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<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#AF0000; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">[[Condor|CONDOR]]</h3>
<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#AF0000; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">[[Condor|CONDOR]]</h3>

Revision as of 18:58, 5 February 2014



The Global Defense Center is located in downtown Millennium City. At first, the Center appears to be a normal office building but upon closer inspection, one would notice the many additions over time to distinguish it as the GDF's main headquarters. It has all the room, space, and facilities any type of hero would ever need and be ready for the job. The building's resources are fully dedicated to the GDF; there are apartments, a cafeteria, gyms, and many more facilities. Built by ANCILE to meet all of the GDF’s needs, it is a state of the art super group headquarters.

Places of Note

  • GDF Meeting Room
  • Simulation Chamber
  • Lounge

The Sub-Levels

The basement of the Global Defense Force HQ is an immense space and primarily acts as a garage for heroes. Personal vehicles are encouraged to be parked there and there is an automotive bay to work on both personal and work-related vehicles. The garage is segmented into two large sections: one side for hero vehicles and tactical vehicles and the other side reserved for civilian vehicles. The only way to get into the garage is either with an ANCILE badge or a GDF communication device and there are areas where heroes in civilian attire can change discretely. The automotive bay is equipped with anything a hero may need to repair their vehicles or modify them to certain mission specifications. Even though security is tight in the garage there is still a certain amount anonymity to allow heroes to protect their secret identities.

The Ground Floor

[[File:|200px|left]The ground floor of the Defense Center houses the groups meeting rooms, offices, and administrative areas. It also houses the GDF’s Hall of Heroes: a place to remember past heroes of the GDF who impacted the group or died while serving in it. Statues immortalize each hero along with their personal effects and plaques. This part of the Defense tower is open to the public, as many come to pay their respects to the fallen heroes. The rest of the Center is closed to the public and only open to GDF recruits, members, and ANCILE agents.

Floors 2-12

[[File:|200px|left]]The second floor houses the group’s state of the art infirmary it occupies the entire floor and has everything from emergency rooms to a rehabilitation center for wounded members. The third to the twelfth floors hold all of the GDF’s workstations, dedicated to any type of problem the GDF may need to solve. All fashions of labs from science to tech to robots to forensics populate this section. All of the facilities are staffed by ANCILE and are there to help any GDF member who may come in for an open case.

Floors 13-24

[[File:|200px|left]]The thirteenth floor has the cafeteria, group gym, and the dorms for Recruits. There is also a lounge for all members nestled in, also complete with billiards room and a theater. From the fourteenth floor to the 24th floor are apartments for members, should they wish to occupy them. These apartments are a suitable living space for members, free of charge, and are often used after tough missions for those too tired or too injured to get to their home. There is an army of housekeepers ready to keep the members' homes away from home ready and clean.

Floors 25 and 26

[[File:|200px|left]]All of the GDF’s databases, servers, and electronic side of the group are housed in a high security area on the 25th floor. This floor is also shared with the building's security force made up of ANCILE agents and the odd hero volunteering their time to protect the Global Defense Center. The armory is also stationed on this floor and is filled with an arsenal of non-lethal weapons and firing ranges. The 26th floor is the top of the tower, for now, and is enclosed, though it can open as a hangar to allow the Albatross to come and go. It can also protect any of the members' personal aircraft, provided it is a vertical takeoff vehicle. Finally, the top floor and hangar serves as a maintenance bay for the Albatross.




Name: Abraham Greenbaum
Designation: The Brains
Abilities: Super Science, Super Genius Intellect, Archery
Rank: Global Commander

The GDF's Global Commander spends most of his waking time sealed in his Lab working on various experiments and projects.




Name: Secret
Designation: The Rock
Abilities: Super Strength, Super Durability, Flight
Rank: Global Advocate

The American Legend, Independence Eagle. His smile inspires his fellow Heroes and strikes fear into the hearts of the wicked. **DING**




Name: Nebuleia
Designation: The Heart
Rank: Global Advocate

The Heroic Nebuleia, Fiance' to Zero Line and Intergalactic Traveler.




Name: Mirey / Shadowed Mirey
Designation: The
Rank: Global Captain

The GDF's leading Mystic and wielder of Magicks.




Name: Operative Shrike
Designation: The Soldier
Rank: Global Captain





Name: Rebel
Designation: The Cajun
Abilities: Luck Manipulation, Increased Agility and Aim
Rank: Global Captain

Hailing from Multifaria, this Cajun Bounty Hunter traveled to our Dimension to repay it for it's part in freeing his own. His training as a Resistance Soldier and time spent serving in the Great Harmon Wars back home prepared him for a life of heroics and duty. His tech skills are excellent and he uses armor and equipment primarily refurbished from fallen Destroids he's fashioned himself, including a pair of Blasters with multiple settings.




Name: Francisca Verdugo
Designation: The Shield
Abilities: Extensive Martial Arts training, Combat enhancing equipment, problem with authority figures and raw Latina sexiness.
Rank: Global Defender

Condor is a chilean heroine that follows the legacy of WWII chilean hero, "El Condor" wearing an updated version of the uniform representing the chilean flag, and taking the name of the national bird, she fits into the archetypical national and legacy hero.




Name: The Elasticator
Designation: The Elastic Enigma
Abilities: Super Elasticity, Body Morphing, Enhanced Resistance, Enhanced Healing
Rank: Global Defender

Background: After making some wrong decisions and ultimately losing everything he held dear, Joey Trovani was given a second chance. With the power to stretch his body beyond normal comprehension, to mold himself into any shape, and the goal to one day face the demons of his past. Joey Trovani became the elastic enigma....THE ELASTICATOR!




Name: Grizzly
Designation: The Bear
Abilities: Super Strength, Super Regeneration, Increased Durability and Stamina, Enhanced Senses (Smell in particular), Slight Size Manipulation and Metabolism Control
Rank: Global Defender

Contrary to popular belief, not all bears want to eat you once they see you. Grizzly is one of those bears. Coming from former Jugoslavija, he still serves the army and occasionaly does missions when called for. He is a loyal friend, and will fiercely protect anyone he cares about without hesitation.




Name: Lyssa Desole
Designation: The Therapist
Abilities: Mind Over Matter, something of a Mad Scientist, very analytical when it comes to aesthetics.
Rank: Global Defender

Formerly a super villain, she hasn't lost some of the traits, such as her fashion sense. She learned to construct remarkable works of technology when trying to conquer the planet, learned to help others with her psionic abilities while in prison, and would likely say she's always known a thing or two about aesthetics, willing to offer her help in any and all of those fields.




Name: Warden
Designation: The Guardian
Abilities: Super strength, Flame dispersion, Flight, Mystic armor, Regeneration.
Rank: Global Defender

The Warden is a legacy hailing back to the old Greek empire. The current holder is less skilled than those of past but still holds a position as a defender of the innocent and a knight in shining armor to those who need it. He is an up and coming hero who is just now starting to learn his place, earning his spot in the legacy that he and his suit are a part of.
