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* He likes to draw.
* He likes to draw.
=='''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #0084ed">[[File:Luctus-RP-Hooks.png]]</div>'''''==
* Lyman is a pretty boy. He is very attractive but his personality is lacking.
* Lyman is a pretty boy. He is very attractive but his personality is lacking.

Revision as of 20:38, 18 September 2013


Player: @therealjibily
Biographical Data
Real Name: Lyman de Wit
Known Aliases: Luctus
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Deceased
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Slim/Athletic
Physical Features: None/Glowing eyes
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Identity: Public
Years Active: <1
Citizenship: American Citizen, Canadian Citizen
Occupation: Pawn Shop Cashier
Education: GED
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, Durability, Regeneration, Flight, Limited Empathy
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Lyman is the son of a museum curator and an archaeologist. His family moved very often, and Lyman spent as much time reading tomes and exploring tombs with his family as he spent in school reading children's books and exploring playgrounds. He always had a knack for learning, and it didn't surprise his family when he turned out to be a history buff.

Lyman suffered from intense migraines sporadically during his childhood. It took him, the doctors, and his family around 10 years to figure out the trigger. His migraines always occurred on days of natural disasters. The ringing in his ears he always heard was not normal. He was hearing the suffering of people around him. They also figured out, after some broken furniture and bones, that he became physically stronger as the noises got louder.

Lyman's family was killed in a plane crash on their way to a secluded dig site in Greece. Lyman survived the crash with his body unharmed, but mentally he hasn't been the same since.

He began to hear a voice. The voice claims to be Penthos, the spirit of mourning. Penthos wants Lyman to stop the suffering. Find the noise and stop those causing it. Penthos says the powers Lyman has are a gift he bestowed; and it is Lyman's duty to carry out his mission. But Penthos doesn't always talk to him, so Lyman tries his best to carry out his work while still enjoying his life.

Inspired by the heroes he had seen and read about, Lyman chose to follow in their foot steps. If there are no criminals there will be less suffering. He chose the name Luctus as a sign of respect for Penthos, as Luctus is the Romanized name of the spirit.

  • July 7th, 1995: Lyman de Wit is born in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • September 11th, 2001: Lyman experiences his first migraine and levels his house in a tantrum.
  • March 20th, 2003: The Iraq War starts. Lyman experiences another migraine. He is pacified before any major damage is done.
  • December 26th 2004: The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami devastates Southeast Asia. While on vacation in China with his parents, Lyman experiences another intense migraine and accidentally topples a small building. No injuries were reported.
  • August 29th, 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast. Lyman experiences another massive migraine while on a trip in Mexico with his parents. Doctors finally link his headaches and power surges to emotional events.
  • July 9th, 2011: Lyman obtains his GED while working with his parents on an archaeological excavation.
  • January 3rd, 2013: While heading to a dig site in Greece, the de Wit's plane crashes for unknown reasons. Lyman is the only member of his family to survive.
  • January 4th, 2013: Lyman begins hearing a voice claiming to be Penthos, the spirit of mourning. He is told that he was given his abilities by Penthos to end humanity's suffering.
  • January 21st, 2013: Lyman registers to be a hero under the name Luctus - the Romanized name for Penthos.


Lyman de Wit lives in a small rundown apartment in Westside. His parents were archaeologists, and were not extremely wealthy, so not much was left for him when they died. He completed his GED early in his high school years so that he could join them on their excavations. After they died Lyman took a job at a local Pawn Shop with a colleague of his parents.

Lyman is an avid soccer fan. Most of his free time while on excavations with his family was spent playing soccer with the local kids. He likes Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and video games, but he doesn't consider himself a nerd.






Lyman/Luctus can 'hear' mental suffering in the form of varying tones. Every sentient being capable of feeling sadness has a noise. Lyman is able to hear nearly every human, alien, etc. on Earth from anywhere on the planet; however, the further away the source is the less distinguishable any particular tone becomes. At any given point Luctus can only successfully pick out sources within a 300 mile radius. He is much more capable of picking out tones if he is familiar with the person it is coming from.

Luctus becomes more powerful when he is around suffering. These powers include increased strength, durability, and regeneration, as well as the ability to fly. These powers all scale with the amount of mental suffering around him. In addition to the powers that stem from the suffering of others, Luctus is also able to transfer physical pain from others to himself. This power does not seem to change with his others powers.

  • Super Strength: Luctus' baseline strength is still quite strong. When not increased by the suffering around him, he can still lift a few tons and punch dents into the hardest metals. On average Luctus can lift around 10 tons. At his peak Luctus can lift well over 100 tons.
  • Super Durability: Even when not empowered by the suffering around him, Luctus can still shrug off most wounds. Bullets bounce off of him and blades don't cut him; however, armor piercing rounds are effective. At his peak Luctus is nearly impervious to all damage.
  • Regeneration: Luctus does not regenerate much faster than a normal human if there is no suffering around him. On an average day Luctus can recover from major cuts and burns in around a half hour. At his peak Luctus may not seem to have wounds at all, even when receiving them. He cannot regenerate lost body parts.
  • Flight: Luctus can fly at around 100 miles per hour when not empowered. When empowered he can focus solely on flight and is able to fly at hypersonic speeds.
  • Pain Transfer: Regardless of the emotional state around him, Luctus is able to transfer the physical pain, and to small degree, physical damage, from others to himself. This ability requires contact.


  • Constant Headache: Lyman is almost perpetually nursing a mild headache. Volatile emotions can incapacitate Lyman if he is not prepared for them.
  • Happy Fun Times: Lyman's powers rely on the emotional distress of the people around him. He has extreme range of power. He can tap into the misery of people across the globe. However, his powers scale with his surroundings. If no one is sad around him, he isn't much of a force.
  • Hearing Voices: People tend not to like people who hear voices - especially when that voice doesn't agree with 21st century morality.
  • Pissed Off God: Penthos doesn't appreciate when Lyman does typical teenager things like flirting and teasing. Lyman seems to get worse headaches after teasing friends.


Luctus/Lyman's opinion on his teammates. This is not public knowledge.

Mercy - Lyman likes Charity. She is kind and he feels she cares a great deal about everyone's well-being. Unfortunately he doesn't think she is a good leader. In his opinion she is too reserved and hesitant. He also thinks she's kind of cute, in a sad puppy sort of way.

Samantha/Galactigal - Lyman isn't sure how he feels about Sam. He likes her personality and they share a lot of interests, but people seem to think he has a crush on her. It makes him uncomfortable, and he's been less friendly towards her as a result. Gal, on the other hand, Lyman finds entirely amusing. He doesn't understand why everyone else seems to like Sam better. He considers them to be two sides of the same coin. Gal is the less inhibited side. Neither of them seem too interested in leading the team, and he's never seen them try.

Black Ice - Lyman is jealous of Oliver. Every girl, and even some of the guys in New Vigil seem to drool over him. He doesn't know if it's the dumb English accent, or some burning desire to find out if there's anything warm under his cold, uninviting badboy exterior. Lyman is fully aware Oliver doesn't trust him. He doesn't think Oliver trusts anyone. Despite his jealousy and the fact that Oliver constantly makes fun of him, Lyman wants to be friends. He did invite Lyman to move into the apartment. He has hope!

Bee - If there's one person Lyman has no real opinion of, it's Bee. He doesn't know much about him. Lyman suspects Bee is hiding something. Or some things.

Blue Freedom - Blue is insane. She attacks teammates... In hospitals! What a biiiitch...

Quarrel - Lyman thinks Quarrel is kind of moody. She seems to like to flaunt her homosexuality. He doesn't mind it, but it's kind of tiring when it's all she talks about. Despite that, he likes her. She seems fun to him.

Lash - Lyman thinks Olevia is attractive. He also thinks she's vain and it bothers him that every time he tries to talk to her she is distracted by Oliver.

Sha-Bam - Lyman's pretty sure Keilandria hates him. Other than that he's indifferent. Although he'd like to know if it ever gets tiring talking like she does.

Heartbeat - Taffi's nice. Dumb, but nice. It kind of bothers him that every alien girl he's met turns out to be a lesbian, but he doesn't fault her for it. She also needs to stop matching her clothes to her hair. It's weird.

Stopwatch - Shannon always seems very shy and tends to doubt herself too much. Lyman wishes she would be more outgoing because she seems lonely. She also apparently has a crush on him, which is interesting, if not a bit flattering.

Prankenstein - Pranky is weird. The good kind of weird. The kind that randomly starts juggling things when he isn't being addressed in a conversation. He amuses Lyman.

Blue Wizardess - Jaidean is beautiful. She also moves way too fast - having basically 'decided' they were dating. Lyman is kind of uncomfortable around her, but he does like her. He's just not sure how much.


  • Is named after Lyman Hall, a delegate from Georgia and signer of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Although born in Halifax, Lyman considers himself American because he has lived in the USA his whole life.
  • He can play multiple string instruments, including guitar, ukulele, and mandolin.
  • He likes to draw.
  • Lyman is a pretty boy. He is very attractive but his personality is lacking.


Compassionate Critic

Enigmatic Empowering Entity

Pretty Boy

Orphan's Ordeal

Jerkass Facade

Muscles are Meaningless


Comments from other heroes go here.

"We are not...particularly fond of this...human. He thinks too...highly of himself. However, we do find...that he is a good listener...and we like the arguements...him and Samantha get into." / "Lyma-bean is kind of neat, I guess, even though he's always a JERK! I guess that's not fair, though, I mean, he can hear the suffering of people, so he's kind of got an excuse. I know I wouldn't be able to stay cool under THAT kind of pressure, I'd go insane!" -Galactigal/Samantha, respectively

"...it's kind of mean to call him Lymabean. Er, at least I think so." -Mercy

"Huh? Who the heck is Luctus? Can you get that camera out of my face..?" -Megabyte

"Lucky's a good guy! He also wears cool shirts too. I think he needs to open up a bit more since it's hard to get to know him well." - Heartbeat

"Lyman's always kinda come across as... I don't know, full of himself? Whatever. If I had to take a guess though, I'd say it's a coping mechanism. Knowing where his powers come from... it can't be easy. It says a lot about him that he isn't a dribbling pile of tears and pity-me complex." - Quarrel

"I'm not like super close to him, but hey he's not being an ass--oh! Hold on, I think Soldier Boy's calling me!" - Lash

"Lyman's really considerate. When I'm by myself, he likes to come around and stand with me, just so I'm not alone... He's got a lot on his plate, so I think it's amazing that he can still put others before him. I think a lot of the others don't like him all that much, but I like him. A lot." *she blushes a bit* - Shannon/Stopwatch

"Lucky is a good friend. His consideration for others and kindness are extremely helpful for the entire group. Glad to have him around."-Prankenstein

"Lyman's cool. I like to hang with him. But I think there's a lot about him that I don't know, which isn't a bad thing." -Bloodline

"I'm quite curious about the nature of his powers. It appears to be a previously undocumented form of empathy, though I won't know for sure without a sample of his brain tissue to study." - M.E.D.I.C.

"Lucky is quite alright I suppose. A tad unstable perhaps, but then again who isn't? At least he seems to have a handle on it." - Black Ice

"I wonder which he likes less, being called 'Lemon' or being called 'Lymabean'? He's kind of a buzzkill, really, but maybe I've just always caught him on off days?" - Whitecloak


WIP Pride - Manchester Orchestra

Newvigilbanner2.png e
Leaders: Mercy
Senior Members: Arcane SquireBee
Natural: Temudjin
Magic: Cheapshot • Jinx • Kid Harrier • RedTorrent • Virtuoso • VisageWhitecloak
Mutant: Bloodline • Boy Wonder • CelerityLionfish • Magnetar • Mineshaft • Skips • Turbo • Unstoppable
Science: EmberPrankensteinXenergy