Psion (@gijoespouse2)

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Psychic Combatant
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Super Group
Rank Member
Current Affliations
Former Affiliations Teen Wardens, Eternals Inc, COMPASS, Westside Defenders

Real Name Audrey Peplar
Known Aliases Psioni-Gal, Audrey Evans
Gender Female
Species Human
Birthdate September 1st
Place of Birth Grand Rapids, MI
Current Location Millennium City
Relatives William Pepler (husband), Brianna Pepler (daughter); State Representative Corbin Evans (father) and Alana Evans (mother)

Apparent Age 34
Height 5'7"
Weight 136 lbs
Eyes Light brown
Hair Brown with red highlights
Complexion Light complexion
Build Lithe, athletic
Notable Features Faded scar on torso

Identity Confidential
Citizenship US Citizenship
Marital Status Married to Noble
Occupation Owner of Super Latte in City Center
Education College


Telepathy, telekinesis, martial arts training, and empathic abilities
Eskrima sticks, body armor, and utility belt

ProtectorsBox Template


    Audrey can be a bit intimidating at first. She's not exactly open with most people, and while she may give information about herself in conversation, it's usually not anything very deep. While she's never been one to completely trust another right off the bat, her experience with Teen Wardens toward the end has made it even more difficult to trust others openly. She's can be a bit quick to judge at times, though more often such thoughts are kept to herself. She's never downright unfriendly to folks, no matter what her thoughts are, unless pushed to act otherwise. She's confident, but not to the point of being cocky, and rarely if ever seeks reassurances in most matters.

    To those that do enter her trust, they will find a woman that can be fiercely protective. There are few things in life that push her buttons more than harming her friends and family. She can be flat out vindictive in meting out punishment. As for those that break her trust, it can pretty much be expected that she'll write such individuals off. Chances of regaining her trust once more are almost non-existent. If that breach of trust somehow endangers people she cares about, any chance of regaining that trust goes right out the window.

    It's probably hard to believe, but Audrey is downright soft when it comes to Will and Brianna. While few people could cause Audrey to question her actions, her husband and daughter have caused her to do so on more than one occasion. Those two are the light of her life. She'd sooner rip off a limb than disappoint either of them. While she's confident in her abilities as a business woman and sure of herself as a hero, she finds that she lacks that confidence in the domestic arena. She tends to question if she's doing right by Will and Brianna, especially when it comes to motherhood. Given how poor relations were with her own parents, she often questions if she's doing a good enough as a mother.

    It should be noted that there's a definite shift in personality when Audrey dons the mask and costume of Psion. It's not so much a split personality so much as it is putting her game face on. While Audrey might on occasion question herself, Psion is the mask of total confidence in everything she does. She's very focused, analyzing her opponents and her environment so that she can take full advantage of the scenario in question. She's not one to utterly dominate anyone with excess force. Sure, she's certainly capable of doing a lot of damage (to both her opponent and the collateral type damage), she tends to go for focused attacks on vital spots and weak points. She'll be quicker to incapacitate a man than she would be to totally beat the living crap out of him.


    With this ability, Psion is able to read minds and communicate with others telepathically. She can also use this ability to mentally persuade and dominate others, "dive" into the psyches of others (see Mind Dive), shore up the psychic protections within her teammates, and sense minds of those that may be concealing themselves. Back when she was a member of the Teen Wardens, she used this ability to frequently create a mindlink with her teammates, creating a psychic communication network. This is by far her most powerful ability, but due to prior negative experiences, she keeps her telepathic powers in check. She often uses this ability to sense how many opponents are on the field, whether there are any in hiding, and at times to broadcast the mental suggestion that she simply isn't there at all.

Mind Dive
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

    Psion can move things with her mind. She's not exceedingly powerful, meaning she's not going to be throwing cars around, but she can easily lift up to 350 pounds. She uses this power to simulate flight, and to bolster her hand-to-hand fighting capabilities. When used in conjunction with her martial arts training, she's able to react at the speed of thought and pull off maneuvers that would normally require fancy wire-works to accomplish. Her approach to this power is that it's not about fighting harder, it's fighting smarter. As such, she'll aim for attacks that don't require much force to weaken and disable her opponent.

Martial Arts
    Psion has been a kali practitioner for the past 15 years or so. Originally it was Patrioteer, her former teammate and previously the leader of the Teen Wardens, who introduced her to the style. While she didn't rely on that training much as a teen hero, over the years she has steadily grown more accustomed to using her martial arts training (often bolstered with telekinesis) and only using her telepathic abilities as needed.

    Psion only has minor empathic talents at best. She can sense the emotions of those around her, but she can't project those emotions on to others. This ability helps her to determine the emotional atmosphere of those around her.


Superhuman Mind with Average Human Body
    While Psion can use her powers to help aid her in combat, her body itself is just as frail as any normal person. She can be injured if someone manages to get past her defenses to land a blow.

Your Mind Tricks Don't Work On Me
    Psion's most powerful attribute is her telepathy, but even that has its limitations. Those with strong mental resistances, lack sentience, or are alien may not be affected by her powers.

    Psion keeps a tight rein on her telepathic abilities, only using them as needed to quickly convey a thought, even to sometimes try and persuade an opponent to stop fighting (while in the midst of fighting them). But beyond that, she is hesitant to really flex her psionic might. In general, this is a good thing, but she's so loathe to cut loose that she may not do so even when circumstances really call for it.


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Combat Suit
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

Utility Belt
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

Eskrima Sticks
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.


Early Years

    Audrey Evans was born into a well-to-do family in Grand Rapids, MI on September 1st, 1982. She was born with psychic abilities that began to surface when she was three. Her parents grew concerned as their daughter claimed to hear voices. For the next couple of years, she saw many many specialists, all claiming she had one condition, and then another. At one point she was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. It wasn't until she was about six or seven that a doctor finally suggested she might have some sort of super powers. He arranged for a consult with someone form Angelstone Laboratories, a for profit organization that studied superhumans and superhuman technologies. After a battery of tests, it was determined that Audrey was not schizophrenic: she was psychic. The voices she was hearing were the thoughts of other people around her. Arrangements were made for Audrey to move to Millennium City, so she that the folks at an Angelstone Lab there could guide and study her.

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    Her time at the laboratory was not a bad one. While it was certainly scary at first, the people at the lab believed she wasn't crazy. That certainly made these people better than her parents and their doctors. What she thought would only be a temporary stay at the facility stretched on for nearly eight years. Her parents wanted her cured, but the fact of the matter was that her powers were an integral part of her, something that couldn't - shouldn't - be cured. For obvious reasons, this left the child feeling as if she'd been abandoned. Initially this created quite a problem, as her bitterness and anger over the whole situation made it impossible to work with her. Over time though, she overcame this, opening up to the doctors and researchers helping her to control her abilities. Once she finally let down her barriers, she caught on quickly in the safe use of her psychic powers. She developed a bond with the personnel at Angelstone. It might not have been a close family bond. But she considered the staff to be her friends, at the very least. That was certainly better than the estrangement between herself and her actual family.

    The notion of using her powers for hero work never even crossed Audrey's mind, until one day a contingent of armed militants broke into the facility. The teen reacted on instinct, making use of what she had been learning in theory and applying it to what could've been a deadly situation. By the time heroes in the vicinity were able to respond, Audrey had placed half of the men in psychic induced sleep, the others subdued by her telekinetic abilities. While she easily could've carried on in life with just that one act of heroism under her belt, the incident brought her to the attention of two aspiring young heroes seeking to form a group of their own: Patrioteer and Hard Wire.

The Teen Wardens

    Audrey first came into contact with Alan Everett (Patrioteer) and Parvati Dalal (Hard Wire) at the tail end of an interview with WCOC about the attack on Angelstone. She was hesitant and stand offish with the pair initially. For valid reasons, she had a hard time trusting others, plus she had no experience in dealing with her own peer group. She initially turned their offer down. But Parvati continued to stay in contact with her, using her technopathic abilities to keep a dialogue open with Audrey. Finally, after a couple of months, the young psychic relented, joining Noble Boy, Slickshot, Knightshining, and Diomhair to form the Teen Wardens. She donned the name Psioni-Gal, and with the assistance of the good folks at Angelstone, she dove headfirst into the world of superheroics. It...wasn't an easy transition. For one, her social skills were sorely lacking. She was used to dealing with adults, not hormonal teenagers, and found that her honesty was perhaps a little too brutal at times. Secondly, she had very little experience in using her powers outside of the lab. Transitioning from theory to application presented a bit of a challenge. Lastly, she had never worked as part of a team before. This made for some very trying times early on, as she had to learn to not only work as part of a group, but she had to open up and trust her teammates. After a couple of months, she found herself settling in. Audrey found that she could use her telepathy to create a psychic network with her fellow Wardens, a mindlink to use for communicating to one another. She even learned that she could dive into the psyches of others, allowing her to pull out information from the minds of criminals. Patrioteer even started to teach her kali, so that she could at least somewhat defend herself should someone get past her telekinesis and try to harm her. The next five years were easily the happiest years of Audrey's young life. For the first time ever, she had friends her own age... a family. So it hit her particularly hard when eventually it all fell apart.

    The Teen Wardens operated from 1997 until 2002. While they never faced off with big name villainous organizations, such as VIPER, they were well known for their street level work. Their most frequent adversaries, however, were members of the pro-superhuman rights group know as the Pride. The Pride originally was formed by Elaine Pryde after the United States formed the Department of Superhuman and Paranormal Affairs. While her efforts at first were to lobby to have the American Superhuman and Paranormal Registration Act repealed, over the years she and her followers grew to become more extremist, until eventually the group became recognized as a terrorist organization. It was during an encounter with the Pride that the Teen Wardens faced their first loss. The group had managed to confront the leader of the Pride. During the resulting fight, Hard Wire was killed. The death was a heavy blow, as the technopath was the glue that seemed to hold the team together. It hit Audrey especially hard, because Parvati was the first person her own age who befriended. Patrioteer took the loss poorly, and began a campaign against the people responsible for her death. No stone was left unturned, no dark shadow was left unexplored as the Teen Wardens tracked down the Pride, questioning every member they apprehended for information on Elaine Pryde's whereabouts. Finally, after months of endless searching, they found her. The teens engaged in an intense battle with Pride members. The Teen Wardens won the day, and things were looking up.

    And then, instead of turning Elaine Pryde over to the authorities, Patrioteer killed her outright. This became the starting point of the rift that eventually broke the group apart. Audrey tried to deny what was happening, but she could see the writing on the wall. The breaking point for her came when Patrioteer forced her to mind dive into the head of a suspected former member of the Pride, suspecting that there were still pockets of the pro-metahuman rights group in operation. Try as she might, she could find nothing. The man had no further knowledge to give, and the continued pressure to pry into his mind put the man into a catatonic state. Shaken by what she'd done, she walked away from the only "family" she had ever known. The group formally dissolved in November of 2002.

Moving On

    As the Teen Wardens splintered and went off on their own paths, Audrey cut off contact with her former friends. It was partially done out grief over Parvati's death and guilt over her own actions prior to her departure. But it was also done out of a need to find her place again. She chose to pursue a solo careeer in hero work, under the name of Psion. She continued her martial arts training and worked on refining her telekinetic capabilities out of necessity. She found she had a great reluctance to use her telepathy, so she had to do something to make up for that. Finding a need to give herself as little free time as possible, she enrolled in college. She certainly got her wish, because between patrolling, training, and juggling course work, she barely had time to breath, let alone have any kind of social life. And while she couldn't honestly say she was happy with that, she at least didn't have to worry about having time to sit and dwell on the past. That all changed when she and Noble Boy, now going simply by Noble, crossed paths again.

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    Audrey had been aware that Will Pepler (Noble) had a crush on her, back when they were a part of the Teen Wardens. But at that point in her life, she simply wasn't to a point where she was even remotely thinking about a romantic relationship. At first, being reintroduced to Will was an unwelcome affair. Gradually, as she reconnected with her former teammate, she found more and more that he seemed to fill a void that had been in her heart since the team had fallen apart. Eventually, their friendship became more than that. The pair dated throughout their college years, moving in together roughly a year before she earned her MBA. The two finally tied the knot in 2009. It only took a Qularr Invasion to get Audrey to say yes. And about a year later, Brianna was born.

    She took a step back from active hero work for the next two years to raise little Bri, while Will took up part time duties with UNTIL. During that time, Audrey decided she wanted to do something with that business degree of hers, while at the same time do something for the hero community. She did her homework, worked with consultants, and just after Bri's birthday, Super Latte was open for business. She marketed the coffee shop as a place for heroes to come together in their off hours. She modeled her business to specifically cater to the cape crowd, and went with a "quality over quantity" approach with her menu. With a specialized focus like that, it made the first few months of operation rocky. But as word of mouth spread, profits went up. Soon she had regulars that came in, both in and out of costume, and a staff that was almost entirely comprised of meta humans.

    Life was good. She was married to the love of her life. Together they had a beautiful baby girl. She operated one of the most quietly successful shops in town. But she still had an itch that needed scratched, so to speak. The only way to do that was to go back to hero work. Insert stuff about re-entering herowork here.



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    Westside Defenders: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

    COMPASS: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

    Black Swan Project: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

    Eternals, Inc.: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

    UNTIL: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.

    The Teen Wardens: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.


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    Noble : Psion and Noble's history together goes back to the late 90s, when the two worked together on a team known as the Teen Wardens. She was aware that Will had a crush on her back then, but it wasn't until the two reconnected in college that she finally gave in. Now she can't imagine what life would be like without him. He is her best friend, her partner, the love of her life and the father of her child. He and Brie are the two most precious people in her life.

    Brianna "Brie" Pepler : Brie is Psion and Noble's first child, and the light of her life. The child is a bundle of energy that never ceases to amaze her. Brie has a love for heroes - especially animal themed heroes. Her favorite is Wildeye of the Protectors of the World. If having a child as precocious as Brie wasn't enough, the child also has powers from both of her parents - her father's amazing super strength and superhuman level constitution plus a bit of her mother's psychic ability.

    Sparrowhawk : Psion and Sparrowhawk's friendship began during the latter's run as an agent of UNTIL. Psion always found it a challenge to make friends, even during her years with the Teen Wardens, but despite that she found herself easily falling into a friendly yet competitive relationship with Alex Harper. The two - often times with Noble along for the ride - shared in adventures throughout the world, including an incident in Budapest that they refuse to go into details about. The two grew apart after Alex left UNTIL to pursue her own hero career as Sparrowhawk. They have since reconnected. Psion finds in Sparrow someone she could maybe consider to be a sister, and often uses her friendly relationship with Alex to try and encourage her friend to open up to others.

    Harrier King: Psion met the Harrier King back when he simply went by Harrier during their brief run with Eternals Inc. While at first she had strictly a working relationship with the man, she eventually warmed up to him enough to form a friendship that lasted even after they found themselves moving on to different ventures. She and Noble have both worked Harrier on various adventures, including an incident that involved a sarin gas attack at a festival in West Side. Psion has a great deal of trust in Harrier.


Null Hunter
Name: Unknown

Abilities: Power nullification field generation, vertigo inducement, martial arts training, bladed weapons training
Occupation: Assassin

Status: At Large
    There isn't much information readily available about the man international agencies have dubbed Null Hunter. He's been implicated in the murders of 13 psychics since 1998. While it is apparent he targets those with psionic abilities, his motives and choice of targets remains unclear. Psion clashed with the assassin 5 years ago, while working with Noble on an UNTIL operation in Eastern Europe, and barely escaped with her life.




• In her teenage years, she operated under the name of Psioni-Gal, and was member of a fairly famous teen group called the Teen Wardens. The group was active from 1997 until 2002. While the former members have never publicly commented as to why they broke up, it is speculated that it was the death of founding member Hard Wire that may have played a part. If you operated as a hero during that time, chances are you may have worked with Psion or her teammates at one point in time!

• Psion and Noble are known as a bit of a power couple within the superhero community, though there maybe some rumors flying about that this is only for the cameras. It's speculated that in real life they aren't actually together. It's possible your character may know some (inaccurate) information about these two!
• If you work for UNTIL, than more than likely you would know either Psion or Noble. Noble uses his immense super strength and meta-human level constitution to help test UNTIL's fancy prototypes. The couple have also worked both together and solo alongside some of the organization's best and brightest.
• There are rumors floating all around UNTIL about an infamous op. in Budapest involving Sparrowhawk, Noble, and Psion. Those rumors range from single handedly laying waste to an army of mercenaries to stopping a cosmic level threat. No one else that was present seems to have the gumption to clear the air as to what actually happened in Budapest, and the three involved in the rumors seem to have no inclination to clear the air. Chances are your UNTIL affiliated character may have heard some wild, unsubstantiated rumors as to what happened - ie feel free to make something up.
• Psion has worked in the past to counsel and mentor teen heroes, not so much providing powers training but providing help from someone who has been in their shoes before. If you have a teen hero in need of some guidance and advice, feel free to contact me via ingame email @gijoespouse2 or a PM to TheOsp over on the CORP forums.
• If your hero loves coffee and is looking for a discount, they may have stopped in a time or two at Super Latte in City Center. It's run by Audrey Pepler, who offers a free coffee to heroes that step in while in costume. Most, if not all, of her staff is rumored to be meta-humans themselves.
• Psion's casting choice is Olivia Wilde.


Have you worked with Psion before? Leave a comment!

"There are few who I hit it off with right away. Psion happens to be one of them. Our paths go quite a few years back, actually, and her combat prowess and overall abilities are impressive for sure. She's also one of the most multi-faceted individuals I know... I'm a bit let down that she's been more active in the super heroic community lately and yet her name has never graced the Protectors' roster. I still owe her fifty dollars from that one time in Budapest and maybe someday she'll actually claim it." - Sparrowhawk