Crimson Mage

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The Phoenix
Crimson Mage
Pyrotechnician, Blogger, Mage-for-Hire
Red ProfileBust.png
I'm mysterious!
Player: @Keioseth
Super Group
Token Mage
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Red, Crimson, Crimson Mage, Red Queen, Red Mage, Little Red, & Uh
January 2nd (Current Incarnation)
Yukon Territory, Canada
Millennium City, MI, USA
Sanctum Vermiculus
Firework Pyrotechnician and Alchemist
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Appears Caucasian
Apparent Age
130 lbs
Body Type
Black with Red Highlights
Glowing Sky Blue
Fair Complexion
· Distinguishing Features ·
lip piercing, scarring around the right eye, multicolored feathers on upper arm bracelets.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
Scythe, Pet "wolf" Thunderfang, Vivi, Cloak of the Red Phoenix, potion vials
· Other Abilities ·
Training in various Magic schools.


Red speaks her mind, favors change for the greater good, doesn’t like when red tape gets in her way, and places a great value on not only her own personal freedom, but the freedom of others as well. She doesn’t follow the laws of the land all too often, usually doing whatever she needs to do in order to get the job done.

She rarely makes plans before hand unless they are related to her fireworks displays, generally preferring to improvise things on the spot. She also acts a lot like a child, prone to pouting, giggling, playing pranks, and various other childish deeds.

She rarely makes plans before hand unless they are related to her fireworks displays, generally preferring to improvise things on the spot. She also acts a lot like a child, prone to pouting, giggling, playing pranks, and various other childish deeds.


Red profpic.PNG

"Red," as she has been dubbed by Jan Dominello, has been around for a very long time living many lives of the course of known existence. She is a phoenix and as such can live for up to a thousand years before she is reborn to live a new life. She can remember most of her recent past lives and since the invention of written language each incarnation has recorded any useful information and placed it The Sanctuary.

Her most recent incarnation came about after her former life was mortally wounded by group of magic users known as the Azure Magi. She managed to escape them but died soon after near a cabin in the middle of the Northern Canadian wilderness. Upon being reborn as a baby phoenix she sought shelter from the cold in the cabin and lived there alone until Spring came.

When the weather warmed an old hunter, the owner of the cabin, arrived and discovered her. Having never seen anything like her before he took the bird in and kept her as a pet, well until she got old enough to use her magic to turn herself in her human form again. Saying this was a surprise to old hunter would be a blatant understatement, after the initial shock wore off she explained what she could remember to him, thanks him for taking her in, and left to go 'looking for adventures!'.

She took to road and began roaming Canada and America picking up skills as she traveled. She became a fan of video games, bad movies, science fiction, essentially anything nerdy.

Now she has taken up residence in Millennium City (Well a pocket dimension that exists anywhere but she is usually seen in MC) and joined the community of resident heroes. This was not seamless as most didn't enjoy her sense of humor and such, would yell at her. She shied away from the Respond and Protect channel for this reason and gave up her dream of being a superhero like she read about in comics. Instead she used her alchemy knowledge to start up a small, one-woman fireworks company.

One day, while she was in the "Minefield" in Vibora Bay, she met Cinder who encouraged her to start heroing again. She became a mage for hire and has recently joined the New Vigil.


Elemental Magic Schools: Red knows spells from various elemental schools such as Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Ice, Lightning, Light, and Darkness.

Arcane Magic School: These include Hexes, Charms, Illusions, and her go to favorite Magic Missiles.

Urban Magic School: In todays world, it's always best to be able to use the city to your advantage.

Ability Enhancement Schools: Just like the name implies, she carries around small pouches with prepared ingredients to cast spells that can enhance her or her allies natural abilities, such as speed and strength. She also has instant potions on her as well that can do the same thing.

Conjuration: Given enough time and the right materials Red can conjure up anything, this said, her most used conjurations are:

  • Thunderfang - "Fang" is a large brown wolf who can shoot lightning out of his mouth and shapeshift.
  • Vivi - Vivianos Corvinus, a spirit that Red bound to her in order to clean and organize her Sanctum.
  • Sweets Enchantment - An experiment left her with the ability to summon sweets at will, normally cupcakes.

Alchemy: Red specializes in transmutational alchemy (conversion of one element into another) mostly for ingredients to spells or for her fireworks, though she frequently makes potions as well.

Portals: She can form portals to any location she can picture in her mind, can scry, or remotely view. This is most commonly used to get her to and from her Sanctum which exists within a pocket dimension.

Immunity to Fire/High Temperatures: She's a phoenix, what do you really expect?

Phoenix Wings: She is able to fly using her flaming Phoenix wings.

Known Associates

Cinder: Cinder, or "Flarebear" as Red calls her, is easily her best friend in the entire world and Red considers her like a little sister of sorts.

January "Jan" Dominello: Jan, also known as "Domino Principle", was the first person to ever really be nice to Red on the Respond and Protect channel, and became a bit of an surrogate mother to Red.

Eldritch: Weird mage guy and her former boss.

Gigi Smith: Gigi is a new friend of hers, she is an inventor and crazy, which Red loves.

Debbie: Debbie is new to the heroing world and Red tries to make sure she has a better experience than her's was.

Wryn: Red has started to view Wryn as a role model, like an older sister really.

Devon Lumley: Red Tolerates Von, but not the way he acts around Cinder.

Bee: Bee and Red discovered they have a lot of the same things in common, thus making him her first true guy friend.

Mercy: Her new boss at New Vigil, nice girl, Red suspects she follows her blog.

Galactigal: Continuing her like towards other heat/fire/plasma based beings, Red has taken a liking towards Gala.

RP Hooks

  • Runs a small fireworks company called "Phoenix Flare Fireworks".
  • She is a Mage for Hire, lending out her abilities to those that need it.
  • Member of New Vigil
  • Has a blog on tumblr, CrimsonQueen Dot Tumblr Dot Com (Warning in addition to normal blogs she also writes both Soft and Hardcore Slash fiction).



  • Loves cupcakes or any sweets really.
  • Fireworks Technician.
  • Is a Phoenix.
  • Unless she prepares a protection spell before hand, water can kill her. If her flame is extinguished she can't be reborn.
  • Loves Horror movies.
  • Plays computer games, mostly first person shooters.
  • Favorite Drink - Potions (Cause you never know what they might do)
  • Favorite Food - Philly Cheese steak Subs
  • Favorite Video Game - Doom
  • Favorite Movie - In the Mouth of Madness
  • Favorite Song - "Witchy Woman" - The Eagles
  • Favorite Board Game - Betrayal at House on the Hill


Have an opinion about Red? Leave it here.

"Like this." - Name Here
"OH Hi hi! You asking about Uh? She is the Best like me we are the best and fire workings are the best and I love her and cupcakes! We are in love! Yep it's awesome." ~ Cinder
"Oh. Red? She's alright...I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt if she took it easier on me....maybe, less bruises would also be nice...wait, you're not actually putting that down, right? ." - Kid Absolute
"Hi Red! You are awesome!! So nice to have met you!" - Taffi
"We do not...understand...what her fascination with us is. We are told that she flirts with us a lot, however, we do not see it. She is an interesting being, however, and we have not seen one of her kind during our travels." / "Like, ew, she keeps flirting with Gala. First off, I'm -taken-, and that means that Gala is taken. Second, why would she even WANT to date her, Gala has almost no sex appeal and she's got the people skills of a rock! Oh my glob, is she dense sometimes!" - Gala/Samantha
"Haha! Red is amusing to say the least. She can be a bit odd sometimes, but I think that's one of the best parts about her!" - Bee


Theme Song: Witchy Woman - The Eagles


Newvigilbanner2.png e
Leaders: Mercy
Senior Members: Arcane SquireBee
Natural: Temudjin
Magic: Cheapshot • Jinx • Kid Harrier • RedTorrent • Virtuoso • VisageWhitecloak
Mutant: Bloodline • Boy Wonder • CelerityLionfish • Magnetar • Mineshaft • Skips • Turbo • Unstoppable
Science: EmberPrankensteinXenergy

@Keioseth's Characters v  d  e
Heroes: KeiosethKeioseth IICobalt CrushStarlancerAscheVoukashinKanaloaCrimson MageBruno McLeodJace McLeod
KwiksilverArcturusDrystan ZaubereiBoun TakashitaSkyraider
Villains: RenegadesRenSysRogues Gallery
Places & Things: ACE SuitThe Garage
Groups: Freelancer Industries