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Astral Avenger
Player: @Punkrocket
Biographical Data
Real Name: Uzira El'istia
Known Aliases: Viola Reilly
Gender: Female
Species: Quvanian
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: Quvanial
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: (undisclosed)
Age: 17 equiv.
Height: 5'4"
Weight:  ?
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Dark brown
Complexion: Red?
Physical Build: Light
Physical Features: Stripes, shading around eyes, fangs
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Identity: Private
Years Active: 2013-Present
Citizenship: N/A
Occupation: Registered hero
Education: Quvanian Priesthood
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Strength, resilience, telepathy and telekinesis.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


The Invasions

A backwards species, as violent and warlike as any other primitive society, the Quvanian race, while unified, could hardly be considered a true nation. They had no real technology, no governing structure -- indeed, they seemed to have no signs of culture whatsoever. More animalistic than civilized, they were looked down on by the more advanced races in the sector, and largely left to their own devices. With a barren desert planet, there was really nothing to be gained from interacting with such a people, other than a tremendous headache.

It was a good policy, until they learned to develop portals. It was never clear how they were able to do it, but it spelled disaster for neighbouring planets. Not only were they violent, but they possessed a trait nobody knew they had -- telepathy. As soon as their invasion force touched a planet, the chaotic network formed by their collective telepathy created an effect as if a constant screeching in the minds of their adversaries. It demoralized, terrified, and even killed.

Their collective abilities made them a dangerous enemy, but what made them even worse was their mindset -- they did not invade for material goods, nor for political means. They invaded to invade, for no other reason than because they could, and because they wanted to. In a span of two hundred years, they wiped our nearly all other life in the sector. Only fragments of sentient life survived their assaults.


In the aftermath of the invasions, a man named Azeni rose to prominence on Quvanial. He was markedly different, having shut himself off from the telepathic network that dominated the species. Learning to shut down his primal instincts, he began to teach others a new way of life. This way, called the Aruvath-Quvana, eventually transformed what was a primal species into a peaceful, burdgeoning civilization. The core of his teachings was to learn to resist tempation, desire, and separate mind from body. The mind was associated with such domains as self-control, intelligence, morality and purity, while the body was associated with instinct, ferality and ultimately, danger. To live in a fashion balanced between the duality of body and mind was to achieve perfection, but such an achivement was also regarded as too dangerous to be attempted.

The political structure that was created by the Quvanians, now calling themselves the 'children of Aruvath-Quvana' was one of castes. The highest caste was that of the priesthood, who were to be taught at an early age to master Azeni's teachings and promote peace and wellbeing amongst their people, and prevent any from falling to the old ways.


A mere one hundred and fifty years after the rise of the Aruvath-Quvana, a young girl named Uzira El'istia was born and selected by the priest caste for training and induction. She displayed a natural inclination towards empathy, and the advanced training given to the priests was deemed neccessary to teach her to disconnect, to save her from any negative impact from other's emotions -- and to save others from the possibility of her projecting her emotions upon them.

Growing up, she was average at best. She never really struggled with her studies, but she didn't really excel at them either. She didn't quite take to the discipline of the Aruvath-Quvana as much as she was expected to, to the ire of her elders. She narrowly avoided removal from the caste on a number of occasions.

Siege of Quvanial

As peaceful as Quvanial had become under the Aruvath-Quvana, the memory of the atrocities their people had committed was far from gone. One of the planets they had nearly wiped out, inhabited by the Korana people, had been quietly rebuilding. Through developing an array of weapons designed to spew radiation, per the Quvanian's weakness, they were able to equip their small fleet with enough firepower to wipe out any Quvanian resistance - and that's exactly what they did. First they located and eliminated those Quvanians who remained behind on the planets they had ravaged a century and a half ago, and then they besieged the homeworld itself.

Despite efforts to fight off the attackers, Quvanial was never able to field its full strength. Even in the face of massacre, their new philosophy prevented them from using their telepathy against the invading fleet. Without that in their arsenal, the radiation-based weaponry was enough to stave off any counterattacks during the months-long bombardment of the planet, which would see the race all but extinct. Knowing full well the predicament they were in, the Aruvath-Quvana began to evacuate priests, academics and diplomats via short and long range portals. Uzira was one of those evacuated.


Arriving on Earth shortly after, Uzira found herself struggling to keep herself disconnected from the suffering around her. She was afflicted by headaches and blackouts connected to her empathic abilities. She eventually got these under control, but the experience convinced her that the human race was in dire need of assistance. She chose to take on the image of one of Earth's heroes in order to reassure people of her benevolent intentions, and adopted the name 'the Astral Avenger'. Through a brief, consensual telepathic link with a stray alien of another race, she was able to learn the language in extraordinary time -- though certain aspects still give her trouble.

It didn't take long for Uzira to prove herself as a hero, performing feats ranging from stopping armed robberies to saving beached whales. Through her actions she has become accepted among the heroes of Millennium City, to a degree. The citizenry of the city have been slower to take to her, given her distinctly inhuman appearance.



The physical strength and durability of an average Quvanian is far in excess of any ordinary human. On Earth, Uzira displays superhuman strength on par with many of the world's prevalent superhuman strongmen. This ability is somewhat hampered by her fear of harming people and property, but in a fight against a non-living opponent, such as a robot, she has shown herself fully willing and capable of punching holes through chassis.


Uzira has a high potential for telepathy as all Quvanians, with a somewhat rarer affinity for empathy connected to this. Though potent enough to be considered a power, it never comes into play during a fight, due to the moral and ethical constraints of the Aruvath-Quvana. She believes that to invade or read a mind without express consent is a major breach of privacy, and a dangerous one at that. Due to her unwillingness to use it to her advantage, her telepathy could almost be considered a weakness, as it provides a signal strong enough that other telepaths could track her with ease if they desired.


While Uzira was trained in telekinesis as a priestess, she can barely affect anything beyond her own body. It is through her telekinesis that she is able to fly. Some in the priest caste are trained to a point that they can even create solid energy through their telekinesis, but Uzira is far from this, and without an elder to train her, it is unlikely she will ever progress much farther than she already has.



Though it is not entirely clear why, the Quvanian species has a crippling weakness to radiation. Though the radiation given off by electrical devices is not normally sufficient to induce any sickness, direct radiation or any large leak could severely weaken, sicken or kill. It is through this weakness that the Korana were able to nearly wipe them out during the siege of Quvanial. Her weakness is not yet known to any major enemy groups in Millennium City, and it could be devastating for her if it was discovered.


Uzira has been trained in basic telekinesis and taught in a number of academic subjects, but she has never had any real combat training. Against an opponent with strength similar or greater to her, it is painfully obvious. Against most enemies, she can coast through a fight without looking out of place simply due to having a considerable physical advantage over them, but against someone with superhuman strength on par with her, she's no more impressive than some idiot picking a bar fight with someone out of their league.

Kind of a Nice Person

Uzira doesn't want to hurt people. At all. She doesn't want to embarrass, she doesn't want to break bones, she doesn't even really want to bruise them. Though it's not a physical weakness on her part, it's what keeps her back the most. Even a violent and unrepentant criminal is treated with care and given enough mercy to qualify Viola for a girl scout's badge.


Uzira is something of an enigma to many of her peers, who fail to understand her motivations and her behavior. She is both peaceful and surprisingly gentle for a hero, keenly aware of the pain she is forced to cause. Although friendly, she has the charisma of a cereal box. While she's outgoing enough to actively seek out others in the interest of engaging with them and learning about them, her conversational prowess isn't going to win her any awards. Her sense of humor doesn't always work to her favor, she has a tendency to revert to the social etiquette of her own species, and sometimes she just plain doesn't understand people. Homonyms and pop culture references are the bane of her existence.

Though she is almost unwavering and uncompromising in her morality, there is a possibility that if she were to suffer a major enough collapse or neglect her own philosophy, she could revert to a more primal way of mind in line with her species' past. This could lead to her being unruly, violent and even murderous, and it's unlikely she would be able to pull herself out of this state without considerable outside help.


Lifewarder An alien that Uzira met early in her time on earth, A'ri has helped Uzira adjust and has provided her with a home. The two have become friends, with the much older A'ri serving as something of a guardian, almost motherly figure to her. Unbeknownst to Uzira, A'ri comes from one of the species that hers nearly wiped out a couple centuries ago, with A'ri being old enough to remember this firsthand.



- Astral Avenger is a remake of my old CoH character, Astral Aegis. The two have somewhat different backstories, but the core concept remains the same.

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Leaders: Mercy
Senior Members: Arcane SquireBee
Natural: Temudjin
Magic: Cheapshot • Jinx • Kid Harrier • RedTorrent • Virtuoso • VisageWhitecloak
Mutant: Bloodline • Boy Wonder • CelerityLionfish • Magnetar • Mineshaft • Skips • Turbo • Unstoppable
Science: EmberPrankensteinXenergy