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Player: @RavenForce
Can you feel the FORCE?
Character Build
Class Focus: Defense
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Miss Su SummerStone
Known Aliases: ForceGirl, Fieldz, Energy, InvisiGirl, Nerd, FG
Gender: Female
Species: Xenian
Ethnicity: n/a
Place of Birth: Xen-2
Base of Operations: The SummerStone Mansion
Relatives: Mentella, Techna Ology
Age: 20
Height: 5'9
Weight: 103 Ibs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: No prominent ones
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public (Recent)
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: Xenian
Occupation: Active Scientist and Adventurer
Education: PhD in Physics and Biology in addition to various non human educational achievements
Marital Status: single
Known Powers and Abilities
Force Field Generation and manipulation, Invisibility, Force flight,Dark Speed capabilities and Force Shielding.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Dark Speed Boots (capable of allowing the wearer to travel at the speed of darkness)
ReldinBox Template

ForceGirl is an avid Physicist and adventurer, and is referred to as a Nerd. Her real name is known to a lot of the scientific community, she is known to them as Dr.SummerStone. Before she came to Earth she was actively working on various projects on her home world but was forced to leave after it was invaded and destroyed. She traced her sister Mentella to Earth but was unable to contact her for a long while. Su enjoys going out and being active in her scientific endeavors. She feels somewhat out of place in the heat of battle and doesn't enjoy using her powers as much as she should. This lack of confidence in the field is reflected in the strength of her attacks and sometimes even affect her defensive capabilities.


Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Su grew up with her sisters (Mentella and Techna Ology) on the outskirts of Xen-2. Although they share some personality traits they are vastly different from each other. Mentella is authoritative, strong and relishes the chance to use her powers, Su on the other hand is the complete opposite, she is quite submissive, has some self destructive issues and denies herself the natural euphoric feeling which Xenians experience when using their powers. Her younger sister Techna is in many ways like Su, in the sense that she is rather submissive and quiet, and most of the time painfully humble about her technological advancements. Su was deeply affected by the loss of her home world and unlike Mentella has not fully adjusted to life on Earth and prefers to spend a majority of her time in a lab.

Su knows Science. She lives for it and is one of the planets most active scientists, both on her late homeworld she was labelled Ruth-la which translates roughly as Nerd of superiority or super nerd. She doesn't let such criticism get to her and doesn't mind being labelled as a nerd. She really enjoys using her science in anyway she can to help or to hinder others. Su traced her older sister Mentella to Earth and arrived in 2005 but was unable to find out any more about her whereabouts, until one January morning in 2007 when Mentella showed up outside her lab. Like her older sister she was born with super powers. Unlike her older sister who is all for using her powers, Su was alot more reluctant to use her powers, as a result her powers got steadily weaker until they became dormant and she mistakenly thought that she had lost her powers and turned her full attention to science and a regular civilian life.

This laid back but slightly depressing period in her life came to an abrupt end when whilst travelling on the train back from work filled with children and parents in Millennium City was suddenly lifted off the railings and her carriage suddenly came face to face with a Mega Destroyer Robot. The carriage was being slowly crushed,the screams of the children and their parents put enough stress on her mind and in a moment of extreme stress she created a force field around the carriage, freeing them from the Destroids grasp and protecting all inside from the drop down. This instant feat of regained power caused her to enter a brief state of her full potential allowing her to take down the Mega Destroyer by herself, before sustaining heavy psionic feedback after her force field was struck by two nearby Mega Destroyer Annihilation Beams.

The psionic lash back was so great that she was put into a coma for 2 weeks before Mentella was able to wake her using her telepathic powers. After realizing that she had not lost her powers and accepting what she did, she decided to retrain herself and regain control of her powers, along with Mentella's guidance and support Su quickly regained control of her powers to the extent that she was able to resume hero work along with Mentella. She took on a number alias as well as costumes in the first year of her re entering superhero work, she has been known as Fieldz, Energy and InvisiGirl. She is currently under the alias ForceGirl.

She accepted her sisters invitation to join the sisterhood shortly after she was through her training. ForceGirl continues to find ways to enhance her powers as she has a constant feeling she is inherently flawed and has a large lack of confidence in her abilities and her performance as a super-heroine.ForceGirl also fears becoming consumed by her powers again like she was when facing Mega Destroids and insists she was fortunate not to hurt anyone. Su, despite her re-emergence of her powers has continued doing scientific research and inventing.

On May 17th 2011, a run in with Destroids in a mission to Multifaria, reminded her of the Mega Destroid incident years before, the fear of what could have been drove her into an almost manic state, she created multiple weapons which are designed to pinpoint typical weak points in her force fields and the defenses of all armors and machinery, if she ever became consumed by her powers. Later that year a squad of VIPER troops broke into the Cambridge Biotech Facility in Westside where she was building the weapons, along with the plans for other weapons and some other less important materials, VIPER stole it and lost the police.

Su also visited The African UNTIL Base in 2011 with a group of heroes and saw the aftermath of a staged fight between UNTIL troops and VIPER and to her horror she realized they were using her technology. She pulled out her team from the area and any remaining UNTIL troops and leaders. Su felt extremely guilty for the lives that had been lost due to her moment of madness and decided to set things straight. In December 2011 she left Earth and went elsewhere to re master her powers and regain strength. She returned more powerful and with a less negative attitude than she began with. Although she will continue to push against the psychological barriers she has placed in her mind with regards to accessing her powers, she no longer will shy away from an opportunity to fight evil, especially if it is in the form of VIPER.

The break-in at the Bio Tech Labs prompted Su to strike out and build her own facility, where she could freely use her powers and technology to protect herself and future staff members. She founded ForceTech Industries on the 16th of December 2011 and began developing defensive gadgetery with her younger sister Techna Ology.

She blames herself for not being able to prevent VIPER from mass manufacturing these weapons which they call "Pulson Tech Rifles". She is actively working on increasing her force field strength and train her mind to stop VIPER. Her new found confidence has changed her personality and outlook in life, she is much more positive but is still very aware of her perceived flaws and limitations and on more than one occasion has surprised herself by exceeding her expectations. Unlike her older sister Mentella, ForceGirl is much more caring and sympathetic towards people and has no trouble making friends or cooling down a heated situation.

Feburary 3rd, 2012 at 3:57pm, Su was in her laboratory when her silent alarms went off, undetectable to the human or camera eye, small sensors of alien origin were placed around her building in case of a security breach. Knowing that someone or something was in the building, she steeled herself and readied herself for a fight. She continued doing her work, but surrounded her self and her work station with a protective force field. Approximately fifteen minutes later a sharp shot resonated against the force field and was harmlessly deflected away, Su instinctively went on the defensive, turning invisible and ducking behind a nearby pillar. She waited as her assailant appeared from the shadows, the woman was dressed in full black with a golden VIPER serpent head insignia on her left shoulder. Incensed at the mere sight of the VIPER emblem, Su went on the offensive, launching a high density invisible force field at her assailant. The crushing impact sent the woman flying into the nearest wall. She slumped and didnt move, she was out cold. Su notified Mentella who happened to be in the area. Minutes later, UNTIL operatives swarmed the area and located Su, who was sitting next to her unconscious attacker.

After a few short moments Mentella had gained a lifetimes worth of information from the unconscious woman, who was identified to be none other than the infamous Bionic Bullet...

In more recent times ForceGirl has sought out help from her older sister Mentella and has quickly overcome her self destructive personality issues and has overcome psychological barriers stopping her from enjoying her powers and being a superhero. She has a much more positive outlook on life and seeks to prove her worth at the next opportunity.

Groups and Affiliations

- ForceGirl has only been tied to one super team before The SummerStones and that was The Energizers. She left the group due to an unfriendly argument turned fight with the leader's girlfriend (Shardd) who accused Su of "going behind her back" and trying to steal her man. After this argument Shardd and ForceGirl (Energy at the time)went in a head to head duel in which she almost would have killed Shardd if it were not for Eclipse stopping the fight with his stasis fields.

Powers and abilities

Force Fields

ForceGirl generating a force field

ForceGirl has a variety of abilities relating to Force fields. She has the ability to generate force fields, manipulate and disrupt other force shielding as well as create constructs such as force weaponry and various shapes and sizes of force fields. As she is a Xenian she has potentially unlimited potential like her older sister Mentella. Before her retraining using her powers such as prolonged shielding or force fields which need to protect more than 2 people which are classed as basic feats used to be quite mentally taxing and could cause physical side effects such as loss of balance or consciousness. However thanks to therapy and retraining, ForceGirl has removed the psychological blocks in her mind which used to stop her from using her powers effectively. When the psychological blocks were present in her mind, it meant that even the slightest strain and she could potentially loose focus and her force fields would cease to exist.

ForceGirl using a compressed force field to destroy some Destroids

Su has always had issues with her powers and never really wanted to use them. Although she is just beginning to realize that she is quite powerful and soon she will become a force to be reckoned with. Her powers are mainly governed by emotion and brief spells of anger could result in a violent force eruption occurring. Recently however she has learnt to project larger and much more powerful force fields around herself and others, whilst she continues to discover the full extent of her abilities. She mainly uses her force fields in the form of blue spheres of defensive energy which can absorb damage until they dissipate. She can and more recently has been wielding her force fields for more offensive purposes, ForceGirl can generate "compressed force" which is the super charging of cylindrical force fields and releasing them at high velocity, this ability of hers is new and is quite destructive.

ForceGirl is capable of making 700ft wide and 100ft tall force fields for long durations of time, however a psychological block stoped her from accessing her core power for such uses. She has in the past shown the ability to shield multiple people with one large semi circular force field and is working to be able to generate such a field again so she can use it in the field. In combat ForceGirl uses a variety of shapes and speed of force field to cause damage to her foes,she uses mainly cylindrical and spherical force fields to attack her foes as well as Expansive-Explosive Force Fields.

ForceGirl expanding a force field inside a Destroid..
..pop goes the Destroid!

Profile UPDATE: ForceGirl's sessions with Mentella seem to have paid off, she is alot more confident and this is reflected in a much higher combat score in the PRIMUS Virtual Reality Chamber. She is alot more stable and happy, this is reflected in her high levels of potency in her force fields, as well as the introduction of new force field shapes and applications in combat. This is a promising outcome one which she hopes will continue to increase. Her usage of force fields for team defensive purposes seems to have been curbed in this training process, she now uses her force fields offensively, producing high powered energy blasts, explosions and Shock Waves of energy. She also readily uses her force fields to contain opponents before inverting the field causing large amounts of kinetic reverberation. She also utilizes her force fields to travel at high speeds through the air.


ForceGirl can consciously bend light around herself and others at will, she can render whole buildings and large amounts of people invisible at anyone time and has demonstrated the ability to use them to a greater extent. She can also use her invisibility on her force constructs to give her an edge of surprise in combat. She is capable of bending the entire EM spectrum and is virtually undetectable, however she has to focus hard to turn invisible when faced with infrared light sources. The reason for this is unknown. She can also turn invisible things visible through "Negative bending", she frequently demonstrates this ability against VIPER Infiltrators who use Invisi-Tech, she renders them visible for her allies.

Dark Speed

On a trip to Multifaria a year ago, Su was up against a villain called Oubliette and finally defeated her with the other heroes on her team and picked up on the technology on her boots and quickly pocketed the enhancements on her boots and was able to successfully emulate her powers of super speed and converted the enhancement into a boot like device which she now uses to travel great distances on land and high speeds.

Current Events - January to April 2013

2013, marks a new year of hope for ForceGirl, after previously struggling to find her place amongst the heroes of Millennium City she has really risen up in the hero world, her powers are now fully stable and she has overcome the vast majority of the psychological blocks she had before.

She is still on a crusade against VIPER and any and all associates that it may have. Having fully intergrated herself into the hero community with the help of her older sister Mentella, ForceGirl hopes that she will continue to enjoy her time in Millennium City and help fight crime for as long as she can.

After fully forgiving Bionic Bullet for trying to assassinate her, they have become suprisingly good friends.

She has recently been speaking to an old friend Professor Kaspar, who has been helping Professor Karkas to excavate the secrets hidden in the Island of Java, who strongly believes that something is afoot, he has asked the SummerStone Sisterhood to be on guard for the future.

With the true implications of the Lemurian artifacts that UNTIL had been keeping in their Vault revealed..all hell broke loose in Millennium City, the Lemurians tunnelled up through the very earth of the city, using Bleak Ones magic to cause nonstop rain and flooding, making travel almost impossible. If that wasnt enough, the Champions were stretched thin, with only two members (Defender and Sapphire) at the scene fighting off the threat whilst the rest were at seperate points on the globe some how fighting off Lemurian invaders.

ForceGirl and Sapphire were on containment duty, their combined efforts allowed a city wide force field to be constructed and maintained until the Bleak Ones Harbinger and the Lemurians were either defeated or fled back down their holes.

ForceGirl, Black Diamond,Mentella,Bionic Bullet and CharmCaster were all present and helping with the clean up duty.

Amazingly ForceGirl is still upholding her business enterprise ForceTech(tm) Industries, and is the sole provider of defensive weaponry, gadgets and technology for UNTIL. Working alongside other heroes and UNTIL technicians as well as her younger sister Techna Ology. ForceTech Industries is still running and is doing remarkably well.

ForceGirl also is a member of Project Snakecharmer and supplies the division with her powers and scientific knowledge.

Current Events - May 2013

May 2013 saw ForceGirl and her two sisters fall back into a regular pattern of looking after the Academy, teaching, fighting crime and advancing the defensive gadgetry of governmental organizations via the medium of ForceTech Industries.

ForceGirl has also made a number of personal advancements, she has successfully overcome the issue of VIPER having access to her Pulson Technology by working tirelessly to strengthen her force fields and push the boundaries she has put in her mind as regards her powers. On the 17th of May 2013, when VIPER staged an assault on a Lab in Downtown, ForceGirl was on the scene and was holding out remarkably well against the VIPER troops, who were employing the use of Pulson Rifles. She was able to successfully lockdown the Labs to prevent further entry as well as shielding the scientists from VIPER's energy weapons. She took out a grand total of 30 VIPER Soldiers, 7 Brick Buster units and 2 Powered Armors. Upon the arrival of the authorities at the scene, all VIPER assailants were either suspended inside force fields or out cold.

ForceGirl seemed to go off radar and was untraceable for the rest of the month. It later came to light that she along with her two sisters and Black Diamond had gone back to their home planet to visit friends and family.


Like every hero ForceGirl has weaknesses, whilst some cannot be helped due to the nature of them, she works hard to face up to them..

  • ForceGirl's forcefield generation capability, whilst it is only limited to her imagination, her forcefields become alot stronger at larger sizes meaning she must focus harder to sustain the field
  • ForceGirl's forcefields cannot hold out for long under extended periods of maintained heavy fire.
  • Sustained concussive blasts or high voltage energy attacks will cause her to loose concentration and the forcefield will explode, such a violent dissipation usually causes concussive effects to ForceGirl, knocking her out.
  • Without her forcefields, ForceGirl has a limited healing factor, but minimal resistance to incoming damage.
  • Whilst invisible ForceGirl cannot shield her mind from telepaths, or high level heat signature trackers.
  • ForceGirl is not immune to opposing force, if the incoming force is greater than she anticipates she will usually receive a high amount of psionic feedback from her force fields, resulting in her being "thrown" back, in some instances it can cause concussive feedback and will render her unconscious.
  • Stolen Pulson Tech, this technology was designed by her in the event of her loosing her mind and becoming evil as a means to shutting her down. The technology is a combination of concussive and piercing blasts which locate and pressure "weak points" on a force field. The only beings with access to such technology are VIPER Soldiers.

The Summerstones and The Summerstone Academy

The Summerstones are a group of female heroines from different backgrounds, the majority however seem to be of alien origin, particularly Xenian origin. Mentella founded the Summerstone Sisterhood a couple of years after her reform and was swiftly joined by her sister who resumed super heroic work.

This Sisterhood is extremely secure and very little information has been divulged about it. However both UNITY and UNTIL as well as PRIMUS are aware of the several schools dedicated to teaching the champions of tomorrow, which have been set up under then uniform name of The Summerstone Academy. Graduates of this school are routinely mind wiped of the location of the academy, several attempts to foil this security have failed. Some exceptional Graduates however are accepted into the Sisterhood and gain sisterhood status.

All else that is known about this group and the subsequent academies is that they are all under Mentella's guidance.

The Academy was shutdown after The Destroid Invasion injured and in some cases killed a large number of the students, who were reported to be sleeping at the time, during the return and short lived invasion of Millennium City by Dr. Destroyer's robotic forces. However students who were seemingly -killed- by the Destroids were seen recently, when asked about this mind blowing revelation a statement was issued:

"These students did in fact loose their lives at the hands of the Destroid invaders, however they were restored to life by the ever elusive Alara The Light Guardian. Where ever she is I extend my immense gratitude and relief at this turn of events." ~ Mentella

Mentella is the Leader of the Summerstone Sisterhood. This sisterhood is fairly recent and mainly consists of those from her own planet and some human heroines. The current members of the sisterhood are as follows:


-Black Diamond



-Techna Ology

-Bionic Bullet



The New Summerstone Academy for Enhanced Individuals, was opened in March 2013 at an undisclosed location and already is in full swing. There are academies throughout America all of which are moderated by Mentella.

Scientific Achievements

Via ForceTech Industries, Su has achieved a number of scientific feats using a combination of her own genius, her powers, research skills and the resourcefulness of both herself and her sister Techna Ology.

Pulson Technology

Perhaps one of the early developments of ForceTech Ind., the Pulson Technology is a powerful and strange energy source which is high in power and can be put to use in forms of blasts, beams, lasers and shockwaves. It can also be used to power reactors for high energy consumption devices. ForceGirl originally harnessed this energy to power high energy consumption devices, however she also made plans to utilize it for more offensive purposes, this was during a low point in her career, where she had a lot of trouble with her identity as a heroine and as a Scientist, she felt she was too dangerous and crafted designs which were made with the specific purpose to take her down, if she ever fell into instability and became a force for evil. These plans were potentially dangerous in the wrong hands and unfortunately they were collected by the villainous organization VIPER who consistently use it to cause strife for her and the rest of the hero population. Determined to right this gross injustice, ForceGirl is on a crusade against VIPER calling them "scum".

Containment Matrix

The first of a series of gadgets created by ForceTech Ind. which help UNTIL, Steelhead and other governmental organizations contain high profile threats, such as Gravitar. They act in a similar fashion to ForceGirl's force fields, however they run on an energy source, which is regulated by a Pulson reactor. The higher the resistance from the contained foe, the more energy is consumed, as a result it is possible that if enough resistance is encountered the containment field matrix will fail. However the majority of super humans cannot put out enough resistance to cause such an outcome. The matrix can absorb energy sources from the outside and thereby act as a protective device. It has a range of anywhere from 10ft to 10,000ft radius and is very useful.

Force Vest

This invention was made for the police forces and agents who are regularly in the field and risk their lives everyday to serve and protect the inhabitants of Millennium City. With the recent and rapid increase in super powered thugs, forces like the MCPD, UNTIL, PRIMUS, VBPD, Steelhead Mounties and others were having a hard time taking blows from these new threats, as a precaution and a protection in the effort to aid these brave men and women, ForceTech Industries produced the Force Vest. The Force Vest is in actual fact a small microchip almost invisible to the naked eye which at the whim of the wearer can activate a medium powered force field around the wearer, which deflects incoming projectiles and reduces the inertia of physical blows by 80%. As well as functioning as a close quarters force field it can also send out weak pulses of energy which can repulse foes a moderate 7ft. It has a time span of around 15 minutes if all functions are used, but an increased time span of 45 minutes before deactivating. The Force Vest allows for outgoing bullet fire and can enhance the force of outward physical attacks by 30%.

Kinetic Repulsors

Used primarily by Powered Armor trained UNTIL and Steelhead units, these modifications allow the armor user to use all the basic functions of the suit but allows for the use of Kinetic Absorption and Redirection. These upgraded units allow the panels of the armor to absorb the kinetic energy of any given blow and convert them into stored energy which power a secondary weapons system called Repulsor Cannons. These Cannon's put out a force ten times the stored energy or project brief yet powerful kinetic shielding for the armored unit.

Personal Force Field Emitter - DISCONTINUED PROJECT

Early on in her career as a defense expert, ForceGirl started a project based on a similar principle to her ability to generate high powered force fields. She developed a prototype "P.F.F" (Personal Force Field) whilst the field was strong it lacked the durability of her own natural force fields. Whilst she could withstand an high powered Xenian particle weapon, the P.F.F was incapable of withstanding such force. She was limited to the technology she could employ on Earth as the Interplanetary Guidelines forbid her from using Xenian Defense Technology on Earth. She instead brought in a human specialist who was intrigued with the development of such a technology, namely Protogen. Hoping that he could find a more conventional way to make the force field technology more durable she left the project in his capable hands and continued working on other areas. However, this was a mistake on her part, Protogen found a way to make the technology almost as durable as ForceGirl's natural force fields, by seemingly lessening their strength and increasing durability over time. After Protogen's breakthrough, her technology, along with Protogen conveniently vanished without a trace. ForceGirl shut down the P.F.F division. However in a strange turn of events and potentially awkward video footage, both Mentella and Joule had run into Protogen very recently. Mentella had successfully determined it was the Protogen her sister once knew, using...questionable methods from a visual perspective. ForceGirl hopes to re-locate Protogen in hopes of talking to him about the improved version of her technology.

Doctor Annihilation

Patrick Von Despaire, was a fellow physicist who worked primarily against Su on a number of projects, and always strived to beat her in every attempt, even sabotaging her experiments and trying to tarnish her reputation. His intense hatred for her however did not stem from her constant besting of him in scientific achievements. It came from another source, Patrick was completely infatuated with Su, he was hopelessly saturated with affection for Su, but had a very counter productive way of showing it. He strived to beat her in something so that she would notice him and perhaps consider him a possible partner.

Her natural intelligence and ability to solve complex scientific problems, combined with her stunning figure and beauty made her the complete package and he soon learned he was definately not alone in his affection towards her. Patrick soon plucked up enough courage to ask her on a date...he was flatly rejected...Su simply stated that she "didn't mix work and romance". His fragile mind interpreted it as she was stating that he was simply unimportant and could never be a part of her life in anyway.

He became depressed afterwards and did not show up to the labs for a long period of time. During his time away he became vengeful, determined to hurt Su in the same way she had hurt him. After learning that Su was in fact the super-heroine ForceGirl. He only grew more wrathful and this pushed his desire to hurt her even more, to the point of wanting to kill her. In his ravaged mental state he drew up plans to create some sort of power armor equipped with all sorts of support systems to allow him enhanced strength, durability and resistance. As well as powerful electrical blasts systems, capable of outputting over 1.25 Gigawatts worth of energy blast in the form of concussive energy, Plasma Shield Generation and High Speed Land and Air Modes. Perhaps one of his greatest and only success was his powered armor. He named himself Doctor Annihillation and set himself the personal goal of becoming ForceGirl's Archnemesis.

As Doctor Annihillation, his armors combat systems are capable of firing powerful "Annihillation Blasts" which do live up to their name, generate powerful concussive forces, resist great pressure, grant enhanced strength, durability and resistance to the user.

Su quickly figured out that her old lab rival Patrick Von Despaire was Doctor Annihillation and has tried in the past to talk him out of this life style, but has failed and has concluded he is too far gone. And just like every other villain he must be taken down.


Venomous Imperial Party of the Eternal Reptile, or VIPER for short, can trace its roots back to a time before Atlantis. In the mid-nineteenth century, a society of explorers called the Unholy Order of the Grand Reptile became fascinated with a West African cult that worshiped the snake-god Nama. The Unholy Order had disappeared for a time, only to reappear during times of great wars, when the chance to aid governments and pursue their own secret agendas would present itself.

After World War II, the grandchildren of the original members of the Unholy Order, thirty of them to be precise, decided to reestablish the Order and it is believed that during their initial meeting that the great snake-god himself Nama instructed the thirty to build a new nest in a modern world. The Thirty Founders, took an oath to never betray the other founders or the organization itself and as reward for this oath, they were marked with the sign of the Serpent and thus became VIPER.

VIPER's thirst for power and their sheer influence on the world stage make them a frighteningly powerful and well spread organization. With the exception of Vibora Bay and Lemuria, VIPER have roots or "nests" in almost all the places in the world, well known or secret.

ForceGirl's eternal hate for them came by the way of their theft from her regarding Pulson Technology. She works alongside Project Snakecharmer, with the intention to monitor and eventually thwart the VIPER plague.

Project Snakecharmer is the special unit in UNTIL devoted to fighting VIPER. The unit provides special training to its agents, tailored specifically to handling VIPER threats.


- ForceGirl had to constantly use her powers each day for 5 months to stop them from falling back into their dormant state

- ForceGirl's force field upper strength limit is unknown but has virtually unlimited potential.

- Her force field strength and size are dependent on the amount of concentration she focuses on to field strength.

- Can sometimes become distracted by technology or interesting computer displays


- "I don't want to have to fight you, but if you mess with me or my friends, I'll fight you with everything I have."

- "This has gone far enough!"

- "VIPER scum! You'll pay for stealing from me!"

- "I'm not sure I can contain this...but I'll do my best!"

Personal Interests/Likes

  • ForceGirl enjoys using her science knowledge in the field
  • Being around other scientists
  • Fighting alongside other heroes
  • Peaceful resolutions for heated situations
  • Like minded people


  • Anything to do with VIPER
  • Concussive Blast Cannons
  • High Stress environments
  • Doctor Annihilation

Personality Profile -PRIMUS Report

ForceGirl's personality is the polar opposite of that of her older sister Mentella. She is warm, caring, sensitive and sympathetic towards other people and has not made any enemies or had disagreements within the line of work as a superhero. She enjoys working with others but is quite shy most of the time, and does not seem to understand why she generates attention.

She does not acknowledge the fact that like her older sister, she is exceptionally gifted in both her brain and her looks, no matter how many times she is propositioned by UNTIL Soldiers and other superheroes, she simply brushes it aside as if it is a running joke.ForceGirl is exceptionally curious about various machines and inventions and often gravitates towards the UNTIL labs, making the other scientists very self conscious. She still sees herself as a scientist in many ways and sometimes gets sidetracked by the technology or labs of enemy forces, as her curiosity gets the better of her.

Outside of superheroics, she likes to be called by her first name, Su. She feels that the responsibility of being ForceGirl all the time can detract from her focus on research. Su enjoys reading and research, she prefers to work either alone or with other like-minded individuals.

Unlike her sister, Su is not particularly fond of fighting constantly and prefers to settle things without the use of violence and is no stranger to using her intelligence to cool down a heated situation.

In social situations, Su is exceptionally quiet and modest when talking about herself, but enjoys the company of fellow heroes. The defensive attributes of her personality come to the forefront if someone she knows is being talked about, these defensive attributes however are swiftly followed by her generation of powerful force fields.

In combat situations as ForceGirl, she takes a defensive position, looking out for her team mates or prefering to attract attention from the enemies and taking the brunt of the enemy fire with her force fields. She does not display much offensive capability against her foes in teamed situations unless she is in contact with VIPER forces, in such instances her personality and use of her forcefields becomes shockingly aggressive. With explosive force and freely blasting VIPER troops hundreds of feet into the air.

ForceGirl is definately a force to be reckoned with, though she may not know it or look like much, her offensive forcefield usage and potential threat level put her on par with her sister Mentella.

It does seem that her force fields are not only governed by concentration but also by emotion, causing her to hit harder the more upset she is.

Oddly enough, when in the same vicinity as her sister, both Mentella and herself seem to take on aspects of each others personality. Mentella becomes more friendly and ForceGirl gains an air of sarcasm. Perhaps this is something to do with Xenian psychology?

To Summarise: ForceGirl's personality is very open and friendly, she is also quite shy but does enjoy the company of others. Unlike her sister, emotion governs a majority of her actions, which can allow her to turn the tables of a hard battle very quickly if her anger is not kept in check. She does not enjoy combat as much as most heroes and would feel more at home in a lab doing research, however this assertion is being re-evaluated as she seems to enjoy going on missions and being part of strikeforces more and more. She enjoys keeping herself to herself, but does not reject the friendship of others. Despite various problems she has had in the past with villains, VIPER and off world problems, she has an exceptionally positive out look on life and makes the most of it. It is truly refreshing to have a heroine like ForceGirl around.

Public Opinions

Ever met ForceGirl in Millennium City? A Friend? An Ally? If so, post your opinion of her here!

"ForceGirl? Hmph, so what if she was able to take me down...her costume is soo last season!" - Gravitar

"I think...she might be out to eradiacte all VIPER..only last week an entire base was her alone! Dammit..why didnt I become a teacher.." - VIPER Soldier

"She is without a doubt an extremely nice person, I'm glad to be able to work alongside my sister. She is also one of the few people who warrant my respect. If anyone were to trouble her...I would deal with them..instantly." - Mentella

"FG? Yeah..she's cool, but seriously needs to get out of the lab more. But I've got to hand it to her...those force fields of hers? They are probably tougher than anything I've come across before, she's a great asset to any team, and is always looking out for others" - Black Diamond

"ForceGirl is very interesting individual, she is very intelligent and powerful, like her sister. Although she refuses to acknowledge it she is a very powerful individual, perhaps one of the most skilled wielders of force fields I have come across in all my travels, a truly compassionate individual who is never without concern for the welfare of others." - CharmCaster

Personal Experiences File

After a recent VIPER heist at a local bank in the City Centre we were able to have a few words with ForceGirl about people she has worked with in the past.

Mentella - "My sister is...well initially difficult to get along with...but once she warms up to you she is probably one of the kindest people you'll ever meet. I'm really glad she is around and that we've once again had plenty of opportunities to work together. At times she can be really...tough to work with...but I love her to bits and would do everything in my power to help her. I love seeing her around the sisterhood members it is so nice to see her relax for once! When she's fighting though...she MEANS business, I mean have you seen her fight Medusa? I think she enjoys beating her a little too much...kinda like me and VIPER I guess."

Techna Ology - "My younger sister who is just full of energy...she's super resourceful and never goes anywhere without her arsenal of battle droids. She's a real So'rthya ya know? Oh I err, I mean energy nugget. She loves making droids and reading about the latest exploits of her favorite super team DE:LTA. Don't tell Mentella I said this...but I think she might have a crush on Cavalier of DE:LTA, I mean he is good looking after all, you know the whole Hero worship deal? Anyway, she really focuses in combat, her battle armor is constructed of Xenite, a rare metal found only on my home planet its extremely sturdy stuff. Combined with her Kinetic Modification Field it takes quite a lot of fire power to wear her down. She uses her powers a lot more than Mentella or I do, but I guess she's still relatively young."

Black Diamond - "She's tough. I mean seriously tough, I'm glad we are on the same side, cause I would not like to take a hit from her, even with my force fields up. She seems to have two personalities though, when she's in her normal form she's pretty nice, listens to others and is quite laid back, but when she goes diamond, it's like a totally different person! She becomes aggressive, focused and quite driven. All in all she's a great person, and she's very fitness focused, you can almost always find her in the Training Chamber, I don't know what she does it for though, I mean she already is damn I don't know...maybe she just likes working out? After the scare she had last year when she was almost cracked by the sheer pressure of those 4 Mega Destroids fighting her, she's gotten a lot stronger. I just wish her and Mentella didn't argue so much.."

CharmCaster - "CharmCaster's strange...she uses "magic", which is just easily explainable science which I am yet to determine. Some of the stuff she does breaks every law of physics and just reality there is in existence. I mean her "spells" broke an entire LAB...a WHOLE DATABASE DIED because of her "spell". It's just so...strange. Anyway, "magic" aside, she is a very nice person, I think it was a good move on Mentella's part getting her a spot in The Liberators, it's really helped her with her English and interpersonal skills, which are developing very nicely, I'll have to drop by the Liberators where ever they hang out and thank them personally. Even though she's able to do crazy things, she truly is a fantastic person and a really good addition to the sisterhood, I'm glad we have her."

Patrick Von Despaire (Doctor Annihilation) - "Ah, Patrick, a real creep. He used to be a fellow physicist alongside me when I worked at Cambridge Bio Tech labs, our expertise in Biology was used to the facilities advantages. He worked primarily against me in a lot of projects, I don't really understand why but Mentella said he was "Attentionally starved" by me of all people! She figures he wanted my attention and really liked me. That was true, he asked me out one time and I sort of rejected him...but I said we could still be friends, he kinda went AWOL around that time and at the same time a started getting picked on by a powered armor villain who called himself "Doctor Annihilation" or "Doc A" as some thugs called him. At the same time as "Doc A" started appearing, Patrick handed in his resignation from the Biotech labs. I went to visit him one day after taking down a VIPER squad and had just quickly changed into my civilian wear, I got to his house and his door was open, I cautiously went in and found him struggling to take of a piece of armor that I KNEW belonged to my new nemesis "Doc A", I involuntarily generated a force field for just a sec, but he saw and my cover was blown and now he figured out who I was. Well, he's got my attention now, and he'll live to regret it."

VIPER - "One of the worlds most rampant and devastating organizations, VIPER is a scourge upon the human race as far as I am concerned, made up of scoundrels and thieves and bullies. I have an intense hatred for them and won't "hang up my cape" as it were, till I die or they are "out of the picture"."

Kontrol - "Kontrol's quite bossy, but she knows what she is doing and likes to get things done. Hanging around and waiting around are definitely NOT one of the things she enjoys doing. I think she's kind of a perfectionist, likes to do things "right". Like me she doesn't fully accept the concept of "magic", which is a nice thing we have in common I guess. She doesn't say much though, I think she's little odd and can be a little devoid of feeling for others, all about "cold hard math and logic and numbers", kinda weird I guess, but she's a good person nonetheless."

Sarge - "He is a man of action! Guns blazing and everything. I was surprised at Bionic Bullet's reaction when I told her of my opportunity to meet him, she was very intrigued. He's a no nonsense, gun toting, butt kicking kinda guy. He's really quite tactful too, he's not like normal UNTIL agents who are all impossibly uptight, he's actually well..."human", it's a refreshing feeling to work with someone who isn't all out getting nothing but orders. I've only worked with him a few times but damn, I thought Bionic Bullet's markswoman ship was good, then I saw Sarge, that guy really knows how to stick it to his foes and takes them down with shocking speed and accuracy, good thing he's fighting for the good guys if you ask me."

Cavalier - "Cavalier is a really great guy in my opinion, my younger sister Techna practically worships the ground he walks on. I'm not going to lie both him and Vitality are pretty good looking humans. Anyway yeah, he's the close range hitter of DE:LTA from what I've seen of him. He also has an adorable soft spot for animals, it's so funny to see him go into his own little world when talking about it! I wouldn't be surprised if his alter ego was a well known animal rights activist, its nice to see someone so passionate about something! In the field, he pretty much destroys things before I can focus to fire off my force fields, which is pretty impressive."

Vitality - "This is not someone you want to upset, really he isn't. He reminds me of Black Diamond, without the diamonds and the fact that he isn't a female or Xenian. I'm not sure just how strong he is but a fight between him and Black Diamond, which I hope NEVER happens, would be pretty cataclysmic. I just know that a couple of strong hits from him and I'd buckle under the intense psionic feedback, so it's a good thing he's on our side. He's normally quite quiet, he doesn't really say much, he's more of an observer of events, when he talks you know it's worth listening to as its usually quite helpful. I've only worked with this guy and DE:LTA a few times but they rock, Mentella wasn't kidding. He seems to me to be quite reserved in a way, but in a strangely appealing way...I don't think I have the capacity to explain it in English, there isn't a word for it. Anyway yeah he's what humans call "a tough cookie", I consider him as well as the rest of DE:LTA to be friends."

Protogen - "Darren Moriarty aka Protogen, is an odd guy. He has a real knack for gadgetry. I worked with him in the past after a contact of mine directed me to him after I had a little tech trouble. He worked with me on the discontinued Personal Force Field Emitter Project. It was designed with the intention of fitting every MCPD, VBPD, Steelhead, UNTIL agent possible to help them against the rising power of the gangs, but it wasn't as efficient as it could be, especially when I was severely limited by the I.P.G. Protogen made a breakthrough with the technology, but before I could see it, he'd vanished...along with my tech. My older sister ran into him recently and used the situation she found herself in to gain information from Darren, thinking that I wanted to take him out or something! Can you believe that?! Anyway, I'm hoping to track him down soon and just talk, no hard feelings here...I just hope he doesn't get the wrong idea and start shooting at me..."