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Slicer page.png

(Any spelling errors and grammar errors will likely be present, mostly because English isn't my native language.)

Feel like trying to make a drawing of Slicer? Feel free to do so! I would appreciate it very much, and your drawing shall be presented on this page, too!

Unlike most pages, my pages are usually telling the story of my characters, in fine details.

Shir'ith (Slicer)
Player: @Disgreaser
"O'dr himmo unn as aendario olo oth fang OSF rialgar, aendav eth el'n fo sind fog o'dr aendar lau!" (Picture by Allisonbrown.)
Character Build
Class Focus: Hybrid (Fighting claws)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Shir'ith Darischa Al'kto
Known Aliases: Slicer. "Steel warrior". Shir. "Queen lady". "Hive lady".
Gender: Female
Species: Ben'haian
Ethnicity: Jyltan Ben'haian (Subspecies)
Place of Birth: Huk'toruk, Jylt, Ben'hai
Base of Operations: N/A
Relatives: Asayi Al'kto (Mother, deceased.) Ler'bur Al'kto (Father, deceased.)Vorakk Al'kto (Brother)
Age: 22 (Her Ben'haian age. Her age on Earth has yet to be determined. But as of now, estimated around 20)
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 143 lbs
Eyes: Cyan
Hair: None
Complexion: Black. The skin is tougher on the head, almost like some sort of armor. The skin on her body however, is smooth.
Physical Build: Slightly longer arms than an average human. She also has broad hips and strong legs, because of the climbing and fighting she used to do at her homeplanet. Other than that, she has (as people call it) a curvy body.
Physical Features: Colored horns, clawed hands and feet, long spiked tail. Her right hand has been replaced by a robotic one.
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Publically known
Years Active: At least 3
Citizenship: US citizen
Occupation: Indipendent armor constructor and seller. Also fights the threat of the OSF.
Education: She taught herself everything she knows, even English.
Marital Status: In a relationship. Though apparently, due to her Ben'haian origins, she doesn't quite know of "monogamy", but is adapting quite well.
Known Powers and Abilities
Inhuman strength, and high intelligence. Ben'haians are born killers, so she is not in need of special equipment.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Several armors. a giant steampunk mecha. Her mother's necklace she keeps in a drawer in her appartment. Fighting claws.
ReldinBox Template


Slicer's in game appearance.

Slicer (translated from her real name Shir'ith) is an alien coming from the planet Ben'Hai. Ben'haians are a unique species: A Ben'haian either originates from the high-tech rich side of Ben'hai, or the nomad "poor" side Ben'hai. Of course there are not real sides on Ben'hai, but it works that way. In the 22 years of her existence, she has experienced a lot of things: Meeting Ben'hai's emperor, winning the Arena finale, getting her family murdered and leaving her planet. In that time, she made allies, like commander Trik and commander Ruzvuk, but also made new arch enemies, like commander Razak from the OSF. She used to use swords back on Ben'hai, Varying from large blades, to dual swords. On earth, she found something that suits her more: Fighting claws.

Here on earth, she earns her money by constructing powered armors and selling them to customers. It has to be no surprise some of the new power armored heroes or villains are wearing an armor built by Slicer. She calls her own company "Shir'ith Designs". She has gone through a lot, that left an emotional scar on her. Her friendly and kind personality, also has its shy and a tad clumsy side. But as aggressive as she used to be on Ben'hai, she will never be again. She promised herself to live civilized and polite on this new planet, but that sometimes turned out harder than she expected. What did Slicer go through on her home planet? How was life there? Who is commander Trik, and commander Razak? The key to knowing that, lays below. Enjoy the story. I have put as much love, thought and care into it as possible, and i hope you enjoy reading it.

Pages related to Slicer's story:

Commander Razak

The Consul


-Disgreaser, aka Dex.

Ben'haians and Ben'hai

A lone female Ben'haian looking for a place to set up her camp


Ben'haians are the inhabitants of Ben'hai. They all have a few things in common:

they all have a dark skin. They use it to store heat so they won't freeze during the cold nights on the planet. They all have big, insectoid heads. Their big eyes are perfect for seeing in the dark, given that they are hunters. The eye color of each Ben'haian differs, as well as the amount of horns on their head (some don't have horns at all). Some ben'haians have a certain pattern on their horns (Slicer's horns for example). They all have tails for maintaining balance while climbing mountains, for example.

Some Ben'haians have smooth tails, while others have spiked ones. Also quite noticeable are their clawed hands and feet, used to climb rocks on the planet. In their physical build, males appear bulkier and taller than females. There are some exceptions (like Ben'hai's emperor, who is pretty thin.)

Further, despite their insectoid heads, Ben'haians are NOT insects. They have no exo-skeleton at all, and their appearance is very humanoid. Plus, they are mammals. The Ben'haians speak "Singhalno", a common language in their solar system. It's a hard to learn language, seeing as some English meanings have two the same Singhalno words for it. Plus, it has to be spoken very fast. Example: If something is written like "Sio fon aro non.", it is pronounced like "Siofonaronon.". It is also difficult to write, seeing as the alphabet has a lot of different characters. Funny enough, "Singhalno" means "Language" in English. Also, Ben'haians seem to possess a few unique abilities and skills, for instance their formidable reflexes, apparently all having something to do with survival instincts.

Ben'haians are devided in 3 subspecies: Jyltan Ben'haians, Elnan Ben'haians, and Quallgan Ben'haians. Each sub species belongs to one of the 3 Dauran. Jyltan originate from Jylt, etc. The difference between the sub species is mostly their field of specializations: Jyltan are usually extremely good fighters, while Elnan usually are a lot more advanced with technology. Physical differences are that Elnan -never- have patterned horns, and Quallgan have less muscular males.


Ben'hai itself is a large planet almost entirely covered in a desert. The planet is 3 times as big as Earth, and the temperatures on Ben'hai vary from -20C at night, to 90C at day. It's divided in 3 "Dauran": Elnarynn Province, Quallrgha and Jylt.

Ben'hai somewhat has 2 worlds: A high tech advanced one, and a rather poor nomad one. Slicer originates from the nomad one.

Ben'hai's largest city (Avaren) is situated in Jylt. So is Slicer's hometown. Avaren is also the city which is host to the Royal family. The giant castle of the emperor, the Valisahur Citadel, is nearly in the middle of Avaren. From there, the emperor Alardran Urnimdra rules over Ben'hai. Ben'hai is part of the Ississ solarsystem. Ben'hai might seem very primitive at some points, but it is far from primitive. Avaren is a very futuristic city, with giant skyscrapers (the Valisahur Citadel for example). Further, Elnarynn Province is the main source of weapons for the Ben'haian army. It is the largest Dauran of the three, and nearly consists ONLY of weapon factories. Elnarynn Province is the main target of the OSF, seeing it's still supplying Ben'hai's army with weapons. Quallrgha is the more primitive Dauran. Funny enough, some of Ben'hai's smartest scientists originate from there. The Big Arena Of Ben'hai also used to stand there.

The war on Ben'hai isn't as severe as people think: The only place where the OSF is currently active is Elnarynn Province. Further, the once massively damaged Avaren has been repaired, and now the Valisahur Citadel looks out over a new Avaren in all its glory.

Ben'hai's emperor, Alardran, also seems to have contact with a Kymorian ambassador: Nikahim vir Essasha. Kymorians originate from Kymore, a planet currently taken over by the OSF (see OSF's page for more information). Nikahim often visits Ben'hai not only for its beautiful nature and cities, but also to negotiate with Alardran about the war industry. They have the plan to liberate Kymore, but it would be a dangerous task, as the planet is heavily guarded by the OSF. Nikahim always visits in company of his bodyguards: Nabec Arkin and Milana Vavul. Emperor Alardran is part of an organization known as the Consul, made to vanquish the OSF.


This is Avaren, the largest city on ben'hai. The giant tower on the right is the Valisahur Citadel.

Slicer's life on Ben'hai, the desert planet

The second warrior Shir'ith had to face: Sayria. As shown, she used dual swords in the fight.

Becoming the Steel Warrior

"Emperor, you must be joking me! You're putting me up against a kid!"- Kalkin.

Shir'ith Al'kto was born in a small village called Huk'toruk, where she lived with her parents and brother. At the age of 5, she managed to kill a fully grown Kal-rorak, which granted her the name Shir'ith, which means Slicer. She became a well-known warrior in the region of her village, recieving her first trophy at the age of 7. At the age of 10, she managed to win the finale in the Big Arena Of Ben'Hai, granting her the title "Steel Warrior". The road to winning the finale wasn't easy. There were 3 opponents: Sayria from Elnarynn Province, her own brother Vorakk, and last but definitely not least, Kalkin the Unbreakable. At that point of time, Kalkin was the current keeper of the "Steel Warrior" title. In the Arena, the emperor of Ben'hai also was present. After each fight, he would decide whether the loser would die, or stay alive. Shir'ith first had to fight her brother, who wasn't a big match for her. The emperor decided that Vorakk would be spared. After that, she had to battle Sayria. This fight was harder than she expected, and lasted for at least 4 hours. After those 4 hours of intense fighting, Shir'ith managed to overpower Sayria and knock her down. The emperor decided that Sayria had to die. Shir'ith killed Sayria without any mercy.

Kalkin the Unbreakable using his famed "Roar of madness".

Then, the big battle began, as she had to stand face to face with Kalkin, the most dangerous of them all. Shir'ith taunted him by calling him weak, causing him to rapidly attack her. Kalkin was very energetic, attacking Shir'ith for half an hour straight. But this was part of her plan. Kalkin quickly became tired and less focused. She took this chance to knock him down. The emperor decided Kalkin would not be spared. He had the title for too long, and it was time for change. Shir'ith hesitated, seeing the fear in Kalkin's eyes: The fear she didn't see in Sayria's. She didn't kill him, stupidly enough. Later, Kalkin wanted a rematch outside the Arena. He threatened her using his Roar of Madness, then took his mighty blade and pointed it at her. "At the end of this fight, one shall stand and one shall fall. Deal, little gremlin?", Kalkin said in his raspy, deep voice. Shir'ith nodded, and said: "Of course. I defeated you once, and I can do it again!". People had already gathered around the two. Even the emperor attended. Once again, Shir'ith and Kalkin fought. The fight lasted 3 hours or more, and eventually, she managed to overpower Kalkin, knocked him down, and she beheaded him. After all this, Shir'ith became the youngest person to win the finale, and she got granted the Steel Warrior title during a speech the emperor gave. Shir'ith couldn't feel more proud of what she had achieved, and to stand next to the royal family itself.

Daily life

Outside of these particular events, she spent most of her time hanging out with her friends, and riding lizard-like creatures called Kal-rorak. It takes time to tame them, but once they are, they are like a dog to a human: A best friend. Shir'ith also spent lots of time hunting with her father, who taught her everything she knows about hunting.

"Stay relaxed... Be one with the bow and the arrow...", Slicer's father always said.

She also enjoyed watching Ben'hai's amazing mountains and landscapes, sometimes making paintings of them to place inside her mother's shop as decoration. Her mother appreciated that very much. Her friends (Osemi, Verim and Nykal) were always up for something, and they spent lots of time together. They also launched a party to celebrate her status as Steel Warrior. The day after it, she turned 11. But the day after her birthday would be one she would never forget.

Kalkin fighting.png

The OSF's attack

Inhuman humans

"Payday..."- Vorakk.

The day after her birthday, the OSF launched a savage attack on Ben'hai, destroying multiple villages and the Big Arena Of Ben'Hai. Slicer's town was the first one to be destroyed.

Slicer's parents. Asayi on the left, Ler'bur on the right. May they rest in peace.

Slicer was just playing outside with Osemi when an OSF Battle Frigate fired its cannons at the village. Osemi ran off to her house, Slicer was called back by her parents. Soon after everyone left the playground, an OSF Dropship landed, and deployed a few OSF Soldiers and their commander, the feared Razak. They burned down a few houses to let the residents know they were there, until Razak decided to enter Slicer's house. Slicer's mother, Asayi, held her daughter tightly as one of the OSF soldiers kicked the front door out of its hinges.

They slowly proceeded through the hallway, into the living room, where Asayi stood holding her daughter. However, Slicer's father, whose name is Ler'bur, was waiting around the corner.

The soldiers proceeded...

Ler'bur then instantly attacked the soldiers after getting them in his sight, slashing with his sword, trying to harm the commander and his crew. Ler'bur managed to kill 2 of the soldiers, but couldn't inflict any damage to Razak. Razak kicked Ler'bur in his stomach, which caused him to collapse on his knees. He looked up, but instead of seeing Razak look down at him, he saw the barrel of Razak's weapon. One shot through the head was enough to kill the poor Ler'bur, who tried to protect his family. Slicer's brother Vorakk chuckled softly, mumbled "Payday...", grabbed his sword that was placed against the wall and ran off through the open back door of their house, leaving Slicer and her mother to their fates.

Slicer's mother turned around and grabbed her daughter by her shoulders. "Run away, sweetie. Run away as fast as you can.", she whispered to Slicer in Singhalno. Slicer didn't want to run, so her mother tried to do her best to change Razak's mind. "Please, let us live! You already killed my husband, my daughter's father! Isn't that enough? Please, show mercy on us, I beg you! We are just a family!", she cried out in nearly perfect English, sinking to her knees, crawling to the dead body of her husband. Razak smirked as a sick thought went through his mind, and violently kicked Asayi against her head, causing her to look back, at Slicer. Razak laughed as he shot at Slicer twice, missing both shots. Slicer, however, was shocked. And that could be seen in her eyes, which were wide opened. Asayi screamed, seeing what Razak wanted to do to her daughter: "No! Please, have a heart! Do not kill my child!". Asayi crawled towards Razak and started crying at his feet. Razak grumbled, and said: "Stand up, you coward...", and kicked Asayi again, causing her to land on her back. Asayi knew what was about to happen. She turned around and shouted "Run!" to Slicer, of course, in Singhalno. This time, Slicer ran off. She looked back, only to see the horrified look on her mother's face, who knew that her demise was now inevitable. Slicer decided to hide behind a rock, and wished she never had to hear her mother's screams for help while gunshots were heard. And worst of all, her mother's death scream. A long shout, a gunshot, and then total silence...


Soon when the OSF did their terror to the village, Razak called back his troops, entered the dropship, and flew off. A few minutes later, Slicer decided to look at what had happened to her parents. She entered the ruins of her house, and was horrified: The first thing she saw was her mother leaning with her back against a wall, shot in her legs and stomach multiple times. Hints of bruises in her arms were visible, as well as a hole right between her eyes. Asayi's eyes were wide open and had ceased glowing, as if she saw something horrible. Slicer couldn't control her emotions, and hugged her mother for one final time. She then put Asayi down and closed her eyes, to show respect for her. She then went to see her father. He did not look as bad as Asayi, but he was also shot right between his eyes. He fell to his side. Slicer rolled him on his back, and also closed his eyes. At that moment, when she stood up and saw her parents, the ones that cared so much about her, lying on the ground, she snapped. She had realized that they were gone forever. She could never hug them anymore and feel the safety of her parent's embrace. Slicer collapsed on her knees and cried. She cried without control. How would she like to go out hunting with her father again, or help her mother at the shop. It was over, and those times never could return again. She was mentally unstable, not willing to believe what she just had lost.

Her mind broken and her life destroyed, Slicer proceeded to leave the village a few days later.

This departure resulted in the young Shir'ith wandering the desert for over 5 years. During that time, her broken mind made her descend into thievery: She attacked merchants in the desert and stole their food, equipment, anything they carried. As she grew older, she started to drink, grew more violent, her simple robberies turning into murder.


Vorakk's motive

Years passed, and Slicer was still roaming the desert. During that time, she came across several OSF squadrons who were also roaming aimlessly over the sandy surface. Usually, Slicer would select a good cave where she could set up her camp. It was that one day, that she found a big rockscape. It all felt hostile, but she was sure it was safe. However, once she reached a cave at the rockscape, she found someone who she thought she lost: Her brother Vorakk.

Slicer was initially happy to see him. Finally some family! However, slowly, she remember what he had done...What kind of crime he committed...And in a burst of pure anger and hate, she let out a scream, and ran towards Vorakk, who hadn't seen her yet. He was surprised, but not startled. He simply stood up, raised his blade and smashed Slicer in the face with the butt of his weapon. "Argh! Vorakk! You...You bastard! Why did you leave us?! Why did you leave Mom and Dad to die?! WHY?!", she shouted out, her voice sounding angry and sad at the same time.

"Once I saw the look on that guy's face I knew we were done for. Why try and save the others if you know it's already over? We were defeated before we attacked... Dad's attempts to defend us were...well, useless. And you know me, I always choose the winning side. and in this case, it's those humans who win. I am currently heading to an outpost of these goons...I assume they can use someone who knows all weaknesses of their opponents...Haha, like me. Don't worry, I'll be wearing their uniform. I assume you're coming with me? As a sister?", Vorakk calmly said as he held his hand out to Slicer.

Slicer enraged at these words. She attacked Vorakk with her sword, but he was a hundred times stronger. With one hit of his mighty blade he cut off Slicer's right hand, which flew through the air and landed on the ground. Slicer screamed in pain and stumbled back, eventually bumping into a rock wall, lowering herself to the ground.

A painful twist

"I thought you were my brother! You were my backup! I trusted you!", Slicer screamed while she sat there, suffering from the intense pain. She held the stump of where once her hand was.

Vorakk snarled at this. "Just because I have different thoughts on Ben'hai makes you think I'm not your brother? Pathetic...", he said as he approached Slicer, sword in hand, lifting it up in the air. "Now to prevent you from warning every damn Ben'haian about my plans, I have to shut you up.", he said while preparing to smash down his sword onto Slicer. She quivered in fear as she saw her very own brother who was about to kill her. However, this took a painful twist...For Vorakk. Out of nowhere, a predatory Ben'haian animal known as a Macass roared and jumped from a rock, down to ground where the two stood. Macass are known for their very aggressive and territorial nature. And it appeared that the rockscape the two Ben'haians were at was the territory of one!

"Well what in the-!", but Vorakk couldn't finish his sentence. The Macass roared as it swiped its claws against Vorakk, not only tearing Vorakk's arm off, but also sending him flying. He crashed against a rock wall and fell down, suffering from the pain. The Macass snarled, spotting Slicer leaning against the wall. It walked closer. Slicer saw this and began trembling in pure fear for the monster. The Macass was about to attack poor Slicer, until it heard Vorakk trying to run off. As swift as it is, the Macass turned around and prevented Vorakk from escaping.

Macass Massacre

As if toying with its prey, the Macass tossed Vorakk around as if he were nothing. With its powerful jaws, the Macass grabbed Vorakk's tail and swung him around, then kept on mauling the Ben'haian by tearing his leg off. It was a horrible sight. Slicer slowly stood up and watched while the Macass violently mauled her brother. "Aaargh! Help! Anyone help me!", Vorakk screamed out while the Macass continued attacking. It threw Vorakk against a wall again, and prepared to deal the final blow to the mauled Ben'haian, who now lost his right forearm, his left arm, and his left leg. However, the Macass no longer focused on Vorakk. Instead it focused on the person that whistled at it.

Slicer stood there, sword in her left hand. The Macass snarled and ran towards her. In a rush, Slicer charged towards the Macass too. A clash followed...And the Macass fell down, dead. Slicer stabbed it right in the eye with her sword.

"I-I knew you would still save me, sis...Thanks...", Vorakk muttered as he laid there, heavily mauled. "Oh who said I killed it to save you? Ever heard about precautions? That thing would've likely killed me after it would've been done with you.", Slicer replied, still holding the stump where her hand once was, having dropped her sword. She then turned around and started to walk away from Vorakk. "What? Wait! You can't leave me here, I'm your brother! I can't walk! You NEED to help me! Come back!", Vorakk screamed out. And at that, Slicer slowly turned around and said: "Did YOU come back to help me, mom and dad when those aliens attacked? I guess not...", were her final words to him, before she walked off. She went off to look for a village. The rockscape was now serving as Vorakk's tomb.

"I should have finished the job..."

A few days later, Slicer had found a remote village that wasn't attacked yet, and still inhabited. She spent the night there, also making the robotic replacement for her hand she still has to date.

Vorakk, however, was found by an OSF squad which was patrolling. He was nearly dead and mentally unstable. The squad took him and put him in stasis. It was filled with a special liquid which would slowly heal him, however, his missing limbs couldn't be regenerated. A few hours later, the OSF's mysterious leader walked up to the stasis tube, asking Vorakk: "We have observed you, Ben'haian. After my dear commander Razak told me about how you left your family to die...We just had to follow you...We have heard you wanted to...Join the OSF, am i correct? We have seen you in action. You are strong, fearless and merciless...Exactly what we are searching for...Do you want to join us? I am granting you a once in a lifetime offer now.". Vorakk replied with a weak nod, floating in the healing liquid. Soon after he was fully healed, his limbs were replaced with cybernetics, and he was put into a power armor. The OSF's soon to be new general, Vorakk Al'kto, was born. Once he stood up the first time, he said: "...You saved my life...You gave me a new chance...I shall not disappoint you...Overseer.", after which he saluted the OSF's leader, and walked out of the room. The Overseer had seen a lot of potential on Vorakk. And he was right: Vorakk was a brutal murderer, wiping out opposition like it was nothing. He climbed up ranks faster than anyone could have imagined. The Overseer's wish became reality: His creation of doom, was granted the position of OSF general.


Vorakk in his new "body". Note the OSF insignia on his chest. Also note that his "light" on his forehead is missing. This is because it got cut off during his torture.

To earth

Involved in a war

The 18 year old Slicer in the Ben'haian desert. A dead merchant lays behind her.

When Slicer departed from the cave, she went to the north, towards Avaren. Slicer was 18 years old at that point of time, having gained a very valuable set of equipment she stole from a Ben'haian merchant. As soon as it became night, Slicer set up her camp in a cave she came by. She stole food from the same merchant she stole her other equipment from. She thought she could finally rest a while before she would continue to move to Avaren. However, her rest quickly got disturbed by heavy gunfire and explosions, as it seemed that a Ben'haian army squad was battling an OSF squad just outside of her cave. Seeing as the gunbattle seemed endless, Slicer decided to put an end to it herself. She ran from her cave and impaled, beheaded and cut open all of the OSF foot soldiers. The Ben'haian army squad stared in awe as Slicer violently killed the OSF members. Even the OSF Specialist that was present didn't survive Slicer's massacre. The leader of the squad, Commander Ruzvuk Talkan, was utterly amazed.

"Hey! You! Come with us! We'll get you to a safer place than the desert!", he yelled to Slicer. She didn't hesitate and followed to squad to a remote Ben'haian outpost of the L.A.J (Lead Army of Jylt). Once there, Talkan informed Slicer that the OSF was currently attacking Avaren, and the emperor was in great danger. Talkan believed Slicer had a lot of potential to become a successful soldier of Ben'hai's Army, and offered her a place on the front lines as a soldier. As loyal as she is, Slicer accepted the offer. Talkan equipped Slicer with the latest armor they just received from Elnarynn Province, a Ben'haian particle rifle, and a radio chatter so she could stay in contact with soldiers all over the front. A day later, Slicer and the other soldiers were briefed by general Mak'uk Talkan and commander Trik fiv Birak. Their main target would be "The Crimson Nova", the OSF's flagship at that point of time. If they could take it down, the OSF would be severely weakened.

The Battle for Avaren

That same day, Slicer and the other soldiers were sent to the now war-torn Avaren. There already were a lot of Ben'haian troops, as well as gunships, tanks, and dropships to keep the pressure on. They were dropped a few blocks away from the Valisahur Citadel. Slicer emerged from the dropship to see Ben'haian tanks being ravaged by OSF Annihilator droids, Ben'haian troops being slaughtered by OSF Troops. Gunships swarmed above her head as they unloaded round after round on the OSF, while the OSF Spidertanks tried to shoot each and every one of them out of the sky. Buildings were on fire, bodies covered the streets, and the sound of detonating grenades and rockets were enough to deafen. The thick black smoke emitting from the foot of the Valisahur Citadel Filled the sky, so no sunlight could pass. No sunlight would pass anyway: It was stormy and rainy, and only added to this already hopeless sight.


Slicer and her squad were tasked with moving in and securing the Valisahur Citadel, which was taken by the OSF. "FOR THE EMPEROR, AND BEN'HAI!", shouted commander Trik fiv Birak when she ran out of the dropship, her squad following her. Slicer followed too, dodging incoming grenades and discharging her weapons on the OSF Soldiers. "Today we will write history gentlemen! Every magazine counts!", shouted Trik, while she shot around and around. They were approaching the Citadel's foot, block for block, where OSF Spidertanks gathered. Trik knew that was going to happen, and called her air support. Ben'haian Bombers gave everything they had, and blew apart the tanks. Slicer and her squad wiped out all of the OSF opposition trying to guard the Citadel, then moved on to secure it by allowing more troops to enter. Slowly but surely, the Ben'haian troops filled the Citadel, removing all of the OSF scum trying to defend it. Once the Citadel was taken back, Slicer got tasked with bringing down the Crimson Nova, the OSF's flagship. In a Ben'haian gunship, she travelled to Ben'hai's upper atmosphere and infiltrated the Crimson Nova. Using her stealthy skills as a hunter, she got into the ship almost unnoticed.

Avaren war.png

Slicer, along with Trik fiv Birak and another L.A.J soldier, running towards the Valhisahur Citadel in the middle of the chaos. "Every magazine counts!"

Inside the Nova

After managing to surpass the security, Slicer disabled the ship's engines by infiltrating the bridge and assassinating everyone inside, including General Colton Nicoson who was one of the people in charge of the invasion, and then disabling the engines by tapping the corresponding button. She then downloaded a map of the ship, and finally found what she was searching for: A way to the core. Once she got to the core through the transportation pipes, she planted a compact singularity nuke, and set the timer to 15 minutes, long enough to get off the Crimson Nova. Once she thought she would make it, and reached the hanger, she saw something that stopped her heart. There, in front of the mob of OSF soldiers, stood no one else than the revived Vorakk.

Revived Vorakk.png

"Surprised to see me? Good, because it is the last thing you'll ever see.", Vorakk said in a grim tone. He then made his soldiers charge towards Slicer, while Vorakk himself unfolded his wrist cannons, shoulder mounted minigun, rocket launcher, and opened fire. After an intense battle, Slicer overpowered the mob and Vorakk. She stole an OSF fighter from the hangar and prepared to fly away. But she was too late: The singularity nuke detonated inside the core, destroying the Crimson Nova, the shockwave causing poor Slicer to get blasted away from Ben'hai at insane speeds. Vorakk survived the blast as he escaped in an emergency escape pod. He landed on Ben'hai, and it remains unknown whether he still is there, or somewhere else. In the meantime, Slicer already was a decent distance away from Ben'hai. Her fighter was still operational, though she could only move forward as the wings of the fighter, used for steering, were blown off. She decided to activate her light speed, hoping to bump into a planet.

Crash landing

A few hours later, she moved straight towards Earth. She turned off her light speed, preparing herself for the inevitable crash. Her spacecraft crashed in the Pacific Ocean, and an amazing amount of water flew up into the sky. Lucky for her, she didn't crash too far from the shore. The crash had knocked her unconscious, and she washed up ashore, after which she remained unconscious for at least a full hour. Her spaceship was smashed to bits due to the impact, and was now scattered over the shore in pieces. Slicer herself was completely knocked out of the ship. After the hour passed, she slowly opened her eyes and groaned due to the pain. To her surprise, the weather was beautiful on this planet. No cloud in the air, but just one sun. What surprised her too is that she could breath the air! And there was liquid water, and grass! A nice way of waking up on another beautiful planet.

Before she went off to actually find out where she was at, she set up a small camp at the beach she was at. She used scrap metal from her destroyed spaceship and driftwood to make a small hut where she resided for a week. During that week, she lived from the fish she found in the water. Though she was afraid of eating the fish at first (She thought they might have been poisonous), she lived an entire week from them. She found that this alien food was pretty tasty. Other than that, she survived from drinking the water from the sea. At first she was disgusted by the salt substance. But due to her high intelligence, she found a way to filter the salt out of the water, so that she could drink it. After that week passed, she moved on to find out what this planet was.

Over time, by taking samples of natives, by trial and error, Slicer learned to speak English. Though most people were initially afraid of her, she managed to show she wasn't dangerous at all. After a long time of travelling, like she is used to, she ended up in Millennium City.

On Earth

From Ben'hai to Earth is quite a difference. But she adapted very well! Fully understanding and speaking English without a flaw, dressed up in the newest set of clothing brought out, and having secured an apartment for herself, Slicer finally got used to Earth. She didn't know, it would be the beginning of something far greater: A career as a heroine. Throughout the few years she has been active, she has proven herself to be quite valuable. What has she done?

OSF Threat Prevented

Of course, she was on Earth. That didn't mean a certain someone didn't want to get his revenge on her. Vorakk knew where she was, as he tracked her spaceship to Earth. He sent a branch of the OSF to Earth in an attempt to find Slicer. What he found, however, he thought was even better. He found a planet, full of potential recruits. He decided to send an OSF fleet, complete with a constructor frigate to the Moon, to build a small HQ there to brainwash and clone the new recruits he would get. Nothing could go wrong, in his eyes...But he had not expected Slicer to ruin his plan once again.

A few days later, strange ripples in time space had been detected by UNTIL. It ended up in tons of newspapers, including The Millennium: The one that Slicer received each day.


A few days later, in the morning, Slicer woke up and stumbled down the stairs in her sleeping shirt and pants. She had expected the newspaper, and it was there. She picked it up from the ground and started reading...And was horrified when this article appeared in the newspaper:


After she had read the article, Slicer closed the newspaper and stared off into the distance, shocked. She knew, that the only ones in the possession of time space teleport technology, was the OSF. She dropped the newspaper and ran upstairs, dressed up, and took the elevator down to the lobby. There she sprinted off, as fast as she is, and headed straight for UNTIL to inform what was happening. She knew what was going on, and it was about time Earth also knew about this threat. Once she stormed inside UNTIL's HQ, she was first being halted by security personnel. "No no wait, I'm on your side! I know where these heat signatures come from! The signatures you found behind the moon! I know them! I know them!" she barked out at the personnel. They didn't believe her at first, until she started to explain where she came from. The researchers had never heard about Ben'hai, but Slicer explained everything so crystal clear and detailed, they couldn't do much else but to believe her.

As fast as they could, UNTIL sent the Champions to the thing behind the Moon. It turned out Slicer was right: The Champions came across a large cruiser with its engines running, while ships were flying between the Moon and the cruiser, apparently building something on the dark side of the Moon. The Champions went straight into the lion's den and flew straight into the cruiser.

Several days later, the Champions returned to Earth safely, with great news: The cruiser, along with all of the battleships and the remaining fleet, had been defeated and forced to return to where they came from. Defender told the UNTIL researchers, that the "aliens" were building some sort of prison complex on the Moon. Inside the cruiser, they also encountered several devices and machines, that would only have one purpose: To be used in WAR. UNTIL was shocked about this, as an appearant new threat had shown its face. They then realized, that without Slicer's clear and detailed descriptions of the said enemy, combined with her knowledge of them, had prevented the enemies from finishing the complex on the Moon. If she wouldn't have been there, then they likely had finished the complex, and had started a war on Earth. To show the appreciation of Slicer's heroic action, they made her appear on the front page of a newspaper. Defender had said, that Slicer had a big heart, and may once become a known heroine if she follows that big heart.

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Slicer's appearance on the front page of the newspaper.

Qularr backup prevented

Several years after the Qularr attack, it came to note that strange sounds were being heard from an old and abandoned storage complex. No one bothered to look in it, though, as it might be just something normal in this city of heroes and villains. Slicer, however, was not so sure about that description. There was something more about the strange noises, she was sure about that. One night, she gathered her wits, and entered the complex, armed with nothing more but her fighting claws and a simple armor she built. The complex seemed empty at first...Until she spotted some light in the distance.

She came across several Qularr, who apparently remained on Earth. They were building a large and strange device from which Slicer just couldn't tell what it was. The Qularr were gathering resources, apparently building or rebuilding the device. She knew this was wrong, it just couldn't be right. But her bad luck quickly kicked in as the box she was leaning on to peek inside the room fell over, alerting the Qularr of her presence.

There was no way back now for Slicer. "Yes I am here, you oversized cockroaches! Now come and get me!", she shouted while standing up, grabbing her fighting claws and standing still. She stood there as the strong "Steel Warrior". She took on all of the Qularr herself, and as a miracle, she made it out with just a few scratches. Thanks to her agility, speed, and strength she managed to defeat the Qularr and destroy the device. It later turned out that the device she destroyed was a Qularr Radio Transmitter that they used to call for help. UNTIL was searching for that for years, and now it was finally gone.

Shaman Ban'ash defeated

Ban'ash vir Ditomij before she disappeared and died.

Back on Ben'hai, in the famed Lava fields, a bunch of Poltan Archeologists were busy digging up some loot at an old lava pit. The lava had become solid, and they started to search for possible treasure that might hide below it. At one point, they came across something special...Something they had never found before...It was the skull of a Kymorian, identifiable by the big jaw. The archeologists were surprised. One of them gave the hint, that because there is a skull, there might be more! So they continued digging, and they scrambled together a complete Kymorian skeleton.

Later scans by the archeologists made them discover something amazing: The skeleton belonged to the Kymorian ambassador Ban'ash vir Ditomij, also simply known as Shaman Ban'ash. She was the least loved member of all ambassadors, who feared her magic abilities. But also because of the fact she was extremely corrupt. However, Ban'ash disappeared 11 years ago. What happened?

Slicer's parents (Before the OSF attacked) uncovered Ban'ash's plan to pass information about important Kymorian goals to the Poltan for money. Asayi just was selling a dagger, until she spotted Ban'ash running down a street in Avaren. She followed her, only to discover Ban'ash revealing secret documents to no one less than the Kymorian's worst enemy at that time: The Poltan warlord Vokel Mimos. Asayi warned her husband, who in order warned the Kymorian secret police. However, Ban'ash fled now that her plans had been revealed. Ban'ash had not expected Ler'bur, Asayi, and Nabec Arkin (A Kymorian bodyguard) to await her at the lava fields. "You don't understand! I did this for the greater good! The Poltan want to help us Kymorians! Don't stand in my way!", Ban'ash shouted. In response, Nabec discharged her energy rifle at Ban'ash. This resulted in a fight between Ban'ash and Nabec. The fight was quickly determined. In a rush, Asayi threw a dagger at Ban'ash who was just standing at the edge of a lava pit. Ban'ash got hit, and just before she fell backwards into the pit, she said: "I will return! And then, you and your family shall pay!".

For years, Ban'ash was just reported as missing, while in fact she was just dead. And then, 11 years later, Poltan archeologists find her remains. And worst of all...Ban'ash was right.

Ban'ash vir Ditomij after she resurrected herself.

When the archeologists continued to search for more treasure, the sound of bones rattling came from the table where they had put the Kymorian skeleton on. The skull was shaking, and the eyes slowly lighted up. When the archeologists returned, they saw the skeleton was gone! They heard a rattling noise behind them, and even though they were robots, they were frozen in fear. There, just 10 meters away from them, stood the skeleton. Upright, its head tilted to the side and the jaw just dangling below the skull. "I have returned...", it said with a spooky voice, before it ended the lives of both archeologists.

She jumped back into the lava pit, and made herself a body to cover up the vulnerable skeleton: Ashes and fire swirled around her and shaped her a new appearance. Bone armoring, her skeleton covered in ashes blacker than the night, except for the hands. With her hands uncovered, she could channel her magic energies even better. She was Shaman Ban'ash, and she lusted for revenge on the one that murdered her: Asayi.

However, since Asayi was dead by now, she decided to look for Asayi's offspring...And with her magic abilities...It didn't take long before she found it.

Slicer was just walking in MC's downtown. Happy as always, just having bought some new clothes. But her happiness didn't last long once she got attacked. Everyone around her screamed, cars flew through the air, and a flying figure slowly appeared in the distance. "Wmili es SHIR'ITH AL'KTO?!", the figure shouted. "Wmili es smi?!", it shouted again as it used some kind of spell to lift up a car and toss it away towards some civilians.

Slicer was shocked. She knew the language the villain was speaking was Kymori. Strange, because only Kymorians speak that. And why was it searching for her?

"Surrender villain! This is MY city you are ravaging!", the voice of Defender yelled. He and the Champions were flying in front of this villain. Slicer was hiding behind a car, and finally could get a closer look at the villain. "I smsiss hi lis fihili I msixi hiehv mil!", the villain shouted, before it started to attack the Champions. Slicer couldn't watch anymore, she HAD to do something. The Champions had a tough time defeating the powerful Shaman. So Slicer jumped into the action as well. After a long and tough fight, The Champions managed to defeat the Shaman with the help of Slicer. "Argh! Ni ithie ssihhi vihisi ri! Heed my warnings, Shir'ith! I have found you! And I will return! That, I PROMISE!", the villain shouted before she flew off into the sky and seemingly teleported away. The Champions thanked Slicer, and once again made her appear on the front page of the newspaper. Slicer was concerned. Did this thing know her? When will this thing return?

And she did many other things like helping with preventing heists, stopping heists, and saving people. And even though she is on Earth, she still is busy with her endless war against the OSF. How many more times she has to stop them or to defeat a squadron, will be a thing only the future knows.

People related to Slicer

On Ben'hai, Slicer used to know a lot of people. Some she knew from school, some she knows from her hometown. Sadly, she lost contact with everyone related to her, as she is now stranded on earth. Some of the people related to Slicer were mentioned before on this page, but there were no pictures of them. However, they are depicted here, with a short description:

The family Al'kto


This is a picture of Slicer's happy little family, before the OSF invaded. Ironically, out of all family members, Slicer is actually the only one that has patterned horns. Slicer is around 10 years on that picture.

Depicted are, from left to right: Shir'ith, Ler'bur (r.i.p), Vorakk, Asayi (r.i.p).

Ler'bur: Slicer's father and a proud ex-gladiator. Before Slicer was born, he was known as Ler'bur the Demolisher in the Arena. He had won multiple tournaments, but ultimately was defeated by Kalkin in a long match. He met Asayi at her shop he was looking around at a few days after his retirement. He was looking for a nice dagger, but just couldn't seem to find it. Asayi walked up, and helped him find it. There was something between them, he knew. He asked her out, and everything seemed to go automatically after that. Soon they got married, and got two healthy children. He lived a happy life with his wife, son, and daughter. However, he spent more time with his daughter than with his son...He did not know his son hated him. But that hate was proven during the OSF's invasion, as Ler'bur was about to get shot, his son did not help.

Vorakk: The son of Ler'bur and Asayi, Vorakk had a pretty happy life. He enjoyed spending time with his parents. But his happiness got cut short once his little sister was born. He though it would now be even greater, and he would be happier. But that didn't happen. His parents spent a whole lot less time with him, causing him to start disliking them more and more. It seemed like everything was working against him. On his school, far away from his hometown, he was called fat because he had a rather big and broad physical build for someone of his age. His father told him off whenever he asked if they could hunt together. He even was beaten by his own sister during a gladiator battle. In pure hatred he didn't save his parents, and was out to join the OSF just so he would get a better status. After his torture, his hate only intensified. Now he is filled with pure hatred against his sister, and wishes to do nothing else but to make her suffer the pain he suffered. He is now the general of the OSF, and a feared icon throughout the galaxy.

Asayi: Slicer's lovely mother and the one who was in charge of a sword shop. She crafted the swords herself, along with the help of a few other Ben'haians. She met Ler'bur while he was searching for a dagger in a shop, but he couldn't find one. Asayi decided to help, and she found Ler'bur to be a very nice person. And after a few nights of dating, she knew Ler'bur was the man of her dreams. They got married, and got two healthy children. She knew her son had a bit of a tougher life when Slicer was born, so she at least tried to help. But she felt ignored and unaccepted by Vorakk. She kept on trying to help, until the day the OSF invaded, as the great mother she was. A few days before that, she gave her necklace to Slicer.

Skelver the merchant


Skelver was a local merchant in Avaren, who also briefly visited Huk'toruk. She was good friends with Asayi, and seemed to care a lot for Slicer, always bringing extra supplies with her for her, and here and there a small present. Whenever Asayi, or Ler'bur, came to her merchant shop, she always gave discounts. She was pretty rich, and a proud person: She was known to have the most limited items on Ben'hai. She was known for her large collection of swords and guns you could get nowhere else. However, she lost all of it when the OSF destroyed her shop. In fear, she looked for protection at the L.A.J. She was then transported to Poltanusk, where she was thought to be safe. However, the cruiser she was on was intercepted by the OSF. Everyone on the cruiser was taken prisoner, and so was Skelver. The thoughts about her fate vary: Some say she is still a prisoner, others say she has been brainwashed and turned into one of the OSF's shocktroopers, while others say she might actually be the one known as "The Bastion", a Ben'haian who always saves people, but disappears without a trace. This last theory is likely: The Bastion has purple eyes on her helmet, and uses Ben'haian guns and swords that no other Ben'haian has.

Osemi, Nykal, Verim


Osemi, Nykal and Verim are Slicer's best friends. They always visited the Big Arena Of Ben'hai whenever she had a fight there, they always supported her, and they had lots of fun together. Their fates after they departed to Elnarynn Province remain unknown. From left to right: Osemi, Nykal, Verim.

Osemi: A young sorceress originating from Quallrgha, but lived in Huk'toruk, seeing as her parents moved there due to the poor conditions in Quallrgha. Osemi discovered her gift of being able to use magic on an early age and practiced it ever since. Few Quallgan Ben'haians (The Quallrgha subspecies) have this gift. Osemi has a pretty timid personality, always closing her eyes whenever something "scary" happens, but she is also very caring, focusing her magic on healing others.

Nykal: A fierce warrior born in Avaren. She specializes in melee combat, using weapons such as fighting claws, swords, throwing stars and her claws. She often trained together with Slicer, mostly sharpening her dodging skills. She is short tempered, fierce and a little tomboy-ish. On top of that, she is quite talkative and speaks really fast, making it hard to understand her at times. She is the youngest of the four friends, and she isn't very happy about this fact.

Verim: A smart engineer originating from Elnarynn Province. She is most likely the smartest one of the four friends, even outsmarting Slicer in terms of robotics, devices, and more. She knows every single name of all members of the Royal family, the name of every creature on Ben'hai, etc. She has a robotic arm to replace her right one, which she lost during one of her experiments where she tried to create a working firearm of her own. Usually, she is cold and calculating, but somewhere in that metal shell is a very soft, caring, and nice woman.

Important Ben'haians

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Commander Trik fiv Birak, a currently 30 year old female Ben'haian, was a key character in Slicer's (unintended) travel to earth. After the briefing, just before the Battle for Avaren, Trik wanted to talk to Slicer one-on-one. "Listen, you are the most potential soldier we have. I'm gonna give you the most important task of this war, because I’m sure that someone with your capacities can do it. You are going to get the Crimson Nova down, soldier. Ben'hai is counting on you. Do i make myself clear?" Trik said to Slicer. Slicer accepted this, after which Trik handed her a few small but powerful Singularity nukes. Then, Trik and Slicer, both in the same squad, went to Avaren and fought there. After the Valisahur Citadel was taken back, Trik secured a gunship for Slicer. Slicer went off and did as she and Trik had planned. Trik was proud of Slicer when she saw the Crimson Nova explode, however, she became worried when she couldn't radio Slicer. Trik assumed Slicer died during the explosion and informed Mak'uk and Ruzvuk, her former colleagues and fellow members of the L.A.J. She blamed herself for Slicer's "death", becoming depressed as a result. A few times she attempted to commit suicide, but was stopped all the time by commandar Ruzvuk Talkan. Now that the OSF is more active than ever, Trik and her fellow L.A.J members decided to also join in with The Consul. Now, under the command of the Poltan warlord Vokel Mimos, Trik and the other L.A.J members are fighting on Poltanusk, trying to bring down an OSF Radio Antenna. They managed to trespass the OSF's long range anti-spacecraft cannons on Poltanusk, but bringing the antenna itself down is not easy: The antenna is heavily guarded by the OSF, as it is THE antenna that controls all of the OSF Robotic units. Tons of L.A.J Soldiers have passed away already, but Trik (as the stubborn person as she is) continues the war. There are rumors that she and commander Ruzvuk have a secret love together, but that has yet to be confirmed. Commander Trik fiv Birak is stubborn, reckless, but also cares for every unit in her army.

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General Burban Koon, a currently 35 year old male Ben'haian, is the one currently in charge of the army that is on the Ben'haian moon Yveso, where The Consul's headquarters is settled. In his past, he was a normal squad leader on a mission in Elnarynn Province. The OSF had invaded the place and raided all factories, the Ben'haian weapon technology there was all stolen. He and his squad were successfull in intercepting an OSF cruiser, loaded with Ben'haian technology. However, when returning it back to an L.A.J base, Koon and his squad came across a minefield with OSF jumpmines. Already 2 of his squad had died during the interception of the cruiser, so he did his best to avoid the mines. However, he cared too much about his team to care about himself. In an attempt to find mines, he accidently triggered one. It jumped up and exploded right in front of him, literally blowing his arm off. Suffering from the pain, his squad slowly carried him through the minefield. Once they returned, his squad member Eskele Zakoru (a field medic) took care of Burban's ravaged body. She came to the conclusion his legs were too severely damaged, and could not be used anymore. A few hard days followed for Burban, in which he became more machine than Ben'haian. From the waist down, everything was replaced with machinery. His left arm got replaced by a robotic one, and his left eye is now a scanner. Now he goes through life as at least two third machine. He climbed up ranks and is now known as General Burban Koon, guardian of Yveso.

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Commander Rakyk ark Quaoia, a currently 39 year old female Ben'haian, is one of the more unique members of the LAJ: She is namely the one that is the most cyborg. Even worse than Burban. Rakyk lost her body after an intense firefight with the OSF during the Battle for Avaren. At first, she didn't want to accept the fact she couldn't do various things anymore, but finally had to give in. She couldn't live her life as a half-destroyed Ben'haian floating in a tank. With the help of the Poltan, they constructed her a new body. They placed Rakyk's brains, eyes, and other vital organs inside the machine, and the new Rakyk was born. The new body is optimized for combat, having built in aiming systems, various built in weapons, and a very strong armoring. Rakyk is currently on Poltanusk, fending off OSF at the LAJ's homebase on that planet. Most soldiers of the LAJ are afraid of Rakyk, and not only because of her looks, but mostly because she is likely the toughest of all of the leaders on Poltanusk, maybe even tougher than Trik and Burban.


Emperor Alardran and Empress Que'alee are by far the most important Ben'haians. Having the most power, these two decide everything in the Ben'haian empire. They are the direct successors of the previous Emperor Rayos Urnimdra and Empress Rhin Urnimdra, who ruled the empire until fourteen years before the OSF attacked. The only one of the two that didn't belong to the Urnimdra family was Que'alee. Que'alee was, in fact, one of the maids of Rayos and Rhin. She usually was cleaning the throne room, where Alardran used to be a lot when he was young, sitting on the throne, pretending to be the emperor. Around the age of 12, Alardran started to show intrest in Que'alee, usually bringing her some extra Golden Oibecs, which is quite much for a mere maid (The highest possible is a Platinum Eonion. 1 Platinum Eonion is worth 10 Golden Oibecs). When both grew older, around the age of 18, they really started to show feelings for each others. And then, around the age of 20, they wanted to marry each other. Rayos and Rhin agreed with this, and gladly took Que'alee in the Urnimdra family. When Rayos and Rhin retired, it was the turn to Alardran and Que'alee to rule Ben'hai, and lead it to glory.


Slicer is the CEO of her little power armor company "Shir'ith Designs", thus she has a lot of experience with making armors. She does usually sell them, but she has quite a few personal armors, which all have their own ups and downs. The armors she made for herself are:

The "Silent Runner"

"The Silent runner huh? Well, you know, sometimes you just need...Like... a little less armor."-Slicer's comment on the suit.

The Silent Runner is a suit that does its name justice. Due to the fact it's mostly made of Questionite, Slicer can run around silently in it, and due to the unique padding the suit has, she is hard to spot on a radar. The suit is also designed to keep her body heat in, so that infra-red cameras have no use in trying to detect her. However, all the attention for stealthiness and sleekness didn't leave room for maximum protection, making her rather vulnerable in this suit.

The "Iron Hawk"

"The Iron Hawk...Ooooh I do love to fly, thanks for asking. Yes, it does have missiles. Yes, it can go through the sound barrier."-Slicer's comment on the suit.

The Iron Hawk suit is meant for travelling long distances in a matter of minutes. All that while providing the "Child-like" joy of feeling like you're a plane. Slicer is quite often seen flying around wearing the suit. And to make it a little combat compatible, it has a small missile battery in the backpack. Also being made from Questionite, it's very manoeuvrable and yet durable, but it takes time to learn to control it.

The "Classic"

"Nothing beats the classics, huh?"-Slicer's comment on the suit.

Of course Slicer couldn't leave out a classic Ben'haian "Shredder" armor. Being rather light-weight and open, the Classic allows Slicer to move around freely as she can utilize her deadly combat skills. But, being such an open armor, it isn't as protective as most of her other suits.

The Gladiator

"Sometimes it's just rather handy to bring the big suits. The Gladiator is, obviously, big."-Slicer's comment on the suit.

One of her largest suits, the Gladiator is centered around dealing damage, and being protective. Due to the great durability of the suit, bullets simply bounce off the exterior of it, and due to Slicer's already great combat skill, it makes her pretty much invincible. The only weakness of the armor is the fact her head remains uncovered (At least until she finds a fitting helmet.). Other than that her speed is slightly reduced in the suit, but that shouldn't make a big problem for her. As for the damage dealing part, the suit boosts Slicer's strength as the arms have robotic segments that help her during combat. Due to her experience with constructing suits, the Gladiator can be considered indestructible.


"Oh did I mention, that it's even handier to bring the -biggest- suits? I know, it looks steam-powered, but it was just for the...Decoration."-Slicer's comment on the suit.

Her largest suit...Well, suit, it's more of a mech. The STEAMPUNKETTE is a huge machine that Slicer has been developing over the years, it began as a clumsy looking prototype but has evolved into what it looks today. It comes equipped with forcefields, a minigun on the hand, and a lazer in the chest. Other than that it relies on its incredible strength. Funny enough, Slicer's head -barely- fits into the head of the mech. There once was an M1 version of the mech, but that one got destroyed during an OSF assault. She managed to -destroy- the OSF opposition, at the cost of her mech. She rebuilt it, however, and now it's the M2 version.

NEW! The Septentrion MK-1 Heavy Duty Armour

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"Needed something that could rival the Steampunkette's power, yet have the flexibility of the Gladiator. That armour, my friends, is the Septentrion MK-1 Heavy Duty Armour. Why the long name? Because...Long names sound fancier."-Slicer's comment on the suit.

Slicer's new masterpiece. After years of work, she managed to complete the Septentrion, a large armour she mainly uses for heavy lifting, and the occasional quarrel. It is outfitted with Questionite armour plating, and a secret alloy provided by one of her Poltan contacts. It is said that this alloy is even used for the OSF's Warmaster H-097. The suit also comes with a helmet, granting Slicer 100% protection unlike her other suits. The suit's weaponry consists of large plasma claws, flamethrowers, and hidden particle cannons on the back of the suit. Combined with Slicer's own strength, amplified by the suit, makes the Septentrion one of her most dangerous, if not THE most dangerous, of her suits.

She does remark that the helmet is not all that comfortable.

Slicer's Story Time (NEW!)

Several stories either written by Slicer herself, or stories she picked up from her contacts.

Laudate Dominum Deusise details the story of the battle between the OSF, and the Chakra'vi lord Chokaizen Deusise.

Slicer's Log is a diary written by Slicer during her time on Ben'hai, after the OSF attack.

Warrior Down details the savage attack launched on Slicer by no one less than Vorakk.

Grand Hammer details a showdown between Slicer and a new asset in the OSF arsenal.

Warmaster tells the story of the showdown between the Warmaster H-097 and Slicer, Akamatu MKII, Dragoon, and Cyblast.


A startled Slicer during the 2011 Bloodmoon event. "Break my armors, huh? Imma break your sacred statues, freaky lizards!" "Nothing unusual here!" Slicer in Lemuria...How the hell does she come out of fights without a scratch? She only wears a darn one-piece! Slicer shivering in the cold Earth winter. "This planet is WAY too cold! It's ABSURD!" Slicer in her apartment, wearing her signature dress, talking to an offscreen person.

More pictures to come!

Music of the Warrior

Slicer's theme: Immediate Music: Warrior's Heart

Slicer's battle theme: Two Steps From Hell: Dragon Rider


(Slicer HAS said these IC)

"Never mess with the alien lady in the dress..."-. Slicer on a group of pranksters.

"I might not be from here, but I am just like you: A living being with a purpose. Don't let my looks scare you."-. Slicer trying to tell people she isn't that different from a human.

"Learn how to fight before trying to mess with me, human."-. Slicer after she beated down a person threatening her.

"I shall make each and every one of those OSF bastards suffer, even if it's the last thing I'll ever do!"-. Slicer expressing her hate for the OSF.

"All alone...For all of eternity on this planet. Seriously am I -that- creepy? Not kissable? No? *Sigh* Ah, whatever."-. Slicer on the fact she thinks every single guy runs away from her...Or doesn't approach her at all.

"Perhaps I should try to fix something that I left, a long time ago..."-. Slicer telling her idea of returning a supergroup she owned for at least 2 years. However she came to leave it.

"Like us Ben'haians always say: Fo norar fui aro, fo tilrar fui cidr! Let's kick some ass!"-. Encouraging words of Slicer when she and her group of friends got assaulted by Vampires.

"Bloody h-hell...E-Earth winters...This is just w-...w-...WWAAA-*Sneeze*"-. Slicer's comment on Earth's harsh winter weather.

Important events

Slicer has survived a violent attack of the OSF. She had to stay at the hospital for 4 weeks, in complete shock about what happened. As of now, she is allowed to roam the city freely, but still prefers not to do so.

Slicer is one of the people to know about 'Bob', a brainwashed OSF Pilot that was captured after an OSF attack on the city center. The pilot now doesn't remember he is with the OSF, yet denies to be in UNTIL's hands. He is allowed to freely wander the city, without any weaponry equipped. Other people that know about him are White-Glint, Snowtalon, and Headshot. She also calls the name 'Bob' "The shorter version of Bloody OSF Bastard". In recent events, 'Bob' has been severely beaten up after a conversation with White Glint.

Slicer broke her left forearm during a fight against her brainwashed partner White-Glint.

She managed to push VIPER off of Monster Island with a few friends, facing the likes of Ripper, Redstone, and VIPER-X.

Slicer fought an OSF Shocktrooper, who goes by the name of Rakust Ranhon, who she then brought back to his senses shortly after.

Slicer got notified about the Consul.

Slicer finished off OSF general Joleen Bezdicek of the branch O.S.E.D. at the Millennium City blimp. The body of the general is in hands of UNTIL for research. The death of the general was later avenged with an OSF Annihilator assault on Millennium City.

Slicer notified Snowtalon about the possible arrival of an OSF frigate on Earth, and it may bring Annihilators. She was proven right as an Annihilator was dropped in the city a few moments after. The Annihilator was fought by Headshot in his prototype Demolisher mech (Which was destroyed in the fight) and Snowtalon. Any other Annihilators have not been spotted, even though there is OSF activity on Earth.

She has heard about the Quetai legend, and the Eternal Demise cult. She has said to look into it, but is too afraid to admit that even the Steel Warrior knows fear.

Has fought against a formidable new OSF unit which she still has to name. It completely wrecked her Steampunkette mech. As of now, she has rebuilt her mech.

Leave your thoughts!

Ever met Slicer ICly? Or just want to leave your comment on her? You can do that below.

-Comments on Slicer-

"Slicer, eh? Met her in the club once. I don't know her personally but she looks like she can hold her own against...erm...whatever Millenium City throws at us these days." - Snowtalon.

"Slicer... You mean Shi- ... Well... Uhhhh... Let me see... She's... Eheheheh... Uh..." subject flew away before finishing his statement. - White Glint.