Imp (Angel Anderson)
- Super Strength! - Imp can lift about a ton. She's not the strongest meta out there, but that's still a lot of strength compared to your average Joe.
- Super Flexibility - Imp's agility and flexibility are well beyond the limits of a normal person, even a contortionist/acrobat would have difficulty doing what she does. No wonder she's so popular.
- Super Equilibrium - It's impossible to make Imp dizzy or throw her off balance. Carousels do nothing for her.
- Durability - Imp is more durable then your average person, Capable of taking hits that would break most people. She's not invincible though, and in more then one occasion has been knocked silly by a stronger opponent that got the drop on her.
- Stealth - Imp is capable of turning herself invisible. But only when staying still. Better then being visible all the time, right?
- Dodge! Imp is really good at dodging things. She always seems to know how to move out of the way of direct attacks, It's not infallible, but it's pretty uncanny. She can still be caught off guard however.
- Witty Retort - Imp likes to wisecrack and say witty commentary in a fight. It serves to both keep her calm and level headed, as well as infuriate attackers into making mistakes.
- Reflective eyes - Imp's eyes give her better then average vision in the dark. It's not perfect night vision, but it's better then most.
Weapons and Gadgets
- Smartphone - Imp Carries the latest Android smartphone that she can afford. It has tools essential to a heroes survival, GPS, translator... Angry Birds...
- Disposable gloves - Because sometimes, things are gross.
- Zipties - Great for tying up badguys for the cops...and making sure trash-bags don't spill over.
- Flashlight - Imp has excellent night vision, but it's not good enough to pick out small things. Always good for finding her keys in the dark.
- Grappling hook - Angels favorite thing! Her grappling hook can be used as a zipline, offensive tool, taser, badguy roper, and swinging device. It has multi directional firing abilities, and a special cartridge that can be used to set up traps or a tightrope from afar.
- Mentos - The fresh maker.
- Pocket Knife - For unscrewing those pesky grates that keep her out of airducts.
- Only invisible to the visual spectrum - Imp's powers of invisibility only effect visual detection. Someone who could sense her mind or smell her could potentially find her if they try hard enough.
- Can't move when invisible - If Imp moves when invisible, She'll break her stealth. This is only effected by her movement, If she's on something that's moving she wont break stealth.
- Sturdy, But not invulnerable - Imp still feels it when she's hit, she can take a physical blow better then your average Joe, but she's not going to shrug off being hit by a car.
- Being riddled with bullets - Imp is great at dodging firearms and blade attacks, but if one hits her, it's going to go in just like it would a normal person.
- Muffins! - Imp just loves baked confectionery. Not really a weakness, but man does she love donuts.
- Devilish good looks - Because of her appearance, not everyone trusts Imp. Religious zealots and the superstitious especially.
Angel's personality is best described as Impish. ( HAH! See what I did there? ) She's fun, likes to goof around and usually has something fun to say, or do. Most people take this as her being juvenile or not taking things seriously, this isn't true. In fact, it's a coping mechanism she picked up in her youth. Imp is often nervous or unsure of herself, what other people think of her, and her own abilities. She uses jokes to hide that.
Angel was home schooled in her youth, mostly out of how she was treated because of her devil like appearance. She had a loving and supportive family, but she has a difficult time adjusting to social life, as she didn't have many, if any friends growing up. She had a boyfriend, once, but that was also ruined by her looks, Her boyfriends parent's didn't like her, and forced the two to separate. In spite of this, Imp does maintain an optimistic outlook on life.
Imp also doesn't like to keep comments to herself. If someone's being an idiot, she'll let them know. This of course is counteracted by the fact that deep down, she really likes people, and doesn't want to upset them. She usually finds herself saying something unintentional and sticking her foot in her mouth.
Red skin, pointy tail, at first sight, one would think this woman some kind of demon or devil, and most people think that. However, Angel is no less human then Kinetic or Sapphire.
Born into a fairly average family, life was pretty normal for Angel growing up, Plenty of friends, middle class family. Her life was soon flipped sideways when her skin slowly started to turn redder and redder, Originally thinking it was some kind of skin condition, she was taken to a dermatologist, who couldn't find anything actually wrong with her. As time went on, she started growing a tail, and strange powers started to surface. Dubbed "Imp" by the kids at school due to her appearance, she eventually was pulled out and home schooled, and started hiding her devilish looks.
When she was 18, a local group of criminals broke into the bank in her hometown. Imp, took this as a call to action and stop them, and easily took down the small group, making her a bit of a hometown legend. However, the local church didn't take as kindly to her, and she eventually left for Millennium, where she decided to fight crime under the very name she was teased with as a kid.
Early years -Ages 17-20-
Imp's first jump into super heroics happened at a young age, 18. She was bringing a check to the bank ( A paycheck) when four men in masks broke in. Imp single handedly stopped the four with a combination of kicks and acrobatics. She quickly became a hometown legend, stitched up a superhero costume, and started fighting crime. She never forgot the way she felt fighting those criminals. The clear sense of duty she felt carries on with her still.
Trouble -Age 23-
Imp had always had trouble fitting in with people because of her appearance. The church especially, who outwardly shunned her, and her incredibly catholic family causing a rut between her and religion. To make things worse, A local super villain called the high sticker ( Hockey themed villain) had set his targets on Imp, She had stopped him from stealing the Stanley cup that week, and he wanted revenge. He called Imp out and fought her, ending by blowing up an old church, The incident got blamed on Imp, and she decided to pack up and move on.
Imp recently moved to Millennium city where she met Emmy and Cantrip. it took her a while to find a place to live, so she took up residence with Cantrip for a while. She began crime fighting right away and was quick to establish her presence in millennium city. She's had a couple run in's with some bad luck, people thinking she's an actual demon ( She thinks that's just rediculous) Even a coffee shop she frequents came under attack by a group of christian protesters. Still, she puts on her tights one leg at a time and goes out and does good. Recently she's taken a place among the protectors of the world, where she's started taking on bigger crime then her normal street level stuff. She still is unsure if she's ready for the big time, but it's not stopping her from trying.
Imp has a very loving family (mostly). Here's some information on them.
- Peter Anderson - Angels father. Peter owns his own life insurance company, it's not the most well to do one, but it does well for itself. The family has more then enough money to go around. He spoils Angel a bit. She's very much a daddy's girl. A devote Catholic, but believes in equality and loving everyone
- Mary Anderson Angel's mother. Mary was formerly an outpatient nurse, and taught all of her kids first aid and CPR, She quit her job to home school Angel when the bullying got to be too much. She's caring and and VERY religious. She still spoils Angel, but she spoils all of her kids equally. She hasn't missed a day of church in over 40 years.
- Abraham Anderson The eldest of the Anderson children, Abraham is very much the prodigal son. He's a respected M.D. and recently got back to the states after a five year mission to Africa, where he administered vaccinations and helped build hospitals for the poorer parts of the nation. He's next in line to take over Anderson Life Insurance. He adores his baby sister a lot, the two get along very well and love each other very much.
- Paul Anderson Paul is well loved by his family, He's also a devote catholic and is currently attending seminary college to become a full time priest. However, he doesn't like Angel one bit. He believes she is actually possessed by some kind of devil and is a curse on the world. He hasn't spoken to Angel in over eight years.
Imp has made a few nemesises Nemesee? What's the plural on that?
- High Sticker- A hockey themed villain responsible for Imp's leaving Jersey, His biggest plot was to steel the Stanley cup, Imp foiled it, He blew up a church for revenge, Uses trick hockey pucks. Every time he gets locked up, he finds SOME way to escape.
Imp's thoughts "This guy went from a joke villain to a serious threat in a short amount of time. Watch out, he may look like a pushover, next thing you know he's escaped from prison and blowing up shit to blame on you."
Currently Deceased
Powers:Highsticker uses an array of hockey themed gadgets to fell his foes, From exploding pucks, to rocket powered skates.
- Goomba- Goomba is a large man, about nine feet tall, and with the body shape of an obese man.. His large body prevents most forms of attack. Luckily, he's not very smart. Imp usually tricks him somehow.
Imp's thoughts"He's a big butterball turkey, and about as smart as a solar powered flashlight. It's easier to trick him or talk him down then it is to beat him up. But it's HELLA fun to jump on his head."
Currently free
Powers: Goomba's rotund body is able to redirect any physical attack, on top of that, his super strength and near immovability make him difficult to take in a straight forward fight.
- Debbie Dubstep- Debbie is a woman with a lot of power and often sporting some kind of raver costume, Debbie can control sound waves to use as powerful pressurized blasts, Her favorite attack method is dubstep, hence the name.
Imp's thoughts"She's got a terrible sense of fashion and horrible music tastes. She's good at getting men wrapped around her finger to do her bidding. Must be the lack of clothing."
Currently incarcerated
Powers Debbie's commands powerful cuncussive and explosive blasts fashioned out of sound waves. The louder the music, the more power she wields.
- Lord Darkblood- Or as Imp calls him, Lard Dorkbutt, Is a young genius that creates machines to imitate sorcery. Demon minion automatons, a "magic" wand that shoots lightning, etc, He's obsessed with Imp, who he thinks he's destined to marry. He also thinks that it will impress her if he gets stronger and commits crime. He's nearly beaten her a few times. He's currently serving time in jail.
Imp's thoughts "Lard Dorkbutt is confused, and really creepy. I'd be happier if he just...stayed away."
Currently Incarcerated
Powers Lord Darkblood wields advanced technology that he fashions to look like magic, he also has an army of robotic demon minions.
M.E.D.I.C. - Or Emmy is one of Imp's best friends. Emmy was met by Imp through an online chat room where they hit it off. When she came to Millennium, she was actually surprised that the little robot was...a robot. She thought the robot thing was just Emmy being cute. Imp finds Emmy to be absolutely adorable and loves hanging out with her. They make a weekly habit of watching cartoons at Imp's place.
Cantrip - Also a good friend of Imp's, when she first moved to Millennium, Imp stayed with Jess, Jess was met in the same online chat room as Emmy, and Angel really likes the girl a lot. Cantrip is also a magic user of considerable talent. Imp herself doesn't believe in magic and thinks that she's a mutant who is just very religious. She also tends to be Imp's opposite when it comes to social life. Imp being goofy and playful, while Jess is more serious and sultry. The two maintain a solid friendship.
Razira - The wolf heroine known as Razira is still an enigma to Imp, she doesn't know a lot about her, but she knows she's alright with the fuzzy lady. Imp loves everyone, and Raz is no exception. She thinks Raz's fur is pretty.
Zwein - Imp loves Zwein to death for all the wrong reasons. Zwein is eternally grumpy, which triggers Imp's need to make him feel better, even though there's no better to be had. She offers this in the form of hugs and playful banter, Which Zwein wants no part of. It doesn't stop her from trying though.
Stonemason - Imp likes stonemason's laid back, chill attitude. She'd totally hang out with him more if he didn't spend so much time outdoors. Imp being a city girl, she has no idea how to nature. She also thinks's he's a bottomless pit, and anyone that would compliment her cooking is alright by her.
Armory - Imp thinks Armory is far too serious and methodical, and that he needs to relax a little and smell the roses. He's on the list of people she feels like she needs to make smile more.
Kara McIlroy - Imp and Kara became pretty quick friends, Mostly out of them both having a quirky and fun loving nature. They're also both hockey fans, which serves as a small, albeit completely friendly rivalry between the two. She considers Kara one of her closer friends
Wildeye - Imp loves to annoy wildeye. The more he fights against both her affection and his hatred of being called "Kitty!" the more she feels she needs to pester him. She never takes it too far, and often makes it up to him if he gets too grumpy.
Captain Adamant - Carter started out as a teammate, But in the recent months, her and Captain Adamant have gotten closer, A lot closer. At first, she didn't know what to think of the serious Sam, But after getting to know each other they found a mutual attraction. Imp is now in a romantic relationship with the armor clad superhero. They've thus far managed to keep their relationship and superhero practice separate and professional.
Sparrowhawk - Sparrowhawk is the one that invited Imp to the inner circle of the protectors, but Angel has a hard time thinking of her, or anyone else as boss really. She really thinks that Sparrowhawk needs a friend, or a hug, or something. Imps see's her as someone who knows what she's doing, however, and trusts her to make bigger decisions for the team. She also wants to get her to laugh, and thinks she's really pretty.
Cosmic Glory - Imp loves happy, cheerful people. They make her feel good, and it's always fun to see. Glory is just that. So she loves Glory to death.
The Peacemaker - Imp think's peacemaker is great. Kind and compassionate people like him are hard to come by, and she really admires him for that.
Tesseract - Imani almost slapped the shit out of a 70 year old bible thumping woman on Imp's behalf cause the ol crone was tagging her house. Imp loves her for it.
Fathom - Carmen is Imps best friend, Ever. The relationship had a rocky start, but once they got on the same wavelength, the two instantly became like family. The two do almost everything together. Imp is often dragging Carmen off to do new, crazy things, and Fathom often drags Imp to do new things she likes. The two are so close they're almost like sisters.
- Imp speaks with a New Jersey accent.
- Imp speaks Spanish and French (The player doesn't)
- Imp doesn't believe in magic, devils, demons, angels, or anything else supernatural, even when fighting them, she chops it up to mutant powers and advanced science. one of her best friend is a mage, And she STILL doesn't buy into it.
- Imp's powers make her more like a lizard, then a devil. She hates it when people point that out.
- Imp's jovial nature comes from her father, who would always calm her down when she was scared or upset by telling bad jokes until she was smiling again
- Imp's "Grinning devil" insignia took her a month to settle on. She puts it on everything she owns.
- Imp drives a red VW bug. She put devil horns and a tail on it, She calls it the "Imp-Mobile."
- Imp is a grand-master chess player.
- Imp can play the fiddle.
- Imp loves hockey, and is a HUGE jersey Devils fan.
- Imp's favorite move is the dropkick, She's come up with a lot of different drop kicking variations, and is the self proclaimed master of all things dropkick.
- Imp's favorite music is heavy metal.
Tell us what YOU think of Imp!
"Angel's one of my best friends. She's funny, driven, and downright adorkable!" - M.E.D.I.C.
"Imp's like, a real chill dudette if I ever met one. Is dudette like, a word? I can't think of a better word for Angie, though. If it ain't a word, she'd like, make it one in a heartbeat. That's the kinda dudette Angie is." - Stonemason
"Imp's awesome and a good friend. I love hanging out and patrolling with her, I set them up and she knocks them down!" - Keioseth II
"Angel is a headstrong individual, possessed by tenacity and enthusiasm I can't rightly put into words. You have to see it to believe it. Imp's powers and personality are not to be underestimated. I've made that mistake. Her worth as a person and teammate have been proven, time and time again. I consider myself a fortunate soldier, superhero, and a fortunate man to have her at my side." - Captain Adamant
"Rude, obnoxious and graced with the subtlety of a bulldozer with built-in afterburner. I dare her to try and stop my plans." - The Doctor
"Imp... has a lot of training to accomplish. That said, others underestimate her abilities, which actually _may_ be in her favor. As far as Angel herself... hmm." - Sparrowhawk
"It is incredibly difficult not to crack a smile around Angel. At first really all I saw was this devilish looking girl who just joked around a lot. But after getting to know her a little more, I realize there's more to it than just that. I admire the fact that she can remain so positive, while putting up with the hateful treatment she receives because of her appearance." - Tesseract
"I'MNOTAKIT-ahem... Angel can be a bit... Overenthusiastic at times, but her positive attitude has proven a surprising breath of fresh air among the team, and she gets much worse than she deserves. It's good knowing she has our backs. Now if she'd only quit treating me like a cat..." - Wildeye
"Angel's skills are impressive, but... her greatest power is something else. She's got an absolutely unbeatable spirit. Even when she has all the reason in the world to scowl, she's still smiling. Sometimes, even I forget to do that. I will always appreciate someone who can remind me the world still has laughter in it." - The Peacemaker
'"I adore Angel. I consider her my best friend and those are hard to come by these days. She's also my own little sister in a way as well, I'll always look out for her and protect her as best I can. Still needs to take things a little more seriously though."- Fathom
"I Don't know Imp a lot, but she's made of pure positive energy, everything sounds better and easier when she's around. She's the one you want in the party!" - Powerstar
"Her parents must think they're hiiilarious." - Ada Clover
"Normally I don't care much for those who walk through the shadows, but Angel is a delightful young woman and a wonderful ally! I wish the best for her and hope that her wild spirit is never tamed!" - Tartolmec
'"I think i'm pretty awesome."'-Imp
"Super spunky and sweet. Did I say sweet? More like outrageous! The world needs more like her." - African Violet