Duratok Gorehowl
Physical Attributes | |||||||||
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Non-Physical Attributes | |||||||||
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Sorcery |
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Charisma |
Bravery |
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada |
[hide] What We Know About:
The Kro'Taruk
Physically, we know the Kro'Taruk are massive, eight to ten feet tall, and incredibly powerful. They do not appear to be truly reptilian or mammalian, as they are covered with thick scales, but grow hair from their heads. Their teeth are sharp, similar to that of the crocodile, with two to four longer ones that jut out as tusks. The eyes are unique in that the sclera is red instead of white, the yellow eyes appear to faintly glow, and there is not pupil. From what we have seen, each Kro'Taruk are crowned with horns, though the variety of these is currently unknown.
Culturally, it's obvious that they are a warrior race. Combat and honor seem to be at the heart of their culture. Until more Kro'Taruk are encountered or a written history is found, however, this is purely speculation.
Duratok Gorehowl
According to interviews and sound files recorded of Duratok, it would seem that he is the champion of his people, and a celebrity in the galactic community.
The Malvan Arenas
Before Ironclad, there was Duratok. He was the champion of the Malvan arenas, none being able to stand before his terrible might.
He left the arenas behind only a hundred years ago, in search of new challenges. Many of the current gladiators have made it their goal to out-do Duratok's legendary feats.
Eye-Witness Accounts
On 03/14/2008 Dale Gibson, a soldier of the terrorist organization VIPER, stumbled into the Bureau 17 base on Monster Island. Almost head to toe, he was covered in blood, but none of it his own. When arrested, it became immediately clear that he was mentally unsound and was transferred to a psychiatric hospital for further treatment. When he was able to speak again, Specialist Nathan Hendricks was sent to question him to the best of his ability.
Criminal Observation Approx: 3:30 PM 03/29/2008
Specialist Nathan Hendricks (SNH): Good morning, Dale. How are you feeling?
Dale Gibson(DG): Fine. I'm fine. Better. Yes, better.
SNH: Could you tell me what happened?
DG: <Dale slowly covers his ears with his wrists> I don't want to!
SNH: Dale, we're trying to help you, but we can't help you if you don't talk to us.
DG: <begins to rock back and forth> No! No! I don't want to!
SNH: Dale, please, can you remember how you got to our cam-
DG: Ooooh God, there was so much blood! Why was there so much blood!
SNH: Dale? Talk to me.
DG: He didn't care! He didn't play by the rules! Ripped them apart! Like they were paper! Like they were nothing!
SNH: Who, Dale? Who did this? <Nathan hands Dale a cup of water>
DG: <Dale accepts and takes a drink from the cup. At this point Specialist Hendricks uses telepathy to subtly calm Dale Gibson. Gibson is silent for almost five minutes before he speaks> He...he came from the jungle. Just leapt right out of it, maybe forty feet into the air. He landed...right on Hawkins. Jesus, I'll never forget the noise, like a can of beans smashed under a press. Then he roared, unlike anything I've ever heard. It was then, right then, that I knew I was going to die. I think everyone else knew it, too.
We couldn't do anything but hit him with everything we had, but even that didn't seem to do anything. It just made him angry. Well, angrier. We started firing. It grabbed Neil by the legs with one of it's massive hands and cracks him like a whip. I could hear every bone in his body break. It threw the body at a group of us so hard that Neil ripped into three pieces. I was hit by his torso, and it knocked me out. I don't know how long I was out, but it couldn't have been too long, the sun hadn't moved. In what could have been five minutes, he killed half our men. It grabbed two others, raised them up, and crushed their torsos like I would a soda can. Blood and meat gushed through the armor like Play Doh.
I thought I was dead. I couldn't move, and I was covered in blood. It must have thought so, too, because I was the only one left alive.
SNH: Where did it go then?
DG: It went right into the base. It felt like he was in there forever, but it was only half an hour, maybe less. It finally came out, covered in blood, and holding the head of Dr. Demogaard's latest monster. I think that's why it came here to begin with, so it could add another head to it's fucking collection. I'm...so tired. Please, just let me rest.
SNH: Of course. Thank you for your time.
End of Criminal Observation Approx: 3:58 PM 03/29/2008
After the Qularr invasion the Swarmlord Quixlchirk was interrogated by xenolinguist Hanna Georgia in the Area 51 facility in New Mexico. His bio-armor has been removed and his arms and legs have been restrained.
Criminal Observation Approx: 5:38 PM
Hanna Georgia (HG): You were found under a pile of rubble. How'd you get there?
Quixlchirk (Q): I was knocked into a wall, which trapped me.
HG: Now we both know that's not true. There were no wounds to your body or damage to your armor.
Q: (Quixlchirk chitters for a few seconds) I hid.
HG: And what were you hiding from, Quixlchirk.
Q: (Quixlchirk chitters for a few seconds) The Slayer.
HG: You're going to have to be more specific than that. There are dozens of registered heroes and villains that have a monicker of "The Slayer".
Q: He is no lowly human.
HG: And I'm sure you'll remember what these lowly humans are capable of the next time you plan a global invasion. So what kind of offworlder are we talking about then? Malvan? Gadroon? Hzeel?
Q: (Chitters an odd laugh) The Malvans are too busy doing nothing, and I have yet to meet a single Gadroon or Hzeel that could threaten me.
HG: Then what was he?
Q: He is of the Kro'Taruk. He is the Slayer. He is Duratok Gorehowl.
HG: I'm not familiar with that race or name, memorable as it is. What do you know about him.
Q: He is a legend in the Malvan arenas, and if you knew anything of them, you would know that becoming a legend is not simple. He has killed thousands in the arenas, none could oppose him. Beings would come from across the galaxy to watch his fights. A statue has been raised in his honor in the grand arena on Malva, few have such an honor. Once, he fought a horde of Xenovores in the ring. He killed them to the very last. The blood covered the arena floor so thoroughly that not a single grain of sand was to be seen, or so the story goes. Do you understand now why I hid, human?
HG: I sure do. Why's he here instead of in the arenas?
Q: I do not know, but he is here, and only one thing is certain: many will die before he leaves.
End of Criminal Observation Approx: 5:47 PM
Field Agent Jenkins interviewed Alex Mendez, a new bartender for the superhero nightclub, Club Caprice.
Witness Report Approx: 2:12 AM 07/01/11
Field Agent Jenkins (FAJ): Don't be nervous now, you're not in trouble.
Alex Mendez (AM): The more you say that, the less I believe you. (laughs nervously)
FAJ: (chuckles) Don't worry, it's not you we're after. We were actually hoping that you could help us.
AM: Hey, anything to help out PRIMUS! Will I get some kind of cool medal?
FAJ: I'll see what I can cook up. (slides over a black and white photograph of Duratok Gorehowl, ripping the head off of a massive robot while being showered in sparks) We were hoping you could talk to us a bit about him.
AM: Hey, that's that Duratok guy! Yeah, I see him all the time, he's a regular.
FAJ: How often would you say Duratok comes into Club Caprice?
AM: Three, four days a week maybe?
FAJ: And what was your first impression of him?
AM: What do you think? I thought he was going to eat me! Biggest damned thing I've ever seen, maybe even the angriest, but that spot's reserved for my mother-in-law.
FAJ: (chuckles politely)
AM: "I gave him his crazy drink in a glass, and he freaked! He kept going on about his "drinking vessel", I thought we was going to rip my head off and use my skull for a goblet, some serious Conan shit like that! Joe helped me out though, showed me the bucket."
FAJ: "So you were afraid of him?"
AM: "Not gonna lie, he made me pee myself a little bit, but it was all worth it when he paid up. He took this little golden statue, Lemurian I think, and broke the thing in half like a candy bar! Then he gave me the smaller half. I'm going to buy me a sports car!"
End of Witness Report Approx: 2:18 AM
The Dorlovan Champion, Ironclad, had this to say about Duratok Gorehowl.
"Indeed, I have heard of the fierce Duratok Gorehowl. He is as legendary as I in the great Malvan arenas, though perhaps for different reasons.
In the ring had established myself as a warrior of incredible power and honor. I could defeat the fiercest of foes, but I refused to kill my opponents, even when the audience demanded their blood; blood Duratok was more than willing to give to them. The Malvans learned very quickly not to pit their star gladiators against Duratok, and they would more often then not leave in pieces. It's the reason I never fought him, they would not allow it. I must admit, human, I was curious to see who would have won that day. I am certain that my strength and durability outmatch his own, but he has skill with a blade like I have never seen, and an eagerness to use it!
Though I was close to the hearts of many, Duratok was a spectacle unlike any other!
Activity On Earth
Although the whereabouts of Duratok's ship is unknown to all except himself, it is believed he arrived here shortly before the Qularr invasion. Due to the atmosphere of Taruk and Duratok's movement patterns, it is believed Duratok's ship is either in the New Mexico desert or near the volcano of Monster Island.
Deaths Associated with Duratok
Duratok doesn't obey our laws unless it suits him, and the law against wonton carnage isn't on his list.
Since his arrival on this planet a year ago, we believe Duratok to have slain over ten thousand humans, six thousand aliens, and an unknown amount of wildlife, both protected and endangered. Most of these sentients were what we would call "villains", but there are a handfew from the super hero community who were foolish enough to challenge the bloody-minded Kro'Taruk to a duel.
Personality and Interests
The gruff Duratok always sports a scowl on his face, and an anger in his eyes. He does not speak, he shouts. He does not ask questions, he makes demands. Despite his violent behavior and mannerisms, people still seem drawn to him, particularly women and children.
The Kro’Taruk are a warrior culture, placing priority on honor and skill in combat. Because of this, Kro’Taruk are easy to offend, which almost always leads to a physical confrontation in retribution for the perceived insult to their honor. Being an elitist race, these confrontations are much more common with other alien races, and the Kro’Taruk are often less forgiving in those instances.
Being of the Desert Clan, Duratok follows the god Or'Grok, the Bloodfather, who created the Kro'Taruk when his blood first spilled onto the ground of Taruk.
Honor and combat are the two guiding principles in this warrior-giant's life, but he has recently discovered a new passion while on Earth: food. On his homeworld, there are only two types of food: meat and raw meat. Since coming to Earth, Duratok has discovered such flavors as the Supreme Serpent Supreme, the Ironclad Burger, and Foxbat Fries.
Lilian Zephyr - The first and only tiny mammal that Duratok feels any sort of loyalty and trust for. He has adopted this flighty elf engineer into his clan as his "spiritkin", making her one of his one people.
Stephan - He knows Stephan more than he does most tiny mammals, but this is not to say he particularly likes him. He finds Stephan's methods underhanded and dishonorable.
Garonak Rageblade - The female Kro'Taruk warrior of the mud flats tribes. She came to Earth to find a worthy mate in Duratok. They are to become a mated pair, despite the fact that they haven't even met each other yet.
Elania Vikaernes - He tolerates her presence more than most, though he personally feels no bonds of friendship. He has no idea that Elania is the one who has been throwing snowballs at him, or that she's manipulated him to do many humiliating acts.
Blackheart - Believes her to be Elania's sister due to the amount time they spend together. Fun fact: she has seen Duratok punch dinosaurs to death.
Joe Martini - The only human that Duratok doesn't call tiny mammal, Joe Martini is perfectly compatible with the angry alien on every level: he's used to being demanded, he doesn't talk back, he has a high tolerance for Duratok's violence,and he makes a mean pizza.
Hasskar Coldeye - Hasskar Coldeye is a ruthless bounty hunter of the mammalian Makari race. Five hundred years ago, Duratok Gorehowl and Hasskar Coldeye were partners and fast friends, but after Duratok discovered Hasskar's treacherous nature, he tore him limb from limb and left him to die with dishonor. But honor means very little to this deranged, coldhearted Makari, and now he has come back for vengeance.
Ghezhu Deathrune - Ghezhu Deathrune is perhaps the most powerful Kro'Taruk sorcerer to have ever lived: He is also a being of complete evil and without honor. The Kro'Taruk despise him, not only for his evil deeds but because they see him as a mark of dishonor upon their entire people. If the Kro'Taruk could choose between destroying the entire Xenovore race or Ghenzhu Deathrune, they would choose Deathrune. He came to Earth in order to join forces with another powerful being in order to rule the known universe: The Shadow Destroyer.
Voraxus - Voraxus is one of the most vicious Xenovores alive today. He and his pack have traversed the galaxy, pillaging and eating all in their path until Duratok Gorehowl slew them all. Voraxus escaped, but not before he hissed a vow to destroy Duratok. And now, it seems that he very well may get his wish: Voraxus is back, and he is coming after Duratok with a vengeance.
Tyrelia the Golden - Tyrelia the Golden suffered terribly because of Duratok Gorehowl: On Malva, her beloved was slain while in combat with the dread Kro'Taruk. She demanded satisfaction for ruining her life, but Duratok balked her, saying she should not have chosen such a weak mate. Devasted, she took her lover's blade, and vowed that she would have her vengeance on Duratok Gorehowl. She trained herself the master the sword, and she will not rest until she has slain the murderer of her beloved with his blade.
Comments from the Superhero Community
"Damn dude is scary big and scary angry...all the time. Wouldn't want to be on his bad si-...worse side..?" -Lightwave
"Durr-dok is just a big ol' teddy bear! He helps me carry stuff when I'm shopping, and he beats up mean people for me!" -Lilian Zephyr
"Duratok, darling? Yes, I know him quite well, he's a funny guy. Just don't piss him off. You can generally tell because he starts yelling more loudly than usual and starts making threats including but not limited to relocating appendages and turning your skull into a jellybean receptacle or some such. I think it's hilarious, plus he's a good guy to have in your corner." -Stephan
"HUUUGE Friggin' GUY! But tha's jes' the start. I ain't sure really what he is, but I AM sure of a few things. 1. He can eat damned near anything, or anyone. 2. Never give'em caffine. EVER." -Hunter
"I could take him." -Mender Caesium
"I punched a Giant Sand Gorilla so hard it turned to glass then back into sand again. I don't see how some... guy who uses old skulls for a cup can contend with that." - Blue Bruiser when confronted with Duratok's latest feat.
"....." -Joe Martini
"I have slain countless foes, felt their warm blood cover my skin and fill my mouth, felt their bones crush in my hands and seen their bodies fall apart before my blade, but Duratok, Duratok is a different beast, a force of nature. I never had the oppurtinity to fight him, I had to settle for the one you call Ironclad, but one day we shall see who is the strongest." -Serpent, famed gladiator of arenas around the universe.
"Sascha could totally take on Comrade Duratok." -Real Soviet Damage
"I've met this brute but once! He's arrogant, loud, and demanding! I think we'll get along fine!" -Caliga
"It's a real shame I never run into him anymore. He always used to cheer me up when I was in a rotten mood, wether he wanted to or not... I can't say. I think he killed me on one occasion too, but sadly thats not something anybody should really boast about. Also sad is the fact that I never got to try the various THRESHOLD drinks of mine on him. Now that would have been entertaining to see. Tehehehe..." -Hannah Hel-Dottir
"Duratok isn't too bad once you get to know hims. Dis one time I shared a food with him and we talkded about stuffs. Den he was all like "SHOWS ME DA ENEMY SO I CAN SHOWS HIMS HIS HEART" or something, and suddenly ran offs and sliceded up some Purplegang guys. Or was I with da watereded-down knockoff of him from the C-Store? I don't remember anymores. They look so similars to me... •3• " -Slapperfish
Rumors and Speculation
- Some believe Duratok's here to scout out our planet, check our defenses, in order to prepare for a Kro'Taruk invasion.
- Others just believe he's here for our women.
- Sightings of Duratok have become so common-place throughout the world that some believe other Kro'Taruk are already here, or Duratok is in fact a machine that has been duplicated in mass.
- Some believe Duratok isn't the great warrior he claims, but rather an elaborate storyteller.