The Cosmic Light

There are countless stories scattered about the stars, among the races that make their meager existence in our universe, who claim there is one all powerful force beyond our senses that is absolute love and light. It has taken many forms and most races attribute it to be much like themselves; pious prophets and wisemen, shamans and sorcerers have claimed to have met or engaged this being in some fashion or another. What their tales all account is always a dramatic and epic tale in which their people strove to overcome a great upheaval and the being guided them to their destiny.
There have been scholars who have roamed the stars in search for this ancient thing, in hopes of crossing the void to gain answers into the mysteries of the universe, our place within it and the nature of reality. Some have come closer than others, and those that claim in wild tales to have actually met the being describe it as formless and all powerful. They describe in detail how they felt within its presence, as if they were upon the most righteous of paths and had never been more empowered or sure of their capabilities or their course. None have ever claimed to have conversed with the Light however, that the being simply exists upon a plane or level of consciousness we simply cannot comprehend with our limitations and frailties. However stories abound of this being having guided races to destinies both amazing and epic in nature.

There are many legends which detail the appearance of the Light, that it is a mass of gas and light that yields no heat unless it desires to, and yields no pain to look upon unless evil exists within the heart of the spectator. Indeed, so intense is the viewing of the Light by an evildoer that it can destroy them within mere moments, depending on how dark their souls have become!

And Now...
Now many cosmic scholars and sorcerers, scientists and explorers have come to believe in this one being, who by all studies has proven to be the only known entity older than our universe itself. What ties it has to the similar force The Azure remains a mystery, however, it is well known by many that this being brings with it good omens and the power to fight any darkness!

- Jade Defender Is the empowered Avatar of the Cosmic Light for the beings of Earth.
- Horizon Is the empowered Avatar of the Cosmic Light for the beings of Tyrith.
- The Azure Is the Mysterious Benefactor entity that empowers the Azurians in their struggles to protect the Galaxy.
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