Nova | ||||||||||
Player: @UPRC | ||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||
Above: Olivia Wilde edited to look like Nova. It is how she would roughly look as an actual human being. | ||||||||||
Biographical Data | ||||||||||
Real Name: | Noella Valery | |||||||||
Known Aliases: | Nova | |||||||||
Gender: | Female | |||||||||
Species: | Human Mutant | |||||||||
Ethnicity: | Caucasian | |||||||||
Place of Birth: | Montreal, Canada | |||||||||
Base of Operations: | Unknown | |||||||||
Relatives: | Unknown | |||||||||
Characteristics | ||||||||||
Age: | 29 (DoB: Sept 3, 1984) | |||||||||
Height: | 6'3" | |||||||||
Weight: | 165 lb. | |||||||||
Eyes: | Blue | |||||||||
Hair: | Red | |||||||||
Complexion: | Caucasian | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Fit | |||||||||
Physical Features: | Unusual Eye Colour | |||||||||
Status | ||||||||||
Fame: |
National | |||||||||
Alignment: |
| |||||||||
Identity: | Public | |||||||||
Years Active: | 7 | |||||||||
Citizenship: | French Canadian | |||||||||
Occupation: | Arms Dealer, Drug Lord, Smuggler | |||||||||
Education: | University | |||||||||
Marital Status: | Presumed Single | |||||||||
Known Powers and Abilities | ||||||||||
Flight, Force Bolts, Super Strength | ||||||||||
Equipment and Paraphernalia | ||||||||||
N/A |
Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Strength |
Weapon |
Durability |
Armor |
Speed |
Reflexes |
Resistance |
Stamina |
Dexterity |
Agility |
Combat |
Regeneration |
Non-Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Energy |
Psionics |
Telepathy |
Willpower |
Sorcery |
Technology |
Intelligence |
Knowledge |
Charisma |
Bravery |
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada |
Nova is a French Canadian supervillainess who served as the nemesis of Ms. Canada, whom Nova killed (OOC motivation for that is below). She is currently the nemesis of the vigilante Spirit who seeks to avenge Ms. Canada's death.
Born Noella Valery ("Nova" alias comes from first two letters of first and last names), she spent her first four years in Montreal, Quebec and then moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia where she remained until she was 23. This is when she disappeared from the public eye, emerging on rare occasions to cause trouble. Most of her current activities, as well as the origin of her powers, are shrouded in mystery. There are few details that indicate what Nova does besides cause general mayhem, though law enforcement officials have verified that she appears to have close ties to the black market.
One of Nova's most notable talents is her ability to generally go anywhere she wishes in public despite leading such a troublesome life. This is due to the fact that most of Nova's evil acts are committed behind the scenes, or she is able to avoid being seen for the most part. She also changes her attire and look greatly when she usually appears in public, which has thrown off authorities many countless in the past. Nova will often don casual clothes, contacts, glasses, and wigs when she needs to keep a low profile. Only criminals and villains are likely to quickly recognize Nova on the street.
Nova was also a secret employee of Oasis Enterprises and The Rogues Gallery.
She has been declared missing since December 2011. It is not known whether she is dead or alive. Canadian superheroine Winterstar is currently on the lookout for Nova, expecting a return at any moment now.
The most common words used to describe Nova by law enforcement and various crime fighters are cold, cunning, manipulative, and of course the good ol' standard adjective for describing villains, evil. Nova is also rather selfish, as her only concern ever is simply herself. She does not care for others and is only interested in her own affairs and well being, though she does appear to have a few shreds of decency in her due to the fact that she will assist people she refers to as "being on my good side." She is capable of befriending people, but various insecurities regarding how she desires to be perceived will prevent her from admitting this.
Being cold and calculating, Nova seems to have little desire for standard human socialization. She will still frequent popular gathering venues such as bars and clubs, though she usually only does so to gather information.
Nova's selfish nature is very prominent when her hired henchmen are confronted by heroes. If a particularly rowdy or violent individual is sent to deal with Nova and her henchmen, she is unlikely to show any signs of concern or remorse for any unfortunate things that may happen to her lackies. Even when her henchmen are battered and wounded, possibly even injured, Nova will simply leave the premises without even checking on them. When these situations arise, she simply states that her henchmen are no longer needed and that their employment has been terminated.
Her cunning and selfishness also work in unison at times. Since Nova came from a fairly attractive family, genetics favoured her and she frequently uses her good looks to get what she desires. Regardless of desires or gender of the person standing in her way, Nova will use her appearance to sway things in her favour using any means necessary. Her weapons of choice are her ice-blue eyes, which she uses to lure people in similarly to a fisherman using bait to attract and entice fish. After getting her way, whomever she took advantage of is more often than not cast aside and immediately forgotten about.
Also, it is worth noting that as a French Canadian, Nova speaks with a French accent. I may be too lazy to type out a French accent about 99% of the time (because typing in accents gets old pretty quickly). If you are aware that Nova is French Canadian, then definitely roll with it and assume that she certainly has a distinct accent at all times.
Criminal Activities
Here is a list of criminal activities that Nova has engaged in since taking up residence in Millennium City but are not exclusive to the city itself.
August 12, 2011: The Mock Ceremony
On this date, Nova concocted a plan to capture and kill her superhero nemesis, Ms. Canada. She arranged a fake public speech by the Prime Minister outside of Canada's Parliament Hill in Ottawa with the intended purpose of the speech being to award Ms. Canada with a commendation that she had been invited to receive for her ongoing heroic deeds. Everyone involved in the speech had been hired or paid off by Nova. When Ms. Canada arrived to receive her commendation, the Prime Minister revealed himself to be a super-strength body double who immediately restrained Ms. Canada who had let her guard down. It was at this moment that Nova appeared and delivered a fatal strike to Ms. Canada's throat with a knife, killing her immediately. Nova then fled the scene and returned to the criminal underground of Millennium City.
September 17, 2011: Westside Prison Break
With The Rogues Gallery members Blackwing, Cataclysm, and Wrath, Nova assisted in attacking the Westside prison in an effort to release the villain Hex from imprisonment. Nova used her super strength to destroy the shackles binding Hex, and then assisted in defending him from several heroes on the scene such as Anja Gullveig, Gunny, Lightwave, and a young girl named Robyn Karrigan. Nova mostly dealt with Anja Gullveig and Robyn Karrigan, as both of them tried to restrain her using various forms of telekinesis. They succeeded in mostly keeping Nova in one place however, through much struggling, she still managed to overcome her restraints and assault Anja Gullveig when she was distracted by a freed Hex. Shortly after, the villains agreed to make their escape and retreated to a Rogues Gallery safehouse where member Goblin initiated Hex into the group.
September 23, 2011: Harmon Labs Heist
With several other members of The Rogues Gallery, Nova attacked Harmon Labs to steal a contained sample of anti-matter and sell it for a hefty amount. Several heroes had shown up such as Binary Man, Captain Quasar, Gunny, Hunter, Lightwave and Tomonari. Nova found herself working with Hex, and the two were drastically outnumbered for much of the conflict despite having support from Blood Talon. Nova suffered from several injuries as a result of constantly being the target of the heroes for unknown reasons. After falling off the the Harmon Labs building three times, being hit by a laser beam, and then shot with a machine gun, Nova was out of commission and unconscious which forced Hex to retreat with the wounded villainess. Hex would heal her wounds enough for her to be somewhat mobile and the group then turned their attention to the anti-matter sample that they had successfully stolen despite efforts from the heroes to prevent The Rogues Gallery from escaping. Despite her advanced regenerative healing, Nova's extensive wounds would continue to bother her for the next several days and she would spend nearly the entirety of the following day in the gym in an effort to speed up her regenerative healing ability. During this time, she would operate completely underground.
April 29, 2014: Slaughter on the Congo
After being declared MIA for over two years, intelligence agencies believed that the terrorist known as Nova resurfaced along the Congo River. When local authorities attempted to intervene in a significantly large arms and drug trade, they were quickly trounced by an unknown woman. Of the fourteen authorities present, only three survived after faking death. Upon being rescued by a Primus team led by Major Harvey "Dead Eye" Kinsley. After interrogating an individual captured from the illegal trade, as well as hearing out the stories of the three survivors, Dead Eye determined that the attacker was none other than Nova and that she must have been attempting to funnel money for some reason. With the interrogated prisoner confessing that the illegal gathering had been arranged by a withered looking man clad in body armor and cybernetics, Dead Eye concluded that it sounded like his nemesis Dr. Insidious and pledged to look into any possible link between Dr. Insidious and Nova.
Flight: Nova can fly moderately quickly and does not possess any fear of heights. She is able to fly as high as the stratosphere and can travel at speeds equal to most common birds. When flying, the rest of Nova's powers are severely weakened and she is not able to fight efficiently. Nova is most vulnerable when she is flying, and she will rarely engage in flight when there is trouble.
Regenerative Healing: Nova is able to use her strong will and super strength to accelerate the healing of her body. The extent of this has mostly been to quickly stop the bleeding of her wounds as well as temporarily nullifying pain felt via light wounds, which means Nova can't do anything drastic such as regrow limbs or heal major injuries or wounds in seconds (or even minutes). However, this ability does let her completely ignore pain to a certain degree. If Nova is simply shot or stabbed in a non-lethal manner, she is very likely to continue her attack or pursuit. If she sustains a heavy wound or something drastic such as an amputation, she will most definitely feel the full extent of the injury and will certainly try to back off or retreat in an atempt to find a way to mend herself.
Super Strength: Nova possesses super strength which allows her to pick up larger objects such as buses and transport trucks. By concentrating her strength directly into her fists, Nova is able to attack or repel foes with dangerous force. She is capable of knocking several large able-bodied men several dozen feet away with a single powerful swing of her arms. Also, by smashing the ground with her arms or feet, Nova is able to produce small shockwaves that will affect the immediate area surrounding her. These shockwaves are not strong enough to damage architecture (unless it is heavily deteriorated), but it can certainly knock down unsuspecting humanoids who are not prepared for it. This power only affects Nova's physical strength, and she is still very vulnerable to many attacks that would hurt those without super strength such as gun shots and deep cuts.
Strong Will: Due to having incredible physical strength, Nova's will is also greatly amplified as well. Many telekinetic/telepathic holds and restraints will not fully stop her and will only impede her unless the mentalist attacking her is quite skilled. Nova's freakish strength allows her to still move about freely when held by such attacks, apparently using raw stubbornness to overcome whatever is holding her. Most holds performed by mentalists should be able to at least slow Nova down to the point where she'll have to take one struggling step at a time but, as mentioned, only highly skilled mentalists will be able to stop the brutish woman in her tracks.
Vincia Laurent
In order to maintain a low profile, Nova has adopted a second identity known as Vincia Laurent by donning contacts and a wig. As Vincia, Nova keeps to herself, neglecting to make acquaintances as Vincia since she has no desire to lead a false life and only wants to keep her Vincia persona as a cover for her true self. Vincia Laurent has a very classy apartment in Millennium City's downtown which serves as Nova's home in the city.
When not appearing as herself in public, Nova is likely to walk around as Vincia Laurent in an effort to not raise any suspicions or be identified by authorities.
Badminton: Nova has always been quite fit and she attributes this to her love of badminton. Long before she became the villainess she is today, she used to enjoy badminton greatly as a child in gym class. She would pick up on the sport and become quite good at it over time. Since she lives a life of crime, she does not play badminton publicly too often (she must go incognito to do so) and must instead resort to using her various associates and henchmen as opponents.
Boxing: When Nova wishes, she can voluntarily suppress her super strength. The only time she does this is when she desires to have a sparring session in a boxing ring. Similarly to her passion for badminton, when Nova wishes to box she must go incognito. She usually visits small time gyms and fitness clubs to box, rarely lingering for much time when there are heroes and other such individuals present. Nova is not as good of a boxer as she is a badminton player, having a record of 17 wins, 30 losses, and 2 draws. She could unleash her super strength to bolster her wins, but she feels that this would give her an unfair advantage in an activity where she only wishes to challenge herself using nothing more than normal abilities.
Drinking: Nova has penchent for strawberry daiquiris and red wines. She usually consumes alcohol when she has met some form of success in her endeavours or when she is out and about looking to collect information. She also enjoys having a casual drink when she is negotiating business with associates.
Hiking: When Nova isn't busy with her work or the above activities, she is usually hiking. While this sounds reasonably peaceful, it is anything but. Hiking relaxes Nova and allows her to think more freely, thus enabling her to come up with devious plans without much effort. Hiking is what Nova does to jog her creative yet sinister juices.
Every so often, Nova enjoys changing her usual attire.
Nova is wanted by police in several cities throughout North America for various reasons. Here are the departments she is currently wanted by and their reasons for wishing to apprehend or question her. Nova typically ignores any and all arrest warrants when she visits these cities due to the fact that, if the police come for her, she knows that she can easily overpower standard police officers and evade arrest.
Bujumbura, Bujumbura Mairie, Burundi: Manslaughter, Possession of Firearms, Possession of Illegal Substances, Transportation of Illegal Goods
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Arson, Kidnapping, Possession of Illegal Substances
Flint, Michigan, USA: Wanted For Questioning
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Arson, Grand Theft Auto, Manslaughter, Robbery
Millennium City, Michigan, USA: Possession of Firearms, Possession of Illegal Substances
New York City, New York, USA: Possession of Illegal Substances, Promoting Prostitution
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Arson, First Degree Murder, Grand Theft Auto, Kidnapping, Possession of Weapon, Treason
Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Wanted For Questioning
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Extortion, Possession of Illegal Substances, Robbery
Vibora Bay, Florida, USA: Possession of Weapon, Property Damage, Robbery, Transportation of Illegal Goods
Pictures of Nova by me and (over time) others.
1. I know what some people may wonder... Is Nova a nemesis or an actual playable character? The answer is both. Nova started as Ms. Canada's nemesis but then became Spirit's nemesis after I used a full retcon token to change the Ms. Canada character into Spirit (which is why I wrote Ms. Canada off and had her perish at the hands of Nova). Since January 2011, Nova has existed off and on as a character occupying an actual slot on my select screen. Due to the increased amount of detail I've added to the character recently, she is now a permanent addition to my character roster.
2. I had no idea that there was a Marvel character also named Nova before making this character. I guess it's not such a big deal since the two characters are radically different in pretty much every single way imaginable. But yeah, my Nova was not inspired by the Marvel Nova and I did not know he even existed until recently.
3. When annoyed or provoked, Nova has a habit of swearing in French. A LOT. If you are being yelled at in French by Nova IC and she appears annoyed, then chances are she's cussing you out pretty badly.
4. Nova is extremely bisexual to the point that she feels pansexual. She has never revealed this and it is her "own little secret" due to having a jaded belief she has that only heterosexual villains can be feared and intimidating. Despite her tough exterior, she's really quite uncomfortable with this aspect of herself which is why it has remained a secret her entire life.
5. As a villain, Nova doesn't really have any clear or focused plans. She merely wishes to commit crimes in an effort to gain vast amounts of money, which she usually just uses to fuel the activities of fellow villains, terrorists and various anarchistic groups. In essence, Nova is almost nothing more than an anarchist who just wishes to see the good suffer.
Favourite Things
Animals: Nova's favourite animal is the fox. Since she is often referred to as being quite cunning, she likes to compare herself to foxes as a result. She also likes ravens and various snakes as well. Despite her tough exterior, she has a deathly fear of spiders that can easily throw her off of her game. This can practically be considered a major weakness.
Books: Intel. Nova will read nothing other than intel. Ever.
Foods: Pastas, rice dishes, and soups round out Nova's favourite things to put in her mouth. Her love of pasta is unrivaled and is very likely to take business associates and partners out for dinner to eat pasta when they need to discuss specific matters with one another. Nova does not consume many unhealthy foods, but she enjoys chocolate chip muffins very much.
Hobbies: As stated above, Nova has a fondness for badminton, boxing, and hiking. She'll engage in many other activities to keep herself in shape as well, but those three are by far her favourite hobbies. She is also an aspiring painter in her spare time. Nova also likes to tinker with anything automotive and/or electrical, though her tinkering does not always yield positive results since she really doesn't know what she's doing half the time.
Movies: Crime, disaster, documentary, and war are Nova's favourite types of movies. She detests comedies and most dramas, and is frustrated by romance movies. She is likely to become very annoyed when asked by a male if she likes romance films.
Music: Though Nova has a slight preference towards classical music (particularly George Frideric Handel), she has no true favourite kind of music and will listen to any genre at all, but there is only one rule. The music must suit her current mood.
Disliked/Hated Things
Being a villain, as well as a cold person in general, Nova is prone to not liking quite a few different things.
1. Spiders: As mentioned, she is deathly afraid of spiders and is very arachnophobic. If any conflict involved spiders, Nova would surely not take part in it. If spiders happened to come up in the middle of a conflict, Nova would be rendered useless, essentially becoming a huge liability to her allies.
2. Children: Nova has a deep hatred for children simply because they are often loud, smell odd, and have dirty/sticky hands. She does not treat children any differently than she does adults, often resulting in young children being reduced to tears by Nova's attitude towards them.
3. Media: Journalists, newspapers, news websites, and reporters all grate on Nova's nerves. This is simply because she despises it when something bad is said of her in the media. Even if her intentions are ultimately bad/evil, she does not see it this way and grows annoyed when she is slammed by reporters.
4. Junk Food: If it is deemed unhealthy and doesn't directly fit into any of the major food groups, then Nova will likely condemn it. There is little room for junk food in her life as she refuses to put anything into her body that could potentially make her fat or unhealthy. She is extremely militant about keeping her figure and will rarely consume anything of poor nutritional value. However, despite this, Nova really likes chocolate chip muffins.
5. Raised Voices: If there is no truly valid reason for someone to be angry, Nova has absolutely no patience for anyone who will raise their voice and yell. People with anger issues or short fuses are likely to annoy Nova greatly, and they will unknowingly fuel Nova's anger with their own.
6. Snow: As someone who was born and raised in Canada, Nova feels no love for snow. She does not mind mild temperatures, but when extra clothes are required and the snow begins to fall, Nova will become very irate. She feels that snow is nothing more than an annoying hindrance in the winter, as it slows her down from doing anything outdoors. She hates being cold and wet at the same time and is likely to avoid going outdoors when the weather is not to her liking unless urgent work forces her to go out.
7. Overly Flirtatious People: Anyone who tries to lay on the charm and corny pick up lines repeatedly will not have much success cracking Nova's cold exterior. In fact, she is deeply annoyed by people who do not know when to back off and/or kill the charm. As someone who has long avoided forming romantic ties to people, Nova absolutely cannot stand anyone who appears obsessed with love. These people annoy her to such a degree that she will often lash out physically if the individual(s) will not back down, as one of her The Rogues Gallery associates had to learn the hard way.
Need Nova for RP?
Nova will never speak in the Champions RP channel since she is a villain and it would not make any sense for her to have access to it. Even though Nova is not in the channel in any IC form, I do still have it visible for reading on the Nova character. However, if I'm in search of RP then I'll likely be in Carl's Gym (where Nova works out), Club Caprice (where she gathers intel), or Sherrera's Bar (ditto). Feel free to approach me if you notice me in any of those locations.
If I am online (@UPRC) and you would like to involve Nova in something, feel free to drop me a line. How do you know if Nova would fit the RP you are trying to get going? Well if you need any of the following things in the RP, I can help on Nova:
1. A partner in crime.
2. A shady business associate.
3. A general villain.
4. An additional attendee/body for an RP event.
Or if Nova just seems interesting or whatever, hit me up.
RP Hooks
Is your character a villain? They may have worked with Nova or perhaps heard of her before. The chances of either possibility would be increased if your character is Canadian.
Is your character a hero? They may have heard of Nova before since she is very public about her villainous acts. Few heroes actually confront her though. If you want Nova as a PC nemesis of sorts, that can be arranged.
Does your character like booze? They may have spotted Nova in Club Caprice and Sherrera's Bar, usually sitting by herself and noticeably eavesdropping on other patrons.
Frequent visitors to Carl's Gym may recognize her (out of familiarity of seeing her there, not as the villainess Nova) due to the fact that she is there often to discreetly work out.
Anyone involved in the black market, drug trade, and other such things may have heard of Nova before. She is a prominent arms dealer and drug lord.
Antontin Dvorak - Symphony No 9, 4th Movement: I can just imagine this music playing as Nova goes on a rampage or sends her goons in to senselessly slaughter innocents and such.
George Frideric Handel - Sarabande: Nova's favourite classical piece to listen to when she is by herself and has time to think. She finds it to be extremely relaxing.
Ozzy Osbourne - I Don't Wanna Stop: A song that sort of captures Nova's lifestyle and personality almost perfectly. The lyrics are almost tailor-written for her.
Who Would Play Her?
After taking a look around at various actresses and such, I think that Olivia Wilde (who I read appears to be a pretty big deal) would probably pull off a good Nova. She has a very similar look, especially around the eyes. A coincidental and fun little bonus is that both are the same age, so that should certainly help as well. The picture up top is an edited photo of Olivia Wilde which is meant to represent what Nova would roughly look like in real life. The only difference is that Nova would have a little bit more meat on her bones, or at the very least not look like a toothpick.