Kara McIlroy
Kara is very upbeat and nerdy, she often makes references to video games and movies and is rarely ever negative in emotions. She sees every new event that happens to her as a learning experience and a way to better herself as a person. Like her father she tries to remain a positive force even when there seems to be no hope to keep the moral of her friends and teammates at it's highest.
Kara was the first successful creation of Chaosiris in his attempt to harness the powerful mystical energies that surrounded the Seryna Family, namely that of Alenna McIlroy (Seryna). While the initial goal of the project was a failure, Siris spliced in genetic information from several other sources including that of Seth “Keioseth” McIlroy in an attempt to gain access to Rai Kel’tho Las, an elemental Lightning realm. The connection was weak at best so he attempted to bolster the connection with the genetics of several powerful psychics, most prominently that of Rebecca “Lust” Voclain.
Keio and a group of his friends broke into the facility that housed the project while tracking Siris down. After Keio read over the details of the project he let her out of the cloning vat and took her home with him. He and Alenna eventually adopted her and named her Kara after Alenna’s mother. After Alenna’s death at the hands of Siris, Keio feared that Siris would come after Kara to use in whatever plot he had planned for her originally. He secretly took Kara to Ireland to live with his Grandmother while he hunted Siris down in order to bring him to justice. After Siris’ death at the hands of Rex, Kara came back to live with her father.
A year later, the Elemental Guardian of Rai Kel’tho Las took control took control of her father after he refused to help destroy Millennium City. Using Keio as a puppet, he kidnapped Kara to train her to be his avatar. Keio and the Freelancers mounted a rescue mission into the elemental realm but they soon discovered after locating Kara that time flowed differently there. In the few days it took them to gather the items needed to open the portal Kara had aged almost 8 years and during those 8 years the Guardian had turned her into the perfect avatar for his power.
While the team managed to subdue Kara, while they were escaping Keio was attacked at the last second by the Guardian, who promptly sealed the portal back to Earth. After a long fight Keio was able to kill the Guardian but almost as soon as the fight was over Kara came to and escaped through a portal into another dimension. When Kara arrived in this Alternate version of Earth she was in the middle of a battle between some monsters and a group of warriors led by that world’s version of her Father. Using her new powers as an avatar, she slaughtered everyone, the monsters, the warriors, and the civilians caught in the fight.
Arriving in this alternate universe, Keio quickly realized what his daughter had done. He knew there was no way he could take her on. Unsure how to handle the situation he accidentally stumbles upon this dimensions version of himself. The Alternate version of himself was dying but knew a special technique that would allow the two of them to merge together into a single entity, he promised that Keio would remain the dominant personality and that eventually he would simply fade away. Keio agreed to this and was granted just enough power to be able to take on Kara.
Sensing her father had followed her, Kara sought him out and the new Super-Charged Keio battled with Kara. The two Keio’s split their tasks up, with the original Keio using every last bit of his strength to mentally attack her while the alternate Keio used their new found powers to physically attack her. Eventually proving too much for Kara the hold the Guardian had on her shattered.
Unfortunately with the hold broken and Kara’s psyche been on the verge of collapse as it was, the memories of what she had done were too much for her to handle and she used her own psychic powers on herself and erased her memories of everything that had happened since she had been kidnapped and sent to Rai Kel’tho Las. Keio grabbed his near comatose daughter and took her back through the portal to Rai Kel’tho Las. There Kara slowly recovered while Keio gathered the energy needed to open the portal home.
While they were stuck there, Keio taught his daughter almost everything he knew, Kara learned everything from Math, Science, and other basic schoolings, to video games, movies, and other pop-culture related things, to self-defense and control of her psionic abilities. They were there for years before her father was able to open the portal home but finally one fateful day, he was able to open the portal. Father and Daughter soon discovered that they had only been gone for a few weeks despite years passing for them, while Kara aged during this time her father didn’t, seemingly immune to the temporal displacement cased by the other dimension.
Since her return Kara has taken up the life of an average teen age girl with super powers and even joined her adopted sister Lacey at Ravenswood Academy. Since then she has learned to better protect herself with her powers and maintains a part-time job with the Freelancers, her father’s company, and works secretly with the Young Sentinels.
After a couple of relatively normal years Kara was killed by an attack by the villainous RHINO TANK during the long campaign to put a stop to Chaosiris and his minions. Her soul was taken out of her body prior to her death and used to power a Genetically engineered super-clone known as Project Verona. Several heroes managed to get Kara's personality to take back control of the body and she was eventually put into a new body.
Her new body was created from both Alenna McIlroy (Seryna) and Seth McIlroy (Keio). Unlike her original body which was engineered by Siris to be a psionic powerhouse, her current body is weaker and more like her parents.
Kara recently graduated from the Ravenswood Academy and is preparing for going to the School of Engineering at Harvard part time in the fall. Along with sweeping changes in her life with her father remarrying to Leilani and going into semi retirement, Kara has left her former team and has ended up on the same team as her best friend Sunny. She went with Sunny to a poker game hosted by All-Star where she hit it off with the group and was later asked to join as a trial member until her 18th birthday in August.
Powers & Abilities
- Psycho-Electrokinesis - Like her father she can use Electrokinesis. Unlike her father she can also augment it with psionic energies as well, allowing her to produce barriers and body 'armor', form blades, arrows and other weapons, and also generate powerful psionic blasts that disrupt electrical energies, including the natural bio-electric field of the human brain or the electrical systems of machinery.
- Storms - Rainstorms, Thunderstorms, and Electrical storms can all increase Kara electrical based abilities as she doesn't have to concentrate as much to manipulate the energy since it is actively all around her.
- Hypercharged State - If Kara absorbs massive amounts of Electromagnetism, Electricity, Lightning (Natural, Artificial, or Mystical) she can enter a Hypercharged State. This State can only last for a few seconds (at most 45) and increases her speed and power generation.
- Telekinesis - Using her mental energies she can manipulate her surroundings, in combat this usually manifests in her picking up objects and hurling them at her attackers.
- Telepathy - Even though she lost a lot of Psychic powers after her failed battle with Chaosiris, Kara has maintained her ability to communicate with people telepathically.
- Technopathy - Kara has started to show signs that she may be developing her mother's technopathy powers.
- SCRI - The Supercomputing Resource Intelligence was designed as the ultimate personal AI. Keio, shortly after she came online, shortened her name to SCRI as play on the fact that she was designed to locate anyone on her network and allow for users to call in backup and resources. As the years passed she has been updated from a very basic program to a full fledged quantum AI with a multitude of functions. Kara recently gave her the ability to split into multiple versions of herself to aid in her acclimation with humans as well as running the Freelancer Database. SCRI was designed by several people including but not limited to: Dr. Seth McIlroy, Alenna McIlroy, Dr. Mulan Hanahara, and Dr. Lindsey Turnbeau.
- THINGs - The Thermal Imaging Night-Vision Goggles were originally built by her maternal Grandfather, her father has improved the design of the last decade to include may other functions such as an audio and video commlink, GPS system, and targeting assist.
- Mark VII ACE Suit - Keio and Silver Eagle set out to improve the Armored Combat Enhancement (ACE) suits and as a result the Mark VII was born. The Mark VII can be customized to the taste of the wearer such as heavier armor for more protection or lighter armor for more mobility. Kara's is based off of her father's which allows it to focus her powers and grants more protection than her normal tights.
- TASIR Gauntlets - The Turbine Assisted Ionic Regulator Gauntlets are designed for close quarters combat allowing Kara to generate more powerful electric attacks at a shorter range.
- Bracer Bow - One of Kara's recent inventions, this specialized bracer equips on her left arm and holds a collapsible Longbow.
- Cross Bracer - Similar to the Bracer Bow, this usually equips to her right arm and can turn into a small wrist mounted automatic crossbow.
- Blitz-Blades - One of the things her father taught her was sword fighting and she recently discovered she could form swords from her mental energies with a little lightning thrown in.
- Robots - Kara has four robots that she uses to aide her, the SCRI Medical drones designed by her father and "Mario" & "Luigi". M&L are her personal helper bots, built originally to help her with her gadgets she can refit them with weapons to aide her in combat.
PTSD: While she managed to erase her memory of most of the horrible events she caused while mind controlled by the Elemental, somethings go deeper than just memory. She has been known to have nightmares and once froze up during a fight when a teammate was being mind controlled by a psychic.
Only Human: Kara might be a clone but her body hasn't been heavily altered like her father's. If her tech and psionic defenses are broken she is very squishy which is usually why she sticks to long range.
Dead Battery: Her father has a similar issue, if she uses her electrokinesis without a power generator of some kind she uses her body's own EM fields and this can cause her to pass out. Alternately, this can also happen after entering and leaving her hypercharged state.
Mental Strain: Much like her Electrokinetics, too frequent use of her psionics can cause strain. The first signs of this is her nose and/or ears bleeding, sickness in her stomach, and can eventually lead to her passing out.
Please No Teleporting: Genetics are a bitch as they say, like her father she has Teleportation Sickness wherein she becomes physically ill after being teleported. This does not seem to happen with the use of portals. Family, Friends, and Allies
Family, Friends, & Allies
- Seth McIlroy - Her father and mentor.
- Leilani Hua Kea - Her step-mother.
- Lacey Peters - Kara's adopted sister.
- Hunter - One of her "Uncles" and how she trains with to practice her sword play.
- Silver Eagle - Another of her "Uncles" who she often asks for advice with her bots.
- Sunny - Kara's best friend, the other half of TEAM DK.
- Gabby - A fellow tech-head and friend.
- SCRI - Yes she considers her families AI a friend of hers.
- Chalice - Rachael is a good friend of Kara's.
- Omniboy - Kara's unofficial rival. She works well with him at times but most of the time Omni and her butt heads.
- Darwindestructible - One of the people that helped rescue her soul, Kara owes Darwin her life.
- Ice-Heart - Kara's go-to when it comes to magic based anything.
- Titan - Mr. Grey is a member of the Sentinels and someone that Kara looks up to as a role model.
- Thundrax - A friend of her fathers and another role model of hers.
- Razira - Kara doesn't have too many females in her life that she specifically looks up to as a role model, but Raz is one of them. Kicking ass as a wolf is so cool.
- Nate - Nate and Riptide were pretty instrumental in having her join the Protectors but she also has a deep respect for the man as he risked his life to save her's and her father's.
Known Associates
Freelancer Industries - Kara works part-time at her Father's company, mostly as a receptionist and IT girl.
Young Sentinels - Kara's former supergroup while she was attending Ravenswood Academy. Rogues Gallery
Known Enemies
- real name Tankred Anders is a former bank robber turned high-tech mercenary. Tank had a normal life growing up in Boston though at a young age he joined a local gang. He spent many years going in and out of detention facilities as a career criminal then he ran into Lt. Seth McIlroy, then a member of UNTIL. Tank and his crew had just robbed a jewelry store when they crossed paths with the young man who managed to foil the escape.
While in prison he was approached by a man calling himself 'Siris' and in return for being set free he was to work for this mysterious man. Tank accepted under the condition that he could go after McIlroy. Siris gave Tank a a powerful suit of armor and thus Rhino Tank was born.
Since he joined Siris he has successfully killed two members of MCPD, one UNTIL Field Agent, and three local heroes including Lt. McIlroy's daughter.
- aka Rona and Mala, or more formally known by the monikers La Llorona and La Mala Hora are Chaos Conurbites who are made of personified Chaos Magic. No one really knows where the twins are from, how they were made, or how to get rid of them. They call Siris 'Daddy' and are very loyal to him and tend to think that Tank is a 'big fat stinky buttface'. While they are insanely powerful this is undermined by the fact that they have the mentality of schizophrenic 10 year olds.
They tend to cause massive amounts of collateral damage and while they have never killed anyone they have maimed and nearly killed several Heroes that have gone up against them. They have only be 'defeated' three times and this was mostly do to Ice-Heart discovering they are grossed out by bugs, spiders, and other creepy crawlies or being majorly outnumbered. Most of the time you just have to hold out until the girls get bored with you, at which point they pout or just run off.
- Rebecca "Lust" Voclain is an augmented human or a person that through genetic engineering and/or gene therapy was given meta-human like powers. She was a victim of a rogue scientist named Dr. Alfred Wei, who sought to engineer his own private army of meta-humans to help him take over the world. This plan was eventually stopped before Wei had gathered his army.
Prior to her capture Rebecca was a UNTIL Field Agent assigned to the Special Infiltration and Neutralization Squad (SINS) and were the first ones sent to stop Wei after several hundred people went missing. They were however captures, tortured, brainwashed, and experimented on until little of their former selves were left. The augmentation process left Rebecca with powerful Psychic abilities specifically the ability to manipulate the lust of herself and others.
RP Hooks
- Kara is a local Millennium City Gamer - BlitzAngelPrincess (XBL, PSN, & Steam).
- Run's "Kara's Kwik-Fix" a repair shop she runs out of her parents house.
- Member of "Freelancer Industries" (Her Father's Company and Super Group).
- Former member of the Young Sentinels.
- Graduate of the Ravenswood Academy.
- Like her father, Kara has Teleportation Sickness, the shock of teleporting tends to make her nauseous and usually violently ill. Portals do not seem to cause it though.
- Hides it well but she has mild PTSD from being mind controlled on multiple occasions.
- Can Play the Piano.
- Favorite Drink - Mountain Dew.
- Favorite Food - Squidballs.
- Favorite Video Game - Mechwarrior Series.
- Favorite Movie - Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
- Favorite Song - "Here Again" - Approaching Nirvana.
- Favorite Sports Teams - San Diego Chargers (NFL), Boston Celtics (NBA), Atlanta Braves (MLB), Boston Bruins (NHL).
- Favorite Board Game - Arkham Horror.
Have an opinion about Kara? Leave it here.
- "It's scary how much like her mother she is." - Seth McIlroy
- "Kara is awesome! Asskicking powers and gadget stuff and she's an all around cool person! We totally need more super nerd girls punching faces out there!" - Dobergirl
- "Competent, though a bit more whimsical than I'd prefer. I think we'll see a lot of good come from her on the team regardless. She's an eternal optimist, which can only help boost the morale of others on the Protectors." - Sparrowhawk
- "I'm just starting to get to know her, but how is she so kickass and cute? She knows how to dress too!" - African Violet
- "She's a good kid. Helpful, too. She may be a little too fresh and just a bit green, but her heart's in the right place, I can tell you that much. Her and Sunny are just little bundles of fun." - All-Star
Meta Information
Live Action
- Actress: Shailene Woodley
- Cara: One of my friends from High School and primary basis for Kara's personality.
- Winry Rockbell: Bits and pieces here and there, mostly her dedication and technical prowess.
- Keioseth: She is his daughter after all.
Personal Soundtrack
- 1. Theme Song: Calypso - Spiderbait
- 2. Waking Up: 2nd Flight - Approaching Nirvana
- 3. Training: Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar
- 4. At School: Dragstrip Burnout - Blue Stahli
- 5. Hanging Out With Friends: Dragons - Caravan Palace
- 6. Work: Mayhem - Imelda May
- 7. Relaxing at Home: 19/2000 - Gorillaz
- 8. Going on a Date: Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
- 9. Inspiration: Unbreakable - Four Year Strong
- 10. Fight Song: Not Alone - All That Remains
- 11. Charged Up: Swordswoman Guitar Style - Riyu Kosaka
- 12. Nervous Breakdown: Rowboat - Coal Chamber
- 13. Memories: Time Won't Let Me Go - The Bravery
- 14. Prep: Flash Lightnin' - Flash Lightnin'
- 15. Face to Face: Thunder - The Prodigy
- 16. Final Fight Scene: Fallen Angel - At Vance
- 17. Ending Credits: Scrape the Sky (feat. Fresh Big Mouf) - Can't Stop Won't Stop
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Team Leader Sparrowhawk | ||
Field Leaders: Captain Adamant • Peacemaker • Razira • Thundrax | ||
Protectors Charter Members: African Violet • Atomac • Blue Cyclone • Blue Pheasant • Citizen 13 • Cosmic Glory • Fahrenheit • Gold Rush • Hydro Light Of Being • Lucky Shot • Marauder • Mercuriel • Oni • Sinsonte Azul • Tesseract • Wildeye • Witchery Way | ||
Protectors Reserve Members: Aura • Noble • Psion • Wolfgirl |