The White Demon

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The White Demon
Player: @GaaraFredNorris
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kage Maruno
Known Aliases: The White Demon
Gender: Male
Species: Halfdaemon (refers to himself as a Halfblood)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Place of Birth: Kaijiya VIllage, Japan
Base of Operations: Confidential
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 28
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Eyes: RubyRed
Hair: Black
Complexion: Smooth
Physical Build: Althetic
Physical Features: Black stripes around his body
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 6
Citizenship: Japan, US
Occupation: Slayer
Education: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Dexterity, Super Strength, Super Constitution, DemonSense, DemonHealing
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Ebirusureiya (Demonsbane)

DemonGauntlets Various Ninja Tools

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada



Maruno Kage never knew what his future held in store for him. Born in the Kaijiya Village in Japan to his mother Anko and his father Ibito, a man who would only visit once ever other month, Kage trained day and night to become the most revered shinobi of his people. His choice of specialty came as no surprise to those who knew of his natural talent in finding demons, and even less of one to those few who always heard him talking about becoming a Yokaijiya. And he did, getting a perfect score on the exam by stealthily hunting down and killing a kappa. Years went by as he trained to become as famous as the village's guardian, Shiroi Akuma (translated: White Demon), and life was pretty sweet for Kage. Then one day, an Oni war party attacked. Kage and the other yokaijiya tried to defeat them, but there were too many. Kage's sensei, Master Sanjuro, was also in the battle but was killed by a sucker punch from one of the Oni. His last words to Kage were to break the seal in the dojo. Kage did so and a staircase going down appeared. He went down and discovered a shrine to Shiroi Akuma, featuring a large statue of him and a chest in front of it with words "For Kage" on the lid. He opened the chest and found a scroll, a katana, and what looked to be a white ball with black spots on it. Reading the scroll first, he discovered it to be a note from his father revealing to him his heritage as the son of Shiroi Akuma. The scroll told him that Ibito was going to prevent the unsealing of the Snake God, Yamato no Orochi, and that if he did not return then Kage was to take his place. Kage immediately put the katana on and picked up the ball, which began to unfold and wrap itself around him, forming his signature suit while simultaneously activating the latent demon abilities he inherited. He went to rejoin the losing battle and began to slay Oni left and right, finally meeting eyes with their leader, a large black oni whose name he would later learn to be Hekumori. After losing to Hekumori, Kage was knocked into a tree and the last thing he saw before he blacked out was Hekumori crushing his fiancee Shino to death and destroying the rest of the village before running off.

To Kill an Oni

Kage embarked on a quest of revenge, hunting down and confronting Hekumori multiple times before chasing him to Millennium City. He continually found himself lost as America was much different from the quiet countryside he grew up in, and it seemed he would never be able to return home. Multiple times he ran into dead ends while trying to find Hekumori, and when he did find him the fight always ended in a draw, with Hekumori running off again. All seemed lost until Kage met Soulburn of The Cruciform Sword. Although his first reaction was to try and slay her, he found that she was actually kind and became friends with her and much of the Sword. Her and another member, Katerra, promised to help him hunt down Hekumori and kill him. Their vow was put to the test when Kage discovered that Hekumori would be expecting a shipment of Questionite and be at a warehouse waiting on it, which was the perfect time to surprise attack him. They were victorious, and Kage thanked Soul and Katerra for their help before returning to his village to rebuild it.

The Demon's End

Kage returned to Millennium City, investigating an unbelievable influx of demonic energy and demons. He found that Iblis (Satan) had begun a war to begin the end of times. He took it upon himself to try and single-handedly stop him, fighting his soldiers...
He defeated one of Iblis's soldiers, Lilith, and came to face a second, Abigar Caundaugion. Abigar was tough, and tested every bit of his strength... it felt like very match ended in a draw.
Kage had finally perfected his secret technique, the Demon's Fury Fist, and felt ready to face Abigar again. They fought once more near the Argent Preserve for hours, both being pushed to their limits... finally, a victory had been reached. Kage used his technique, and knocked Abigar into the air, praying he'd defeated the demon. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Abigar, still as strong as when he began, flew into and tackled Kage, knocking his sword from his hands and up into the air. Abigar laughed and began to cast up the finishing blow to the beaten ninja... when Kage's blade fell and stabbed into his lung. His eyes widened and he gasped in pain, his demon blood betraying him and now causing him to experience more than he should. It's enchantments severely weakened him, and caused him even more pain whenever he tried to even lift his arms to pull it out. Abigar laughed, and flew off... Kage dying in excruciating pain from his wound and the blade's poison hours later.

The Demon Returns

Months later, near his resting ground, there were numerous reports of strange occurrences. Ghost sightings, animals with claw marks in their backs, even a voice telling people to leave. It was eventually investigated by an Etheral who calls herself "Era", who found the reason was the newly disturbed spirit of Kage. She took his bones and sword, bringing them to her home so she could start rebuilding his body exactly the way it was before his death. After a week, the task was complete. He awoke and mistook Era for an enemy, attacking her until she was able to bind him down. Without his suit, his words were not translated.. so he only spoke Japanese. Era had no idea what he was saying, so she called on their mutual friend, Asuya Yuuki, to hopefully get a good translation. As it turned out, they both recognized each other and were able to speak to one another. He had asked they retrieve the suit, and in a few hours.. he was back in action.


Asuya Yuuki - Considered his closest, Asuya has always been there to back him no matter what trouble he's gotten into... as well as save him from a few *cough* Dozen *cough* mistakes.

"Missing" - A Poh Hallan Sky Pirate, Missing has been very generous to Kage. The two are liken to brother and sister at times, teasing one another when they both feel a bit silly.

Natasha "Divael" Roy - A superheroine with celestial abilities, Natasha and him share a mindset that the needs of one's friends are greater than the needs of oneself which may explain why they click so well.

Veronica "Vivi" Brimstone - Kage and Nica have recently become acquainted and very open with each other. They've shared many interesting conversations, and are indeed close.

Hsien-Ko Shin Kou - A girl he met before his brief stay at the Crux-Shorin Academy, Hsien-Ko is one of the few people who are able to alleviate any kind of bad emotion from him with just a smile or a hug. He cares for her much even though the two rarely see each other.

Michelle "Micky" Jameson - Asuya's most notable student, Micky's... strange. Micky's lovable teen with an affinity for groping and confusing the hell out of anyone around, though Kage knows she's much more mature and wise than she lets off.

IC Comments

OOC Comments

Music to Kick Ass by


  • Kage is based on Lore I've had for about 7 years
  • The best way to describe him is if you mixed Brock (Pokemon), Inuyasha, and Himura Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin) together.
  • He'd be played by Robin Shou
