Kid Ballistic

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/ / Real Name Sidney Lee Mason
/ / Known Aliases Baron of the Bullet, Master of Munitions, Duke of Demolitions, The Kid with No Name, the Quick and the Dead Sexy, the Young Gun
/ / Gender Male
/ / Species Homo sapiens
/ / Ethnicity French-Slavic
/ / Place of Birth Millennium City, MI
/ / Current Location Millennium City, MI
/ / Relatives Living:
  • Marcus Mason Jr. (father)


  • Marcus Mason Sr. (grandfather)

/ / Age 17
/ / Height 5 ft. 7 in./1.7 m
/ / Weight 168 lbs./76 kg.
/ / Eyes Blue
/ / Hair Black
/ / Complexion Fair
/ / Build Athletic
/ / Notable Features

/ / Identity Public
/ / Citizenship American
/ / Married Unmarried
/ / Occupation
/ / Education "Homeschooled", self-taught
/ / Years of Activity
/ / Married Unmarried
/ / Notoriety Local

Mercenary Training, Weapons Expert, Weaponsmith
See Below



Marcus Mason Jr. left the United States with nothing, save his only son, Sidney. Mason, a former Navy SEAL and soldier of fortune, only knew how to do one thing well. So he raised his son, from birth, to be the same thing: a gun-for-hire. A mercenary.

Needless to say, Sidney did not have a normal childhood. Sid called his father "Boss", and Marcus subjected his son to intense training, instructing him through war games and military drills. By his father's side, Sid learned the ins and outs of the mercenary trade. By age five, Sid had seen men and women killed, betrayed, and lied to. At age nine he had endured his first firefight, and his first bullet wound. At age ten he had killed his first man. Sid's "Boss" wasn't a cruel man, but he was a hard one, and believed his son needed to see the worst the world could offer if he was to survive (and profit) in it.

The father-son team traveled the globe, and Sid learned much of the world's languages and cultures. But the one he thrilled to the most was the country Marcus refused to set foot in: the United States. Despite the Boss's attempts to keep Sid focused, the child sought out any piece of American culture he could. He poured through his father's old movies and records, absorbing spaghetti westerns, actions films, jazz, and rock 'n' roll like a sponge. He saw America as a mythical place, and in secret, wished he could return. But any mentions of Sid's birthplace, or his absent unknown mother, were met by harsh discipline.

Sid grew into a promising young apprentice, but his intuitive qualities, as well as his romanticizing of American gunslingers and action heroes, clashed with Marcus' pragmatic training. Sid was a quick learner, but he didn't seem to possess the cunning his father desired. Worse still was Sid's marksmanship, a far cry from his father's legendary aim. As Sid was trusted with more and more of his own arsenal, he compensated by substituting quantity for quality, dumping ammunition towards a target, much like the action stars of the 80s he enjoyed so dearly. Over time, despite the Boss's discipline, this penchant for perforation became a habit. Sid took a turn for flashy maneuvers and excessive tactics. Somewhere, Marcus had failed in producing a perfect successor to the "family business". His son was tenacious and clever, but his head was in the clouds. The world would not abide such foolishness, and neither would Marcus Mason Jr.

At the age of fourteen, Sidney awoke one day to find his father had disappeared. There was no sign of struggle, nor intruder. Yet the Boss had left no indication of where he had gone. Sid's father had left him with every cent they had earned, every weapon they had acquired. But he had left him alone. Fearful, panicked, and distraught, the young gun took to the road on his own, believing at first that it was another of his father's tests. But days turned to weeks, and months became a year and a half before Sid relented. It seemed obvious: his father abandoned him. Sid hadn't lived up to his expectations. He was dead weight.

He couldn't continue as a mercenary. Not on his own. His father had made that clear. Though shaken to his core, Sid was still a survivor. To keep breathing, Sid packed up what he could and smuggled himself to the one place he had never been: America. Armed to the teeth and filthy rich, and now faced with unlimited freedom and opportunity, Sid did the only thing a teenage boy would: he partied. He drank, he smoked, he explored Millennium City and mingled incognito with people his own age for the first time in years. He delved deep into the reservoir of American pop culture, consuming television shows and visiting the movie theater almost once a day.

But the Boss had raised Sid to be a doer, and he began to itch for a "normal" life again. A life of deadly action, purpose, and accomplishment. But returning to "the life" was a sore spot. Much as he romanticized his former profession, those days were done. But Millennium City seemed to offer a similar occupation: crimefighting. Costumed crimefighting. Though cognizant of superheroes during his globetrotting days, his time in America had really exposed the young gun to the strange and exciting world of capes, cowls, and powered armor. It seemed a profession marked by radical style and endless excitement. Maybe this was his calling?

So, on a whim that quickly developed into a mission, Sidney Mason became Kid Ballistic, and dived headlong into Millennium City's fray of crime and intrigue with itchy trigger fingers and an ungodly arsenal.


Kid Ballistic sashays around Millennium City, wearing a black and blue-orange costume that is as loud as it is effective. On top of a temperature reactive body suit, the gunslinger wears a combination of Kevlar and Dragonskin for protection, though he usually goes without arm protection to improve mobility. Gun-stuffed leather holsters hug his legs, and a shotgun holster adorns the back of his ballistic vest, to say nothing of the handful(s) of hidden weapons on his person. His combat boots are thick leather and sturdy boron-carbide that protect from his heels to his knees. Kid Ballistic's very own emblem, the "Jolly Bomber", smiles wickedly from his belt buckle.

Whether costumed or not, Sidney Mason is a strapping young man with fair skin, dark blue eyes, and raven black hair. He possesses the body of an athlete, honed by years "on the road", and aided by Sid's ravenous metabolism, which burns away all signs of his atrocious diet. Scars can be found on just about every region of his body, particularly his hands. Of note are a former knife wound on the back of his right shoulder, the leftovers of a bullet entry wound on his upper right abdomen, and a nasty entry and exit wound on his lower left leg. Sidney is thankful that his face has so far remained relatively unblemished by combat.

Though the young gun always favors going in uniform, he occasionally leaves his "Boom Cave" wearing "civvies". Most often he opts for a surprisingly fashionable (thanks to tips from his friend and teammate Lash) khaki pant and black V-Neck shirt, complete with "uncombat" boots and gray aviator sunglasses. Sidney never goes unnarmed unless absolutely necessary, and even then, he does his best to smuggle actual or improvised weaponry into or past areas of high security when he can.


Kid Ballistic is renown (and perhaps infamous) for his wildcat approach to crimefighting. Though tactically sharper than most superheroes his age, he regularly neglects his training for the thrills of the job. During combat, the boy in blue will fight with barely constrained, devilish enthusiasm, cackling or crying out in celebration as he unloads magazines of ammo at his enemies. In a fashion that can only be descried as sensual, Sidney enjoys battle, when it is going well. The vibrations of automatic weapons fire, the tremors of a grenade detonating, the smell of gunsmoke; Sidney can't get enough. To him, they are as beautiful as works of art. This high can lead to reckless gunplay and careless use of explosives, more often than not leading to collateral damage. Sid, if he acknowledges it at all, dismisses his path of destruction as "part of the job". One might suspect that he enjoys it more than a "hero" should.

There are times when the young gun's training comes to the fore, and Kid Ballistic shows himself to be clever, inventive, and even disciplined. For his age, the superhero has been through a remarkable amount of stress and punishment. If he isn't on cloud nine, guns blazing, Sid can be counted on to pursue an objective with a clear head, even restraint. But these moments are few and far between; Sid would rather enjoy his moments of controlled chaos, and let everyone and everything else sort itself out. Sid's focus is usually brought out by his time spent preparing and maintaining his weapons, stocking his hideouts, and constructing his inventions.

The young hero carries himself with a swagger and confidence that smacks of spaghetti western heroes. He would probably wear spurs if it wouldn't be so impractical. Some of this is a well-earned surety developed by years of training and successful missions. However, beneath the surface, there lies a powerful fear of failure and abandonment. So much of what others see is bravado, an overcompensation for what Sid perceives as weakness. After all, in the "real world", weakness gets you killed. This mentality proves difficult in building trust or relationships of any depth, at least at first.

Despite the killer instinct instilled by his father, and the deep seated fears of a child who grew up far too fast, Sid manages to have a good heart. When he finally allows himself to make lasting attachments, he rabidly defends them. His callous attitude and hard-edged philosophy softens on occasion, showing a generous and caring individual. Which side of the young gun wins out in the end, only time will tell.




Heckler & Koch Mark 23 “SOCOM”

This is Kid Ballistic's bread and butter. Normally reserved for the United States Special Forces, KB is proud to own more than a few of them. It allows the attachment of a laser sight and suppressor, but KB isn't interested in either. He got his hands on this weapon because it's ambidextrous, water-proof, and corrosion resistant. If it's good enough for SpecOps, it's good enough for Kid Ballistic.


Smith & Wesson Governor

If the HK Mark 23 is KB's bread and butter, the Smith & Wesson Governor is his...cottage cheese? It's not just a solid back-up, it's perfect for his special ammunition. Revolvers survive when automatics don't, they work in wet conditions and don't jam nearly as often. This revolver in particular supports three different ammunition types: .45 Colt, .45 ACP, and .410 shotgun shells. It's versatility makes it ideal to deliver one of his custom rounds, and makes a great secondary handgun. He always carries two, often custom loaded for the mission with a mix of standard and custom ammunition.


Walther PPK-E

Bigger isn't always better. Wait...yes it is. But sometimes you need something you can hide. It's the one thing James Bond has going for him. Stuffed in his boot, in a suitcase, or down his pants (aw yeah), the PPK-E is KB's resort when all other clips are empty. It's a .32 weapon, but when you have a tendency to unload the entire magazine, it does its job.


Mossberg & Sons 500

Right, so this is a 12 gauge, pump-action, pistol grip, yadda yadda yadda. I'd say I don't wanna bore you with the details, but I just don't wanna bore me with the details. KB likes this for its maneuverability, price, that useful-as-hell breacher choke (knock knock!). And it's pump action. Who doesn't love that sound!?


Heckler & Koch MP5A3

"H-K-M-P-5-A-3, find out what it means to me!". The standby of badasses around the world, KB digs the MP5 for its reliability and sterling performance as a submachine gun. When he needs something steadfast, portable, and automatic (and he always does), KB goes for the MP5.


Heckler & Koch IAR

OK, so this much should be obvious now: it doesn't get better than German engineering for this kid. In Europe or Africa, Asia or the Middle East, his father kept his collection of HKs close, and KB learned that lesson well. When KB needs to get serious he packs this bad boy. Now, KB doesn't dig assault rifles very much: they're big and...accurate. There's no tension, no savoring the uncertainty of your bullets' trajectories! But he also knows to be prepared, so he always has IARs in storage.


Norinco Type 69 RPG

The Chinese version of the more archetypal Russian RPG-7. Like a lot of the Reds' weapons, the Type 69 is cheap and easy to use. It's loud and dirty, like any good rocket launcher. It does something near and dear to KB's heart: delivers explosives quickly and stylishly. He loves the way its grenades travel through the air. Naturally, he mostly uses concussion rounds, but it's still impressive.


M84 Stun Grenade

In a world where killing is a big no-no, rubber bullets, bean bags, and these bad boys are king. They're practically Kid Ballistic's party favors. Great for getting someone's attention, saying hello, saying goodbye, asking a girl out, or paying your bill at a restaurant. Oh, and clearing a room, stunning the enemy, creating a diversion, etc.


M67 Fragmentation Grenade

And here's his big brother. Let's not beat around the bush: it's a dangerous world. And even though heroes don't kill, it pays to be ready for anything. Maybe that means blowing up a car. But in Millennium City, it definitely means blowing up a [CENSORED] robot. You just hope it's driving a car so you can get a two-for-one deal. So it should come as no surprise that KB loves these little babies, but keeps them in his pants until its safe. Usually. And he doesn't actually keep them in his pants. There's enough firepower down there.


Semtex Plastic Explosive

Semtex. Just listen to that name. Just hearing it reminds you what kind of man you want to be. She's soft, but tough. She'll do whatever you want her to do, but not without working for it. She's unique, waterproof, and stays plastic in below-zero temperatures. And that color! KB is a plastique man. He always has some handy. I am not exaggerating. It's so versatile KB is convinced there's nothing it can't do. Questionite be damned: KB wants a Semtex exchange.


Gerber Mark II Survival Knife

Kid Ballistic doesn't savor melee combat. That shouldn't be a surprise. Not that he's afraid or unable to fight, it's just no fun. Besides, point-blank range is his playground. But when he simply can't fire a weapon or use an explosive, his fists and this knife are his back-up. It also makes for a great tool in a pinch.


Thrillers, Fillers, Rubbers, and Killers

He's cool, he's quick, he's good-lookin', but Kid Ballistic's real genius lies in his custom ammunition. Trained by his father and other professionals around the world, KB has years of experience and experiments under his belt. Not that all of his inventions are successful or safe, but some are the only reason he can be a gunslinger and not be a murderer. Among his creations are low-velocity rubber rounds, mag rounds, tracer rounds, and rescue rounds.


Grapple Gun

Besides a good run or a cab, this is how KB makes his way about Millennium City. This item's an indispensable tool and occasional weapon. With it, he scales entire storied buildings or swings between them in the nick of time. It can make a solid projectile weapon if you just need to knock someone down at close range. It can be used to grab opponents and reel them in. One of KB's favorite things to do is lock the grappling claw onto an explosive device and launch it onto a roof, through a window, into a passing car, etc.



KB’s costume includes a temperature-adaptive bodysuit, Dragon Skin/Kevlar ballistic vest, Kevlar pants and chaps, leather/boron carbide combat boots and elbow pads, and leather fingerless gloves. Because of his compulsion to look his best, he removes the sleeves from most of his bodysuits, and custom colors his vest and chaps. All together they protect his ass while keeping it moving at a decent pace. He can take most small arms fire, knives, blunt objects. He could even withstand fire for a brief time if he weren't sleeveless. The entire outfit is waterproof, fireproof, and bulletproof. Is it idiotproof? Keep your distance, I'd rather not test it out.








  • "Kay Bee is my man! He's got style, a sense of humour and knows what it means to be at the top of the food chain, so you know you can trust the guy. - Maverick
  • "Kid Ballistic is really sexy, funny, rich and has a big... oh, come ON, now... that's just gross!" *rips up card she was paid to read* "He's like, totally confident and totally good at shooting things. He makes me laugh when I don't think he's trying to. I don't think he's a bad guy, but maybe a little weird." - Lash
  • "Of all of the members of the Progeny, I find I have more common ground with Kid Ballistic than with any of the others, especially when it comes to motivations for what we do. Which is ironic, considering just how completely different we are in most other aspects." - Cait Sith
  • "You'd best prepare yourself, Darren. We're coming for you and all of your delicious pizza!" - Black Ice
  • "I'm glad to have another normal human on the team and it's good that he enjoys what we do. I see a bright, fully loaded future for him." - Cobalt Crush
  • "He seems very determined and has an incredibly strong drive to succeed. I'd tell him to expand on his skill sets as well as continue to apply himself to his shooting expertise. I do know he was responsible for saving almost 8000 lives and was undeterred by the threats around him when most would have simply given up. I've heard some less than stellar things about him on a personal level, but who knows... we may just have the next All-Star on our hands one day." - Sparrowhawk








Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Ennio Morricone
Il Tramonto (The Sundown)
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Gold Guns Girls [Acoustic]
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Tony Bennett
If I Ruled the World

 : VOL. 1

Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Nancy Sinatra
These Boots Are Made For Walkin’
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Francesco Maria Piave
Libiamo ne' lieti calici
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Beastie Boys
(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
The Black Keys
Turn Blue
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
The Ink Spots
I Don't Wanna Set the World On Fire
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Cole Porter
Anything Goes
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Sexy and I Know It
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Fatboy Slim
Weapon of Choice
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Ennio Morricone
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
1812 Overture
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Quiet Riot
Cum On Feel the Noize
Liath MusicOpenBlue.png
Nancy Sinatra
Bang Bang

 : VOL. 2

 : VOL. 3



  • Every Scar Has A Story - For the youngster that he is, Kid Ballistic has endured much in the way of physical and emotional abuse. Much of the evidence lies beneath the skin, but some is visible in the way of scars. Each produces mixed emotions for the young gun, as each purchases some bragging rights, yet all are a reminder of a time Sid failed.
  • Handsome Devil - Despite his arrogant, wild, and spiteful attitude, KB's rockin' a serious bod and a handsome mug to boot.
  • Smoking Is Cool - Sid is frequently seen with a trademark self-wrapped cigarillo clasped between his lips, sometimes unlit. People who live "the life", like his father, take to all manner of bad habits, since being a mercenary has a pretty short life expectancy. Sid learned to love tobacco at a young age, and shows no signs of quitting.


  • Berserk Button - KB is always kind of a [CENSORED], but he only really gets angry at two things: failing a shot, and getting teased for his poor aim.
  • Good Is Not Nice - Kid Ballistic is not the nicest person at first blush. Or second and third blush. Whatever that means.
  • Jerk With A Heart Of Gold - Deep down, KB just wants approval and acceptance. He has a lot of respect for others, and even cares about a few, for whom he would do a great lot. Will he admit it? No. Will he show it? Don't count on it.
  • Jerkass Has A Point - No matter how arrogant or insufferable he can be, he's been around the block, and his adaptive mind often finds solutions others never thought of.
  • Trigger Happy - If he's standing still, you can bet he wants to be moving. And if his guns are holstered, you can bet he's trying to find an excuse to whip 'em out.


  • Combat Pragmatist - For all the fun and games, Kid Ballistic knows the score better than most. Combat is a matter of life and death, and while Sid certainly loves to flirt with the Reaper, he knows that one must employ any and all advantages to keep that relationship a distant one. Sid doesn't fight fair, he doesn't believe in honor, and despite his new profession, he struggles with mercy at times.
  • Crazy Prepared - KB always shows up to a situation packing heat, and a lot of it. Does he use it all? He tries his damndest. He has weapons caches all around the city, crates of weapons and ammo at home, and plenty of hidden goodies on his person. It's not just training; Sid almost needs to be armed. From an early age, he came to see the world as a scary and threatening place. His father taught him that the only way to survive was to also be scary and threatening.
  • Mr. Vice Guy - Sidney approaches life with a deep-seated hedonism. Of sorts. Though he endures a lot of pain, much of his actions relate to the chase of pleasure or comfort. Adrenaline, gunsmoke, liquor, food, money, women, etc. It's all on the menu, and Sid wants it all. These only serve to obscure the better self Sid has hidden somewhere, and at times, the want for something pure or more fulfilling rears its head.


  • Badass Normal and Superhero Packing Heat - KB's skills and talents go beyond the ken of mortal men. Well, OK - normal men. Part of that is innate badassery, part of it is intense training, and part of is an arsenal worthy of most 80s action flicks.
  • Bottomless Magazines - Sometimes he never seems to run out. Sometimes there are never enough.
  • Disarm, Disassemble, Destroy - Kid Ballistic can take apart most firearms and explosives in seconds, sometimes quicker if you don't need every piece. Sometimes, he'll do this to his enemy's weapons as well.
  • Guns Akimbo - When you need quantity over quality, two pistols are the way to go. And KB always uses two.
  • Made Of Iron - He's 17, and he drinks like a fish, smokes like a factory, and sleeps like an junkie. His bones have been broken, he's been shot, he's been concussed. And still he marches on.
  • No Range Like Point-Blank Range - He knows a few martial arts moves. He carries a knife. Doesn't matter. If you try to close distance with him, you will still get shot. "Multiple" doesn't even begin to describe how many times.
  • Quick Draw - He may not be accurate, but he is a quick handed [CENSORED]. Try him.
  • Trick Bullet - The essence of KB's crimefighting. He uses more custom, non-lethal ammunition than the standard. And it still feels good.


  • Cigar-Fuse Lighting - When he gets the opportunity to work with classic fused explosives, he doesn't waste it. This is how you light explosives.
  • Firing In The Air A Lot - What better way to celebrate a victory? Start a race? Get the bartender's attention?
  • Gun Twirling - What self-respecting gunslinger doesn't do this on a regular basis? Nevermind that it's not entirely safe!
  • More Dakka - Kid Ballistic doesn't savor the shot like a sniper. He rides a wave of automatic fire until his hands are numb and his ears are ringing.
  • Smoking Barrel Blowout - Another obligatory gunslinger move. He actually engineers his ammunition to produce more smoke just so he can do this.


  • Child Soldier - Raised from birth to be a mercenary, Sidney boasts incredible skill and know-how with weapons. He also has trouble living any other way.
  • Parental Abandonment - Though he downplays it, Sid is undoubtedly affected by his lack of parentage. He never knew his mother, and the sudden departure of his father was traumatic, to say the least. The jury's still out on whether he'll cope. You know, besides filling the void with booze and bullets.
  • Socially-Awkward Hero - KB can be an odd duck. Being raised in foreign lands by his father didn't nurture all the social cues and graces that most people get in the States. Or culture in general.


  • Allergic To Routine - Kid Ballistic does what he wants, when he wants. So when he has to keep doing the same thing, or worse, do nothing, he gets...itchy.
  • In Harms Way - Becoming a superhero is about the only thing that could compare to being a soldier of fortune. Sid couldn't do anything else. Without the thrills, the excitement, and the threat of death or grievous injury, it just isn't worth doing.
  • Anything That Moves - Sid is known as something of a lady-chaser. It's rare that he goes without some kind of come on or ploy when meeting a new female.


  • Bulletproof Vest - A necessity. The only thing keeping his fickle friend, the bullet, from finding its way back to his heart. That, and his undeniable charm.* Bulletproof Vest - A necessity. The only thing keeping his fickle friend, the bullet, from finding its way back to his heart. That, and his undeniable charm.
  • Wall of Weapons and Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys? - KB's hideout is packed with weapons and ammo. Some are on display, many are hidden in crates and panels and pipes and drawers and floorboards. One wonders where and how someone his age gets his hands on hundreds of pounds of Semtex. A close second is "Why does someone your age have hundreds of pounds of Semtex!?"


  • Heroic Fatigue - He's more likely to feel this after long hours of preparation, smithing, inventing, patrol, etc. KB has a penchant for long-hours and putting off sleep as long as he can. He almost seems to enjoy it.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless - Ballistic's in great shape, but there are hordes of those stronger and tougher than him. And he takes those people down on a regular basis.
  • Post-Victory Collapse - KB usually makes it home first, but almost every battle pushes him to his limits, being a normal human and all. Adrenaline's a hell of a drug, and the come-down is a hard one.
  • Young Gun - While remarkable for his age, it's remarkably obvious that KB's still got a lot to learn. He is usually outmatched by other heroes who do the same thing he does.



  • Kid Ballistic is nefarious for collateral damage, needless noise, and mayhem. It's been on the news, and if you're anywhere near Westside, you've probably heard it, or seen it up close.
  • Kid Ballistic has been all around the world. He knows a mess of foreign language and custom. He misses traveling sometimes, and will often talk about the places he's been.
  • If you've been paying attention, you know that Kid Ballistic is well-armed. He loves to talk about his arsenal.
  • KB was a regular at Darren's Pizza in City Center, before he was banned.
  • Sid frequents a few record stores in Westside. He spends hours sampling records, usually before buying just one.
  • Cigarettes and coffee make a volatile fuel for his long hours at the worktable, or on patrol. When he must do research or online orders, he can be found in any coffee shop with wi-fi.


  • Sid often talks to himself, and others, when absorbed in a task. He may start talking about something without even realizing what he's saying.
  • Nobody touches his guns. Nobody. If you're touching his guns, you're probably walking into a trap. Or he really likes you. Or he's dead...which means its probably a trap.
  • Kid Ballistic is obsessed with action films and westerns. His favorite movies are The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Die-Hard, and Commando.
  • KB listens to a lot of music, even during combat. Rock 'n' Roll, Jazz, Metal, Opera, Electronica? Yes please. It is not uncommon to find him dancing. Explosives and gunshots are cues and dance-moves in his one-man show.
  • KB is an accomplished, albiet amateur dancer. Most of what he knows is learned from his favorite music videos, and his guilty pleasure: movie musicals. He is not, however, a good dance partner. Though there was this one time he had to learn ballroom dance for a job...
  • KB doesn't just drink alcohol because it looks cool (although it does). He actually does enjoy some of it. He's very partial to bourbon and brandy.
  • He had next to zero experience with girls growing up, and was never really taught how to act around them. So he reacts in one of two ways: he belittles them, or flirts hellaciously. Woe to any girl who actually catches his eye.
  • KB is ambidextrous. It was driven into him at such a young age, he barely remembers which hand used to be dominant.
  • KB doesn't care for video games, especially first-person shooters. Once you've done the real thing, the virtual comes up pretty short.
  • KB knows a smattering of foreign languages. He can communicate basic ideas in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic. He used to know Spanish and French pretty well, but has since let it fall by the wayside.
  • KB, being new to the United States, knows comparatively little about it. Pop culture references and common knowledge often goes right over his head.
  • KB hates the bow and arrow. Guess what he thinks of archers?
  • KB hates telepathy even more.
  • Don't even get him started on magic.
  • KB is constantly experimenting with new ammunition or modifications to his weapons. These don't always go over well.
  • Sid's favorite season is Spring. He likes the rain. It's also mating season.
  • The Boy in Blue doesn't have a driver's license. But he's fixing up an old motorbike anyway.


Progeny2018logo.png v  d  e
CommunickConcrete Gospel • Dragonfly • Egress • Feuerdrache • Kid Ballistic
LashPlumbStarletStrong SuitTerrific Tiger
AceBlack IceCait SithDeviate • Fletcher • Miss PussycakesMonster Mash