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Revision as of 10:10, 4 July 2014 by Pariba (Talk | contribs)

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never had a back up of this one. Add pictures: make gallery. Add headers. Add paragraphs. Add crazy clone antics. fix colours.



General stuff goes here. YAY for crazy clones of a clone of a local supervillain! 8 foot 8 year olds in 22 year old bodies. Confusing? I think so.

  • They're roughly 10 months old. 2 months younger then Snookums. With the exception of Linden, who is close to 5 months.
  • Relatives are 1a[elder sister], Linden & Super Villain "Father"
  • Clones are not American citizens, as they were "born" at a cloning facility at an undisclosed location. Only Linden, made in Detroit may qualify.
Clone D
D-337B: D is for "Deceptive."

She is the spy-clone, trained separately from the others, given enhanced mental blocks to segregate her thoughts from the clone collective by villainous Psychics. Due to this manipulation she is one of the strongest telepaths in the clone collective. She is also a qualified pilot. She was inserted into the school clones as an undercover agent. Later she reported personally to the Super-villain for several special assignments- one of which he severely injured her so the others would not be suspicious. She still bears faint white scars near her right ear from this. She is the one that infected the school clones with toxic nanites and made them seriously ill [also causing the unintentional discovery of a new hallucinogenic fungus] Ms. Sterga created a cure for the clones while they were in Hawa'ii recovering.
D fled upon discovery of her subterfuge- Glenn the Telioraptor had been suspicious of her behavior for quite some time- and the Boss retired her to a small cottage on the beach in the Caribbean with her own Mook. D suspects the mook was placed there to keep an eye on her and ensure she had no contact with the other clones stationed nearby. Subsequently she grew quite friendly with the locals and avidly took up cooking the local cuisine. [She makes a wicked jerk chicken!]
After the Space Rock Incident D took the place of M at the School for Troubled Girls- and was later was released upon Good Behaviour. She felt she owed the school clones, and this was a way of repaying it.
Currently she lives in Westside with the other Ex-villain clones. She is taking Muay-Thai classes as exercise.

Favorite Song: "Dreamer" -Ozzy Osbourne
Favorite TV Show: "Remington Steele"
Favorite Foods: Ginger beer and fried cassava

Clone G
G-557C G is for "Grumpy."

Keeping her word is important for G. Even when it involves doing something she shouldn't.
She stabbed the unfortunate Chevalier because of this, and as a result, got the Westside clones banned from school property.
She has a very short temper.
G lives in Westside.

G needs a much longer bio, but I am lazy and have to think of something amusing for it. :P

Favorite Song: "Get Lucky" -Daft Punk
Favorite Movie: "Vampire Hunter D"
Favorite Food: Grilled cheese with extra ketchup.

Clone H
H-442S H is for "Helpful."

She was the Head clone in Villain Fort 13B and her name comes from aiding Catbot Prime's schemes, as well as chauffeuring her between the bases. When the clones became concerned Catbot Prime's robotic replacements would take their jobs, and after the Space Rock Evacuation, she formally gave notice they would not be returning to work for the evil empire.
H has short hair and a collection of assorted hats, her favorite being a fedora. She is an avid reader, speaks the best English of all the clones and is a certified pilot. She maintains a stolen Transport plane in the parking garage under the Westside apartments.
She was mentally abducted for several days by a Viper telekinetic for being a little too curious. This landed her in a coma though recovery once the Telekinetic was defeated and her mind freed, was rapid.
She discovered the Purple Alien wandering the docks and was ordered to observe her. This led to the super-villain stalking H to amuse himself. She spent the next two weeks without sleep in the lair of Felicia, a local Vigilante.
H has become the unofficial leader of the Westside clones, keeping them organized, clothed and fed, as well as keeping them in line. Clone K sometimes acts as an enforcer for her, particularly when other gangs are involved. Recently shot three times by an unknown Sniper. She has recovered, and after a brief vacation in Lake Havasu City, resumed life as normal in Detroit.

Favorite Song: "Space Oddity" -David Bowie
Favorite Colour: Black. And Sea green. And maybe Lime.... H can't decide.
Favorite Food: Pear Gelato

Clone K
K-956X K is for "Killer".

Clone K, like most of her sisters, used to work for an evil empire led by a powerful super-villain. While the witch Severin gave all the Westside clones the magically created General Lee, K claimed it. She is both the best suited to drive it... and executed the Duke Boys that came with it. She suspects that Ethan, the EBI groundskeeper, saw this and has taken to stalking him. She's very social, prefering none-clone company and is rather outgoing, if somewhat paranoid. K is also the muscle for clone H, especially against the other Westside gangs. She gets things done.
Recently She was kidnapped by an escaped Meta-human convict in an abandoned warehouse. He informed her he was being paid handsomely to kill her and that her sister's lives were in danger. Shortly thereafter the Flying Dutchman broke in and rescued her, then returned her to Detroit. She was about to enter the local police station to make a report but was shot by an unknown Sniper. She spent a long time recovering in a stasis chamber and is on medical leave at East Briar, seeing the speech therapist there ... and keeping an eye on her very distractible sister, R.
She tends to dye blue streaks into her hair.

Favorite Song: "Dancing Queen" -ABBA
Favorite TV Show: "What's Opera, Doc?"
Favorite Food: Peanut-butter and Jelly sandwiches.

Clone L
L-156T L is for "Looney."

L is mildly obsessed with Surfing. Occasionally she "borrows" the East Briar Institute Anti-gravity sleds for moving heavy furniture around the school, and goes on a joyride through town. Though not very fast as the sleds are rather slow.
Once bitten by a shark while on vacation in Hawa'ii, she promptly bit it to death in return. Her sisters were quite amused and took the cleaned jaws home as a trophy. It is now on the wall of her dorm room, beside her Longboard. She practically lives in her "Three Palms Resort " T-shirt.
She is known among her clone-sisters for being hyper, easily distractable and prefering knives to guns.
Recently she as winged in an attack by a sniper while test-driving Chevalier's new car. Don't worry, she's fine. She helped organize replacement parts to be shipped to the school to fix the car. It's a sweet car, she hopes French will let them try driving it again.

Favorite Book: "National Geographic"
Favorite Colour: Electric Blue
Favorite Food: Canned Peaches

Clone M
M-234B: M is for "Mayhem."

M took to robbing banks early, leading a squad of nine clones in bloodless raids before vanishing into nearby storm sewers. While very capable she has a rather short temper and this has caused her quite a bit of trouble.
Involved in the raid on the bank after 'Linden's death, she was injured and with four others surrendered to authorities. Later she threw the Purple Mercenary out a dorm room window, mistakenly thinking he could fly. [He recovered fully but bears a strong grudge against all of the clones.] She turned herself in to police and while in custody at the city jail had a mental breakdown. She clawed through the wall of her cell and found a power cable- then hugged it, thinking the electricity within was her friend the "Blue Light" and caused a fire and the brownout of areas of the prison. She was transferred to a School for Troubled Girls, away from Detroit. She was not the best pupil there and often ran afoul of the rules.
During the Space Rock incident she suffered a severe panic attack and was allowed to return to stay with her sisters. Once things calmed down it was discovered clone D had taken her place. Allowed to return to East Briar on Probation, M has resumed her studies there- though she does tend to keep a low profile.
M has a knack for robotic technology and has made several interesting items, including a miniaturized Death-ray for Ms. Sterga [also doubles as a cigarette lighter] and putting the finishing touches on Mechanicat. Recently she has made tiny video-cameras accessible by cellular phone that are scattered through the school grounds. The clones use them for remote surveillance. They're fairly sure both Chevalier and Atlus use them a well.
Because of the electricity that passed through her system her nanite-augmentation malfunctioned along her left side. Later the defective sections were removed via surgery. Her augments are now fully functional but remain in a passive role.

Favorite Song: "Bank Robber" -The Clash
Favorite Movie: "The Magnificent Seven"
Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate M&MS... but only the red ones.

Clone R
R-332K: R is for "Rabid."

She led a rather unexceptional life like many of her sister clones until she was kidnapped and murdered by a vindictive villain, her body horribly mutilated. She and another were to serve as an example to the others not to steal from him. She was put back together by the Catbots, and raised from the dead -slightly too early- by a well-meaning [but drunk] shaman. This may be the cause of R's later problems.
She has severe anger issues and has attacked people for little cause, usually with a knife, or whatever is at hand. Chevalier, Atlusbot, her sisters- it doesn't seem to matter. She had been asked repeatedly to stop, then locked in the school's security Quiet Room for several days when she continued. There she tried to attack Brother Ignatius, a Jesuit who works as a Counselor at the school. He frightened her into submission by claiming to be Dead. She is firmly convinced he is a Vampire.
A few days after that she picked a fight with Jay at Carl's gym, and he soundly mopped the floor with her. Upon her release from the school infirmary -and the calming drugs she was prescribed there- her actions have been slightly less violent. Her sisters doubt she'll continue to take them and have fitted her with a shock collar that restricts her access below the 18th floor. They escort her to and from classes, the cafeteria and the grounds with a modified taser and the controller for the collar.
Because of this, R is rather lonely and spends quite a bit of time by herself. She is not allowed to keep anything sharp: even the cutlery in the kitchenette has been replaced with plastic, just in case.
R has recently been kidnapped by a Voodoo sorcerer who performed brain surgery on her and imbued her with malevolent ghosts then sent her on a murder spree across town. She was Captured by "DEMON [apparently] recaptured by Atlus &co. and brought to a wizardly fortress for care and containment. It turns out there was a Loa, "Baron Kriminel" within her as well who somewhat managed to keep the other spirits in check. After the Loa was hit by hellfire from a vengeful fallen angel, thus weakening her condition. R was given emergency surgery to save her life. The full effects of this are not yet known.
A week after this in an attempt to save Exitus' soul from the fallen angel, the Loa repossessed R and slashed her wrists. She was found before she lost too much blood. After some time in a comatose state she awoke amnesiac and was eventually returned to the school- permanently changed by the experience.
R had a plushie of her former boss in a too-small pink tutu. It was damaged beyond repair while she was possessed, and her sisters replaced it with a plushie dragon R named "Bessmoth".

Favorite Song: "Bacon Pancake" -Adventure Time.
Favorite Colour: Chartreuse.
Favorite Food: Broccoli in Cheddar cheese sauce.

Clone S
S-667G S is for "Snerk."

S likes practical jokes, Indiana Jones and sawed-off shotguns. She has a cheeky sense of humor and is likely to mouth off with some smart remark... even if the situation doesn't call for one.

She has a Australian Blue Heeler puppy, named Max, that she saved from the Maniacs gang with the aid of some local Vigilantes. She lives in Westside with 800 of her clone-sisters. She also has a bad habit of setting explosives....
Currently S is working [with 56 of her sisters] at a Theme park the next town over.

Favorite Book: "Gulliver's Travels" -Jonathan Swift
Favorite TV Show: "Gunsmoke"
Favorite Food: Chocolate covered Raisins

Clone T Goes Here
T-996S T is for "Troublemaker"

T is a Westside Clone. She likes to brawl. She likes Turkey legs and pickles... Lets go to the Ren Faire!
She has R-watching duty when R leaves the school grounds. T doesn't mind, they get along well.

Favorite Song: "Caruso" -Pavarotti
Favorite Colour: Magenta
Favorite Food: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.

Clone V
V-423L V is for "Volunteer."

V likes to help. She's open, giving and unusually patient... compared to her sisters, anyway. She'll do what she can for you. Though.... like all of her clone-sisters her 'help' is sometimes less then beneficial, even if it is well meant.
She dresses a little "nicer" then some of her sisters who tend to "run over by a car" clothing ideas, but they share everything. She's partial to cinnamon gum, mini-lights, blue shoelaces and jingly bangle bracelets.
She is a terrible cook.
Recently she was badly injured in a sniper attack while test-driving Chevalier's new car. She has recovered fully.... The car on the other hand needs a lot of work.

Favorite Song: "Rainbow Connection" -The Muppets
Favorite Book: "The Last Unicorn" -Peter S. Beagle
Favorite Food: Dried marshmallows in "Lucky Charms" cereal.

Clone Z
Unknown: Z is for "Zombie."

She was saved by the Catbots during Blood-moon and fixed. Retains a desire to gnaw on things whenever the moon turns pink- this irks her sisters as it's usually them. She is Mute, due to her being decapitated in her zombie state and irreparable damage done to her vocal cords. She is learning American Sign Language- but tends to communicate with gestures, notes and her text-capable phone.
She has a part-time job in a small delicatessen in westside, mostly inventory and cleaning. She is not allowed to help the customers. She spends her paycheck buying spicy pepperoni sticks, much to the owner's amusement.
With her Sister M's help and Chevalier's patronage she made Mechanicat- who the clones simply call "Kitty". Z is in charge of Molly's care, riding her around town, bathing and feeding her and occasionally spending the night in her enclosure.
Unlike most of the other School clones Z is not afraid of the Super-villain and leaves him finger-painted fan art at his penthouse. If any of the art is ever actually seen by him, she doesn't know. She is no longer allowed to smoke anything he may give her as she doesn't react well to his special "cigars".
Her augments are in a passive role and she has no memory of her previous combat training [or anything else pre-Zombification.] She is taking self defense classes at a local gym at her sister's insistence.
Z has a pair of special plushies. The one that shoots fire from it's gasmask was a personal gift from the super-villain himself as an apology for badly injuring her. She also has toy T-Rex that "RAWR"s when you honk it's rear end. She was given a large clear green stone by Krioss- it may be an emerald. She likes to look through it at things.

Favorite Song: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" -Iz.
Favorite TV Show: "My Little Pony"
Favorite Food: Chocolate Caramels


There is a definate link between Snookums and her secondary clones- not quite a hive mind, not quite telepathy. She can open or close the link between the clones, and they feel her [and each other's] strong emotions, and to a lesser degree thoughts. This is emphasised when several of the clones gather and repeat the mantra of "We are Snookums. We are one." As time goes on, the secondary clones have become much more independent, and their individual natures are showing through- or at least to people who spend time with them. They will deliberately try to act "interchangeably" as well as putting on a "Dumb clone" act when needed. Currently there are 843 Snookii left, out of the original 1000.

  • Dancing: The clones can do "The Hustle" very well, having watched Saturday Night Fever far too many times. They can do the "Caramelldansen" as well, but won't admit that. They like to dance, they just aren't very good at doing them.
  • Music: The clones are not the best singers but they harmonize very well. They often warble Black Sabbath's songs usually while headbanging and playing air guitar, often while drunk. One night in the local drunk tank they were introduced to Caruso, and discovered opera. The Speech Therapist at the school suggested they form a choir, and they quite enjoy this. Z directs them and they're expanding their repertoire quickly, including traditional hymns for Brother Iggy's services at the chapel.

* should be 40 clones not counting linden or 1a

* should be 801 left. not counting sno, linden or 1a


  • Chevharmless1.png
    Chevalier [French]. The fencing master, Home economics teacher and head cook at the school. He keeps an eye on the clones, offers healthy eating options, a rational viewpoint [and spelling help] when they need it... as well as the occasional punishment. He refused them cookies for a month, the clones were very upset. He is something of a spy, has a rather mysterious past and a hobby of building robots and other useful gadgets. He helped Z build Mechanicat. Recently restored a 1957 Bel Air hardtop. It was damaged in a sniper attack.
  • Brother Ignatius [Brother Iggy]. A Jesuit priest who works as a Counselor at the school, offering advice to the staff and students, and a cool head when needed. No one is quite sure if he has powers- or what they might be if he does- but he was unaffected by Clone R's attack upon his person with a metal cot. He has met the Loa that possessed R previously.
  • Exitustestshot2.png
    Exitus. [Flappy Guy] A fallen angel that crash landed on school grounds and transformed into his human "punishment", befriended clone R. She and her sisters are trying to help him adapt to life as a human, he in turn tries to help them as much as he can. Tragically he had been kidnaped and murdered in an attempt to stop Semyaza the fallen angel, then restored to life, having taken the clone's sins into him- the clones are unaware of this as yet.
  • AtlusHacksDoor.png
    Atlus [BotBot/Delibot/Deathbot 5000]. He maintains the Flight Simulator for the school, is the clone's doctor [Medibot] and keeps an eye on them, often hauling them out of trouble- much to his frustration. Though his AI is not that much older then the clones themselves he has a much better grasp on the world and the way things -and people- work. They come to him often for advice. He really wants a vacation. Coincidence? I think not.
  • Sharren Atlus [DocAtlus]. Sharren has helped the clones on several occasions, and gone to rock and roll concerts with them. She let V stay at her house once. She has a dog, BoBo: He was the first dog the clones ever played with. She was unintentionally injured in Snookums's psychotic-psychic break. She came to Alaska during the Semzaya incident and stayed a little extra to spend time with Atlus and the clone, and helped Snookums get re-used to dealing with people.

  • Omnerathon [Omen, Nom Knee] a Nephilim in disguise recently hired on as the EBI school counselor. Though his association with the clones has been brief so far, his intentions in protecting them seem genuine.

  • OldGlory7.png
    Old Glory Vii [Glory], Leader of the super-team Patriot Act- the group that R and T joined thinking it was an after school club. While neither clone knows him that well, he teats them like people, rather then laboratory creations. They borrow his desk to do their homework at and steal his mints while they're there. Turns out he's pretty good at helping them with math too!


The clones associate not only with the students and staff at EBI, but various people across town, and several still maintain friendship within the evil empire itself.

The Vigilante Safe House:

  • Damian the Cop. Is investigating the sniper shootings of the Westside clones.
  • AtlusBrian1.png
    Brian the Ex-Maniac. His identity accidently revealed to the Super-villain by Snookums, Brian fled Detroit for several months, fearing retribution for the destruction of a drug-delivery van, and the eventual cracking of the drug ring.
  • FeliciaPurpleEye.png
    Felicia the Wizard. She is part of an association to defend earth from magical threats and has been instrumental in stopping the recent arrival of Semyaza the fallen angel.
  • Ethan the Ex-Maniac. Groundskeeper at EBI. He was badly burned by an incendiary grenade and attacked by Skittles in the hospital. The clones shot him once, felt bad, and got him a job at the school. Clone K stalked him for a time- then came to an arrangement with him about the clones activities and his nightly hobby. He lives in a clone-built addition in the back of Molly's house, the mastodon likes him.

  • RedZelk.png
    Zelkear the Short Surly Alien". Is funny when not grumpy. Crashed a UFO on EBI grounds and Clone Z got a ray-gun from the wreck. Clones gave him a toque to keep him warm while he is on vacation in Canada. Clone T gave him a key to the bunker, in case he needs a place to stay.

The Gangs The local gangs have dubbed the clones "The Sisters", and usually are on guard against them.

  • Maniacs: the clones know a couple ex-members, and one current member- Skittles. She was freed from a upstate asylum and is on the lam.
  • Purples: The clones live nearer the purple gang and keep painting over the graffiti on their apartment walls that keeps popping up.
  • Cobra Lords: Clones hang with them a lot, talking cars and booze. Ethan hired one to watch K until she was shot, after that, there was no further need.
  • Black Aces: Not usually seen near the Westside apartments, the clones deal with them as the situation arises.

Everyone Else

  • BlueFishWedding.png
    Zurine & Chompy[The Blue Fish/Fishstick. Sharkosaur]. Their longtime friend and shopping buddy Zurine is attending a different school- but still comes over to visit. They 'borrow' her nail polish collection now and then. She married the Purple Mercenary [Kagewoe] and the clones are hoping for Eggbabies. Chompy is her pet shark-turned-raptor via a magic collar, and the clones love to fuss over him when he comes to visit. Chompy loves tummy rubs and muzzle scratchings. He's an expert at Frisbee.

  • Krioss. [Shark] A Karkarodon, from the Bermuda Triangle. The Former EBI Lifeguard, he now works at the Kitty Cat Klub as a stripper on ladies night.

  • RedSterga1.png
    Sterga [Ms.Sterga/ Ms.Lawbringer]. The former Science Department head at EBI. The clones were much in awe of Sterga while she taught there. She saved them from their own foolishness more then once, as well as from the Super-villain's intentions. They refer to her as "Ms.Sterga". Clone D slipped and refered to her as "Ms.Lawbringer"- leading to her eventual discovery. The clones were told Sterga was killed on Mars and they bought a nice stone monument and put a rose bush beside it.

  • BlueDemonBoy.png
    Nightbringer & Glenn. [Blue Demon Boy] A fellow student. He works for UNTIL and is suspicious of the clones activities- and for good reason. He was at the receiving end of one of the clone's games [Smooch Nightbringer] and has never forgotten this. He has a collection of cursed plushies which he periodically delivers to the 18th floor as a form of plushie punishment. Glenn is his pet telioraptor. He's quite intelligent, can read and write as well as speak- though with a odd accent.

  • Jorge: an NPC medic working at the EBI Infirmary studying metahumans. Is willing to do a quiet patchjob on the staff if the need arises. Tried to get the Super-villain to institutionalize Snookums as he feels she is a danger to the public loose. Recently had been kidnapped, driven mad by a Voodoo Sorcerer, and treated in the Wizardly Citadel. He' returned to Detroit, somewhat less sane but with a better appreciation what the local supers have to deal with.

  • Lashwandala: an NPC nurse at Mercy General Hospital. She has an attitude, and will tell you where to go and how to get there if you cross her. She tried to kill Fred the Ferret with a shoe.


  • Molly is a cloned Mastodon. She's smarter then she appears, can read and write [albeit clumsily] and has been trained to be ridden into battle. She was saved from a madman set on invading Canada by Chevalier's friends, brought to the school and entrusted to the clones care. Her food is provided by a local zoo who is studying her: She's quite fond of apples.

    The clones have built her a enclosure; it looks rather like a elephant-size doll house with a wide lawn and a fence. Molly has discovered how to beat the locks and gives herself walks around town regularly. Clone Z made her barding from thrift-store quilts so she won't be cold at night and there is a hammock in the enclosure, sometimes used by Z, but currently the groundskeeper, Ethan, is staying there.

  • Dingo is a small tabby cat. She is a stray that Molly found beside a dumpster and brought to scare the squirrels from her enclosure. Dingo is rather shy toward strangers but quite comfortable around the mammoth and regularly-seen people [the clones, Brother Ignatious, Ethan, Chevalier] She often spends the night asleep on Molly's broad forehead.

  • Mechanicat is a robotic cat built by Z under Chevalier's guidance in the school robotics lab and later finished by M.
    There were some errors in the construction: laser beams out her mouth and questiontite claws may have been a bad idea- they were later removed. She has a toy's voice box to mew and is programed to simulate the actions of a real cat. The clones have leashed her so she does not wander off without them, as has happened several times. It upsets Clone Z. They have sewn several faux-fur "Skins" for her so if one is damaged or destroyed it can be easily replaced.

  • Max is a Blue Heeler puppy. Clone S saved him from a group of Maniacs: they had the dog in a gunny sack and were going to throw him in the river. <P> S noticed, saved the dog and after a running gun battle [aided by local Vigilantes] the dog was saved. He was checked over by Doctor Katy the Vet, patched up and adopted by the ex-Legion clones. They're trying to teach him tricks- it isn't going well.

  • FearlessFred.png
    Fred the "Fearless Ferret" is just that, Fearless. He is obviously some sort of Meta-animal. He speaks, is highly acrobatic, knows several martial arts styles and is unafraid to take on foes many times his size.
    Linden found him in a parking garage menaced by a dog and took him home. Since then he's gotten around town quite well. The clones aren't sure where he came from: they found him in Linden's backpack after she went missing. He spent some time with them then left when they tried to dress him in doll-clothes... not that you can blame him.


  • The School:

"The East Briar Institute of Higher Learning" - or simply abbreviated "EBI" is a rather posh school for supers. Located in the middle of downtown Detroit near the Lemurian embassy and incorporating Sakura Park, few know the well traveled plaza is bounded by the school buildings.
It focuses on teaching well rounded courses in anything an up and coming super might need; sciences, arts, magic and so on. It features a custom build air-and-space flight simulator, a well stocked robotics workshop, a fine library of eldritch tomes, and some of the finest staff available in the area. A chapel is on premises for quiet reflection as well as an infirmary specializing in training doctors with Meta-human patients.
An eighteen floor dormitory is available for student housing. Floors Fifteen through Seventeen are built to accommodate students with special needs or living conditions.
It should be noted that PRIMUS has a ROTC training corps on the grounds and security is very high while being kept subtle. The priority is keeping the students safe as there have been several attacks within recent months and several areas of the school itself nearly destroyed.
The school Mascot is a cloned Mastodon named Molly who lives in a fenced enclosure on the grounds. she is very popular with the students and they are encouraged to take an interest in her upkeep and wellbeing.

  • The Westside Properties:

The clones bought three rundown apartment buildings within a half block of each other and refurbished them to live in. It is a tight squeeze with eight hundred clones in he buildings but they seem to manage alright. The parking garages below two of the buildings is used to store the jets and transports the clones brought with them when they left the Super-villain's employ.
There have been problems with local gangs since they moved in- mostly graffiti on the walls, but a few physical altercations have occurred. The clones have installed gates and security cameras in hopes to stop further unwanted trespass.

  • The Bunker:

At first an old survivalist bunker some distance outside the suburbs Snookums acquired for her home, it soon became a safe haven for the Forty-odd clones that followed her to Detroit. They lived in cramped conditions until the accidental discovery and destruction of the bunker by a local super-villain. The clones were evacuated by PRIMUS to a nearby school at which they stayed until it too was destroyed, and they were enrolled at East Briar.
Unknown to them a friend [the Purple Alien] used her contacts to have the bunker rebuilt and upgraded so the clones could live there comfortably. The clones all have keys to it, and have entrusted them to a few select people should they need to 'Borrow' it for a few days. As the clones live in either East briar dorms or the Westside apartments these days it sees relatively little use. They do visit to have barbecues on the lot above and store their private arsenal where it can't be confiscated.


  • Discovery of 1a. rogue isles training. Return. Discovery of clones: Storm sewers. westside school. liquer store trick. Clones bought.
  • Cooking attempt: The fungus. French dies. 1a mindwipe: creation of linden. Linden in legion. Linden in westside.
  • Villain rock concert: Clones meet Sharren. Clones get new jobs: Argent, Escorting old ladies. Massacre. Destruction of westside school.
  • East Briar. M builds Z a toy boat. Z builds Mechanicat. Defenestration: M goes to jail. Z injured by Super-villain/plushie.
  • Evil TC. Space Rock incident: Evacuating to the moon. M panic attack& temp. release. Zurine's wedding.
  • Leaving the evil empire. Buying westside property. New orders. "Vigilante licenses".
  • Viper Attacks! Linden kidnapped. 1A buried/school destroyed. H is trapped. H freed, Viper takes over world via drysha gas.
  •  ?? Viper stuff!
  • Cat Hunt. School rebuilt/ new school year begins. Following Acyth. H traumatized by Super-villain. Purple dye in school shampoo. M returns: is D in disquise.
  • R attacks Chevalier & Atlus. Brother Iggy meets with R then the clones. 1A gets new job, M helps. PDF base attacked & destroyed, clones pillage it.
  • Exitus Falls. Luna kidnapped, R back broken. PDF retrieval: Billy dies pointlessly. Super-villain gives 1a mental link for Xmas.
  • R hallucinates, 1a buys drugs from Super-villain, takes 3/4 student body on bad trip. Clones comatose. Theme-park of Evil is built.
  • Super-villain kills 1a, clones wake up. Ethan murders Jackknife. 1a brought to Atlus' Alaska lair, attacks Z, killed by Atlus. 1a: factory reset. Imprints on Atlus. Discovers bears, calls them "Roosevelts". 1a being retaught from the ground up.
  • Clones accidently summon a witch, she causes the General Lee to pop out of the TV. K executes the duke boys to keep the car, Ethan sees it. G shanks Chevalier for wrecking the car which the witch fixes. Westside clones banned from school property, new security measures implemented.
  • R breaks a lamp, is punished by the clones. She is upset, runs away, is found by Brother Ignatius. Runs away again and is found by The Bocor, voodoo guy. She is kidnapped, given brain surgery, possessed by evil spirits and sent on a murder spree. Shanks Exitus.
  • R is captured by "DEMON" and destroys one of their rituals before being captured by Atlus&others. Brought to Wizard Fort, held in dungeon. Loa talks, watches Evil angel. Evil angel zaps with hellfire. Voodoo Guy kidnaps Jorge the NPC.
  • Loa permits R to speak, others hunt Voodoo Guy: Felicia injured. Loa speaks to healers: R is dying, they preform brain surgery. K follows Ethan around town to secret meeting, sneaks inside, is busted and gets captured. Mooks try to use band saw to remove clone mask. This fails, they let K go.
  • K is shot by snipers, critically wounded and placed in stasis. Death threats are sent to the Westside apartments. H, L &V are shot. So is Chevalier's new car. Jorge is rescued. Massive fight to defeat the evil angel Semyaza. Clones evacuate to Las Vegas. They are attacked there by Billybots, and escape to Lake Havasu City, and spend their time there shopping.
  • Clones return to Detroit. K is released from Hospital after facial reconstructive surgery. K spends time at school on medical leave, seeing Speech Therapist. R is returned to the school- able to do magic. Clones initially shun her, but are lectured by Chevalier and welcome her back. R spends a lot of time in Brother Iggy's chapel, sleeping.
  • Snookums returns from Alaska, does not react well to the clones or the city, spends most of her time alone, baking and trying to cope.


"Seven foot tall giggling girls in black on black ninja outfits are surprisingly not as sneaky as they think." -Chevalier, EBI Chef.

"Tranquilizing the clones has made my life so much easier." -AtlusBot, Clone Babysitter.
