Project 'On Call'
[hide]Welcome to On Call. If you are member do know that you are your own independent agent and therefore are responsible for your own assignments as well as actions.
This is an Heroes for Hire inspired RPSG. A collective variety of superhumans, and some who are not so superhuman, with the intention of helping out and solving problems that are both big and small. Consisting of members starting from 18 and older. Everybody is assigned daily on activities across the globe of their own choosing but will be monitored by groups like UNTIL or PRIMUS to more positive results.
It's founder is Nate Hiyabashi who is in charge of the company called ASAP. This project is part of his long term agreement to show a sign of trust with organizations like UNTIL and PRIMUS that he will not let his company's good name be dragged through the mud like it was in the past. The 'On Call' members are more of a sanctioned version of what his company already does. They will be assigned an mission on a daily/weekly basis provided by both UNTIL and PRIMUS out to places across the globe and occasionally off world assignments as well.Monetary compensation is optional.
OOC wise, Everybody will be responsible for making their events happen without any obligations to do it with just the SG. They are allowed to come and go at their leisure. There will be no "leaders " per say but SoulStar ,as example, will be a designated field leader if he is available. As will several other selective characters who may prove their worth.
The On Call Center is built atop of the former site of Detroit's own Cobo Hall Center. Location nearby the Detroit River side in Downtown Millennium City.
Top Floors
--The Hangar
The hangar is located here which stores the refurbished UNTIL Shuttle that the team itself can share.
--The Main offices
The main offices of On Call consist of the lounge,kitchen, and the main console of request listings located within the compartment of the side of the fireplace walls. On Call staff will always be in rotation in cleaning up the space or refilling up kitchen supplies.
--The On Call console
The console hidden within the wall of the fireplace is in reality a very large server network that displays all of the pending requests from various organizations such as UNTIL and PRIMUS. Including a few independents as well.
Mid Section floors
--Housing areas
On a few floors there is enough space for extra housing for any of the On Call members to use at their leisure. Even some space for extended small laboratories to be made.More expansion to these will be added on at a later date.
--The Zen floor
One of the newly remodeled floors that has a traditional Japanese sort of mindset in taste. Complete with enough room for staff members who monitor the On Call Center and On Call responders to occasionally intermix with one another and have a place to both relax and reflect. Complete with lounge couches, plants, rocks, and even a built in yoga center.
Lower floors
--The Gymnasium
A state of the art gym comes equipped with several weights,pressurized bars, medicine balls, exercise mats,pulleys, etc.
--The Danger simulation room
A full state of the art reinforced floor that houses hard light holographic projections of countless dangerous scenarios . Exclusively just for the On Call responders to use for practice and drills over many types of dangerous obstacles they may run into.
On Callers Roster
Name: Dredrick "Dre" Wilson
History: Born and raised as a cop's son, Dredrick was always taught to always do what he felt was the right thing by his own moral compass; his father, an Chicago police officer. Just the day right after he turned 13, his father was tragically murdered during a routine traffic stop. To this day the killer was never found. Short period afterwards Dredrick was just taken from one foster home to the next. However during his long mourning process he had ended up joining a gang known simply as the 'Stars'.One night the leader of the Stars decided to pull off a job that involved breaking into what was a supposedly hidden military facility. Many members felt uneasy about it but Dred was one of the first to volunteer for it. Once the group had began their operation they knew there was no turning back.Unfortunately what the small group didn't anticipate was the large amount of security and MP guards once they had snuck themselves inside. And just like that, it suddenly became everyman for himself. The operation was an immediate bust. Dred was abandoned by his so called 'family'. In order to avoid capture he evaded security until coming upon a hidden facility room where he found a pair of blue goggles and matching metallic shoes. After his initial escape and eventual falling out with the stars, Dredrick got his life back together along with a new identity: SoulStar.
Abilities: Able to absorb energy from any living organism within 50 feet and able to reuse it offensively, defensively, and minor healing. Can also mimic another metahuman's energy source along with abilities for a limited time.
Name: Cadence Mitchel Landers
History: Born in Humboldt, California on March 16th, 1986 to Derrick and Katy Landers, Cadence had, for the most part, a fairly typical childhood, only to have it end abruptly only two weeks after his sixth birthday; this would be when his metahuman abilities first manifested with him accidentally leaving his fathers new Corvette nothing more than a pile of torn apart atoms in the wake of a temper fit; it was not long after this incident that Cadence's future mentor and father; Hanzo Kazaki would show up at the families door, explaining to his parents that his powers would only grow stronger and that he could help train the young boy to control them in a safe environment. Whether it was out of love for their son or fear of him that they agreed to sign over guardianship to Hanzo, Cade would never really know, and little did Cadence's parents know that Cade was just signed into the care of the Muga.
Spending the remaining years of his childhood studying, training and playing with the other children within the clan, Cadences life had been turned upside down in the Siberian wilderness where the clan chose to train many of it's members; Learning the arts of stealth and swordplay while keeping up with his schooling under the tutelage of Hanzo's wife; Kanako. All of the studying in so many different fields might prove too much for some, but Cadence thrived in it. Driven by his naturally curious nature, he studied and learned anything and everything he could cram into his mind; he was utterly fascinated by the lessons of his new family and the skills they wield, just as much as he was fascinated by his own powers and the laws of nature that he had grown to be able to bend to his will.
Cadence's life would change once again with the diagnosis of the man he now considered his father; Stage Two Pancreatic cancer. While this could have been treated and possibly saved his life, Hanzo declined any treatments, saying that he saw this as his calling card to get his long-deserved rest, but informed Cadence that there was one last thing that had to be done before he could take his final leave; Cadence was his chosen successor to the position of Grandmaster within the Muga, but to earn it fully within the eyes of his clansmen he would have to best his own father in a fight to the death.
Now Grandmaster of the Muga, Cadence used the amassed fortune they had gathered over the years to found Landercorp International; a research and development company that has managed to rise in power with incredible speed, gaining a strong hold on many government contracts, using his position as CEO of the company, Cadence has since used Landercorp to further mankind in any ways they can.
Abilities: Space time Manipulation
Rank: Member/One of the financial backers
Name: Skye Summers
History: Skye Summers was born into a middle class family in Detroit and remained blissfully unaware of her status as a mutant until she entered middle school. In middle school a series of enlightening events occurred which made Skye aware of her mutant status.
Ever since "The Softball Incident" & "The Talk" Skye has been working to discover the extent of her mutation and understand the sub mutations that stemmed from her primary one. Skye, with her father's help, managed to skilfully balance her life with trying to control and understand her mutation.Although her mutation is not incredibly apparent and her parents did their best to keep Skye's mutation a secret...Skye managed to attract the attention from a certain secret government organization (S.A.I.T.) looking to recruit young mutants and train them.
Overwhelmed at the prospects of joining, Skye accepted the invitation and began secretly training with S.A.I.T. during her 7th Grade and continued till she reached her senior year at MC High when the organization's funding was cut under mysterious circumstances. Whilst in S.A.I.T., Skye's skills were honed and she was taught how to be an effective agent through a series of espionage training courses.
During her time with S.A.I.T., Skye took on the alias 'Chance' and learned how to use (and has kept) a variety of gadgets as well as her mutation to complete assignments.Skye/Chance is pleased to have been accepted as a new member to Project On Call. Her happiness is appropriately tempered by her concern at the supernatural creature who almost killed her last team, known only as "XIUHCOATL" and the threat it may pose to her new allies.
Abilities: Probability Manipulation,Enhanced reflexes
Name: Victor Gilford
History: Victor was born in Boston, MA to a defense lawyer and physical therapist. His mother, the lawyer, was the bread winner in the family which was saying something considering his father did very well for owning his own practice. Needless to say his upbringing was good, better than most children. Being an only child to the two also meant he had no need to share. But, his parents were wise in rearing a child that understood value and to no be spoiled.
Around thirteen was when Victor began to display signs of his latent mutant abilities. It was at this point in his life when things became hard. Those early years saw a lot of destruction and damage due to his lack of control. Energy kept building up as his body absorbed it and he had no way to properly exhaust it, and when he did, the results were .... catastrophic. It came to a point when his parents were reaching out to any organization, school, club, anything that could help him. Not long after there search began did two figures show up at the door and explain who they were and how they could help.
Victor had just finished high school when he left his home to go with these people. They were a group called The Advancement of Young Powered People. It was with them that he obtained a college level education, physical and mental training in his powers and where the equipment he now uses was made.
After five years with them he was done. The group felt he was competent enough to be out in the public. He decided then that with his training and gear he would do his best to help make his community a better, safer place. This idea was only reinforced by the fact that only a few years earlier his parents were murdered, and their deaths spurned his desire to do good and hopefully prevent others from having to suffer the same injustice.
After a a few years in smaller cities such as Worcester and Lowell he started to fight crime in Boston, his home town. He joined up with a small rag tag called the Boston Brawlers, a street level group that the locals loved. He stayed with them for some time, eventually befriending Harrison Cole for a short time. It was through this friendship he learned of Project On Call.
Abilities: Absorption and retention of potential and kinetic energies. Must expend energy to avoid critical buildup. Specialized equipment harnesses his power to be used offensive and defensively.
Name: Bastion Grace
History: Not too much is really known about Bastion's own history. Not even Bastion himself. But his experience with,most notably, Star*Guard and various team ups with other heroes who have either had a space travelling journey or related at some point. All that is knwon about him is that he is from a colony of space salamander type alien race.
Abilities: Subject exhibits super speed, agility, and reflexes. Subject claims to be "limited" on earth due to it's gravity and atmosphere. Subject claims he is faster in space. Limits of subjects powers are not currently known.
Name: Paige Munroe
History: A genetics experiment gone wrong, Pidge (officially Paige Munroe) broke out and made her way to Millenium City in an attempt to figure out a normal life. Little was "normal" enough to blend in, though, so she chose to live on the fringes, watching from above. She developed a soft-spot for the homeless and forgotten, and decided to join the crime-fighting forces of Millenium City. She takes in a meager income as a master tipster, using her wings and keen eyes to have a constant finger on the pulse of the city.
Abilities:Flight, increased visual acuity [long-range and peripheral], augmented hand to hand combat [claws],Custom bow and arrows
Rank: Member