[hide]- 1 The Shero'ktar System
- 1.1 Structure UT-25 Uon'Ut
- 1.2 Structure UT-26 Uon'Sorl
- 1.3 Structure UT-27 Uon'Tere
- 1.4 Structure UT-28 Iyula'Sarjyn
- 1.5 Structure UT-29 Iyula'Gom-Roun
- 1.6 Structure UT-30 Iyula'Tasir
- 1.7 Structure UT-31 Fal'Arl-ere
- 1.8 Structure UT-32 Fal'Tasir (Neighboring)
- 1.9 Structure UT-33 Fal'Sorl (Neighboring)
- 1.10 The Citadel of Nae Aeolon
- 2 600px A Giant's Conquest
- 3 250px Powers
- 4 320px Weaknesses
- 5 450px The Tolerated
- 6 600px Colossus of A Man
The Shero'ktar System
Structure UT-25 Uon'Ut
- Appearance: Smoggy with a light shade of green smeared under the splitter of its space, Structure 25 has a very cracked, rocky appearance. Covered from hemisphere to hemisphere in craggy mountain-side, only semi-visible from it's surrounding space due to a thick, planet-wide layer of fog. This smoke-esque layering over the planet is highly toxic when exposed to for a long enough period. The surface of the planet itself however is covered in what would be described as a rain forest. The green underneath the foggy atmosphere stretches and paints across the mountainous planet in very lush, lively colors. The splitter of this structure is vast in thickness, but not opaque. The space beyond it, surrounding the planet itself is sparse in light provided from the hue of what few stars splotch across its sea of black. Often times, the smoke from the structure will escape up into space and vacuum towards the splitter, which is what gives the splitter such a light shaded and smoggy appearance. This smoke will also concentrate around light radiated from stars, making oddly shaped 'circular rings' of green fog that give the light provided a nice tint of green.
- Inhabitants: The inhabitants of Structure 25 are Tal'u'an in race. Their adaptive qualities and strong physical stamina allow them to trudge through the hazardous fog that plagues the planet's atmosphere and space. The adaptive traits that the Tal'u'an on this planet have picked up are an oddly formed immunity to the poisonous skies, as well as an enhanced field of vision due to the many other surface hazards. There is no real, 'civilization' or 'society' between the Uonians on Structure 25. Everything is primal, if anything at all, and animosity runs a muck among all life on the surface.
- Law: Much like the other structures, Uon'Ut has a "Do as seen fit." policy in regards to law enforcement. There is no 'Police' or higher command that really enforces any kind of strict alignment on the people living on the surface. The people rely heavily on a human type of mentality, "Do unto others as you would have them do undo you.". If not for this ideal, the average life on the surface of the planet, in regards to thuggery and law, would be about five years at max.
- Allies: Structure 25, due to its high levels of toxicity and the primal, seemingly non-friendly nature of it's inhabitants, has made little to no effort in terms of ally-ship with others. They remain an untapped source of life, left solely to their own devices.
- Enemies: Structure 25 has as many enemies as just about every other Structure. Structure 25, due to the nature of its inhabitants and the general primal lifestyle, is despised by most of the system. Despite this, there is true hostility between it and the other structures.
Structure UT-26 Uon'Sorl
- Appearance: The bright and shining star of the Sherokter System; the space surrounding Structure 26 is bathed in light, strings of starlight emitting from the vastness of its space. The splitter that hides this structure was built specifically with the space surrounding it in mind. Opaque, covered in slits of a clear, 'glass-like' material, the splitter allows only strands of the light to escape, creating a 'swirl' sort of design of dark and light. Travel between the splitter and the structure itself is almost impossible, if not entirely dangerous, as maneuvering through the space is a battle of quick momentary sight. The ships and cargo carriers are fit specifically with reflective material, allowing safe travel for those on the surface. The planet itself has two distinctive sides upon which life flourishes. The frontal hemisphere of the planet is covered in civilization, with cycled and controlled systems of life sustaining material. Large, skyscraper worthy buildings clad the surface of this hemisphere, factories and material plants. The opposite side of the planet, the 'other-side', is covered in forestry and mountains. The 'other-side' holds much of the planets past history: ruins, forts, ancient ritual grounds; all abandoned and left undiscovered.
- Inhabitants: A true mixing ground for the system, Structure 26 has a variety of the different races of Sherokter. The reason for this is that Structure 26 is the central northern hub that allows to and from access and transport with the Citadel. (( More later ))
- Law: Uon'Sorl is under complete lock-down. The structure has been to its own devices, but is overwatched by the Citadel's governing heads. The laws abided on this structure maintain a balance between the inhabitants, prohibiting any 'Extraordinary' talents from being exerted in the public by threat of extraction. This seems to be an unorthodox priority upon Uon'Sorl, as action such as theft and murder are completely legal. The Citadel does not oversee the judgment of any form of physical assault, leaving Uon'Sorl to be a very violent structure.
- Allies: Due to it's position in the system, structure 26 is an allied party with structures 27, 29 and 30. It is important for Structure 26 to hold healthy relations with these other structures due to their necessity for traded materials. Due to the lack of discovery of their own planet, they must rely on the massive influx of tourism to fuel their ability to trade.
- Enemies:
Structure UT-27 Uon'Tere
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
Structure UT-28 Iyula'Sarjyn
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
Structure UT-29 Iyula'Gom-Roun
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
Structure UT-30 Iyula'Tasir
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
Structure UT-31 Fal'Arl-ere
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
Structure UT-32 Fal'Tasir (Neighboring)
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
Structure UT-33 Fal'Sorl (Neighboring)
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
The Citadel of Nae Aeolon
- Appearance:
- Inhabitants:
- Law:
- Allies:
- Enemies:
A Giant's Conquest
(Place holder)
- Size Alteration - This titans favorite tool to work with, Size Alteration. He is and has always been able to increase his size and grow to tremendous height, as well as reduce it if necessary. This was practically his first and only claim to power. His uses of it were, however, less than pious. On his home world, during his 'thug' days, Atrix used his power of Size Manipulation to perform very...questionable acts, most of which were rather cruel toward the innocent. Intimidating the weak, crushing things left and right in order to make his 'point'. There was a whole plethora of crime-worthy action that he stooped down to with the use of his powers. He felt that everyone around him was something to either frighten or squash. Basically, to put it bluntly - he was kind of a giant asshole.
Though no one at his current homestead on Earth is aware of his past 'self', those that he DID know at the time are unable to comprehend what happened to him. After his first short-term leave, Atrix was never the same person. He regarded others highly and affectionately despite however smaller they may have been in comparison. The uses of his powers began to show more responsibility, more care and thought. He began to put his immeasurable size to good use for others. Word had spread pretty quickly about the obscene change; his reputation for being a 'Terrible Titan' began to dwindle rapidly over time.
Size Alteration still remains to be his favored power in his repertoire, even after his long-distance exploration to Earth, where he exerted the power even more than he did back at home, for a various amount of reasons. He always states to have several 'basics' that he follows for when his power is needed in combat. From those mildly large scales for those pesky giant robots, to the most immeasurable sizes for all the Kaiju to fear him greatly - to the most miniscule of heights, to elude his foes. His combat style was not the only use that he found for his powers of course - as he quickly noticed that the amount of collateral damage in the cities on the planet...was proportional to the amount of heroes present.
As his time on the little space rock passed, he began to find work as a hired construction hand, among many other job roles that included a lot of interaction with the community. Who wouldn't want a man that can grow well beyond three-hundred feet tall as a personal assistant?
- Aegis - [re-working]
- Reverse-Physiology - [re-working]
- Too Big for the Battlefield - Being big does not always mean being useful. Atrix has found that his Size Alteration has lead to a lot of collateral damage. In addition to the property damage, his large, often colossal, stature can bring others into harms way simply by being around them. This, often times, presents a very intimidating feature about him that he has long disliked, and it is because of this that he is far more cautious with his size than normal. This makes him easily exploited during a fight, as his lack of psionic defenses is a very crippling weakness. This is because his ability to increase his size can be easily accessed during psionic control.
- Not Really Agile - While in his more, 'tremendous states', he is by no means, agile. Atrix is more than likely to take the hits, rather than dodge them. He has found that trying to dodge around the enemies attacks leaves un-intended property damage just about everywhere.
- Do You Believe? - Magic is Atrix's bane in terms of things that are effective against him. He has very little supernatural or paranormal defense, and is prone to most magic-imbued attacks.
- Proportional - As his size decreases, he loses physical strength immensely in proportion to whatever minuscule size he ends up at.
- Weak-minded - Atrix by no means has psionic protection. Telepathic, empathic and all other forms of psionic energy will effect him fully with relentless fervor. He's easy to brainwash, so go ahead, have a poke! Probe that mind to the ends of history.
The Tolerated
He's been all over the universe to different worlds, seeing countless races and different species across the galaxy. Earth has provided a number of interesting acquaintances to him, all of whom he has become very fond of during his tie on earth.
- Humungor - "He is a lecherous frog, that is really all I know about him." Atrix has met the frog man on a few occasions in Caprice. Most of what Atrix thinks of him, is that he's kind of a pervert. I mean, really that is all Atrix knows about the guy. He sees frogman with like, thirty women sporadically, what the hell.
- Guidelight - "Fun to mess with." He's not sorry for it either.
- Alisa -"She has got a mouth on her, but she knows what she's talking about." She's cool with him, he knows she's a bit of a loud-mouth, but he also knows that she makes quite a few rightful points in the process of being suhc.
- Gadgeteer - "Uhhh, I cannot help him." A pink silly straw with his personality is too much to handle. When Gadgeteer approached Donny for dating tips....he did not know what to tell the poor guy. He doesn't know enough about courting and flirting, so the best he could gibe Gadget was..unhelpful advice. They shared an intimate moment together at least, thoughbeit acted out.
- Boostar -
- Mightous - "He says he tastes like licorice. That is an unusual thing to taste like. Mightous has had some hardship, past and present, especially in the field of romance. He is a great guy though, reliable, kind-hearted, trustworthy." He's met with Mightous for awhile now, having heard over most of the hunter's past and people. Though he's been unsuccessful at aiding Mightous' love-life, Atrix has offered to be there for whatever else the little hunter might need.
- Particle Man -
- Xiin -
- Wreck -
- Bronx -
Atrix took to joining a group on Earth in hopes of bringing about any change or service he could offer. He ended up becoming a part of the Prometheus Union, whose members have made quite an impression on him.
- Howitzer Seraphim - "Sera smokes too much. Glad to hear she quit, not sure if she chose an appropriate substitute." When he first met Sera, he figured she was as lifeless and dull as a ghost. It wasn't until after awhile that he discovered that Sera actually /had/ a personality. He has found great humor in watching people try to be social with her, more so when people try to flirt with her. She is also good to have around to chase away the unwanted company.
- Azunai - "Stronger than myself. He is a capable earthling, dependable, powerful. A good ally, a better friend." Azunai was the one who invited Atrix into the Union. When the two first met, Atrix could tell, physically, that Azunai was stronger than most on earth. What grabbed his attention the most was Azunai's overall kindness and intelligence. As a brick himself, he's become very jealous that his own strengths lie only in the physical aspect.
- Ripide - "He probably tastes pretty good." He does not like Riptide. If given the opportunity, Atrix would probably try to.....of course he would not do that...right?
- Doll - "Clothes....everywhere. She is one of the more tolerable of robot-kind." He does not know -too- much about the miniscule arsenal of metal. He knows that the girl is a fetishist for clothes.
- Operator - "I often worry about stepping on him by accident when around the Tower. He is more intelligent than most that I know of, but all those smarts are not going to matter if they get flattened on the ground." He has often considered requesting Monty to teach him about technology.
- Stali - "Good woman. Tolerable, strong, independent. Trustworthy and kind, good person to talk to for comfort." When he first came across Stali, he was overjoyed to see that there were women, as well as men, that have passover for destroying things. The two get along smashingly.
- Whiplash - "Huh." He's only met Cole a few times, all of which he has been unsure of what to think. He really wants to pull Cole's tail, in the literal sense, just to see how the cat-man would react.
- Knox - "People say that /i'm/ unnerving to look at." That fucker is so uggo.
- Sidra - "She has her moments, but she is very kind. Reliable when in need of assisted recovery."
Colossus of A Man
Atrix tends to be a very intimidating figure; as more often than naught he is stands over thirty feet tall normally and sports a very decent amount of beef on his physical frame, backed by the necessary raw strength. Big and buff; these two characteristics which describe him oh-so-perfectly are almost completely misleading of his personality. Contrary to public belief, he's got himself a pretty rad tan - how he manages to keep it, no one knows. This is because Atrix is always wearing his work attire, tights. He is almost, if not never, seen without them on and often times has his face covered. Under the mask of course lies a gloriously golden goatee of machismo, coupled by the shorn features of the hair he used to have and no longer and will never again have.
(Place holder)