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Elemental Banner.png

Silver medal T.png
Periodic Power
121 Ways to Kick Your Ass
Warning: May Contain Traces of Everything HONK.png
Player: @anubisgod
Super Group
Triskelion Dynamics
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Erin Alexiou
Thessaloniki, Greece
Greek, American
Millennium City, USA
GMHS Science Lab
Student, Walking Chemistry Set
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Jason & Penelope Alexiou (Father & Mother), Hector Alexiou (Little Brother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Variable, generally 138 lbs.
Body Type
Slim, Curvy
· Distinguishing Features ·
Twin lip piercings, Single ear piercing
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Elemental Manifestation
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
Basic MMA Training


Born to Greek chemist Jason Alexiou and his lovely wife, Penelope, Erin was always an odd one. Even before her birth, doctors were puzzled (and slightly worried) by the odd quantities of rare earth metals and noble gases in her mother's bloodstream. As she did not seem to be unhealthy, or even getting sick, Penelope carried her daughter to term, giving birth to Erin in 1993. Almost immediately, everyone began to see why things were so...strange. After placing Erin in a crib at the hospital, doctors were astounded to continually find her in odd locations - on top of cabinets, in other cribs. Several times they even came back to find gaping holes in the bottom of her crib, with her on the floor. After giving baby Erin her own room, and installing a high speed camera, the staff (and her parents) were astounded by the results. Over the course of twelve hours, Erin changed into fifteen different forms, several times disappearing from sight entirely, only to reappear elsewhere in the room. Doctors tested her blood and discovered that trace amounts of all 121 elements could be found in her bloodstream. She was registered as a mutant with the Greek government two days later.

As she grew older, Erin got a better handle on her transmutation abilities. By six she was no longer transforming impulsively, and by eight she could control it to the point where she no longer had to do full body transmutes. After showing off several times at her school, she was lectured by both her principal and both parents harshly on exhibiting superhuman powers to the general population, and eventually stopped using them altogether for most of her curricular years. At home, she proved to be an apt research assistant for her father, even at a young age. Her father coached her through the basics of chemistry, delighted that she exhibited an almost natural talent for the science.

When the time came for Erin to move into her high school years, she had waned on her excitement over the sciences. Much like many girls her age, she was interested in far more important things (boys, peer pressure, passing exams). Her studies with her father slacked off, until eventually they ceased. Several incidents in her freshman and sophomore years forced her to switch schools several times due to her temper and superhuman potential. In 2012, her father landed a well-paying job with a research firm over in America, and once again she transferred schools, this time across the seas and to Millennium City's Westside High, where she completed make up coursework until the 2013 spring semester, where she is expected to finish out her schooling at Grace Memorial.

Over the course of her stay in Greece, she was required to routinely meet with government backed doctors and scientists to keep track of her genetic mutation and her aptitude with it. As such, Erin is quite competent with her transmutations, although she has not actually fought any serious opponents with them. Each time an incident occurred where she used her powers to get back at a snippy bully or ruin someone's homework, the government was informed and kept track. She has quite a track record with them - and most of the data on Erin's powers and misdemeanors was sent from Greece to UNTIL when she made her move to America.

Appearance & Personality

Erin is a five foot, nine inch Greek girl. Her eyes are a bright emerald color, standing out from her olive skin tone and framed by her black hair. She often wears some of it up in a ponytail, due to if it was all down, it would probably reach down to the small of her back. She tends to wear t-shirts and jeans, with gold-coated jewelery.

Erin is a forthright individual. She doesn't beat around the bush or veil her opinion - if she's got something to say, she'll more than likely just come out and say it. This gets her into more trouble than not, since her lack of social graces infuriates some of her fellow peers. Either way, with the right crowd she's popular enough (and even though she kinda pisses them off, the cheer squad really wants her to join).

New Frontier Research & Development

The company that her father works for is known as New Frontier, a relatively well known chemistry R&D company that does intensive synthesis experiments to attempt to create new materials for civilian and military use. Unbeknownst to most of it's employees (including her father), the company is actually a R&D department for the dubious company of ARGENT. Most of their research, before being released to the public eye, is processed through the ARGENT infrastructure for testing in weaponry or other ways that it could be monetized. Should it have little use, it is released with little fanfare. Otherwise, it is released through the New Frontier name as a product that will be sold through major market retailers (which often include ARGENT run facilities).


Erin's main (and only) power is the ability of altering her atomic structure into any of the 121 elements on the Periodic table. As such, she exhibits all of the qualities and limitations of any element that she turns into. She generally prefers to only alter parts of her body (most commonly her hands/forearms), but is capable of making her entire body all of one element. Her most commonly used forms are below:

  • Fe - Iron (26): When in Iron form, Erin is much tougher and denser than any normal human has a right to be. As such, her weight nearly triples, and she can shrug off hits that would otherwise devastate normal people. In addition, her strength is amplified greatly, to allow her to move while in Iron form, and so let her pick up objects such as cars to use as ballistic weapons.
  • Pb - Lead (82): When Iron just isn't going to cut it, Erin switches to the even more dense Lead form. She's much, MUCH slower here, but her density almost makes her unmovable when she roots herself in place. Also, she blocks most forms of radiation thanks to her makeup - no x-rays here. When Erin has to fight bricks, and she doesn't much care about taking hits, Lead form is the most common choice.
  • Cs - Caesium (55): If she needs an explosion to get the job done, Caesium form is the go to pick. Thanks to it's incredibly volatile reaction with the easily found substance of water, Erin shifts into this when she needs to make a big, room-clearing bang. However, the explosion doesn't really care if those that are caught in it are ally or enemy.
  • Cl - Chlorine (17): Although it's a slightly more...lethal substance, Erin often uses her Chlorine form to take down criminals in tight, enclosed environments. Given that extended exposure to Chlorine generally results in death, Erin does her best to not to overexpose opponents to it. The painful, stinging irritation in the lungs and nose is a helpful way to distract and contain enemies.
  • U - Uranium (92): One of the most dangerous of her forms, Erin switches to Uranium only when she's fighting an opponent that she's not sure she can beat. The boosted radiation emissions cause intense cellular damage, especially since her body becomes a concentrated block of the substance. Uranium form, much like Caesium, does not care about the alignment of the people around it - so it's rare Erin will use it when allies are nearby.
  • Ag - Silver (47): When battling opponents of an electrical nature, there's no better form to use than that of Silver. Thanks to it's incredibly conductive capabilities, Erin loves to redirect electrical attacks back at their user, or at their allies, with her Silver form. It doesn't hurt that it's a very pretty metal, either.
  • C - Carbon (6): In Erin's eyes, her Carbon form is probably the best one for use in combat. Since she takes the form of a humanoid made of diamond, she's tough, quick, and quite frankly, deadly. However, she has less density than she normally does, even as a human, so strong hits are going to send her flying. Her Carbon form is almost always the first one she'll switch to.


  • Ballistic Eyewear: Given that her eyes do not fully change into elemental forms, Erin wears an adapted pair of military grade ballistic shades. They are crafted to the 'High Impact' qualifications for European eyewear (EN166).
  • Resilium Weave Costume: Erin wears a white shirt (replete with her tri-sphere symbol) and black jeans when 'heroing'. Made of a tough, durable fabric provided by her research partner Adapto, these clothes stand up much better to the daily wear and tear of beating criminals to a pulp.


  • One At a Time: Erin can only turn into one element at a time (i.e., if she's in Iron form, she cannot also exhibit qualities of Arsenic). This is still in effect even if she's only turning part of her body into an elemental state.
  • Transition: Before Erin can assume another element, she must first return to being human, then make the change to the new element. For example: Erin is in Uranium form, but needs to turn into Oxygen to escape; she must first go from Uranium to human before she can switch to Oxygen.
  • Half-life: Any element above Californium (98) requires concentration from Erin to maintain, since they do not occur naturally. In addition, any synthesized elements require almost constant concentration in order to remain stable for any length of time longer than seconds.
  • Lasting Effect: Any wounds sustained in a solid elemental form will carry back over to her human form (i.e., losing an Iron arm will mean if she changes back, she has also lost her human arm) unless she can repair it in some way.
  • Doctorate Required: In order to make full use of her powers (which she is unaware of at the time), Erin needs to have an advanced understanding of Chemistry and atomic structure. As such, she's limited by what she knows and the level of school she can feasibly accomplish.

Metagame & Trivia

  • Normally, yes, there are only 118 elements on the standard Periodic Table. However, given that CU has unique attributes to it, neutronium (Nt), questionite (Qs) and kelvarite (Kv) probably also qualify as elements, as they are found naturally in the earth (or space, in kelvarite's case) and are not composed of other minerals or elements. As such, that leads us to 121 elements!
  • Erin is registered as a superhuman in Greece, thanks to Europe's much more harsh stance on superhuman registration. She is not, however, registered in the PRIMUS ASPRA database.
  • Erin is a senior at Grace Memorial High School.
  • Erin doesn't really do the hero thing, at the moment. It's honestly not occured to her that it's something that she should be doing.
  • Elemental is pretty clearly inspired by Metamorpho, Kevin 11 and Absorbing Man.
