Blue Cyclone

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(Eff you guys, making me work! You know I'm going to like, lazy this bitch up, right? Anyway, Work in progress, yadda yadda. Spoilers all abound the page!)

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Spoiler Warning
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Blue Freedom
Player: @Jarnefeldt
Blue Cyclone.png
Character Build
Class Focus: dps
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Alexis Talia Monroe/Calamity Five
Known Aliases: Blue Freedom
Gender: Female
Species: Artificially created metahuman
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Indian
Place of Birth: Assumed Millennium City
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Cody Monroe(Supposedly her father)
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Weight: 113 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: Brown/black
Complexion: fair
Physical Build: lithe, athletic
Physical Features: Streaked hair
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: American
Occupation: High school student/ Heiress to Destiny Solutions
Education: Grade 10
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Weather control, energy projection and manipulation.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Powered armour, tights, and various other gadgets and devices produced by Destiny Solutions.
ReldinBox Template


Blue Freedom's an angry short young woman only coming up to 5'5. She has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and long hair that's brown and black in colouration.


Blue Freedom is an artificially created metahuman created by Cartier Industries, an international corporation dabbling in genetics, chemicals, and arms dealing. She was recovered from one of their labs by Cody Monroe and a group of mercenaries while on a mission to find and rescue a metahuman who had alledgedly been abducted by Cartier Industries Unwilling to leave the child behind in such a place, he took her as his own and returned home to raise her as his own.

She lived a relatively quiet and undisturbed life with Mister Monroe. He always made sure she was never left wanting, even with how busy he was with activities such as running his company and continuing his search for the abducted metahuman he had been initially looking for. This quiet life came to an abrupt halt during a camping trip out in Bristish Columbia. Due to improper food storage, a black bear had been attracted to her camp. The bear made a move towards her and in a moment of panic, Blue manifested a powerful gust of wind to send the bear twenty yards out from her camp.

Since that time, Alexis took to honing and developing her abilities and would make her debut as Blue Freedom four years after the incident. Since emerging as Blue Freedom, Alexis has fought against monsters and criminals of all sort with a fierce determination and an unquenching rage.


Alexis seems to have issues expressing her feelings with only one constantly expressed: Her anger. Even when at ease. Whether on the comms or confronting a villain, she's quick to anger and slow to let go of that anger. She can often be heard and seen lashing out at someone who makes the slightest of verbal jabs at her. There are of course times where the girl can be sweet and caring, though those seem to be few and far between.


-Weather Control: Alexis is able to affect the weather on small and large scales. This mostly seems to be limited to wind, rain, snow, thunderstorms and things of that nature.

-Energy Projection: On a personal level, Blue is able tocreate and project wind, electricity, and ice. She has excellent control over her wind and electricity projections, but her ice projections are rather limited and uncontrolled at times, depending on distance and amount projected.

-Superspeed: Alexis is able to to run at superhuman speeds though not anywhere close to mach speed.

-Teleportation: For covering large distances in a short period of time, or just to move almost instantaneously between short distances, Alexis can convert her body into electricity and move from one point to another in a flash of lightning. Speaking of....

-Energy Form: Alexis is able to convert her body partially or fully into electricity to travel long distances, repel or avoid attacks, and genrally be unfun to made physical contact with.


-Blue, the Tactician?:Despite being a midget ball of rage, Blue has an analytical mind and is often able to analyze a situation and judge how to best use her powers or direct the efforts of those around her to accomplish her task.

-Agile: Blue is rather agile, having ankeen interest in gymnastics at a young age. Coupled with her superhuman speed, she's quite agile while in a fight, almost frustratingly so for her opponents.


-Brat: Very few people seem to be able to stand Blue's antisocial attitude and behaviour, making working with her strenuous at times..

-Still a 16 year old girl: Though she may be fast and does possess abilities to better protect herself from things that'd kill a regular person, she's still only an 113 pounds girl, and can still be put down with sufficient force. Like a couple of baseball bats. Or bullets.

Friends, Allies and Aquaintances

(To be filled in later.)


-Hates bears with a passion.

-Doesn't believe in magic, and think anyone who does is stupid.

-She has multitudes of Miss Servo and Danger Deer posters covering her walls.

-Her father owns a company that deals in weapons and defensive technologies, which is where she pilfers the equipment she uses.

Comments on the Raging Ex-Midget

-What people think about Millennium City's angriest teen?-

"The girl has a lot of potential that I'm hoping I can be there to watch her reach in the future. I have some strange sense of obligation when it comes to her well-being and success. I guess I've taken it upon myself to be a big sister figure to her, even if she doesn't agree. That's just how I view it. She has her quirks she needs to work out, but she is someone I can trust to have my back, and I know she knows that is a returned sentiment. If you do end up hearing or reading this somewhere, Blue, know that I'm always here for whatever you need. You need to take some time to be a teenage girl sometime though. I will get a smile from you. One day." - Anarchy

"An obnoxious thorn in my side in dire need of extraction." - Kid Destroyer

"I know Blue can be a little... difficult sometimes. And cold. But even so, I believe in her, she's a really good person deep down, she just gotta have to show it a little more often. But no matter what, she'll always be a good friend to me." - Jet Girl

"I worry about her. She's angry all the time and... well, there's more to it than that. As a member of my team I want to help her out and for her to be able to get along with the others.." - Charity Corren

"It's like God planted a flaming bag of dog poop on humanity's porch." - All-Star

"She is one of the...single grumpiest people we know. Her combat skill is...excellent, but she's got skills of a rock. And that is...something, coming" / "I may have been kind of mean with her, but she needs to stop being so mean to me first! She's always commenting on how I'm out of shape or useless, though pretty often it's both! Why is she so grumpy!?" - Galactigal/Samantha, respectively

"I think everyone is wrong about Blue. She cares for people in her own way, I believe. She certainly doesn't come across as angry to me. Though, I'm really quite glad I've gotten to know her. She accepts me without fail, and doesn't judge either. She also listens to what I have to say, and for that, I truly do believe I have fallen for her." - Bee

"Even if she's as sunny as the Great British summertime, her methods tend to follow common sense. Not entirely sure wha' all the fuss is about." - Black Ice

"Horrible child. She needs discipline. Maybe medication." - Violet Mask

"I thought Oompa Loompas were supposed to be jolly. I haven't seen one jaunty dance or heard one whimsical song out of her." - Nightfang

"Blue Freedom is more than just an angered teen. My judgement towards her was at first clouded because of her total disbelief and denial of magic's existance, which thusly means my existance as a whole shouldn't be there, as I'm part Fae. This hurts me more than you can imagine, Blue. But I've overlooked that and, through somebody that's shown me the situation under a different angle, I'll try my best to support." - Natasha Roy

"Hey Blue! I owe you some cookies! Sowwy for not bwinging some by. I wuv your costume!" - Chocolate Chip Chelsea

"I've very rarely seen the girl exhibit something that -wasn't- anger in one form or another. She needs somewhere to channel that anger, rather than lashing out at the world with it." - Scripture

"People think she's angry all the time, but I think she just might be frustrated. I know she looks out for us and maybe it's the responsibility she's taken on that makes her temper short." - Heartbeat

"Their tendency towards violent outbursts is mildly troublesome. Likely stems from self-consciousness in regards to her height (or lack thereof). We do not see why, however."Myriad

"She's meeeeeeean! I think she's part badger or snake or something. Maybe she's so mean because everyone hates her? But they probably wouldn't if she wasn't so mean." - Impsblood

"Blue needs more friends. Or someone to punch. She's pretty nice, once you actually get to talking to her though."-Prankenstein

"Why is she SO MEAN? She always is rolling her eyes at me like I'm dumb or something!" -Lash

"She's not as bad as people make her out to be." - Stegoboy

"When it comes to powerhouses I'd trust with my life, the list is incredibly short but she's at the top." - Cobalt Crush

"She is a force to be reckoned with and fierce in a fight. I do not envy the criminals she encounters." - Cait Sith