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(15 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 25: Line 25:
  | otheraff =
  | otheraff =
  | formert =
  | formert =
  | image =  
  | image = Bombshell2.jpg
  | motto = "Hammer Down!"
  | motto = "Hammer Down!"
  | player = @TheMogsy
  | player = @TheMogsy
  | realname = Jocelyn "Joss" Marie Oliver
  | realname = Jocelyn "Joss" Marie Oliver
  | alias = Bombshell, The Bomb Dot Com, "BS"
  | alias = Bombshell, The Bomb Dot Com, Mallet Maiden
  | gender = Female
  | gender = Female
  | species = Human
  | species = Meta-Human
  | birthplace = Ohio
  | birthplace = California
  | relatives = Karen Oliver (Mother), Jason Oliver (Father)
  | relatives = Karen Oliver (Mother), Jason Oliver (Father)
  | age = 21
  | age = 21
Line 49: Line 49:
  | fame = 5
  | fame = 5
  | powers = Regeneration, super strength, flight
  | powers = Regeneration, super strength, flight
  | gear=  
  | gear= Heavy hammer
  | strength = 7
  | strength = 7
  | intellect= 4
  | intellect= 4
Line 73: Line 73:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget varius eros. Mauris tempus porttitor libero, at dapibus libero. Sed mauris ante, maximus tincidunt dapibus nec, imperdiet eu nulla. Nam posuere dolor quis viverra volutpat. Nunc vitae mollis tellus, id ullamcorper magna. Integer semper arcu vitae ipsum lacinia, a euismod ante consectetur. Etiam imperdiet lorem metus, nec pellentesque leo cursus sed. Sed commodo metus id justo interdum, non laoreet lorem auctor. Donec ut felis et felis maximus eleifend.
Jocelyn grew up living a 'white picket fence' life. Manicured yard, pristine house, family always primed and primped. Image was everything to her socialite parents. If there was any problems, you can bet they'd be buried deep beneath fake smiles and ironed blouses. One of the strangest things about Joss' family was their vehement and absolute denial of the existence of anything close to resembling a metahuman.
Vestibulum id sapien quis felis egestas semper eu vel ex. Donec vitae eleifend massa. Donec quam justo, tempor et purus non, interdum mollis lorem. Suspendisse non ornare justo, nec feugiat augue. Fusce et dui vitae urna varius bibendum ut eleifend ligula. Suspendisse nec ipsum aliquam, luctus libero vitae, pretium eros. Cras quis imperdiet purus. Donec ut lobortis erat. Vestibulum sed faucibus enim, et sagittis dolor.
"Freaks like that can't exist." Her mother would scoff. It wasn't until Joss' teenage years she began to suspect something was awry with her family. A nasty incident at school where Joss accidentally put another student quite literally through a row of lockers left her cornered by her family. Accusations and gaslighting were rampant.
Mauris libero ligula, dapibus non pretium nec, laoreet quis arcu. Nunc at finibus ex. Morbi et nunc condimentum, suscipit ante et, venenatis eros. Praesent vel arcu malesuada, pulvinar dolor a, vehicula enim. Fusce ut ipsum velit. Fusce rutrum nibh sit amet tellus congue efficitur. Integer convallis elementum sapien in gravida.
"If you tell anyone, you're going to have to go away."
"Nobody will ever love a freak like you, Jocelyn."
Praesent felis purus, dictum tincidunt turpis ac, interdum dictum nibh. Curabitur semper, sapien quis convallis congue, risus quam pellentesque lacus, sed facilisis odio lectus sed augue. Vestibulum nunc felis, vestibulum non egestas nec, facilisis eleifend neque. Nullam ornare suscipit libero, non egestas lacus blandit non. Donec eu consectetur elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce ut semper risus. Donec a nibh id ligula cursus aliquam. Suspendisse efficitur interdum mauris vestibulum mattis. Donec eget sem nisi. Praesent quis magna id quam pellentesque euismod nec at mauris. Etiam eget tempus nunc, non tempus est. Curabitur lobortis commodo tortor quis fringilla. Nunc vestibulum lacinia nulla, a dapibus augue. <br>
With these thoughts swirling in the deepest parts of her mind and heart, Joss fell to silence regarding the incident and changed schools.
However, during spring cleanup at the age of nineteen, Joss stumbled upon a box of partially scorched files. Medical exams, police reports. They spanned across her family tree.
<i>Super strength..? No way... Uncle Thomas? Committed to an asylum? But, mom said he moved to South Africa...</i>
Suddenly, things began to make sense. Of course, bringing this up to her family did not go over well. In short, Joss felt it best to pack up and leave her "perfect" little life and head for the big city. There, people would accept her. Maybe she could even do some good..? <br>

Latest revision as of 00:30, 14 April 2019


"Hammer Down!"
PLAYER @TheMogsy
Super Group link=http://www.primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Protectors of the World
Current Affliations
Former Affiliations

Real Name Jocelyn "Joss" Marie Oliver
Known Aliases Bombshell, The Bomb Dot Com, Mallet Maiden
Gender Female
Species Meta-Human
Birthdate Confidential
Place of Birth California
Current Location Confidential
Relatives Karen Oliver (Mother), Jason Oliver (Father)

Apparent Age 21
Height 5'7"
Weight 180 lbs.
Eyes Blue
Hair Sandy blonde
Complexion Olive
Build Strong
Notable Features Olive skin, sultry blue eyes, strong legs

Identity Half public/private
Citizenship American
Marital Status Single
Occupation Secretary, front line baker
Education UCLA


Regeneration, super strength, flight
Heavy hammer

ProtectorsBox Template


Jocelyn grew up living a 'white picket fence' life. Manicured yard, pristine house, family always primed and primped. Image was everything to her socialite parents. If there was any problems, you can bet they'd be buried deep beneath fake smiles and ironed blouses. One of the strangest things about Joss' family was their vehement and absolute denial of the existence of anything close to resembling a metahuman.

"Freaks like that can't exist." Her mother would scoff. It wasn't until Joss' teenage years she began to suspect something was awry with her family. A nasty incident at school where Joss accidentally put another student quite literally through a row of lockers left her cornered by her family. Accusations and gaslighting were rampant.

"If you tell anyone, you're going to have to go away." "Nobody will ever love a freak like you, Jocelyn."

With these thoughts swirling in the deepest parts of her mind and heart, Joss fell to silence regarding the incident and changed schools.

However, during spring cleanup at the age of nineteen, Joss stumbled upon a box of partially scorched files. Medical exams, police reports. They spanned across her family tree.

Super strength..? No way... Uncle Thomas? Committed to an asylum? But, mom said he moved to South Africa...

Suddenly, things began to make sense. Of course, bringing this up to her family did not go over well. In short, Joss felt it best to pack up and leave her "perfect" little life and head for the big city. There, people would accept her. Maybe she could even do some good..?


Joss is fresh into her career as a young heroine, and seems to lack any notable "battle scars". She is classically striking, sporting sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and a faint spray of freckles over olive skin. Her stature is strong; thick legs and toned arms.

Her personality is extremely bubbly, and she is usually effortlessly wearing a warm smile. Occasionally Joss forgets her own strength when she gets excited, and is known to accidentally do a bit of damage to fellow citizens and public property. Her heart of gold certainly has a few cracks in it, though, as she's starting to realize what seems right at first glance may not end up being the true right.

Protectorslogo102119777.png v  d  e
Team Leader
Field Leaders:
Captain AdamantPeacemakerRaziraThundrax
Protectors Charter Members:
African VioletAtomacBlue CycloneBlue PheasantCitizen 13Cosmic GloryFahrenheitGold RushHydro
Light Of BeingLucky ShotMarauderMercurielOniSinsonte AzulTesseractWildeyeWitchery Way
Protectors Reserve Members:

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