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(Created page with "<div style="padding-right:30px; padding-left:30px; border: 10px Solid #666666; color:#FFFFFF; background-color: Black"> Image:Jadebanner.jpg {{ReldinBox | header = #FFFFFF...")
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| name = @Jade.Defender
| name = Jade Defender
| player = @Jade.Defender
| player = [[@Jade.Defender]]
| image = @Jade Defender.jpg
| image = Jade Def.jpg
| caption = Every Journey begins with a single step...
| caption =  
| focus =
| class_focus = Guardian Role ( Heavy Support / AoE Tank)
| level = 18
| level = 40
| R&D =
| research = Mysticism / Avatars
| realname = Jim Vance
| realname = Kyle Jordan (Secret)
| aliases = Dante Stonewayne
| alias =
| species = Good ol' fashioned Earthling
| gender = Male
| species = Human
| ethnicity = Caucasion
| ethnicity = Caucasion
| age = 32
| birthplace = Bakersfield, Ca. U.S.
| height = 5'10"
| operations = [[SIGIL]] Leader, Council member of the [[Cosmic Council]]
| weight = 180lbs
| relatives = none known
| eyes = Brown
| age = 29 appears (does not age)*(57 actual)
| hair = Brown
| height = 6'0"
| nationality = US Citizen
| weight = 195 lbs.
| occupation = Retired US Army
| eyes = Glowing Green
| birthplace = Bakersfield, California
| hair = Black,
| hometown = Ogden, Utah
| complexion = Light
| marital = Engaged
| build = Athletic
| relatives =
| features = Angular, and Gentle
| powers = Charisma and Sexy Geekdom
| alignment = 9
| abilities = 10 years Jeet Kun Do, 17 years GM(Storyteller), Accomplished Artist, FAA Flight Certified, Retired; Active Duty ARMY veteran, Spontaneous Story Invention, and all around nice guy.
| reputation = 8
| equipment = Pencil, Pen, Paper, Small library of multiple sources of RP info, *2.8ghz quad-core, 4gb DDR2 ram, dual 512mb Video, and 500gb harddrive, with 22" LCD Screen (Internet a click away!) :p
| identity = Secret
| footnotes =
| years_active = 29
| citizenship = United States, Cosmic Council
| occupation = Mentor of SIGIL
| education = 2 years of College in a Law Enforcement, and Social Engineering.
| marital = Single
| powers = The Cosmic Light; Hurls Raw Cosmic Energy in a multitude of ways, suiting the situation at hand. Can alter the Frequency and power of Cosmic Energy to weaken his foes will to fight or to Aid himself and those in need by boosting their potential, sustaining their bodies and minds, or restoring life to the fallen in battle! Aura of Perfection, he can promote Cosmic Energy to saturate his allies to boost their already amazing abilities to unbelievable levels! Speed of Light Flight, and can transport himself or his comrade's across Space quickly. Timestreaming, has the ability to rend Space and Time and travel backwards or forwards through the fabric of reality, transcending the gauntlet of fate, to step out of sync with the universe long enough to witness or alter events of a devastating nature.
| paraphernalia = Wears the Nano-Fiber Polymer Uniform of the [[SIGIL]] in his travels. However, unlike the [[SIGIL]] members Kyle's is manifested from the Cosmic Light, and his natural manifestation is many times more defensive then the mass produced version.
| strength = 3
| endurance = 4
| agility = 4
| speed = 8
| fighting = 3
| projectiles = 10
| durability = 9
| resistance = 7
| intelligence = 7
| psyche = 7
| intuition = 7
| charisma = 10
(WARNING: Mature RP)
(WARNING: Mature RP)
{|border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"
<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">Origins</p></h1>
Kyle was an everyday man working the nine to five like so many other people. Scraping by, and trying to be a morale citizen in face of the many tragedies and corruption in the world.  
! style="background:#e3e3e5; font-weight: normal; width:900px" |<div style="padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; border: 1px Solid #1d1d1d; color:#fff;">
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<div style="padding:10px">
<div style="font-size:20px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #339933; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''ORIGINS'''</div>
<div style="width: 700px; height: 450px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px;">
<div style="margin-left:15px;">
<div style="font-size:18px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #339933; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''Beginnings'''</div>
* My very first Roleplaying began as so many of us do, with action figures, in my bedroom, and my backyard, as I fantasized my toys were real heroes, and villains carrying out their great adventures... I often would develop elaborate schemes, and scenarios, that I would invite friends over to participate in, that required several days of play to complete, and complicated bases developed from other toys in my possession, or crafting from many odd ends and bits, and even the environment (holes in the backyard, mud walls, twigs and twine for buildings, etc)<br>
I look back now and realize that even then, as a child, it was in my nature to be creative beyond the norm, and to take the story further for a greater experience.<br>
Kyle worked as a corrections officer at the [[Stronghold]] Facility in the Desert, when a Superbeing of galactic origin assaulted the complex to release a compatriot of his held prisoner by [[PRIMUS]]. Kyle witnessed first hand the sheer destructive power of this otherworldly being and was nearly destroyed in his Awesome wake of destruction.
I began writing  my own comic books, that I drew, colored and copied, later distributing at my school for 25 cents a copy in elementary (approx 4-6 grades) I did this for a number of years, creating my own heroes, and villains, engaging in countless story arc's that were imaginative, but lacked appropriate luster.<br>
My first Real Roleplaying experience was  in 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons (TSR), at age 11, as a chaos warrior, roaming the world as a nomad, with a dark heart and a heavy blade he waded through the failing world of men as a harbinger of doom.<br>
I have come a long way in my experiences as a player and more so as a story-writer/teller, having tested a great deal of RP systems from multiple companies.
*Jovian Chronicles
*D&D 2nd ed.
*D&D 3rd ed.
*D&D 3.5
*D&D 4th ed.
*D&D Forgotten Realms
*D&D Dragonlance
*D&D Greyhawk
*D&D Ravenloft
*Star Wars (West End Games)
*Star Wars (Wizards of the Coast)
*B.E.S.M (tri-stat system)
*World of Darkness
*Vampire the masqueradde
*Werewolf the apocalypse
*Hunter the reckoning
*Mage the ascension
*Vampire the requiem
*Werewolf the forsaken
*Demon the Fallen
*Hunter the Vigil
*World of Warcraft (wizards of the Coast)
*and D20 Modern
My experiences in MMORPG's stem from my beginnings at ''Ultima Online'' and continued to...<br>
*Final Fantasy XI
*World of Warcraft
*City of Heroes
*City of Villains
*Everquest (1 & 2)
*Diablo 2 (RP settings)
*NWN (1 &2) (persistent worlds)
*Lord of the Rings Online
*Warhammer Online
Ultimately this all lead to me creating several *bastard systems of my own, incorporating several useful mechanics from my favorite systems. Some games I made systems for include;<br>
*Dragonball Z (New wave) using an Elemental system, in a galactic setting...
*The Matrix (Netherworlds) using supernatural elements, in a modern setting...
*Legend of the XII Rings (A heavilly consistant setting with multiple stories told) this may have been my legacy to date...
*A Candles FIckle Flame (Horror) Survival story set in Early Colonial times...
*Sleepers (Horror) Supernatural setting in modern times...(Very Silent Hill - esque)
In all honesty I cannot tell you how many stories I have either told, or helped friends tell by Co-managing their campaigns, and assisting strangers as a creative consultant with their stories...
"The Cosmic Light". It bestowed upon him the myriad of wonderous abilities he commands now, and Kyle was later dubbed the Jade Defender by the peoples of World when he first used his newfound abilities to help those in need.
I have been at this game for a long time (lol, Security level 17 for how many years fo GM'ing I have) and have a massive background of stories and creative opportunities. As a games master I have a lot of experience with managing a troupe of players (sometimes more then 9 players in a pen/paper campaign!) and walked away from an epic story hailed by my peers as unmatched!<br>
Not trying to toot my own horn, but I take a great deal of pride, and a strong sense of accomplishment from a great story told, and am always excited to be part of the next great adventure out there!<br>
<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">Bright Star</p></h1>
Now Jade Defender uses his powers to help the many people's of Earth, native or otherwise. He was one of the few superbeings at the [[SIGIL]]s beginning, helping to make the decision to join together in the face of their many adversaries. He epitome's Wisdom and Valor to the other members of [[SIGIL]], and promotes understanding and personal integrity to all those willing to hear his words. He is Labeled the "Tutor" and "Benefactor" within [[SIGIL]] for his patience and understanding with the young heroes within the organization. Often taking large amounts of time, when not defending the Earth from galactic conquest, to aid those new or unexperienced within the League's.
I heavilly encourage members I associate with to be creative, and give them many opportunities to take the reigns and develope their potential. I am a sucker for a great story and I know that the future of great stories are among us now, I want to help to see them bloom into the next J.R.R Tolkien or better!<br>
*Jade Defender has taken a very personal interest and dedication to safeguarding Earth from the [[Qularr]] Invaders, and will Immediately confront and engage the Dangerous Aliens wherever they attack.
I am a friendly and outgoing member of the online community, and love to hear input on new story arc's or be involved in a friends next great Idea! I am a firm believer in respect in all forms, and treating your fellow members of the online community fairly, and make great efforts to keep them involved with the story as a whole.<br>
My greatest online experiences in RP began on Neverwinter Nights developed by Atari. there were Player made "consistent" worlds that players would keep active even while away by creating dedicated servers of their personal PC's. I too did this by releaseing "A candles fickle flame" my horror genre, survival story. It was a short story with only 19 zones to move through, but playing the full content without "farming" for spawns would have a player start form 1st lvl and end up 15-16th (D&D) while being ingrossed in a creepy atmosphere, making absolute victims of the players... It enjoyed a big span of popularity in 2002, with many players repeatedly going through the scenario with friends...<br>
<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">Not Long Ago</p></h1>
Kyle has pursued the Fleeing [[Qularr]] Forces from earth, in a bid to frighten them into never returning. harassing their fleets across the solar system and beyond.
Though I received a lot of positive feedback, and comments on my world, I moved on to bigger MMO's...<br>
I would not find a better experience in RP untill '''City of Heroes'''...<br>
<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">General Vosh'Kun</p></h1>
Kyle pursued them across the stars, and forced them into "a corner", with their fleets so badly damaged, and no time to recuperate, or make repairs, they were forced to face Jade Defender or perish into a black hole. General Vosh'Kun stood his ground, and challenged Jade to a confrontation, while his fleets escaped.
By the time I joined ''City of Heroes'', it was 2 years old, and I didnt know anything about the game, or its servers, players, etc...
Their battle was intense and both beings fought determinedly, and when Kyle had the upper hand, he found he was not prepared to finish the General...Perhaps the Cosmic Light had truly chosen wisely...
My first characters were less then fantastic in design, as I was a child with a massive palette of possibilities. I played a tanker with a loose Superman feel (Invuln/SuperStr) to 20th level on the Liberty server, but never really found any RP. Shortly after, I deactivated my account, and gave up on the game...<br>
I played ''World of Warcraft'' heavilly from then on, for several years, not truly RP'ing very heavilly, but enjoying the world all the same, as I was a history buff on the World of Azeroth. I often enjoyed small nuances the developers incorporated in the world, that many players overlooked, not understanding the significance of the details...<br>
[[Image:JadeVSLoc'danan1.jpg]]    [[Image:JadeVSLoc'danan2.jpg]]    [[Image:JadeVSLoc'danan3.jpg]]
Ultimately my Experiences in WoW were negative, after achieving 70th lvl as my Draenei paladin, the game lost all its luster, as it was very much like a job in order to participate in end-game content...<br>
A friend test-played City of heroes, from a 10 day trial account, and I was offered a 10 day trial as well... Shrugging, i activated the trial, and enjoyed myself. It was a fresh experience after WoW, though I returned to Liberty server, still to not enjoy any real RP, I made lasting Friendships with many great players, who shared common views with me.
During his galactic confrontations, Kyle was approached by another Wielder of the Cosmic Light, who warned Kyle of impending doom in the Earth's future, a threat from within... It was from this mysterious (future self) that Kyle began to understand the power of Timestreaming, faster then light travel, and teleportation...
I would later discover the Virtue server was a sort of "unofficial RP" server, where many players knowingly come to experience RP of every facet. Once i made the server switch a fantastic opportunity to immerse myself with countless RP players, with a multitude of different story styles presented itself. I was once again developing creative story plots, and sharing in excellent arc's and substories with a great many players.
[[Image:JadeDef2.jpg]]    [[Image:JadeDef4.jpg]]
Kyle desisted his attacks on the [[Qularr]] and returned, now Merged with the stranger, the two have become one and imbued  with the powers of the strange traveler, Jade Defender is more powerful then ever, and is vigilant against this looming threat.
[[Image:JadeDef5.jpg]]    [[Image:JadeDef6.jpg]]
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With the mastery of the potential "cosmic light" and the help of Armastros, Jade Defender has become a very talented and veteran Timestreamer. Having ventured far into the future and far into the past to battle unforseen evils, or to thwart other timestreaming threat from altering history.
! style="background:#e3e3e5; font-weight: normal; width:900px" |<div style="padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; border: 1px Solid #1d1d1d; color:#fff;">
<div style="font-size:14px;color:#white; border: 1px Solid #000; background-color: #1F1F1F; line-height:1.2em; letter-spacing:0.2ex">
<div style="padding:10px">
<div style="font-size:20px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #339933; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''And Now'''</div>
<div style="width: 700px; height: 100px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px;">
<div style="margin-left:15px;">
<div style="font-size:18px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #339933; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''Current Events'''</div>
This kind of interference with the natural order has caused irreversible changes, the consequences no one could have understood, has lead to the development of countless realities, some mirror images to our own, while others are infinitely different. Jade has been to many, and has tried to aid the strangers and friends he has encountered there...
<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">Recently</p></h1>
Jade Defender has come to realize he has a son who is from another dream reality within the Teen League. The young hero [[Lil Joey]] was nearly consumed with dark power when agents of the Cultists assaulted him, to later try and control the boy to use as a conduit to powerful Netherworld energies. Joey was unfortunately killed in the confrontation by the Hero [[Horizon]] who had come to know Joey as a brother.
Jade Arrived during the end of the confrontation and restored the boy, and named him his son, after learning without a shadow of doubt from a recent Dilemma in the future.
To date I consider my experiences in CoH / CoV my best RP online thus far, and am glad for a game that provides so much material and diversity for players to create and participate in an near infinite possibilities of story ideas! I have moved on to greener pastures of Champions Online, and have already begun the exploration of new roleplaying grounds, in a  vivid and lifelike atmosphere. I have greatly enjoyed myself thus far, and only see greater potential in store!
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<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">OOC Information...</p></h1>
*Jade Defender is 54 Earth years old, however, he stopped aging in 1982 when he gained his powers, as the Cosmic Light sustains him.
! style="background:#e3e3e5; font-weight: normal; width:900px" |<div style="padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; border: 1px Solid #1d1d1d; color:#fff;">
*Jade Defender was a Lieutenant within the [[Stronghold]] Corrections Bureau, where he served as an officer for nearly 6 1/2 years.
<div style="font-size:14px;color:#white; border: 1px Solid #000; background-color: #1F1F1F; line-height:1.2em; letter-spacing:0.2ex">
*Jade Defender has been a Hero with the Earth for nearly 24 years, he spent two abroad when he first gained his powers from  in 1982, but quickly sought his roots back in [[Millennium City]] with the [[U.N.T.I.L.]]
<div style="padding:10px">
<div style="font-size:20px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #339933; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''CHARACTERS'''</div>
| Fortitude= 4
<div style="width: 700px; height: 500px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px;">
| Stamina= 6
<div style="margin-left:15px;">
| Speed= 9
<div style="font-size:18px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #0099CC; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''Heroes'''</div>
| Melee= 2
*This is a list of the current roster for my Champions Online Heroic Characters.<br>
| Blasts= 6
*[[Image:JadeDefender.jpg| link=Jade Defender]]
| Support= 9
*[[Image:Horizon.jpg| link=Horizon]]
| Control= 2
*[[Image:Exarch.jpg| link=Exarch]]
*[[Image:Fortress.jpg| link=Fortress]]
*[[Image:MajorGlory.jpg| link=Major Glory]]
*[[Image:DarkWing@JadeDefender.jpg| link=Dark Wing]]
*[[Image:Spectre@JadeDefender.jpg| link=Spectre@JadeDefender| Spectre]]
*[[Image:Tritonius.jpg| link=Tritonius]]
*[[Image:Pistolier.jpg| link=Pistolier]]
*[[Image:NightPatriot.jpg| link=Night Patriot]]
*[[Image:Fathom.jpg| link=Fathom@Jade.Defender| Fathom]]
*[[Image:Darkstalker.jpg| link=Dark Stalker]]
<div style="font-size:18px;color:#FBF9EC; background-color: #CC0000; line-height:1.3em; letter-spacing:0.8ex">'''Villains'''</div>
Like this Page!? Enjoy this Story!? Get to know the man Behind the keyboard at [[@Jade.Defender]] here at Primus Database!
*This is a list of the current roster for my Champions Online Villainous Characters.<br>
*[[Image:Carnivale.jpg| link=Carnivale]]
*[[Image:Nethyr.jpg| link=Nethyr]]
*[[Image:Se7en.jpg| link=Se7en]]
*[[Image:Xhar'thos.jpg| link=Xhar'Thos]]
*[[Image:theTyrant.jpg| link=The Tyrant]]
Jade Defender's player is also known as [[Horizon]] of The [[Silver Age Sentinels]], and [[Overcharge]] within the [[Academy X]], and is a Retired service member of the Active Duty US ARMY, from Ft Carson, CO.
=<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">Supergroups</p></h1>=
The Following links are to my (wholly, or partially) designed Primus Database Supergroup/Villaingroup pages;
<div style="color:#FF9933; background-color: black">Supergroups</div>
*[[Deathwatch SG]] Space Marines inspired Supergroup
*[[Silver Age Sentinels]] Silver Age, heroic Supergroup
*[[Nemesis Legion]] Super Villain group dedicated to worldwide and beyond conquests!
*[[Millennium's Most Wanted]] Street-level Villains dedicated to crime in Millennium city.
=<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">Other Contributions</p></h1>=
*[[SIGIL]] [[Image:SIGIL1.jpg]]
*[[Millennium City]]
*[[Tirithian Empire]]
*[[Consortium of Galactic Civilizations]]
=<h1><p style="font-family:times;color:green">OOC Information</p></h1>=
I am Retired Active Duty U.S.ARMY, and am excited to continue my career path in the civilian sector. I am a proud parent of two darling girls, whose smiles banish my darkest days, and they are the light of my life.
A big "Thank You!" to my close friend and fellow RP player [[Gelle]] for her contribution of the banner to this page, its a fantastic addition to what may be a legacy in the making with our stories and events online!
[[Category:Games Master]]
[[Category:Divine Bestowal]]
{{category:Time Traveler]]
[[Category:Secret Identity]]

Revision as of 04:13, 8 September 2013


Jade Defender
Player: @Jade.Defender
Jade Def.jpg
Character Build
Class Focus: Guardian Role ( Heavy Support / AoE Tank)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism / Avatars
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kyle Jordan (Secret)
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasion
Place of Birth: Bakersfield, Ca. U.S.
Base of Operations: SIGIL Leader, Council member of the Cosmic Council
Relatives: none known
Age: 29 appears (does not age)*(57 actual)
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Glowing Green
Hair: Black,
Complexion: Light
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Angular, and Gentle
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Lawful Good

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Secret
Years Active: 29
Citizenship: United States, Cosmic Council
Occupation: Mentor of SIGIL
Education: 2 years of College in a Law Enforcement, and Social Engineering.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
The Cosmic Light; Hurls Raw Cosmic Energy in a multitude of ways, suiting the situation at hand. Can alter the Frequency and power of Cosmic Energy to weaken his foes will to fight or to Aid himself and those in need by boosting their potential, sustaining their bodies and minds, or restoring life to the fallen in battle! Aura of Perfection, he can promote Cosmic Energy to saturate his allies to boost their already amazing abilities to unbelievable levels! Speed of Light Flight, and can transport himself or his comrade's across Space quickly. Timestreaming, has the ability to rend Space and Time and travel backwards or forwards through the fabric of reality, transcending the gauntlet of fate, to step out of sync with the universe long enough to witness or alter events of a devastating nature.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Wears the Nano-Fiber Polymer Uniform of the SIGIL in his travels. However, unlike the SIGIL members Kyle's is manifested from the Cosmic Light, and his natural manifestation is many times more defensive then the mass produced version.
ReldinBox Template


(WARNING: Mature RP)


Kyle was an everyday man working the nine to five like so many other people. Scraping by, and trying to be a morale citizen in face of the many tragedies and corruption in the world.


Kyle worked as a corrections officer at the Stronghold Facility in the Desert, when a Superbeing of galactic origin assaulted the complex to release a compatriot of his held prisoner by PRIMUS. Kyle witnessed first hand the sheer destructive power of this otherworldly being and was nearly destroyed in his Awesome wake of destruction.



"The Cosmic Light". It bestowed upon him the myriad of wonderous abilities he commands now, and Kyle was later dubbed the Jade Defender by the peoples of World when he first used his newfound abilities to help those in need.

Bright Star

Now Jade Defender uses his powers to help the many people's of Earth, native or otherwise. He was one of the few superbeings at the SIGILs beginning, helping to make the decision to join together in the face of their many adversaries. He epitome's Wisdom and Valor to the other members of SIGIL, and promotes understanding and personal integrity to all those willing to hear his words. He is Labeled the "Tutor" and "Benefactor" within SIGIL for his patience and understanding with the young heroes within the organization. Often taking large amounts of time, when not defending the Earth from galactic conquest, to aid those new or unexperienced within the League's.

  • Jade Defender has taken a very personal interest and dedication to safeguarding Earth from the Qularr Invaders, and will Immediately confront and engage the Dangerous Aliens wherever they attack.

Not Long Ago

Kyle has pursued the Fleeing Qularr Forces from earth, in a bid to frighten them into never returning. harassing their fleets across the solar system and beyond.

General Vosh'Kun

Kyle pursued them across the stars, and forced them into "a corner", with their fleets so badly damaged, and no time to recuperate, or make repairs, they were forced to face Jade Defender or perish into a black hole. General Vosh'Kun stood his ground, and challenged Jade to a confrontation, while his fleets escaped.

Their battle was intense and both beings fought determinedly, and when Kyle had the upper hand, he found he was not prepared to finish the General...Perhaps the Cosmic Light had truly chosen wisely...

File:JadeVSLoc'danan1.jpg File:JadeVSLoc'danan2.jpg File:JadeVSLoc'danan3.jpg

During his galactic confrontations, Kyle was approached by another Wielder of the Cosmic Light, who warned Kyle of impending doom in the Earth's future, a threat from within... It was from this mysterious (future self) that Kyle began to understand the power of Timestreaming, faster then light travel, and teleportation...

File:JadeDef2.jpg File:JadeDef4.jpg

Kyle desisted his attacks on the Qularr and returned, now Merged with the stranger, the two have become one and imbued with the powers of the strange traveler, Jade Defender is more powerful then ever, and is vigilant against this looming threat.

File:JadeDef5.jpg File:JadeDef6.jpg

With the mastery of the potential "cosmic light" and the help of Armastros, Jade Defender has become a very talented and veteran Timestreamer. Having ventured far into the future and far into the past to battle unforseen evils, or to thwart other timestreaming threat from altering history.

This kind of interference with the natural order has caused irreversible changes, the consequences no one could have understood, has lead to the development of countless realities, some mirror images to our own, while others are infinitely different. Jade has been to many, and has tried to aid the strangers and friends he has encountered there...


Jade Defender has come to realize he has a son who is from another dream reality within the Teen League. The young hero Lil Joey was nearly consumed with dark power when agents of the Cultists assaulted him, to later try and control the boy to use as a conduit to powerful Netherworld energies. Joey was unfortunately killed in the confrontation by the Hero Horizon who had come to know Joey as a brother.

Jade Arrived during the end of the confrontation and restored the boy, and named him his son, after learning without a shadow of doubt from a recent Dilemma in the future.


OOC Information...

  • Jade Defender is 54 Earth years old, however, he stopped aging in 1982 when he gained his powers, as the Cosmic Light sustains him.
  • Jade Defender was a Lieutenant within the Stronghold Corrections Bureau, where he served as an officer for nearly 6 1/2 years.
  • Jade Defender has been a Hero with the Earth for nearly 24 years, he spent two abroad when he first gained his powers from in 1982, but quickly sought his roots back in Millennium City with the U.N.T.I.L.


Like this Page!? Enjoy this Story!? Get to know the man Behind the keyboard at @Jade.Defender here at Primus Database!

Jade Defender's player is also known as Horizon of The Silver Age Sentinels, and Overcharge within the Academy X, and is a Retired service member of the Active Duty US ARMY, from Ft Carson, CO.

This page has been marked as a creative work in progress.

The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only.

{{category:Time Traveler]]