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"When I was a little boy, at the age of five, I had somethin' in my pocket...keeps a lot folks alive."







Real Name



Legal Status

Marital Status


Apparent Age















"There's nothing loose about this cannon."






"I know what you're thinkin' punk. You're thinkin', 'Did he fire six shots or six dozen?'"







"I learned to shoot or be shot before I could shave..."

As you might have guessed, Kid Ballistic's story began with a bang.


Well, yeah, technically, but - never mind.

KB's real name is Sidney Lee Mason. You can call him Sid. Wait, no, don't. You call him Kid Ballistic. But his father called him Sid. Actually let's talk about that guy for a moment. His father was a mercenary of some repute, who made a small fortune as a freelance paramilitary operative. He traveled the world, for hire as a bodyguard, a bounty hunter, and an enforcer. This soldier of fortune's name was Marcus Mason Jr., an American who washed out of the Navy SEALs and went into business for himself.

By his side the whole time was his son, your hero (and lover if you play your cards right): Kid Ballistic, still in beta testing. Just after Sid was born, his father left the United States. Take notice that the mother has no part in this picture. Sid never knew her.

Young Sid was raised in dozens of foreign countries, in planes, trains, and horse-drawn carts. Sometimes they lived in luxury, and sometimes, they slept in the dirt. But Daddy Ballistic was raising his kid to be a crack operator just like him. As he sprouted, Sid became more involved in his father's business. Some kids hand their father the socket wrench when they need it. Sid handed his father a Desert Eagle.

In fact, Sid knew very little beyond the life of a mercenary. He knew more about sub-Saharan Africa than he did the United States. Marcus never operated stateside, and never spoke of Sid's mother. So his birthplace took on this mythical quality. Sid's only real exposure was secondhand through any CDs and DVDs he could get. Action flicks, rock 'n' roll, Westerns, comics, and food. This was all Sid needed to know about America.


I mean, what else is there?

At the age of 14, Sid could improvise explosives from home chemicals. He could field strip a gun in seconds. And he had acquired a taste for the shake, rattle and roll of automatic weapons fire. Sid was now a full-fledged partner to his father. Despite his tendency for excess (a.k.a. the perfect amount) and overkill (Sid's favorite kind of kill), he seemed essential to the family enterprise. Sid was his father's quartermaster and his backup. And never was he more needed than when Marcus' needed a diversion. That is, until the bastard left.

Now here's where I let you in on a secret (unless you actually read the "Weaknesses" section): Sid has never been the best shot. His father, however, always was a deadeye, and more or less an expert when it came to firearms. Sid was a quick learner but never had the discipline that Marcus possessed. Young KB was driven to somehow meet those expectations. To get the job done, he turned to quantity over quality, fielding tenacity, style, and a lot of bullets. Sid had a gift for passion, not pragmatism. As he grew into a young man, Marcus must have grown tired of his talents, or lack thereof. Because he left.

At first, Sid was angry. Then he was pissed. He searched the world for the better part of a year, calling all of his training to the fore and tapping every contact he could. But Marcus was gone. Part of him had hoped it was a test, but even after failing, there was no reprisal, and no return. So what next?

Sid knew the demands of the life. And he wasn't so sure he could do it alone. In fact, he was pretty sure he would screw it up. His father seemed to think so. In a decision pretty much bankrupt of all pride and guts, proto-KB gathered his belongings and stacks of cash to smuggle them and himself into the United States.

Why, do you ask? It was all he had left. Maybe he'd meet his grandfather, or finally figure out who his mother was. Or, maybe he'd spend his money on booze and inordinate amounts of ordinance. I mean, can you blame him? Unemployed, filthy rich, and high on American life for the first time? His life became one big party, unshackled to the demands of his former life. "Wild" doesn't begin to explain it. So, a moment of silence for all the liquor bottles, put to death by one-man firing squad.


We hardly knew ye.

But his first love came back to him in a dream, and he awoke, hungover on his couch, embracing a belt of grenades. I'm betting most of you would take this as a sign to quit the booze. Interesting. Sid didn't see it that way. The Itch was back: it was the freedom, the firepower, and the style of his childhood calling for him. And if he wasn't going to be a mercenary, there was another profession that offered all three.

Making the leap from washed-up mercenary to superhero was not difficult for Sidney. He already had the equipment, the hideout, and the training. He didn't have much of a secret identity to protect, but he fashioned an alter ego anyways. Take that, logic! Sid conjured Kid Ballistic from his upbringing, distilling that aforementioned American education down to a rugged, stylish, gun-toting, bomb-throwing superhero.


Kid Ballistic has enjoyed a successful career so far. Criminals often underestimate him on account of his age, and most don't hold a candle to the baddies Sid took on during his mercenary days. Sure, he blows up a few too many minivans, and fires a few too many bullets. But that's what walls are for! And it's not like there were any kids in those ugly minivans. He's confident people will come around. With enough spectacle and bullets, anything is possible!



"The Good..."

Slowly, but surely, KB's making a name for himself. Even more surprisingly, he's making a few allies. No friends yet, but who needs 'em?

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  • Coming soon...
  • Coming soon...



"The Bad..."


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"Your power is...guns? Please. I made guns obsolete last year. Guess that makes you obsolete too."

Quicksable is a speedster working for the one thing in this world that matters: power. Money and fame are but a means to that end, but he ultimately cares for neither. Unlike many of his ilk, this speedster is calculating and patient, rarely rushing into a situation until its called for. And while he may never be the fastest, he more than makes up for it by being cold-blooded, power-hungry, and unswerving in his path to glory.

Quicksable is something of a dark reflection of Kid Ballistic: he's young, but skilled, dangerous, and undiminished by his adult competitors. But where KB maintains something resembling a moral code (mostly for appearances), Quicksable throws it all out the window, and does exactly what he needs to do in order to survive, profit, or eliminate his adversaries. He poses a significant challenge for Kid Ballistic, being able to outwit and elude all but the most skilled of shooters. Despite KB's quick hands, he's no match for Quicksable's speed, and must rely on his wits and creativity to stop him.

The Sable Speedster's powers all result from his incredible control over velocity. He thinks, runs, and fights at a superhuman rate. He can spin his body to create gusts of wind, and vibrate portions of his body to destroy weapons, locks, or the armor of an unlucky foe.




Coming soon...



"...and the uncontrollable urge to dance!"

Vol. 1

Bang Bang | Monophonics

T.N.T. | AC/DC

Never, Never Gonna Give You Up | Barry White

Libiamo ne' lieti calici (Let's drink from the joyful cups) | Francesco Maria Piave

(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party) | Beastie Boys

Turn Blue | The Black Keys

I Don't Wanna Set The World On Fire | The Ink Spots

Strangers In The Night | Frank Sinatra

Uptown Funk | Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars

Anything Goes | Cole Porter

Weapon Of Choice | Fatboy Slim

Shots | LMFAO

Don't Stop Me Now | Queen

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly | Ennio Morricone

1812 Overture | Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Cum On Feel The Noize | Quiet Riot

Dancing With Myself | Billy Idol

Bang Bang | Nancy Sinatra

Vol. 2

Gold Guns Girls | Metric

Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) | The Doors

No. 1 Party Anthem | Arctic Monkeys

I'm A Man | Black Strobe

Strange Times | The Black Keys

Illmerica | Wolfgang Gartner

Turn Me On (Extended) | David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj

The Ecstasy Of Gold | Ennio Morricone

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | AC/DC

For Whom The Bell Tolls | Metallica

Danke Schoen | Wayne Newton

Summer Wine | Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood

Hysteria | Muse

Lonesome Valley | The Fairfield Four

Requiem In D Minor | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Short Change Hero | The Heavy

The Last Gunfighter Ballad | Johnny Cash

Vol. 3

Coming soon...



"What do you mean you've seen this before!?"


  • Allergic To Routine - Kid Ballistic does what he wants, when he wants. So when he has to keep doing the same thing, or worse, do nothing, he gets...itchy.
  • Badass Normal and Superhero Packing Heat - KB's skills and talents go beyond the ken of mortal men. Well, OK - normal men. Part of that is innate badassery, part of it is intense training, and part of is an arsenal worthy of most 80s action flicks.
  • Berserk Button - KB is always kind of a [CENSORED], but he only really gets angry at two things: failing a shot, and getting teased for his poor aim.
  • Bottomless Magazines - Yeah, he never seems to run out of bullets...
  • Bulletproof Vest - A necessity. The only thing keeping his fickle friend, the bullet, from finding its way back to his heart. That, and his undeniable charm.
  • Crazy Prepared - KB always shows up to a situation packing heat, and a lot of it. Does he use it all? He tries his damndest. He has weapons caches all around the city, crates of weapons and ammo at home, and plenty of hidden goodies on his person.
  • Disarm, Disassemble, Destroy - Kid Ballistic can take apart most firearms and explosives in seconds, sometimes quicker if you don't need every piece. Sometimes, he'll do this to his enemy's weapons as well.
  • Firing In The Air A Lot - What better way to celebrate a victory? Start a race? Get the bartender's attention?
  • Good Is Not Nice - Kid Ballistic is not the nicest person. Sure, he'll talk to you. He'll ask you questions. But you're probably gonna want to leave or hurt him by the time he's done. This is especially true of girls.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs - KB hates it, but if he has nothing left, he'll square off with some basic boxing and Krav Maga techniques. He stands no chance against anyone well-trained in martial arts, but against your average opponent, its an advantage.
  • Gun Nut - This much should be obvious. He loves them. He cleans them. He holds them. He loves them again. They're the source of his greatest delight on Earth.
  • Gun Twirling - What self-respecting gunslinger doesn't do this on a regular basis? Nevermind that it's not entirely safe!
  • Guns Akimbo - When you need quantity over quality, two pistols are the way to go. And KB always uses two.
  • Handsome Devil - Despite his arrogant, wild, and spiteful attitude, KB's rockin' a serious bod and a handsome mug to boot.
  • Jerkass Has A Point - No matter how arrogant or insufferable he can be, he's been around the block, and his adaptive mind often finds solutions others never thought of.
  • Jerk With A Heart Of Gold - Deep down, KB just wants approval and acceptance. He has a lot of respect for others, and even cares about a few, for whom he would do a great lot. Will he admit it? No. Will he show it? Don't count on it.
  • Made Of Iron - He's 16, and he drinks like a fish, smokes like a factory, and sleeps like an junky. His bones have been broken, he's been shot, he's been concussed. And still he marches on.
  • More Dakka - Kid Ballistic doens't savor the shot like a sniper. He rides a wave of automatic fire until his hands are numb and his ears are ringing.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless - Ballistic's in great shape, but there are hordes of those stronger and tougher than him. And he takes those people down on a regular basis.
  • No Range Like Point-Blank Range - He knows a few martial arts moves. He carries a knife. Doesn't matter. If you try to close distance with him, you will still get shot. "Multiple" doesn't even begin to describe how many times.
  • Pistol-Whipping - Everything can be made a weapon. Firearms may become cudgels, and your kitchen supplies may become a bomb. Keep an eye under your kitchen sink, folks.
  • Quick Draw - He may not be accurate, but he is a quick handed [CENSORED]. Try him.
  • Smoking Barrel Blowout - Another obligatory gunslinger move. He actually engineers his ammunition to produce more smoke just so he can do this.
  • Socially-Awkward Hero - KB can be an odd duck. Being raised in foreign lands by his father didn't nurture all the social cues and graces that most people get in the States. Or culture in general. He isn't always aware of the situation, and when he is, he doesn't always act correctly. He may just seem quirky at first. Then eccentric. Then after that...I honestly don't know.
  • Trick Bullet - The essence of KB's crimefighting. He uses more custom, non-lethal ammunition than the standard. And it still feels good.
  • Trigger Happy - If he's standing still, you can bet he wants to be moving. And if his guns are holstered, you can bet he's trying to find an excuse to whip 'em out.
  • Wall of Weapons and Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys? - KB's hideout is packed with weapons and ammo. Some are on display, many are hidden in crates and panels and pipes and drawers and floorboards. One wonders where and how someone his age gets his hands on hundreds of pounds of Semtex. A close second is "Why does someone your age have hundreds of pounds of Semtex!?"
  • Young Gun - While remarkable for his age, it's remarkably obvious that KB's still got a lot to learn. He is usually outmatched by other heroes who do the same thing he does.

The Rest Of It

Do you feel accomplshed?

RP Hooks

Kid Ballistic

  • Kid Ballistic is nefarious for collateral damage, needless noise, and mayhem. It's been on the news, and if you're anywhere near Westside, you've probably heard it, or seen it up close.
  • Kid Ballistic is a regular at Club Caprice. They won't let him drink, but he takes care of that before and after. Mostly he goes there to dance, people watch, and occasionally mingle.
Sid Mason

  • Sid frequents Neon Baby, a record store in Westside. He spends hours sampling records, usually before buying just one.
  • Sid is a regular at the bar scene in Westside. Are you surprised to know he has a fake ID?


  • Nobody touches his guns. Nobody. If you're touching his guns, you're probably walking into a trap. Or he really likes you. Or he's dead...which means its probably a trap.
  • Kid Ballistic is obsessed with action films and westerns. His favorite movies are The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Die-Hard, and Commando.
  • KB listens to a lot of music, even during combat. Rock 'n' Roll, Jazz, Metal, Opera, Electronica? Yes please. It is not uncommon to find him dancing. Sometimes he'll fire his weapons or detonate a bomb to the beat of his current track.
  • KB is an accomplished, albiet amateur dancer. Most of what he knows is learned from his favorite films. He is not, however, a good dance partner.
  • KB doesn't just drink alcohol because it looks cool (although it does). He actually does enjoy some of it. He's very partial to bourbon and brandy.
  • Ballistic is actually very nervous around girls. He had next to zero experience with them growing up, and was never really taught how to act around them. So he reacts in one of two ways: he belittles them, or tries to ignore them. Woe to any girl who actually catches his eye.
  • KB is ambidextrous.
  • KB doesn't care for video games, especially first-person shooters. Once you've done the real thing, the virtual comes up pretty short.
  • KB knows a smattering of foreign languages. He can communicate basic ideas in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic. He used to know Spanish and French pretty well, but has since let it fall by the wayside.
  • KB, being new to the United States, knows comparatively little about it. Pop culture references and common knowledge often goes right over his head.
  • Kid Ballistic has no Facebook account. No Twitter, LinkedIn, Spotify, or dating profiles either.
  • KB is not quite the gun expert he makes himself out to be. Give him a gun, he can figure it out in a couple minutes. He can take it apart and put it back together. But he doesn't bother with a lot of the details and technical information.
  • KB is very sensitive about his accuracy (or lack thereof) with firearms.
  • KB hates the bow and arrow. Guess what he thinks of archers?
  • KB hates telepathy even more.
  • Don't even get him started on magic.
  • KB never had pizza growing up. As such, he has since become an addict, and has almost hit up every pizza joint in Millennium City.
  • KB is constantly experimenting with new ammunition or modifications to his weapons. These don't always go over well.
  • KB operates in Westside from a rented out basement. The basement hides more weapons than Westside's police precinct.
  • KB will not talk about his parents. Well, unless he's drunk, I suppose.
  • KB still maintains a few foreign contacts. Some of them are criminals. They give him the best prices.
  • KB is a huge fan of two people in the superpowered community: the supersoldier All-Star and the hired assassin Killshot, despite the fact that All-Star doesn't know he exists, and Killshot tried to, well, kill him.
  • Sid's favorite season is Spring. He likes the rain. It's also mating season.


Kid Ballistic is heavily inspired by the more mercenary, underworld, and wild side of comic book superheroes (and villains). Chief among them are Hit-Girl, Damian Wayne, Arsenal, and the Comedian. A lot of little pieces of his character or costume were inspired by the Punisher, Deathstroke the Terminator, and Deadpool. There's also, as with most of my characters, a lot of me in KB's character.

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