Born into a wealthy and influential aristocratic family, Sir William Percival Cavendish-Portland became 11th the Earl of Castlebridge following the death of his uncle Charles Cavendish. Along with the title Percy also inherited Castlebridge Manor, a large stately home deep in the english countryside. Little did he know when he first stepped over the threshold as the Earl, that he also inherited the family legacy (or some would call it curse) - the mantle of The Knight. The unchivalrous and dastardly behavior of the 2nd Earl, Sir Mordred; had led to the family line being cursed, to be forever called upon in times of need to protect those unable to protect themselves. This in itself was nothing less than would be expected of a knight, however the curse also ensured that each subsequent holder of the title of Earl, would also have to bear the soul of Sir Mordred in order that they should not forget.
All this Percy found out when he opened the private letter left to him by Charles Cavendish, the previous Knight. Along with details of the curse, Charles provided information on the secrets of Castebridge Manor, including the resting place of the armor and sword that should be worn when duty called. That night as he slept for the first time in his new home, he found his dreams filled with dark images of murder, bloodshed and darkness - Sir Mordred had arrived. Charles had borne this curse for over 60 years - how long could Sir William bear it?