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Latest revision as of 17:40, 13 August 2014


DE:LTA Career Logs

Newest entries on top.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 05.16.13

DE:LTA Kontrol
Declassification of Preliminary Kontrol Technology

This information is to be considered sensitive. Mentiac feels that the medical benefits of my research and technology outweigh the perils of my technology. It is my hope that this tech will be used to re-energize the many telepaths whose powers have been weakening over time for the past three years.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive method to cause depolarization or hyperpolarization in the neurons of the brain. TMS uses electromagnetic induction to induce weak electric currents using a rapidly changing magnetic field; this can cause activity in specific or general parts of the brain with minimal discomfort, allowing the functioning and interconnections of the brain to be studied. A variant of TMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been tested as a treatment tool for various neurological and psychiatric disorders including migraines, strokes, Parkinson's disease, dystonia, tinnitus, depression, and auditory hallucinations.

I have come up with a treatment that will be able to re-activate the neurons psychics use to control their powers. This treatment may also restrict the RTPJ of brain may have adverse affects to personality and specifically judgement. I have sent my findings to a colleague, Gentleman Crush of the Cryptonauts.

I repeat for emphasis, this declassification is to be considered extremely sensitive, as enemies of DE:LTA may try to replicate or even neutralize my Psycho-Electron Fields. I have already compensated with my latest tech design and know the field of neurology far more than even the most advanced inventor. Replication of my technology is beyond the technical abilities of any known earth science. Therefore, I must also request that any uses of the TMS on telepaths be reported to the PTS (Psycho Telemetry Server) for oversight. Any action taken with this information without pre-authorization should be considered hostile and in violation of UN Resolution FC.31.20120904.2 also known as the "#TelepathyNOW Resolution" passed in September 2012.

Thuy Xi Tranh

Millenium City Society Daily Gossip! 5.16.13

Staff Reporter: Johnny On The Scene
All the news that's fit to print!
DE:LTA's Dany Henderson and D.A.W.N. seen on the town! Is this what our defense budget pays for?!
Delta tabloid.jpg

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 05.16.13

DE:LTA Cavalier

Man does it feel good to be back in M-city, not that I didn't have fun on my STARGAZER mission. But after being in the Amazon for better part of three months it nice to be back State side. As for the mission pretty straight forward some group was Qualarr tech to some big time gang of drug runners, so STARGAZER sent me down to Brazil to help the locals take the gang down, pick up all the Qualarr tech we could and if able to find who was behind the sale of the tech.

It took about two month to train the local police and a few local heroes how to deal with the fight I was going to lead them into and then another two weeks to do all the paperwork after words. The take down was pretty easy it was just chasing those guys through the jungle that was a pain, pretty sure some of them got away but the locals now know how to deal with this kind of threat so I'm not to worried. Also I'd like to thank STARGAZER for setting me up with a great liaison in Brazil she had some great assets for the team and made my stay all the more enjoyable.

Anyhow great to be back and looking forward to working with everyone again see ya out their!

Daniel Henderson

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 5.15.13

DE:LTA Sarge
CLASSIFIED Personal Journal Entry

How ironic that they all start popping up again now. After three months of rare sightings I've run into four of my fellow DE:LTA's in just the past two days. I have to admit, I missed working with them. That includes new member and old ally Lara a.k.a. Crescentwave.

Eu estaba un pouco dividido sobre a posibilidade de estender a man a calquera deles coa op eu ir. En definitiva, eu decidimos mantelo como unha misión de tres homes. Se eu conseguir, será grande. Aínda así, non é mellor que o 50% de posibilidades que vai ser o único a dicirlles sobre iso. Oh ben, hai cousas que paga a pena arriscar a súa vida, sobre o que todos nós facemos o tempo mesmo, e entón hai iso. E iso é algo que paga a pena morrer. Espero que se poidan entender iso.

Christopher Vaughn

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 03.31.13

Official Duty Log

Nothing of significance to report tonight. Minor scuffles with small groups in Vibora Bay. Highlight of the day was the liberation of a river boat from terrorist force GRAB. Minor damage to sensor data storage unit so no video or audio of the day will be uploaded. Will see to the repairs of this damage ASAP as per standard procedure.


DE:LTA Career Log Entry 3.6.13

DE:LTA Sarge
Personal Journal Entry

A relatively quiet month for the department, lucky us. I got a metahuman empath known as Wavelength to fill out our ranks. I had met her previously in Lemuria and the Southwest Desert running UNITY missions and was impressed with her skills and abilities. Thought she was set on becoming a more traditional version of a superhero but when I asked her she showed interest in our squad. I'm sure it has nothing to do with her claim that I specialize in "being handsome".

In the meantime, it looks like Xerath the Dark's (OMEGA version of Arkane) prediction came true as Harmon Industries did indeed create a portal to another world which just so happened to be their own home universe. Despite some apprehensions I went through to this world, known as "Multifaria" with Cavalier and Kira. The world we discovered on the other side of the portal was just as much of a flipside of our own as I expected. We were able to aid the resistance movement against what we discovered was the Multifarian version of our own James Harmon a.k.a. Defender and even seemingly defeated this evil version of Harmon, calling himself "Shadow Destroyer". I can't say that we did it without help, though, and that help came in the form of Multifaria's Dr. Albert Zerstoiten. Unfortunately as we were preparing to bask in the joy of our victory Zerstioten revealed that he was actually the Doctor Destroyer from our universe and that he was looking forward to proving his dominance once again back home. So we may have made the ultimate deal with the devil in order to help this parallel universe.

In other news, a sniper took a shot at yours truly through the window of Kira's apartment. An artificial intelligence that she recently liberated from VIPER call BETA informed led us to the probable source of the assassination attempt - a former employee of the Petra Corporation called Agent Oregon. I met up with Agent Alabama of Petra who informed me that Oregon was a rogue agent who was killing innocent people tied to the company due to a grudge against his bosses. Alabama expected me to leave well enough alone and leave her to pursue Oregon but I there's no way I am letting a serial killer run loose without putting something into the pursuit myself, consequences be damned.

On the Lemurian front, MD-13 and I responded to a call that the Lemurians had breached the UNTIL Vault below HQ. WE went in and defeated the invaders and their leader Vallo but still cannot get a solid answer from the brass as to just what the Lemurians are after. The room where we defeated Vallo and his minions had an interesting print up on the wall which showed a huge monster...

Christopher Vaughn

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 1.28.13

DE:LTA Sarge
Personal Journal Entry

It looks like 2013 is off to a disturbing start for Millennium City. I remember taking note of a story a couple of weeks back about an archaeologist named Kaspar who claimed he was being followed from his dig site in Java by Lemurians. Well, now Lemurian shapeshifters are showing up right near our very own HQ at the UNTIL/UNITY building. Vitality and I checked it out. The brass is being pretty tight-lipped about what they think the Lemurians are after. All I know for sure is that they are using small drill-like devices around the vicinity of HQ. Each group we encountered also had a map with an area south of Johannesburg, South Africa circled. More questions, not enough answers.

In related news, a team of us stepped in to handle a Lemurian situation on Monster Island. Its long been suspected that all the digging they have been doing at the island is geared towards unearthing some kind of weapon of mass destruction. Vitality, MD-13, Cavalier and myself went into the ruins of Andrith to confront the big guns of their operation on the island, Hyrg and Vikorin. We had a tough time with Vikorin but luckily for us we have our very own "Superman" on our side to help handle the really insane situations like that.

We have begun training a new recruit. She goes by the name of Kira. She is a trained ninja and soldier, rescued at a young age from the VIPER scientists who created her in a laboratory in an effort to engineer a super-soldier. In addition to her combat abilities she has the power to absorb the abilities and memories of others through skin contact. Unfortunately for her, this is an ability that she cannot turn off. I've asked Mentiac to look into a way to help her control this power. The VIPER scientist who created her has appeared a couple of times, we're not sure what her motivation is just yet though, revenge or trying to bring Kira back into the fold.

As for myself, the stem cell therapy that Kontrol gave me has certainly worked wonders on my combat abilities. I'm better than I ever was in my prime. And therein lies the problem. How can I be better than I ever was? Just when I was beginning to think of her as a friend....

Christopher Vaughn

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 01.12.13

DE:LTA Cavalier
Monthly Update

Oh boy where to start? Crazy new year so far and its only just started! Well first off there is all the new members Sexah and MD-13. Oh and how can I forget Sphinx is back. Good group of people, well I did have a rocky start with MD-13 but we got that fixed up. Turns out MD-13 is a shape shifting alien that was trying to test us to see if we could fight Therakiel. Well, of course I was up to the task to prove it and left MD-13 laying on the pavement, so now we are waiting until we can get a full squad or two to take the fight to Therakiel. We're also looking at two more heroes but more on them at a later date.

Big news we bagged Hussar (Multifaria), this is our first big win against OMEGA, taking one of them out of game is a big step to stopping them for good. Hope he enjoys hot sleep.

Lets see what else, well just normal stuff looking for more recruits as we now have to the funds to get in to DE:LTA, drop a Mega D outside the museum, they really hate that place. Put Kevin Poe in jail again, we stopped Sarge's enemy Reaper for a little while, looks like OMEGA hired him as a merc and busted him out of jail.

That's more or less a basic run down on the events so far I'll get a more detailed report out when I'm not out saving the world, so that will be never.

Daniel Henderson

UNTIL Response To DE:LTA Funding Request 12.30.12

United Nations Tribunal On International Law (UNTIL)

The request for additional funding of the special branch of UNITY known as the Department of Emergency Limit Tested Agents (DE:LTA) has been reviewed. We recognize the excellent performance of the agents assigned to this unit. We also recognize the critical need to have such a team in place that is prepared to respond quickly and effectively to potential future disasters in whatever form or name they might take shape.

As you know, the defense budget at UNTIL is already stretched far and wide in fulfilling its duty to deal with security matters and defend lives on a global scale. With that being said, your request for additional funding to expand the size of the DE:LTA unit by another eight members is hereby approved.

We are proud of what you have achieved thus far. Choose your new recruits well, the world is counting on you.

UNTIL Secretary-Marshall Wilhelm Carl Eckhardt

DE:LTA Official Requisition Request 12.21.12

Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents

DE:LTA Leader Mentiac Official Requisition Request to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

The Department of Emergency budget has steadily increased as the years have passed. The Limit Tested Agent program however has seen very little increase in funding or operational cost.

In this time of great uncertainty with another global disaster threatening our future. The time is now to be prepared for catastrophe with a larger and more responsive task force. Dr. Destroyer has been himself threatened Millennium city on the anniversary of his last attack. Destroyer is not prone to hyperbole and this threat should be considered extremely eminent.

I hereby request that the funding for our department be significantly increased to ensure the Limit Tested Agents will continue to provide Response and Recovery in the future. With funding, I can train eight (8) more agents for field duty. I want to ensure the future of our agency through 2013 and beyond.

Richard [Last Name Classified]

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 12.21.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Requisition to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

The Department of Emergency budget has steadily increased as the years have passed. The Limit Tested Agent program however has seen very little increase in funding or operational cost.

In this time of great uncertainty with another global disaster threatening our future. The time is now to be prepared for catastrophe with a larger and more responsive task force. Dr. Destroyer has been himself threatened Millennium city on the anniversary of his last attack. Destroyer is not prone to hyperbole and this threat should be considered extremely high.

I hereby request that the funding for our department be significantly increased to ensure the Limit Tested Agents will continue to provide Response and Recovery in the future. With funding, I can train eight (8) more agents for field duty. I want to ensure the future of our agency through 2013 and beyond.

Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Formal Mission Transcript 12.12.12

Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents

Formal Mission Transcript

Traction Report DE11988742

Date of Incident: 11th December 2012

Incident Title: Chasing OMEGA

Arkane: there have been periodic disturbances, their energies trance to be Multifarian..but here is where Hermes got involved
Kontrol: Agent Arkane
Kontrol: We're at the HeliJet
Arkane: were going to the news station
Kontrol: Keep me on the line
Arkane: you will be, though id invite you to turn on the local news
Kontrol: I'll do my best to stop all unauthorized transmissions from WCOC
Sarge: He's in there?
Cavalier: I'll make sure there is a close up of me pounding them
Arkane: not yet
Arkane: *seems to be waiting*
Arkane: aaand, now
Sarge: I'd say we should try and be a bit subtle to give him less time to flee but...
Sarge: not sure if that going to work for you guys
Arkane: and there he is
Kontrol: Who is it?
Arkane: exactly who i thoguth it would be
Dawn: He looks like Rhodes.
Arkane: claims himself to be Xerath the Dark, of OMEGA
Sarge: Split up and search
Kontrol: looks like?  D.A.W.N.  Upload optical drive to main screen here at Mission Control
Kontrol: Vitality!  Watch your 6!
Dawn: I will do so when I get a good view.
Sarge: Over here
Dawn: The code is 2. 3, 4, 1.
Cavalier: We got the server room
Sarge: 2 devices down
Arkane: hes not getting away
Sarge: Get ready

Arkane grins as he "appears" to escape

Arkane: lets go, were done here
Dawn: There is heat distortion...  but here is the facial data.
Kontrol: What was that..
Kontrol: A clone?
Arkane: as i said, hes not getting away

Kontrol: I have info on Dusk..
Kontrol: Steelhead sighted her in Canada
Cavalier: Good lets go kick her butt
Kontrol: intel is light but I can confirm it's definately her.
Arkane: unless you want Xerath to get away, sure
Sarge: I'd rather he didn't
Kontrol: Is the situation in Westside Stable?
Cavalier: Well lets get Xerath, then we'll get Dusk, two for one you know
Arkane: PRIMUS has the building surrounded, waitingon us to move in and apprehend
Arkane: if they want him theyre going to have to come get him
Kontrol: Affirmative.  I'll try to contact Justiciar or Thundrax to keep eyes on.

Sarge: I'll let you have the honors
Arkane: Vitality was it? if you would please make us an enterance
Vitality: sure thing
Arkane: mission accomplished
Sarge: He's in the box
Arkane: we have em
Sarge: Hopefully we can keep him
Cavalier: Should have let me break his legs, that would keep him from going anywhere
Sarge: I'm not so sure about that
Cavalier: You never let me have any fun Sarge
Arkane: you breaking his legs would ahve let him go free, thank to american law
Kontrol: Bring him in.
Kontrol: I want to see this "Xerath the Dark" myself.

- -

Kontrol: News from Justiciar.. no confirmed sign of Dusk but OMEGA
Kontrol: troops sighted in Canada
Kontrol: I'm sinding coordinates to  your GPS
Dawn: On it.
Sarge: Got 'em
Vitality: anything I need to know about this one?
Sarge: Possible vampire
Kontrol: And D.A.W.N.  I want you to take extra precaution, keep my guys human.
Dawn: If you have blood... don't let her bite you.
Vitality: got it
Cavalier: Easy enough
Dawn: We'll wait on Dan.
Cavalier: I'm here
Dawn: Here we go.
Sarge: Strength in numbers worked pretty well on Xerath
Dawn: Deal.
Cavalier: Nuts to this guy, we don't need Viper
Sarge: Good call
Vitality: good choice
Dawn: I had enough of that in Quiloph.
Arkane: its pronounced Qliphoth
Sarge: Still we should try and prevent them from being turned
Cavalier: Looks like the drained this guys dry
Dawn: Yes.
Sarge: Damn
Dawn: I guess.
Dawn: They are safe enough in those cells
Sarge: These guys look okay
Dawn: We'll send a clean up crew
Kontrol: Careful team.. the prolonged darkness of the Canadian North may have strengthened her vampiric abilities
Vitality: Is there any cure for the transformation?
Dawn: Obly Dusk can convert victims
Dawn: These just drain.
Cavalier: Would killing her "break the curse"?
Dawn: Unknown.
Sarge: Anything's possible
Dawn: Ask Rhodes I guess.
Kontrol: Rhodes is at HQ wih me
Kontrol: Prisoner in tow
Kontrol: I'll see if Project Hermes can send some troops your way
Dawn: They sent a broadcast to Monster Island.
Kontrol: Tracing transmissions from Canada to the island now
Kontrol: I'll try to get a lock on the destination
Kontrol: No luck but I'll put SKYGUARD satellites over the island.. if there's OMEGA activity we'll find it.
Kontrol: Head in, team.  Good work.
Dawn: I will return my team to base then.
Sarge: See you there.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 12.02.12

DE:LTA Sarge
Official Report on "Aftershock" Incident

We received word of strange happenings at the UNTIL base in Africa located near the Serpent Lantern cave. Not a place I enjoy going back to, but soldiers' lives were at at stake. Agent Arkane led a team consisting of myself, Dawn and Cavalier to the site. Upon arrival we could see that the base had been hit hard and there were no survivors. It would have been perfectly natural to assume the VIPER forces that had reappeared at their nearby base were responsible. We defended the fort against a force of VIPER, including Ripper, until reinforcements arrived. However, we soon discovered that the real culprits were UNTIL troops from Project Demonflame who had been somehow corrupted or infected by whatever they encountered on that mission.

Upon entering the base we formed an uneasy temporary alliance with the VIPER forces holed up in there (abandoned by their own allies, imagine that). The corrupted UNTIL troops were horribly disfigured by whatever had happened to them and could not be reasoned with. It was hard to have to cut them down but we ultimately had no choice. Luckily we were able to reach Major Okonkwo and her remaining troops inside the base. She informed that we needed to get to the lab, where we were too late to stop a grief-stricken soldier from making a deal with a demon that sent the whole base into the Qliphothic realm.

Outside the transported base was under assault from hellish monsters that we were able to fight off with the help of Okonkwo's troops. A soldier named Ramirez sent a psychic projection of himself to warn us that there were UNTIL troops holed up in a few caves around the area so we provided security for the transport that picked them up. The soldiers at the last cave had already been taken prisoner by the monsters, however, so we to fight our way into the final cave but got cut off from them by a rockslide.

Further working our way through the underground we encountered DEMON cultists and their "Demoiselle" Nocturne. They had two soldiers trapped in some kind of nightmare realm. We were able to successfully save the mind of one soldier who fought along with us in his dream, but the other one was lost. She was sadly unable to face a nightmare version of her own mother and we failed to protect her from this projection. Interestingly, Dawn was able to enter the minds of the two soldiers along with us. I'm not sure if Cavalier or Arkane noticed in the heat of what was going on but her appearance changed. It was not particularly easy to see in those environments but there was definitely a difference. For one thing her hairstyle changed to a long ponytail.

With heavy hearts we moved on, eventually reaching Nocturne. After a fierce battle she attempted to escape through a portal into one of the towers of the Kings of Edom and we followed her, knowing that was where the remaining troops had been taken. Ramirez's projection told us that the monsters were preparing for some kind of big party and that the captured soldiers were going to be the main course for the soon to be arriving Kings of Edom. We had to fight through a massive number of the horrors, but we had the motivation on our side and freed half the troops that were being held in cages. Next it was on to the throne room to save the remaining ones.

In the throne room somebody I'd been waiting a long time to see made a sudden appearance: VIPER's Supreme Serpent. It seems he was making some kind of power play against the Kings in the name of his "religion". I was just thrilled to finally get a chance to fight this <expletive>. I admit it felt good to go toe-to-toe with him and win. I could tell by the look on his face as he escaped that he was guessing that I now know what he and his pals did three years ago. There were still lives at stake, so personal vengeance had to be put aside for the moment. The Kings of Edom were willing to make a deal with us for the lives of the remaining soldiers. They wanted us to become their new vessels. We each knew it was the only way, that we would have to trust ourselves and each other to not be completely taken over by these things.

Becoming the avatar for the Master Of All Sorrows was not my idea of a good time, especially when his presence in my mind was forcing me back toward the gate between worlds which had just been reopened by the Champion Witchcraft. The Champions had come to help but instead they ran straight into our possessed forms. We may have been possessed but we were still able to use strategy to overcome the Champs, dividing and conquering them. But then there was nothing between the Kings and our soon-to-be corrupted world. We couldn't let that happen, and each one of us was able to free ourselves from the Kings' control. They weren't too happy about it though, and proceeded to attack us in order to get through the gate. Luckily, we had some help from the Champions who were able to pick themselves back up and fight along with us.

Together we triumphed but had no time to celebrate as the whole Qliphothic realm was coming apart at the seams. In the chaos and confusion of crossing back into our world we lost track of Cavalier and feared that he had become lost or trapped in the dying realm. I talked to Witchcraft to see if the gate could be reopened but she said it was a no-go. There was nothing left on the other side. Arkane was pretty torn up about it, feeling responsible for the loss of a teammate. I tried to reassure him that Cav might have survived somehow, but I wasn't sure I even believed myself. It's no good to have ghosts following you around.

Update: a group of DEMON cultists had been trying to summon something from Qliphoth right around the time it was collapsing. They didn't get what they expected. They got Agent Cavalier, who I assume was about as happy to see them as they were to see him. I was happy to hear from him though.

Personal file note: The soldier who made the deal... he could have been me. Seeing him, I couldn't help but wonder if I would not have done the same thing back then. I guess I'll never know for certain.
Christopher Vaughn

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 12.01.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

Captain Jandebeur of the AEGIR has been updated on my situation. I need Ignatium to complete my new technology and regain my influence. With the civil unrest of Lemuria it is clear that UNTIL must take measures to stabilize the situation. LEAF liaison Floodgate has found ways for us to neutralize the rebellion's offensive capabilities. Amphibian of the Champions also has reconnaissance on the source of the rebellion. He shows evidence of Destroyer's return, but his interest in the Lemurian rebellion is unknown.

The most immediate threat is the Mandragalore. I have assembled a team to disable this doomsday device.. King Arvad the Empyrean was inside.. it was he who activated such a death dealing device. Even he saw that the power was too great to contain and decided to aide us in taking the Mandragalore down.

We were faced with staunch opposition from the Karkaradons, but luckily I could engineer the Empyrean constructs that lay dormant to fight by our side against them. Then I saw the Bronze King, former ruler of Lemuria. Perhaps the most threatening figure I'd seen in my career at UNTIL. It was clear that if we wished to shut the mandragalore down we must defeat him. Luckily Agent Cliff-Side could sustain the heavy blows, even underwater. We successfully shut the Mandragalore down and defeated the Bronze King.

Directly upon leaving the construct we found ourselves in chum infested waters where both Bloodfin and Skura, legendary man-eating sharks, awaited our exit. Sarge did some heavy shooting to keep them at bay. I know Prince Marus, of Atlantis, was very grateful for DE:LTA's intervention. He promised to have the ignateum I needed delivered within the month. With my new tech, I hope to be even more effective in our upcoming battles. Destroyer's return will require that I be stronger and more capable. When he shows his head, DE:LTA will be ready. I guarantee it.

Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 11.19.12

DE:LTA Sarge

It was better when he was "dead". My former second-in-command John "Reaper" Grimm, that is. Not everyone on the current DE:LTA roster had to deal with the crazed undead version. At cell check one morning during his incarceration at the Millennium City prison the guard thought he'd escaped and someone else had been put in his cell. It was still him, though, only now he looks a lot livelier.

When the prison was taken over by a crew of mercenaries, I was called in because it appeared they were there to bust Reaper out. Dawn and Justice came along to assist, and we were successful in securing the place but not in preventing his escape. I asked Dawn to scan him to see if he was really alive again, and her scan came back positive. Now he's out there again, the same deadly soldier he was when we worked together for UNTIL.

While I do appreciate the help that Dawn, Justice, Cavalier, and Arkane have given me in dealing with some of the Reaper-related situations that have popped up since, the part of me that would rather deal with him all on my own is winning out.

This is between him and me. Too many have been caught in the crossfire already.

Christopher Vaughn

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 11.06.12

Personal Duty Log

Provided security for Millenium City's election polling facility. Took part in foiling several terrorist attempts at disrupting the polling throughout the day. Viper, Demon and PSI all have different ideologies and yet resort to the same violent methods in the end, it is sad. It was reassuring to watch the citizens however. It did not matter who they were there to support politically they all comported themselves well and assisted each other in the process.
I felt... envious. I have only been able to vote once after my eighteenth birthday. I have been "legally dead" these past eight years. I must endeavor to correct my legal status.


DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.30.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

I can fix this.. Agent Rhodes.. no idea what he's doing. Cannot keep control, homeostasis broken. I understand his motives.. misguided hero symptom brought on by narcissism and slight psychosis. Subject breaks laws of physics regularly with reckless abandon. While his knowledge of the metaphysical is vast, Agent Rhodes's reckless disregard for the rule of law has taken toll on my psyche.

Mentiac.. he's the only one who can remove this tech safely.. must act quickly. Remove tech for safety of everyone. Emotions are too heavy to maintain without tech. Mental excercise will help me regulate 0010 1010101 111 01101 0110 10101110 101010 1010101010 101 110 10101 0101 101 1010 011001 0110 10 101 001 01010110 0110 010 10110 01 01101 010 0101 011 01 0110 101 1011
[Message continues in encoded binary]



Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.27.12

DE:LTA Sarge
Official report on Millenium City "Blood Moon" event

Chaos erupted in Millennium City last night and lasted into the early morning hours. Fissures burst out of the streets at 13 different locations spread throughout the city, with mobs of zombies issuing forth and attacking anyone unlucky enough to be in the general area. DE:LTA Agents Kontrol, Cavalier, and myself were on the scene although we had help from numerous other costumed superheroes as the city always seems to have plenty of them roaming around. In addition, the sorcerer we recently encountered known as Arkane showed up, seeming to know what was going on more than anyone else did.

We quickly observed the when one these fissures became active, a beam of light of unknown origin would appear extending into the sky. I used my jetpack to take to the skies and scan for the lights so we would quickly know where we were needed. Together the team spent hours beating back the zombies, but they were just the beginning of the challenge. At each fissure was an undead superhero who had fallen in the Battle of Detroit 20 years ago. The resurrected heroes now seemed bent on destroying the city they had died to protect. We were able to defeat the reanimated heroes and learned that they were under the control of an ancient evil entity called Takofanes.

According to Arkane, Takofanes is thousands of years old, extremely powerful, and incredibly evil. And he just happened to be putting in an appearance that night. Arkane was able to somehow sense where Takofanes would show up (right outside Champions HQ, just the giant Destroids) and we made sure to be there to greet him, along with a small army of superheroes as backup. After a fierce battle we were successful in "banishing" Takofanes from our plane. Unfortunately, banishing him does not guarantee he won't be able to come back again someday.

Just when I thought we could relax for a minute another situation arose. Arkane, who has yet to officially join our team I should note, was apparently picking something else up on his evil-magic radar. Agent D.A.W.N. subbed in for Cavalier and we headed over to the museum in City Center to investigate. Inside a bunch of demons were running amok and threatening the patrons (place was pretty busy for 4 a.m.) so we took care of them and rescued all the hostages. The demons weren't there on their own, though, they were doing the bidding of a sorcerer who had showed up to swipe a Lemurian artifact. He had a hood somewhat covering his face but I got a pretty good look before we drove him off. To me he looked a whole heck of a lot like our new magic-using ally Arkane. That combined with his black and red color scheme leads me to believe he was probably an agent of OMEGA.

Every time I turn around there's another one of them popping up on our side of the fence. And if they have a sorcerer, then we need one too. I'm well aware of the friction that he has caused with others on the team after what he did to Kontrol, but I don't tend to overreact like some of the others. After all, if Agent Rhodes' doppelganger joined them, then maybe he's destined to join our ranks after all.

Christopher Vaughn

DE:LTA Formal Request 10.19.12

DE:LTA Speed

So everything we thought about this OMEGA is wrong. If what I heard while a captive of theirs is true, this is much worse than we thought. You see, this isn't some sorta "revenge" or "we're better than you" kinda thing. If it were either of those things they'd be more focused on us. But DE:LTA has witnessed these people attempting to acquire weapons grade plutonium, missile codes, death rays...all kinds of things. They have tried blowing up strategic places throughout the world. Why? If it's just us they're after, why all this other stuff?

Again, if what I was told is true, OMEGA are a group of shock troops for some guy named Citizen Harmon from their dimension, Multifaria. This guy Harmon sends OMEGA out to other dimensions to squash any and all major defenses the other dimensions may have. Once they've done that, they open a huge portal and Harmon wages war on the dimension. Supposedly he has an army of killer robots and meta humans. But OMEGA is his best of the best. They enter a dimension, assess it's capability of being a threat to their masters conquest and then take out everything they think will help the dimension resist. I don't even wanna think about how many dimensions they've taken out. How many versions of us they've taken out...

My formal request is this. We can't allow this OMEGA to even get close to making any of that happen. My request is for DE:LTA to be granted permission to take the fight to them, directly. Even if it means us going to this Multifaria itself. They put us on the ropes, it's high time we turn the tide of this and take the fight to them. If we don't, if we keep playing reactive instead of proactive, we will find ourselves at war with another dimension.

Just saying, that might ruin a few people's day.

--Trent Keating--

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.17.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Personal File

How?! How could he have beat me to it? And for what motive? Simple revenge? No. He is attempting to prove himself superior. To hold onto such a shame and resentment all these years. I understand now that human behavior IS predictable. Its time to even the score. He took Rift from me. Brique.. Glimmer.. I will not let this go. I will find Charles Montgomery.. and I will end him.

If only I could do this alone.. but he has amassed an army! He's accessed my personnel files.. he knows what I know.. I will have to push the team harder than ever. I know now that the DE:LTA Progam is far to valuable to let it end. Especially to one man's impossibly deranged ego.

I think it's time I get some intel of my own on this alternate dimension Rift so generously dropped Montgomery in.. If knowledge is power, he's about to get hit with a million Watts of ass kicking.



Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.17.12

DE:LTA Agent Cliff-Side
Personal Entry

The brass has been on my hind side about updating my Career logs since the latest OMEGA attack a few days ago. I was the only one with a formal complaint so now they want a debriefing from me. If I understood them correctly they want to hear from Sarge too. Now that Dawn is showing signs of improvement, including boredom, I finally had a chance to get home and get some rest. She still looks like she is in rough shape and Im sure things will move along even faster if anyone can actually get in contact with Kontrol, but at least she sounds like her old selves.

I guess later today I will send in my formal report and investigation retraction against Speed since now we know the truth. It's pretty bad to be so close to figuring out an investigation and be off by just a tad and have it all fall apart right before its figured out. If I had just put all the pieces together sooner I might have been able to avoid all the damage done.

As much as it pains me to believe, I don't think Mach Speed was the mastermind. He was enjoying himself too much to put together everything thats been happening to DE:LTA even before my arrival...Brique's death, OMEGA's Brique claiming she killed DE:LTA's Brique, the brief appearance of Zed, Sarge's double, Glimmer's death, Dawn's doub...well I guess that would be technically Joy-Ride's double Dusk, and now Speed's very blood thirsty double.

Something is on the rise and whoever is behind this, which I am betting it has something to do with Kontrol's double, knew exactly how to get to us. We are unstoppable as a team but picking us off one by one like this and infiltrating us shows that whoever is running the show there, knows what they are doing. Our numbers are weak right now, 2 dead, 2 unattainable, 2 injured and 2 new team mates who at this time have no idea what they are in for. We need to get our shit together for what I fear may be coming.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.15.12

DE:LTA Speed

Ok, so for better or worse, I'm back. Me. Trent Keating, the real Speed. At the moment, I'm still feeling worse than better but I figured I'd check in. It seems I've been out for about a month, a captive of OMEGA. Not much memory about my month as their "guest" other than they suck as hosts. Thanks to Big Red and the old timer for finding me in the construction site.

I've read the last months worth of logs and files as well as this clowns letter he left us and I can't figure it out. What happened to us? As a team, I mean. When they took me, I thought we were a unit. Strong and unbeatable. As advertised. But now that I'm back I see we're scattered and unfocused as a team. Trol is locked in her room, Cav is AWOL, Jem is apparently dead, Sphinx is gone and a psycho poses as me for a month and none of you guys, my "team mates", knew him to be a poser till he tries to kill Flo Bot?! Why isn't there any logs about this?! Are you guys embarrassed that this poser could do all this right under your noses or is this going in the ever expanding "Classified" files? And then there's these newbies, Arkane and Concussor...I can't find much of anything on them. So either they suck or they've done nothing worthy of mention. Not very DE:LTA like.

Sorry to angrily rant but getting my rear end handed to me for a month straight kind of puts me off my mood.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be back but I'm worried. Maybe it's these wonderful drugs I'm on, but I'm concerned as to where we go from here.

Anyway, I'm out to enjoy these drugs and heal.

-Trent Keating-

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.13.12

DE:LTA Agent Cliff-Side
Personal Entry

I've decided not to turn in an official report until I hear back from my investigation request. I have been running my own investigation from my apartment in MC and right now the only DE:LTA I feel I can trust is Kontrol. First off, yesterday there was a lot of activity from the OMEGAs. OMEGA is what one of the lackeys we interrogated yesterday kept repeating when Kontrol was getting information from him mentally so, for now, thats what Im calling them. They all were dressed in uniforms similar to Briques and Brique's uniform was similar to Zed Torture (Multifaria)'s, who we fought shortly after I joined. Yesterday, a third villain showed up, dressed the same...named Dusk. This was, without a doubt, my sister, Dawn! But she was powerful and pale with fangs...if I didnt know any better I would think she was a vampire...and since Vibora, thats not impossible. This Dusk looked and sounded like Dawn...my sister not D.A.W.N....well of course D.A.W.N. is my sister too...well not physically...argh...how did everything get so messed up?

In any case, I can't trust Dawn completely because shes not totally herself yet, and may never be...and I am more than certain that this Dusk is not MY sister. I'm on the fence with Sarge, mainly because it isn't completely clear what the deal between him and Zed Torture (Multifaria) is...yet. Concussor and Arkane are new to the team and I have very little information on either. Cavalier has been distracted lately since Glimmer has left us to go back home. Speed, well he's is another story all together. I already was having trust issues with him before yesterday, ever since he's gotten so aggressive, but Kontrol mentioned to me that Speed knew where the OMEGA lackeys were at before she informed him on the location. It was almost like he was getting there before we even knew where the next hit was and then he would just defeat everyone before we could interrogate anyone. Luckily for us, he was in such a hurry he missed a few in Canada. Thats when Kontrol and I were able to get the information we have. Unfourntatly, she took most of the information she retracted from the lackey with her when she locked herself away to "think about our next move".

I am not certain, but I am beginning to think the OMEGAs have somehow gotten Speed to change sides and spy on us...or worse, sabotage or gather classified information for them. Maybe they have something over his head forcing him to do their bidding which would explain his new bad temper...or maybe I am way off track and its just happenstance that his mental breakdown is happening as these OMEGAs pop out of the wood work, but I wouldnt bet my badge on it...if I ever gotten a badge that is.

So far we have seen a version of Dawn and Sarge...Brique as well, although the original Brique is deceased. So I guess if the trend continues Kontrol's, Speed's and Cavalier's doubles are next. Logically, we probably will not see a version of me since their Brique never died, so my double didnt come on board. All very hard to wrap my brain around. Everyday's weirder than the last.


DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.12.12

DE:LTA Agent Cliff-Side
Personal Entry

Troubled by the events of yesterday, I decided to sleep on it. Having trouble "sleeping on it", it dawned on me that a few weeks ago, before Glimmer was sent home and Sphinx reassigned several agents had been affected by a shared dream...everyone except me. At the time, I thought little on it concluding it would be natural for us to share similar dreams being the circumstances in which we all are part of. However, what stuck out last night was that Dawn, well I guess then she was still only D.A.W.N. and not who she is today, also shared the dream. Before Dawn started regaining her true personality she showed no ability to dream. Now may be a different story and its what got me thinking that maybe the similarities in their dream could have something to do with Speed's current attitude.

Although it is too soon to hear back from my Formal Investigation filing, I will spend most of my day today collecting data myself and see if I can turn up anything. I dont know whats gotten into Speed but if he is a danger to the public, himself or our team he may need to be contained. As of right now there are no grounds to do anything but keep an eye on him.

It seems that at every turn since I've joined DE:LTA some other secret falls through the cracks and I am still keeping one eye open and staying cautious. Kontrol is quickly becoming one of the few on this team I think I can trust, but I think its mainly because she has no real desires, therefore her ever motive is in order to do the task on hand. I love my sister but until she gains complete control over her "imprint" I cannot afford to total bring her in until I am certain of what is going on.

''Hook - Shared Dream''
(OOC) I figure since most everyone has an OMEGA version of themselves except for Alan, and I was not online for the dream hook itself, this could be the explanation as to why everyone, including D.A.W.N. had the shared dream and not Cliff-Side. Maybe the shared dream could be something connected with a possible OMEGA storyline. Or maybe thats already been discussed and I wasnt online at the time.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.11.12

DE:LTA Agent Cliff-Side
Personal Entry

Today, I had to file a request for investigation against Speed. I have not known him very long and have not had a chance to build a closer kinship with him but I know something is wrong. He's a bit blood thirsty it seems. I mean one day hes joking having fun flirting with everything that moves, and female and the next hes talking about how fun it would be to kill. Talk about one extreme to another.

He could be suffering from some stress related mental trauma. One other possible explanation could be he has psychologically changed. I’ve seen it too often during my time at the academy. A once good person totally loses it and becomes crazed with violence. Outside his playfulness, Speed is…was a good man. I hope this has not happened to him but you never know what can make someone snap. The situations we are asked to overcome can be enough to drive anyone over the edge.

DE:LTA Formal Investigation Request 10.12.12

Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents

Formal Investigation Report

Traction Report DE11841962

Date of Incident: 11th October 2012

Incident Title: Behavioral Evaluation Request

Alleged Violator: DE:LTA Agent Speed

  • Name: Trent Keating
  • Division: Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents
  • Designation: Agent Speed
  • Specialty: Increased Momentum

Investigation Team:

Team Leader:

  • Name: Alan Caston
  • Division: Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents
  • Designation: Agent Cliff-Side
  • Specialty: Terrain Manipulation


  • Name: D.A.W.N.
  • Division: Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents
  • Designation: Agent D.A.W.N.
  • Specialty: Mechanized Armory


  • Name: Classified
  • Division: Department of Emergency: Limited Test Agents
  • Designation: Agent Sarge
  • Specialty: Munitions Expert

1. Executive Summary

On Thursday 11th October 2012 it was identified that the aggression level of Agent Keating’s personality has increased extensively beyond recorded behavior patterns. Agent Keating also showed immense pleasure upon defeating opposition in assigned missions as well as advocating lethal actions towards said opposition.

Agent Keating recorded behavioral patterns on record and personally observed are best described as harmless, horseplay and border lining on harassment, not deadly or threatening.

Agent Keating’s actions perceived on this day of October 11th 2012 were hostile and bordering early stages of psychopath.

Approximately 4 weeks ago, Agent Keating showed slightly higher aggression levels upon requests to go after Dr. Destroyer. This behavior was not reported due to acceptable guidelines in his psychiatric reports concerning his past.

2. Recommendations

Recommendation 1
Provide discreet evaluation to determine the cause of the increased behavioral patterns.
Recommendation 2
Investigations and the conclusions drawn should be handled with the upmost care and handled covertly until a safe resolution can be presented.

3. Management Responses

Responses by the management team with allocated accountabilities and completion dates.
Recommendation 1

  • Accept / Reject: ___________________________________________
  • Actionee: ___________________________________________
  • Completion Date: ___________________________________________

Recommendation 2

  • Accept / Reject: ___________________________________________
  • Actionee: ___________________________________________
  • Completion Date: ___________________________________________

4. Conclusions

I have only been assigned to DE:LTA for a couple months and have worked with Agent Keating, better known to me as Speed, and find him to be a proficient and highly capable agent under normal circumstances. I have witnessed stressed related breakdowns in the past and I feel that this explanation is the most rational, however, in such stress related breakdowns normally self-doubt and depression set in. Agent Speed shows neither. It is almost as if his personality has been totally affected by whatever could be causing his increased aggression.

This behavior pattern is in desperate need of attention and quick resolution.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.11.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Personal File

I have run countless tests of my Droid. I have yet to pinpoint the cause of its malfunction. Today I took her to Snake Gulch to compare her processor functions with those of Sister SATA. I found no indication that these unsolicited commands and upgrades to her programming came from Mechanon. But if not from him.. then who?

I've already lost [-----Redacted-----]. I refuse to lose my droid as well. Whatever virus has overridden my programming, I will find and eliminate it. Then I will seek justice from whoever put it there.


Signed Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.06.12

DE:LTA Cliff-Side

Kontrol assigned a hit team to report to Major Rashida Kwame on location, a small island off the coast of Africa where a known Viper base has been under surveillance. It was reported that the base had a concerning rise in unexplained activity and the request for highly trained operatives were needed to infiltrate and shut down the base. Of course we were called in.

Team DE:LTA roster included field captain, Cavalier with D.A.W.N., Speed, Sarge, and myself. Kontrol handled operations at headquarter's mission control. Operation objectives were as follows;

  • Gain access to the protective base of operations
  • Eliminate all hostiles obstructing objectives.
    • Bring down the force field protecting their inner base.
      • Shut down all generators controlling the force field found in 3 surrounding bunkers
      • Gain access into the cave and investigate
      • Eliminate activities found in cave site

During the operation we had to detain several key Viper operatives; Viper X, Freon, Draconis, Supreme Serpent], and Viperia.

Two key elements concerning Viperia, 1) She was guarding a room where the activity reported was some kind of ritual to summon something called Spirit Serpent and 2) Agent D.A.W.N. and myself blew her classified identity.

** Personal Log Entry **
I don't know what the future repercussions will be from DE:LTA command.
I tried my best to keep my feelings in check but what surprised me the most 
was Dawn's outburst of concern. It seems like she's gaining more and more 
of her former personality and less robotic. Everything is happening so fast 
now that I've found out she lives.
During mission debriefing, while Sarge was trying to piece things together, Kontrol was just filing her report when she was interrupted by someone claiming they were DE:LTA. A sorcerer named Arkane. He needed assistance with Hi Pan, another mystical mission but this time the location was absolutely fantastic! Floating islands, beautiful buildings and floral and a friggin Dragon. Once we defeated Hi Pan, Kontrol and Arkane spent most the night trying to convince each other their view point on science or magic was the most effective or logical or whatever...all I know, is it took the attention off Dawn and I for the time being.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 10.01.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

Project Shiva: When "Dr. Destroyer" made an appearance at the Champions Anniversary I was sure it had to be some kind of hoax. All of the intel I'd received said that the "Destroyer" everyone was speaking of was nothing like Albert Zerstoiten of the past. Some even went as far as to say he was interested in mystic arts. I had always considered his level of genius to be beyond the psuedo sciences.

Then the Destroid army showed up all over Millennium City. UNTIL Special Ops and DE:LTA were mobilized immediately but it became clear that this job was beyond our limited resources. Then today a battalion of Mega-Destroid robots attacked the Champions HQ. If this is not the true Dr. Destroyer, this imposter has gone to great lengths to copycat the behavioral patterns of Albert Zerstoiten. Defender put out an APB to heroes all across the globe to defend Millennium City. We are working tirelessly to defend against the constant waves of attack, but there is concern about how long even WE can hold out if this is the true Dr. Destoyer.


Signed Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 09.30.12

DE:LTA Cliff-Side

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.


Today has been, I don't know, outstanding or insane...maybe both.

I was out running a couple low threat missions for UNTIL and was called in by Kontrol. Since coming on the team, I've been able to finally let myself go, have fun and starting to enjoy my life choices and path since...since Dawn died. Wow, I havent said that in years.

Im talking all over the place, not making any sense. Ok. Kontrol call D.A.W.N. and me to her office. She said she needed to talk to me personally, but D.A.W.N. was there. I thought at first we were being sent on a special mission together, which would be new because D.A.W.N. and I rarely work together. Seems it was deliberate and now I know why.

Kontrol told me today, that D.A.W.N. is Dawn! My sister Dawn...My deceased sister Dawn! The technical aspects of what happened is on file under Joy-Ride. Last week team DE:LTA went against Mechaniste. During the mission, something happened to D.A.W.N., I'm not entirely sure what exactly, tech's not my calling, but whatever happened allowed Dawn, my sister, to start emerging remembering...becoming herself.

Dawn and I had to spend a lot of time wrapping our heads around the situation, probably me more than her and she's not all there yet, but at least now we have a starting point.

I have my sister back!

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 9.18.12

DE:LTA Speed

I got bored waiting on you to get back to me, UNITY, so I took to the streets. I understand protocol and my punishment for not adhering to it. Screw it....

As I stated before, I took to the streets by myself ( My DE:LTA mates had nothing to do with this so don't mess with them ) and after a quick trip around the city my fears seem to be right on. Dr. Destroyer hacked the Renaissance Center's holographic billboards and sent Destroids all over the city. I can't do anything about the billboards and his screwed up message so I smashed all the Destroids instead.

I'm not so computer stupid that I don't know which parts hold all the data so I took those and enlisted the help of someone you have no control over, the Clint Eastwood meets Robo Cop looking hero, Drifter.

Drifter took the parts and has told me to be patient as it will take him time to pull any information from them. Clock is ticking again.....slowly.

I know you guys at UNITY and maybe even DE:LTA are disappointed in me for going not only against protocol but also going it alone. Well, I'm just as disappointed that I had to. With that being said, once Drifter gets me some usable intel on Dr. Destroyer's hiding place....I'm off.

With or without permission and with or without DE:LTA.
-Trent Keating-

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 9.18.12

DE:LTA Speed

Is this really happening?! Dr. Destroyer's invading the city?! If there's intel on this I want it. I don't care how "close" I am to this situation, I want to be there if he returns. I have to be there if he returns.

I'm giving you people at UNITY ten minutes to respond. If you don't, I'll just go find answers myself. Clock is ticking.....slowly.

Not joking.
--Trent Keating--

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 09.11.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Personal File

I was taking some personal time at my old home in Vibora, when I was approached by disciples of Vibora Carmesi school of martial arts. The New Shadows have really begun taking a foothold in Vibora. Redsnake eventually sent me to help some teen named Taffy, apparently surrounded by hostile vampires. I adjusted my tech and called in D.A.W.N. and Cavalier for backup. Miss Winters was no damsel in distress, she was staking vampires left and right. How could a cheerleader be so adept at vampire hunting?! Vibora has surely become more dangerous than it was when I was young.

Taffy introduced me to the Crypt Network known as the Nexus, where I eventually ran across a woman named Whisper. She mentioned some illogical nonsense about a "spirit guide" and sent a mage, Jeff Burton, to assist me. Jeff's mystic prowess gave him control over the spirits and mystic beings as they attacked me. Eventually he helped me re-calibrate my tech so that I could control them as well. However their signatures still do not display on my HUD tech.. it goes noting that my D.A.W.N. somehow was able to see many of the hostiles.

It is very illogical; how can an android with no "spirit" see into the spirit realm? All systems were functioning optimally but somehow the D.A.W.N. is performing beyond it's programming. I fear that my mental imprint of Agent Joy-Ride's brainwave signature may [-------Redacted-------]. This, as with all fear, is illogical; simply False Evidence Appearing "Real". I am continuing my diagnostics, however there does not seem to be a threat from the droid. For the benefit of the team, perhaps it is time I speak to Agent Cli... speak to Alan. I understand this goes against the advisement of the Secretary-Marshall but this information needs to be declassified. Mr. Cashton is the closest thing I've had to a human friend, and he deserves to know the truth.

After meeting Agent XI, I can see the toll that secrets can take on social relations.. specifically "family".


DE:LTA Career Log Entry 09.13.12

DE:LTA Cliff-Side

The last few days we have been running routine missions. Nothing out of the ordinary, however, during one of our routine missions, Brique had sent out some minions to ambush me. Odd thing was, they were lackeys and pushovers. No way she thought they would cause me any problems knowing full well what my capabilities are since she shares them. I found out that they are up to something out in the desert salvaging tech from a fallen alien ship.

As we were wrapping up our missions today, it seems like most of the team have experience similar dreams. Normally, I would just chalk that up to the fact we run many similar missions and quiet often, therefore it would be natural for the team to experience similar dreams...however, the interesting part of the mystery lies in DAWN. Since she is mechanical, she does not dream...at all. Yet, last night she did. Cavalier and Kontrol were not present today for our mission detail. Both being mental based power sets would have been helpful into finding out more about this dream issue. I wonder if that too is just a coincidence?

Whats becoming troublesome for me is the amount of coincidences team DE:LTA seems to be plagued by...but I have to say, suspicions, coincidences and unanswered questions aside...I LOVE these new powers that the M.A.P. tech has given me. A little too much sometimes.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 09.09.12

DE:LTA Cliff-Side

Today Defender sent me a message...me personally! He said that MCPD Cheif Surhoff had a situation down in the jail out in Westside. I contacted Kontrol and she said Sarge was also on duty and we headed over to the jail. Once we got there, it seemed like a typical jail break to me, but the person behind the jail break was the shocker...well at least to everyone else but me. Turns out it was Brique!

I read the reports and according to the records she died, however, Kontrol informed us that there was more to the story than what was in the report. Turns out that who we encountered at the jail break was a Multifaria duplicate that somehow made it to our dimension and it was her who killed her counterpart and team DE:LTA's friend.

All sounds legit, but why "this" Brique has a personal issue with me has me a little suspicious.

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 09.01.12

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

Project Stargazer: DELTA received a distress call from Major Jason Larke of Project Stargazer. It appears the Qularr had begun to build new force field generators. The same generators were used in their invasion of Earth to keep heroes out. DELTA sent Agent Cavalier on a Stealth reconnaissance mission and his report revealed that the Qularr's plans had progressed much further than what we'd thought possible. We had only 5 minutes to shut down 5 generators in hostile territory.

The Qulaar hid the generators underground on the beaches of the Wayfarer coast. Agent Cliff-Side used his tectonics to get our DELTA agents in. Myself I ran as fast as I could to manually shut-down the generators. The hive queen's control of the thousands of drones kept my influence low so I had to work fast. Without Agent Glimmer there to translate the Qularr controls I used my technological skill to shut the generators down the fastest way I knew how.. Smashing the Hardware! The damage I performed is not irreparable but until Stargazer can form a full assault on the Qularr on Wayfarer coast it should hold off their generators.

With the generators disabled we then could then stop their biologists that were creating a zoo out of the many organisms found on Monster Island. Handily defeating their zoologist, we had saved even a human civilian. I personally walked him to safety and

The operation took fewer than 5 DELTA agents and could very well have changed the tide of the Qularr threat.


Signed Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 08.27.12

DE:LTA Cliff-Side

Today was my first day on DE:LTA duty after recovering from M.A.P. graphing. I met Sarge, Speed, Glimmer, Cavalier, and of course I was already acquainted with Kontrol since she was who recruited me. The other teammates seemed surprised that I would agreed to the M.A.P. tech installation. Now I'm second guessing myself and should have requested to be fully informed on its dangers or side effects before hand.

Kontrol briefed me on DE:LTA's roles and it was reveled to me that I am actually a replacement for a fallen companion of team DE:LTA named Brique. Turns out Brique's M.A.P. tech also gave her earth control as it has me. I was under the impression that the M.A.P. worked differently on different people. If that is the case is it just coincidence that we both developed earth powers, or does each M.A.P. implant do a specific ability regardless of who it is attached to? And IF that's the case, did they install Brique's M.A.P. onto me?

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 6.22.12

DE:LTA Speed

For the record I hate writing these things. Anyway, here it goes.

Agents Glimmer, Sarge, Cav, Cliff and myself were finishing up patrol of a few known hotspots for bad guy activites when our intel bands went crazy. Sarge and Cliff were called back to their respective Projects for some super secret missions.(I honestly think Sarge wasn't really called anywhere, I think he's just old and needed to go watch reruns of Matlock.) Anyway, Cav, Jem (I will be calling Glimmer by the name Jem from here on out as she looks just like the 80's cartoon rocker chick.) and myself went on to finish our partols.

Upon finishing our hot spot patrols, those of us left Jem, Cav, and myself) returned to UNITY HQ to debrief when their danger alarms started going crazy too. Apparently a scout out in Canada had reported "The Tower has gone active." and since we were the only DE:LTA members active guess who had to check it out? So we get the intel and get told how very, very dangerous this mission is and then we get sent on our way.

Jem, Cav and I reach the Tower and yes it is very much active. The "perfect man"'s tower is all glowing and shiny and there's clones of him everywhere. Small clones with guns, huge super strong clones, and zombie like clones that tried to control you mentally and made glowie worm like thingies come out of the ground and attack you. (Ask Trol...er Agent Kontrol for clarification as to what "glowie worm like thingies" are.) He also had wierd dogs, dinosaurs, and at one point we were even attacked by a near invincible test dummy.

Huge pipes funneled fluid throughout the entire complex later to be revealed as Teleios's dna. (Not his man juice, by the way, thank sweet muppety odin for that as i busted as many pipes as I could, ran all around in it and even got some in Cav's hair. Also made inappropriate jokes about Cav's now "Something about Mary" hair.) We made our way up the tower busting pipes and turning off power stations on each level.

Jem, Cav and I reached the top floor and there he was. The perfect man, Teleios, up on a platform. I got bored about three seconds into his typical big bad rant and started looking around and that's when I saw it. A really, really, REALLY, huge brain. Right in the middle of the floor and the pipes were all around it.

Trying to keep this long story from getting any longer, we had to beat up the huge brain which was gross and spongy and did not like my mocking (yet witty) banter as it started shooting lightning at us. ( Maybe ask Agent Cavalier if it was a Sith lord.) Anyway, while beating up the Big Brain we didn't notice Teleios escaping. Just too much coming at us for three agents to breach his tower and take him out.

All and all I consider this a win. Though we didn't get Teleios we did shut down his entire operation, chased him out of Canada, coexisted as a team, and showed that even just three DE:LTA agents are nothing to mess with.

Time for piazza and beer....and a pretty lady.
--Trent Keating--

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 06.01.11

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

Psychological Evaluation: I took Agent Cavalier on our first tour of UNITY Hotspots. Agent excels in ranged combat and completing mission objectives with minimal threat to self or team. Shows high levels of n Ach behaviors, perhaps signs of being least experienced squad member. Overcompensation for stimulus from nociceptive pain trends seems to boost power levels exponentially. Adding to the record - note assessors worry that agent will hide personal cost of trauma will lead to latent negative effects in the unconscious psyche.

Agent shows extreme knowledge and information on the Qu'laar. Though his file shows only brief tenure in Project Stargazer, he managed to soak up many subtle nuances in hive mind behavior that escaped even my intellect. Subject is seemingly proficient in a leadership role when the subject is familiar, however Agent Cavalier also showed impressive, uncharacteristic restraint when not in lead role. Superego is well aligned to heroism. Subject passed confidence testing[ ------------------------------------REDACTED FROM RECORD------------------------------------].

Project Mind Game Stronghold Report: Agents Speed, Cavalier, Sarge and myself responded to the immanent threat of Menton's control of Stonghold. Sarge, having use of no psychic defense techniques recused himself from the mission for the other agents safety. I used a remote psychic link to look at the situation inside. Strongholds power inhibitors are seemingly malfunctioning, allowing massive prisoner breakouts on all levels. Agent Maronni briefed us with the situation outside.

Upon reaching 0.5 Kilometer proximity Menton's influence showed impressive levels. Agent Maronni and I were able to protect the squad from external influence. Agent Speed's action potential protected his synapse from direct control. On recognizance to find a VIPER Synaptic Expirator Agent Speed somehow became susceptible to outside influence's cognitive behavior modification. It is quite possible that in his brief time away Speed consumed [--------REDACTED FROM RECORD------]. Upon recognizing his influenced behavior Agent Cavalier and Myself upped our mental defenses against Menton's coming attack. Agent Speed however was faster than the speed of thought, defeating Agent Cavalier before I could reestablish behavior normalcy.

Agents Speed and Cavalier show signs of egoistic narcissism, however I believe the fallout from the internal scrimage will be negligible as Agent Cavalier seemingly understood the situation of Menton's control. The two personality types are very potentially volatile. I have taken preemptive steps by stimulating their hypothalamus to relative homeostasis.

Director Kaufman, then authorized PRIMUS air strikes on the Stronghold Compound. Extensive trauma expected for both inmates and personnel. It is to be noted that Sidn.. Grond attacked unprovoked. It is unsure if DE:LTA was the target of these attacks. Research from Dr. Dupree shows promising results for mental rehabilitation for the grondling effect and Project Greenskin will soon be able to [-----------REDACTED FROM RECORD-------------].

Mission objective changed after Air Strikes upon Stronhold seemed to passify the prisoners not experiencing extreme control from Menton. Agent Cavalier led in a.. complicated mission near Area 51. I differ my notes to his Project Stargazer Report.


Signed Thuy Xi Tranh

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 5.25.11

DE:LTA Speed

Welcome to the crew, Cav!

Took this rookie out on patrol last night in Vibora City and ran into some clowns who thought they were speedsters and wanted to race me. Me! The fastest dude alive! So after reaching the finish line and downing three pieces of piazza they finally come strolling and get all angry that they lost so spectacularly and decide they wanna fight. I'm like "aw man, I got this rookie here watching my back....great.." then before I could really get a hit on either of them Cav smashed them both with his brain! Again, me, the fastest dude alive, and I barely got a hit before he had those guys running.....priceless. So after seeing him in action gotta say, nice addition.


Signed Trent Keating

DE:LTA Career Log Entry 12.01.07

DE:LTA Kontrol
Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

Psychological Evaluation: The task of evaluating Agent Sphinx for combat readiness is an increasingly difficult one. Subject's extreme trauma and post trauma related stressors have lead to a severe dissociative behavior. Psychiatric readings of hormone levels are completely useless, as the feline physiology varies much from that of baseline humans. Subject makes special effort for the most basic of human social norms. It is unclear if this is a side effect of trauma or simply his alpha nature from the manimalization.

Subject failed multiple screenings for homicidal behavior - however consistently passes tests for human compassion. Psychosis and dissociative breaks seem to be triggered by his primal nature, however I cannot recommend corrective therapy. Subject is holding on to amnesic nostalgia of his previous human life and must learn to function as one whole person. Even with the congress of selves now occupying his mind.

I am recommending a low steady dose of dopamines be introduced into his diet in his time of integration back into human society. I do not advocate but will allow for live hunting for the Agent. It is important that he, and we, accept his role atop the food chain as King of his own Jungle.

Signed Thuy Xi Tranh