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*PRIMUS - BioRad (Gene Damage) still maintains active conection with Primus.  Because of his past affiliation and current volunteerism, Gene is on speaking terms with the Golden Avenger, and many Silver Avengers, and other Super Powered Individuals that work with the U.S. Military and PRIMUS.
*[[PRIMUS]] - BioRad (Gene Damage) still maintains active conection with Primus.  Because of his past affiliation and current volunteerism, Gene is on speaking terms with the Golden Avenger, and many Silver Avengers, and other Super Powered Individuals that work with the U.S. Military and PRIMUS.
*[[The Gold Agency]] - Gene met with [[Lester Fine]], a scout for The Gold Agency. After discussing the benefits and financial obligations of joining, Gene signed on, and happily throws one Narcola vending machine a week, per contract.
*[[The Gold Agency]] - Gene met with [[Lester Fine]], a scout for The Gold Agency. After discussing the benefits and financial obligations of joining, Gene signed on, and happily throws one Narcola vending machine a week, per contract.

Revision as of 20:31, 25 March 2014

Gene Damage
Player: @Mangle_Paw
MP Gene Head 2 02.jpg
Locked and Loaded
Class Focus: DPS Tank
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: RadFire
Species: Human Mutant
Ethnicity: MUTANT!
Age: 32-36
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eye Color: Feline Emerald Green
Hair Color: Green
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Soldier Hero
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: none known
Known Powers
Radioactive Fire and Mutation
Known Abilities
on occasion as Operation or Command dictates

MP biorad logo.jpg
MP Gene Title 4.jpg

Gene Damage is an amensiac, his name came from a sarcastic orderly treating him after an accident in the Burning Sands Vault in Nevada.

Appearance & Personality

Gene is a genetic mess, mutation has distorted every part of his body.

While he regrets the loss of a more human exterior, he knows that he got off lucky as odds of surviving the kind of exposure he has are astronomically slim. And even then those that survive are much more scarred, emotionally and physically. That does not mean he accepts the changes in stride though. He can be quite the wise ass and is an incorrigible prankster. He is a great green clown, laughing on the outside to hide the crying inside.

Gene isn't mentally slow, but some assume he is after having conversations with him.



Gene has no idea who he really is. He has a list of nine names and anyone of them may be the right name to hang on his body, but he has no recollection as to the right one.

What he knows has been pieced together by a Primus investigation. On September 4th 1997, two squads of Primus agents responded to a security breach in the Vault at Uranium Flats. Motion and Access alarms as well as the camera feed being disabled indicated a possible theft in progress. The door was put into over watch by squad two and 1st squad was picked to suit up and flush out the intruders. Contact with 1st squad ceased less than 15 minutes after entry. Lt. Barker responded with a second force of three additional squads. Barker found 1st squad burned alive, Hot Suits melted to ash and bone and all the dog tags gone. One member of Squad One was still breathing somehow. Barker pulled that squaddie out and got him to decontamination in double time.

Gene Damage first heard the name he adopted in the radiation ward after waking from a three day coma. He liked the dark humor of it and chose it as his legal name after his 'recovery'. Recovery is the wrong word though, even if most of the doctors at hand wanted to call it that. As Dr. Alexandria Valient said, the right word would be transformation. The squaddie that went into the vault is not the soldier known as Gene Damage on the genetic level. And without any memory of who he was, or capacity to compare genetics remains, he would never really be that squadie again. Those same genetics gave him effectively immune to radiation, as well as a much more resilient than normal (and very strange looking) physique.

The inventory and investigation later determined that 28 Kg of Amalgam 937 had been stolen, the containment unit of several samples had been breached, but the means of access and exit were never deduced.

Gene opted to remain with PRIMUS, and has never contacted any of the families of the men on and women on his 'list'. Primus agreed to pay the death benefits to all seven families. Due to his new found 'unique physiological capacity' to shrug off radiation damage and withstand the detonation of large volumes of explosives, his permanent station became Uranium Flats. But as an asset Primus never underestimated Gene's worth, and has been given training in every imaginable demolition scenario, as well as commando training with the Seals and the Rangers so he could work effectively with any Silver Avenger. So Uranium Flats was home, but he was always going somewhere interesting.

While there the relationship between Gene and Barker grew into something oddly paternal. There was debt bond between the two, but as to who felt the greater responsibility, the rescued or the rescuer, no one can say for sure. What is known is that during a recent Vault problem, Barker and a large number of Primus agents were exposed and Barker went over to the ugly side. Gene was tapped to try and rescue Barker and squad and get them to the decontamination device that was made possible by genes incident years before. However the presence of MegaRad and Gene's battle with him took too much time, and Gene failed the one man who didn't fail him.

Gene took a large dose of radiation on that mission. The largest that he has ever taken. When he started showing symptoms of dementia, fever spikes and stomach cramps the following day everyone was shocked. Gene fell into a second coma that lasted three days and when he awoke, he had further transformed. In addition to resistance to nuclear fire, he could control it.

Archive Images


After more than 10 years of service to Primus, Gene has 'retired', though to say he is retired from Primus is silly. Gene knows that he'll never truly leave Uranium Flats, so he does contract work for Primus as requested and required, and is trying to build a reputation as a new hero, RadFire. Or more accurately, RadFire should be his Super Name once all the trademark and copyrights are researched. He's going the full measure and has Lester Fine of The Gold Agency for pr and guidance. This has helped and in the near future a docudrama (starring Allan Tudyk) about Gene's first transformation should be airing on cable. Gene has been learning the ropes of Super Heroism dealing with the criminal element in Millennium City primarily investigating gang turf wars of The Red Banner the Cobra Lords on the West Side. For a time his nemesis Red Dragon a North Korean super spy was also operating there. Gene is still trying to figure that mess out.

While patrolling as RadFire, Gene met The Blue Bruiser as Blue was about to burst into the offices of Harmon Enterprises. Gene decided to tag along and lend a hand. Gene realized afterword that he missed the feeling being 'on the team' and has recently discussed a potential membership with the group Rising Force. That plan has not born fruit, mostly because Primus has put him on extended loan in Canada making it too difficult to meet with his potential team mates.

Gene discussed all this with Lester and after Lester pulled his glasses dow his nose so he could look over the lenses said, "Gene, sometimes it's as much about the mistakes as it about the successes". Gene scowled and Lester continued, "Look, Rising Force may have not been the right fit, keep in touch with the members whose company you enjoyed, and lets try you out somewhere else". Gene looked down at his mishapen asymetruc feet, still in a stall. "Gene, when you came to me after after that business with Blue Bruiser, you were like a kid in a candy shop, getting you on a team is the way to go, but it has to be right team, I'll send out a couple of resumes and beat the street a bit. We will find you a home yet. Now, lets talk about this recent fixation with throwing cars."

And within the week, and through a couple of unusual circumstances, Gene and The Guardians made contact and agreement.

Gene has started getting more free time away from Primus and has been interacting more with the Guardians as well as the super society of Millennium City. As a result he has a few new friends. Of particular note are D.J. Lorimarko C and Mardi Gras. Gene went to Club Caprice for the first time. Lorimarko and Gene hit it off while talking odd music, though the fascination that must have been apparent regarding the music may have helped smooth things along. That same night he was introduced to Mardi Gras by Lorimarko, who was apparently feeling rather cupid like. While a trist didn’t blossom, a friendship with Mardi did. During the time they spent talking, a disfigured mutate hassled the pair, focusing forward advances toward Mardi. Gene tried to politely send the troll off, but it’s persistence eventually got the better of him and something happened. Gene transformed into the hulking monstrous form that they pulled out of the Vault. Gene recoverrd his composure and quickly used the Ciraulo Serum antidote that Dr. Valient required that he carry causing him to transform back into his ‘normal green haired self’. Gene made a visit to Dr. Valient that night, who was chagrined after prying the whole story out of him. While she shared some of his concern, she was content that for now he makes certain to have his antidote handy at all times.

In other less disturbing news, Gene has his movie open on May 18th at the Seattle Independent Film Festival. Critically the movie did well partially due to some stunning desert cinimatography, and partly on the back of Alan Tyduk's amazing performance, but the movie still fell flat. Suprisingly though the film is gaining traction as a rental as word spreads.

See a transcript of an interview prior to the the movies release on the Super Seattle Morning Segment.

Not long after Gene started having a bug problem. That is to say swarms of insectoid humanoids were tracking and assaulting him. See more info on the investigation here. The clues all pointed back to Project Greenskin and Burning Sands. So Gene took his leave from the Guardians unkwnoingly at the moment they would need all it's membership the most.

For ten days Gene searched the desert looking for clues as to the location of the Hive he suspected. His last report to the Guardians claimed he had figured out where the Hive was, and gave a GPS location and was moving in. After action investigation by the Guardians seems to indicate that Gene fell for an elaborate trap. While there was a conflux of tunnels at the location, by the time the Guardians arrived (after a serious encounter leading to a complete restructure of the Super Group), there was nothing to be found. Further consultation with Dr. Zuma indicates that there in no way this was the hive as none of the manditory coloney structures like a nursery or food storage were present.


Gene's currently listed as Missing in Action.

Public Relations Stills

Graphic Novel Covers

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Genes tranformation has given him the ability to throw radiocative fire and a super human physique. When extremely stressed Gene can transform into a full blown irradiate, but this transformation grants no additional abilities and requires the use of the Ciraulo Serum to return to his normal self.





  • PRIMUS - BioRad (Gene Damage) still maintains active conection with Primus. Because of his past affiliation and current volunteerism, Gene is on speaking terms with the Golden Avenger, and many Silver Avengers, and other Super Powered Individuals that work with the U.S. Military and PRIMUS.
  • The Gold Agency - Gene met with Lester Fine, a scout for The Gold Agency. After discussing the benefits and financial obligations of joining, Gene signed on, and happily throws one Narcola vending machine a week, per contract.

OOC Information

  • Gene Damage is played by @Mangle_Paw, and is primarily a solo character more than willing to work with others if the occasion demands. He is built primarily for PvE dps .

  • Gene Damage is inspired by the Toxic Avenger movies and the Unknown Soldier comic books with a touch Forest Gump for flavor.

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