking over banks and hiring himself out as a lackey, he'll never be anything more than a small fry for Nate to step on every so often.

Platinum (Christina Carmichael)


Powers/Abilities: Super-Strength and Durability. Mobile Invulnerability. Can scare me into not making a joke.

Occupation: Career Criminal (Leader of the Star-Smashers)

Likes: Riches

Hates: Rags

"#%$*! you, All-Star." - Platinum

Ten years of experience as a field agent and a dozen shiny medals would tell anyone that I'm not the kind of guy who scares easy. And when I say I don't scare easy, I mean I don't scare easy (Starting to get a little repetitive, I know). That having been said, Christina Carmichael, a.k.a Platinum, gives me a serious and incurable case of the heebie-jeebies. That woman is bigger, stronger and much more aggressive than any man on Nate's 'naughty list'. As far as her history goes, Carmichael is pretty cut and dry. She was born to a broke family that had been abandoned by a deadbeat dad when she was a little kid. It wasn't long before she figured her only way out of poverty was to turn to crime (Because it's not like crime doesn't pay or anything). Carmichael spent most of her adolescence picking pockets and conning idiot tourists before falling into harder crimes after her first stint in juvie (Of course, 'hard' may be putting it lightly). It wasn't long before she found herself in some serious trouble with the sort of people you don't want to get into trouble with. Looking to pay off her debts, she agreed to be a test subject for an experimental suit of power armor which had 'fallen off the back of a truck'. The power armor was a one-of-a-kind made by the late Dr. Cipes and was supposed to give the wearer superhuman strength. Well, it did give the wearer superhuman strength. Only problem was Carmichael found it much easier to put on than it was to take off, since Dr. Cipes, paranoid old coot that he was, decided to build a (Very questionable) failsafe into it. So, the bad guys now had an extremely disgruntled woman wearing a double-breasted tank and literally no way of controlling her (Very poor planning on their behalf, by the way). I don't think anyone was particularly surprised when she put everyone responsible for her predicament in the ICU and began rampaging through Westside like a one-woman mob. They were probably a little more surprised by the fact that Nate managed to MacGuyver up a way to stop her (Especially since he used science to do it). Since then, we've had some of our best people try to shut down Cipes' failsafe and crack the suit open. Seeing as how Carmichael has since gone on to not only start a life of metahuman crime as Platinum, but also found a group of supervillains dedicated to snuffing Nate out (See: Star-Smashers), I think it's safe to assume they haven't had much luck.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
For someone who is essentially a nigh-unstoppable human tank, Platinum is definitely underwhelming. With her power armor, her tactical mind and her ruthless aggression, she could probably give a lot of the big dogs a run for their money. However, she's held back by her short temper, her tendency to overthink things and her inability to stray outside of her comfort zone. Right now, she's just another super-powered bank robber looking for the next big break, and Nate wouldn't have it any other way.

Vectoria (Victoria Faraday)


Powers/Abilities: Low-Level Super Speed. Enhanced Reflexes and Perception. Somehow still manages to get caught.

Occupation: Career Criminal (Member of the Star-Smashers)

Likes: The Wind In Her Hair

Hates: The Bugs In Her Teeth

"I just don't get why I can't be a supervillain AND have my own reality TV show." - Vectoria

It should be no surprise to anyone that huge stacks of money can buy you a lot in life: fast cars, fancy clothes, happiness, the works. So, with money opening the door to so many precious commodities, it only seems natural that some people would use it to procure one of the most valuable commodities on the planet: superpowers. Victoria Faraday was a young lady with no shortage of disposable income. After all, she was the hard-drinking party girl heiress to the Faraday Oil Company fortune She's probably more famous for being in the tabloids every other week, though). Faraday was always a thrill-seeking troublemaker. If she wasn't caught sneaking out of a party with two guys on her arms, she was being charged with either a speeding ticket or disturbing the peace. The only thing that really kept her out of a minimum-security prison was her daddy's bucks and the media circus' obsession with her decadence. So, when the new hot topic came along and her father cut her off after one fine too many, it was only a matter of time before Faraday got a little dose of reality to the tune of joining the rest of us down in the 99% (Which may be a little hypocritical of me considering what I pulled in last year). Penniless, talentless and possessing all the real-world experience of a fluffy pillow, Faraday got desperate quick. So she crept into her dad's estate under the cover of night, stole his Black Card and went on a super-powered shopping spree down in the Black Market (I guess she must've figured the most glamorous and exciting way to make it on her own was by resorting to super-crime). Somehow, she managed to walk on out of it all with a vial of experimental super serum without anyone so much as kidnapping and/or murdering her (I think criminal scumbags are getting soft, personally). The serum, once ingested, played mix-and-match with Faraday's genes and gave her low-level super speed. So, what's a teed-off princess capable of running faster than a speeding locomotive do for her first gig as a super-criminal? Steal from her own father, of course (I guess she just forgot about the fact that she had already done that). So, with a nifty new super-power at her disposal, she sped over to one of her father's banks and proceeded to pull off a robbery with all the forethought and skill of a toddler and wound up getting tossed in 'real' prison for her troubles (It would've been funny if she wasn't bawling like a baby when they caught her). Nowadays, Faraday goes by the name of Vectoria and has definitely toughened up a little. She was almost a complete threat when she eventually ran into Nate (He shot her in the ass with a tranq dart and made her crash into a dumpster) and is pretty competent when her B.F.F, Platinum, is bossing her around. Even her powers seem to be slowly evolving (That, by the way, is something to keep an eye on). For now, though, Vectoria is just Paris Hilton on super-accelerated crack: no fuss, no muss.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Vectoria has a pretty dangerous power-set. The fact that her powers seem to get stronger with each passing day is problematic to say the least. Still, the girl is just a ditzy fish-out-of-water. I'm almost certain she has no idea how law even works, she's been sheltered so much. She'd spend more time tripping over her own feet than running on them if she didn't have Platinum to keep her dangerous. And, even then, she's only just dangerous enough to give us trouble. She's one to watch but, ultimately, nothing major.

Pumpkin Jack III (Tucker Vance)

Pumpkin Jack.PNG

Powers/Abilities: Weaponised Flying Broomstick. Pumpkin and Halloween-Themed Weaponry and Gadgets. Very finely tuned evil laugh.

Occupation: Career Criminal (Member of the Star-Smashers)

Likes: The Smashing Pumpkins

Hates: Smashing Pumpkins

"Scream real loud for me, man. Let's see if I can't laugh louder." - Pumpkin Jack

It's true what they say about giving power to the powerless: sometimes it's nothing but a recipe for trouble (Unless a close relative dies to balance it out). Tucker Vance was a textbook underachieving slacker before he was given his 'power'. A high-school dropout living off of a pizza delivery gig, his only prior offenses mostly revolved around under-aged drinking and marijuana. The guy was 18 years old and going absolutely nowhere in life when he had a chance encounter with one of the late Adam Blake's (That's Pumpkin Jack II, in case you haven't read the file) safehouses after running his bike off-road. Somehow, Vance managed to break into Blake's hidey-hole without running into any security measures and was naturally surprised to find an arsenal of Blake's old weapons, suits and gadgets waiting for him. After that, Vance visited Blake's safehouse whenever he got the chance (Looking at his attendance logs and performance reviews, it seems he got the chance a lot) and screwed around with the crazy bastard's tech for shits and giggles (The goon probably even invited a naive girl or two back there to score some action), which probably would've worked out fine for everyone if he didn't get fired for being awful at his job. Problem with that was, now that Vance had an entire safehouse of dangerous technology at his disposal, he could think of better ways to get back at 'the phonies' than by teepeeing their houses. Motivated by revenge (And a few beers, I'm willing to bet), Vance donned Blake's Pumpkin Jack get-up, snatched up as many of his weapons as he could and went over to blow his ex-boss' stuff to kingdom come (And back again). It's a good thing his sleaze-ball of a boss had Nate for a next door neighbour (Depending on who you ask), since the guy not only managed to save his ass, but also managed to take Vance down. So, Vance ended up getting off with a little under a year of community service (Makes sense, since all he really did was wreck his apartment), Blake's gear was seized by us and the case seemed pretty closed for the most part. That is until Vance decided he couldn't cope with being a talentless nobody again and decided to use a GPS tracker he'd stolen and kept from Blake's safehouse to find one of his other ones. With another motherload of advanced weaponry at his fingertips and a grudge against 'you know who' (Nate just can't get a break with these guys), Vance became the third Pumpkin Jack and dedicated the rest of his days to getting rich quick and making Nate's life as inconvenient as he could (On the plus side, he did get his life together. In a manner of speaking).

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
You can take the slacker out of beanbag chair, but you can't take the beanbag chair out of the slacker. Pumpkin Jack III may be packing some serious heat and the ruthlessness he needs to make it even more dangerous, but, ultimately, the guy has the mind and mentality of a high-school dropout, and it shows. He doesn't like to work hard if he doesn't have to, and that's what makes him minor.'


"Turn every weakness into a strength and every strength into a one-liner, that what I always say." - All-Star

Stress: Whilst All-Star's Hyperkinesis enhances his accuracy, reflexes and procedural memory beyond that of a normal human's in most cases, heavy stress can have the inverse effect, making him far less competent than the average person.

Insecure: Although he is a highly skilled and near-perfect marksman who openly brags about it, All-Star harbours hidden feelings of inadequacy about his power and how useful it makes him, especially when working alongside superheroes.

You're Gonna Carry That Weight: All-Star's done a lot of bad in his life and has taken more than a few lives. Though he likes to pretend it doesn't bother him, his self-loathing, despair and deep-seated regret occasionally bubble to the surface.

As Vulnerable As A Human: Due to the highly-specialised nature of his power, All-Star is, for all intents and purposes, a normal human. This makes him vulnerable to all the external and internal hazards that most people would be vulnerable to.

I SAID I NEVER MISS, GOD: Missing a target is a big deal for All-Star. As such, he can be somewhat obsessive compulsive about hitting his mark, occasionally slightly losing focus and his cool when he misses. That having been said, he has managed to get a better handle on this particular shortcoming.

Soldier, Not A Hero: As a military man, All-Star does things a lot more rigidly than the average hero. Whilst this can have its advantages, it often causes hesitation when dealing with legal grey areas and means that he'll sometimes unquestioningly follow orders from his government superiors.

Hello, Nurse: All-Star has a natural weakness for the ladies and, whilst a pretty face and a few flirty words don't completely disarm him, they do cause him to drop his guard a bit in the right conditions.

Razzle-Dazzle: One of the drawbacks of All-Star's bionic eyes is an enhanced sensitivity to light. Though he wears shades at all times to combat this, he can be quite vulnerable to light when not wearing protective eyewear.


"Well, it certainly drowns out the tormented voices of all the men I've killed constantly weighing down on my conscience. Kidding. What? I'm kidding!" - All-Star
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people....with guns."

1. Freedom - Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton

2. Tank! - The Seatbelts

3. Gotta Knock A Little Harder - The Seatbelts

4. Fire Dance - Dizzy Gillespie & Lalo Schifrin

5. One Finger Snap - Herbie Hancock

6. Nuclear - Mike Oldfield

7. P.M. Or Later - The New Breed

8. You Know My Name - Chris Cornell

9. Devil In Me - Jamie N Commons

10. Jungle - Jamie N Commons & X Ambassadors

11. Epitaph - King Crimson

12. Beast - Nico Vega

13. Cheap Sunglasses - ZZ Top

14. Sinnerman - Nina Simone

15. Truth - Alexander Ebert

16. I'll Take It All - Joss Stone

17. Surrender - Depeche Mode

18. Outer Limits - Michael Z. Gordon and the Marketts

19. Vanishing Point - Michael Z. Gordon and the Marketts

20. Smooth Operator - Sade

RP Hooks

"Half the people who try to kill me know me on a first name basis. The other half slept with me." - All-Star
  • All-Star frequents Sherrera's Bar, often spending his time drinking and fleecing other bar patrons out of their money by playing darts.
  • All-Star is an avid video gamer and a fan of First-Person Shooters, often playing them online in his spare time.
  • All-Star is a sports fan and will openly discuss it with anyone.
  • As a Freelancer, All-Star is at the U.S government's beck and call and gets assigned to a number of jobs which involves working with the likes of UNTIL, PRIMUS, the FBI and even the United States Military.
  • All-Star is a top-class chef, having taken up cooking as something of a hobby.
  • Whilst he is privately trained, All-Star most commonly identifies as a U.S Marine as it's where he spent most of his time serving his country during his first year as a freelancer.
  • All-Star became something of a folk hero amongst the US Marines for leading a group of survivors from the site of a mortar ambush and through enemy territory to a nearby base camp.
  • All-Star can't help but appreciate a good gun.
  • Are you a woman who frequents social spots and is currently dating around? Odds are you may have been on the receiving end of All-Star's flirtatious nature in the past.
  • All-Star spent a lot of time serving with the U.S Army and the U.S Marines during his first year on Project Patriot in 2007.
  • All-Star has some connections to the Japanese Yakuza, having worked with and against them in the past. He can still pull a few strings with the more reputable branches and isn't exactly popular with the less reputable ones.


"No, I am not General Freedom. I wear it better." - All-Star
Zach-Star 2.png
  • All-Star is a bit of a gamer. His favourite genre is, predictably, First-Person Shooters and he maintains a very high position in a number of in-game leaderboards.
  • All-Star absolutely loathes magic and anything to do with it. Whilst he doesn't outright disbelieve in it like other magic-haters, he believes that absolutely nothing good comes of it and that magic would not be sorely missed if it were to disappear from this world.
  • In his younger years, All-Star suffered from asthma. This is partially what motivated him to take up sports as a method of "beating" it.
  • All-Star speaks fluent Chinese, Japanese and Spanish, as well as slightly less fluent Arabic.
  • All-Star thinks archery sucks. By extension, he also thinks archers suck.
  • For some reason or another, All-Star is occasionally mistaken for General Freedom and other patriotic heroes by ignorant civilians and heroes. This is a source of chagrin for him.
  • All-Star often whistles or hums the song 'Yankee Doodle', especially when put under stress or in the middle of intense combat. It helps him relax.
  • All-Star is a huge fan of Bruce Lee and adopted many of his philosophies growing up. This is largely what motivated him to learn Jeet Kune Do.
  • All-Star has never had a successful long-term romantic relationship. All his romances have ended horribly for him, the other person or everyone and anyone involved.
  • All-Star has a large collection of sports memorabilia he's been accumulating since he was 15.
  • All-Star's penmanship is atrocious. Like, doctor-level atrocious.
  • All-Star is slightly lactose-intolerant. Too much cheese makes him all phlegmy and it's not a pretty sight.
  • All-Star suffers from what is most likely a minor case of Nosocomephobia, the fear of hospitals. That having been said, he'd be the first one to insist that its simply a case of hospitals making him 'antsy'.
  • All-Star is ambidextrous.
  • All-Star owns a pet military-trained war dog which he recently inherited from an old ex-Navy SEAL friend after his death. The dog, named Bullseye by his previous owner, is a battle-worn German Shepherd and, though he has most definitely seen his prime, he is still a fiercely loyal and resilient companion. Unless you're All-Star, in which case he will refuse to do anything you say. Bullseye currently resides at the Barlowe Building, the headquarters of the Protectors of the World, as All-Star's building doesn't allow large pets.
  • All-Star is inexplicably popular in Japan.
  • All-Star has always been something of an alcoholic. He frequently drinks for the sake of drinking but is kept coordinated by a superbly his Hyperkinesis. In other words, his brain processes the alcohol so quickly that it takes much longer for him to get drunk.
  • All-Star is a frequent smoker of Stardust cigarettes and is rarely seen without at least half a pack on his person. Though they're cheap, weak and liable to leave an awful aftertaste in your mouth, he prefers them to any other brand. This is largely due to the fact that the first cigarette he ever smoked was a Stardust which imparted him with the fond memory of puking all over his father.

All-Star's Adventures

"Have I got a story for you..." - All-Star
"There are twenty bullets in each of my handguns. I could take you out with one - two, if you're lucky - but I'm just gonna go ahead and empty the damn things for funsies, okay?"

All-Star: That's Not My Name!

A huge battle is being waged throughout Millennium City. Guess who's late for the party? It's not General Freedom.

All-Star: Scared Starless

There's nothing to fear but fear itself. And maybe bullets.

All-Star: The Interrogation

Ever had one of those days where you woke up in the nude to a bunch of buff guys interrogating you? Nate has.

All-Star and Sparrowhawk: Like a Bullet Through My Heart

It's Valentine's Day and Nate can't quite decide what to get Alex. Don't worry, it gets more interesting.

All-Star: Same As It Ever Was

Have you ever wondered what it is that made Nate the man he is today? No? Whatever, here's a story about it in seven bite-sized chunks*: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

*Story chunks may or may not be bite-sized. Please do not try to eat story chunks.

All-Star: No Place Like Home

Nate pays a visit to his hometown of Hudson City. It's awful.

All-Star: Breaking Point

Stranded in Venezuela with no gear, no back-up, a frightened little girl depending on him and an entire terrorist cell out to put him six feet under, Nate Carter is on a mission that'll change his life forever. With the world closing in on him and a shadowy conspiracy threatening to swallow him whole, can Nate prove once and for all that he really is as good as he says he is?

Covers All-Star's recent week-long absence from the Protectors of the World

Chapters: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII

All-Star: Ceasefire

A day can mean anything to anyone. To Nate Carter, a particular day in his life stands out among the rest and tells a story of memories, promises and moving on.

All-Star: Road to the Eugenics War

Nate and Riptide meet at Mercy Hospital to discuss plans and consequences in the aftermath of Sparrowhawk's betrayal, concluding with a firm resolve.

Art Gallery

"No flash photography: I have sensitive retinas." - All-Star


"Old Man Carter used to say that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you so long as you're doing you. Of course, Old Man Carter was a violent drunken psychopath who ruined my life, so it's a mixed message." - All-Star
"I'll live. You won't."

"He can be a bit of a bastard, but for what it's worth, he's a good guy. Puff the Gun-Toting Dragon, eh? I bet people are gonna start usin' that some time..." - Snowtalon

"Nate underestimates his true value, regardless of how boastful he comes across to others. I'm a better person for having met him, and that's not something I say about many. A partner, an ally, a friend... and much, much more." - Sparrowhawk

"All-Star? He's pretty cool actually. Don't have a single problem with him. We got similar viewpoints, come from similar backgrounds, and not to mention, he's got a helluva shot. He's alright in my book." - Anarchy

"My opinion about Nate changed. I still haven't spent much time with the guy, but he's once told me something that's been sort of shifting in my head for a while. He said something about his skills defining who he was. That not being the best about what he does would make him lose his identity... That, kind've opened up an old wound of mine. And I kinda, sorta freaked out at him." She pauses for a moment. "I apologized, later on. But yeah, he and I got a little something in common, on that, I think. I'd have to chat with him about it at some point." - Natasha Roy

"Having worked with All-Star a few times recently, I'll admit he's rather rough around the edges at first, but he's cool-headed and determined to get the job done - some things I can't say about some of my powered colleagues." - The Peacemaker

"Almost as good a shot as I am. ..Almost. Other 'n that he takes his job seriously and handles his shit 'n that's more or less all ya can ask for." - Desperado

"An excellent ally. He is accurate, carries the right equipment to allow for a high degree of versatility on the battlefield and is quite capable of handling his job. He doesn't seem to know the difference between an android and a robot, however." - Doll

"A big mouth, but his heart's in the right place." - Thundrax

"He's always wearing sunglasses. I think he has light sensitive eyes or something. And he said I was childish! I'm not not childish... right?" - Impsblood

"He's a hater with a silly mustache. Come on bro, don't be like that." - Zee

"He is a fun person with a love for living life. I always enjoy the time I spend with him. I do not think his facial hair is creepy, either." - Greymist Wanderer

"General Freedom? He's an alright guy, I guess, but I always thought he was like, bigger, you know? And angrier. Less shooty, too. Oh well!" - Dohwa

"Nate? I like Nate. He's the sort of asshole you like having around because he makes you feel better about yourself." - Riptide

"Handsome, professional and he really knows how to wear his guns and moustache. He's not as good with women as he likes to think he is though." - Demoness

"Definitively not the 'shoot first and ask questions later' type, as evidenced by his taking advantage of an opponent being surprised in order to... ask them questions. But yeah, he does seem to like his guns. And dislike other peoples' kneecaps." - Snow Leopard

"Terrible taste in facial hair and his inability to recognize that I'm a woman aside, he's definitely someone I know I could rely on in a fight. He strikes me as the sort to not let something as silly as being outclassed ever take the fight out of him. And if he's half as good as he thinks he is..." - Canadian Fist

"The first true friend I made on this world, and one of the finest examples of Terran warrior-hood in- ..What? Stop giving me that look, you know what I meant!" - Zelara

"Impressive." - A note All-Star would find in his mailbox. Sender Unknown.

"World's. Dumbest. Mustache." - Blue Freedom

"Cool guy and he always is vewy fwiendly! I wike him a lot! Hi Mr. All-Star!" - Chocolate Chip Chelsea

"A real professional. Ready to face any situation that's thrown at him, even if he complains about it a little bit sometimes. All-Star's alright in my book." - Victory

"He cheats at poker." - C.O.P.

"He seems like a pretty cool guy, despite wearing sunglasses all the time. What, does he think he's a rap star or something? Er, anyway, we seem to get along pretty well. And he's pretty hot." - Ada Clover

"I can't decide if this guy is over the top or really bat shit insane from all the stories I've heard. So far he seems like a very capable field leader and an generally cool guy. And a fellow brotha who's a metahuman is always a plus in my book. Wait he's tapping Sparrowhawk?! That black sumuvabitch..." - SoulStar

"Heeeeeeeeeeees Basically the Loose cannon Captain America with Awesome Shades, WHAT MORE COULD YOU F*Bleep*ERS ASK FOR?!" - Skull

Swixname.png v  d  e
Active: Captain ColliderAll-Star
Inactive/Incomplete: Mach VScience StorkThe FleaBearzerkerKid Billionaire
HenchmanCaptain CashCitizen ZThe Lovecraftian ManScrewballPatricia Pan
Misc: Frontiersmen

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Team Leader
Field Leaders:
Captain AdamantPeacemakerRaziraThundrax
Protectors Charter Members:
African VioletAtomacBlue CycloneBlue PheasantCitizen 13Cosmic GloryFahrenheitGold RushHydro
Light Of BeingLucky ShotMarauderMercurielOniSinsonte AzulTesseractWildeyeWitchery Way
Protectors Reserve Members: