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LeftQuote.png...Entire universes are created in nanoseconds, expanding infinitely outwards into an infinite void. I'm not asking you to save the world -- I'm asking you to save everything that ever was and ever will be. The Multiverse is the final frontier, and I need you to be its Frontiersmen.RightQuote.png

-- Captain Collider

These are the words that molded a group of previously unconnected champions from across the world to band together and venture into the unknowable reaches of reality -- to go beyond every conceivable limitation in order to fight for the lives of infinite realities. Though they ranked among the countless heroes our universe has to offer, those who answered Captain Collider's call that day became the first bold members of an undying new breed. As they fight side-by-side to protect the Multiverse from all threats to its continued existence, they are more than heroes; more than a team. They are the Champions of the Multiverse. They are the Defenders of the Whole. They are...


Based on teams like the Justice League, the Fantastic Four (and Future Foundation), the Challengers of the Unknown and the Exiles with a healthy smattering of further inspirations thrown in, the Frontiersmen are a team of heroes from all walks of life bonded together by a single shared goal: to protect the Multiverse by any means necessary. In equal parts a league of extraordinary superheroes and a crew of cosmic adventurers, they travel from universe to universe, saving entire worlds from threats too large for a single hero to overcome. Though they are based in our own universe and conduct many of their heroic operations there, the Frontiersmen are unlike other supergroups in that they are completely without borders. The Frontiersmen are defined and connected by a single phrase: "ad infinitum" and, in keeping with its meaning, there is nowhere in all reality that they will not go and no world they will not protect. With the Frontiersmen, everything matters and they aren't about to let their enemies forget it.

For the most part, the Frontiersmen deal with threats on a global level, the catch being that they deal with global level threats from multiple realities, parallel earths and dimensions. That being said, they also regularly engage with cosmic or extinction level threats to the survival of the Multiverse. With high science-fiction and silver-age style cosmic storytelling being at the core of many of their adventures, one can never tell what lies around the dimensional corner. Whether it's a cosmic force of nature, a intergalactic warlord or just a good old fashioned super villain, the Frontiersmen are always ready to answer the call.

Its members, gathered through availability rather than a rigorous selection process, are a mixing pot of hard-hitting paragons capable of squaring off against global and cosmic threats, ordinary heroes who are willing to lend a hand in not-so-ordinary circumstances and lower powered characters who have stepped outside of their usual comfort zone and into an unfamiliar new world. Recently founded in a rather ad-hoc fashion, they base their operations primarily out of the Globetrotter, a large Multiverse travelling vessel which provides them with all the resources they need in their fight against total destruction.

In terms of orghanisation, the Frontiersmen are less of a team or a squad and more of a group of colleagues or a family. Rank and file are of no particular interest to them when traversing entire universes on a regular basis. For obvious reasons, Captain Collider acts as something of an authority figure and stands as the "first among equals", but no Frontiersman is considered more or less important than another and they all have an equal say in how their missions are conducted.

Only time will tell if the Frontiersmen have what it takes to become a permanent fixture among the many great superhero teams that have proceeded them, but for now, at least, the Multiverse can rest safer knowing that it's being watched over.

The Story So Far...


It all started with a dark premonition of things to come. Finding himself plagued by splitting headaches and a powerful sense of foreboding, Captain Collider, made unique by his connection to the Metaverse that governs the physical laws of all reality, eventually had a terrible vision. Appearing in his minds eye with all the suddenness and force of lightning, Captain Collider saw the entire Multiverse being wiped out by a cataclysmic event; whole universes and their countless populations simply ceased to be one by one until all that remained was an infinite void of lifelessness. Spurred by the prospect of what might be, Captain Collider began investigating what could potentially cause such a devastating Multiversal event. His research brought him to a single conclusion: something at the centre of the Multiverse itself was rapidly causing it to decay and subsequently killing its many worlds.

Unwilling to let this happen, but unable to overcome such a potentially extinction level event by himself, Captain Collider reached out to any hero he could find: anyone who would listen and join his cause. Though many of those whom he contacted refused the call, a chosen few, unwilling to surrender in the face of Armageddon, boldly offered their help against a danger they could not possibly comprehend. On this day of unlimited potential, the Frontiersmen were born. Their mission: to save everyone and everything that ever has or will be; their jurisdiction: infinite.

They are the Champions of the Multiverse...

They are the Defenders of the Whole...

And they are the only thing standing between life and total cosmic annihilation. Armed only with their own uncanny abilities and with nothing to lose, the Frontiersmen have ventured into the endless expanses of the Multiverse aboard the Globetrotter in a last ditch effort to reach its centre and put a stop whatever threatens their shared survival by any means necessary. But with an infinite number of worlds and an infinite number of possibilities, the question of whether or not the efforts of these champions will be enough to save the Multiverse hangs heavily in the air.

And, if they can, how far will they be willing to go to protect everything anyone has ever known?

The Globetrotter

The Globetrotter
Designed by Captain Collider and crafted with the assistance of both a dedicated team of HADRONs and human volunteers, the Globetrotter is less a space-faring vessel and more a mobile headquarters for the Frontiersmen during their travels through the Multiverse. Capable of reaching FTL speeds in seconds due to its patented tachyon powered fusion core, the Globetrotter is able to simultaneously cloak itself in a unique vibratory field that mimics that of the Parton Portal to divorce itself from space and time and seamlessly travel between dimensions. It withstands these trying 'Multiversial Jumps' both due to its questionite alloy based hull and a unique piloting system which is controlled and regulated by the use of Captain Collider's Metaversal powers. In addition, it also comes equipped with nano-reflective panels which allow it to cloak itself when necessary and a 'shield generator' which protects its hull from damage. Roughly the size of a small cruise ship, the Globetrotter comes outfitted with a number of facilities and features to aid the Frontiersmen in their quest to save the Multiverse. These include:
  • A cockpit/command station for the Frontiersmen to man whilst making FTL Metaversal Jumps or engaging in a dogfight.
  • A sophisticated weapons array consisting of twin rotary energy cannons which are powered by Captain Collider; a retractable photon turret which can be operated by one of the Frontiersmen; SteelTech 'Skybreaker' missiles capable of releasing concentrated bursts of electromagnetic, concussive and ionic energy; and a single use 'Neutralizer Cannon' of Captain Collider's design which concentrates and amplifies one of his full-power energy blasts on the off-chance that a superior cosmic threat is encountered.
  • A high-tech computer system operated by QUARK which regulates the entire vessel and ensures that all systems are running smoothly.
  • A simulation room which uses holographic geometrics in order to create extraordinarily expansive scenarios without ever taking up excess space.
  • A fully stocked cafeteria/lounge with access to television, music, games systems, a bar and regular meals prepared by QUARK.
  • A number of moderately sized living quarters which allow serving Frontiersmen to have their own personal space to dwell in before missions.
  • A small hi-tech exercise area which allows Frontiersmen to stay in shape while travelling through the Multiverse.
  • A situation room where the Frontiersmen can be briefed on upcoming missions and form plans of action during their journeys.
  • An armory/hangar where the Frontiersmen can store their equipment or venture out in one of the four smaller 'Peacekeeper' scout ships docked there.
  • A medical bay where injured or sick Frontiersmen can recover between missions.
  • A laboratory where Captain Collider and any other specialist Frontiersman can carry out relevant research.
  • An engine room/cargo hold where the ship's fusion core can be regularly maintained and resources can be stored.
  • Storage pods for a squad of HADRON units to be kept in stasis until needed.
  • An instant quantum teleportation station which allows the Frontiersmen to travel to and from the Tower of Power in the main universe.
  • Six two person escape pods lining the ship's underside in the event of an emergency.
A Peacekeeper

Frontiersmen, Champions of the Multiverse

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"The Multiverse is an infinitely vast, unknowable and unforgiving space. But it doesn't have to be: not anymore."

Real Name: Dr. Malcolm 'Mal' Parton
Powers/Abilities: Metaverse Conduit, Super Genius Intellect
Occupation: Particle Physicist
Position: FOUNDER
Man of the Millennium, Master of the Atom, The Final Frontiersman -- Dr. Mal Parton became the immeasurable Captain Collider when an accident involving a particle collider reconstructed his body on a sub-atomic level and made him a conduit to the Metaverse. In his six years of protecting Arcadia City and beyond from all manner of threats, Captain Collider has developed a reputation as a hero with a sense of compassion that rivals his immense power. But not even the Metaversal Man is capable of saving the Multiverse alone. Assembling a group of heroes, Captain Collider founded the Frontiersmen -- Champions of the Multiverse. Their mission: protecting an infinite number of worlds from total cosmic annihilation.


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"Quote here"

Real Name: Aliona
Powers/Abilities: Energy Constructs
Occupation: Superstar/Gladiator/Galactic Hero


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Real Name: ANTS
Powers/Abilities: ANTS
Occupation: ANTMAN





"Quote here"

Real Name: Mack McQuaid





"Sorry for what?"

Real Name:


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"Oh shit, I'm sorry."

Real Name: Hisashi Ijiri
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Super Durability,
Healing Factor
Occupation: Unemployed


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"Humans who think plants are placid and gentle don't know much about the vegetable kingdom."

Real Name: Dr. Rose Thorne
Powers/Abilities: Chlorokinesis
Occupation: Botanist (Specializing in Genetics)
Doctor Rose Thorne, formerly just an employee at Eden BioSolutions, now avatar of the realm of plant life, Yggdrasil, is the guardian of all things Green on Earth. Using her powers of Chlorokinesis and absolute dominion over the floral kingdom, she fights alongside her fellow Frontiersmen in both the realm of justice and in that of science.


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"Is he a dot, or is he a speck? When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows, Particle Man."

Real Name: Michael Sanders
Powers/Abilities: Particle Energy Projection,
Size Manipulation
Occupation: Part-Time Hero


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"Okay, fine. Beep...beep."

Real Name: Harvey Huxley
Powers/Abilities: Super Speed
Occupation: Lawyer
A mutant with super speed, Harvey Huxley originally hated his superpowers believing himself a freak. He did eventually learn of the incredible gift he had been given after saving his fellow tenants in his apartment building from a terrible fire. With a new found perspective on life and within himself, Huxley took on the mantle of the Roadrunner, saving the city in record time.


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"What killed the dinosaurs?"

Real Name: Sal Foster
Powers/Abilities: Ice and Water Vapor Manipulation,
Thermal Energy Manipulation
Occupation: Agent of UNTIL
Cold. Calculating. Mostly cold. Sal Foster is an Antarctic-born anomaly, a thermal energy being with incredible power over cold. Celsius was born without a name, a face, or even a way to communicate, a mysterious being formed inside an antarctic glacier. Chiseled out and fortunate enough to make it back to the states, Celsius would later find himself as a superpowered soldier working under UNTIL to battle the mysterious super-terrorism cell known as "The Bearcave" in the north. Armed with a lethal thermal powerset and a near-unlimited arsenal of ice-based wordplay, Celsius is prepared to chill, blast and bludgeon his way through as many bad guys as it takes for him to find the truth.





"Yes! Tell me more!"

Real Name: Tycho
Powers/Abilities: Asterokinesis, Flight, Star-Staff
Occupation: Living Star/Ex-Star*Guard
Starlancer officially joined the Frontiersmen to protect Sol but really he wanted to visit the multiverse seeing it as a once in a lifetime experience, and he lives a long time.


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"Let them come!"

Real Name: Tryton
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Flight, Hydrokinesis, Master Swordsman
Occupation: Unemployed
A warrior with the blood lines of two of the most powerful races on the planet, Atlantean and Empyrean, Tryton has wandered the earth and beyond for the last several thousand years as a force for justice and honor. No one can say for sure or with any certainty how influential Tryton has been in global events in the last several thousand years but many who know of him agree on one thing. Whether a small role or something more, where earth shaking events have taken place, Tryton has been there. Beholden to nothing and no one, he has answered the call to defend the multiverse seeing it as an untapped well of challenges to overcome.


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"I will protect this world and all of reality. No matter the cost."

Real Name: Jarret Davis
Powers/Abilities: Magic Augmented by Relic Armor
Occupation: Bookstore Owner
Possessing the artifacts of the last Kings of Theon, residents of a pocket dimension long since overrun by the destructive forces of the monstrous Lord Nowhere, mild mannered bookstore owner Jarret Davis has become the Ultima King to protect the world from threats both magical and mundane.





"Remember to stick together!"

Real Name: Amaris Acosta
Powers/Abilities: Gravity manipulation
Occupation: Emergency Responder & Disaster Relief
Uplift has signed on to help people in need and see the wider world. While already well versed in saving people stranded by natural disasters or those harmed in accidents, Uplift is still green when it comes to facing evil directly. And punching that face. She'll soon need to find her fighting spirit and prepare to wield her powers to crush those who do the multiverse harm. Probably very literally.


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"Inspector Detector, Vespula Sting. On the case."
"You are all so god damn stupid."

Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Master Detective and Spy
Occupation: Inspector Detector
Inspector Detector, Vespula Sting - a master of information, sleuthing, and nearly autistic levels of puzzle solving - is a mysterious man. Hailing from New Jersey, New Jersey - he is one of the world's foremost Detectives and information dealers. His line of contacts is long and usefulness in a real fight low - but he always seems to make up for it with his scouting, spying and intelligence gathering abilities. Vespula Sting has an overwhelming need to prove his superiority of his mind over others - to prove his worth or demean the people he sees as "betters".

Reinhardt Schmitt, a south african german - child to racial supremacists - was a golden boy. After an extremely turbulent childhood, Reinhardt moved to England to attend universities and study abroad. Whatever mysterious road he traveled, he never stuck a paper trail out for long. Some things are better left forgotten.


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"Criminals are everywhere, and our city needs saving. My mission is clear."

Real Name: Gavin Cross
Powers/Abilities: Bow Mastery, Expert Marksmanship
Occupation: CEO, Philanthropist
Mysteriously returning after his sudden disappearance several years ago, business CEO and celebrity Gavin Cross has secretly become the Watchman, a crime-fighting detective that utilizes his mastery of the bow in order to protect Millennium City from corruption and injustice. Anonymity under the mask allows him to investigate certain criminals that most public heroes couldn't without drawing suspicion while his ability as a social chameleon allows him to adapt to any public atmosphere, especially when playing the role of a naive and unsuspecting philanthropist. Recently, he has joined the Frontiersmen to lend his skills to help save the multiverse.





"Quote here"

Real Name: Scott Miller
Powers/Abilities: Metamorphic powers, animal mimicry, animal empathy
Occupation: Veterinarian




"How might I assist you, Dr. Parton?"

Real Name: N/A
Powers/Abilities: Robotic Physiology, Tachyon Power Core
Occupation: Assistant to Captain Collider
Position: ALLY
The diminutive, spherical robotic assistant to Captain Collider, QUARK has spent all of his life hovering loyally at the side of his creator and has been a steadfast ally in his career as a superhero and a scientist. Though something of a worrywart and not exactly built for combat, QUARK has devoted himself to supporting Captain Coillider and the Frontiersmen in their mission to save the Multiverse and usually spends his time keeping the Globetrotter up and running for them and, while he can handle himself in a fight better than most, he would rather his role with the team remained strictly non-violent. Unfortunately for his sake, the Multiverse is rarely that simple...


Enemies of Existence

Notable Adventures


"Where's QUARK?"
Starring: Captain Collider, Crawdad, Desperado, Soldier Celsius, Ultima King, Uplift, Watchman
Featuring: QUARK
The Frontiersmen find themselves trapped in an incomprehensibly bizarre situation when they confront a cosmic being that causes 'temporal dementia' wherever it exists, making it so everything occurs out of sequence, out of context and completely without logic. Only by working together and using their wits to decipher the confusing turn of events will they be able to free themselves from the chaos and save an entire universe from an eternity of temporal insanity.

Known Universes


Comments & Opinions

Yakkity Smakity


Yakkity Smakity

Frontmanlogo.png v  d  e
Captain Collider
AlionaAtom ManBullet AntCrawdadDesperadoKatsuoOrchidParticle Man
PrimordoPrismRocketRoadrunnerSoldier CelsiusStarlancer
TrytonUltima KingUpliftWatchmanWildling
... Ad Infinitum ...