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"Sebastian's a great asset to have on any mission. He's pretty easy on the eyes to boot." - [[Artifist]]
"Sebastian's a great asset to have on any mission. He's pretty easy on the eyes to boot." - [[Artifist]]
"Sebastian comes from a rare breed of men as brilliant as they are compassionate. He's an asset on the battlefield, an equal in the lab and a friend everywhere else. I'm honoured to have met him." - [[Captain Collider]]

Revision as of 23:19, 10 August 2015

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The Perseverant
A Modern-Day Warrior
"Don't confuse hope with naivete. It is a dangerous mistake."
The Mind Music-player.png
Player: Astrosimi
Super Group
Charter Member
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Sebastian Steinman
Geneva - Peace
Flag USA.png American
Millennium City
The Barlowe Building
Engineer, Physicist, Inventor
Protector Of The World
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Peacemaker Prime (Genetic Template) - 'Michael' (Identical Twin)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
5'8" - 5'11" (Suit)
180 lbs - 240 lbs. (Suit)
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Telekinesis, Telepathy, Super-intelligence, Regeneration
· Equipment ·
Combat and Reconnaisance Mobile Armor suit, Mark 5. Suit is equipped with a variety of equipment - scientific, tactical, and offensive.
· Other Abilities ·
Mastery or proficiency in most fields of science, theoretical and applied. - 'Inherited Memories' which include several decades' worth of training and experience in combat, linguistics, diplomacy, criminal psychology, and advanced scientific applications.

The Peacemaker, real name Sebastian Steinman, is a Millennium City based metahuman who's been active as a superhero for the better part of a decade. Originally made to serve as a successor and counterpart to a hero from another world, he was sent to this universe just in time to witness the Battle of Detroit. Left injured and in stasis for many years, he re-awoke during the Qularr invasion, initially with no memory of his origin - only his real name and his superhero alias. While struggling to come to terms with himself and the burden of his mantle, Peacemaker has become not only one of the most brilliant scientists and engineers among the superheroes of today, he's also an incredibly powerful psionic whose mastery of telekinesis, assisted by his power armor, also makes him a powerful force to be reckoned with.


"Right, let's start then. Believe it or not, I can't tell you much about who I am. I don't remember much. I know my name, I know I'm not from here, and I know what I'm supposed to do." - Initial interview with UNTIL, 2009

The first Peacemaker, Peacemaker Prime, was born on an alternate Earth. A young man named Sebastian Steinman was exposed to a retroviral serum when the lab he worked in as an assistant was attacked by rogue forces who wanted to procure the serum for sale. Thought to have died, the young man awoke days later to find the serum had given him amazing powers of body and mind to fight crime. This first Sebastian Steinman was troubled, however, by the profound psychological changes that the serum had incited, and struggled with the issue of whether he had truly become an entirely different person when he had gained his powers. Regardless, as the world's only superhuman, he eventually managed to usher in the era of peace and prosperity he'd worked towards after becoming the Peacemaker.

The Peacemaker Corps

"I... I know I've been here for longer than you might think. I remember coming here. This city wasn't here. Detroit was. I was meant to protect it, but I wasn't prepared."

Once the world's problems were dealt with, Peacemaker Prime dedicated the powers of his mind to full-time scientific research, making leaps in knowledge unimaginable to most people. During research into the secrets of space and time, an incursion from an alternate Earth threatened his world. After successfully defeating this incursion, Peacemaker Prime decided to create a series of clones that would maintain a presence in the Multiverse and maintain peace on other worlds. An earlier attempt to bolster his efforts through an identical clone had ended disastrously, but by mixing the DNA of the clones with that of his close companions and giving them limited access to his original memories, he could avoid the same psychological issues that had not only pestered him, but consumed the earlier clone.

As such, a diverse and dedicated Peacemaker Corps was formed. One among them, code-named 'Analog', was sent to visit a world with a major timeline divergence in the late months of 1992.

The Peacemaker of Millennium City

"I saw it. He was right there, they had him, it was over. Then a bright light. When I woke up, I was covered in rubble. When I dug myself out, there was no Destroyer, no Detroit. What was the same was that all hell was breaking loose. I didn't have time to think. I got to work, and I don't think I'll be stopping for a while either."

Analog, who would later become known simply as The Peacemaker, arrived in this universe in January of 1992. Throughout this time, he maintained a low profile, preparing the technologies that would allow him to be a powerful and effective crimefighter. However, the timeline divergence had been miscalculated, and Dr. Destroyer attacked Detroit in July, cutting the Peacemaker's preparation short by several months. As a result, he rushed to assist in the battle with only a very rough prototype battle armor, and when Destroyer fired his orbital cannon, the Peacemaker disappeared and was presumed dead by his predecessor.

17 years later, a visibly disoriented but otherwise healthy man in armor assisted in the efforts against the Qulaar. How the Peacemaker survived Destroyer's destruction of Detroit is currently unknown even to him. In the post-invasion cleanup, he was referred to UNTIL. He knew only his name, that he was not from this Earth, and that his singular goal was to protect the innocent as the Peacemaker. Although initially suspicious of the Peacemaker's sudden appearance, UNTIL assigned him to their science division, working in collaboration with PRIMUS bases across the United States while he slowly recovered his memories and his abilities.

Current Exploits

The Peacemaker slowly rediscovered his capabilities. While working with UNTIL, The Peacemaker built the first iteration of his indomitable power armor, and as his memories returned, so did his knowledge on how to improve it. Likewise, the Peacemaker's offensive capabilities shifted from a dependence on gadgets and advanced weapons to an increasingly powerful dominance over his inherent telekinetic abilities. The Peacemaker now exists as a renowned hero who, while sometimes absent on long missions, remains true not only to his new home on the Champions' Earth, but also to all those that call it home as well.

As he grew in power, he began to take on - and attract - bigger threats to world peace. From his earliest exploits in the rough neighborhood of Westside, the Peacemaker has gone on to collaborate with his colleagues in thwarting threats and plots of planet-threatening size. His initial combat capabilities, once limited and inexperienced, have now evolved in order to be able to take on high-level superhuman threats. He's helped foil the plans of dangerous villains like the parallel-universe tyrants, the Dark Templars; the megalomaniac telepath Superior; the fanatical Xeno-Terrorists; the nefarious minions of VIPER; and even darker and more powerful forces than those.

The Peacemaker also began to form increasingly strong alliances with his fellow costumed superheroes. The Peacemaker was a founder of the Aegis of Justice, was on the shortlist for Chivalry's Silver Lance team, and currently is a member of the Protectors of the World. The Peacemaker has the utmost respect for the majority of the costumed crusaders he encounters, the exceptions being those he considers to be excessively violent.

Powers and Abilities

The face behind the mask.

The retroviral serum which defined the Peacemaker's powers had one central function - subconcious biokinesis, the ability for his brain to alter his body's basic biology. A potentially versatile superpower, in the Peacemaker's case, it resulted in the following abilities.

Telekinesis: The serum modified his nervous system to be able to influence the motions and positions of the fundamental particles of the universe, atoms in particular. This resulted in him being able to control kinetic energy. Although originally weak, his telekinetic powers have grown thanks to both arduous training by the Peacemaker and technology in his suit that amplifies his telekinetic powers. These make up the bulk of his powers, and include:

  • Flight - The Peacemaker can fly at speeds approaching Mach 1, though anything faster requires the aid of his jet boots.
  • Force blasts - The Peacemaker can generate kinetic blasts that range from the power of a gust of wind to a salvo of missiles.
  • Force shields - The Peacemaker is an expert at telekinetic defense, and can generate, with enough concentration, nearly impenetrable shields.
  • Autokinesis - Besides flight, the Peacemaker can modify his own body's kinetic energy in essentially any way he can imagine. He can rapidly change his acceleration without causing damage to himself, giving him supernatural agility, specially mid-air. He can also charge his body with kinetic energy, with the purpose of making him a living missile and being able to make his physical hits more powerful. While this might normally be dangerous, the Peacemaker also uses his telekinesis to spread the impact of any attack equally over the surface of the enemy's body, or focus the energy into less vulnerable areas. In this way, stopping power and knockback is maximized, while harm done to bone structure and internal organs is minimal.

Another thing to note about his power: Peacemaker's telekinesis seems to vary depending on his concentration - the more focused he is, the more control and strength he has when using this power. Although he is yet to be seen doing this, the Peacemaker could theoretically enter a state of hyper-concentration where he'll be able to channel and control an immense amount of kinetic energy.

Super-Intelligence: Though not his most prominent power, The Peacemaker's enhanced intelligence is his greatest asset. He is an expert in every applied science, and proficient in all others - most notably, he's a world-class engineer, biologist, chemist, and physicist. He is able to memorize and recall massive amounts of data, and perform large calculations in his head within seconds, making him a sort of living computer. This, combined with his creativity, gives him the ability to invent powerful technologies with which to enhance his powers and protect the world from evil. He also seeks to use his gift for technology to help improve the lives of day-to-day civilians.

Telepathic: He can also read and control minds due to his brain's ability to read and transmit neuroelectric signals, but he doesn't use these abilities often. Although he understands the moral ambiguity which surrounds the invasion of the mind and usually avoids mind reading, the Peacemaker often uses his telepathy in an empathic form, trying to reduce his enemies' desire to fight and increasing the morale of his companions. He's also not beyond using his abilities to discern when someone is telling the truth or otherwise.

Enhanced Muscle Capacity: As a result of the serum's cellular augmentation, Steinman's muscles were enhanced. He can now lift heavy weights with ease and can run faster and jump farther than the average human. These abilities are augmented by his suit. The Peacemaker has been shown to easily lift motor vehicles and run at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Durability: Peacemaker's cells gained a reinforced structure at the cellular level. Although this makes him hardier than the average human, the defense is not flawless and anything beyond small arms fire can hurt him. Furthermore, he has a near infinite amount of stamina, requiring only a fraction of the rest and nourishment that a normal human might require, and his natural lifespan is far longer than that of a normal human's.

Regeneration: Aside from durability, the Peacemaker also has the ability to regenerate wounds at a very fast rate. Most serious injuries would take a couple of days, at most, to heal.

Armored Suit

To see a gallery of the Peacemaker's various armors, click here.

Baseline Features

The Peacemaker's trademark piece of equipment, you will always see him wearing a variation of his armored suit, a sort of 'Swiss Knife' of gadgets and weaponry. No matter how different, all of Peacemaker's suit's share common functions.

  • Protective Outer Layer - A highly resistant suit of armor, segmented at the microscopic level to give it spandex-like flexibility.
  • Exomuscle Layer - A set of artificial muscles which amplify strength and agility.
  • Neuroelectric Amplifiers - Amplifies the wearer's telepathic and telekinetic abilities.
  • Neurological Uplink - Allows the suit's function to be operated merely by thought input.
  • Jet Boots - A pair of foot-mounted jet propulsors allow for incredible flight speed, used for faster travel.
  • Intergrated Storage - Holsters and compartments, along with a utility belt; a must-have for the science hero.
  • Shock absorption - Dampens kinetic energies, greatly lessening the effect of falls and impacts.
  • Ventilation - Filters harmful materials and keeps the stuffy suit cooled.
  • HUD - Shows the suit's vitals and can shift to various forms of view, such as infrared and night vision.
  • Communications System - A transceiver which works as a communicator, a radio, and an media player.
  • Flexible Appearance - The suit's nanomachine design allows it to transform into most types of clothing and retain it's properties.
  • Chronotech - The suit can warp through space, although only with great strain, allowing for limited teleportation.
  • High-Level Capacitors - The suit can absorb and repurpose incoming electricity.
  • Scientific Equipment - Geiger counters, bio-analyzers, energy scanners... The whole package, ready at a moment's notice.

Archived Models

To see a gallery of the Peacemaker's various armors, click here.

  • S.C.O. Prototype Armor

The Standard Combat Operations armor was a prototype suit designed by the original Sebastian Steinman to be a placeholder for the standard C.A.R.M.A. suit. It was also a sort of "canvas" for experimenting with several aesthetic elements; most notably, the suit's coloration is a bright combination of yellow, blue, and red. It used standard (but still advanced) technology, was heavier and less armored, and did not have most of the features present in the C.A.R.M.A. Mk I. It still allowed, however, for a higher degree of protection, strength, and agility. This is the suit used by The Peacemaker at the Battle of Detroit and the Qularr Invasion of Millennium City. He later put it back in storage in preference of the C.A.R.M.A. suit.

  • C.A.R.M.A. Mk I Suit

The Combat And Recon Mobile Armor is The Peacemaker's foremost suit of armor. It's features are listed above. It is an improvement on the S.C.O. in many ways; it's constructed using a mixture of nanomachinery and layered alloy plates. Not only is it able to not only utilize more advanced technological systems, it's also lighter and extremely more durable. It's design is much sleeker as a result, and is a darker shade of blue instead of multicolored. Chances are, if you saw the Peacemaker back in his earlier days, he'd have been wearing this. A side effect of it's construction is that small design changes can be made on the spot; Want the suit to be yellow? It's yellow, right then and there. Want different shoulderpads? Blink and they're gone. It then became the Mk III suit.

This suit does not contain any extra features.

  • Mk II Chronosuit

The C.A.R.M.A. Mk I on (very harmful) steroids. The Chronosuit is designed to infuse itself and it's user with quantum energies, increasing it's power tenfold. The technology in the suit has been augmented to be able to withstand and channel such grand amounts of power, resulting in the weapons systems being overall much stronger. There is, however, a trade-off. The quantum energy used in the suit is excessively dangerous and corrosive. Any normal human would be lucky to last an hour; not even The Peacemaker can wear it for long without suffering damage. And while the suit is stable, if anything were to cause it to overload, the consequences could be catastrophic, entire city blocks wiped out by the resulting energy surge. The suit is only to be used as a last resort.

This suit's extra features include:

  • Quantum Power Sourcing - This suit powers itself through space and time; a powerful but dangerous last resort.
  • Majorly Enhanced Systems - This suit's features are optimized, it's weapons stronger, it's defenses indomitable.
  • Chest Quantum Emmiter - The wearer can blast a beam of raw space-time energy from the chest, devastating organic materials.

  • C.A.R.M.A. Mk III Suit

Based on the deigns of the Mk I, it features a more lightweight and durable design, thanks to a new alloy-nanomachinery structure which allows for more efficient armoring. The suit now looks somewhat different, with a slightly brighter color scheme, a more technological look, and a shield pauldron displaying the emblem and colors of the Aegis Of Justice. One of the more notable additions to the suit are the new ion-beam gauntlets. Based off the designs for The Peacemaker's original satellite weapons platform, he converted them to a more compact version. Their power can be changed on the spot; the beams go from producing light burns to burning through heavy materials. The suit in general also increases the power of all the previously-installed systems, with the suit also drawing influence from the Mk II Chronosuit; The Peacemaker has made it so the smaller amounts of quantum energy produced is not enough to make the suit dangerous.

This suit's extra features include:

  • Minimized Quantum Power Sourcing - This suit powers itself through space and time, but not enough to cause damage to the wearer.
  • Enhanced Systems - This suit's features are optimized, it's weapons stronger, it's defenses indomitable.
  • Gauntlet-Mounted Ion Beam Emmiters - The wearer can fire beams of charged particles from the palms, with varying power settings.

  • C.A.R.M.A. Mk IV Suit

Designed to combat the new generation of threats which threaten the Earth, the Mk IV suit debuted upon Peacemaker's 'retirement from retirement'. New armor configurations have changed the layout of the armor, providing additional protection with minimal loss of mobility and lightness. Although most improvements are not immediately obvious, the big addition is that of the Multifaceted Ordinance Projector. Although it appears to be a standard shoulder-mounted chaingun, a closer look reveals a center barrel that can fire most large munitions from shotgun shells to specialized grenades, and the chaingun is really a kinetic-energy generator that fires small, non-lethal kinetic bolts. It can be automated to allow Peacemaker to focus his attention on other hostiles. With the Mk IV also came a massive aesthetics overhaul. Now eschewing the traditional sleek and monochromatic design, The Peacemaker harkened back to the days of the classic heroes, combining his trademark dark blue with mahogany accents, incorporating the peace sign into his costume, and even going so far as adding a cape, specially designed to act as cover in times of need.

This suit's extra features include:

  • Minimized Quantum Power Sourcing - This suit powers itself through space and time, but not enough to cause damage to the wearer.
  • Enhanced Systems - This suit's features are optimized, it's weapons stronger, it's defenses indomitable.
  • Gauntlet-Mounted Ion Beam Emmiters - The wearer can fire beams of charged particles from the palms, with varying power settings.
  • CARMA-MOP Minigun - An automated, kinetic-energy based minigun that can also fire various type of projectiles.
  • Cape of Peace - Designed by a mysterious engineer from the future, this cape is not only resistant to most damage but will dissolve into a thick, debilitating gas once torn off or manually triggered.

Current Models

To see a gallery of the Peacemaker's various armors, click here.

C.A.R.M.A. Mk V Suit

Unsatisfied with his departure from the original design goals of the C.A.R.M.A. suit, the Peacemaker returned to the original design motto that his predecessor had originated: 'agile protection'. The Peacemaker's latest suit was the result of testing with armors both heavier and much lighter than the Mk IV, and his difficult but successful integration of those armor's features in one ultra-sleek armor which harkens back to the Mk I. Shunting the cape and the heavy shoulder pads, as well as the Multifaceted Ordinance Projector, the Peacemaker designed his suit to best complement his innate telekinetic and athletic abilities rather than rely on weapons systems. It allows him to outmaneuver enemies while still allowing him to hit hard and true, and reflects his desire to stray from the overly-weaponized suits which he came to build in response to larger threats.

This suit's extra features include:

  • Minimized Quantum Power Sourcing - This suit powers itself through space and time, but not enough to cause damage to the wearer.
  • Enhanced Systems - This suit's features are optimized, it's weapons stronger, it's defenses indomitable.
  • Gauntlet-Mounted Ion Beam Emmiters - The wearer can fire beams of charged particles from the palms, with varying power settings.

Weapons, Gadgets, and Equipment


The Peacemaker's ion-beam gauntlets in action.

Opinions From Others

"A man of enormous character and a top of the line super. His leadership against the Dark Templars was outstanding. I could go on and on with my praises for this man. He's one of the great hopes of the new generation of superhumans." -- Thundrax

"When he's not getting drugged and kidnapped, Peacemaker's one of the bravest guys out there. Not everyone can make a peace sign look intimidating" -- Avro

"I've met'em a few times. And... One of those times, I MIGHT'VE used his doped-up body as a pommel horse.... Might've kicked him ten feet... Yeah, I'd like ta meet'em when he's able ta chat sometime." -Hunter

"He, like many wealthy men, has taken it upon himself to help the less fortunate. Good intentions. But then, you know what they say about good intentions." - Mr. Blank

"When this guy says he fights for peace... he means it. He's definitely a friend." - Bullet Points

"It's terrific to work with someone so even keeled. Anyone with his kind of know-how is bound to be full of surprises." - Aura

"Kind of a nerd, but he's alright. Definitely a handy guy to have around, and a nice one at that." - All-Star

"A bit on the reserved side when we have met up, but he's reliable and a team player to a fault. I can appreciate what he brings to the table." - Sparrowhawk

"The Peacemaker? He's an honest to goodness hero who can do more than just blast criminals, aliens, and all that. He's another shining example of what it is to be a hero." - Canadian Fist

"Peace is pretty badass! He knows what he's doing and knows everything you'd need to know about tech and mental stuff. Also, sweet costume." - Dobergirl

"Peacemaker is an impressive combination of experience, powers, and abilities. Given some time, there's little that he can't do, and that's what makes him such a useful ally. I'm glad he's a member of the Protectors." - Razira

"Capable. A good ally." - Fletch

"Didn't think guys with a Hippy Sign could fight, I am apparently wrong." - Skull

"Sebastian's a great asset to have on any mission. He's pretty easy on the eyes to boot." - Artifist

"Sebastian comes from a rare breed of men as brilliant as they are compassionate. He's an asset on the battlefield, an equal in the lab and a friend everywhere else. I'm honoured to have met him." - Captain Collider


Other information regarding this hero is addressed here.


A large portion of Peacemaker's strength as a superhero comes from his power armor. His innate powers originated from very primitive super science, and while he's gained much power over time and can usually hold his own, he's often left very vulnerable without his suit, specially considering the sort of attention (and enemies) he has attracted over his career.

While more conventional weapons will have a hard time doing major damage to Peacemaker, more advanced weapons can often cut throgh his armor and expose his less resistant skin. Peacemaker can regenerate vital organs, even to the point of being able to repair significant brain damage. However, if those vital systems are consistently damaged for a period of time, it may cause Peacemaker to go into severe condition, or even kill him. Severe cranial trauma can also knock him out for extended periods of time. He has little knowledge regarding any sort of magic, leaving him vulnerable to any hexes, curses, or energies which defy ordinary science.

Peacemaker uses a sort of entropic energy derived from the space-time continuum to power his suit. Although it's perhaps one of his greatest boons, the energy is extremely volatile and Peacemaker finds it harder to regenerate from injuries caused by the energy. Additionally, while the suit is protected against such an occurrence, should enough simultaneous damage be done to the suit's central power system, the suit's containment system might fail and overload, releasing a shockwave of entropic energy that could cause devastating damage in a moderate radius.

His major vulnerability has been abruptly deactivating his suit, usually managed through powerful EMPs. Since his suit is linked to his nervous system, his suit malfunctioning often causes the Peacemaker to go into seizures and even lose consciousness. As a side effect of the sudden shock, his powers are left diminished and his regenerative factor slowed severely, a weakness which has been used before in attempts to kill the Peacemaker. The supervillain Borealis once ran an EMP through Peacemaker's armor so powerful it left him knocked out for a day.

Personality and Appearance

The Peacemaker's personality is a complex one, thanks in part to 'inherited memories' from Peacemaker Prime. At the time of his arrival, Sebastian, while as competent and professional as any skilled operative, had a much more juvenile and brash personality that matched his more adolescent level of experience. However, as he ingrained himself more deeply into the world of crime-fighting and as he began to recollect his inherited memories, he became more serious and eloquent, while still retaining a youthful vigor and optimism.

Normally rational and calm, the Peacemaker is by no means detached emotionally. While this gives him great determination in stopping those who would threaten the innocent, it's been one of his greatest weaknesses as well. If he's aware that those who are close to him - or those who are vulnerable in general - are being hurt, he'll make sure that the transgressor knows how displeased he is. As aforementioned, the Peacemaker isn't as brash as he was before, but those who prod him enough will find that, despite his ideals, the Peacemaker has the spirit of a righteous fighter.

The Peacemaker appears, often to the surprise of those unfamiliar with him, as a boyish young man seemingly in his early twenties. He stands at a modest height of 5'8 and has slightly long, unkempt hair and a tan complexion. When in his suit, his height increases two inches. The armor usually covers the entirety of his body, and it's appearance has changed as Sebastian upgrades the suit. While originally designing his suit with a stealth-oriented monochromatic midnight blue motif, he rarely does stealth work anymore and has changed his suit to further reflect his embracing of the hero lifestyle and his role as a public figure. Nowadays, his suit commonly carries a dark red-and-blue scheme, with his emblem covering the suit's emergency exhaust port.

Theme Songs

Main Theme: Tom Sawyer.

Victory: Won't Get Fooled Again.



- The Peacemaker was involved in The Battle of Detroit, most specifically, the spacial operations and the Destroyer skirmish. Recently he's become an avid memeber of the scientific community. Your science character may have met Sebastian Steinman before. Anything else? Don't hesitate to contact me at @astrosimi if you want to develop some more RP. I'd be more than happy to work with you!

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