Black Ice

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PRIMUS Database - Black Ice
ASPRA Documentation | Confidential | Digital File
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Black Ice@Feronius
Known Aliases: Black Ice
Classification: Glacier Archetype
Species: Human, Mutant
Gender: Male
Threat Level: Beta
Real Name: Oliver Thomas Black
Date Of Birth: 01/13/97
Place of Birth: London, England
Nationality: British
Citizenship: American, British
Occupation: Sponsored Hero, Student
Current Residence: Millennium City, MI
Marital Status: Unattached
Meta Abilities
Cryokinesis, Mutant Physiology
Archetype Button Glacier.png

Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice (Marty Ray Project Cover)Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice (Marty Ray Project Cover)

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Oliver Thomas Black was born in London, England, on January 13, 1997. He lived a typical middle-class childhood in the United Kingdom, until his genetic mutation manifested during puberty.
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Oliver Black is usually described as an amiable, but somewhat troubled, young man. He does not warm up to people easily and his demeanor can sometimes come across as cold or distant, but once he does his loyalty is absolute. While a few of his character traits correspond with his frost-shrouded appearance, he does not become an entirely different person when in his mutant state.

In the field Black is able to keep a cool head by relying on scientific knowledge or rational thought. His quick thinking and common sense allow him to come up with ingenious practical solutions in the heat of the moment. Black is also known to stubbornly place the safety of others before his own wellbeing, often performing daring feats and outright reckless stunts if the situation asks for it.

Even though he is considered one of the more promising up-and-coming young heroes, already having his name attached to a brand, Black does not actively seek out the spotlight and prefers to keep to himself. He has actually gotten rather good at evading the press and he seldom agrees to do an interview, much to the frustration of his sponsors who would like nothing more than to see Oliver fully embrace his status as a minor celebrity. Instead his agent often has to deal with confused or disgruntled photographers who keep having difficulties with iced-over camera lenses.

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Ice Wallofice.png Cryokinesis

Black Ice possesses the ability to create, direct and manipulate ice or any substance below its freezing point. This gives him the power to cause extreme drops in temperature, spontaneously freeze things solid and to exercise near complete control over frozen substances or ice formations. The ice created through the use of these meta abilities also has a slightly higher density and strength than regular, naturally formed ice crystals. This is especially true for the layer of frost and ice that covers Black's own body when he is in his default mutant state.

While these abilities do not require direct physical contact, using these powers over longer distances appears to be more straining and does not allow Black Ice to exercise the same level of control. It has been estimated that the subject is capable of invoking temperatures as low as several hundred degrees below Celsius when maintaining direct physical contact with his target.

Ice Icesheath.png Mutant Physiology

Black Ice is able to withstand extreme weather conditions, particularly those below freezing point, and possesses physical traits that are beyond the human norm, such as heightened endurance, fortitude and stamina. Black is also less receptive to external stimuli, most notably pain. In his default mutant state Black is even able to withstand a moderate force of impact and a significant amount of pressure, due to the protective layer of frost and ice that covers his entire body. Although he is not bulletproof and far from invincible.

Due to the drastically reduced body temperature, Black Ice is able to bypass most forms of heat detection. It will also take much longer for certain types of poison and most viruses to take effect. Many forms of radiation do still affect Black Ice, as can some mutagenic compounds or mutagenic energies, as long as they are able to get past the subject's frozen exterior.

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Outside of his meta abilities and standard paraphernalia, Black Ice is known to utilize a wide variety of hazardous chemicals and chemical agents.

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BI Bee thumb.jpg Bee - A flamboyant figure whose helmet resembles a stylised bee, one of the first costumed individuals Black Ice was sighted with.

BI Anon thumb.jpg Black Knight - This veteran hero often exchanges witty remarks with Oliver, typically mocking the gap between their generations.

BI Anon thumb.jpg Brimstone - A vigilante who takes fighting crime very serious, making up for his lack of any real superpowers by training extensively.

BI Galactigal thumb.jpg Galactigal - An alien being who was made from a dying solar system, Oliver unknowingly dated her evil star spawned mother once.

BI Lash thumb.jpg Lash - This young fashionista seems to have somewhat of a minor infatuation with Black Ice, but foremost appears to be a fierce ally.

BI Anon thumb.jpg Luctus - An orphaned metahuman who became one of Oliver's housemates, but then mysteriously disappeared a few months later.

BI Anon thumb.jpg Prankenstein - A former juvenile delinquent who found his way back to the right side of the law, he later became friends with Oliver.

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Known Aliases: N/A
Threat Level: Beta
Criminal Patterns: N/A
Vendettas: Black Ice, MCPD, The Progeny



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  • Black Ice is a member of The Progeny, a team of young heroes.
  • Often works alongside the MCPD and helps out their crime lab.
  • Logs into the Champions Response & Protection channel.
  • Black Ice is sponsored by (TBA), a popular (TBA) brand.

  • Oliver Black is English and speaks with a British accent.
  • Oliver is a student at Millennium City University or MCU.
  • He is also an avid gamer and a practitioner of Parkour.
  • Has become a very regular customer at Darren's Pizza.
  • Sometimes finds himself the subject of celebrity gossip.

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"A cooler guy I've never known." - Prankenstein

"Hsssssss...Rrraaawrrr!" (roughly translates to "This @$$hole tried to kill me!") - Miss Pussycakes

"We are not sure if...Oliver acts so uptight on purpose, or if...he is simply always that way. However, we do admire...his discipline." / "Oliver has Shame that he's always people! Heehee." - Galactigal/Samantha, respectively

"He seems nervous around me most of the time, and he's very guarded. He's... not a bad guy though." - Mercy

"Oliver's pretty nice... I mean, he's pretty friendly, but... he seems to be kinda defensive. Not that it makes him mean or anything, it's just...! Erm, nevermind. I do wish he'd stop with the time puns... Maybe it's time I fight back with ice ones." - Stopwatch

"A good guy I'd say. I think he has his heart in the right place. Oh! We're pretty good friends I'd say, we certainly don't argue at least. Though he seems a bit negative about his powers sometimes I think." - Bee

"Beautifully dangerous. It's so sad he's afraid of the dark." - Shadow Blade

"I was worried when he got so mad at me for checking up on him. But over time, we've really gotten along I think. He has a lot going on in his life and it must be difficult for him to deal with. I hope he knows we always have his back." - Heartbeat

"I LIKE Ollie. A lot. Just, uhhh... don't tell him I said that, okay?" - Lash

"Oliver is... hm, obnoxious? A bit immature? Kind of insensitive? Probably all of those things. He has a lovely accent, though, which lets me overlook a lot of negatives.. I guess he's an alright bloke at times though, eh wot?" - Whitecloak

"Ollie tries way too hard to be all serious, but I kinda figure that has more to do with whatever happened back in the UK. Seems like a decent guy though." - Celerity

"He's a solid guy, even though it's kinda obvious he has something hanging over him most of the time, but just cos you've got an accent doesn't automatically make you all that and a bag of Doritos, dude. Seriously." - Boy Wonder

"Young, brash and with quite a lot left to learn. Still, his heart is at the right spot and he is a clever one. A lot of potential there." - Black Knight

"He's a cool dude." - Moonlighter

"I enjoy his company immensely, his dry wit is always appreciated." - Stegoboy

"When he's not all wrapped up in his snowcone, Ollie's still got two cold shoulders. But I get it. Doesn't matter - he's mi compadre. If we're walking into Hell, it pays to have a good fire extinguisher." - Kid Ballistic

"He's the icebro, the snowman, the bringer of the cool. He's my main man, Ollie boy! Still a stick in the mud, but I'll make him into the awesome that he can and SHOULD be." - Maverick

"I appreciate his dry sense of humor. He's very resourceful, and excels at thinking on his feet." - Cait Sith

"Ever my competition for the ol' black and blue. But seriously, he's got good leadership skills and I'd willingly follow him into battle." - Cobalt Crush

"For someone so young, he seems to really have a handle on his powers and the abilities of his teammates. I bet Sparrowhawk has her eye on this one. Maybe she's just waiting till he graduates high school, or something." - Tesseract

"For someone so skeptical of magic and religion, I thought that it would be difficult to come to an understanding. I think we have, both simply agreeing to disagree. I'm fine with that. It's my hope that I can show him that not all Catholics, or Christians in general, have negative views of mutants." - Faith

"I like to think Ollie's cool with me hanging around. I just have to remember that the blue stuff ISN'T Kool-Aid." - Communick

"Whatever Oliver lacks in boldness, he makes up for in amazing intellect. His chemical knowledge is pretty intense, but I hope he learns to embrace his uniqueness. He's a great leader for the team, and honestly, someone I could probably learn a couple of things from." - Strong Suit

Black Ice - Character Reference

Progeny2018logo.png v  d  e
CommunickConcrete Gospel • Dragonfly • Egress • Feuerdrache • Kid Ballistic
LashPlumbStarletStrong SuitTerrific Tiger
AceBlack IceCait SithDeviate • Fletcher • Miss PussycakesMonster Mash