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(August 16th, 2003 Google View Source backup of this page)

"Protecting your Future, Today."
Leader(s): Keioseth (CEO), Hunter (COO), Silver Eagle (COO)
Base of Operations: The Garage
Concept: Freelance heroes united to Protect Millennium City.
Founded: 9/1/2009 (Original Meta-SWAT unit), 2010 (Freelancer Version of Meta-SWAT)
Website: Click Here
Members: 17


The main premise of the Freelancers is to help in the protection of Millennium City from any danger internal or external. While not as formal as Meta-S.W.A.T. was the Freelancers try to stand by the original premise.

The team focuses on diversity, flexibility, and reliability, showing the community as a whole that they always have a group that they can rely on when the chips are down. Their diversity offers them the ability to react quickly and efficiently to rapidly changing situations in the field.

The team itself is a juxtaposition of personalities and talents, each member lending themselves to make the Unit something greater than simply the sum of its parts. It is not unusual to find a gun totting, smart-ass Native American back-to-back with a Power Armor wearing Playboy kicking in doors to take down bad guys.



After the event of the first Bloodmoon members of the Meta-S.W.A.T. unit began leaving for various reasons and the group was almost disbanded after the retirement of John "Striker" Wheeler. Seth McIlroy, better known as Keioseth tried his best to hold the group together after having a vision of a the city being destroyed by a man in white armor. Keioseth offered to take control of the unit and was granted this because of his experience with UNTIL. Most of the remaining members disagreed with one of the newest members of the unit being the new Unit Director and resigned.

For a good couple of months the only active member of the Unit was Keioseth, once Flynn T. Megantic rejoined the group, Meta-S.W.A.T. received a surge in membership and became an active part of Millennium City's defense. The group aided in the defeat of Superior, even after the death of Keioseth, they were also instrumental in the resurrection of Keioseth.

After several relatively peaceful months, the main base of the Unit was attacked by Keio's Arch-nemesis Chaosiris and the building was destroyed, most of the team was injured, a few members were even killed. After this incident the city began questioning the need for the unit and they cut the funding in half. If it wasn't for the help of Thundrax the Garage would never have been rebuilt.

Eventually the funding was cut entirely and the group disbanded. Keio put himself into debt to purchase the Garage from the city and began to rebuild the group as a private security agency. He name this new venture "Freelancer: Security Solutions" but after bad publicity and accusations of being a mercenary group, he changed the name to "Freelancers Security Agency" though to most they are simply the "Freelancers."




Equipment of a Freelancer



S.C.R.I., or the Supercomputing Resource Intelligence, is an Artificial Intelligence created by Seth "Keioseth" McIlroy. While she is based off of several A.I. that Seth has come across in his travels, S.C.R.I. shares very few similarities to them outside of various functions. The main bases for her were INSCRIBE and the AI that Meta-SWAT used. INSCRIBE was a very basic AI from the computer system used by a super group known as "The Independents," INSCRIBE handled all of the Intellectual Properties of the team. The Meta-SWAT AI handled comm channels, resource tracking, and various other functions for the group. SCRI is a combination of both of these ideas and additions made by Seth.

SCRI's main functions include management of team resources and the allocation of these resources to the team members, Satellite Navigation and Communication for the team, handling most clerical work for the team, and any else the team may require. She has a very dry humor or what seems to be a sense of humor, hard to tell with SCRI.

Oath of Honor

On my honor,

You will never be afraid again,
We will keep on fighting ‘til the end,
We will protect all those in need.
All evil doers pay heed,
We are their Sword,
And we are their Shield.
We will neither bow nor break,
Neither fall nor fade,
For we can do the Impossible.
Alone we are Strong,
But together we are Invincible.

We are the Freelancers.



  • RENEGADE: A criminal organization run by Chaosiris.
  • SINS: Superhuman International Neutralization Squad, Augmented Human Mercenaries.

Newspaper Clippings

Some questions from an Interview with Hunter

Q: "Are you Mercenaries?"

A: "Kinda, but not really. We're more like... contracted police? S'why is says 'Security Solutions' on the logo."

Q: "What's the difference?"

A: "The VAST majority of our contracts're with Until, Primus, an' Millennium city. They pay us ta do work similar ta police or Army, but we're largely self-eqiuipped, less overhead."

Q: "Is there much demand for that?"

a: "I dunno how well it'd work if there was two groups like us, but it works a'ight. Think about it like this, You've gotta situation that would require Hundreds of hours of man-power. Even if it's jes' a small squad of thirty infiltratin' a Viper nest. Or, you could spent less'n a third of that, and hire us. Less chance'a death on either sides."

Q: "But, Until and Primus have metahuman agents, in addition to all the supers out there, why would they pay for you guys?"

A: "Well, break it down, World's a big place, an' Until an' Primus's agents, (which we count as, by the way,) can't be everywhere. They're also paid fer their work, like any cop're soldier. As fer the free-range Meta's? Sometimes they ain't as reliable, they dun' got no contract to follow orders, there's less overhead, less chain of command. An' sometimes ya dun' even know their real names if they go all apeshit an' need to be debriefed."

Q: "So, it sounds like you're only superficially different from regular army or police. Why do it this way? Why not join Until, Primus, or the MCPD directly?"

A: "That's the big one. Basicly? So we have the right to refuse some jobs. Les' think about my powerset an' training. I'm a Stealthy, agile gunman, with trackin' ability, and skill with a long rifle. In military jargon, that's an assassin. I dun' wanna be an assassin. I dun' wanna kill anybody. Thanks ta bein' contracted, I dun' hafta find myself inna situation where they expect me ta use leathal force."

Q: "You really think Until, Primus, and MCPD would ask you to employ lethal force?"

A: "I think it's best ta plan for the worst."

Unit Organization

Chief Executive Officer

The CEO is responsible for all aspects of the team, from new recruits to funding. He is the informational hub as well as the filter for information traveling up to the higher powers within the city. He is the face of the team, and is singly accountable to City Hall and the public for the teams actions and conduct.

Executive Tactical Officer

The ETO is responsible for Tactical Support for the team in any given situation that might arrive, Hostage Situation, Terrorist Attack,ect, as well as being in charge of keep track of Ammo Supplies, Equipment needs, and Training of New Recruits.

Lead Technician Officer

The Technician Officer is responsible for maintaining the equipment of the team and is free to develop any materials for the group to use.

The ETO and LTO are in charge of the group when the CEO is away.

Executive Officer of Operations

The Operations officer is responsible for the health of the team, both mentally and physically, as well as dealing with an assortment of paperwork required to keep the team running, which varies from reports to superiors, requisitions, accountability/liability reports, and other such logistical nightmares. They aid with recruitment, and help manage the team with the other officers when the Unit Director is absent.

Special Operations Officer

Arcane Specialists



