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[[File:Eternal Cover A by Chou Roninx.jpg|250px|left|thumb|<font color=#00000>Eternals Magazine Cover by Chou Rounix</font>]][[File:Pulsar (1).jpg|250px|right|thumb|<font color=#00000>Pulsar by VP Dessin</font>]][[File:Pulsar eosschibi byewg 10913cweb by eryckwebbgraphics-d6przrd.jpg|200px|center|thumb|<font color=#00000>Chibi Pulsar by Eryck Webb</font>]]
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File:Eternal Cover A by Chou Roninx.jpg|Eternals Magazine Cover by[http://chou-roninx.deviantart.com/ Chou Ronix]
File:Pulsar (1).jpg|Pulsar by[http://vpdessin.deviantart.com/ VP Dessin]
File:Pulsar eosschibi byewg 10913cweb by eryckwebbgraphics-d6przrd.jpg|Chibi Pulsar by[http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com/ Eryck Webb]
File:Pulsar pic by chou roninx-d6lbbdt.jpg|Pulsar and Fluffy by[http://chou-roninx.deviantart.com/ Chou Ronix]
[[File:Pulsar pic by chou roninx-d6lbbdt.jpg|500px|center|thumb|<font color=#00000>Pulsar by Chou Rounix</font>]]
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Revision as of 19:53, 24 November 2013


Pulsar (1).jpg
Player: @Pollobastardo
Super Group
Eternals, Inc.
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Amber O'Neil
Heart of the Eternals - Cute Lil' Bubbly
New York (New York)
Millennium City
The Eternals Tower
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Anna O'Neil (Mother)DECESEAD, Rupert Maddel (Father)FREE ON WORD
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
127 pounds
Body Type
0 Rh-
Honey Blonde
Green Forest
Soft Pink
· Distinguishing Features ·
Soft and slight
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Force Energy Projections, Flight, Shields and Heals
· Equipment ·
Questionite shields, Eternals Comlink, Nanotech Bracalet
· Other Abilities ·


Amber Maddel born from Anna O'Neil, a chef baker of modest succes, and Rupert Maddel, a Cop of NY. Since her youth she showed to be a very empathic person... animals came to her naturally and she managed to dialogue someway with them, without a proper language of course, only trough empathy feelings. Her amazing empathy, thou, was not a help at all, no, indeed it was a real yoke... everithing was heavier on her... no filter to ease the true meanings of others. She knew when her school buddies were not saying the truth to her, she knew and felt when they were thinking that she was stupid and all... For this reason, the lovely and puffy girl, grow lonely for the most.

Rupert, in the next years, got deeper and deeper in alcholism and, suddenly, he began to be violent and beating Anna more and more frequently... at first, Amber was only a witness-victim of those violent acts, suffering for the brutality on her mother... but when she turned ten years, things got worse. Anna never discover it, but Rupert abused Amber... he did so a couple of times a year since she was twelve... what gave Amber the strenght to go on were Comic Books: heroes that saves everyone, heroes that never failed, heroes that always did the right thing. What stopped Rupert was Amber herself, that called the police a night that Rupert was beating Anna very bad.

Rupert was arrested and of course dishonorably discharged from the Police of New York. However, Amber never told anyone regarding the abuse he did on her. Her name was then legally changed in Amber O'Neil.

From that day on, Amber turned her attention from the comic books heroes, to the real ones: to see men that acted with honor and never giving up was her way to keep her smile on. And her smile was what gave her the twist, finally approaching life with ease: if the world was bad, then all she had to do was to smile and bring happines around her... nobody could withstand happiness and affection, tenderness... with this personal consideration she discovered female heroes, discovering that there were many girls who use to "rock!" far more than many male heroes.

Her life got quiet happy when she moved with her mom to Millennium City, yes, she still suffered horrible nightmares remembering her father, but her gold heart and joyfully mood gave her the courage to hang on, 'till the day that a PRIMUS scientist, running away from a VIPER squad, hidden a secret formula that he was trying to save from the terrible terrorists in a cake that Amber was carrying with her... the scientist told her to not eat the cake, but Amber, neverminding him, ate that... getting her DNA altered and obtaining her powers.

The scientist managed to save himself and, when he discovered of Amber's new powers, even if a bit angry at first, he helped her in getting used to those new extraordinary abilities.

Almost a year after, when she was 16 years old and with the name of Pulsar, she found the courage to ask the Eternals to join them: almost nobody of the leaders were sure that a teen ager could be good for the hero life, but by both knowing that it was better to have her "in" so they could check on her instead of leaving the small girl risk her life alone AND unable to resist her cuteness and purity of her heart, they recruited the little girl.

Today, Pulsar, is no more the youngest of the team, and she actually revealed her identity on TV during an interview, she is known as "The Heart of the Eternals" and, even if her mother died due to a villain evil scheme that was not focused on her (collateral damage) she keep smiling and spreading love around her.


Pulsar is able to generate or manipulate Force Energy, mainly she use her abilty to create force shields or sphere to protect her and her allies or to cage her enemies, but she is sometimes forced to use it in a more rude way, blasting force bolts or rays and even waves to knock up the strongers one or destroy something heavy. She can also heals her allies or wounded civilians with this pure energy but, far more than with her other manipulation of this energy, this particular use is heavily modified by her emotions... she is currently trying to gain more control on her powers.


Pulsar do not rely on a real advanced equipment, of course she have her Eternals Inc comlink, but probably her main important device is the "fast changer" bracalet device: a techy bracalet that let her change her outfit in the blink of an eye thanks to some nanothec... Pulsar really love this tool, since she love to make the Cosplay of her main heroes she actually have many outfits and to wear the proper one could be a hard job without her bracalet! Another interesting equipment she have is the dual shields made of Questionite that the RCMP Steelhead Division gave her in order to thank Pulsar for her help in Canada.

Last but not least, Pulsar posses an armor that UNTIL gave her in order to complete some support missions in Monster Island... since Pulsar did really a good job and she always answer when called, UNTIL chose to leave the armor to her... but Pulsar prefer to not use that, both because it's heavy and because, since she feel that is not "properly her armor" but is a property of UNTIL, she prefer to use it only when helping them.



Beware my cuteness!

Pulsar is the classical "soft" girl, always lack in gymnastic and athletic ability... not only she totally lack of any kind of super strenght or dextery, but she is even poor for a normal human. If someone caught her without her Force Shields on she is "fresh meat" or, to say it in a more funny way, "dead as dodo".

On the other hand, talking of her powers, Pulsar most dangerous problem is actually the risk of dying by a massive use of her powers... her energy manipulation consume her body, literaly erasing all her calories and proteins, for this reason she risked her life a couple of times already: when she pretend too much from herself, not wanting to leave her allies or sorta, she fell uncounscious, drained by her powers and completely vulnerable and defenceless.


Pulsar trust ANYONE. She is sweet 'till her bones and if someone say he or she will change or sorta like that, she will simply smile and go to hug that one, even if it's Doctor Destroyer. But mostly, her psicological weakness is given by her past abuse suffered by her father when she was little. A thing she never talk about and that no one knows (Except from fellow Eternals, Inc. Rhapsody and the ally Lady Legion from the Global Defence Force).

The main problem about being psycologically weak, is that her powers rely on her emotions to work properly:
-Happiness increase her healing ability
-Rage increase her blast ability
-Calm increase her shielding ability
-Fear or Sadness weaken all her abilities 'till the completely loss of her powers

Friends, Allies and Acquaintances

Eternals, Inc.

"He is my hero! The most inspiring person i ever met... i have all his comics, action figures and cartoons... he is the reason why i begun my hero career"

Evolution Prime.png
Evolution Prime
"The original! A living legend! He don't show up often, but when he does he is the one that get all the attention, and the action too!"

Little Miss Gunbunny
"GunBunny is a close friend of mine! She is very tall and all, but she is even younger than me, i truly like to stay with her."

Moth friendbutton.png
Metro Moth
"I keep honoring him reminding everybody that 'one person can make the difference' and trying to be that one, i miss him, dearly."

"Above all the others, Rhapsy is the star that shine and enlight my way... i consider her my big sis' and i trust and love her more than myself."

Anarchy friendbutton.jpg
"Tough, bad-ass girl! She is a true inspiration for all of us new heroes! I am proud to say that she is a friend of mine... and she even danced with me at Caprice!

Natasha friendbutton.jpg
"One of the most wise person i ever met, i consider Nat as a mentor and an example to follow... i feel safe when she is around."

Vixen friendbutton.jpg
"I... don't mind what others say... i still like Vixy Foxy, my mom said that she is a beatifull person and that i should stay more with her... she teached me lot of things and... and i will bring her back! Try to stop me if you want..."

Raven friendbutton.png
"Well, i met him a couple of times... he do look a bit serious and all... but if Rhapsy like him so much he must be a good person, and i feel he deserve some happiness."

Dom friendbutton.png
"Dommy! He is such a funny and wonderfull friend! It's a bit that i don't see him, but i always enjoy to spend time with him, he is the one that hired me afterall!"

Shaman friendbutton.jpg
"I tasted the power he handle... i... i think no one should ever handle such a power, but he do so.. showing a wisdom i will never have... Shammy is a real hero."

VS friendbutton.png
Vespula Sting
"Oooook, i know he is creepy... and, i know he don't like me much (mostly for my cat)... but i think he is a genius, and i will do my best to earn his friendship."

Heroes, Inc.

IE friendbutton.jpg
Independence Eagle
"Eagly is a hell of a hero! He dash and bling just like in the movies or the comic books, and he is a lot funny!"

Zero friendbutton.jpg
Zero Line
"Z is real genius, super-duper smart and funny... but mostly he is a lovely geek like me! We are planning to start a Pathfinder campaign toghether" :3

Rogues Gallery

Coming soon


Coming Soon


Pulsar with Miss Fluffy


  • Super Cute - Pulsar is the quintessence cuter girl: She is lovely, cheerfull and always able to bring a smile on everyone's face. There are thousands girls prettier than her, sure, but she will always have a special place in everyone's heart.
  • Puppy Eyes - Amber have a pair of very wide and cute eyes, she tell a lot of what she feel and think trough her eyes and, for the most, people get somewhat hipnotized by her eyes.
  • Cheerful Child - The first thing you learn about Amber is that her smile is the most contagious ever: she smile and giggle in a so much sincere and joyfully way that's hard to resist her... afterall, even if she is a teenager and no more a little child, Amber still act a lot in a silly-childish way (mostly because her youth has been stolen by her father).


  • Shy - Pulsar is really shy, even of her friends; she is scared of the spotlights and always prefer that is another one in the center of the attention.
  • Friend of all living creatures - Pulsar have a sort of 'power' inside her that make everybody love her: animals, strangers, adults, childrens... it dosen't matter who or what is looking at Pulsar, until someone or something can feel emotions will for sure start to love her as a sister or a close friend.
  • Wide Eyed Idealistic - Amber is sweet and nice, sure, but mostly she is the quintessential incarnation of hope. She always hang on and think that things will turn good sooner or later, thanks to her and other's heart.

Morality and Philosophy

  • Pacifist - Pulsar reject violence, she always try to not hurt anyone and during battles her main objective is to protect her allies. She always try to cage her enemies in force fields and she almost cry when she is forced to fight in a rude way.
  • Pure of heart - One of her most high good traits is for sure her purity: Pulsar will never fall in desire for something and always think about the others before herself, no matter what.
  • Like in the comic books - Her pure heart made her almost the perfect hero, not the 'strongest', not because she 'always succeed'... she is what a hero mst be: perfect. She always put the others first and never surrender or fall on her ideal.

Combat and Skills

  • Flight - the first way Pulsar manage to do with her powers was to learn how to fly, not very fast to be honest, but she think it's the greatest thing in the world.
  • Force Energy, Barrier Warrior, Healing Hands - Her power is to generate and manipulate force energy, mainly in sphere, bolts and waves, to protect/heals herself and others or to knock up and/or cage the enemies.
  • Taste like Diabetes - Pulsar's abilities surround her of azure super-tiny shiny bubbles... and since her powers are heavily influenced by her emotions, the more she is happy, the more kawaii and shiny-cute she will appear surrounded by a bazillion of sparkling bubbles.


  • A real geek - Pulsar is a geek: she has tons of action figures, comic books and others silly but popular stuff. She is a cosplayer and she has a lot of outfits inspired by her favourite heroes.

Background and Events

  • Abused - the most deep secret of Pulsar: her violent dad, that was a Cop, abused her when she was only 10 years old. It's the secret she hides from even herself but that force her to be scared about males.
  • The Pollyanna - Amber have faced many bad things in her short life BUT she still smile, she still believe in others and she keep trusting and hoping in a better future.
  • Break the cutie - It's sad, but the more Amber goes on as a hero, the more she face personal loss and so on. 'Till now: her father abused her, at school she always had been bullied, her mother died, two friends of her are dead, another one cheated the Eternals, her real hero is now without powers and a bit depressed and the ones she consider as her sister is in deep love troubles...

Character and Motivations

  • Poor girl - Almost no one know the truth about her past, but who discover it is hard that dosen't feel the urge to hug her and protect Pulsar from the rest of the world.
  • Beware The Nice Ones - No one knew the exact range of power handled by Amber, and since she almost never use her energy to hurt, no one knew what she is truly capable of... but loss after loos... sad episode after another... trauma after trauma: will Pulsar ever break and freak out unleashing all her might?

RP Hooks

  • Amber still goes to school, you could have seen her there
  • Pulsar revealed her identity on Tv, you can recognize her
  • Amber was the president of the Champion's Fanclub and also is well known for her ability in cosplaying, she won many contest, you can say you saw her or heard of her for this reasons
  • Gold Inc have put her under contract and she already putted her face for some advertising
  • In the Eternals Inc official merchandise there are for sell her action figures and her shields (plastic-toy version) plus some t-shirts
  • She is known to often spend her free time in the park near the City Hall


Coming Soon



"There is a quote by Einstein that I think would be good for you 'Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.' You are an intelligent girl and the sunny heart of the Eternals. Don't lose that sunshine. Rock on." ~ Rhapsody

"Amber is has one of the kindest hearts I've ever met. There is absolutely nothing bad I could say about her. Mess with her and you mess with me." ~ Vixen

"The kids not bad. I know that she has some bully issues. She really needs to learn how to stand up for herself. Grow some Balls, but until then I've got her back." ~ Dante

"Pulsar is so adorable. But seriously, she packs a punch. I haven't known her long, and we haven't work together often. Still, I hope to get to know her better. She's sort of like the little sister I never had." --Stitch

"Craaaaaaaaaaazy." - Skull

"Do not want." - Vespula Sting
