Meeting Kr'anri The Prosythian

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As the rays of the sun rose above Millennium City bathing it in golden warmth, a sapphire hued time-space rift opened up in the sky high above the Renaissance Centre. The crack in reality briefly spurted small amounts of dimensional energies into the sky which quickly dissipated. A figure flew out of the rift surrounded by a storm of magical energy, the small sapphire wisps around the figure calmed down revealing none other than CharmCaster.

Vitality had always enjoyed the free feeling of flying and was soaring through the sky on a morning patrol of Millennium City and had so far covered Downtown and the City Centre, he was currently flying around the Renaissance Centre as Defender flew in, briefly greeting Vitality as he flew past, clad in his powered armour suit. As Vitality turned his attention back to his patrol he noticed a vehicle with a figure piloting it hovering in the sky in the distance, upon closer inspection he recognized the vehicle as belonging to Crescentwave.

“Morning Lara, I thought you were covering Westside with Cavalier. What brings you up here?” Vitality asked.

“Hello David, I was patrolling but then I sensed a powerful magical disturbance around here and I had to have a look.” replied Crescentwave

“Hmm, I see. That doesn’t sound too good, keep the comms channel open. Let’s fly a little higher and see if we can find anything.”

Vitality soared even higher in the sky, surveying the airspace for anything out of the ordinary whilst Crescentwave flew high above the cloudless blue sky. She quickly spotted a large sapphire rift in the sky which was slowly being sealed by a woman, surrounded by magical wisps of the same color.

“Vit…I’ve spotted something. Contact Cavalier, we may have a problem.” Crescentwave announced via her com-link

A few minutes later, Vitality hovered alongside Crescentwave , whilst Cavalier’s Grav Cycle hovered nearby. Vitality flew cautiously towards the woman in the sky, who seemed oblivious to their presence as she focused on sealing the rift. Cavalier’s weapons were trained on the woman just in case.

“Hello? Who are you and what are you doing here?” Vitality asked cautiously, ready to defend himself in an instant if things got ugly.

The woman finished sealing the rift, with a low chanting of magical words and turned around. Her brilliantly blue eyes flashed as she observed the DE:LTA members, the sapphire wisps around her seemed to dissipate as she muttered a quick foreign world before she smiled at them.

“Greetings! I am CharmCaster of Nol, Mystos Guardian, Summerstone Sisterhood member and Liberator. Tis a pleasure to meet you in the flesh.” smiled CharmCaster.

“Nice to meet you CharmCaster. We are part of DELTA, I’m Vitality and these are two of my team mates, Crescentwave and Cavalier.”

“Sup. Meet us in the flesh? You heard about us before or something? Wait…Summerstone Sisterhood? You know Techy and Mentella?” Cavalier asked.

“Indeed I do and yes I have heard much about DELTA.”

“Ahem...Nothing but good things I hope?” Vitality inquired

“Of course, I was unable to aid with the situation regarding Ultimate, but I was informed of DELTA’s heroics and might when defeating him.”

“Thanks for the reminder. Anyway mind telling us what the situation was with that rift? Whoever opened it was using some powerful magic.” Crescentwave asked.

“Ah, yes. I merely opened this portal to travel back to this world, from the dimension I was in. I had recently terminated some business within that dimension and wished to return to this one. As a My-” CharmCaster started.

CharmCaster seemed to stop mid-sentence, her features twisted showing some level of pain. Vitality flew a little closer, concern showing on his face at CharmCaster’s sudden and clear change in emotional state.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Forgive me, I-I am somewhat attuned to the feelings of others, I am sensing extreme despair and anger, from afar. By the Mystos it is strong…I must seek out the source of this feeling, tis something I cannot ignore.”

CharmCaster began heading down in rapid descent towards Westside, a trail of sapphire magic shimmering in the sky in her wake. Vitality, Crescentwave and Cavalier quickly followed her as she continued flying. CharmCaster stopped above an alley way, she pointed down towards a few bordered up apartments, where a few gang members were running out from down the alley to a fight.

“Territorial idiots…Red Banner and Cobra Lords are at it again...” Cavalier scoffed.

“Was this the source of the emotions you were picking up?” Vitality asked as he looked towards the mob at the end of the alley way.

CharmCaster shook her head as she lowered herself down to the ground, sapphire wisps swirling around her before vanishing slowly. She pointed towards a nearby dumpster, as they moved closer, CharmCaster sighed heavily as the emotions were relayed again, intensifying with each passing second.

“Nay, these were not the source. I cannot –see- this entity, they are somewhat shielded, but I know they are in here somewhere.” CharmCaster replied, sounding somewhat despondent.

Cavalier peered inside the dumpster quickly, his mask thankfully stopping the low level stench from reaching his nose.

A nearby Cobra Lord mobster called over to the superheroes as Cavalier was still peering inside the dumpster;

“Hey, you there! Capes! I wouldn’t do dat if I was you. That dumpster right there is haunted. Throws out whateva garbage you try ta put in it. Mo looked in der last time and something cut him.” The mobster shouted.

The Cobra Lord quickly ran off to join the fight after talking to them.

“Uh…thanks for the heads up?” Crescentwave frowned.

“I can’t see anything in this thing either and I’ve never been more grateful for this mask…”

Vitality looked towards CharmCaster who was still looking remarkably unhappy and somewhat confused; he turned his attention to the dumpster and carefully tore through the metal, exposing the interior of the dumpster. A small lavender colored alien rolled out as the dumpster was opened up, it looked up, pale red tears streaked down its small face, it scrambled to its feet and backed away from the heroes, hand outstretched and crying:

“Kr’anri ssba ytsa ayack!” – Kr'anri screamed

“Uh...what?” Cavalier asked, just as shocked as the rest of them.

CharmCaster slowly approached Kr’anri, friendliness and understanding conveyed on her face. Quickly an overwhelmingly powerful calming effect seemed to invade the immediate area as CharmCaster’s eyes began to glow softly. Cavalier and Crescentwave seemed to relax a little, as did Vitality. Kr’anri’s breathing and high emotional state seemed to slow down and mellow out as the enchantment washed over her.

“Hmm…why do I feel so…calm right now?” Vitality asked, his voice somewhat softer and more relaxed.

“I am using a quelling enchantment; it will be much easier to assist with all of our emotions stabilized. It is clear from her speech that she does not understand and nor can we, I wish to correct that, to establish some form of common ground. You would all do well to step into the enchantment I am about to cast.” CharmCaster replied in a low tone.

CharmCaster stretched out her hands and the ground around herself and Kr’anri, who now were in close proximity to one another, began to glow with sapphire rune symbols slowly forming into a circle. Cavalier was the first to step into the circle of magic, a brief wave of magic washed over him;

“Hello, is this working?”

“Kr’anri can understand! How is that? Kr’anri say you not Prosythian, more hooman..”

CharmCaster smiled as Kr’anri started projecting excitement and happiness. Vitality and Crescentwave stepped into the circle.

“You keep saying Kr’anri. Who is Kr’anri?” asked Crescentwave.

“Kr’anri is Kr’anri!”

“You are Kr’anri?”

The small lavender alien nodded happily at Vitality's question. Cavalier knelt down and Kr’anri and began talking to her as she drew in the ground with her sharp claws.

“How long does this magic circle last?” Vitality asked as he turned to CharmCaster.

“For as long as I will it to, however I do not recommend staying her too long, enough mobsters may present a minor issue.”

Vitality nodded and turned to Kr’anri kneeling down slightly and he smiled at her, gaining her attention as she wiped away the pale red tear staining on her cheeks.

“Hello Kr’anri, I’m Vitality. I’d like to ask you a few questions. First one being, how long were you on Earth for?”

“Bad bug flying rock crash when it was cold. Kr’anri escape bad bug flying rock! Kr’anri is free! Kr’anri hide when cold went away. Kr’anri is discovered when cold comes back!”

“She’s referring to the seasons, if I’m correct then she may have been here since last year…” Crescentwave surmised.

“Hmm, it’s entirely possible, but what is bad bug?” nodded Cavalier.

“Bad bug steal Kr’anri from Prosyth, bad bug has bad boom sticks. Stole Kr’anri during family hunt, Kr’anri misses family…Kr’anri is very hungry.”

CharmCaster looked around as Cobra Lords began to congregate at the end of the alley way, as if formulating a plan of sorts. CharmCaster narrowed her eyes as she saw them inching closer.

“We should vacate the immediate area; I believe our presence in this area will soon cause unnecessary strife. I will transport us somewhere safer.” CharmCaster said as she eyed the Cobra Lords who were inching closer.

Kr’anri’s face seemed to show confusion, as CharmCaster began gathering energy and the surrounding area seemed to subtly glow sapphire. At that moment, the Cobra Lords began running towards them throwing knives and firing bullets, Kr’anri screamed and hid behind Cavalier. Crescentwave stepped forward and pulled up a sheet of water which absorbed the impacts from the weapons, protecting them as CharmCaster gathered her energy.

“You may want to hurry up, this spectacle will soon attract –more- attention.” Vitality warned.

Isth’rae Transuda Dimenzoz!” CharmCaster shouted as her voice took on a slightly spectral quality.

As the words left her mouth a thick beam of magical energy crashed down from the sky enveloping them all transporting them away from the scene, much to the confusion of the Cobra Lords.

The group arrived on the roof of a building which seemed to be somewhere in Downtown. Kr'anri seemed to wince and make a strange sound;

"What is it? What's wrong Kr'anri?" Cavalier asked as he noticed Kr'anri acting oddly.

"Kr'anri's stomach is very unhappy with Kr'anri." She replied.

Before anyone could react Kr'anri emptied the contents of her stomach onto the roof of the building resulting in a steaming pile of pale red and yellow mess. Crescentwave grimaced and made a point to remove herself from the immediate area of the vomit.

"Teleportation apparently does not sit well with Prosythians, I will have to alter it next time for her. I should not have assumed the stabilization spell would work on humans as well as Prosythians.." CharmCaster sighed.

"More importantly where are we?" asked Vitality.

"We are at my penthouse, complements of Mentella. I do not use it much however. Once we leave this circle we will not be able understand each other." CharmCaster replied.

She flicked her wrist and a few wisps surrounded the vomit, removing it as if it has never existed. Kr'anri nodded and they left the translator enchantment circle and descended down the stairs leading off the roof and down into the penthouse itself. Kr'anri seemed to have a strong desire to explore, Cavalier followed her as she went from room to room.

"I will need to enchant this penthouse, expanding the unification enchantment in order for proper communication." CharmCaster announced.

CharmCaster muttered a string of words in a foreign tongue before a sphere of energy appeared between the palms of her hands, three pulses of energy radiated outwards from the sphere whilst CharmCaster's eyes glowed a vibrant sapphire. A few pieces of furniture seemed to animate themselves very briefly before returning to normal.

"It has been completed." She announced.

Kr'anri peered out from behind the couch, and slowly made her way back to DELTA, somewhat shocked by the energy CharmCaster had released. CharmCaster conjured a piece of grey meat on a platter on the table in front of Kr'anri. She cautiously approached the platter and sniffed the meat, before her eyes lit up and she started devouring the meat. CharmCaster and Cavalier smiled whilst Vitality looked on with an almost analytical air.

"Kr'anri is not liking magic but magic brings good food." Kr'anri managed between bites.

"Tis understandable, it can be dangerous, however it is what I wield." Smiled CharmCaster.

Vitality turned away from Kr'anri and looked towards Crescentwave.

"You know as well as I do what will happen if UNTIL or Project Stargazer get wind of Kr'anri on Earth. She doesn't seem like she's able to take care of herself well, she'll need constant care. I don't want to find out what kind of care UNTIL will give Kr'anri, we need to keep her hidden for now, at least until we can work out what to do." He whispered

"I agree but where can she stay? There are a million questions we need answers to before acting, what if she's allergic to certain things on Earth? Will she be able to function in society? How much does she know? What can she do? All those need answering, I know, but for now, it's best to take things as they come, I'm betting on CharmCaster looking after Kr'anri." Crescentwave whispered back.

"Your bet would be well placed, I intend to do such a thing." CharmCaster replied.

"Are you sure?" Asked Cavalier

"I am. I do not foresee being summoned to The Great Hall for another Mystos assignment. I had just today finished a number of them." CharmCaster nodded.

She went over to Kr'anri as she was finishing the meat and took a small vial from her belt, pouring it into a large cup. The vial released orange liquid which seemed to fill the cup entirely.

"Before you ask, this is a broth of sorts. It will aid in gaining your strength back."

"Kr'anri will try it."

She took the glass CharmCaster pushed towards her and sipped it a little before making a happy sound and continuing to finish the orange broth. Cavalier looked on as Kr'anri seemed to have a look of utter contentment and slightly giggle to herself.

"Kr'anri is going to see The Old Family now, bye sky fire, bye, Cav..a..lier, Cres...cent...wave and Charm...Caster."

Kr'anri walked sleepily to the couch and jumped on before falling fast asleep. CharmCaster turned back to Vitality, Crescentwave and Cavalier;

"I will stay with her till I am able to contact The Sisterhood, in the meantime, I must thank you for accompanying me and being able to meet you all."

"Likewise, we'll be in touch CharmCaster." Vitality nodded

"May The Ancient Ones guide and protect your way, fare thee well DELTA." CharmCaster smiled.

A few days lapsed as CharmCaster looked after Kr'anri and learnt more about Prosyth and Kr'anri's people.

On the 12th of January, CharmCaster was expectedly summoned to The Great Hall due to a mystical crisis in another dimension and was forced to leave Kr'anri unattended. Kr'anri awoke, unable to locate CharmCaster with her telepathy and being naturally curious about the world outside the "air rock", she left the penthouse and scaled down the side of the building with her claws and descended into the city below. She made her way into City Centre, fully telepathically cloaked just exploring and mingling amongst the general populace, even though they had no idea she was there.

She came across a group of men standing around near a tall metal pole which seemed to emit some sort of wave. The pole seemed to send psychic waves towards Kr'anri, who having telepathic powers responded almost unconsciously. At the detection of a psychic response, the two men locked onto Kr'anri's general area and sent out psychic signals. Kr'anri received part of a message which was an image of a human using telepathic powers. Thrilled at the prospect of finding someone else with the same abilities as her, Kr'anri happily responded and ran over to join them. Whilst they were unable to converse vocally or telepathically, they projected images into each other's minds to convey meaning.

Kr'anri followed the men back to the PSI Building and entered the building to be met with numerous psychics in one area, much to her amazement and glee.

"Medusa? We have procured a psychic, an entirely -instinctual- one! Untamed and no psychic defenses what so ever!" Grinned a PSI Member as he spoke to Medusa on the phone.

"Good. I am on my way, keep her busy." Replied Medusa

A few hours later Medusa made her way to the PSI Buildings lower level offices, with Mind Slayer in tow, who despite disliking Medusa wanted to see what all the commotion was all about. Medusa grinned as she saw the small alien utilizing her telepathic powers on holographic simulations, sensing her raw and untamed power she went down to Kr'anri and smiled as sweetly as she could at Kr'anri. Kr'anri turned to Medusa and projected a conversation from earlier into her head and highlighted one question she posed to CharmCaster:

"Kr'anri want to know...who is Mentella and is she here?"

At the mere mention of Mentella's name, Medusa went pale and her eyes widened. Kr'anri looked confused but shrugged and turned back to using her abilities on the projections. Medusa took a deep breath before continuing to Mind Slayer and the PSI Member.

"It won't be long before that Mentella gets wind of this. We need to act fast and act NOW. We will teach her PSI Death Strike, she has enough power to learn the ability, I've had a look at her performance in the holo-room for the past few hours and the unbridled power she has is perfect."

Over the next 12 hours Kr'anri was subjected to countless lessons on how to perform a move by both Medusa and Mind Slayer. Soon Kr'anri perfected the move using her telepathic cloak to surprise her target and striking "from the shadows". At this apparent success Medusa then attempted to exert a covert controlling influence on Kr'anri's mind, to which Kr'anri violently retaliated telepathically.

<Kr’anri inso aptaet!!!!>

Medusa defended herself by paralyzing Kr'anri and escaping from the immediate area along with Mind Slayer. Kr'anri's anger broke out of the paralysis and she began taking down PSI Members who attempted to attack her, killing them, escaping the building and attacking any and every PSI Member she came across in her anger.