Talk:Primus Database Guidelines

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Re:Lore-related Articles

Attn: mods. In this CORP thread on including lore-related content, it was polled that users of the PDb found it helpful if such pages were included (depending on how it was done). With that said, are we officially nixing the restriction against canon content from the guidelines? --Δ Epelesker (talk) 02:50, 15 September 2013 (MST)

I'd say yes. Some of it was appearing as it was when the site came down. And FV (and others) have been keeping busy putting some of it back in again. Note how this link has some of its bits filled in by canon links: Millennium_City - Destructor (talk) 19:44, 15 September 2013 (MST)
Right-o. I think, then, that we should probably try to gather up as many of these canon content pages under a category and/or use a header template to let people know it's not user created stuff. --Δ Epelesker (talk) 20:16, 15 September 2013 (MST)

Next up!

Alright, I'm making this page my next project. Any pre-emptive feedback from my fellow mods before I get started? --Δ Epelesker (talk) 18:57, 22 September 2013 (MST)

Well, giving it a quick look over, it does seem to cover the general guidelines that I can think of. Although no doubt you have a few things in mind if I had to make a guess. -- Destructor (talk) 00:08, 23 September 2013 (MST)
Some reordering and clarifications are about the extent of what I am after. What I'll do this time, given that there's no real backup like the last page, is work on a GoogleDrive and then send you what I come up with somehow --Δ Epelesker (talk) 09:43, 23 September 2013 (MST).
Either get in touch with me via CO, or go to User:Destructor and you'll see a 'Email This User' button on the left. It'll send straight to the mailbox I used to sign up for the PDB. -- Destructor (talk) 22:56, 23 September 2013 (MST)