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Player: @RavenForce
It's true, psychic blades do cut the deepest..
Character Build
Class Focus: Telekinetic
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Violet Hyrulian
Known Aliases: Formally known as "Psilicer", currently known as PsychBlade.
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Mutant)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: The Summerstone Mansion
Relatives: Mr. Reginald Hyrulian (Father), Mrs. Alandris Hyrulian (Mother), Ariadne Hyrulian (Sister), Azula Hyrulian (Sister), Ryan Hyrulian (Brother) and Elizabeth Hyrulian (Sister)
Age: 21
Height: 5'7
Weight: 139 Ibs
Eyes: Solid Lilac (No pupils or iris)
Hair: Black with violet highlights
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Soft glowing lilac eyes
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: American Citizen
Occupation: Student at The Summerstone Academy
Education: Attended Westside High, currently continuing education at The Summerstone Academy.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Telekinesis, Minor Telepathic Ability, Psychokinetic Construct Manifestation, Flight, psychic healing factor.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Psychokinetic Breast Plate, Bracers and Shoulder Pads. Spell of Self Empowerment.
ReldinBox Template

PsychBlade is a mutant with telekinetic powers, with specific emphasis on psychokinetic weaponry constructed from pure force of will. She was previously a member of PSI, working amongst their members and aiding in converting unsuspecting civilians into PSI members. She herself was taken in by PSI at a relatively young age, but was soon freed from PSI's grasp by Mentella. She is currently a student in The Summerstone Academy in order to complete the few years of education she missed out on by dropping out of high school to join PSI. Finally free from all the PSI propaganda which had twisted her mind, PsychBlade is a well balanced individual who is beginning to get to grips with being a super heroine in Millennium City. She is also a member of The Summerstone Academy's Alternative Placement Program and hopes to be placed soon. She has received mentalist training from Mentella in order to stretch her very limited telepathic ability to be able to attack her foes.


Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Born into a fairly large and middle class family; Violet Hyrulian was the youngest of four children in her family, her mutation was not evident from birth but within the first seven years of her life it began to manifest itself. It started with little things, when she got particularly upset and threw a temper tantrum, small items in the room would vibrate slightly, as she grew older they began to shake more violently and some even gained, for a brief period, a violet hued aura around them. Her eyes were also changing in color, they seemed to be rapidly clouding out her natural green eyes and was steadily being replaced with a solid lilac color, she was still able to see perfectly, just her eye color had changed entirely.

By the age of 10, Violet was regularly attending school (her mother held her back for fear of bullying and home schooled her) with special contact lenses which suppressed the creeping color change in her eyes so as to not draw so much attention to herself by giving her a normalized appearance. Her mutation seemed to be a very odd occurrence as none of her siblings seemed to develop strange mutations or undergo eye color changes, just her. This made Violet feel extremely isolated, cut off from her family, and she was even at times shunned by her relations for her strange appearance.

Violet grew up on the outskirts of the Downtown district but attended school at Westside High as her father insisted she would be bullied at The Downtown Academy, Violet believed he simply was ashamed of her. Her mutant abilities were considerably low level, even though she did practice, she needed guidance and support, both of which she didn't have. Despite her situation, she learned with time that she was capable of not only moving small objects with her mind but also she was able to "tune in" to the surface thoughts of others picking up their fleeting thoughts or probe deeper to listen to their current line of thinking the latter at the cost of Violet suffering a minor headache.

Due to her lack of family support and the complete absence of sibling relationships, Violet fell into a crowd of misfits and dubbed "social rejects" during her time at Westside High, who convinced her to forget her strict schedule and join them in the City Centre where "the real action starts". Coerced by their smooth talking, Violet, Cody, Myra, Liam and Brittany slipped out of school one afternoon and travelled into the town center. Around 7PM around four of her friends were walking up to City Centre park when they were cornered by a group of New Purple Gang members, armed and not afraid to hurt innocent people. The group of friends were forced into a nearby alleyway, one of the bigger gang members grabbed Violet and pushed her back into a dumpster, the force of the impact knocked the protective lenses out of her head, causing a nasty head injury and revealing her softly glowing lilac eye color to both her friends and the gang members in the process. Shocked at such a revelation, two of her friends, Myra and Liam, used the opportunity of the stunned gang members to escape in search of help, before they could follow in suit one of the four gang members blocked them off drawing a slightly rusted blade from his back pocket.

The largest member of the gang moved towards Cody, punching him in the gut, sending him reeling towards Violet. She focused on the dumpster and her eyes began to glow brighter as she looked down towards the ground to avoid attention, the dumpster was levitating off the ground, with a tremendous focus she turned it towards the now frightened gang members and trapped them inside, quickly running out of the alleyway with her friends following closely. After the surge of adrenaline she looked up at her friends, she pretended to be as surprised as her friends at the dumpster seemingly saving them. Brittany was so shocked at Violet's true appearance but helped both Cody and Violet to make it to the nearby Mercy Hospital for emergency treatment. The hospital staff at first were reluctant to help Violet as she could be clearly identified as a mutant, but with some persuasion allowed her to stay overnight whilst her parents were informed, ready to pick her up in the morning.

What she didn't know however was that her secret power had caught the attention of a mysterious organization. The next morning Violet woke up to the blurry image of a man standing near her bed. He introduced himself as Edward Cummings, the head of Mind Inc, a self help organization. He convinced her that dangerous experiments will be carried out on her, now that her secret is out and offered to help her "get away" to keep herself safe from those who might seek her out to harm her. Disorientated, confused and scared, Violet willingly accepted Edwards help and was whisked out of the hospital, noting that they simply waltzed past several seemingly spaced out nurses, she surmised Edward was a mutant as well. They made their way to a car waiting in the lobby and sped off in the direction of the City Centre Park and entered a nearby building surrounded by strange emitters which caused a little pressure on her head, making her feel slightly queasy. Violet had unsuspectingly joined an organization dedicated to grooming their "students" to be part of a group of lethal and devious mentalists, namely PSI, all this and she was only 17 years old.

As time went on, Violet was encouraged to utilize her abilities amongst other mutants with mentalist powers in Mind Inc. As her abilities began to slowly grow to the point where she could extend her telekinetic grasp to objects 50 feet from her location, she was taken to a sub-level within the Mind Inc HQ and that is where she first met with Medusa who led her to believe that she showed exceptional promise amongst the rest of her peers and as a result would be upgraded. She was promised more power, more freedom and the ability to get back at those who hurt her in the past. The subtle mental conditioning which Violet had been subjected to whilst at PSI was already taking root and twisting her mind, she readily accepted, much to Medusa's glee. Violet was brought to a further sub level and was prepared for the administration of the Psi Serum, a powerful mutation catalyst which augmented even the tiniest trace of psionic power within a person to near super human levels.

Getting prepped for the Psi Serum.
After Psi Serum infusion. Pslicer is born.

The infusion left Violet with an immense headache as her latent telekinetic powers received a sizeable boost, causing her to exude copious amounts of psychic energy, her latent mind reading abilities increased to the point where she was able to just about communicate with other minds. She was quickly suited up in the PSI uniform and was already beginning to manifest psychokinetic armor almost unconsciously. Violet was moved to her quarters to receive some rest before she was trained to control her new found levels of power.

Violet underwent several months of training in a variety of fields including combat, espionage, research techniques, power usage and application before earning her place in PSI. She was dubbed PSLICER by Psimon as her favorite application of her telekinetic powers involved manifesting psychokinetic blades to attack her foes, much like the infamous Mind Slayer. Her adeptness and confidence in her own abilities made her a rather noteworthy field agent within PSI, so much so that after she had completed her course, Psimon revealed that he was planning on attacking ARGENT as they had stolen a sample of the Psi Serum during an out of character surprise raid but already had a man on the inside, Evan Fox. Both Mind Slayer and Medusa were on other assignments as were Hypnos and Deuce. Soulfire was deemed slightly too unstable to deal with this delicate mission. PSLICER (Violet) was among one of the first of the field agents he considered to have the ability to successfully pull it off and a strike team of the six most powerful field agents was put together.

Sitting in on the briefing for her first big mission.
Speaking to Evan Fox.
The final soldier between her and the Psi Serum retrieval.

They made their way into the ARGENT complex, utilizing a group illusion created by one of the five mentalists she was with. The group made their way towards where Evan's mental signature was focused and they attacked wiping out a sizeable number of the soldiers in the building at the time. However their victory was short lived as reinforcements began to appear taking the team by surprise. With two of the mentalists taken down, the four of them converged on Evan's location who had been exposed and was shielding himself using his psychokinetic powers.

Evan explained that the Psi Serum was close by but heavily guarded, so much so he could not retrieve it alone, but agreed to hold the barrier to aid with their escape if PSLICER was able to retrieve the Psi Serum information and stolen sample. Leaving two of her team with Evan to strengthen his psychokinetic barrier, PSLICER and her fellow agent KOMA fought against the ARGENT soldiers and finally retrieved the serum before making a quick exit from the building using PSLICER's psychokinetic constructs.

The mission was a great success, albeit with the loss of two field agents, a small price to pay for the secrets of the Psi Serum.

As time went on PSLICER grew within PSI her powers growing to the point where she was able to easily go on missions of a relative importance alone and un-aided. Alongside her powers, her confidence in her abilities grew and she eventually forgot all about her former life as Violet Hyrulian, she had effectively been completely brainwashed, transformed into a powerful and valuable asset to PSI.

In February 2011, PSLICER and a few agents attempted to attack a nearby UNTIL building in City Centre, as it had been confirmed a few super heroes were in attendance alongside UNTIL agents and a few important officials. PSLICER lead an unsanctioned (not approved by Medusa or Psimon) attack on the building and to their credit managed to get relatively far, injuring many UNTIL agents and progressively making their way towards the super heroes. Unfortunately for them one of the teams members, a psychic scanner, picked up an impossibly strong psionic signature, so much so he was knocked unconscious as soon as he scanned. The corridor doors opened and a slender figure stepped out, locking the door behind her, her blond hair draped over her shoulder and a single golden eyebrow arched upwards when she laid eyes on PSLICER and her strike team.

It was none other than Mentella.

The encounter was over relatively quickly, PSLICER and the remaining agents attacked and they were knocked out with but a single raising of the palm from this woman. The last thing PSLICER saw was the woman slowly approaching muttering the words; "Hmm, pathetic.."

Violet awoke in what seemed to be a white room, but it didn't seem physical. Suddenly Mentella appeared from out of nowhere, assuring her that she was fine, but was currently in the astral plane, a meeting of the minds if you will. Mentella went onto explain the lies and twisted lines of thinking that she had been coerced to believe. Mentella informed her that she was undergoing the process of removing the altered thinking and offered to train her to be better than she was currently, but as a force for good rather than wasting her time in criminal endeavours. After agreeing she was informed that she would spend time in jail for the wrongful usage of her powers on UNTIL Agents but at a reduced time due to her being in the incorrect state of mind.

On March 23rd, Violet was sentenced to a year long sentence in a correctional facility which utilized power dampening technology, which was sufficient enough to completely nullify Violet's mutant abilities. With weekly visits from Mentella, her mental state improved and she had undergone therapy for impulse control, anger management and she was educated on what she had missed whilst being a PSI member.

Her case was heard again on the January 18th 2012 and the decision was made to cut her sentence short based on the premise that she would be under the direct tutelage of Mentella herself at to finish the remainder of her correctional course and education at The Summerstone Academy. Violet was progressively transforming herself back into a person as opposed to the mindset of an field agent with a lack of empathy. She progressed to the point where she was safe enough to be around civilians and was able to track down her parents and family with the aid of Mentella and reconcile herself with them, much to their delight.

With this new chapter in her life unfolding, Violet embraced the opportunity to right the wrongs she had committed as PSLICER and was inducted into an intensive six month course which saw her powers take an exponential jump in terms of effectiveness under Mentella's tutelage both her telekinetic and telepathic powers grew. She was registered with ASPRA and began her new life as a super heroine on the 24th of July 2012, renaming herself to PsychBlade, to signify her change in direction and discarded all her links to PSI.

Groups and Various Affiliations

In the past Violet has been a part of PSI, working as a field agent who took directions from the likes of Medusa and Psimon. This is one particular affiliation she is ashamed of, but holds somewhat mixed views about, she is grateful for the Psi Serum to enhance her latent psionic powers but feels extremely bitter about what she carried out under their direction and feels used. Back then she was known as PSLICER.

Thankfully these days, Violet operates on the right side of the law, and is a student at The Summerstone Academy and has recently gained status as a Summerstone Sisterhood member.

She is also a member of The Summerstone Academy's Alternative Placement Program, a program designed to advertise the some of the best students to other heroic organizations which may be interested in gaining a new member. She is now known as PsychBlade.

Student Related Events - SUMMERSTONE SISTERHOOD FILES 2013

Aside from attending her scheduled lessons at The Summerstone Academy, PsychBlade has been attending various sessions to enhance her fighting skills and extend her psychokinetic powers. She has also been part of strike teams used by The Summerstones, UNTIL and The Champions to combat threats such as ARGENT, PSI, Cyberlord and even VIPER and the notorious villain VIPER X.

PsychBlade has been in the Academy from January to July, under Mentella's guidance and is currently using her September to December break to infiltrate ARGENT and discover why their presence in Millennium City seems to have increased as of late, causing authorities to be worried.

NOTE: The following information has been edited to a summarized version as specifics cannot be revealed without consent of CharmCaster herself, which she has not given. As a result, The Summerstone Sisterhood has not published the full report. We have instead provided brief summaries of parts of the report for possible future reference. ~ Dr. M. Summerstone.

October 2013 - Summary of events

On the 19th of October 2013, PsychBlade, along with Black Diamond, ForceGirl, Techna Ology and Mentella formed a team to find out exactly what had happened to CharmCaster as she was presumed dead after the Mega Destroid Invasion incident in late September. Mentella and Techna Ology had been working on upgrading CortexusTM, the machine which allows the communication between light years worth of distance, enabling Mentella to communicate telepathically with Xen, to alter it to be able to pierce the veil of this dimension in order to attempt to track CharmCaster's unique psychic signal. Techna Ology and ForceGirl both put their technical knowledge to use and built on modifications and after weeks of searching, Mentella located CharmCaster's psychic signal in another dimension, the Summerstones, with the assistance of Witchcraft and the Trismegistus Council, they breached the barrier which was keeping the invaders from the Qliphothic Rift contained and made short work of them.

Once they reached the portal, it was determined that Witchcraft would be unable to seal it from the outside as the energy had leaked through to such a state that it would be dangerous to attempt to close it without finding out exactly what had caused it to open in the first place. Due to the nature of the portal it was impossible to seal it permanently, so a team was needed to stay near it incase it allowed through anymore horrors into this dimension. ForceGirl and Techna Ology stayed behind, whilst the others journeyed into the portal with Witchcraft, Mentella kept everyone in telepathic contact for safety purposes.

Once inside the Qliphothic Realm, something went wrong, the travel had affected Witchcraft's protective spell, splitting, Mentella, Black Diamond, PsychBlade and herself into different parts of the realm, unable to physically see or interact with each other, except for Mentella's psychic link.

In a burst of blindingly powerful white light, which was visible to them all, the elusive Alara The Light Guardian appeared, explaining that she had split them up as they stood a better chance of helping CharmCaster, if they were spread out. She offered her assistance to their cause, using her abilities to defend each sisterhood member at their various points, once all three sisterhood members were reunited they began their assault on the Tower of Sharna-Gorak, where Alara said CharmCaster was being held. Alara informed them all a concealment spell had been placed upon them to ensure that the operation runs as smooth as possible.

After engaging the Despair Incarnates and Qliphothic Imps which guarded the Winds of Despair, the team made their way towards the cell where CharmCaster was being restrained, magically captured in a form of suspended animation. Alara explained that it would be impossible for them to break the spell without her using her true form and harnessing "The Eternal Light".

Alara warned that her activation of that level of pure energy would break the concealment spell she had crafted and may in fact summon remnants of The Kings of Edom as they are drawn to powerful energy, however, she explained it was a risk she was willing to take in order to assist CharmCaster. Mentella and PsychBlade created a psychokinetic barrier to block out the blinding light shining forth from Alara's Eternal Light Form.

At long last CharmCaster was freed from the mystical prison, but she was badly wounded and had been all but drained of her defensive magic. Alara transported the team back to where Witchcraft was facing off against a few Qliphothic Horrors. With CharmCaster in a particularly bad state, Witchcraft poured significant magical energy into creating a portal between realms and Alara The Light Guardian forced Light Energy through it in order to keep it open whilst they made the transition to their world.

After sealing the portal behind them, the team met up with ForceGirl and Techna Ology who had been fighting off Horrors which had found a way through into their dimension. As a group they brought CharmCaster back to The Summerstone Mansion where she was able to rest and recover.

November - December 2013 - Student Report Summary - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES
Infiltrating ARGENT HQ dressed as a PSI Member.

Note: The following information is a summary of this particular student tri-monthly report. Students are only asked to report significant events and developments, however PRIMUS has only been supplied with a portion of particularly interesting developments. ~ Dr. M. Summerstone.

PsychBlade is currently investigating ARGENT. PsychBlade has had to rely on all her skills to defend herself against ARGENT's ruthless attacks and tactical power. After months of sneaking around, infiltrating it's ranks and coercing members to speak to her, PsychBlade has finally been able to find the location of ARGENT's secret warehouse filled with objects which have mystical significance according to CharmCaster. Knowing that PSI and ARGENT are not at all on good terms with each other, she decided to launch her attack dressed as a PSI Member using her old PSLICER costume.

However this was a mistake on her part, as her act was too convincing and ARGENT attacked PSI resulting in a mini war between the two groups. She was counseled by Mentella about her method of infiltration and had to sort of "save" ARGENT from PSI by taking out PSI Members who had infiltrated the higher levels of the HQ in Millennium City, where her documents and information regarding the secret warehouse were stored. After successfully taking down the opposing forces she reached her destination and quickly located the documents she needed.

Once the documents had been secured, PsychBlade ran into another undercover agent who was also working to expose ARGENT's darker dealings. They formed an alliance and teamed up to take on ARGENT's forces which would no doubt be swarming the Warehouse. Together with Photon Fury who used her radioactive abilities to assist in the assault on the Secret ARGENT Warehouse, PsychBlade was able to fully retrieve the artifacts of mystical significance.

Taking down a Mech-Enforcer with Photon Fury.

Groups and Affiliations

Violet has been part of two major groups so far, for a while she worked for PSI, whose Psi Serum increased and interacted with her latent psionic energy, amplifying it to the extent that she could use them effectively. She was trained under their mental manipulation and became a successful field agent, she dubbed herself PSLICER at the time. With Medusa and Psimon pulling the strings, PSLICER quickly became a force to be reckoned with. However, Violet deeply regrets her time in PSI and is grateful to Mentella for being able to extract her from a life of crime.

After leaving PSI, Violet went on to join The Summerstone Academy's Induction and Correctional Program, a program specifically tailored to reintroducing former villains (if they so desire) into law abiding citizens who may go on to have the opportunity to utilize their skills for good. After a considerable amount of time, Violet emerged as a respectable citizen and adept heroine, she has gone through further training to hone her skills and is not only part of the Alternative Placement Program, but is also a member of The Summerstone Sisterhood.

The Alternative Placement Program, is a service provided by The Summerstone Academy where exceptional students are added to the list and are available to be inducted into various fighting forces, strike teams or groups of heroes. In 2013, so far only two students have made the list, namely Solaris and PsychBlade. An example of a previous student who was on the Alternative Placement Program is Joule. She currently operates with DE:LTA.

The Summerstones and The Summerstone Academy

The Summerstones are a group of female heroines from different backgrounds, the majority however seem to be of alien origin, particularly Xenian origin. Mentella founded the Summerstone Sisterhood a couple of years after her reform and was swiftly joined by her sister who resumed super heroic work.

This Sisterhood is extremely secure and very little information has been divulged about it. However both UNITY and UNTIL as well as PRIMUS are aware of the several schools dedicated to teaching the champions of tomorrow, which have been set up under then uniform name of The Summerstone Academy. Graduates of this school are routinely mind wiped of the location of the academy, several attempts to foil this security have failed. Some exceptional Graduates however are accepted into the Sisterhood and gain sisterhood status.

All else that is known about this group and the subsequent academies is that they are all under Mentella's guidance.

The Academy was shutdown after The Destroid Invasion injured and in some cases killed a large number of the students, who were reported to be sleeping at the time, during the return and short lived invasion of Millennium City by Dr. Destroyer's robotic forces. However students who were seemingly -killed- by the Destroids were seen recently, when asked about this mind blowing revelation a statement was issued:

"These students did in fact loose their lives at the hands of the Destroid invaders, however they were restored to life by the ever elusive Alara The Light Guardian. Where ever she is I extend my immense gratitude and relief at this turn of events." ~ Mentella

She is the Leader of the Summerstone Sisterhood. This sisterhood is fairly recent and mainly consists of those from her own planet and some human heroines. The current members of the sisterhood are as follows:


-Black Diamond



-Techna Ology

-Bionic Bullet



The Summerstone Academy for Advanced Individuals, was re-opened in March 2013 at an undisclosed location, screening for pupils has already begun. There are academies throughout America all of which are moderated by Mentella. Each member of the Summerstone Sisterhood has a teaching position at the Academy in their chosen field or fields of expertise.

PsychBlade is a student who has graduated and is reaching the end of her additional year at the academy, she is set to graduate on the 20th of December 2013.

She is also a member of the Alternative Placement Program that the Academy runs.

Powers and Abilities - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes

Teaching Notes for 2013

Student Ref: HM-108-97

Name: Violet "PsychBlade" Hyrulian

For classification purposes, Violet (PsychBlade) would be classed as a human mutant, meaning her genetic information and sequencing has deviated from the norm which results in an average human. Violet's particular mutation gave her an enhanced level of psionic energy within her mind, whilst it was not initially strong enough to be of any particular consequence, she gained the ability to tap into her psionic energy in a unique way, via addition of the Psi Serum, created by Dr. Sebastian Poe but has undergone further training to hone her abilities. Her powers are variations of the conventional category of Telekinetic classed abilities. Violet has been taught to expand her limited Telepathic Ability as well, with her telepathy, she can probe minds (to an extent), read thoughts and fire "Mental Bursts" at opponents. I have supplied my teaching notes below, as her instructor and mentor, my notes are particularly detailed. Within these notes are pictures taken by Techna Ology's Techna-SpyBot Cam.

Psychokinesis (Telekinetics)

PsychBlade's primary and perhaps most potent abilities are based on the ability to move objects using the mind, namely Telekinetics. Her powers are variations of this ability. For the most part, PsychBlade does not explicitly utilize her Telekinetic powers to move objects or people with her mind, preferring to use it to propel herself towards her opponents or to bind opponents in one place for short periods of time. In combat she utilizes psychokinetic blades and barriers in order to fight and defend herself. Her abilities as aforementioned cover a range of telekinetic feats, including:

  • Telekinetic Combat
  • Binding
  • Telekinetic Blast
  • Psionic Movement
  • Telekinetic Construct Generation
  • Psionic Regeneration

Telekinetic Combat

Using her psychokinetic weapons to take out New Purple Gang Members
Using her Psi Blades on a VIPER Agent

PsychBlade's primary and perhaps most potent form of her telekinetic ability comes in the form of psychokinetic weaponry or "PK Blades" as she calls them, with particular focus on swords, knives and blades. Her blade's effect on a target can vary based on what she is aiming to do with the blade, for example, her blades can have no physical effect and instead rend her target's psyche, setting herself up for future attacks by lowering their psychic resistances. They can be fashioned to literally rip apart her opponents with solidly constructed psychokinetic weaponry and thus having a very physical effect.

I taught her to forge stronger versions of her blades which she calls "Psi Blades", they have the ability to cause neurological collapse to affected targets, this collapse renders opponents unconscious for a hours or even days and is in most cases immediate. Visually they are more "phantasmal" in appearance with edges comprised of psychic fire, they can affect both the psyche and the physical body. PsychBlade is able to decide whether she requires them to have a greater physical impact, to the point of causing clean cuts in solid objects or greater psychic impact, to the point of causing psyche scarring and neurological collapse in her victims. These "Psi Blades" combine elements of both her "PK Blades" in one form.

Using her binding field to trap an ARGENT Mech-Enforcer

PsychBlade is able to affect objects within her line of sight (and to an extent those out of her line of sight) with just the power of her mind. Prior to being under my instruction, PsychBlade was capable of generating her knives but was not trained in the use of her abilities past that point, a travesty in my opinion. Once under my supervision and guidance I taught her to develop her psychokinetic abilities further, with various applications, one such application of her telekinetic power is the ability to lock opponents within prisons of telekinetic energy. Her personal style of binding takes the form of telekinetic entombment, meaning she surrounds her target with telekinetic energy, holding them in place for a short while. Her style is similar to that which can be achieved by ForceGirl's force fields, but she is incapable of exerting extra force on the imprisoned target. Utilizing this skill in combat is extremely rare for PsychBlade unless she is under heavy fire or if a target is causing significant trouble for a team mate. She is only able to enforce her will on a target for a short period of time before it becomes strenuous, an unfortunate side-effect of Dr. Poe's Psi Serum is that it can unintentionally impose limitations on a persons mind, capping their ability so to speak.

Telekinetic Blast

PsychBlade can collect and store telekinetic energy and release it in a projectile form. (Mostly spherical in appearance). With this ability PsychBlade is able to "mark" and bring down enemies who may be flying above or moving faster than she is, slowing them down for a time. The blast is strong enough to cause significant damage and can cause loss of balance in targets affected. It is extremely rare to see her utilize this ability in combat situations. This particular ability can be readily observed by looking at PSI Neophyte fight in combat, the appearance of a spherical ball of telekinetic energy is not too dissimilar to PsychBlade's version, albeit much less powerful. It took time for her to develop this ability to what it is today, during teaching she would often get frustrated when using this ability. I attempted to get to the root of the issue, only to find that she had been linking this ability to extreme anger which in her case can be a limiting factor to her ability progression. After several sessions she let go of the link and opened up a part of her power she was normally ashamed of using due to it's obvious links to her PSI past.

Psionic Movement

PsychBlade had been using this ability since PSI and required a little push to further develop this area past the point which the Psi Serum had bestowed upon her. The ability to use her telekinetic powers on herself was not something she actively pursued.

Psionic Flight - Whilst it was an enduring process, with time she was able to fully levitate herself and propel herself at reasonable speeds to simulate flight. PsychBlade's psionic flight takes a fair amount of sustained concentration which she has been trained to cultivate. She can easily be spotted when she is flying as her telekinetic aura flares up into the visible spectrum, surrounding her in crackle of purple psionic energy. She can fly at up to 128kph at the peak of her psionic flight, the psionic energy around her greatly diminishes the effect of G-Force on her whilst flying, allowing her to see clearly and navigate with ease. Over the course of her development of this ability, it became increasingly apparent that her "psionic aura" if you will, was causing low level disruption to cellular devices within a 10ft radius if she was flying, she has been cautioned regarding this and does not use this ability at street level.

Psionic Movement - A basic skill for any telekinetic is the ability to enhance personal movement speed, regardless of the surrounding medium be it water, air, space etc. PsychBlade uses this skill to increase her own running speed to be of an athlete standard, she also uses it to slightly increase her agility in combat.

Sustaining a telekinetic barrier to protect herself
Telekinetic Construct Generation

Violet is capable of using the same skill to forge her psychokinetic blades to forge constructs of a reasonable size and varied complexity. As part of her self styled uniform, like myself, PsychBlade generates psionic constructs on her uniform for offensive and defensive purposes. She can normally be seen with bracers, shoulder pads and a breast plate, all of which can be mentally stretched or shaped to provide relative resistance to incoming damage such as bullet fire, energy blasts and the like. Prior to my instruction, PsychBlade was not fully utilizing this ability to the proper degree and as a result, would usually rely on the small amount of resistance offered by the PSI Uniform and her own agility. Although the fabric of her new suit is much more resilient than her previous attire she now can generate a personal shield comprised of pure telekinetic energy which can absorb the impacts she naturally would be incapable of withstanding. She can manipulate it to wrap itself around her temporarily, increasing her durability and absorbing physical impacts and turning them into useful telekinetic energy to empower her blades.

Psionic Regeneration

This skill is a much higher class skill which required significant training for her to develop. I have taught her two ways to utilize this skill;

First method - Personal Cell Regeneration via Focused Mental Energy. - This method is limited only by her ability to focus on the healing process, she has consistently shown the ability to heal minor wounds, such as cuts, burns, bullet grazes etc. via this technique. Whilst this is a promising ability, it does detract from her ability to fight as some of her power is devoted to healing. As a result her effectiveness is lowered ever so slightly.

Second Method - Psychokinetic Cell Regeneration via Psi Blades - This form of psionic healing is fairly difficult to accomplish and at best is situational but is extremely effective and does not impact on combat ability. This method is her preferred method of healing, as it relies on the presence of an opponent in order to carry out the healing process. As aforementioned the "Psi Blades" she is able to create affect both the mind and the body, as a result of this, I have taught her to exploit this to her advantage, the blades are capable of siphoning vital psychic energy from the mind of the opponent, in all beings which posses a brain and have the ability to heal themselves, it is the psychic energy which fuels the healing process as it is all coordinated by the brain. By siphoning off this energy in reasonable amounts, a mentalist, to put it crudely, can "feed off" the energy and use it to replenish their mind, body and energy reserves. (This is not the case for all mentalists as for some, the psychic energy of others is harmful.) PsychBlade can induce rapid cell regeneration when fighting off opponents, this form of regeneration is highly potent in it's healing range, as a result can allow her to recover from shattered bones, bruised organs, deep tissue wounds and in some cases minor appendage loss.


PsychBlade's telepathic ability is naturally very limited, once her mutation became increasingly evident as she grew older, much emphasis was placed on her telekinetic abilities rather than her telepathic ones. Naturally her telepathy manifested in a very weak form, as she would occasionally pick up the surface thoughts of people in her immediate vicinity, being nothing more than a whisper, uncontrolled and completely at random. The introduction of the Psi Serum did interact with this ability of hers and amplified it to the point where she was capable of communicating with other minds and picking up thoughts, however it was still limited to her immediate vicinity. She was also unable to utilize her telepathy offensively or defensively.

Before delving into cultivating her telepathic ability I had to first determine her limits, seeing as it is not her primary mutation resultant ability, it was to be expected. I soon determined her limitations and started working with what she was capable of doing.

Telepathic Skill training does take considerably longer than conventional training due to the variety of dangers the average mind can pose for telepaths with limited ability, such as PsychBlade, through no fault of my own nor on her part, the human mind has limitations on what it can achieve in comparison to that of other species. Whilst it is true that some humans, such as Menton have greatly pushed the limits of the human mind in relation to psychic ability, the limitations still exist and are very real and varied for each human mentalist. In PsychBlade's case her limits were apparent but there is enough potential to warrant interest and room for development.

Over the course of several months (July - January) I taught PsychBlade the "Basics of Telepathy" such as how to construct mental barriers and shields, communicate with other minds, read other minds as well as tap into and probe the minds of those around her. She was also instructed on when to use this ability and I made her aware of her limitations and on what beings her telepathy should not be attempted on for her own safety.

After making sure she was fully aware of her new found abilities, I went on to teach her how to use offensive forms of telepathy and effective steps to resist mind controlling influences as well as forging the secure psychic link with her mind for protection purposes. Despite her limitations she is currently able to attack up to ten minds with her "Mental Burst", read minds*, probe minds* and communicate between herself and others telepathically.

Fighting off invading PSI Members, using her Mental Burst Skill.

Skillfully dodging an attack.

Reading Minds - PsychBlade is able to read the minds of allies and foes of a Class 5 and lower. Individuals who are Class 5 and lower are average to weak minded individuals, she is capable of reading their minds without having to probe. She generally does not read minds as it takes a level of focus which can be hard for her to achieve. However she has been taught to ask before she reads to avoid issues.

Probing Minds - PsychBlade is able to probe the minds of allies and foes of a Class 6 and lower. Individuals who are Class 6 and lower are average to weak minded individuals as well as relatively strong willed opponents who may posses some form of mental shielding. Her ability to probe is fairly limited and will cease to grant her any more information if she comes into contact with a mental shield on a strong minded individual. She is unable to penetrate mental shields, if she attempts to try she will suffer from considerable strain.

Agility - As a younger person, PsychBlade was a promising gymnast, whose reflexes, flexibility and agility were second to none. She can use her telekinesis to increase her natural ability and readily does in combat to protect herself. She still retains her flexibility and agility in combat, moving almost fluidly from one opponent to the next. Whilst her ability to dodge does not exist on a super human level nor is it enhanced by her mutation, it is still relatively impressive.

Additional Information - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes

Utilizing The Circle of Rore'kr to empower her against VIPER X's advanced battle suit
Fighting off a VIPER Ambush by Infiltrators..
PsychBlade possesses "The Scroll of Rore'kr" given to her by CharmCaster, this spell creates a small circle which has the ability to empower her with magical energy which is actively absorbed by her body and transformed into energy which she can use to replenish herself and strengthen her blades. She has been known to use this spell to power her through difficult combat situations as it is essentially a spell for self empowerment.

Normally PsychBlade does not need to use it, even though she is a relatively experienced fighter, she can get tired, the circle can give her an edge in longer tougher fights, where enemies may have better mental or physical defenses against her attacks.

PsychBlade is aware that VIPER operate around Millennium City and VIPER are rather interested in her to study her in hopes of advancing their Psionics Program (Project Awakening) in Canada.

Throughout her time as a hero she has had to ward off multiple attacks when operating in and around Millennium City, it is not uncommon for her to be seen fighting or being chased by VIPER.

According to what she has learned:

"VIPER are interested in me, because of my genetics, apparently they may hold the key to producing higher capacity human psionics, especially since the Psi Serum has affected me."

VIPER's Project Awakening has long been an object of interest for both PSI and other groups, however, PSI have been the only group to interfere and siphon members from the VIPER psionics program for PSI service.

PsychBlade once listened to what happens to psychic heroes and villains alike who are captured by VIPER in that area and has had a healthy fear of the place since.

Limitations - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes

Teaching Notes for 2013 (contd.)

Student Ref: HM-108-97

Name: Violet "PsychBlade" Hyrulian

Despite being an impressive student of mine and having progressed to where she is today, both mentally and in terms of personal development, PsychBlade does have various limitations, these limitations are either by personal choice or natural.

  • Lack of Concentration - If PsychBlade does not fully focus in combat her powers will fail her. Her "PK Blades" and her "Psi Blades" as well as her telekinetic abilities as a whole will not function without concentration, if she is significantly distracted or finds herself in a situation where she is heavily outnumbered she does run the risk of being in danger. This occurs because in order to fight opponents, her mind must be fully focused on the type of weapon she wishes to use, to avoid unnecessary mishaps, such as utilizing "Psi Blades" (with a high focus on psychic damage) on robotic entities, her weapons are also real world extensions of her imagination, if she does not focus they can easily disappear.
  • Limited Defenses - Physically, aside from her suit and psychokinetic armor, PsychBlade has very little in the way of self defense against in coming damage. Even then her suit is relatively "impact proof", but her psychokinetic armor provides a form of damage absorption but it is not able to fully absorb impacts. Her psychokinetic barriers are based on her own personal estimation of how strong an incoming attack will be, if this is miscalculated she runs the risk of taking significant psionic back lash alongside a slightly dulled impact. This is a contrast to the mental defenses I have instilled in her mind which stop unwanted trespassing.
  • Overconfidence - A trait that seems to surface in the heat of battle, which can detract from her ability to focus and could land her in significant danger.
  • PsychBlade is still human - Whilst her telekinetic abilities are impressive for a human mutant, they do not allow her to be extremely precise with her telekinetic fields, as a result, a stray bullet could easily catch her if she is not vigilant. She can die as she is still human, she can only recover from significant damage if she is able to reach a nearby opponent and use her Psi Blades, if not she may not survive.
  • Telepathic Reluctance - PsychBlade does not employ the use of her telepathy in combat, which as a telepath myself find extremely odd due to the various advantages which come about from using her telepathy in combat. I firmly believe that a number of injuries which she has healed from in the past may have been altogether avoided if she constantly scanned in combat, which I have taught her to do, she instead uses it in short bursts and rarely uses her telepathy to attack foes from a distance.

The Summerstones and The Summerstone Academy

The Summerstones are a group of female heroines from different backgrounds, the majority however seem to be of alien origin, particularly Xenian origin. Mentella founded the Summerstone Sisterhood a couple of years after her reform and was swiftly joined by her sister who resumed super heroic work.

This Sisterhood is extremely secure and very little information has been divulged about it. However both UNITY and UNTIL as well as PRIMUS are aware of the several schools dedicated to teaching the champions of tomorrow, which have been set up under then uniform name of The Summerstone Academy. Graduates of this school are routinely mind wiped of the location of the academy, several attempts to foil this security have failed. Some exceptional Graduates however are accepted into the Sisterhood and gain sisterhood status.

All else that is known about this group and the subsequent academies is that they are all under Mentella's guidance.

The Academy was shutdown after The Destroid Invasion injured and in some cases killed a large number of the students, who were reported to be sleeping at the time, during the return and short lived invasion of Millennium City by Dr. Destroyer's robotic forces. However students who were seemingly -killed- by the Destroids were seen recently, when asked about this mind blowing revelation a statement was issued:

"These students did in fact loose their lives at the hands of the Destroid invaders, however they were restored to life by the ever elusive Alara The Light Guardian. Where ever she is I extend my immense gratitude and relief at this turn of events." ~ Mentella

She is the Leader of the Summerstone Sisterhood. This sisterhood is fairly recent and mainly consists of those from her own planet and some human heroines. The current members of the sisterhood are as follows:


-Black Diamond



-Techna Ology

-Bionic Bullet



The Summerstone Academy for Advanced Individuals, was re-opened in March 2013 at an undisclosed location, screening for pupils has already begun. There are academies throughout America all of which are moderated by Mentella. Each member of the Summerstone Sisterhood has a teaching position at the Academy in their chosen field or fields of expertise.

Alongside her classmate Solaris, PsychBlade is a part of the Alternative Placement Program for the Summerstone Academy. The aim of the program is to expose the students to life outside the Sisterhood and Academy, in an attempt to get them to consistently work with others. A previous student who was on the program earlier this year is Joule, she was quickly picked up by DE:LTA and works as an Agent of DE:LTA.


  • PsychBlade is part of the Alternative Placement Program and is available for registration to groups or teams interested in her.
  • PsychBlade's mind is fairly readable, however she has the ability to utilize mental shields to shield her thoughts if she needs to.
  • She does find using her telepathy slightly more difficult than her telekinetic ability
  • Her civilian guise is "Violet Hyrulian", her family are aware of her abilities, history and present.


Personality Assessment - Violet "PsychBlade" Hyrulian

Assessment Completed By: Dr. M. Summerstone


Surprisingly, despite the course which time and unforeseen events in her life have taken her and her past with PSI, Violet is a relatively optimistic person, her optimism seems to just be a trait which she has retained, I suspect it is what has kept her going, despite her trials. She is a socially competent individual and will readily interact with those she is surrounded by. She does have a tendency to be rather blunt when asked for her opinion, which can sometimes not be to her advantage. Her personality seems to drastically change in combat, she becomes overly focused and quite deadly. Her temper seems to inhibit her ability to focus to form weapons and she tends to prefer to walk away than face the situation.

Social Interaction

At the start, before Psi Serum infusion, Violet was a rather shy girl as her mutation was apparent in her eyes and this lead to rejection from social groups at a young age, which can be quite psychologically damaging for an individual, and can lead to cognitive biases which can alter self and other perception, leading to depression and other negative mental states. However, in an unlikely turn of events, the acceptance found at the hands of her small group of friends, PSI and The Sisterhood has potentially saved her from being subject to a mental disorder. Presently, Violet is a psychologically stable person and enjoys making friends, she has a tendency to gravitate towards those who are also mutants however as she better identifies with them, hence her close friendship with Bionic Bullet.


Violet is the "silent type" when she gets angry, she usually vents her anger on objects such as walls or stones if the anger is too much for her to bear. She is not the type to get overly angry or in fact allow herself to reach such a state of aggression, preferring to walk away. Her powers can be influenced by her temper. If an ally is wounded in combat, her blades have the tendency to hit harder, but this is not advised, as a loss of control could lead to loss of the perception of limits. She does not like speaking about her past in PSI as she feels great shame and guilt at having worked with them and if the subject is pushed she has the potential to get very angry and sad.

Psychology and Mental Health

Psychologically, Violet does not present with any of the disorders, however she has been known to suffer from bouts of depression when allowed to reminisce about her childhood, something she is only capable of doing when she is completely bored, which thankfully is very rare. Aside from acute depression which if analyzed could be described as minor episodes in her life, from which she has quickly recovered from, Violet is a psychologically stable individual. She prefers to be referred to as "PsychBlade" or "Psych" in the field and Violet when not in the field.


Violet Hyrulian is a relatively refreshing person to be around, however her bluntness and matter-of-fact comments can get her into trouble. She is almost always "up for a laugh" and enjoys working with a competent group of individuals. She is a fairly amiable person and does her best to impress.