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Strength 6<br>  Weapon 6<br> Durability 6<br> Armor 3<br> Speed 5<br> Reflexes 6<br>  Magical Resistance 2<br>  Stamina 6<br>  Dexterity 5<br>  Agility 8<b>  Combat Skill 9<br>  Regeneration 5<br>  
Strength 6<br>  Weapon 6<br> Durability 6<br> Armor 3<br> Speed 5<br> Reflexes 6<br>  Magical Resistance 2<br>  Stamina 6<br>  Dexterity 5<br>  Agility 8<b>  Combat Skill 9<br>  Regeneration 5<br>  
Energy Projection/Manipulation 4<br>  Psionics 2<br>  Telepathy/Empathy 2<br>  Willpower 7<br>   
Energy Projection/Manipulation 4 <br>  Psionics 2 <br>  Telepathy/Empathy 2<br>  Willpower 7<br>   
Sorcery 1<br>  Technology 4<br>  Intelligence 4<br>   
Sorcery 1 <br>  Technology 4 <br>  Intelligence 4 <br>   
Knowledge 4<br>  Charisma 3<br>  Bravery/Recklessness 9
Knowledge 4<br>  Charisma 3<br>  Bravery/Recklessness 9

Revision as of 01:28, 7 June 2014


Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Daniel Henderson
Cav, Danny
Seattle, WA
Millennium City
Super Hero, Casino owner
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Joan Henderson (mother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
220 pounds
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Koi fish tattoo on right arm, lotus flower on left
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Muscle Memory Mimic, Ki Manipulation
· Equipment ·
Mask, cryo grenades
· Other Abilities ·
Master Martial Artist

Daniel Henderson; Cavalier

Daniel Henderson aka Cavalier is a member of the superhero group know as DE:LTA (Department of Emergency: Logistics and Tactic Agency). He is one of DE:LTA's front line combatants specializing in dispatching enemies in melee combant.

Early Life

Daniel was born to Joan Henderson in Seattle Wa on May 28, 1987. A single mother Joan spent a great deal of time working, not leaving much for the young Daniel. While his early childhood was fairly normal for the child of an overworked single mother his teen years were not. At age thirteen it became evident that Daniel was mutant, his eye changed from brown to glowing red, his strength, speed and agility vastly increased. To top it off he begin to show signs of developing Bio-energy claws and being a Muscle Memory Mimic. Meaning Daniel could copy the movements of a person just by watching them.

Early Career

As Daniel grew so did the strength of powers, with a mother that couldn't keep an eye on him Daniel soon begin to get involved with street gangs, often acting as an enforcer for the older members Daniel found a way to make quick money and put his budding powers to use. Well this went on for a few years Daniel soon begin to grow tired of the petty street fights and minor crimes. He longed for something more and soon turned on his former gang dispatching them and turning them over to the police. Daniel was given a small monetary reward and soon Daniel began to use his power as a street level hero using his knowledge of the local gangs in Seattle he soon put an end to several of street gangs in the city.

This would draw the notice of a rogue branch of PRIMUS that at the age of eighteen recruited Daniel. This branch of PRIMUS used lethal tactics to stop criminals and would offend act behind the back of the real PRIMUS and local police departments. They code named him Cavalier since he other paid little heed to danger or the odd stacked against him.

Despite this Daniel learn many valuable skills during his time with the rogue PRIMUS agents. Master many forms of martial arts, armed and unarmed combat and black ops training.

However history has a strange habit of repeating its self. Rather then him growing tired and wanting something Daniel was contacted by a young Asian woman named Thuy Xi Tranh aka Kontrol offering Daniel a real chance at being a hero but had to prove himself by bring in the rogue PRIMUS agents. In what shocked even the jaded Kontrol, Daniel captured all the rogue agents in one night.


Upon joining DE:LTA Cavalier soon set out to prove himself a real hero and to make up for his troubled past.

Kontrol introduced Cavalier to DE:LTA as a rookie hero, to cover for his past. Although his skill and know how proved he was anything but a rookie. Cavalier got along with most of the team, but he formed a quick friendship with the teams super speedster Speed. The two were noted to be competitive, endlessly joking around and pulling pranks on other members. Eventually the two pooled there money together, Speed from inheritance and Cavalier from funds he took during past and the large amount of reward money the two collected and opened the Ocean's View Casino in Atlantic City NJ. The casino got it's name because of the over inflated egos of Cavalier and Speed saying that the ocean has a great view of their casino.

Recent Actions

Meeting Kr'anri The Prosythian

Deadly Exhalation!

Deadly Exhalation! Part 2

Encountering the Vanguard of Therax-Prime

Cavalier buys a puppy.


Cavalier is a very driven individual, he is steadfast and loyal to his team mates. Although resent reshuffling of the team has left him annoyed with the upper leadership of UNTIL.

Has a huge soft spot for animals. Cavalier spends a lot of time helping tracking down people involved in the illegal pet trade as well as animal abusers.

Cavalier eats around 6500 calories a day, for the most part he very healthy foods. However on his cheat days...


"I understand why they call you fool, cause your a fool thinking you can take me." -Cavalier To Jack Fool

"You should leave the jokes to Speed." Cavalier to Kontrol when she tries to be funny.

"You know why Sarge doesn't use a shot gun? Cause the last time he did it made a Big Bang." -Cavalier's best Sarge is old joke.

Sarge: "Still wearing your court order mask?" Cavalier: "Yeah who would have thought causing girls panties to drop all over town would be against the law?" -Normal banter between Sarge and Cavalier

Powers and Abilities

Ki Manipulation: Cavalier can manipulate the Ki of his body to produce the following effects.

  • Teleportation, line of sight to a distance of around fifty feet.
  • Ki Energy Claws, this claws take the form of two eight inch claws on each hand. The claws are capable of either disrupting the flow of energy in a body be it organic or robotic; or become solid Ki energy capable of slicing through most materials known to man.
  • Enhanced healing.
  • Shadow stepping

Muscle Memory Mimic: Cavalier is able to learn someones' movements and copy it by simple observation. While Cavalier can copy physical movements he cannot duplicate any energy manipulating or projecting capabilities.

  • Superhuman Physicality for Cavalier's body to cope with the stress of his Muscle Memory Mimic abilities Cavalier's skin, muscles and bone are far stronger then a normal humans. He is able to lift five tons, run at speeds of 80 mph and leap a two story building. His able to withstand small arms fire and slashing weapons. His bodies healing abilities are enhanced, making him able to recover from almost any injury, such as gunshots, stab wounds, broken bones, bruises, and many more. He has far more stamina then a full trained Olympic athlete.

Martial Arts Mastery: Cavalier has enough training in Hei Hu Quan and Fu Jow Pai to be considered a Si-Hing (Elder Brother) to most practitioners. Although he tends to prefer using non sport martial arts in the field, and sport martial arts as exercise.

Friends and Allies

Sarge: His like the older version of the Rock, only he shoots people rather then give them elbow drops, and he doesn't wear a speedo, which we are all lucky for. But he is my friend and we make a good team out for taking out bad guys. I really respected Sarge even if he always tries to fire me from the team.

Cliff-Side: Another of my good buddies. His like a big rock dude and we work very well together in field. This dude is tough, I mean me and him sparred and I gave him everything I had he was still standing. I've taken down Ripper before but Cliff just took it and keep going. He does get mad at me for joking about rubbing D.A.W.N down with WD40, but she is his sister so he does have a right to get mad.

D.A.W.N.: I count D.A.W.N as a friend and now that she is, whats the best to put this, got her mind back I guess, she is even more fun, plus she lets me joke about rubbing her down with WD40, not that I ever would. Also she is great for finding things out, it's like she has a built in Google search engine in her head. She's been getting a lot of her old self back even some kind of human skin thing. Don't tell Speed but I'm pretty sure Dawn is my best friend on the team.

Joule: One shockingly beautiful alien women, well she is from Mentella's home world. I got to talk them into taking me there at some point. Okay really so far as I've seen she is great on the team. Between her, Dawn, and Sexah I think we got a full artillery company and some nice women to look at too.

Jim Holden: Recently made friends with this guy not to bad, his got an ego, but so do I. As far as I can tell he seems like a good guy and is pretty handy in a fight with those TK blasts.

Vitality: Talk about a strong man, watched dude lift a cargo ship that ran aground in the harbor. Vitality is a good dude to have watching your back, strong, invincible and can fly, his got the classic superhero powers covered.

Crescentwave: A long time friend of DE:LTA and now a full time member, it great having her around with her water magic shield bubbles, plus you know she's good looking haha, but yeah she is good people, or nymph really.

Kr'anri: The purple Prosythian psionic wonder. Kr'anri is the newest member of our family, she is really cool to have around. Watching her grow and fit into the team it was awesome to watch.

Mentella: I wish I got to work with her more often, she has real class and is a stand up hero. Plus she makes Speed trip over his tongue which is always funny to watch. But I would too if I was as much of horn dog as Speed, but she does know how to fill out her tights.

ForceGirl: Mentella's younger sister and damn good hero, I've only worked with her a few times but she's cool and she listed to me run my mouth about animals. She lives up to here name sending villains flying with those force blasts of her's, funny to watch too. She is the spitting image of Mentella too for the most part, so you know she is one fine looking lady!

Techna Ology: The youngest of the Summerstone sisters, and man good genes in that family wow, another good looking lady right there. She is also smart, no I mean really smart and really good at building all kinds of cool tech stuff from battle droids to super high tech body armor, she can even keep a VCR from blinking 12:00! She has some kind of hero worshiped for me or a crush either way its cute and I won't tease her to much about it, Mentella would get pissed if I did.

Keirian: Keirian's a tiny fae that is full of sweetness and hugs. I met her through Dawn, who what have thunk it a robot, cyborg... whatever, hanging out with a fae. I love Keirian she is one of the kindness friends I have and makes great mead too!

Glimmer: I miss her a lot, but glad to know she is alive again, even if she can't come to Earth it's good to know she is alive and well.

Kontrol: You know what, I'm actually glad she's not on the team anymore. She used that f&#%ing brainwave power of her's to screw with us, had faulty tech put into others and at one point even thought blowing the moon was a good idea. Smartest women in the world my ass, she was a elitist brat that she was better then everyone else. Why Mentaic though that it was good idea to have her on the team is beyond me, yet for damn reason I miss having her around.

Speed: Retired Delta member and my business partner in the casino biz. Speed is a funny dude, always cracking jokes and zipping around after women. Lucky for him his the fastest man in the world so he can do all that and keep the casino running.


Based on the MaekadaBox http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Template:MaekadaBox

Strength 6
Weapon 6
Durability 6
Armor 3
Speed 5
Reflexes 6
Magical Resistance 2
Stamina 6
Dexterity 5
Agility 8 Combat Skill 9
Regeneration 5
Energy Projection/Manipulation 4
Psionics 2
Telepathy/Empathy 2
Willpower 7
Sorcery 1
Technology 4
Intelligence 4
Knowledge 4
Charisma 3
Bravery/Recklessness 9


Theme Songs: Normal: Adrenaline by 12 Stones Cavalier is pissed: Kirisute Gomen by Trivium