The Bullet
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Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Endurance
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Agility
Telekinetic Explosion Generation
Accelerated Healing
Force Bullets (Sound Blast Energy)
Time Travel
Decelerated Aging
Six years ago, a group of teenage metahumans known as, Young Riders, traveled to Canada with the help of a UNTIL jet and faced off with Necrull who threatened to destroy most of the Canadian North with his unstoppable power and Steelhead was to overwhelmed with other threats going on at the time to really deal with it. The Young Riders featured six distinguished members. Black Sparrow, the Team Leader, Golem, the Powerhouse, Beastial, the Shapeshifter, Mr. Invincible, the Muscle, and The Bullet, the Speedster. This team has been known to tangle with Necrull on more then one occasion usually ending with his ultimate defeat and escape, but this time Necrull planned to use his powers to destroy Fort Station Steelhead and take out Justiciar and his team and it was up to the Young Riders to stop him.
The Team cornered Necrull before he ever got to leave his lair and they would defeat easily before he would grow to about Godzilla's height and then he would finally swear to kill the Young Riders once and for all. The team would be out of options until the team's quirky speedster, Bullet offered to try and trap Necrull in another dimension, but in the process could seal Bullet in there with him. The Bullet would then run at lightning speeds ripping a hole in between this dimension and another and it would act as a vacuum and suck both Necrull and Bullet inside forever. Over the next few years the Young Riders would hold auditions for someone to take Bullet's spot, but no one fit the bill since Bullet was the "comic relief" and for that everyone else that auditioned just didn't fit the bill.
It wouldn't be until the anniversary of Bullet's death the Team would disband and would share past memories they had with Bullet. Before they would all go their separate ways Mr. Invincible would ask how did Bullet get his powers and Golem, Bullet's girlfriend at the time would share the story. Bullet's real name was Harrison Drake and when he was only fourteen he would get caught in the explosion of a Velocity Accelerator in his dad's laboratory and it would cause his body to output greater and more increased amounts of momentum energy, resulting in the gaining of super speed powers. He would become a hero after the increase of super-villain activity led him into believing he can do anything and so he donned a costume and became The Bullet, he would soon join the Young Riders due to combat inexperience could be the death of him, just turning sixteen when he sacrificed himself to save Canada.
Although The Bullet will be greatly missed, the team moved one and possibly continued their adventures as solo heroes outside of Millennium City. Recently in August 2014, Necrull found his way out of the dimensional hole Bullet sealed him in and went went back to his old lair watching and waiting, while Bullet was also sent of the dimensional hole and landed in the middle of a highway in Millennium City and was hit by a car, landing him in the hospital and left in a coma.
What Bullet thought was the hospital was actually a laboratory where tests where done on him and he would be introduced to three friendly scientists. Cooper Stales, Aubrey Thompson, and Christopher Simon. They told Bullet he was "asleep" for six years and his old "identity" Harrison Drake is now known to the public and believe that hes dead because of an "accident" in Canada resulted in him killing himself and Necrull but they reveal hes alive and plotting something. They told Bullet that he had super-powers and he should use them to become a superhero (again) while offering him the proper training and equipment to face Necrull's new Brain Trust that is currently forming. Before Bullet can do that he should work on getting on the public's "good side" and start with tackling some super-powered criminals that Millennium City has to offer while also gaining a job under the new civilian alias, Jason Harris.
The Bullet also suffering from amnesia as a side-effect of being in the dimensional hole for too long and now must work on regaining the memories he has now lost, in the process of operating as the superhero the public has now dubbed, the Silver Streak.
Present Day
The Bullet now lives a new life as Jason Harris and suffers from amnesia and must try to regain some of his memories while also serving as the City's next new hero.
Appearance and Personality
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Recreation of the Velocity Accelerator
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Threat Levels:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
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Real Name: Bruce Fang
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Healing Factor, Durability, Resistance to Mind Control, High Resistance, Superhuman Senses, Claws, Super Jump
Occupation: Mastermind
Origin: Unknown
Motivation: Power
Threat Level:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
Real Name: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: Necromancy, Flight, Enhanced Durability, Necrullitic Energy Manipulation, Immortality
Occupation: Assassin
Origin: Possible Necrullian Energy Exposure
Motivation: Revenge
Threat Level:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
Real Name: Devon Banks
Powers/Abilities: Super Speed, Healing Factor, Electrokinesis, Intangibility, Speed-Clones, Flash Step
Occupation: Criminal Mastermind
Origin: Science
Motivation: Power
Threat Level:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
Real Name: Tina Rodriguez
Powers/Abilities: Hazard Breath, Chlorine and Nerve Gas Emission
Occupation: Maniac
Origin: Mutant
Motivation: Unknown
Threat Level:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
Real Name: Jordan Romero
Powers/Abilities: Molecular Manipulation, Flight, Healing, Intangibility, Fire and Ice Manipulation
Occupation: Assassin Infiltrator
Origin: Mutant
Motivation: Unknown
Threat Level:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
Real Name: Daniel Masters
Powers/Abilities: Intangibility, Invisibility
Occupation: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Motivation: Unknown
Threat Level:
██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ | ██ |
Powers and Abilities
- Superhuman Speed: The Bullet also known as the Silver Streak can move at superhuman speeds. Unknown if he was born with them or gained them in a lab accident is yet to be revealed, but The Bullet has been shown to run so fast that he can run up walls, phase through walls and become intangible, and be able to kick with superhuman force. The Bullet can run at hypersonic speeds meaning he runs at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5).
- Superhuman Stamina: The Bullet can exert himself for hours until toxins and chemicals can overwhelm him. His record is a full 48 hours until he can tire himself out due to fatigue.
- Superhuman Endurance: Unlike most speedsters, The Bullet is probably one of the few that can last for long hours and not require food. He has full control over his body and their primary functions and can go without food for long periods of time as well as remain calm through stressful or painful situations, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep.
- Superhuman Reflexes: The Bullet's mind and senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down, allowing him to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly.
- Superhuman Agility: Jason can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort.
- High-Level Intellect: Jason is very intelligent, being able to hack into MCPD's MARS Database to gain in-and-out access to his "Nemesis" database to acquire new, old, or pre-existing information on villains and be prepared for whats coming for him or what hes going to.
- Telekinetic Explosion Generation: The Bullet's supercharged brain activity gives him minor telepathic resistance and abilities, one is Telekinetic Explosion. This power is done by making the molecules in objects vibrate at accelerated speeds til they finally explode.
- Accelerated Healing: Any wear and tear damage done to Bullet can be instantly healed, he has also shown to heal from broken bones in a matter of 2 hours. However he is just limited to healing from broken bones and damaged skin tissue, internal damage done to organs like his liver may require him to spend some time off being it usually takes longer to bounce back from.
- Force Bullets: By manipulating sound waves and harnessing them into balls of hard energy, The Bullet can fire "Force Bullets" at opponents.
- Time Travel: When vibrating his molecules at the right frequency, The Bullet can phase into any alternate timeline, dimension or universe.
- Decelerated Aging: The Bullet has a slowed aging process. This power can be imparted on his most intimate loved ones by extended contact.
- The Bullet's Costume: Developed by Carter Technologies, The Bullet's costume is composed of an original metal called, Flexium, Flexium is just like the experimental Viperium found in most VIPER Soldier's armors. Flexium is a very malleable and is just as durable as Kendrium developed by Daryl Kendricks, it is also heat and abrasive resistant and is often given to speedsters like Bullet who lack speed auras, lastly it is also resistant to small caliber bullets, laser blasts, and is environmentally-sealed to survive in extreme temperatures.
- Helmet: Main purpose of the helmet is to give Bullet extra protection from psychic attacks, despite his brain being untouchable due to its hyper-charged activity.
- Mask: Standard mask which takes the form of Aviator goggles and is outfitted with functions that provide night vision, infrared vision, thermal vision, and electromagnetic (EM) vision.
- Maneuverability: Speed doesn't necessarily mean maneuverability, Bullet sometimes may have problems with inertia and tight corners.
- Friction: Lacking an aura to protect him from friction and intense heat, The Bullet is commonly wearing some kinds of metal to offer him some kinds of protection from the frictions of speed.
- Amnesia: Jason has amnesia and this prevents him from remembering figures that made an impact on his life and must slowly dig into the back of his brain to try and remember.
- Character is based on/around the new upcoming 2014 Flash TV Series.
- Commonly says "See ya in Snap" as his own version of "Goodbye" or "I'll be back".
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Transhumans: Arachnae • Arachnicide • Blue Patriot • Bugg • Data • Gargoyle • Red-Arachnid (Brian Smith) • Strange Thing • The Bullet • Velocitus | ||
Imperfects: Galestorm • Magyik • Mindscape • Nightbeast • Omegan | ||
NPCs: | ||
Places and Things: DothCorp • Hyper-Force | ||
Stories: Bugg: Chapter One |