The Progeny

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OOC Notes

The Progeny by 12for12.jpg

The Progeny is a super group much in the vein of THE TEEN TITANS and YOUNG AVENGERS. It is usually a bit more light hearted fare with the usual teen angst and melodrama that can sometimes follow. The members of The Progeny are all between 15 and 19 years of age and work together to fight city or world threatening terrors all while hoping to get at least a 'B' on their history midterm exam the following day. The team is very much a 'capes and tights' type group like THE PROTECTORS OF THE WORLD and look to gear their adventures towards that type of notion. They do not murder, steal or start crimes... they might, however, skip school once in a while. I mean, someone has to stop Therakiel, right?

We are not freely soliciting applications unless specified somewhere. This policy of 'please don't come to us, we will come to you' is so that the players can focus more on the role playing and less on the 'business side' of handling the super group. The Progeny is comprised mostly of veteran players who are comfortable with each others play style. From time to time open events will occur which anyone can be part of. In the event of an opening, it will be on a public forum for those to look into. This allows players who are not officially part of the team to still join in on the hijinks. We also enlist a 'no alts' policy and soft cap of roughly twelve members so everyone is familiar with the characters and no one feels left out or 'out of the loop' with what is going on.

The Progeny uses the PROTECTORS OF THE WORLD sub forums. To know more about these teen sensations, please click the logo below!

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The Progeny were formed by a gathering of the old guard of New Vigil alongside new teen heroes who had never worked within a team before. Lash, known as Olevia Alvarez, had chosen to bring together a number of her old team mates for a reunion party. Several of them decided to meet at the downtown teen hotspot known as 'SWING'. As they chatted, little did they know others who possessed special talents were also there. They also could not guess in their midst was an alien princess whose life was in jeopardy as those she associated with attempted to assassinate her. The heroes quickly stepped into action, bringing their talents together in order to defeat an alien militia as well as save the princess. As she departed, the teens exchanged notes and ideas. They realized that they worked well together and the victory would have not had been possible unless they had done this as a single unit. Thus they formed The Progeny, whose purpose was for these young heroes to combat all kinds of menaces they may not be able to individually.

The team was fortunately able to bond quickly. The first few weeks were mostly socializing and getting to know each other while fighting petty crimes. They soon found themselves thrust into larger scale adventures, such as saving Westside High School from super powered gang members. Soon afterwards, they took on a new venture and a home of sorts. Arcade - O - Rama, a run down arcade store set in a five story building in Westside, was also a fully outfitted underground lair that a villain used at one time. Making it their own, they set out to renovate both it and the store and the area below, turning it officially into their base of operations. They even took in their first additional member, The Silver Scar, a teenage gladiator from another world.

As time has passed, the roster changed as well. Cobalt Crush, Stegoboy and Maverick left for other ventures while Cait Sith found himself wandering in and out of the Ardade- O - Rama infrequently as he began to explore this world when passage to his own home was lost. Others found themselves welcomed into the family of heroes in their stead. Some included the Templar Faith, the quirky Communick and even the return of former New Vigil member Luctus to the team. HexBane stepped out of the shadows and was inducted into the team's membership, quickly cementing herself as a central figure for this new iteration of the Progeny. Their challenges grew as well, from small crimes in Westside to actually being forced to confront an ancient sorceress wielding powers of the gods themselves.

The Progeny have their sights set high and continue on as heroes within Millennium City, ready to carve a name for themselves next to their adult contemporaries.



The team began its first few weeks spending far, far too much time at Darren's Pizza near downtown Millennium City. It was the 'go to' spot for many of the Progeny and the de facto headquarters, for lack of a better place. While it was good for them to have a place to unwind, it was also unhealthy to eat that much grease and the owners were not fond of Kid Ballistics's insistence at showing off his new weapons every time he arrived. It was quickly realized by some on the team that a place with a bit more permanence was required.

The team has ended up utilizing ARCADE O RAMA as their base of operations. Popular in the 1980s, it fell into disrepair after the Battle of Detroit. It is located in a rougher area of Westside and is in a five story brick building. It was purchased through the city as a joint venture through an invented, third-party identity that does not actually exist except on paper. The inside is partially rehabbed at the moment due to the financial assistance of some of the more wealthy individuals on the team. It contains working pinball machines and arcade games that the public can enjoy and doubles as a 'real' establishment that brings in money. It is a local place for teens to hang out, be safe and socialize. The first two floors are the arcade section. The third floor is a warehouse area for spare games in their inventory or ones broken requiring service as well as an office for the property and business. The fourth floor is home to several studio apartments that the team can use if they desire, though they have not been fully rehabbed. The fifth floor is gutted and was not in use until HexBane and Cait Sith wished to expand it as an area for those with magical abilities could gather... most likely unnerving several members in this revelation, but it has proven to be of value.

The lower level is where the team spends most of its time. It is the former lair of the villain known as The Pinball Wizard who was brought to justice by Lash and New Vigil member Whitecloak. Realizing that it was just sitting there, empty, the heroine brought it to The Progeny's attention that it could be used as a base of operations by them. Though it needed a bit of elbow grease at the time, the team agreed on it. The lair is accessible though a side panel off the upstairs first floor gaming room or a tunnel that leads out by the docks in Westside.

Arcade O Rama has the following in its lower level:

  • Social Hub. There is a decently sized area where the team can congregate and socialize. An 80 inch flat screen television with sound system gives them a good 'night at the movies' with leather sofas and a love seat. A few newer arcade games have been pulled down here as well so that the team can play games without having to go mingle with others if they do not want to. There is a 'Trophy Room' area located upon its far wall that is a large shelving unit.
  • Living Quarters. There are eight rooms located in the underground area that have been re-purposed as bedrooms. They are not large, about twelve feet by twelve feet each. If there are members who need to 'get away from it all' or just avoid their parents for the time being they can go here. Some members do live here permanently and as such have decorated their room to their own specific taste.
  • Kitchen/ Dining Area. It is mostly just a side galley area off the Social Hub, but its a small area that people can fix food and eat in relative peace.
  • Gymnasium. While not extremely large or state of the art, it allows most members to get a work out in that will be beneficial.
  • Tech/ Science Room. This room is basically for the tech geniuses of the team. It allows them to store, work on and test gadgets and other devices that they may use now or in the future. Several prototypes exist in here in various states of creation. It is decently outfitted and contains several things that mirror the labs in the Millennium City Police Department's Science Division.
  • Computer Hub. An area off of the Social Hub as well, this contains the computer systems that monitor upstairs, the downstairs lair, Millennium City alerts and world wide alerts. There is a system in place that will connect to the MCPD or UNTIL for updates if they are needed. It regulates the functions of the lair and protects the team from intrusions with defense systems.
  • Hangar. This actually is a large area that connects the lower lair of Arcade O Rama with the tunnel system that leads out to the Westside docks. The team stores personal vehicles or items there. A side area somewhat off the hangar has been claimed by Kid Ballistic for his arsenal and is a 'no touch zone' for the other members of the team.
  • Arcane Workshop. This area serves as both arcane storage and workspace for Cait Sith and any other members of the group who need a place for magic workings. It is located in the largest storage section within the hangar. Wards have been placed around the space, making it ideal for the containment and storage of magical items.




Team Members:



Name: Ace
Abilities: Flight Suit, Gadgetry
"Famous last words of a Redneck; Hey y'all, check this shit out!"

Who is this kid y'all call Ace you might ask? Why, I'll tell you, he's the guy who at the age of 12 built himself his first freaking Jetpack, that's who he is! A true technical genius born and raised in rural Tennessee and dam proud of, it would you ever ask him, he wears the title of redneck as a badge of honor. He might not be the sharpest tool in the utility box and he can come off as a tad unrefined due to his rural upbringing and lack of knowledge about social norms in the big city. Though put him in front of any technical equipment and you'll see the magic happen. All his life he's been tinkering away, building amazingly advanced technological marvels out of any old junk he could find. This includes, of course, his very first Jetpack. A project for his school science fair, this opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Ace as universities all over offered up a spot for the young genius. He settled for MCU and packed his bags. Of course it didn't take long for Ace to think bigger upon arrival. In a city surrounded by heroes and villains it was only a matter of time before he expanded on his flight suit and took up the mantle himself! Not literally speaking, of course, a mantle together with a Jetpack would not end well... Like, in flames, believe it's true! Only Ace would actually have tried that one




Name: Atomix
Abilities: Insert abilities
"Insert quote"

Insert brief bio.


Black Ice avatar.jpg

Black Ice

Name: Oliver Black
Abilities: Chemistry Skills, Cryokinesis, Mutant Physiology, Parkour
"It'll be a cold day in hell before people quit making ice puns."

Oliver Thomas Black was born in London, England, on January 13, 1998. He lived a typical middle-class childhood in the United Kingdom, until his genetic mutation manifested during puberty and turned his life upside down.

At the age of 16 Black filed for emancipation and moved to Millennium City, The City of the Future, in the United States.

Oliver soon found himself using his mutant powers for good, hindering the criminals in his neighborhood. He became known by the alias Black Ice and joined a club of young metahumans and heroes in training, New Vigil. This would eventually lead to him joining his current team, The Progeny, which formed the start of Oliver's career as a crime fighter.

After a funny clip of Black Ice bantering and effortlessly wiping the floor with some painfully incapable bad guy went viral, Oliver received the life-changing opportunity to become a corporate sponsored hero. He decided to roll with it.

Black Ice is currently being sponsored by Good Guise.


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Name: Marc O'Neill
Abilities: Vocal Generation/Manipulation of Radio Waves, Power Jump (via Boost Boots)
"This dial is tuned to Justice! ...or something like that."

Marc O'Neill is far from the silent type, though you wouldn't know it on a first meeting. A latent mutation (triggered by too much yelling over the crowds at FoxbatCon, no less) altered the sounds of his voice into electromagnetic signals.


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Name: Erin Reyes
Abilities: Divine Healing, Celestial Blasts, Swordfighting
"You shall see the glory of my God not through my words, but through my actions."

Faith is a member of the Modern Order of the Knights Templar, an organization that managed to grow in secrecy after years of persecution nearly annihilated them all. Trained since a young age to use the powers of the divine to heal and protect, she has a drive to help those in need. After years of foreign work -- which took her from the Philippines, then to Indonesia and Sri Lanka -- she's been assigned to train in Millennium City under the tutelage of one of the Order's finest sword fighters in the use of her weapon, Gratia. She now uses her divine powers and growing sword skills to aid the people of Millennium City, and ensure the safety of her teammates.




Name: Fletcher
Abilities: Insert abilities
"Insert quote"

Insert brief bio.


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Name: Taffi
Abilities': Electromagnetism, Power Generation and Amplification
"Aliens shaking their booty! Aliens...having fun...wait is this right?"

Rescued from an ARGENT lab that was using her as an electrical generator, the Malvan Heartbeat has been learning to adapt to a new world around her. Taffi attends The Bracen Institute and is a junior. She has grown a lot since her time in the ARGENT lab, and has made a lot of friends while still undergoing therapy through UNTIL to fix the Stockholm Syndrome she suffers after many years in captivity. Taffi learned a lot from her leaders Charity and Galactigal, and has learned to work within a team structure. She is a bit silly, and still is amazed at the world around her. She has significant electromagnetic powers and is still training to become better at helping her team.




Name: Jill Blackthorne
Abilities: Shadow Manipulation, Empathy/Telepathy, Witchcraft
"Live in the light or drown in the dark."

Jill was born and raised in Millennium City. Slight in build, she still cuts a disturbing figure among the shadows she surrounds herself with. Jill has mismatched eyes, her left is an emerald green and her right a sky blue. Jill has a variety of piercings and normally prefers to dress in a sort of goth-punk fashion. Her magic powers are drawn from an alternate plane she calls the Nightmare. As such, Jill often experiences night terrors and memories of what she calls her past lives. As such Jill's often emotional and on the bare edge of exhaustion.

Jill's abilities include Shadow Manipulation, warping space through shadows and solidifying shadows into constructs. She has very little training with her psychic powers, at the moment she can sense and manipulate emotions and glimpse the short-term future. Jill is a witch with a talent for hexes and curses. She can use other spells, but must prepare them ahead of time. Jill does have some combat training and is not adverse to using technology to back up her other abilitites. Right now, she's between schools and plans on pursuing a computer science degree at MSU in the near future.



Kid Ballistic

Name: Sidney Mason
Abilities: Quickdraw, Weapons Expert, Mercenary Training
"There's nothin' loose about this cannon."

Kid Ballistic was raised abroad to be a soldier of fortune, but when his father left him on his own, he came to the United States and became a crimefighter. Raised on a healthy diet of westerns, action flicks, and paramilitary training, this young gun is known for his quick draw, his weaponsmithing skill, and his penchant for collateral damage. For a gunslinger, his aim isn't very good, but "KB" makes up for it by choosing quantity over quality. Why use one bullet when you can use one-hundred?

Though he has a kind heart, it often gets lost in the shuffle between his vices and his personal baggage. But for what it's worth, he has more experience than most of the team combined, and pursues the job full-time, since he doesn't go to school. He helps fund the team's operations (and its pizza consumption) with a small war chest, and can serve as a surprising voice of reason when the going gets tough.




Name: Kl'vin
Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Flight
"Thought is advisable. Imprudence is not."

Recovered from a space shuttle crash site in northern American wilderness, the extraterrestrial identified as Kl'vin has since been a subject of research and observation for UNTIL and the American government. Appearing collected, inquisitive, and intellectually driven, Kl'vin nevertheless finds a measure of wonder and even appreciation in the lively, vibrantly chaotic nature of humanity. Carefully opportunistic, the young alien seeks to make the most of his current situation of being virtually stranded on Earth by spending his time with his adopted friends and teammates in order to develop a deeper picture of humans. As someone possessing natural super-strength, flight, and extreme damage resistance, he embraces his role of "meatshield" with surprising frequency, and even willingness.




Name: Olevia Alvarez
Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Flight, Magical Abilities
"Do you think this costume makes my butt look big?"

Lash is Olevia Alvarez, possessor of the powers of the Celestial Dragons. Olevia is the resident popular girl and fashionista at Grace Memorial High School. She came to have her abilities purely by happenstance. During vacation to visit the Great Wall of China, she witnessed their national hero, LONGWANG, be murdered by an adversary. Mysteriously his abilities and powers passed into her, granting her great strength. Taking on abilities she never asked for, Olevia nonetheless has made an attempt to do some good with the mystical traits bestowed to her. Try as she might, though, Olevia's skills in wielding them often backfire. A former member of New Vigil and associate of the Young Renegades, Lash now fights alongside the Progeny in order to perhaps better her skills as a crimefghter.




Name: Lyman de Wit
Abilities: Celestial Fire, Enhanced Physique, Flight, Regeneration
"Insert quote"

Insert brief bio.



Strong Suit

Name: Teresa Toledo
Abilities: Metal Manipulation, Armor, Genius Intellect

"I've got thick skin."

Terry Toledo is the daughter of 'El Cerebro Ceruleo' and 'Flor de Mayo', members of the 1980s South American super team 'Los Amigos Invencibles'. Born after her family resettled in Millennium City, she was perfectly prepared for when her powers inevitably manifested. At 16, she's developed powerful metal manipulation abilities. However, Terry has never shown much interest in heroics, preferring instead to follow in her father's footsteps as an engineer. Still, things change - when a family nemesis that promises to destroy everything she holds dear arrives in Millennium City, Terry put aside her apathy for capes and tights, and instead obtained the experimental alloys that transform her into Strong Suit.



The Silver Scar

Name: De'thuum
Combat Expertise, Super Strength and Invulnerability
"Insert quote"

Insert brief bio.


Backup Members:


Blue Freedom

Name: Alexis Talia Monroe
Abilities: Weather control, Energy Projection and Manipulation, Superspeed.
"If I was -really- angry, I'd start with your fingers."

A New Vigil alumni,Blue Freedom struck out on her own when the team fell into inactivity. During her time working independently from a team, she managed to harness her rage and turn it into a clear focus for her crime-fighting endeavours. This allowed her to start taking on greater challenges and push her abilities to their limits and beyond. It also allowed her to not worry about property damage she didn't cause. Having attended Olevia's New Vigil reunion party and subsequently getting swept up in the Progeny, time will tell if property damage will once again become a concern.



Cait Sith

Name: Cait Sith
Abilities: Veils, Shapeshifting, Feline Agility and Senses, Spellcasting
"What else would you expect? I am a cat, after all. A talented cat of course, but a cat nonetheless."

Cait Sith is a cheshire cat, the 13th son of a cheshire cat who calls himself the King of Cats. While most of his siblings and family are tricksters in nature, serving as heralds and agents for various factions of the faerie dimension, Cait's whims and desires have him spending most (if not all) of his time in Millennium City. He is the black sheep in his family since he genuinely wants to help people with no strings attached. Playful, curious, this aloof creature has decided that he will put his abilities to good use by becoming a super hero.

Reserve Mascot



Name: Ryan Stenberg
Abilities: Enhanced Strength and Regeneration, Several Spider Attributes, Organic Chains, Neurotoxin
"I still don't get why people are so scared of spiders."

One night's stroll can really change a man's life. At least, if that man is named Ryan Stenberg. After getting into another fight with his parents over his falling grades and his 'care-free' attitude towards it all, the youth stormed out of his house to clear his head. Waling along the ragged streets of Westside, a series of unfortunate events hit the boy all at once. Bitten by a stray Brown Recluse spider and smacked in the face by a rouge object from outer space, Ryan awoke to a whole new look, one that didn't seem to want to come off.

Given strange new abilities, and a startling appearance, Ryan finally has a solid excuse on why he doesn't have to go to school. He's going to be a hero...right after he swings around the city a few more times.



The Progeny Missions, 1-15


  • Old Vigil, New Problems: When Olevia Alvarez, Lash, decides to host a New Vigil reunion party it brings out several teen heroes to meet and share some memories. It also brings some new allies, who are needed when an alien war breaks out in SWING, the newest teen club in Millennium City! The heroes are tasked with saving the life of an alien princess and helping her potentially resolve a conflict that could destroy her world! Afterwards, the youths realize that maybe New Vigil's time may have passed... but the PROGENY has just begun. (-Featuring: Cait Sith, Lash, Heartbeat, Stegoboy, Ace, Cobalt Crush, Recluse, Blue Freedom, Kid Ballistic, and Black Ice)
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  • Fast Times At Westside High: The Progeny are enlisted to save Westside High as it becomes overrun with gangs. Not just any typical gang members either, but teens exhibiting control of super speed and kinetic energy! Is the experimental serum that they've stolen to possess these powers a danger to the public... or themselves? (-Featuring: Black Ice, Heartbeat, Recluse, Lash, Maverick and Silver Scar)
  • No Place Like Home: Lash uses pizza as a ploy to get the team to see what she hopes is their new base of operations. Arcade O Rama, in Westside, may not be the prettiest, but they learn that when it actually has everything today's super hero needs to get by its not such a bad prospect after all. (-Featuring: Cobalt Crush, Heartbeat, Lash, Silver Scar, Recluse, Maverick, Kid Ballistic and Black Ice)
  • The Peril of the Pinball Wizard!: As the Progeny continue to fix up their new home they get their very first first guest! Unfortunately, its the OLD owner of their base... the villain called the Pinball Wizard. And he is none too happy that someone has come into his place of residence. (-Featuring: Lash, Kid Ballistic, Maverick, Black Ice, Ace, Cait Sith and Miss Pussycakes)
  • The Lost Boys: Three members of the Progeny check up on a tip regarding the drug "The Thirst" in their very own neighborhood. What turns into a routine drug bust becomes a night with much greater and far reaching motives. Day turns into night and the reign of vampiric sorcerer Adrian Arkwright begins. (-Featuring: Silver Scar, Cobalt Crush and Recluse with a cameo by Sparrowhawk)
  • The Progeny Presents: MOVIE NIGHT: Taking a breather from the chaos that's befallen Millennium City lately, the Progeny take a night off to watch some cheesy comedy and horror flicks. (-Featuring: Lash, Kid Ballistic, Cait Sith and Black Ice)
  • Beers, Bullets and Bratva: When Kid Ballistic's past catches up with him, its a shoot out at Darren's Pizza. Can Kid and company take out the Russian Mafia that threaten the lives of not only them but numerous innocents as well? (-Featuring: Kid Ballistic, Cait Sith and Lash)
  • Westside Wendigos: A strange electromagnetic disturbance erupts over Westside, releasing a strange portal that plays host to otherworldly entities. Wendigos, creatures of horror and legend, attempt to lay waste to the area... only to be greeted by the combined efforts of The Protectors and The Progeny! (-Featuring: Black Ice, Cait Sith and Ace alongside Protectors of the World Razira, Armory and The Peacemaker)
  • Tuna & TNT: When Kid Ballistic shows an unhealthy romantic interest there is more than love in the air. The actual cause is the magical feline brothers of Cait Sith enacting a curse upon the young hero. The Progeny must track down these cats and undo the spell before Cait is driven crazy by the passion of his unwanted paramour... (-Featuring: Cait Sith, Kid Ballistic, Lash, Black Ice, Recluse and Silver Scar)
  • Little Toy Soldiers: Just another Friday night at the Mall of Millennium turns into pandemonium as the toys on display at an antique toy show come to life. The Progeny go into action to stop the chaos before anyone can seriously get hurt, but things turn a little hairy when the man the believe to be responsible is nearly killed. Did they get the right guy though? (-Featuring: Ace, Cobalt Crush, Recluse, Stegoboy and Cait Sith)
  • Enter The Power Pack: A robbery at one of the most exclusive jewelry stores in Millennium City is going on, courtesy of the Power Pack! Fortunately the teens of the Progeny are just in time to try to prevent it! (-Featuring: Lash, Ace, Cait Sith, Cobalt Crush and Recluse)
  • Pulling Loose Threads: MCPD's Detective Becker meets with Cobalt Crush to discuss Alfonse Morelli, the man believed to be responsible for the toyetic chaos at the Mall of Millennium. With key evidence missing, the police were unable to bring up charges and three people with past dealings with Morelli have since gone missing. Is there a connection? (-Featuring: Cobalt Crush)
  • Cat's Out Of The Bag: The doll that is key evidence in Cobalt Crush's investigation goes missing, all signs point to the Progeny's resident Cheshire cat as the possible culprit. The group comes together to track down the missing doll, leading to a confrontation in an old meat packing plant. (-Featuring: Cobalt Crush, Ace, Lash, Heartbeat and Cait Sith)
  • Puppet On A String: The Progeny split up to search Westside in a bid to find Cait Sith. Kid Ballistic and Ace are the ones who manage to find him, and a fight ensues. In the chaos, Cait is used as a meat shield and the marionette controlling him makes an escape. With the Cheshire cat freed, the big question remains as to whether or not the doll is gone for good. (-Featuring: Kid Ballistic, Ace and Cait Sith)

The Progeny Missions, 16-30


  • Master of Puppets: When it appears that the marionette wasn't destroyed previously, Cobalt Crush manages to put his investigative skills to work to pinpoint where it ran off too. The Progeny come face to face with the doll, and manage to find out who was the one in control of the cursed thing. (-Featuring: Cobalt Crush, Ace, Maverick and Cait Sith)
  • Beach Bash!: The team joins Black Ice for a trip to the beaches of Hawaii, but the supposed photo shoot turns out to be nothing more than a staged villain assault and an ambush of paparazzi. All seemingly put in motion by the 'heroine' Red-Hot, in an attempt to gain Oliver's attention and make herself look good in the process. (-Featuring: Cait Sith, Lash, Kid Ballistic, Stegoboy and Black Ice)
  • A "Family" Affair: Members of the Progeny come together as a "family" for Thanksgiving in a mutual need to stuff their faces full of good food and reminisce. Good food, good company, overall a good time is had be all, and no explosions were needed at all to achieve it.(-Featuring: Ace, Black Ice, Cobalt Crush, Kid Ballistic, Cait Sith)
  • Day at the Zoo: A bunch of bizarre animal test subjects were recently freed from a lab and temporarily housed at Millennium City's Zoo, until some nutcase mercenary type decided to set them free. Only to hunt a select few of them down again. Our teen heroes successfully aided the zookeepers in wrangling a group of dangerous part bionic animals, although the few rare mutant animal specimen are still unaccounted for. (-Featuring: Ace, Atomix, Communick, Strong Suit and Black Ice)
  • Monkey Business: Investigating a strange signal pinging UNTIL the location of a primate research and rescue center in Central America, our heroes and Agent Jackson from UNTIL discover researchers that are being held captive and made to research mutations in primates against their will. Their research specimen, a large mutated orangutan, was among the animals that went missing from Millennium City's zoo. The culprit is long gone, but the great ape is successfully subdued and the researchers are saved. (-Featuring: Cait Sith alongside Protectors of the World's Kingdom)
  • Alligators in the Sewer: Detective Becker of the MCPD reaches out to the Progeny to investigate a number of disappearances. When the trail leads down into the sewers, Black Ice encounters a pair of teen heroes who are also looking into the matter. Soon, they find themselves face to face with giant alligator men. With a little bit of teamwork and luck, the trio overcome the beasts and free the hostages. (-Featuring: Black Ice, Communick, and Kl'vin, with a cameo from Faith)
  • The Urban Jungle: The old and retired heroes of Millennium City get to enjoy a leisurely trip to a park downtown. The teens have volunteered to look after them for the day, in part because of a suspicion these elderly mutants may be the unsuspecting targets of a notorious mercenary. At the end of an eventful afternoon the infamous Bloodshot, the same villain who was behind the trouble at the primate center and the zoo, is successfully delivered to UNTIL. (-Featuring: Faith, Heartbeat, Kid Ballistic, Strong Suit and Grey Blitz)
  • Checking the Traps: Bloodshot may have been taken into UNTIL's custody, but the work of a hero does not stop there. The team scopes out a warehouse over in Westside, one of Bloodshot's possible bases of operations, while Agent Jackson from UNTIL and Black Ice guard the perimeter. Two mutant captives, people from open missing person cases, are freed and the site is successfully cleared. But at the end of the mission Black Ice is suddenly nowhere to be found. (-Featuring: Black Ice, HexBane, Kl'vin and Strong Suit)
  • Saving Private Oliver: With the aid of Agent Jackson from UNTIL the team tracks the missing Oliver, Black Ice, to Bloodshot's hideout in the North American wilderness. After bypassing all of the deadly traps they are betrayed by none other than Agent Jackson, who as it turns out was being blackmailed by Bloodshot and acting as his accomplice this entire time. The trap is sprung, but it is Bloodshot who ends up getting caught. Black Ice is rescued by his teammates and brought home in one piece. (-Featuring: Black Ice, HexBane, Kid Ballistic, Kl'vin and Lash)
  • Attack of the Monsterback!: The Progeny respond to the rampage of a hungry, red-maned beast in West Side! Through teamwork and quick thinking, the teens subdue Monsterback and hand him over to PRIMUS custody, ending the trail of destruction! (-Featuring: Communick, Faith, HexBane, and Lash)
  • A Sting for the Swift: The Progeny execute a plan by Kid Ballistic to trap the sinister speedster Quicksable! Masquerading as customers of the National Bank in City Center, the team are ambushed themselves not by thugs in ski masks, but employees of the bank itself! Fending them off, the teenagers corner Quicksable in the bank's vault, and subdue the villain! (- Featuring: Blue Cyclone, Faith, HexBane, Luctus, and Kid Ballistic)
  • The Great Outdoors: Progeny Style!: A simple camping trip becomes a nightmare as a strange woman conjures up a fog and summons a huge horde of giant spiders. The Progeny are forced to split up as three of their own (Faith, Fletcher, and Kid Ballistic) are taken down by the spiders' venom. The majority of the group push forward, where they come face to face with biggest of the spider horde. With teamwork - and a little bit of luck - they manage to take it down. While the rest of the team is off on a rescue mission, Atomix and Heartbeat become engaged in a conversation with the female summoner, who mentions how the group is worthy of "the new age" before she simply disappears. Though the night ends in a victory for the team, there are still questions left unanswered. Just who was the woman? And what did she mean about a new age? (-Featuring: Ace, Atomix, Black Ice, Faith, Fletcher, Heartbeat, HexBane, Kid Ballistic, Luctus, and The Silver Scar)
  • Mall Rats: A day of shopping is turned upside down as giant rats manage to chew through the floor of a sporting goods store. When the rodents of unusual size begin to rampage through the food, the Progeny and a new ally step up to deal with the problem! (- Featuring: Atomix, Faith, Heartbeat, HexBane, Kid Ballistic, and Lash with special guest Deviate)
  • The Monsignor and the Progeny: Faith and Kid Ballistic put out a call to the Progeny. The Monsignor (the man who raised and trained Faith) seems to be investigating the woman the group encountered on the camping trip. During the meeting, the woman is identified as Salei, a sorceress who has come into possession of a mask depicting the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan. What started out as a chance to share information quickly turned sour, as the Monsignor essentially shuts the teens out of the rest of the investigation. While it is unclear if this is being done out of a desire to protect the Progeny or if something more is going on, it becomes quite apparent that many members are not happy about this development. (- Featuring: Ace, Atomix, Faith, Heartbeat, HexBane, Kid Ballistic, Lash and Luctus)

The Progeny Missions, 31-45


  • A Word of Warning: The group is approached by Ghostbird and members of the Protectors of the World as the teens are wrapping up a skirmish between local gangs in West Side. Though the meeting is initially tense, eventually cooler heads prevail. The Protectors pass along a warning that Salei has the teen heroes in her sights as candidates for her new age. It becomes apparent that perhaps Monsignor Mendoza and Lady Claymore know more than they are letting on. Several theories are floated, but it is agreed that Salei will likely make her big move on the next new moon. This leaves both groups too little time and too many theories to sort through. Both groups agree to keep one another in the loop until Salei is brought down. (-Featuring: Ace, Faith, HexBane, Kid Ballistic and Kl'vin from The Progeny, Jinn, Razira and Sparrowhawk from the Protectors of the World, with Honorary Protector Ghostbird)
  • Following Threads: Part 1 - Thomas Masev: HexBane, Kl'vin, and Razira are sent to Mexico City to find Thomas Masev, the archaeologist who found the Mask of the Great Goddess. When the arrive at his home, they find that the man committed suicide. They also find that the mask had consumed his life, driving him into despair and paranoia. The man's journals are collected and sketches on his wall are photographed for more research and analysis. (- Featuring: HexBane and Kl'vin of The Progeny, with Razira of the Protectors of the World)
  • Following Threads: Part 2 - Cecie Horner: Kid Ballistic and Jinn arrive in Libya in search of Cecie Horner. They find the smuggler in a black market pocket dimension known as the Hidden Souq (market). After a tense - and awkward - exchange between Horner and Jinn, they manage to get her to provide further information. It seems Salei was to deliver the mask to her coven, but apparently after the merchandise exchanged hands, Salei put the mask on. Horner confirms that likely Salei will show up in Mexico City, naming Templo Mayor specifically. She also mentions that the sorceress may choose Teotihuacan itself. (- Featuring: Kid Ballistic of The Progeny) and Jinn of the Protectors of the World
  • Following Threads: Part 3 - Templo Mayor: Sparrowhawk, Extractor, Miss Mime, HexBane, Faith, Kid Ballistic, and Kl'vin are tasked with guarding Templo Mayor, while a second team heads off to Teotihuacan. When the new moon rises, all hell breaks loose at both sites. A swarm of spiders flood the site, overtaking first Kl'vin and then Kid Ballistic. Sparrowhawk and Extractor work together to drive the spiders off, but not before HexBane dives into the swarm to go after her teammates. It seems that Salei has made her play, ejecting Protectors from the ruins at Teotihuacan and spider-napping Progeny members from both Templo Mayor and Millennium City. (- Featuring: Faith, HexBane, Kid Ballistic, and Kl'vin of The Progeny, with Extractor, Miss Mime and Sparrowhawk of the Protectors of the World)


  • The Pinball Wizard: Current name unknown. The Pinball Wizard was the original owner of the Progeny's current base. He was supposedly brought to justice by Lash and somehow escaped custody. He returned to discover that the teen group was using his lair for their own purposes and tried to forcibly evict them. He suffered a head wound during the melee which rendered him an amnesiac. The Pinball Wizard displays magical abilities such as matter transformation, duplication, invisibility, arcane blasts and minor elemental control. He typically wears a suit of dark metal armor with a red hood and cloak.
  • Bystryy aka Speedy & Zhidkoye Testo aka The Batter: Two members of the Russian Mafia. While Speedy displays enhanced reaction time and super speed abilities, The Batter wields kinetic properties he can channel through objects to give him enhanced durability, strength and stamina. The Batter can also use his weapon to propel kinetic energy directly outwards if he smashes his bat into something. The duo were brought to the United States in order to kill Kid Ballistic for things both he and his father had done against their crime family. Speedy typically dresses in an all black track suit and has a bald head. The Batter has a buzzed head (black hair) and wears silver shades at all times.
  • The Power Pack: A gang of superpowered criminals who spent their days holding up banks and robbing fancy stores. Consisting of the de facto leader and Cryo-suit wearing Avalancer, the Low-level Speedster and Dynamokinetic Hypercharge, the Pyrotechnician and resident creep Burnout and the surprisingly mellow Metal behemoth known as Powercore. The Progeny first faced off against these while protecting a local jewelry store from being cleaned out, but that will certainly not be the last the Progeny has seen of the nefarious quartet.
  • Trygul and Bygul: Two of Cait's older brothers who originally crossed over from Faerie with a group of frost giants. They cursed Kid Ballistic with a love spell after he insulted them, but the Progeny were able to defeat the Cheshire cat twins and their giant posse. During the course of the fighting, their means of returning home was shattered. The twins agreed to lift the spell, in exchange for their freedom. Now they are roaming the human world, bearing a grunge against Cait and his team. Both twins possess the same skill set as Cait, allowing them to take advantage of shapeshifting, illusions and magical spells, though they certainly outclass their younger brother. Typically seen in cat form only, they look like large domestic cats, with black fur and teal colored stripes. True to Cheshire cat lore, they both bear terribly wide, toothy mouths.
  • Red-Hot: The crazy 'ex-girlfriend' that Oliver never even dated. Red-Hot, her real name is Eleanora Russell, is an international supermodel and superhero, possessing calokinetic powers that her daddy bought for her sixteenth birthday. In truth, she could not care less about helping people and behaves more like a villain. She will stop at nothing to gain the media's attention and views The Progeny, especially Lash, as her biggest competition in the battle for Oliver's affection. Kid Ballistic also has the hots for her.
  • Bloodshot: Bloodshot, or The Huntsman as he is also known as, is a ruthless mercenary whose favored targets are mutants. He collects them, hunts them for sport, sells them to the highest bidder or uses them as a resource. The Huntsman has been used as a bogeyman tale for mutants, but it is definitely not a story suited for young children. Bloodshot is known to supplement his arsenal of heavy weapons with power stolen from mutants, by having himself augmented through gruesome surgical procedures.
  • Monsterback: A beast the size of three men, and the strength of ten, "Monsterback" has an appetite for destruction, as well as high-calorie food. His origins are mysterious, but the creature appears to be Bobby O'Hara, a defensive lineman for the Stewartville Giants, who transformed into the hairy monster during a game in West Side. Monsterback doesn't seem to fall into any one category of monster: his feet are able to grasp things, like an ape, his teeth are reminiscent of a wolf's, and stranger still, his fur seems to rattle when aggravated, making a strange "hissing" sound that usually precedes an attack. Despite Monsterback's feral demeanor, he seems capable of speaking, and displays a certain machismo, as he usually attacks whatever appears strongest in the vicinity, and doesn't stop until he's won.
  • Quicksable: Quicksable is a rare breed. A youth with a mind for crime and cruelty, and a speedster entirely on the wrong side of the law. Sable aims to climb to the top of the underworld, and perhaps higher, and stops at nothing to achieve his goals. Many of his crimes are meant to be shows of status and power, to prove that Quicksable is the fastest, the most cunning, and the most fearsome of criminals. Dressed in a black and purple costume to protect himself from the rigors of super speed, Quicksable's face is almost always obscured. The criminal can run, fight, and think at incredible rates, and also violently vibrate his molecules to tear solid materials apart. At times, the villain's youth is laid bare, as Quicksable falls prey to his need to prove himself, a weakness Kid Ballistic has exploited in the past, making the two bitter rivals. Now that the Progeny has taken him down, Quicksable may come to view them all as enemies.


Art Gallery

Protectorsverse - The Progeny alongside the Protectors of the World

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CommunickConcrete Gospel • Dragonfly • Egress • Feuerdrache • Kid Ballistic
LashPlumbStarletStrong SuitTerrific Tiger
AceBlack IceCait SithDeviate • Fletcher • Miss PussycakesMonster Mash