Doctor Woof

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Doctor Woof is an ancient Time Hound from the planet Growlifrey in the constellation of Dogcerberus at galactic coordinates ten-zero-eleven-zero-zero by zero-two from galactic zero centre. Every few hundred years or so the Doctor sheds his fur and takes on a new appearance which really freaks out people who know him. Doctor Woof 'thinks' he is about 1300 years old, however much of his memory has been lost or distorted over his many sheddings. He is not even sure how many times he has shed his appearance.

The Doctor travels utilising a sentient vehicle he calls BOOTH (Box Of Outer-Space Timey-Wimey Hijinks) which allows him to go sightseeing, digging up mysteries (and bones), hounding evil doers and generally to sniff out trouble wherever he goes. The BOOTH is even older than the Doctor and seldom takes him where he actually wants to go as it has gone a bit senile.

Doctor Woof often picks up strays ..erm.. travels with companions who come from the various times, dimensions, planets, spaceships etc that he finds himself on. It is safe to say that usually these poor unfortunates have to be rescued from some sort of disaster, often created as a result of the Doctor's appearance in the first place and so would have been better off if he had stayed well clear. The main job of the companion is to ensure his water bowl is kept full and to scratch him behind the ears when he needs to think.

While on a random trip to a small, insignificant blue green planet, circling a star locally (and rather quaintly) called the Sun in the unfashionable outer spiral arm of a galaxy known as the Milky Way, Doctor Woof's BOOTH experienced a slight technical glitch stranding him in a place known as Millenium City.

Despite the assistance of famed local scientist Professor Zack Zapperoni, the Doctor has as yet been unable to fashion replacement parts to repair the BOOTH and so is now hounding the villainous scum of Earth to keep from boredom. The Doctor is a part time member of S.H.A.F.T and often assists the Prof and other members to nip at the heels of evil doers.

Woof has vague memories of time spent in Victorian England as scientist and adventurer Dr Wolfe; working with The Valiant. However he cannot place when in his shedding cycle this incarnation appeared. Given the wibbly wobbliness of time, they may actually have memories of a future incarnation.


The Growlifreyans are a humanoid race of beings who evolved with what would be considered canine attributes on Earth. The average Growlifreyan is around 2 meters tall, generally slim but have disproportionately wider chest and shoulders when compared to a standard human. They are covered in very fine hair over most of their bodies, however this becomes shaggier at the extermities - from the forearms onto the hands and from the calves onto the feet. The hands and feet themselves, together with the face is generally free of excessive hair (other than a fine downy covering). Hands and feet both exhibit pronounces claws.

The Incarnations of Doctor Woof

Each time Doctor Woof sheds he takes on a different physical look and also may experience personality changes.
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A: "Billy"
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B: "Patty"
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C: "Jonny"
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D: "Tommy"
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E: "Petey I"
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F: "Collie"
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G: "Silvy"
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H: "Paulie"
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I: "Johnny"
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J: "Chrissy"
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K: "Davey"
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L: "Matty"
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M: "Petey II"
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?: Doctor Thaddius Wolfe

Coming Soon...


Coming Soon...

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Name: Dogros
Powerset: Telepathy
Mentality: Mastermind
Minions: Robot
Status: At Large

Leader of the robotically enhanced race, The Dogleks. Dogros was formerly head scientist of the planet Bonio, a planet divided by an ages old war between the Keldog and their foes; the Vett. In a final strategy to win the war which had literally reduced their planet to a desolate wasteland, Dogros began experimenting with stolen Time Hound technology and used it to accelerate the evolution of the Keldog. His hope that their evolved nature would lead to an ultimate victory was squelched when he discovered that future Keldog actually evolved into almost immobile puddles of unfeeling goo. Determined that his experiment should not be a waste Dogros fashioned armored chassis to house the goo puddles and christening them Dogleks unleashed them on the unsuspecting Vetts.


If you have a connection with or an anecdote about Doctor Woof, please leave a comment below.
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Doctor Woof
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Name: Confidential
Aliases:The Dogtor
Doctor Thaddius Wolfe
Nationality: Confidential
Ethnicity: Confidential
Marital: Confidential
Relatives: Confidential
Occupation: Confidential
Base:Millennium City
Physical Traits:
Gender: Confidential
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Physique: Confidential
Hair: Confidential
Eyes: Confidential
Skin: Confidential
Other: Confidential
Powers & Abilities:
Powers: Confidential
Abilities: Confidential
Equipment: Confidential
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Group:Science Heroes Against Felonious Threats
Rank: Confidential
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Powers / Damage
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Sulphur Texture by Valerianastock