Category:East Briar Institute

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The East Briar Institute for Higher Learning

A Word From Our Dean

Dear Newly Enrolled Student:

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our institute. East Briar is the leading school in Millennium City for those who wish to master their exemplary talents and abilities. I am confident that you will find our facilities to be more than adequate for your day-to-day needs.


Dean Warwick Nigel Thornberry the 3rd,
East Briar Institute for Higher Learning


Student Life

Dorm Assignments

1st Floor:
103 Timmy(NPC)
105 Gath M'raz
107 Grey Blitz
2nd Floor:
202 Shift
205 Rainbow Soul
4th Floor:
443 Crack (NPC)
444 OPEN
445 Rough Sally
6th Floor:
608 Kaleidoscope
615 Trinket
665 Becca(NPC)
666 Richard(NPC)
7th Floor:
713 Exitus
719 Veil, Dal
732 Lyraa, Saari
733 Liira, Linden
13th Floor
1323 (NPC)
1327 Alexia
1342 Daedalus, Han
16th Floor
1664 Acyth
1663 (NPC)
17th Floor
1701 Brazen
1722 Felonia
1723 Keith Moyer(NPC)
1742 Craig
1753 Zelkear
1765 Oxyliquit
18th Floor
All of the Snookii.
Building Roof
Idami Dragon
Ground Floor Units
Ithiko's Staff [5 Teleioraptors]
Off Campus
House MechaKitty v.2
House Alex Benoit
Appartment Tristan(NPC Vampire)
Zurine De La Conche



Name Position
Ethan Schewell Grounds Keeper
Hazmat Larry Janitorial Services
OPEN Public Relations
Lou Cypher School Attorney
Bob [NPC] School Security Head
Ignatius, Brother Priest, Truant Officer
Crimson Shrike Receptionist
Haveman, Doctor (NPC) Anger Management
Abigail Williams Guidance Counselor
Jorge Sandoval, Doctor Medical Liaison
AtlusBot Flight Simulator Mechanic
ChevBotts, The Cafeteria Staff
Jasmine "Bulwark" Brady Extracurricular Activities
Chevalier Home Economics, Advanced Fencing
Nina Sparrow Ranged Combat Trainer, Gym
Chaed'arr Lorthank Physical Combat Coach, Gym
Vincent Jax Stiles Substitute Teacher
Morrigan, Captain Dance Instructor
Krioss Swim Instructor
Viathan, Ambassador General History Instructor
Jebediah "The Ghost" Geist American History Instructor
Mathew Goodbairn Social Studies Instructor
Sarah Quinn Mystical Arts Instructor
Husk Mechanical Engineering
Jakob "Ithikos" Stroessen II, Dr. Biology Department Head
Natalya "Nattie" Romanova Physics Department Head
OPEN Metaphysics Department Head
Angus McAlpine, Doctor Magic Department Head


"Why I am the first person asked to beat other peoples kids..." --Chevalier
"East Briar's not like, a normal school, man!" Understatement of the year. --Rainbow Soul & Angus
Hey so is there a West Briar? --Miss Mental
Safe is a ... relative term at East Briar, and mystical arts are as well. --Winterstar


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