Tielrah Ser'ai

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Tielrah Ser'ai
Player: @Bullseye12
"Tielrah, At your service."
Character Build
Class Focus: Support, Ranged DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms and Tech
Biographical Data
Real Name: Tielrah Ser'ai
Known Aliases: Tiel, Purple
Gender: Female
Species: Virmian
Ethnicity: Alien
Place of Birth: Virmia
Base of Operations: Millenium City, Vibora Bay, Canada
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 103 pounds (Unarmoured) 130 pounds (Armoured)
Eyes: Confidential
Hair: Confidential
Complexion: Confidential
Physical Build: Light, Athletic
Physical Features: Three fingers on each hand, Two sharp claw-like toes on each foot.
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Known
Years Active: One
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Member of the Liberators, Former mercenary of M.A.C.E, Former crew member.
Education: Graduated from Military Academy on Virmia.
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Known Powers and Abilities
Psionic Abilities. Enhanced Agility and Aim due to implants.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Automatic laser pistol,Shielded regenerative enviromental suit, BT support drones, Mark Two Virmian Plasma Bracers. Standard Issue Virmian Shotgun. Prototype Particle Draining Beam. Grappling hook.
ReldinBox Template

Appearance and Personality

Tielrah is a rather short and friendly looking figure, Despite carrying a wide array of dangerous tools and weapons. Her suit is very well cared for and shiny, being fixed and polished every morning. All of her weapons are coloured to match her armour. The pistols usually being strapped to her thighs and her shotgun being latched onto her back. She usually comes off as shy at first. But will always be very friendly to her teammates aswell as strangers. She enjoys cracking jokes and teasing her friends. If one of her allies is upset, She will try to cheer them up and assist them, And will sometimes get snapped at for being very persistant in attempting to cheer them up. She feels responsible for her team and feels guilty if one of them is injured during battle, Blaming herself for not doing better. She enjoys training in her off-time, going to Carl's Gym to train and become a better athlete. Tielrah sometimes comes off as naive and somewhat childish, But will take on a much more serious and mature tone if one of her friends are threatened.


Tielrah was born in a small town outside of a major city.. She had always been eager to leave her home and join the VSC, Or Virmian Space Corps and explore the galaxy. Enrolling in a nearby Academy at the youngest age possible on Virmia, Fifteen. She was very skilled, And quickly rose to the top of her class. Surpassing even the eldest members of the class. At the age of nineteen Tielrah was assigned to the Kas Naara, Her species's capital ship. It was a marvel of Virmian engineering, being outfitted with state of the art shields and weapons. She stayed there for a year, before being captured along with the rest of the away party by pirates during a search for a missing merchant ship. The Pirate being Xazus Kess'nov, His father had attempted to usurp the Virmian goverment years ago and almost did. And Xazus had just recently become the most wanted war criminal in Virmian space. Tielrah befriended the guard at her cell, and talked with him frequently and eventually convinced him to release her. And let her send a distress signal back to the Kas Naara. Tielrah and the Guard fought they're way to a Shuttle. But were shot by Xazus's ship, The Shuttle crashed on a nearby planet. In the end Xazus's ship was destroyed, With him being presumed dead. The man that helped Tielrah was killed in the crash, And she was discovered by colonists of the planet. After a rather lengthy discussion she convinced them to help her get to the nearest space station. Once she arrived at the station and payed them she heard of Earth at a nearby bar. She was curious to see if it was really as great as the two travellers said it was. She hired one of them to take her there, deciding to leave her old life behind and pursue a new one. She landed near Canada, and was quickly detained by UNTIL and was forced to awnser a very lengthy list of questions. After being cleared and gaining her citizenship she saw the rampant crime and terrorist organizations such as VIPER threatening the stability of America and the rest of the world, And decided to become a 'Hero'. She joined M.A.C.E at the request of a new friend named Ironstrike, It was a mercenary organization. There she befriended Swift and Project Delta, after a chain of events and disagreements, the three left M.A.C.E and reformed The Liberators. A team that Swift was previously a member of. There they started over and began recruiting new teammates and friends. Meeting close friends like Blast-Beetle, Brawn, Albert Zerstoiten (Clone) Domminick, and Circuit Shock. She was in a romantic relationship with Albert for awhile, he was kicked from the group due to his problems with anger and risk to the group by Blast-Beetle who called a vote, Swift was then arrested by the MCPD for harboring Albert, Who had just been made into a criminal. even though Blast-Beetle begged the police to take him instead. There was a trial and Swift was cleared of all charges as was Albert. Albert was still exiled due to the risk of him going berserk as he had done before at any time. Delta was kicked also due to his apathetic attitude and anger problems. Tielrah was affected by this, Albert having tried to kill himself after he was exiled from the group did not help. Blast-Beetle cheered her up and comforted her, And she was back to her normal self after a few days. After it was over things settled down and they began to recruit new members.

Armour and Equipment

Tielrah has a vast assortment of gadgets and weapons that are very useful in her line of work. Her Suit has a built in Shield generator which is located on her chest, The shields can be boosted for a short time to let Tielrah seemingly become invincible for around fifteen seconds. She has a standard grappling hook that she got on Earth. Her Plasma Shotgun hums loudly when it is activated, And is capable of blowing away large opponents and causing large amounts of destruction at close range to buildings also. Her laser pistols are a much more precise weapon that has a dial on the side of each. This determines how strong the beam will be. It is capable of cutting staight through people and penetrating steel with ease at it's highest setting. And would act as a powerful taser at it's lowest. Her bracers connect with her suit and have a glowing circle in the center of her palm. Capable of sending large beams of destruction onto her enemies. Her bracers are also capable of siphoning power from nearby electronics to power her suit. She makes use of two BT Support drones she built, They administer medicine and repair her suit in battle.


Tielrah is a formidable psionic, most Virmians have some sort of Psionic power. She can create psionic creatures with her mind and they will assist her in battle, Or just assist her in everyday life. She is capable of reading minds if she wishes, But rarely does so. Her most useful ability is her empathic healing powers, Being able to heal herself or her allies at range in combat with only feeling a fraction of they're pain. Her psionic abilities have never been pushed to the limit, So it is not known if she is capable of other things. Her powers are controlled by her emotions, meaning if she is in distress or angry, she is more powerful.





Circuit Shock



Texas Two-Step

Charlie Steele


(( If you know Tielrah, Feel free to comment. ))

Tiel's been a great friend, an' I'm always happy to work with her. She's helped lead tha' team and find some way ta' everyone happy, an' she's done a damn good job of it. ~ Swift

A formiddable asset to the team. I am glad she is on our side... Vherio