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[[File:Solaris002.jpg|250px|thumb|Solaris socializing with members of The Sentinels & Young Sentinels on The Artimus]]
[[File:Solaris002.jpg|250px|thumb|Solaris socializing with members of The Sentinels & Young Sentinels aboard The Artimus]]
===<div style="float: left; background: #ffff00; color: #000000; text-align: left; text-indent: 5px; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #999900; font-size: 90%;">'''Group Affiliation'''</div>===
===<div style="float: left; background: #ffff00; color: #000000; text-align: left; text-indent: 5px; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #999900; font-size: 90%;">'''Group Affiliation'''</div>===

Revision as of 07:33, 15 March 2018

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Player: @crimsonarcher
Solaris Returns!
Biographical Data
Real Name: Richard Andrew Rogers
Known Aliases: n/a
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Alien Hybrid
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Birth: Providence, RI
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Andrew Rogers (Father)
Julie Rogers (Mother)
Age: 45 (appears early 30s)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205lbs
Eyes: Glowing gold
Hair: Long Blonde
Complexion: Clear
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: n/a
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Identity: Private, but not secret
Years Active: 5+ years
Citizenship: Flag USA.png American Citizen
Occupation: Hero (Registered)
Education: Diploma level
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Invulnerability
  • Flight
  • Heat-vision

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • None

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Solaris logo.png

Background and Origin

Like Father, Like Son

Richard Rogers was an only child, born to Andrew and Julie Rogers, a successful civil engineer and a nurse from Providence, RI. Richard's upbringing was largely unremarkable; he grew up in a loving family and was home schooled, before attending college in order to train as a structural engineer, following in his father's footsteps. When Doctor Destroyer attacked Detroit in 1992, Richard was in his freshman year and interning at his father's consultancy firm. For several months after the Battle of Detroit, he ended up working with his father on the planning & rebuilding of what would eventually become Millennium City. At the end of this time he returned to Providence in order to complete his education and graduate. However, seeing that level of destruction first hand had a profound effect on Richard and he chose not to follow in his father's footsteps. Instead he enrolled as a teacher at a community college in Rhode Island, where he hoped to inspire & help those who needed it, and there he stayed until the incident that gave him his powers.

Star Light, Star Bright

Richard had always been a keen amateur astronomer and he ran a stargazer's club for local kids, to share his enthusiasm for the night sky. He'd booked an excursion to Ladd Observatory, Providence for the group, but while there he noticed an unusual light phenomena in the sky. Tracking the strange light with his own telescope, Richard was about to inform one of the attendants when the beam of light suddenly changed direction, heading straight towards him. Before he could react, there was a blinding flash as the beam struck the lens of the telescope and Richard Rogers was thrown to the floor amidst the wreckage of his equipment, unconscious. He awoke several hours later in hospital, with a splitting headache and minor burns to his face, but otherwise seemingly unharmed. Despite protestations by the doctors, Richard discharged himself and went home, not noticing any ill-effects until the following morning.

Man Of The Sun

Throwing open the curtains, the Sun's rays reacted with the strange extraterrestrial light that had entered his eyes and Richard underwent an unexpected, and startling physical transformation. His body became charged with the power of the Sun and he quickly learnt that he had gained incredible new powers of strength, flight & invulnerability. Unsure at first what to do with his new abilities, Richard traveled to Millennium City, home of The Champions, to seek their advice. Fate stepped in at this point, as his arrival coincided with the Qularr invasion and Richard suddenly found himself in the front line. Helping to repel the alien forces and meeting Heroes like Defender and Kinetik inspired him to help in other crisis and eventually return to Millennium City to begin a new life as Solaris, Man of the Sun!

Solaris' first appearance in the skies over Millenium City in 2009

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Superhuman Strength

Solaris is capable of lifting between 10-30 tons when fully charged with solar energy, but his strength can vary based on how much energy he has used, how much he still has in reserve and whether he's been able to recharge.


When fully charged, Solaris is surrounded by a glowing golden aura, which is a visible component of the force field which shields and protects him, projected from within his own body. This aura is capable of dissipating large amounts of virtually any energy which strikes it; stopping bullets, turning lasers and generally preventing Solaris from being harmed.


Solaris is capable of self-propelled flight and has been able to reach speeds of up to 60mph, so far. When flying, particles in the air colliding with his protective aura cause a flare or sparking effect, similar to the golden trail of a firework. The faster he flies, the more pronounced the effect.

Enhanced Healing & Endurance

Although his shining aura protects him from the majority of injuries, Solaris is still able to be hurt. Fortunately, his body is capable of using its stored solar energy to heal faster than a normal person and from injuries which might otherwise incapacitate or kill a human. The energy which powers his abilities also appears to fuel his body, as Solaris does not require food, drink, sleep or even oxygen when fully charged. He also appears to age more slowly than regular humans, judging by his relatively unchanged appearance between his disappearance from, and subsequent return to, Earth.

Heat Vision

Solaris can release beams of concentrated heat from his golden eyes, draining himself of energy but also causing a great deal of damage to his target.

Energy Manipulation

One of Solaris' lesser known powers is the limited ability to manipulate different wavelengths of energy. He hasn't spent much time developing these powers, but Solaris has used them to eavesdrop and communicate on radio frequencies without the use of comms equipment.


Structural Engineering

Richard Rogers is a qualified Civil Engineer, with a specialty in Structural Engineering.


As a keen amateur astronomer before receiving his powers, Richard has a good knowledge of the constellations, planets and other basic areas of cosmology.

Other Strengths & Weaknesses

Sunlight & Darkness

Solaris recharges himself by directly absorbing energy from the Sun through his eyes. Without access to sunlight, Solaris only has the energy stored within his body to power his incredible abilities. It's unclear how long he can last without recharging or what would happen if he exhausted all of that stored energy, but it's assumed that it would not be a happy ending.

Relationships & Affiliations

Solaris socializing with members of The Sentinels & Young Sentinels aboard The Artimus

Group Affiliation

Solaris is a member of The Sentinels, and has access to their Aero-Carrier, The Artimus.


Andrew Rogers (Father)

Put info on the friend here.

Julie Rogers (Mother)

Put info on the friend here.


That Guy I Know

Put info on the friend here.

That Chick I Met

And here.

Some Dude at the Bar

And here.


That Bad Guy I Know

Put info on the friend here.

Recent History

Troubleshooting Hero

Project Greenskin

Following his success during the Qularr invasion, Solaris was approached by PRIMUS to help with a situation in Nevada, at their Project Greenskin facility. It was here, under the harsh desert sun, that Richard became more aware of his growing powers. As he fought the irradiated mutants, his body absorbed more and more of the sun's energy, increasing the strength of his abilities until he suddenly found himself able to fly! The changes in his powers didn't stop there when, as he flew high over the ghost town of Burnside, he felt his body reach its capacity of stored energy and, like a safety valve releasing excess pressure, rays of golden light burst from his eyes. Solaris quickly learnt to control these emissions, but using them often quickly diminished his store of inner energy and left him feeling drained. But this was not a problem in the desert where a few moments exposure to the harsh sun overhead was enough to replenish that store of solar energy again. Working with PRIMUS, Solaris was able to assist in areas like Burnside, Burning Sands and the Atomic Wasteland, and in the process battling supervillains such as Talisman, Leech and Gigaton, Richard was able to learn alot about his power as Solaris, but the origin of this power still remained a mystery to him. Impressed by his work here, PRIMUS requested that Solaris assist the RCMP Steelhead Division in Canada with local trouble they had been experiencing.

Canadian Wilderness

Upon arriving in the Canadian wilderness, Solaris was informed that the "local trouble" was mutated animals attacking locals and making the area surrounding Force Station Steelhead more dangerous than usual. Following information provided by the RCMP, Solaris eventually found that the animals were being affected by the toxic runoff from a VIPER project, where they were attempting to produce some kind of aquatic super-soldier. This was the first time that Solaris had encountered VIPER and their nefarious schemes, but it would not be the last. As he took apart their various operations, Solaris defeated both their first, fully operational 'Electric Eel' Super-Soldier and Redstone, one of the heads of VIPER's Canadian operations, leaving their projects in disarray.

Return to Millenium City

The Sentinels


To Infinity & Beyond

The Crystal Consciousness

Flying higher and faster than he'd flown before, Solaris broke out of Earth atmosphere and soared into deep space; not knowing why but unable to resist the pull he felt. Like a golden comet, Solaris streaked through the cosmos, eventually reaching the unknown destination of his journey; a crystalline planet of unimaginable beauty. As he descended onto the glass-like surface of the alien planet, he finally came to understand the nature of what had been happening to him. Beneath his feet, light flashed through the crystal and Solaris could feel the lifeforce within it. The light, the same as that which had struck him, was not simple energy, but a consciousness.

As the consciousness began speaking to him, Richard knew that even name he had taken as a hero had been inspired by the alien light that had invaded his mind and changed his body. It was part of a race known as the So'lari and, since they had no physical form of their own, they needed him to save them.

The So'lari and their planet were like a giant crystalline brain - thinking, hypothesising, planning - and they predicted that an invasion was coming. Without physcial form and percieving an imminent threat, the So'lari empowered individuals from other planets and gathered them together to protect their world and their knowledge. Their predictions came true, and Richard fought alongside So'lari hosts from a myriad of different species to drive back an invasion that sought to steal the secrets of the crystal planet.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the invading force was defeated and the So'lari were safe once again. Richard, and what he had come to think of as the Solaris Corps, were dismissed with thanks and a promise of more power than they had arrived with. But that power came at a cost, as the line between the awakened So'lari consciousness and the host whose body they shared began to blur; the two merging into a single, new personality.

Returning Home

Arriving back on Earth, the being that had once been Richard Rogers was initially confused and disoriented. Almost 10 years had passed since he'd left and so much had changed... Desperate for something familiar after his long absense, Solaris sought out The Artimus, aero-carrier base of The Sentinels. Although changed, he was welcomed back and, with their support, began building himself a brand new life.

Roleplaying Hooks

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.

Additional Notes

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.