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"Hello everyone. I'm Adrian Sol Riano, otherwise known around Millennium City as Stitch. People get the wrong idea about me. Hell, its because I gave it to them. I, for all intents and purposes, should never be a superhero. I shouldn't be a mutant. I shouldn't even be alive. But some power, I dunno what, thinks I got something to prove. So I keep coming back, like a cockroach. Gross. Anyway...I hope by reading this, you understand who I am, why I do what I do, and walk away knowing that I'm a person too. I'm not perfect. I get hurt, too. It takes a big man to admit this, but a bigger one to do something about it."

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"Like I said, my name is Adrian Sol Riano, or Stitch. Before, I used to be real quiet and shy when it came to my "origin" stories. A lot of weird and scary things happened to me. I'll try to be as specific as possible when explaining, but bare with me, this is the first time I've come out with it to the general public. It will be hard. I don't like to really show emotion, I used to get bullied a lot for it. But, here it is. My life story. Every bit of it, not a single stone left unchecked. This is one hundred percent truth."

Born on September 30, 1993, to a small middle-class Hispanic family, Adrian Riano opened his arms wide to the world. His family owned a small home in Tucson, Arizona. He wouldn't be alone, however. Just a two minutes after his birth, his twin sister Marisol followed. Growing up in the middle of the Sonoran desert, Adrian didn't find many friends. When he and his sister were both two, his real father, who remains a mystery, left, leaving a jobless Mother to look after the two. Marisol was soon diagnosed to have a mild form of Autism, which made raising the two very difficult.

Adrian loved his sister more than anything in the world. He'd often color pictures with her, sing to her, and play with her dolls even though he'd rather ride his bike in the neighborhood. Their street had a few other children, a few years older than the twins, but that didn't stop them. Marisol was very outgoing and kind, polite and respectful. Adrian was more inward and reclusive, but once people broke past his barrier, they really enjoyed his company. He used to tell jokes, play practical pranks, and adored seeing others smile. Their Mother was proud to have such great children.

When Adrian and Marisol were six years of age, their Mother remarried. For the first few months, things were the same. However, the family soon found out that their step-father was a violent, abusive alcoholic, with a short fuse and nasty temper. Their step-father used to smack their Mother around, used to beat Adrian with a wet rope or cable wires, and used to pull on Marisol's hair and toss her around.

Mother was afraid. She sent Marisol to live with their Aunt Alicia, while the police dealt with this. Adrian was torn away from his only friend, his sister, and forced to deal with a monster. For the next few years of elementary school, Adrian was a quiet boy. He never talked. He did his homework like a good boy and all, but that was it. He became neglected as his parents were in and out of court weekly.

"One of my fondest memories was when I was three. I remember it was my third birthday, and we had this huge gathering outside. My mom was still a bit depressed with Dad leaving us, but seeing cheerful faces fixed that right up. Anyway, it was like three in the afternoon. They had just brought out me and Marisol's cake. I remember seeing the little candles on top. When all the parents started drinking a bit, me, Marisol, our friends Julia, Martin, Walt, and Yolanda, all sneaked some cake. Yolanda and Martin were brother and sister. I know Yolanda was the oldest, she was seven. Weird seeing such an old kid with us little ones. Julia was four, Martin was three, and Walt was two. Yolanda had us all eat and then we ran. We were crazy. So we're now way past our backyard, sitting in some grass. Then this little lady bug crawls up my pants and up my overalls. I remember smiling a lot, especially when it ran down my arm and sat on my wrist. Eventually, our parents found us and we got a spanking. Thug life."

Adrian eventually began middle school. Everyone started to date, except for him. He still didn't talk to many people. At the beginning of the 7th grade, Adrian began showing signs of another personality disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder. He started doing things that seemed way out of character. He started tagging graffiti on school walls, lighting garbage on fire. He seemed crazy. He started being bullied severely during this grade level as well.

At the end of 7th grade, Adrian and Marisol's mother passed away after a brutal heart attack. Adrian thought he was being cursed for a some sin he committed unknowingly, and that he was going to pay dearly for it. His step-father, at this time, was in prison, and Adrian had been staying at his Aunt Alicia's apartment. Adrian was happy that he can see his beloved twin sister again. She had been going to a school for autistic children, and she was doing well. Making friends and just being generally liked in school and outside. Adrian had difficulty, though. His reckless behavior and poor grades reflected on his character. His teachers, as well as classmates, looked down on him. In 8th grade, Adrian looked forward to ending this nightmare. He hoped high school would be better. He had a poor reputation in the school as it was.

"I remember this one time at lunch, I went outside to eat, as I always do. There was this old bench I'd sit at and eat my nasty sandwiches and applesauce. One time, this girl came up to me. She was so beautiful! It wasn't anything sexual, I mean she had no curves, totally flat chested. But the way she carried herself, her face, the way her reddish hair was unforgettable. She said her name was 'Liz' and she was wondering if she could eat lunch with me. My jaw dropped, like those cartoony jaws. Yup, that was what I did. I said it was ok and we ate. We talked a little bit. I was nervous and really awkward. I mean...I never had talked to a girl before. Eventually, we ate lunch everyday together and I got her phone number. I remember staying up late just to talk to her."

Adrian had poor grades already, but they only worsened. His teachers viewed him negatively. His peers viewed him negatively. His only friends were his Aunt Alicia, Julia (who had gone to school just down the road from him), and his twin sister Marisol. That all changed when he was eating lunch, and was approached by a fellow 8th grader named Elizabeth Dewhurst. Everyone called her Liz. Liz was an exceptional student, respectful and studious. It seemed she had a case of "bad-boy syndrome" and approached Adrian for that matter. She may have had another motive; Adrian never found out for sure. Liz had reddish hair, looking dyed for sure, and a slight tan. She also had big brown eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

The two grew increasingly close as the year went by. Things were finally looking up, until his family found out that his step-father was murdered in prison. Liz was there for him. Eventually, Liz and Adrian started going steady, slowly beginning to hold hands in public and all that good stuff. They first kissed at a lunch sometime in February, and Adrian never forgot that moment. He likened it to sitting on a pier at night, the waters calm. Suddenly fireworks explode in the sky above them, illuminating the bright colors across their faces, taking in all the wonder. That was what his first kiss was like.

Liz told Adrian that at the end of the year she would be moving to Versailles, France, for a better business opportunity. Adrian was distraught. The end of the year rolled by rather quickly, and the two parted ways, never to see one another again.

"I can honestly say I loved Liz. I mean, she talked to me and spent time with me when I was going through tough times. I looked forward to waking up and seeing her at school. I dunno...its different. I mean, I've dated a few girls here and there, but Liz was one of the special ones. I think we kissed like twice in the whole six months we dated. I remember butterflies in my stomach just thinking about her. Getting late-night texts from her; those made me smile. Now she's gone and I haven't seen her since. I hope she's doing well, she deserved it."

Adrian managed to graduate. Adrian and Marisol's Aunt Alicia moved to the city of the future, Millennium City. The trio had a nice, simple apartment. The girls shared a room upstairs while Adrian got his own basement room. He enjoyed his quiet man cave. As he soon approached day one of high school, Adrian thought back on his life. He had been making too many mistakes to count. This wasn't him, this wasn't who he wanted to be. He needed to change.

Adrian's first few days of high school were like any other freshmen's. He had trouble finding his classes and his role in the school. He wasn't a jock, but he liked to run and play basketball. He wasn't a gamer, but he liked playing old arcade games. He wasn't the Goth, even though e was reclusive and wore a lot of black clothing. Adrian wasn't sure what he was. However, he decided to not let others choose for him. He struggled and strained, but managed to be sociable and talkative to students of all ages. However, many ignored him, for his Histrionic factors began playing in. He was often very flirty with woman and formed bonds with them that simply weren't there. he was very emotional and took the slightest hint of negativity harder than it needed to be. He strived to be the center of attention, finding himself in the principal's office almost daily. Adrian was messing up. He knew he was sick in the head. He had his moments when he behaved, but at other times, he was, to be put frankly, a bad kid.

"I remember feeling like 'Andy' from the 'Breakfast Club'. Love that movie. I had gotten in a fight with our basketball team's small forward. His name was Ken or something. I think he started it because I was on the ground and he was on me. Bam, bam! Punch after punch. Then I'd roll over him, grab his collar and wail on him. Back to him, then me, back to him, then me. After a few seconds our school nurse ran over and we both got sent home that day. A few weeks later, I realized I started the fight. In my mind, he was beating me up. In actuality, I threw him on the ground and punched him out. He had winked at this girl I liked. That was when I knew, like really knew for sure, I was sick in the head. I was a monster on the inside, and in a few months, I was one on the outside."

Adrian couldn't think of anything he could do. He went through the motions, so to speak. He dreaded everyday he had to put on a fake smile and leap off a building just to grab some form of attention. He needed it. He didn't know why he craved the attention, whether good or bad, of his peers. Everyday, instead of focusing on actually getting quality grades, he thought up the next crazy thing to do. He got a lot of boos and cheers when he did something reckless. He felt heroic, important. Then he planned something crazy: he was going to steal Principal Jones' sedan.

He went home excited. He was truly a disturbed young man. He took out his notebook, called all of his friends. He planned it so meticulously, so'd think he robbed international banks for a living. Then, as he rummaged for a blank paper in his folders, which sat quietly in his nightstand, Adrian found a picture of Liz. He had made her a promise to clean up. There was a part of him that wanted to move on past her, knowing he wouldn't see her again. But another part knew that in spirit, she never left. Then he made a change.

Adrian was transferred from Westside High School to enter Grace Memorial High School. This was a much better school. Cleaner, friendlier people. He tried to lie low for a while and avoid any sort of recognition. It was there he met his best friend Jeremiah. Jeremiah had a lot of money for a kid his age. He drove fancy cars, wore the nice clothes, had the latest phones. He taught Adrian a thing or two about being cool and relaxing. To not get some emotional with negativity and that people would like his normal self. That was the thing though: Adrian didn't think he had a normal self. He was still roaming school with dangerous mental illnesses.

In time, Adrian passed his driver's test, and received his very own license. Not too many students at "GMHS" were driving yet. Adrian felt pretty damn cool. He also got a job at Darren's Pizza. He was a delivery boy. He always had a smile and made sure to be extra polite. He didn't make much, but his tips were higher than average due to his calm demeanor and respectful attitude for the customers. He didn't like it though. He felt fake, like he was lying to everyone. he really wanted to be a musician.

"This one time I had stayed late in school (GMSH), studying in the library. I was there for like an hour before my legs needed a good stretching. So I did some walking...and the door to the theatre was open. So I strolled in, went backstage, and checked out all the goodies. Had some sweet costumes, a lot of props, but something at the far end of the small room caught my attention. It was almost shining there. I rushed over to it and held it up. It was a Epiphone DR-100 acoustic guitar, and was in a rare solid white color. The very top of the headstock had some dried on spilled gold paint on it. I remember looking around and deciding to take it home. This was my new baby and no one would manhandle it again. When I got home, I told Alicia that my friend got it for me. Marisol loved it. I remember the next morning coming down the stairs and freaking out. She had a black Sharpie in hand. She wrote 'Angel' across the bottom, wider area. Forget what it's called. I didn't ever yell at sis', so I asked why. She said it looked like an angel. I've had 'Angel' ever since."

Adrian played that guitar everyday following that fateful night. To his surprise, no one ever reported it stolen. And what also surprised him, was that he could bring his guitar to school and play between periods. With some calming tunes, Adrian instantly picked up the "finger-plucking" technique and in time became quite the accomplished musician. For a time he also practiced piano, but he thought a guitar would be easier to move between classrooms. He signed up for music classes and even writing, to be able to match lyrics to his notes.

Jeremiah eventually moved in with his older brother Terrence. The two had a very nice and expensive home in City Center. Adrian was invited and packed his things. He said hard goodbyes to Alicia and Marisol, and moved in with the guys. The rooms were very wide and spacious...except for Adrian's. He had a small, basement like room exactly like his old one. He was kind of annoyed, but a home free of women was what he needed. Shockingly, within the next few months, Alicia and Marisol moved back to Tucson! They didn't even tell him. Towards the end of Adrian's Junior year of high school, he scrapped together the last of his pay checks and boarded a grey-hound bus to the Sonoran Desert.

Click on one of the banners below to experience Adrian's incredible adventures!

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"Coming back from all was intense. I would be forever changed into this monstrosity. I think Adrian died down in the desert. Stitch is who I am now."

Adrian hadn't a dollar to his name now. After he stepped off the grey-hound bus, he went for a walk. All he had was his new face, his black beanie, and a small ripped-up backpack. He strolled through a park in City Center, the one near the Mind, Inc. building. He thought about what he might be doing in school right now. He may have been graduating this year. He could be driving around the latest date to the make-out point. He could have had a few one-night stands to punctuate what he hope would have been a spectacular senior year. Instead, Adrian, or rather, Stitch spent the last two years torturing, dealing drugs, and beating people to bloody pulps for a twisted and psychotic boss.

Stitch always liked walking through the park, seeing all the colorful faces out for a jog or feeding ducks or what have you. He liked all the green. Back home, there wasn't grass or big trees. There were weeds and cacti. He almost didn't believe how beautiful the world is up north, and how brutal it is down south. He kept walking, his black hoodie pulled way over his face, casting a dark shadow on his face in the late night.

For a while, Adrian couldn't pay his rent, and Jeremiah was forced to kick him out. Now jobless and homeless, Adrian took refuge in that same City Center park. He slept on benches, made friends with the other "hobos", and occasionally did beg for money. He wasn't used to being partially blind or being so hideous. He sunk into a bad depression and attempted to commit suicide. However, his regenerative powers had kicked in months ago, and prevented him. He was in a personal hell.

"Ah jeez...gotta talk about that. Well yeah, I was in this real bad funk. I slit my wrist, swallowed some pills, walked in the street. Nothing worked. Y'know I don't want anyone to be thinking that's the way out. I hope no one will go through what I did. Nobody knew who I was for a long, long time. I was alone, scared...afraid. I had developed new powers like I always wanted. why couldn't I lift hundreds of pounds or shoot eye lasers? No, I was stuck with healing. What good is living if you got nothing to live for?"

Adrian had hit rock bottom. Eventually though, he was able to get a job at a grocery store in Westside, and in time, he bought a small basement home in City Center, near Darren's Pizza, his old job. At this time, Adrian was only 19, but with a quality fake ID, Adrian found himself wandering the infamous halls of Club Caprice. He...was a bit out of place. His tattered jeans and stained hoodie was no match for the glamorous and colorful outfits men and women wore there. He bought a few beers, and even met a young woman (who had also snuck in due to being under aged) named Amy.

Adrian just enjoyed talking to her. She kept making remarks and overly laughing at his jokes and touching his arm when he spoke. It was clear she had a morbid fascination with this girl. Eventually, they moved to the lounge and talked. There, they bonded and became instant friends. She then got upset and Adrian wasn't sure why. She later said that she was sad because he didn't think she was "pretty" Adrian said he thought she was beautiful and she said, unless he made a move on her, she wouldn't believe him. So they made out for an hour or two. Eventually they began dating, and Adrian soon found out she was mentally unstable. Even worse than he was. She used him for money and had a lot of sex. Too much sex in his eyes. This was the start of his addiction. He forgot how to love but not how to please, so to speak.

After a couple of weeks, Adrian broke it off officially, and she killed herself a few days later. Adrian was heartbroken and blames himself for her death. Its his fault in his eyes. His sanity meter dropped down a few levels that moment. His grasp of reality was slipping away from him. Stitch didn't go back to Caprice for a few months after that.

Later, Stitch was promoted to Assistant Manager of his store and he began making a lot more money. He upgraded his home a bit and purchased a lot of gaming consoles, better appliances, and comfier furniture. Adrian started his vigilante career after he purchased some gadgets and a Kevlar suit from Jeremiah. He started patrolling City Center at nights and the early mornings, beating up scum and those affiliated. Eventually his territory migrated to that of the New Purple Gang's, and after stopping a weapons deal, he made a new enemy: Kevin Poe.

The two have a complicated history, based upon a false rumor devised by Deviant. Stitch took a DNA result to try and find out his real father's identity. Deviant altered the results and showed it as "Sebastian Poe", Kevin's father. Stitch and Kevin as brothers? Most likely not, but Adrian was gullible enough to believe it. So, Kevin was upset; Adrian didn't know why. The two had a little fight here and there.

Click on one of the banners below to experience Adrian's incredible adventures!

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In time however, the rumor was dispelled and the two never interacted. They never interacted before, anyway. Stitch was upset believing his real father was a Poe, but he was saddened that he didn't know his real father. His dad could be anyone in the world, amongst the millions. This didn't stop Adrian from trying to maintain good spirits. He became a frequent at Club Caprice, making friends and popping bottles. It had been almost a year since Amy's death, and Adrian was feeling a bit better about losing her.

One night in particular, Adrian met a woman with striking beauty. She was quite tomboyish, but he didn't mind that. They introduced themselves. On that night, Adrian met Lavie. They actually used to attend the same high school. They didn't talk because they were on opposite ends of the high school popularity scale. He was an outcast, she was in the popular clique.

Eventually they started dating, but her work interrupted almost every chance they had to be together. They broke up and no longer speak. Another lost, he thought. He had a strange way of "losing" his women. He never lost them, he chose to end it. He wishes he could have gone back and fixed everything, but what good is wishing now?

"Y'know I've dated a few women here and there like I've said. I just want to be loved and be able to say I love them back. I want to wake up holding her, knowing she's thinking about me as I think about her. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. I still have this sex addiction thing, but Dr. Barbara is helping me past that. Its working pretty good I think. But I've still got lost friendships to mend before I can say I'm all better. And I know I'll be better, because I have nothing to lose, everything to gain."

Eventually, Stitch also got over that relationship as well. He was making more money and his basement was turning into a home. He and a few friends he worked with made an Indie movie, a murder-mystery. It was popular on YouTube and made the group a bit of money. Adrian starred as the detective. This was a shock to most people who knew Stitch. He never showed his face if he didn't have to. He didn't go to clubs and bars to chat up people. He went to drink and forget. However, instead of being ridiculed by viewers, Adrian was accepted by the general audience and loosened up his fear of being hated.

Within the next few weeks and at the close of summer, Adrian caught word of a super team hosting a charity fundraiser to improve Westside. He loved the idea and wanted to help out. A while before all this, he met Anarchy and Thundrax at Club Caprice. His beanie was autographed by the Canadian hero. Veronica was his first connection to the Eternals, Inc. roster. He should have asked more questions, because he was a big fan of super heroes and wanted to become one.

The fundraiser was hosted by the Eternals. Adrian arrived a few minutes fashionably late, dressed in his maroon button up shirt, tan waistcoat/pant combo, and of course his famous black beanie. He enjoyed the show for the most part, meeting a few new superheroes. However, one of the hostesses caught his eyes, the one being none other than the lovely Vixen. After "purchasing" one of the Eternals members, Divael, Adrian approached Vixen after the show. She accepted his offer for a friendly date. Afterwards, he spoke to Stopmotion and Colosso about joining the team.

Adrian was a tad disappointed to find out Lorna was engaged to a man named John. He loved talking with Lorna. She made him feel good, smart, normal. In time, he met other proud members of the team, and after a brief interview, he was allowed a spot on the roster. For a time, things were going great! He was friendly and polite, making friends everywhere. He was the slapstick punk that every great team had. He was even interviewed on television, which gained popularity with the teen girl audience.

However, after a situation arose in Westside, the Eternals confronted the Global Defense Force. It was there he met a woman who would change his life for better and worse: Britt Ashdown. They talked and he enjoyed her company. Vixen was on an assignment and he didn't really have many to talk to, aside from one of his best friends at the time, Desecrated Dreams. So Adrian and Britt "hung out". He was a little sad to hear that she did also have a man in her life, the speedster Overdrive. He didn't care, or so he said, and they continued hanging out.

One evening where Stitch made an irrational mistake would change his life forever: the night of Rising Star. This was a training initiative for the Eternals to improve the super hero and personal lives of adolescent crime-fighters. Adrian wanted to participate. Meeting at one of the more popular hang outs, Pat's Coffee, Adrian's eye fixated no a mystery girl who watched from the shadows. He wouldn't know it yet, but this young woman would be the love of his life: Limerick. After an "incident" (Adrian throwing a knife at the ground at Anarchy's feet), Adrian was arrested. However, she bailed him out almost immediately after.

Stitch, now at Rising Star, saw Limerick once again. They talked and waited for the program to begin. For having a criminal record and being over the age requirement, Adrian was not allowed to participate. He was upset and mad. Another young woman approached Stitch after Limerick left, and asked him a few questions about her. Stitch was suspicious and shrugged most of the questions off, before finding Limerick. He found her atop Carl's Gym in Westside. They talked and he grew a liking to her.

A few days later, Stitch went for a walk in the area, hoping to find her. When he did, he told her that he had been going for a run and nothing more. They had a brief conversation. She revealed to him that she was without a place to stay, and he quickly offered her his home. She stayed on his couch although he offered his room. They grew closer, and that same night, they kissed. And they also had mind blowing sex, but that isn't important to the story. Waking up the next morning, he thought about how much he really liked her, maybe even love. It was too soon though, he thought.

"Incredible. That's how I can describe being with Judy. She gives me a purpose in life, she gave me a reason to wake up in the morning. She's just...she's a gift from God, and I'm not a religious guy, but...she's precious, get me? She's the whole world to me. I gotta get her back. She isn't what I deserve, but she's what I need. I can't imagine living without her. Before I took a lot for granted and made so many stupid, stupid choices. I will get her back though, because I love her. And she loves me. So we have to be together. Right?"

One day, Adrian invited Britt to his place. They talked and she showed herself around his humble abode. It was later revealed that she had very minor feelings for him when he showed her his guitar and he played for her. He felt special when she said he was talented. He liked her too, but Judy was the one for him. Later Judy and Britt were introduced to one another and they got along in Stitch's eyes.

When the Global Defense Force (GDF) announced a ball, Adrian was excited. Judy was going to be his date, he hoped. However, about an hour before the ball, Stitch's small sedan was clipped by a larger truck and he crashed into a street light. He had minor injuries but he was taken to the hospital. He missed the dance. Days later, he took Judy out and they danced on a rooftop. That night, when they were making love, he accidentally said another woman's name: Lorna's. This is a huge mistake and Judy left him.

At this time, Adrian was doing some terrible thinking. He was practically a scumbag, a sleazy schemer to some people. Manipulative even. He was led to believe that Britt and Overdrive had broken up. Adrian and Judy, taking a break as it was, decided he could try ad pursue Britt. However, it wouldn't work. Britt and Overdrive had simply had a fight and they never were separate. Adrian found this out at an "Ungeneric" (popular duo band of Anarchy and Divael) concert, in front of everyone. He was embarrassed to say the least.

This didn't stop him. After trying to enter relationships with Quintessence, Desecrated Dreams, and Strobe, Adrian managed to piss off most, if not the entire, Eternals team, as well as many of the Heroes, Inc. roster. He had lost some of his best friends because of his immature desires getting the better of him. Why did he have to be so cruel? He blamed it on the drugs and drink, even on Deviant and Stitch's own mental illnesses. But deep down, he was a person too, and secretly was a bad guy. Just like his father and step-father.

However, this would be far from the worst that would happen. Stitch started smoking marijuana again as well as his alcohol abuse worsening. Weeks before, he quit his day job to focus on the team. He had been training with Vespula Sting and once or twice with Raven. He started taking cases on the amateur level, hardly being a qualified professional as it was. Adrian had a one night stand with the android Violet Rowes. He lied to her and is girlfriend Limerick. He felt so ashamed afterwards. Was he truly this week? Was he such a bad guy?

"Ah jeez. I don't want to talk about it. I wanted to die. I even tried. Didn't work as usual. I broke Judy's heart and lied to such an innocent and kind and loving girl like Violet. This is my worst mistake I've ever made. I hurt so many people, so many. All I've really contributed to the group was anger and sadness. So much regret. I really miss them all, they helped me when I was in a bad place. They were some of the best friends I've ever known. I'd love to be back on the team, but that's a bad idea. I don't want to hurt anyone again."

A few weeks before the affair, Adrian was asked to leave the Eternals' roster. He had been receiving a lot of complaints from members and enough was enough. He also lost Judy, which was all he ever wanted and needed. At this time, Deviant stepped into play. He had been watching Adrian mess up, manipulating his actions subliminally. Now that everyone hated Adrian, he struck. He jumped Adrian and injured him severely, tossing him into Detroit River to be found. Several heroes assisted and rescued the teen, who was sent to MERCY hospital to recover.

Judy, although still upset, said that she never wanted Adrian dead. She still loved him, but at the time she was still too hurt and pissed off to forgive him. Adrian waited for Judy though. However, later on, the two decided to at least have a "friends with benefits" relationship. A few nights into this new relationship, Judy revealed that she had feelings for Jill, and that she was addicted to her. The two had made out on occasion. Adrian died inside. he thought Judy was addicted to him, like she said so long ago. Now that she likes another, he knew she would lose her.

Adrian strained and struggled to better himself. He took on more complicated cases and made quite a bit of money. Using his stash he had saved up for a new home, he took Judy to Disneyland where they had an amazing time. She still didn't take him back, but as long as he could get Judy to fall for him all over again, then he would be happy. Meanwhile, he tried to come into contact with his old teammates and tried to bury the hatchet. He is still trying to do this to this day.

"So that's, like, my story. At least most of it. I kept some stuff hidden to protect certain people. As you can see, I made a lot of mistakes that I still regret. Losing sleep, not eating, that sorta thing. But I'm getting better. My therapist is helping me a lot, as is Rhapsody. She helps me out too. I'm making friends again, and I'm registered with ASPRA. I hope no one hates me more than they already do. In time, I hope I'm not forgotten, and wish to get my friends back. I miss everyone dearly. I sometimes sit on my bed with my phone out hoping someone would call me. Eh...I know its sounds like I'm a bitch but that is far from the worst I've been called. Anyhoozles...that is my life. Most of it. Thank you for taking your time to review it."

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"I don't mean to sound like a douchebag, but my ace is kinda what I'm known for. It's basically where I get my ASPRA registered hero name from: Stitch. I've got a few nicknames, like Frankenteen and Staple-Face, even Chupacabra. At first it made me depressed, but I've got real problems now so I can sleep easy. My face and body are somewhat unique. I'm not the only one to say that, I think."

Stitch. That word in itself gives birth to a character all his own. Adrian has many bizarre and unique features. This is it in the most detail as possible. Adrian's most popular feature is his face. It is outwardly ugly. His entire left side of his face is stitched on green skin, horribly scarred. It stretches just beyond his nose and comes down to his chin. It stops right before his left ear. It resembles that of Frankenstein's monster. His left eye is blind and he often wears a solid black eye patch to cover it over. Underneath the eye patch, you'll find a pearl-white eye that almost glistens in the light. He shouldn't drive and he often gets migraines because of the only one sided vision.

He has messy brown hair that is currently dyed black, thanks to Limerick. It is usually unkempt and brushed off to the side. It isn't long, but it also isn't short if it makes sense. He prefers to wear his black beanie, which is signed by both Thundrax and Sapphire. It is really old, much older than Stitch, and has threads missing here and there. It looks worn out.

Adrian's entire body is covered in numerous scars and stitches. Some fine it attractive, but many more find it absolutely repulsive. He has been through quite a bit in such a short time, and his body shows. He is constantly in pain, limping and wincing as he goes about living. His body is rotting in some places, which may be why people at one time thought he was an undead zombie. As Adrian often says, his powers are not "100%". It shows. In the center of his chest is a heart shaped scar that always looks freshly healed. Hmm.

Adrian has a tattoo here and there. His more notable one is a faded Mexican flag on his right wrist. Across it is "Viva la Raza" written across in lettering resembling barbed wire. It reminds him of his proud heritage, with ancestry stemming from Spain, Puerto Rico, and Honduras. He also has a small black tattoo of the French cartoon character "Calimero". He got it after Quintessence related him to the small bird. He also has one on his upper back between his shoulder blades. It is of Avenged Sevenfold's "Deathbat" logo.

Adrian is quite fit for a young adult. He is, as some people would describe it, jacked. He mostly works out his abs and his arms, but ironically likes cardio exercises. He sports a very defined six pack and a sculpted chest, along with larger arms. However, he still has a slimmer build. However, don't expect him to be running around shirtless. His stitchings are often a put off and very grotesque indeed.

Adrian often wears an old T-shirt and some ripped jeans to go out, usually wearing some newer basketball shoes or "Chucks". He wears jackets of all kinds, but lately prefers his brown and tan leather jacket with his "Thundrax: The Movie!" limited edition shirt. He also wears a black belt with a silver buckle for almost every outfit. Adrian also has his right ear pierced. but rarely puts an ear ring in.

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"Not a lot of people care much for my 'personality'. I'm a hopeless romantic, I speak my mind, I don't sugar coat things. I like drinking and partying, I like to go out. I am a child of the night. That doesn't even explain half of who I am though. I'm complicated and have my share of issues. One day more people will break down my walls and find the pearl in the oyster or some shit. I know Limerick likes me. I know Liz liked me. My sister and my Aunt like me. Maybe in time you will, too."

Adrian likes music and cannot live without it. He can't say he doesn't like one over the rest. One day he'll be listening to metalcore, one day dupstep, the next acid jazz. Back home he'd go to things like "Warp Tour", "KFMA Day", "Fall Ball", and the "I Heart Radio Music Festival". He dreams of becoming a musician. He plays acoustic guitar and showcases his skills at finger-plucking. He also plays some piano, but stopped when he gave away his old piano to Stellar. He also can sing. he's not great, but he's also not terrible; many other heroes he knows sing much, much better than he can. He used to sing for Marisol and now sings only for Judy, the love of his life. He also sings in the shower, to the annoyance of his neighbors. He sings that loud.

Adrian also loves writing. He has written several short stories and poems. He's won two slam poetry contests at Pat's Coffee during their open mic night. He came in second and third place respectively. He writes a poem for everyone he knows and uses it to remember quirks about them that others may forget. This is a hard kept secret. Back in middle and high school, Stitch was bullied for liking poetry and his earliest stories were flushed down a toilet by the local bullies. Stitch's bookshelf is packed full of poetry books and novels. He can be childish with his selection and has many books he had when he was a kid.

Adrian likes videogames. He has a full entertainment center jam packed with different consoles, speakers, you name it. He spends the majority of his income on technology. His favorite videogames are the Legend of Zelda originals, Pokémon, and Team Fortress 2. He also recently purchased Saints Row 4 and Grand Theft Auto V, and hasn't spent a lot of times outdoors since then. His Xbox Live gamer tag is "stitchd_glitchd9248" (This is not a real gamer tag. If it is, it is purely coincidental). He also is a very big fan of the Dead or Alive series, and entered a tournament. However, he lost early on to a big star known on YouTube as "Swoozie".

Adrian does flirt a lot, more than he wants to. Again, this is due to both him being a young adult and his Histrionic Personality Disorder. He can be very romantic at times, or overly sexual and flirtatious. These two traits have gotten him into a lot of trouble and he's been charged with sexual harassment a few times. However, these charges have been dropped as part of a training program. Stitch also has very un-subtle eyes and hands. If he likes a girl, he'll make sure to eye their "goods" once or twice, or brush their arm or hand, or even their hair. However, he's stopped almost all forms of flirting as a way to better himself and to win back the girl of his dreams, Limerick.

Stitch claims to be a terrible dancer, but his Latino heritage begs to differ. He can shake his hips and swing his arms like a professional. He can tango and salsa quite well. He also is a "krumper" and has won numerous state championships. He won several talent shows in school and even danced off against Tight Eyez. Adrian of course lost.