The Firestorm family have long been defenders against the darker side of our population. The original Baron Feuersturm, a feared swordsman in his own right, took up the mantle of Karmesin Raserei in order to protect his identity while fighting prussian oppression of the working class.
As a result of fighting an alchemist in the employ of the prussian government, The Baron and all his successors gained the ability to fly together with enhanced strength, speed and agility.
The eldest of each generation of the family inherited the mantle from their predecessor, and were trained in use of blades from childhood. Before the beginning of WW2 the current holder of the role was assassinated by Nazis for his openly defiant views leaving the role vacant.
Fearing for their lives the Feuersturm family fled to the west, eventually arriving in America and settling in Detroit and changing their name to the english Firestorm
Although their was no one to pass the mantle on, enough knowledge remained within the family that they were able to continue the tradition in their new home. The younger brother of the last Karmesin Raserei then became the new Crimson Fury, fighting fascist insurgents during WW2.
And so the tradition continues to this day and now it is Scarlett's turn to become the Crimson Fury and defend Millenium City from whatever dangers may come.
Shares an apartment in Millenium City with
Kitty Kaboom. Scarlett is a junior E.R. doctor at Mercy Hospital.