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Revision as of 01:01, 16 November 2016 by Pariba (Talk | contribs)

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Hi.Pariba here, you can find me in game hanging out.
If I'm not in Champs? Try STO or NWO. Wish they had something like this for those games! :D

  • May have a slight obsession with Elves.
  • Wanders around Champions Online as a Troll. No, really. His name is "Snorri".
  • Is on here for the Lulz.
  • Will probably change this later. :P

*Waffling about making pages for the lesser-used toons. Can't decide*

*Professional Pest!*


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Page Idea Shamelessly Stolen from Bluhman

Keiriel@OhmegaRanger: Pariba used Therakiel's Sword! It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!

The Supporting Cast


A baron of the Ghede Loa, Baron Kriminel has taken a fondness to Clone R, his willing Cheval. Often advising her as her "Invisible Friend" he sometimes plays pranks on her sister clones to frighten them. He's fond of the colour purple, Burnt chicken, Gunpowder rum and fine cigars. His chosen weapon is the machete and he often watches situations play out before getting involved.


Cynthia Papadopoulos
A bellydancer working at her family's Greek Restaurant ["Rhodes", in downtown Detroit.] After an attack on the restaurant and a fight with her mother, she's currently staying with Eoghainin.


Jorge Sandoval, MD.
A young doctor specializing in meta-human medicine, he is in charge of the clones medical care at the East Briar Institute's Teaching Infirmary. Originally from Albuquerque, he comes from a large family and sends money home to help out. His mother has passed away. He is a lapsed Catholic.