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='''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #002f63">Trivia</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #002f63">Trivia</div>'''''=
<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #DAA520"><div style="font-size:15px; font-family: Helvetica">''"'The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know.' Albert Einstein. Of course, he couldn't dissociate atomic structures by pointing at them..." - Captain Collider''</div></div>
<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #DAA520"><div style="font-size:15px; font-family: Helvetica">''"'The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know.' Albert Einstein. Of course, he couldn't dissociate atomic structures by pointing at them..." - Captain Collider''</div></div>
[[File:Captain EWG.jpg|325px|left|thumb|<font color=#00000>"Humanity is always to be treated as an end and never as a means."</font>]]
[[File:Captain EWG.jpg|315px|left|thumb|<font color=#00000>"Humanity is always to be treated as an end and never as a means."</font>]]
*Captain Collider is primarily inspired by: '''Captain Atom (DC), Firestorm (DC), Superman (DC), The Flash (DC), Dr. Manhattan (DC) and Mr. Fantastic (Marvel).''' Additional influences include: '''The Atom (DC), Steel (DC), Mr. Terrific (DC), Hank Pym (Marvel), Hyperion (Marvel), Blue Marvel (Marvel), Icon (Milestone) and Tom Strong (America's Best Comics).'''
*Captain Collider is primarily inspired by: '''Captain Atom (DC), Firestorm (DC), Superman (DC), The Flash (DC), Dr. Manhattan (DC) and Mr. Fantastic (Marvel).''' Additional influences include: '''The Atom (DC), Steel (DC), Mr. Terrific (DC), Hank Pym (Marvel), Hyperion (Marvel), Blue Marvel (Marvel), Icon (Milestone) and Tom Strong (America's Best Comics).'''

Revision as of 18:30, 22 June 2015


The Immeasurable
Captain Collider
Man of the Millennium
Captain Dagger.jpg
"If you have the potential to do anything, you have the obligation to do good."
Freeform Music-player.png
Player: Swixname.png
Super Group
Prodigious Physicist
· Other Affiliations ·
Unlimited Dynamics
Real Name
Dr. Malcolm Franklin Parton
The Man of the Millennium, The Master of the Atom, The All-Powerful Pacifist, The Final Frontiersman, The Best of the Brightest
12th May 1979
San Francisco, CA
Flag USA.png U.S Citizen
The Tower of Power
Particle Physicist at Unlimited Dynamics

Director of Research (Department of Applied Physics and Technology) at Arcadia City University

Adjunct Professor (Several Institutions)

Non-Fiction Writer
Legal Status
Registered Hero
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Vanessa Morello (Wife, Deceased), Gerald Parton (Father), Regina Parton (Mother), Melinda Parton (Sister), QUARK (Creation/'Son')
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
6'4" (Previously 5'11")
260lbs (Previously 190lbs)
Body Type
Muscular, Large
· Distinguishing Features ·
Glowing Eyes (Captain Collider) - Gray Temples
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Metaverse Conduit
· Equipment ·
Collider Stabilisation Suit - Parton Collider - Parton Portal
· Other Abilities ·
Super-Genius Level Intellect - Brilliant Physicist - Expert Chemist and Biologist - Multilingualism - Competent Hand-to-Hand Combatant

Once a brilliant physicist with a view for changing the world for the better, Malcolm Parton's life was changed forever when a freak accident caused him to be caught in a highly experimental particle collider mid-collision. Though he should have been killed, an unknown variable caused the hyper accelerated Power Particles to destroy and reconstruct Malcolm's body, merging with his physiology at a subatomic level. The process radically altered Mal, transforming him into a conduit to the metaphysical plane and granting him extraordinary superpowers in the process. Imbued with power beyond his wildest imagination, Mal vowed to use it responsibly in keeping with his pacifistic beliefs and became Captain Collider, the immeasurable Man of the Millennium!

A gentle and reserved soul at heart, Captain Collider considers himself a scientist first and a superhero second, always prioritising thought and diplomacy over violence and confrontation. Though his wisdom, courage and compassion make him a hero among heroes, his idealistic pacifism occasionally borders on naivete. Still, with the potential for absolute power present within him, Captain Collider strives every day to ensure it doesn't corrupt him absolutely in his never-ending battle for a brighter tomorrow.

Currently, Captain Collider maintains his vigil over his hometown of Arcadia City and the world at large. He even devotes some time to adventures of a cosmic scale, travelling to alternate universes and alien worlds in a constant effort to protect the Multiverse from all who would threaten its existence.



"Humanity is a species of vast potential, and one spark of genius can change the future of our proud race exponentially. Just a few thousand years ago, we lived in primitive huts. And now? We build towers of steel that reach to the sky. In a world of limitless possibilities, where everything we know can become obsolete at any moment, what is the value of one man's quest for discovery? What is the power of an idea?" - Captain Collider

Born in San Francisco to renowned physicist Gerald Parton and medical doctor Regina Parton, Malcolm Franklin Parton was the second child of the couple, born after his older sister, Melinda. Born into well-educated, well-off family, Mal wanted for little and received all the love and support he needed from parents, siblings, friends and teachers growing up. From a very early age, the true value of companionship and community were instilled within him.

"I had a very normal life. Good family. Good home. Sure, it may not be the most interesting superhero origin, but I wouldn't have it any other way." - Captain Collider

Inheriting his father's natural genius, Mal showed a staggeringly high intellectual capacity very early in his childhood, especially with concern to the sciences. With his father's love of science and his mother's compassion for others, he would often spend his free time studying the world around him in the hopes that he could somehow use what little knowledge he possessed at the time to make the people in his life happier. Wherever there was a problem in his neighbouhood, a young Mal was never far behind with childlike inventions and a friendly disposition.

"My parents always used to tell me that if you had the potential to do something, you should always do good. It's a lesson not nearly enough people learn and even fewer remember, but it's one I live by." - Captain Collider

It wasn't long before Mal's timidity and general lack of malice quickly earned him the scorn of his first bully, however. The older boy, eager to punish what he perceived as arrogance in the young inventor, promptly singled him out and harassed him before eventually challenging him to a fight. Astonished by the boy's aggressive behaviour, Mal hurriedly reported what had happened to his parents. It was then that his father sat him down and told him the importance of both pacifism and knowing when to resort to violence.

"It was my father who first taught me the concept of pacifism, but he also taught me what it meant to stand up for what's yours -- to know when there's no choice but to get your hands dirty. Violence should never be the solution to your problems, but sometimes it has to be." - Captain Collider

With his father's lesson weighing heavy on his mind, Mal decided to stand up to his bully and accept his challenge. Meeting him the playground after-school, Mal first offered to talk their differences out in the hopes that he could become friends with the boy. When the bully refused to accept his attempts at diplomacy, he readied himself and fought him head on. Though he was horribly outmatched and had no real chance of winning the fight, Mal's insistence on not backing down eventually persuaded a group of older boys to stand up to the bully, scaring him away. Battered and bruised, Mal walked away from his first fight having learnt an important lesson from the actions of the boys who had interfered to help him.

"There's always strength in numbers -- always. And so long as there are seven billion other men and women living on this planet, no one should ever have to fight alone." - Captain Collider

Far away from his brother who favored the arts over science and his sister who simply preferred to socialise with her friends, Mal grew to become more and more enamoured with science and, before long, found himself studying one of the better high schools in the city, an honour roll student with aspirations of becoming a physicist like his father. There he met the woman who would go on to be the love of his life, fellow honour roll student Vanessa Morello. Though he was initially too shy to talk to her directly, he eventually mustered up the courage to approach her and found that they shared more common interests than he would have thought.

"I was just a gangly, geeky kid back then. Vanessa loved me not in spite of that, but because of it." - Captain Collider

Becoming fast friends and, eventually, unlikely sweethearts, Mal and Vanessa both graduated from high school and attended Arcadia City University, with Mal studying to attain multiple PhDs in physics and Vanessa doing the same with chemistry. It was during their tenure at the university that a twenty-one year old Mal eventually proposed to Vanessa, hoping that they could start a life together once their studies came to an end. Overjoyed by Mal's proposal, Vanessa enthusiastically accepted. Once they graduated from Arcadia City University with their PhDs secured, Mal and Vanessa set a date for their wedding. The ceremony was a relatively small one attended mostly by a close circle of family and friends, but it would always be remembered as the happiest moment of Mal Parton's life.

"In all my years, with all my scientific breakthroughs, nothing I've done has ever felt more right than asking Vanessa to marry me and reciting my vows at that altar." - Captain Collider

While Vanessa got a job working at an up and coming industrial science company called Steel Industries, Mal secured a job working within the physics lab of Arcadia City University both as a particle physicist and a trainee lecturer. In this position, he quickly established himself as a brilliant physicist with a bright future, helping to make a number of breakthroughs in the field of particle physics and gradually making a name for himself via his own personal discoveries and theories. One such theory would go on to form the basis of his life's work and would set into course events that would drastically influence his future: the theory of the 'Power Particle'.

"The Power Particle represented all that mankind could achieve -- a future so bright it was blinding. Imagine being able to cure terminally ill patients by giving them regenerative healing factors. What if we could give construction workers super speed or super strength? What if a little girl who has been stuck in a wheelchair her entire life could stand up and fly? With the Power Particle, I believed I had unlocked the secret behind the controlled activation of superpowers -- a common link between all superpowered individuals, regardless of origin. Limitless possibilities for anyone and everyone. That was the Power Particle." - Captain Collider

Quickly becoming a popular name for his various theses and books on the Power Particle, it wasn't long before Mal received the support he needed to turn his theory into a reality. Approaching the bold, young physicist with an offer of his own lab stocked with resources, a team of diligent physicists at his disposal and all the money he needed to make sure he made the most of them, Olivier Martin, President and CEO of Unlimited Dynamics, enlisted Mal's brilliant mind in the search for his much vaunted Power Particle. Though Mal was originally reluctant to enter a partnership with the fast-talking, pampered businessman, he eventually saw that he truly wished to make the world a better place and agreed to work at his company, establishing a professional and personal friendship that would span throughout the following years.

"Ollie was everything I wasn't. Where I was shy and reserved, he was outgoing and loud. Where I had worked my way to excellence, he was born into it. By all accounts, we should have hated each other. But, beneath all the bravado, Ollie was a good man. I knew that about him almost immediately." - Captain Collider

Tragedy struck unexpectedly in Mal's personal life, however. After returning home from a day at Steel Industries completely exhausted, Vanessa suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital by a panicked Mal. Once there, the couple were devastated to find out that she had somehow contracted an extremely rare disease for which there was no known cure. She was given roughly three years to live. Consumed by grief and unwilling to accept the fact that Vanessa might die, Mal single-mindedly devoted himself to unlocking the Power Particle in the hopes that he could harness its power to cure his ailing wife.

"It was all so sudden. So meaningless. An inexplicably rare illness incurable through current medical science and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop it from poisoning her. I wasn't about to let the only woman I ever loved die in some hospital bed. Not in my world." - Captain Collider

As the months went by, Mal's attempts at unlocking the Power Particle met wall after infuriating wall as Vanessa continued to grow ill. As Mal's pursuit of the perfect 'cure' to her condition became obsessive and self-destructive, Vanessa implored him to stop his research, accept her mortality and spend what little time he had left with her. Outraged by what he saw as her willing resignation to the inevitability of mortality and irritable from a great many sleepless nights, Mal lashed out at her in anger. Ashamed of his outburst, he retreated deeper into his work and refused to see Vanessa again for fear of losing his will to finish it.

"I didn't eat if I didn't have to. I didn't sleep if I didn't have to. Every waking hour was dedicated to finding the Power Particle to...saving my wife. If I couldn't save Vanessa -- the woman who meant everything in the world to me -- then who could I save?" - Captain Collider

Mal increased his work hours and devotion to the Power Particle over the next year, even inventing a robotic assistant named QUARK to help reduce his workload. Eventually though, as if through sheer determination, his efforts bore fruit with the creation of the world's first Parton Collider -- a particle accelerator that he hoped would uncover the mystery behind the Power Particle through the collision of accelerated particle rays. On the precipice of finally proving the legitimacy behind his life's work and saving Vanessa from the claws of fate, Mal wasted no time in trying to put the grand machine to practice.

"I was so close. So close I could taste it. I could save Vanessa. I could save the entire world. And I was so close." - Captain Collider

With his life's work finally coming to a head, Mal worked up the nerve to visit Vanessa at the hospital again. Though he attempted to mend bridges with her and excite her with the possibility of a cure, Vanessa -- who had been wounded both by his previous outburst and his lack of emotional support over the last year of her life -- did not reciprocate his enthusiasm and, instead, revealed that the doctors had shortened her life expectancy to sometime within the coming weeks. Taken aback, Mal expressed an intention to redouble his efforts, but Vanessa stated that she'd prefer it if he would abandon his frenzied pursuit to save her and simply keep her company in her final days. Though Mal wanted nothing more than to make Vanessa happy, he refused to give up so close to a breakthrough and, wracked with guilt and self-loathing, left the woman he had devoted his life to sobbing in a hospital room alone.

"I was a fool. I thought that Vanessa had her friends, her parents, my parents -- but she didn't need them. She needed her husband at her side through the most difficult time of her life and I...I abandoned her. Because I was terrified of a future where she wasn't at my side. Because I was so busy looking towards that future that I could never truly live in the present..." - Captain Collider

Within a week, the preparations for the initial activation of the Parton Collider had been made. An gallery of esteemed scientists, interested investors, Unlimited Dynamics board members and a few representatives of the media gathered to observe history in the making. With the weight of the world on his heavy shoulders, Mal started up the Parton Collider and watched with bated breath as it began to pull humanity into a new age in a brilliant flash of light.

"It all happened so fast. Looking back on it, it's almost dreamlike the way my greatest creation became the biggest mistake of my career." - Captain Collider

Almost too suddenly to comprehend the situation, the Parton Collider began to fluctuate wildly out of control, its collisions shaking the entire laboratory violently. As Mal hurried to find a solution to the problem, the audience and scientists were trapped in the lab by falling debris. Though he was initially unwilling to give up on his dreams, Mal quickly changed his mind on seeing the lives of others endangered and, in a bold act of heroism and redemption for his mistakes, he climbed to the upper level of the lab and attempted to hit the emergency shut down switch. As he slammed the button, however, the walkway he stood on gave way beneath him, sending him hurtling into the path of the Parton Collider's accelerated particle beams just as it fired off one final time. As the beams collided with him on either side, Mal Parton ceased to be, exploding in a flash of blinding light and leaving only an echoing scream in his wake. As the machine shut down due to his efforts, every person in the room watched in horror as the man behind it was disintegrated before their very eyes.

"A light, brighter than a million suns. A sense of clarity I had never felt before. And then...darkness." - Captain Collider

Roughly a month later, as Olivier Martin and QUARK oversaw the clean up of what was left of the late Mal's lab, the former lingered for a moment on the deactivated Parton Collider and ran a sentimental hand across its surface. As he reached a certain point, however, a jolt of electricity arced out and zapped his hand as he recoiled in pain, the Parton Collider reactivated itself seemingly of its own volition. Before anyone in the room could react, however, the machine collided two accelerated particle beams and, with an explosive shockwave of light and sound, a form assembled itself out of particles within the light. As the Parton Collider once again deactivated itself, the hulking form stumbled from its origin point. Though he was far more muscular and nude than he had been the day he 'died', the form was, without a doubt, the late Mal Parton.

"It's difficult to describe the sensation of being reconstructed at a sub-atomic level. It was like every part of my being was sentient and I could see through them...sense through them. When they became one, it was like being reborn anew." - Captain Collider

Though Mal appeared to possess the same memories and basic physical features he had prior to falling into the Parton Collider and being atomised, his body had been completely altered during the reconstruction process. Going from a lean, brown-eyed 5'11" man, he was 'reborn' a 6'4 man with extremely dense musculature and glowing blue eyes matching the hue of the Parton Collider's particle beams, the sides of his hair unnaturally whitened. Dazed and confused by his recent 'reincarnation', Mal's first thoughts immediately went to Vanessa. Pulling on a lab coat and pushing past Olivier and QUARK, Mal ran out of the building and onto the streets so he could get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

"I needed to see her. I needed to know she was alright. Nothing else mattered to me in that moment." - Captain Collider

As he emerged onto the streets of Arcadia, however, Mal's senses were overwhelmed by things he shouldn't have been capable of perceiving. The sounds of voices whispering and shouting from miles away boomed in his ears like loudspeakers. His vision wavered between clearly fixating on objects too distant to usually observe and seeing through solid surfaces as if they were made of glass. His nose caught whiffs of the lunch time rush in Chinatown several blocks away and the salt water of the sea on the coast of the town. In complete agony, Mal attempted to run towards the hospital to get away from it all, only to break the sound barrier and crash headfirst through a store window; and as he pushed himself up and attempted to jump back through the opening he had made, he propelled himself into the air and came crashing back down in a heap, beams of energy firing from his eyes and into the ground wildly. Whatever had happened to Mal between his being disintegrated and being reconstituted had changed him.

"It was as I lay in a crater, huddled in a ball with a crowd of bewildered citizens taking pictures and talking around me that I truly woke up to my situation. When I first came to, my concern for Vanessa overrode all logic and reason but, in all the chaos that unfolded afterwards, I finally asked myself why I was still alive and what I had become." - Captain Collider

With his wits restored, Mal carefully made his way back to Unlimited Dynamics' HQ and requested that Olivier have scientists examine him. Further study of Mal's physiology quickly yielded rather shocking results. For all his altered looks and musculature, the most radical change to his body came at a more subatomic level: indeed, his blood, bone marrow and even saliva all radiated a unique type of energy which indicated that the very building blocks of his body themselves had been manipulated and warped to a significant degree. In his effort to create the Power Particle, Mal had seemingly become a living conduit of Power Particles. The unique subatomic particle had become bonded with his physiology on an intimate level, granting him vast powers which may have been the result of the subconscious manipulation of particles, influenced by the superiority of the Power Particle. In short, though Mal's life's work had born fruit, all known Power Particles were currently trapped within his body, unable to be used for the benefit of anyone else while simultaneously granting him tremendous power.

"It was some kind of ironic twist, almost. All that time spent searching for the Power Particle and I ended up trapping it inside of my own body, where it was no good to anyone. No good to Vanessa..." - Captain Collider

Still desperate to meet his wife, Mal refused to allow Olivier's scientists to detain him for further study and insisted that his friend informed him of the time lapsed between his 'death' and 'rebirth' and the status of Vanessa's condition. Though he seemed reluctant to tell his friend the truth when he seemed so unstable, Olivier eventually relented and revealed that Vanessa had died of her illness a few days after hearing the news of Mal's supposed death, seemingly losing the will to go on after the news. Crestfallen at the fact that he had been unable to save the one person he had set out to save above all others, Mal solemnly agreed to further study of his abilities on the sole condition that he'd be allowed to visit Vanessa's grave and his parents afterwards. Olivier sympathetically agreed.

"It was like losing the will to live. Vanessa was the world to me and, because of my obsession saving her from her own mortality, I never even got a chance to say goodbye to her. According to Olivier, I had powers beyond compare, but none of them could bring her back. So what good were they?" - Captain Collider

With the study of his altered physiology complete, Mal used the data gathered to create a 'stabilisation suit' capable of both regulating his powers and preventing the small but dangerous chance that the Power Particles in his body could become super dense and explode into a black hole with excessive use. Once his stabilisation suit was finished, Mal donned it, covered it with a layer of street clothes and, with Olivier at his side, journeyed to the cemetery where Vanessa was buried. There, he encountered her parents and, after a heartfelt moment of reconnection, reconciled with them for the mistakes he had made while Vanessa was alive.

"They told me she loved me, that she never truly resented me for what I did and I believed them. But it didn't change the fact that I wasn't there for her and it didn't help the guilt bearing down on me." - Captain Collider

After saying some final words to Vanessa and apologising for not being there for her when she most needed him, Mal broke down emotionally,convinced that he was a fool who had deluded himself into thinking he had the power to save anyone. Though Vanessa's parents assured him that he could still use his genius for good, Mal remained unconvinced and left with Olivier after recomposing himself.

"Never felt so hopeless in my entire life. For the first time since I could remember, there was no future for me. Not without her." - Captain Collider

As Olivier's limousine made its way over the Arcadia City's Hyperion Bridge on its way to San Francisco, the sudden arrival of a group of conspicuous motorcyclists raised alarm bells for both men -- especially when they closed in on an armoured truck a few cars away. Before either of them could come to terms with what they were seeing, the motorcyclists drew firearms and opened fire on the armoured truck, hoping to stop and loot it. Caught off-guard by the daring robbery, Olivier's hit the breaks, sending the car spiralling out of control and leaving it teetering precariously on the edge of the bridge.

"Olivier panicked. I definitely panicked. Then I remembered what I could do and...I wasn't afraid anymore. And I don't think I've been afraid since." - Captain Collider

After recovering from his initial panic, Mal mustered his courage and, with a mighty kick, booted the crushed door of the limousine off its hinges, allowing Olivier to crawl to safety. With that done, he hurriedly followed his friend out and pulled the limousine and its driver back safely onto the bridge. After ensuring that they were both fine, he looked to the high speed chase between the motorcyclists and the armoured truck, which had just crashed into a divider. Taking great care to measure his steps, Mal darted over to the scene at super speed and, just as one of the motorcyclists dismounted his bike and prepared to execute the dazed truck driver, dove between the would-be robbers and the innocent driver, the bullets of the shooter's discharged firearm ricocheting off his chest. As the shooter attempted to reload, Mal raised a hand and flicked him under his chin, sending him flying into a nearby car. As the other motorcyclists circled back around and opened fire on Mal, he rushed to meet them head on, snatching both of them off their bikes at high speed and tossing them helplessly to the floor. Much to his surprise, however, one of the motorcyclists fired off his weapon, wounding the driver of an oncoming tanker and sending the vehicle hurtling towards everyone. Buckling his legs, Mal leaped to meet the tanker and stood firmly in its path, gradually stopping its uncontrolled rampage with his bare hands. When the dust had settled and the emergency services had arrived, Mal Parton stood over three would-be robbers, stopping the wounded driver's bleeding and wearing nothing but his stabilisation suit. He had saved the day.

"When I got my powers, I never even considered using them to save lives. I was too caught up in how the Power Particles had affected me. I needed to start thinking about how they would affect the world." - Captain Collider

After answering questions for the authorities, Mal and Olivier finally arrived at his parents' place in San Francisco, albeit with fewer limousine doors than they had departed with. Leaving Olivier in the limo, Mal greeted his overjoyed parents, neither of which had truly believed he was gone. After sitting down and catching up on events he had missed and Vanessa's funeral, Mal confessed to both his parents that his accident had given him some sort of powers and that he had used them earlier to save lives. However, he also professed that he had no idea what the future held for him with Vanessa gone and his research having taken a strange turn. Fortunately, both Partons had thoughts on the matter.

"My mother told me the future adapts and changes, it's never set in stone. She said that no matter what happens, we can always reshape it through our actions. And my father...my father told me, as simply as always, that if I have the potential to do anything in this world, it was my obligation to do good. It was then that I knew my life hadn't ended with Vanessa's. I owed it to her, to myself -- to the whole world, even -- to keep on living. To keep on doing good." - Captain Collider

Saying goodbye to his parents, Mal returned to Olivier's limo and confided in him that he wanted to start using his powers for the good of mankind while still pursuing the full potential of the Power Particle and physics in a more general sense. Though Olivier was initially reluctant, he believed that the best way to do both things was to 'come out' as a superhero, allowing him to become an identifiable public figure of inspiration while still enabling him to pursue scientific inquiry as Mal Parton. Pondering the idea, Mal argued that, with his powers being as potentially vast as they were, he wanted to ensure that there would always be accountability for his actions and that everyone knew who he was and where his allegiances stood. This would both ease public opinion of him and reduce his potentially larger-than-life presence. Ever the opportunist, Olivier suggested that Mal premiere as a corporate sponsored hero, a representative not just of Unlimited Dynamics' goal to usher in a better future, but also as a symbol of that future -- the way things could and should be. Agreeing, Mal specified that he wanted his symbol to be an atom, representing the limitless possibilities of a single individual, regardless of how small or insignificant that individual might be. By the time the limo arrived at Unlimited Dynamics' HQ, both men had agreed on just what it was they wanted to achieve with the idea and began working on perfecting it.

"If I was going to help people, I needed them to know that I was, and will always be, just a man. Not a God or some figurehead, but a man trying to use extraordinary gifts to help his fellow man. And I had a feeling that I would need to remember that myself. A public identity would keep me human; it would keep me from ever believing I was anything more. How Vanessa knew me before she died...that's how I want to be remembered." - Captain Collider

Using Unlimited Dynamics' test grounds to train and explore the potential of his powers, Mal developed his already known powers of super strength, durability, speed and sense while picking up others such as his various energy and radiation blasts and particle vision along the way. At the same time, QUARK worked on developing a more streamlined, mobile stabilisation suit and Olivier began to figure out how to 'sell' the would-be superhero. After months of preparation, all three parties came together with their progress and, together, they gave birth to a new breed of superhero.

"My mother told me the future adapts and changes, it's never set in stone. She said that that was the truly wonderful thing about the future: that no matter what happens, we can always shape and reshape it. Because even the darkest path just needs a little light shone on it. And my father...my father told me, as simply as always, that if I have the potential to do anything in this world, it was my obligation to do good. It was then that I knew my life hadn't ended with Vanessa's. That I owed it to her, to myself -- to the whole world, even -- to keep on living. To keep on doing good." - Captain Collider

In the next few weeks, the annual Arcadia City Science Expo was staged at the Wonderdome. It was here that Mal would make his debut after much preparation. As Unlimited Dynamics took the stage, so too did their new star player. In a star-studded introduction heralded by music and fireworks, Mal Parton revealed to the entire world that he was not only alive and well, but better than ever. Swooping in from on high with a flowing cape and glowing eyes, Mal premiered as the unstoppable Man of the Millennium: Captain Collider.

"Personally, I do like the name. Dr. Collider sounds kind of self-gratifying, when you think about it. Also, a little evil." - Captain Collider

In the coming months, Captain Collider went on to prove himself a hero worthy of his grandiose introduction. Flying high over Arcadia City, he devoted himself body and mind not only to fighting the various super criminals plaguing his home, but also to everyday criminals such as muggers, burglars and crime bosses. In addition, Captain Collider also contributed his powers and skill set to helping to further scientific inquiry both as his heroic alter-ego and as Mal Parton, promoting ideals of progress forward thinking, not violence. He has created a dome on the uppermost level of Unlmited Dynamics' HQ which serves as his base of operations and regularly allows civilians to approach him there with individual problems when not out on patrol or on some parallel world.

"If you have the potential to do anything, you have the obligation to do good. Thanks, dad." - Captain Collider

Now thirty-six years old, Mal Parton has been Captain Collider for just over five years. In that time, he has encountered and thwarted a number of supervillains, cosmic entities, interdimensional conquerors and even time travellers to tirelessly push the boundaries of science and heroism as best he can. He has built a reputation for himself in Arcadia City to the point where an entire section of the Wonderdome has been dedicated to the science behind his powers. Still, as the mystery behind the true origin of Power Particle begins to become clearer, the future impact of their discovery and Captain Collider's ultimate effect on all humanity become increasingly more dubious. Can one man, regardless of power, completely change the future? And if so, what can he do to make that future one worth fighting for?

"When I look at the symbol on my chest, I see potential. Unlimited potential. I see the power to create or destroy. I see all the efforts of the world's greatest minds expanding outwards to a universe of infinite discovery and ceaseless wonders. Anything and everything all at once. To some, this symbol is the essence of the future. It's a philosophy. And I, for all my ignorance, am one of a multitude of philosophers. I am Captain Collider." - Captain Collider


"It all started, as always, with good intentions..." - Captain Collider

The Men of the Millennium

"Any scientist worth his salt hopes that his work might one day influence humanity in a positive way. Unfortunately, discovery is oftentimes a double-edged sword..." - Captain Collider

When a group of human and alien individuals donning uniforms resembling Captain Collider's costume materialised in the middle of the Eli Arcadia Memorial Park, Captain Collider quickly responded to the situation, approaching the mysterious strangers with caution. Led by a human man who referred to himself as the 'Alpha Collider', the group identified themselves as the Collider Consortium -- an intergalactic law enforcement organisation modelled after Captain Collider himself. From a future where an all-powerful Captain Collider decided to spontaneously retreat from the universe, the Collider Consortium used suits infused with sophisticated Power Particles to mimic his abilities, allowing them to fill the void of his absence. After assuring Captain Collider that they were there to help Arcadia City, Alpha Collider informed him that they had travelled back in time to apprehend a time-travelling fugitive who had taken up residence in the past and threatened the future of the Collider Consortium -- Captain Collider's arch-nemesis, Blacksmith. Still somewhat skeptical of the strange group's somewhat religious reverence for him, Captain Collider agreed to help them capture Blacksmith and take him back to the future.

"I probably should have known better, but I guess a part of me wanted to believe that the Collider Consortium were my legacy, protecting the universe from harm." - Captain Collider

With the Collider Consortium protecting the city, Captain Collider and Alpha Collider went on a manhunt for the fugitive Blacksmith. During this manhunt, however, Alpha Collider's increasingly unstable and authoritarian sentiment began to arouse Captain Collider's suspicions. These suspicions were confirmed when, upon fighting and defeating Blacksmith, Alpha Collider attempted to murder the man in cold blood. Quickly intervening, Captain Collider demanded to know what Alpha Collider's true intentions were. Duty bound to answer, Alpha Collider informed the hero that the Collider Consortium was more akin to a cult than an organisation, worshipping Captain Collider's power and using their share of it to oppress the universe. Repulsed, Captain Collider demanded that they leave his time period, but was quickly interrupted by an alert from QUARK informing him that the rest of the Collider Consortium had begun tearing the city apart in search of something. It was then that Alpha Collider incapacitated Captain Collider by catching him off guard, revealing the true reason the Collider Consortium had travelled to his time: to procure the Parton Collider and use it to increase the power of their suits.

"They were there to use my greatest invention to help them conquer the universe. I had never even considered the Parton Collider as a force for anything but good, but, in some unknown future, a group of lunatics had found a way to turn it into a weapon..." - Captain Collider

Refusing to let them do so, Captain Collider struck a truce with a reluctant Blacksmith to stop the Collider Consortium from getting their hands on the Power Collider. Together, the two enemies fought back the Collider Consortium and its leader, using the Parton Portal to trap them in Point Z. Though Blacksmith used the chaos of the situation to slink away, Captain Collider managed to procure one of the power suits used by the Collider Consortium. Beginning to have doubts about the influence of the Power Particle and the Power Collider for the first time, he began to study the suit and time travel, hoping to prevent a future where the Collider Consortium would ever come to be. But one question remained at the very forefront of his mind: who was Blacksmith, and where did he really come from?

"I was left with an abundance of questions and no good answers. The only thing I could do was swear to myself that I would never let the Collider Consortium exist. That I would die before I allowed them to take the universe in my name. And I stand by that promise." - Captain Collider

A Matter of Time

"They say you should never meet your heroes. I believe that should be doubly so if your hero is a man who has simultaneously been dead for centuries and will be born a thousand years from now." - Captain Collider

Through his adventures, Captain Collider eventually discovered the true nature of the Power Particle after an encounter with the villain known as Minuteman, in which he chased him to the year 3015 and met the time-travelling founder of Arcadia City, Eli Arcadia. While the two worked together to stop Minuteman as he rampaged through time, Arcadia explained that the Power Particles in Captain Collider's atomic structure actually served as a gateway to the metaphysical plane which governs the multiverse's physical laws -- the Metaverse. This meant that Captain Collider was, much to his surprise, a conduit for a greater cosmic force, granting him the power to use his particles to alter and manipulate the laws of physics as they act on him. When both men ended up trapped at the end of time thanks to the Minuteman, Arcadia helped Captain Collider change his perception of his powers and, as a result allowed him develop the power of chronokinesis. With this chronokinesis, the two men travelled back in time to stop Minuteman from killing Arcadia in the year 1700, trapping the villain between time and space. Afterwards, the heroes parted ways and returned to their respective time periods with Captain Collider resolved to further investigate the true nature of his powers...

"If's I'm going to fully understand what the Power Particle means to me -- no, to the multiverse at large -- I'm going to have to forget everything I thought I knew about physics and start all over again. Easier said than done..." - Captain Collider

The Battle of Arcadia

"Some secrets are better left untold." - Captain Collider

Eventually, after years of concocting schemes to destroy Captain Collider and using Power Particles to create enemies for him to fight, Blacksmith's secret identity as Maxwell Steel, the president of Steel Industries, was found out by his long-time nemesis. Backed into a corner, Steel revealed himself to the world via global broadcast as Max'ur Steel -- a time traveller from 200 years into the future. Having originated from an era where the hero had attained godhood through the mastery of his powers and used that godhood to rule over all life with an iron fist, Steel led a resistance against his tyranny and eventually used the Parton Collider to travel as far back in time as he could -- ten years before the accident that would turn Mal Parton into Captain Collider -- in order to stop him from ever unlocking the secret of the Power Particle. With only his knowledge of future technology and a few stolen canisters of stabilised Power Particles, Steel founded Steel Industries and became a billionaire, building the resources he would need to complete his mission.

"All those years spent in deep thought, pondering that man's identity, questioning his true motives -- analysing him from every conceivable angle -- and I still never saw the truth coming." - Captain Collider

His first attempt to discourage Mal Parton from creating the Parton Collider involved employing his wife, Vanessa Morello, at Steel Industries and exposing her to unique radiation which made her terminally ill. Much to Steel's dismay, however, this only prompted Mal to speed up his work on the Parton Collider, creating it ahead of schedule. With few options present to him, Steel sabotaged the first activation of the Parton Collider with a Metaversial Jammer of a future Captain Collider's own design. Unfortunately, it was this Metaversial Jammer's presence that acted as the unknown variable in activating the connection between the Metaverse and the Parton Collider, giving birth to the Power Particle and reconstructing Mal Parton into Captain Collider. For a while, Steel believed his plan had worked, having seen the Parton Collider deconstruct Mal. When he resurfaced with superpowers and went public as Captain, however, the villain had no other choice but to kill him before he became too powerful. Inventing the identity of Blacksmith, Steel used his stabilised Power Particles to create a number of Captain Collider's most formidable foes -- The Amorphous Man, Lady Winter, Obelisk, Powerline and ADAM to name a few. He also outfitted local gangs and super criminals with technology specifically made to counter the hero. Much to his frustration, however, Captain Collider always managed to overcome the obstacles placed before him, even becoming stronger with each new challenge. For the five years, Blacksmith conspired to eliminate Captain Collider and, for five years, Captain Collider sought to uncover the villain's true identity. When he eventually did so, however, Blacksmith had prepared one final contingency plan to dispatch his foe once and for all.

"This was a man who had broken free of the bonds of time and space to kill me. To undo everything I have ever done and ever will do. My very existence was an affront to him and, as I looked into his eyes on that screen, I finally understood the unfathomable depths of his hatred for me." - Captain Collider

After revealing his true identity and purpose before a world which had begun to doubt Captain Collider as a result, Blacksmith put this plan into action by activating a legion of A.D.A.M drones with one singular purpose: to destroy Captain Collider and level his city. These A.D.A.M drones blitzed Arcadia with its vast numbers, targeting Captain Collider's loved ones and destroying the Wonderdome to draw him out. To protect his city, Captain Collider met the A.D.A.M drones in battle. Despite his strength and perseverance, the hero was overpowered by the army of A.D.A.Ms and was seemingly killed in the centre of Innovation Plaza. At the very last second, however, he had been rescued by one of Skeleton Key's portals, which transported him to the hideout of the Renaissance Men.

"The Renaissance Men have always been different from the rest of my enemies. There's nothing personal between them and I. There's no hatred for the city, or this planet, or life in a general sense. They're professionals. Businessmen, really. They see the line between good and evil, and they only choose to cross it in the name of prosperity." - Captain Collider

Asserting that the destruction of the city would be bad for business, the super criminals volunteered to truce with their enemy to protect Arcadia. While the Renaissance Men called in additional help from Vito 'Cash' Cardellini, The Fissioneer, The Wild Ones, Blockhead and Powerline, Captain Collider activated the 'QUARK Defense Protocol', giving QUARK and Olivier Martin full control over a force of robotic drones to help protect the civilians and combat the A.D.A.M drones. Together, the fire-forged team, the police and the army united against their common enemy, destroying the A.D.A.M drones after a lengthy battle and saving Arcadia City.

"Despite all our differences, we are all human and all humans, at their core, understand the value of fighting for what's theirs. None of us were about to let Arcadia City fall and, because of that shared instinct, we trusted one another to ensure it didn't happen." - Captain Collider

Or so it seemed. Whilst the team of heroes and rogues had been protecting Arcadia City from the wave of A.D.A.Ms, Blacksmith had taken over Stonewall Penitentiary off the coast of Goldbrook to initiate the next step of his plan. Freeing some of the penitentiary's most dangerous prisoners, he offered each one a billion dollar reward for the head of Captain Collider and used a teleportation device to transport them directly to mainland Arcadia. With the likes of Obelisk, Lady Winter, the Amorphous Man, Doctor Creepy and the 3D Bandit now free, a second battle ensued between the combined forces of those protecting Arcadia City and the escaped convicts of Stonewall. During this fight, Captain Collider took the opportunity to pursue Blacksmith, chasing him to his safehouse and confronting him.

"We didn't really have to say anything. Somehow, we both knew that only one of us was walking away from this battle, and I wasn't about to let it be him." - Captain Collider

There, Blacksmith revealed his true role in Captain Collider's life, detailing how he indirectly caused the hero to be born, perverted the Power Particle to create most of the city's most dangerous threats and used his technology to kill Vanessa Morello. Furious, Captain Collider attacked Blacksmith, only to discover that he had used an experimental batch of short-term, high-yield Power Particles to temporarily establish himself as a Metaverse Conduit. With his new power, Blacksmith overwhelmed Captain Collider and took their battle to the streets of Arcadia in a devastating city-spanning brawl. As all hope seemed lost, however, Captain Collider used his own connection to the Metaverse to transfer his power to Blacksmith, overloading him with energy and causing him to 'burnout', losing all his power and collapsing.

"I had spent five years studying the Metaverse and learning to master it while he was out destroying lives and causing pain. I wasn't going to let him beat me at my own game." - Captain Collider

Weakened to near death by the whole experience, Captain Collider took a moment to relax as the battle for Arcadia City came to an end. As he lay there, however, Captain Chemo arrived from the battle and entertained the notion of simply killing Captain Collider before he was vulnerable. Ultimately, though, the villain reluctantly opted to help the hero to his feet and decided that their truce was still in effect.

"People can always surprise you. Always." - Captain Collider

Over the next few weeks, Captain Collider, the Renaissance Men, the gangs of Arcadia City and those rogues who had opted to help defend their home all banded together with volunteers and relief teams to rebuild the city in a record period of time, even managing to reconstruct and improve the Wonderdome. Though some of Stonewall's convicts had successfully escaped in the chaos of the Battle of Arcadia, the majority of them had been defeated by the combined efforts of its protectors and returned to their cells. For her part in the protection of Arcadia City and its subsequent reconstruction, Mayor Elizabeth Rhodes was elected for another term by a landslide vote. Unlimited Dynamics bought out Steel Industries and provided new jobs to all its employees, notably promoting Melinda Parton to a high-level position as CFO of the new amalgamated Unlimited Enterprises. The QUARK Defense Protocol was developed further, acting as a contingency measure in the event of another city-wide event. Those villains who helped defend Arcadia City were given full pardons for their efforts and Blockhead became a new provisional member of the Renaissance Men (much to the Fissioneer's chagrin). Finally, the man behind Arcadia's darkest day, Max'ur Steel, was placed in a specially-made maximum security cell at Stonewall.

"Those first few weeks after the Battle of Arcadia City showed me in the most spectacular ways the full potential of human beings. Strangers bled and sweat for the sake of people they would most likely never meet again. Criminals and scoundrels banded together to give, not to take. There was an unspoken unity between men and women as they poured themselves body and mind into rebuilding Arcadia City. And when they looked to the skies and saw their hero soaring over them, I looked down and saw heroism personified." - Captain Collider

With his power returned to him, Captain Collider visited his imprisoned arch-nemesis and asked him for the truth behind his future. With nothing else to lose, Steel forewarned the hero that his vast power would one day grow to corrupt him, causing him to destroy everything he loves in the pursuit of godhood. This would usher in an age of darkness, in which all universes are controlled by a single man: the fallen hero once known as Captain Collider. Despite his concern over Steel's words, Captain Collider assured him that he would do everything in his power to ensure that future never came to pass. Skeptical, Steel simply dismissed him, urging the hero to leave him to his failure. With mixed emotions, Captain Collider left to continue his watch over the reconstructed Arcadia City and its people, thoughts of a potentially cataclysmic future still lingering in the corners of his mind. Though most of Arcadia City's populace still saw Captain Collider as a paragon of virtue, there would always be the doubt that Steel's broadcast sowed in the people and their protector. Would Captain Collider always be there to protect them? Or would absolute power one day corrupt him as absolutely as he always feared?

"The future is a labyrinth of chance and consequence. Every decision we make and every action we take draws us closer step by unpredictable step into its maze. When we enter, we don't know when we'll reemerge. And when we reemerge, we have to ask ourselves if we were right to enter. I don't know which route my future actions will take me down, but I know that I'll do all I can to ensure that I emerge into a brighter tomorrow for my being in it, not a darker one." - Captain Collider


"If you could see the universe through my eyes and manipulate it as I do, you'd be a little cautious too." - Captain Collider

Metaverse Conduit

"The Multiverse is like an atom. Each and every world is drawn together by a single nucleus that governs them all under the same fundamental principles. That nucleus is the Metaverse and, with the Power Particles that flow through me, I am its conduit. Ungoverned by the restrictions of physical laws, my Power Particles allow me to do extraordinary things to protect the Multiverse from all who would threaten it." - Captain Collider

Though he initially believed them to be particles capable of granting powers to suit any situation, Captain Collider has recently discovered that Power Particles are, in fact, sub-atomic particles from another universe made manifest in our own. These particles serve as a link to the Metaverse -- an abstracted metaphysical dimension which governs the laws of physics across the entire Multiverse. Due to his accident, Captain Collider now exists as a conduit between our physical world and the Metaverse, granting him the power to manipulate physics in order to influence his own abilities and the world around him in extraordinary ways. As a result, Captain Collider has become a metahuman of extraordinary power and might with a potential restrained only by his comparatively narrow perception of the true nature of the universe and his humanity. In addition to this, Captain Collider's devout belief in pacifism often stops him from using his abilities excessively or in overtly destructive ways, further limiting the development of what might otherwise be godlike power. Still, as time marches on, Captain Collider's understanding of his powers and their upper limits becomes increasingly more intricate and his view of existence as a whole threatens to change with it.

Currently, Captain Collider's existence as a Metaverse Conduit grants him the following superhuman powers:


  • Superhuman Strength
  • Invulnerability

The Power Particles surging through Captain Collider's structure generate an imperceptible bio-electric field around his body. This bio-electric field can be shared through contact, allowing the hero to exert tremendous strength and force by touch. It also acts as a dermal barrier which makes him extremely resistant to harm. The strength bio-electric field can be manually increased and decreased to suit Captain Collider's needs, allowing him some control over his power level. Though the exact upper limits of the field have yet to be seen, he has shown himself to be capable of lifting an excess of 500 tons and is nigh-invulnerable to the point where most physical attacks are incapable of even damaging his skin, let alone the flesh beneath. This coupled with his unique energy absorbing abilities makes him a powerhouse among his fellow heroes.

  • Flight
  • Superhuman Speed

By accelerating his Power Particles at high speeds, Captain Collider is capable of propelling himself in any given direction. As a result, he can run at extreme speeds and achieve self-propelled flight. Though he has shown himself to be capable of moving his particles at the speed of light, he lacks the reflexes most high-level speedsters possess and, therefore, typically settles for supersonic speed in populated areas. He normally uses his powers to absorb the kinetic energy he releases when breaking the sound barrier in order to negate its damaging effects.

  • EM Vision
  • Telescopic Vision
  • Microscopic Vision

By manipulating the Power Particles in his eyes and ears, Captain Collider is capable of enhancing or otherwise influencing his vision through application of 'filters' across the electromagnetic spectrum. This 'EM Vision', as he calls it, grants him X-Ray Vision, Infrared Vision, Night Vision, Ultraviolet Vision and the ability to perceive microwaves and radio waves. In addition to this, he can also convert the Power Particles in his eyes to take on the properties of electrons and positrons, which enables him to see at great distances and concentrate his sight on otherwise imperceptible objects in a manner similar to that of a powerful telescope or microscope.

  • Accelerated Healing
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Self-Sustenance
  • Decelerated Aging

As a result of the radiation from the Power Particles making up most of his atomic structure, Captain Collider's natural human traits have also been boosted to superhuman levels. His body's natural healing abilities have been increased tenfold, allowing him to recover from any injuries he does receive significantly faster than the average man. His senses of sight, smell, hearing and taste have also been influenced, allowing him to hear at extreme variances of frequency, pitch and distance; register smells across great distances; perceive sights with added clarity and taste subtle flavours such as specific poisons or drugs. His reflexes have increased, though not to the standards of a speedster. He can additionally remain active for extensive periods of time without oxygen, food, water or rest and has shown evidence of significantly decelerated aging.


  • Energy Generation
  • Radiation Generation
  • Collider Vision
  • Radioactive Vision

By charging his Power Particles with various kinds of energy drawn from the Metaverse, Captain Collider is able to turn his body into a living battery and project any number of distinct energies from it. For the purposes of concentrating this projection in a controlled way, he usually expels it from his eyes or hands, the former of which typically manifests itself as concentrated (and sometimes imperceptible) beams of hyper accelerated energy -- 'Collider Vision'. Though the nature of the energy Captain Collider projects is usually either concussive or atomic, he can alter exactly what he projects whenever the situation calls for it. He can also similarly generate radiation, often expelling from his eyes or producing 'auras' around various parts of his body.

  • Energy Absorption
  • Radiation Absorption

In addition to generating his own energy to charge Power Particles with, Captain Collider can also siphon off energy and radiation from other sources, absorbing and storing it within his Power Particles to temporarily increase their strength and efficacy. Though, like any battery, he has his bursting point, Captain Collider has shown that he is capable of absorbing almost any kind of energy or radiation in massive amounts rivaling -- or, sometimes, exceeding -- even the greatest power sources in the known universe.


  • Matter Manipulation

By channeling the Metaverse's dominion over the laws of physics through his Power Particles, Captain Collider is able to manipulate matter on a sub-atomic level, altering the physical or elemental properties of any given structure to an almost limitless degree. Among other things, he has shown himself capable of shifting the matter state of different substances, atomically deconstructing and reconstructing substances, transmuting one form of matter into another, creating new elements and even completely dissociating subatomic bonds to disintegrate the subject of his manipulation. Despite the vast potential of this power, Captain Collider is seemingly incapable of manipulating the matter of living organisms.

  • Chronokinesis

Captain Collider discovered his chronokinesis when he was forced by Eli Arcadia to go backwards in time to stop a newly empowered Minuteman. Since then, Captain Collider has developed some control over the ability. With his chronokinesis, he can travel backwards and forwards in time by hyper-accelerating his Power Particles, divorcing his physical structure from the flow of time to 'insert' himself elsewhere. As a side-effect, he is also capable of subconsciously perceiving time, allowing him to detect those who come from alternate timelines and periods and sense temporal complications. He has also shown a resistance to temporal alteration, retaining his memories of pre-altered timelines in all but the most extreme cases. Due to the dangers of manipulating time, however, Captain Collider almost never resorts to using his chronokinesis.

  • Wormhole Creation

Recently, Captain Collider combined his matter manipulating powers with his time manipulating powers to gain the new ability to tear distinct wormholes in the space-time continuum. These wormholes -- or 'Metaversal Gateways' -- allow the hero to ride the cosmic leylines of the Metaverse to travel at faster-than-light speeds through space, 'jumping' from point A to point B by temporarily connecting two locations. Captain Collider is hesitant to open these 'gateways' outside of the vacuum of space, however, for risk of causing catastrophic damage to his surroundings. They are primarily used to expedite his cosmic and interdimensional adventures.


"My suit is all the equipment I need in a fight. Besides, I don't have any pockets." - Captain Collider

Collider Stabilisation Suit

"My suit is what helps hold me together in more ways than one. It reminds me even in the most trying of times that I'm still a man." - Captain Collider

When Captain Collider's powers first began to manifest themselves, the difficulty he had controlling them gave him cause for concern. Theorising that, if he ever completely lost control, he could wind up combusting into a large black hole, Captain Collider constructed the Collider Stabilisation Suit. Made out of a patented energy and radiation channeling nanoweave material called Omniflex, the Collider Stabilisation Suit is capable of both containing Captain Collider's fluctuating power levels and offering resistance to all manner of radiation and other destructive elements, making its exceedingly difficult to damage.

In addition to the Omniflex, the stabilisation suit is outfitted with a number of focusing devices which allow the hero to better control and concentrate certain aspects of his abilities. Crafted out of a kendrium alloy designed to make them both durable and adept at funneling otherwise unstable energies, the stabilisation suit's bracers and boots allow for easier flight and more focused energy projection while also acting as power limiters. The belt -- crafted from the same material -- acts as the essential element in monitoring Captain Collider's molecular structure, keeping him structurally sound under strain. Finally, the headpiece acts as a modulator for the neurological link between Captain Collider's powers and his mind, giving him fine control over them.

The cape is made out of the experimental hyper-durable polymer known as Nullymer, created by Mal Parton himself. Through the use of a unique and subtle vibrational frequency constantly resonating through it, Nullymer is able to 'negate' most harmful substances and elements to a significant degree, making it ideal for defending its wearer from harm. By using his Nullymer cape, Captain Collider can protect himself and others from destructive elements.

When not operating as a superhero, Captain Collider usually uses his connection to the Metaverse to atomise his costume and store its particles in the space between reality and metareality. From there, he can call upon it at will by infusing his hands with ionic energy and slamming his fists together, condensing the particles of his costume over him and atomising his civilian clothes (or vice versa). This process happens within the blink of an eye and, to anyone watching, it would appear as if Mal Parton is exploding in a flash of blinding blue light, which would then clear to reveal Captain Collider in his place.

Parton Collider

"The Parton Collider. Both my greatest creation and my most devastating failure. Only time will tell if it will spell disaster or salvation for the world but, no matter what happens, it will always be my greatest responsibility." - Captain Collider

Created for the purpose of discovering the Power Particle through the collision of other accelerated particles, the Parton Collider was expected to change the very foundations of human existence for the better by allowing for superpowers to be reliably bestowed upon any given subject with an almost imperceptible margin of error. After Mal Parton activated the Parton Collider for the first time, however, a spontaneous act of self-sacrifice combined with an unknown variable to cause an unexpected turn of events. In a freak accident, Mal was bombarded by its accelerated particle beams. Torn apart and reconstructed on a subatomic level, he became infused with stable Power Particles and gained extraordinary powers. With these powers he became Captain Collider, the Man of the Millennium and a shining example of mankind's unlimited potential.

Though he tried to replicate the extraneous, unforeseen variable that led to the successful creation of Power Particles many times following his accident, Mal has yet to succeed in doing so and limits himself out of a fear that his experiments may do more harm than good. Nevertheless, the Parton Collider remains situated in the very centre of Captain Collider's Tower of Power and plays a vital role both in the present and, as Captain Collider is beginning to discover, in the future. As denizens from other worlds, realities and timelines make appearances in our own, all somehow linked to the discovery of the Power Particle, the question of whether the Parton Collider ushers in mankind's ascension or damnation begins to weigh more heavily on Captain Collider's mind and the events unfolding around him.

Parton Portal

"The Parton Portal is a necessary evil; one I don't relish taking advantage of. Still, it's the best chance I have at protecting the Multiverse from harm, and I would do anything in my power to accomplish that." - Captain Collider

An interdimensional portal generator created by Mal Parton for the purpose of branching out to other dimensions in search of perfected Power Particles, the Parton Portal was an unmitigated disaster as, on its very first run, it opened a gateway to a dimension of endless war and destruction known only as Point Z. From Point Z, the Antimatron arrived in our world and may have destroyed a large part of it if not for Captain Collider righting his wrongs. Though he vowed never to utilise the Parton Portal again, Captain Collider was forced to use it to trap a rampaging Doctor Collider where he could do no harm, sequestered in a universe already ravaged by ceaseless chaos. Although Captain Collider abhors his creation, he cannot bring himself to destroy it once and for all if only because of its utility in disposing of threats with power far exceeding his own.


"I'm very good at integral and differential calculus; I know the scientific names of beings animalculous~" - Captain Collider

Super-Genius Level Intellect: Endowed with an IQ of 274, Captain Collider possesses a super-genius level of intelligence and a brilliant scientific mind. With intellect, Collider has ready access to an eidetic memory, a high capacity for academic progression and the uncanny ability to think faster and on a higher level of reasoning than most people, all of which make him well-suited to the mental toll of regularly and accurately using his powers. Truly, his mind is his most valuable asset.

Brilliant Physicist: With multiple PhDs in particle physics, mechanical engineering, robotics, quantum mechanics and metahuman science, as well as bits of knowledge from other branches of physics picked up throughout his career, Captain Collider's highly-trained scientific mind is the result of a natural affinity for scientific pursuits. His vast knowledge of physics is also regularly applied to his crimefighting and the use of his powers.

Expert Chemist and Biologist: Though not as adept in either of these subjects as he is in physics, Captain Collider's knowledge of chemistry and biology is nothing to be sniffed at and he's usually able to put it to good use. Of particular note is his moderate level of study in biochemistry, genetics and xenobiology.

Multilingualism: Having used a mixture of his super speed and his eidetic memory to greatly expedite the learning process, Captain Collider has become fluent in a vast number of Earth's many languages. It would be far easier to list the number he has yet to gain some understanding of than it would be to list all the ones he can speak. He knows no alien languages yet, though he has taught himself sign language and knows how to read lips.

Competent Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Though he has never had any formal training, years of experience and a naturally tactical mind have allowed Captain Collider to develop a basic level of skill in hand-to-hand combat. Though any real fighter could easily outmatch him in a battle of technique, his rudimentary skills as a brawler combine with his immense strength and durability to make him more effective in combat situations.


"I may not always look it, but I'm one of the good guys. I'm just a little more...bioluminescent." - Captain Collider
"It shouldn't take unlimited power to do the right thing, and it doesn't take a genius to know what that is."

Personable, sincere and generally upbeat, Captain Collider is a genuinely nice person inside and out. A generous, gentle soul, he only wants happiness for as many people as possible and truly wants to see the good in everybody. In his mind, altruism is the human condition and the only reasonable way to ensure mankind's progression as a species. As such, he always goes out of his way to make sure everyone is treated fairly and with a modicum of human decency, even the ones who may not deserve it.

This all-loving personality is reflected in his pacifistic philosophy, which he always strives to maintain. To Captain Collider, violence in any case where violence is not strictly needed is the result of a failure by people to act as civilised creatures. That isn't to say he completely avoids violence, however; levelheaded and reasonable, he understands the necessity of it and readily takes up arms when he needs to, especially when he perceives others as being irresponsible with their power. Responsibility and duty are very important to Captain Collider. He believes it is his responsibility as a person to use his powers and intellect for good and frowns upon anyone who doesn't. With responsibility close at heart, he exercises extreme caution to make sure he never crosses any boundaries -- perhaps to a noticeable fault, as he can be rather hesitant to show force.

A man of science, Captain Collider has a boundless curiosity when it comes to the subject and approaches any opportunity to expand his intellectual horizons with an overzealousness that contrasts with his usual sobriety. He has an almost unquenchable thirst for understanding how all things work, from physical laws to supervillains. In addition, he usually confronts obstacles with the lateral mind of a scientist, preferring to take the thinking man's path to victory. As such, he holds knowledge and information in great esteem and can hardly stop himself at expressing awe or excitement at some of the many marvels he stumbles upon during his adventures, becoming distracted by feats of scientific genius to the point where he even actively engages the enemy in spirited conversation about their death rays and giant robots while thwarting them.

Though it's easy to get lost in Captain Collider's larger than life presence and power, the hero readily indulges in his humanity. He still conducts himself with the mannerisms of a man more accustomed to burying his head in a book than saving lives: his speech can sometimes be stiff and overly formal and he seems to take most people at face value, often responding sincerely to facetious remarks. Captain Collider is also prone to rattling off information, going off on lengthy tangents or recounting pithy quotes. Despite his genius, though, he has a surprising tendency to be somewhat absent-minded about more mundane things such as names and social plans. His pacifism, though admirable, can occasionally border on naivete, especially when dealing with more morally grey scenarios. He is strongly devoted to his own personal beliefs and can become indignant when they're infringed upon -- especially when the science he loves so dearly is taken advantage of. Indeed, the burden of his powers and the constant challenges to his optimistic worldviews constantly weigh on him. Likewise, the burden of responsibility and excellence he places on himself often leads him to be very self-depreciating and overly-committed to his work. to take on more duties than are necessary. He is also an outspoken liberal who believes laws should serve the people and harbours an open distrust of government and military organisations.

On a more personal note, Captain Collider loves people. He regularly tours the world on his college lecture circuits and frequently devotes time to attending public events or just helping many of the civilians he has met during his superheroics with various tasks. He has a fairly good sense of humour and rarely takes offense to the odd joke on his behalf -- though his own attempts at humour are often rather awkward and groan-inducing. Open-minded to the extreme, he's always willing to try new things. Despite his friendliness, Captain Collider is still very much an introvert and likes to spend time alone with his thoughts every so often. In romance, he has a tendency to be noticeably shy and awkward. If he develops romantic feelings for a woman he rarely, if ever, makes the first move and usually keeps his affections to himself. It should be noted by any woman in his life, however, that they may have issues competing with his love of science and commitment to superheroics.

Captain Collider's Myers-Briggs personality type is INFJ.

Friends & Allies

"Love all, trust a few and do wrong to none. Not unless they do it first, at least." - Captain Collider


Chief Timothy Bowman: The youngest police chief in Arcadia City's history at the ripe age of twenty-four, Timothy Bowman is the latest in a long line of esteemed police officials in his family's history and is eager to continue his family's legacy. Though he can be cold and stringent to compensate for his relative youth and childlike looks, he has remained a trustworthy and invaluable ally to Captain Collider.

Olivier Martin: The president and CEO of Unlimited Dynamics, Olivier is Captain Collider's boss and his best friend. Born into money and having inherited his post from his father, he has a tendency to be somewhat spoiled and ignorant of other people but is an inherently good person beneath it all and a savvy businessman.

Vanessa Morello: Captain Collider's deceased wife and and a chemist of some renown. She died of a mysterious and terminal illness while Mal Parton was pursuing the Power Particle as a means of curing her. It was later revealed, however, that her terminal illness was deliberately caused by Blacksmith in a vain attempt to stop Mal Parton from discovering the Power Particle.

Gerald and Regina Parton: Captain Collider's parents, the Partons are loving and nurturing towards their son and are fully aware of his new superhero lifestyle. Though they worry about him, they trust him to use his intelligence and morality to make the world a better place for his being in it. Mr. Parton acts as an intellectual and philosophical mentor to their son while Mrs. Parton offers more moralistic advice.

Melinda Parton: A successful executive for Unlimited Dynamics' competitor, Steel Industries, Captain Collider's sister is ambitious and ruthless in business but very much cares for her older brother, despite their conflicting ideologies. Captain Collider worries that she may end up getting involved in the company's more shady dealings.

QUARK: A diminutive robotic assistant invented by Captain Collider to help expedite some of his workload, QUARK mostly carries out more menial tasks during the scientist's research and occasionally monitors his altered physiology. He's also a rather good listener and has a tendency to help his creator with problems when no one else is around.

Mayor Elizabeth Rhodes: The newly elected mayor of Arcadia City, Elizabeth Rhodes has become a fast acquaintance of Captain Collider through his attendance at various events and countless occasions in which he saved her life. A courageous, determined woman who deeply cares about her city, she has time and again earned Captain Collider's respect. She has also developed something of a crush on him, admiring his kindness, intellect and bravery in the face of hardship. Her romantic feelings aren't necessarily unrequited, either...

Terrors of Tomorrow

"They are some of the most brilliantly devious men and women the world has ever known. They represent the vast potential of science and the dangers of its exploitation. And, over the years, they've taught me never to underestimate the extent to which mind can dominate matter. They are the Terrors of Tomorrow." - Captain Collider

(Archived and maintained by QUARK using Captain Collider's personal files)

Threat Level Key:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 1: Trivial. Subjects pose no or mathematically little threat to Captain Collider, Arcadia City or its citizens. Priority Zeta. Minimum Standard Containment.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 2: Minor. Subjects pose a minor threat to Arcadia City and its citizens, but not to Captain Collider. Priority Zeta. Standard Containment.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 3: Low. Subjects pose a threat to Arcadia City and its citizens. May also pose a minor threat to Captain Collider under certain conditions. Priority Epsilon. Above Standard Containment.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 4: Moderate. Subjects pose a notable threat to Arcadia City and its citizens. Also pose a minor threat to Captain Collider. Priority Delta. Maximum Standard Containment.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 5: High. Subjects pose a significant threat to Arcadia City and its citizens. Also pose a threat to Captain Collider. Priority Gamma. Additional Containment Measures Advised.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 6: National. Subjects pose a critical threat to Arcadia City and the rest of the country. Also pose a notable threat to Captain Collider. Priority Gamma. Additional Containment Measures Advised.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 7: International. Subjects pose a critical threat to the country and several others. Also pose a significant threat to Captain Collider. Priority Beta. Additional Containment Measures Necessary.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 8: Global. Subjects pose an extreme threat to the entire planet. Also pose a critical threat to Captain Collider. Priority Alpha. Special Containment Measures Necessary.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 9: Cosmic. Subjects pose an extinction level threat to the universe/multiverse at large. Also pose an extreme threat to Captain Collider. Priority Omega. Parton Portal Containment Advised.


FILE 001



Real Name: Maxwell Steel/Max'ur Steel
Powers/Abilities: Super-Genius Level Intellect, Future Tech
Occupation: President of Steel Industries (Power Company)
Origin: Natural(?)
Motivation: Ideals/Emotional/Purpose
Inspired By: Lex Luthor (DC), Bishop (Marvel)
The president of Steel Industries by day, Maxwell Steel had a habit of becoming the masked criminal known as Blacksmith by night. Using a batch of stabilised Power Particles to create formidable allies, Blacksmith was bent on destroying Captain Collider for years and constantly eluded capture. Eventually, he revealed his true identity as Max'ur Steel, a denizen from a future where the hero had attained godhood and taken over the Multiverse. After dosing himself with short-term, high-yield Power Particles in a final attempt to complete his mission of killing Captain Collider before he achieved omnipotence, Blacksmith was defeated in a devastating city-spanning battle with his nemesis. He currently resides in a maximum security prison, warning the troubled hero of the age of darkness his power will inevitably usher in.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 002



Real Name: Dr. Joshua Streek
Powers/Abilities: Electricity Manipulation, Electricity Mimicry, Electromagnetism Manipulation
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Fame/Power/Money/Emotional
Inspired By: Electro (Marvel), Livewire (DC), Dr. Polaris (DC)
Dr. Joshua Streek was once Dr. Malcolm Parton's most outspoken advocate, despite working at Steel Industries. When Mal became Captain Collider, Streek made a failed attempt at replicating his accident, flinging himself into a cannister of Power Particles left there by Maxwell Steel and giving him an almost cosmic level of control over electricity. Though he attempted to be the hero Powerline, his lack of responsibility quickly endangered lives. When confronted by Captain Collider, Streek lashed out in anger and the hero was forced to subdue him. Though Powerline still actively seeks revenge on Captain Collider, he also acts as the violent protector of Verdant Coast and has developed dangerous electromagnetic powers.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 003



Real Name: Mason King
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Size Manipulation, Expert Martial Artist
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Fame/Emotional
Inspired By: Bane (DC), Giganta (DC), The Thing (Marvel)
A fierce mixed martial artist known for his towering size and strength, Mason 'The Obelisk' King's career soon came to an end when a fight for the championship left him permanently crippled. Desperate to fight again, Mann turned to medical science and was soon infused with a mysterious Power Particle formula disguised as an experimental treatment. Transformed into a towering man of unbreakable stone, Obelisk stormed his former ring and almost beat many of its fighters to death before Captain Collider intervened. Now a full-fledged criminal, Obelisk sees defeating Captain Collider as the ultimate proof of his strength and nary lets an opportunity to fight him go by. He has recently developed the power to enhance his size exponentially.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 004

Lady Winter.JPG


Real Name: Jacqueline Frost
Powers/Abilities: Ice Manipulation, Thermal Manipulation
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Power/Ideals
Inspired By: Killer Frost (DC), Poison Ivy (DC), Mr. Freeze (DC), Iceman (Marvel)
The socialite wife of a jewellery tycoon and a friend of Maxwell Steel, Jacqueline Frost lost the two most important things in the world to her when her husband's company went bankrupt: her wealth and her social status. Humiliated and shunned, Frost convinced a "reluctant" Steel to use his Power Particles to give her powers of her own. Gifted with potentially vast control over ice and heat, Frost became Lady Winter and sought to take back her jewels and wealth through force. Though she was thwarted by Captain Collider and divorced by her husband, Lady Winter has recently developed a dangerous mastery over her powers and, with a growing detachment from humanity, her crimes have taken on a more ambitious streak.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 005

Amorphous Man.JPG


Real Name: Randall Pittman
Powers/Abilities: Acidic Slime Physiology, Shapeshifting
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Emotional
Inspired By: Clayface (DC), Chemo (DC), Plasmus (DC), Glob Herman (Marvel), Muckman (TMNT), The Blob (1958)
Needing a weapon to challenge Captain Collider, Blacksmith used a canister of concentrated Power Particles on 0n someone no one would miss: the lonely Steel Industries janitor, Randall Pittman. Trapping Pittman in an experimentation chamber, Blacksmith secretly exposed him to the Power Particles, transforming him into a grotesque humanoid blob of highly acidic slime. After being tricked by Maxwell Steel into believing a cure for his condition lay with Captain Collider, this 'Amorphous Man' attacked the hero and very nearly defeated him. Nowadays, the Amorphous Man relentlessly pursues a cure for his 'illness', doing just about anything to get it. He has since learned to temporarily shapeshift, making him all the more formidable.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-001



Leader: Blacksmith/Lady Winter/Powerline
Members: Powerline, Obelisk, Lady Winter, Amorphous Man
Type: Coalition
Origin: Masterminded
Motivation: Varies
Inspired By: The Sinister Six (Marvel), The U-Foes (Marvel)
Consisting of the first four metahumans empowered by Blacksmith through the use of his future Power Particles, the Power Company was formed as an early actualisation of the villain's master plan to kill Captain Collider, but disguised as a petty revenge gang to its other members. Convincing his unwitting pawns to put aside their differences to eliminate their shared enemy, Blacksmith finally revealed himself to Captain Collider with the team at his back and proceeded to lead them against the hero, defeating him and taking over Arcadia City. Through a combination of luck, wit and the help of his allies, Captain Collider was eventually able to recover from his loss and defeat the villains. It has been reassembled by its members with and without Blacksmith on several occasions before apparently disbanding completely.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 006



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Flight, Prehensile Tongue, Healing Factor, Antimatter Staff
Occupation: Interdimensional Warlord
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Nature
Inspired By: Annihilus (Marvel), Anti-Monitor (DC)
Accidentally brought forth onto our dimensional plane during one of Captain Collider's attempts to create a portal to another universe, the Antimatron is an interdimnesional warlord who leads an army of physiologically similar creatures known only as the Ravening Horde. Wielding a powerful cosmic staff capable of transforming matter into antimatter and manipulating that antimatter, the Antimatron sought only to completely annihilate all existence and was only defeated when she was driven back by Captain Collider and his allies. She has not made a return to our dimension since, and it is Captain Collider's hope that things stay that way. Unfortunately for him, however, the Antimatron's forces stand primed and ready for another attack.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 007

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Real Name: Dr. Patton Malvo
Powers/Abilities: Metaverse Conduit
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Science/Cosmic
Motivation: Insanity/Emotional
Inspired By: Professor Zoom (DC), Ultraman (DC), Black Adam (DC), Bizarro (DC), Major Force (DC), Venom (Marvel)
A twisted Mal Parton from a parallel universe, Patton Malvo was a physicist working on the ultimate weapon -- the Power Bomb -- when he was caught in its spontaneous detonation and infused with Power Particles. When Malvo reconstituted himself, he found that he had become a coduit to the metaverse and became Doctor Collider, reducing his world to ruins to satisfy his repressed psychopathy. When Malvo used his 'Malvo Portal' to uncover a world where a kind Captain Collider lived a happy life, he grew envious and travelled to his universe, plotting to kill and replace him. With the power to tap into the Metaverse in equal and opposite ways to Captain Collider, Doctor Collider is an unrepentant monster solely motivated by his hatred and envy.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 008



Real Name: Dr. Spencer Nguyen
Powers/Abilities: Alchemy Blasters, Bio-Suit, Chemo Helmet, Null Field Projector, Brilliant Chemical Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Thrills
Inspired By: Captain Cold (DC), Deadshot (DC), Mr. Element (DC), Chemistro (Marvel), Walter White (Breaking Bad)
Brilliant and apathetic, Spencer Nguyen quickly grew bored with the tedium of his job as a chemical engineer and dissatisfied with his insulting pay grade. Deciding to introduce a change of pace to his life, Nguyen built his greatest creation yet -- the Alchemy Blasters. With his new weapons, Nguyen could project a plethora of dangerous chemicals and transmute any substance at will. Further outfitting himself with a protective bio-suit and helmet, Nguyen became Captain Chemo -- a methodical and ruthless super criminal who uses chemistry to get rich or thrill himself trying. And if he can also take out Captain Collider in the process, he sees no reason not to.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 009



Real Name: Dr. Quentin Kepler
Powers/Abilities: Quantum Wand, Brilliant Mathematician and Quantum Physicist
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Ideals/Fame/Insanity
Inspired By: Abra-Kadabra (DC), Weather Wizard (DC), Angle Man (DC), The Wizard (Marvel), Mysterio (Marvel)
A renowned mathematician and quantum physicist with arguably the most brilliant mind of his generation, the ever eccentric Quentin Kepler's greatest invention came in the form of a hi-tech 'wand' capable of manipulating quantum mechanics on a minor level. The 'Quantum Wand' granted him limited reality manipulation through the use of quantum mathematical formulas fed into the device via a neurological link. Deciding that the ultimate test of his genius and technology would be to become the greatest criminal that ever lived, Kepler became the Mathmagician and began using his mastery of metaphysical mathematics to make unreality a reality.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 010



Real Name: Dr. Percival Carillon
Powers/Abilities: Crown Bell, Sonic Cymbals, Hypersonic Tuning Fork, Instrument-Themed Tech, Brilliant Sonic Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Emotional/Power
Inspired By: Doctor Bong (Marvel), Pied Piper (DC), Shriek (DC), Music Meister (DC), Big Band (Skullgirls)
Partially deafened as a child, Percival Carillon became a sonic engineer in the hopes that he could restore his hearing. When his employer fell in danger of being bought out by a competitor who would scrap his work, Carillon used his 'Crown Bell' -- a helmet capable of emitting and manipulating sound -- to scare the buyers away, haunting them with 'voices' and freak 'accidents'. When Captain Collider began to investigate, Carillon used his inventions to convince him he was going insane, but was found out and arrested. He now operates as the Bandmaster, a one-man band of crime using sonic technology to make Arcadia City march to the beat of his twisted drum.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 011

The Living Colour.JPG


Real Name: Dr. Zachary Specter
Powers/Abilities: Psychedelic Kaleidoscope, Technicolour Dreamsuit, Brilliant Spectroscopist and Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Fame
Inspired By: Rainbow Raider (DC), Living Laser (Marvel)
A young and brash spectroscopist, Zachary Specter always had a mind to use his knowledge to break into the world of villainy like his late father once dreamed of. Using his father's old research with some of his own improvements and modifications, Specter invented the Psychedelic Kaleidoscope and the Technicolour Dreamsuit, a weapon and a suit which enabled him to manipulate and mimic visible light respectively. With his new powers, Specter became the Living Colour and started on a one man crime spree through Arcadia City which was only cut short by Captain Collider. Nowadays, the Living Colour seeks to make some rep and money any way he can, though his immaturity often means he isn't taken very seriously.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 012



Real Name: Dr. Gustavo Ortega
Powers/Abilities: Plasma Core, Fireproof Suit, Brilliant Thermodynamic Engineer and Pyrotechnician
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Power
Inspired By: Heatwave (DC), Combustion Man (Avatar)
When egocentric thermodynamic engineer Gustavo Ortega began work on a 'Plasma Core' capable of channeling super-heated plasma into a clean and reliable energy source, he never expected a freak lab explosion to embed his ingenious device into his chest. Laid off from his job for 'incompetence', Ortega began to suspect that his work had been sabotaged. Motivated by paranoia and anger, he modified the Plasma Core in his chest to fire superheated plasma energy capable of causing matter to violently explode and set out to reduce his former place of work to rubble. Though Captain Collider put a kink in his plans, Ortega still makes ends meet as Hotspot -- a living bomb and the most volatile member of the Renaissance Men.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 013

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Real Name: Dr. Kenneth Sculley
Powers/Abilities: Keygun, Brilliant Mechanical Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Cosmic/Tech
Motivation: Money
Inspired By: The Key (DC), Spot (Marvel), Shocker (Marvel)
A mechanical engineer at Unlimited Dynamics, Kenneth Sculley constantly found himself being passed over for opportunities to study alien technology. Disgruntled, Sculley stole a high-access keycard and used it to pilfer a handful of alien tech to study at home. He soon stumbled upon a device which projected beams of cosmic energy capable of 'opening' or 'locking' any given target and creating portals. His mind flooding with possibilities, Sculley reverse engineered the device into a weapon called the 'Keygun' and became the Skeleton Key. As Skeleton Key, Sculley went on to steal anything that caught his eye and was even able to 'lock' Captain Collider in another dimension once. Though he has sinced joined the Renaissance Men, he remains something of a coward and the team's laughing stock.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 014



Real Name: Dr. Wyatt Jenkins
Powers/Abilities: Toy-Themed Power Armour, Toy-Themed Tech, Brilliant Mechanical Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary (Renaissance Men)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Insanity/Money
Inspired By: Toyman (DC), The Trickster (DC), The Joker (DC), Arcade (Marvel)
An eccentric toy engineer and owner of Arcadia City's Blockhead's Toy Barn, Wyatt Jenkins' instability was pushed past the point of no return when a chain toy store opened up nearby and inevitably drove him out of business. Bitterly vindictive, Jenkins decided to get back at the store through force. Designing power armour modeled after his store's mascot and a number of deadly weaponised toys to go with it, he premiered as Blockhead and set his sights on trapping the owners of the chain store in bizarre deathtraps. Though his revenge scheme was foiled by Captain Collider, Blockhead continues to use his twisted mechanical genius to terrorise Arcadia City.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-002



Leader: Captain Chemo
Members: Mathmagician, Bandmaster, Living Colour, Hotspot, Skeleton Key, Blockhead*
Type: Gang
Origin: Mutual Interest
Motivation: Money/Power
Inspired By: The Rogues (DC), The Sinister Six (Marvel)
Having been defeated by Captain Collider one too many times, Captain Chemo decided to bring together a team of like-minded super criminals for the purpose of uniting their efforts and keeping the hero at bay. Opting to work with fellow academics over uneducated thugs, homicidal maniacs and unpredictable metahumans, he recruited the Mathmagician, the Bandmaster, the Living Colour, Hotspot and Skeleton Key to his cause. Believing themselves to be above common criminals, the 'Renaissance Men' prefer to use their intellect and coordination to get ahead. Nevertheless, their brilliant minds and technology make them a force to be reckoned with. Blockhead was admitted into the group on a provisional basis after the Battle of Arcadia.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 015



Real Name: Queen Zambala Yaminde III
Powers/Abilities: Various Forms of Zoziu Poison, Super-Genius Level Intellect, Brilliant Toxicologist and Hypnotist
Occupation: Queen of Zombavu
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Power/Ideals
Inspired By: Queen Bee II (DC), Count Vertigo (DC), Talia al Ghul (DC), Doctor Doom (Marvel), Purple Man (Marvel)
Born to the king of the sovereign nation of Zombavu, Zambala Yaminde III's first-class education made her into a brilliant toxicologist with an expertise on the mind-manipulating poison of Zombavu's national plant, the Zoziu flower. Captain Collider first encountered Zambala when her father, the king, went insane. Together, they overthrew him and placed Zambala on the throne. Unbeknownst to Captain Collider, however, Zambala had perfected the poison of the Zoziu flower to the point where its scent could bend others to her will and, with it, set her father on his self-destructive path. Despite this, Captain Collider was forced to leave her to her rule for Zombavu's sake.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 016



Real Name: Adaptable Defense/Assault Mechanism
Powers/Abilities: Power Mimicry, Bionic Physiology
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Purpose
Inspired By: A.M.A.Z.O (DC), Metallo (DC)
In the wake of Powerline's attack on Arcadia City, the U.S military commissioned a weaponised drone capable of going toe-to-toe with anyone infused with Power Particles from Steel Industries. Seizing an opportunity to make another attempt on Captain Collider's life, Maxwell Steel used a combination of future Power Particles and technology to create A.D.A.M, a learning android capable of mimicking any superpower it perceived. During its unveiling to the military and a disapproving Captain Collider, Steel secretly activated A.D.A.M's hidden programming and passed it off as a malfunction, prompting the android to try and kill Captain Collider. Since then, improved models of A.D.A.M have been employed by Blacksmith against Captain Collider on multiple occasions, each more powerful than the last.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 017

Mongrull 2.JPG


Real Name: Mongrull
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Healing Factor, Enhanced Senses, Bludlust, Cybernetic Enhancements
Occupation: Space Barbarian/Bounty Hunter
Origin: Natural/Tech
Motivation: Ideals/Emotional
Inspired By: Battle Beast (Image), Mongul (DC), Kanjar Ro (DC), Blastaar (Marvel), Conan (Conan the Barbarian)
Once a slave on a world far away, Mongrull led his fellow slaves against their owner using Bludlust, an axe made of Barbarite -- a near indestructible metal capable of absorbing and redirecting energy. Crowning himself the 'King of Slaves', Mongrull roamed the cosmos with his crew of freed slaves, bringing death and destruction to all who would rob others of their freedom. He was eventually captured by Hedonus and forced to fight in gladiatorial combat against a similarly captured Captain Collider. When the hero refused to fight him and instead defeated him non-violently, Mongrull swore to win back his lost honour, regardless of how many casualties his bloodlust would cause.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 018



Real Name: Dr. Rhys Maddox
Powers/Abilities: Computron Suit, Brilliant Computer Scientist and Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal and Information Broker
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Thrills
Inspired By: Mirror Master II (DC), The Thinker (DC)
A Welsh born computer scientist with a sadistic streak, Rhys Maddox used his knowledge of engineering to invent the Computron Suit -- a work of scientific genius which allowed its wearer to seamlessly convert their body to data and travel between the real world and the digital world, allowing them almost total control over digital information. In addition, the suit enabled Maddox to manipulate technology and draw others into his digital realm. With his powers, Maddox attempted to blackmail Mayor Elizabeth Rhodes to make a neat profit, but was soon lured from the digital world and stopped by Captain Collider. He now sells his services to the highest bidder, but has his own agenda as Arcadia City's premier information broker.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 019



Real Name: Col. Zheng Quan
Powers/Abilities: Black Hole Physiology, Gravity Manipulation
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Emotional
Inspired By: Abyss (Marvel), Graviton (Marvel), Starman (DC)
A Chinese astronaut, Col. Zheng Quan's ship was bombarded by negative energy, leaving him the sole survivor. When he was rescued by Captain Collider, Quan found the accident had given him superpowers and the Chinese government pushed him into a superhero role. Soon, though, Quan began to develop dangerous new powers, absorbing matter like a black hole. When his government opted to put him in cognitive blackout, he angrily rampaged through China, his body rapidly becoming an unstable void until his friend, Captain Collider, had to restrain him. Despite the hero's protests, the government placed Quan in blackout. Since then, Captain Collider has tried to legally extricate his friend with little success, and subsequent breakouts by the hero turned disaster has not helped his chances.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 020



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis, Telepathy, Psionic Vampirism, Cosmic Intelligence, Cosmic Tech
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Insanity/Emotional
Inspired By: Darkseid (DC), Brainiac (DC), Despero (DC), Galactus (Marvel), The Phoenix Force (Marvel)
Hailing from a race of psionic beings, the entity that refers to itself as Mastermind was once a scientist born with the unique capacity for envy. Soon, he began to harbour jealousy towards those more intelligent than him. In his hunger for absolute knowledge, he committed the genocide of his entire species and psionically stored their knowledge and memories in his mind. He then went on to repeat his horrifying actions on different worlds until he was imprisoned for his crimes. Eventually, however, he escaped and brought his rampage to Earth, where he was only stopped when Captain Collider very narrowly outsmarted him and sealed him back in his prison.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 021

You literally cannot make a decent gorilla in this game.PNG


Real Name: Argo
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Atomic Breath, Fire Generation, Radiation Generation
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Science
Motivation: Nature/Emotional
Inspired By: Titano (DC), Gorilla Grodd (DC)
When a team of Steel Industries scientists believed they had cracked the Power Particle they opted to test their theory on a gorilla named Argo, bombarding the ape with accelerated particle rays to replicate the experiment that gave Captain Collider powers. Unbknownst to them, however, Argo had been running a high fever prior to the experiment and, upon being exposed to unstable 'faux' Power Particles, became horribly warped on a subatomic level. Constantly burning with fire and radiation, the atomic ape incinerated the scientists and stampeded through Arcadia City before being sedated by Captain Collider. He currently resides in suspended animation at the Tower of Power until the hero can find a cure for him, no longer in constant pain.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 022

Dr freakshow.PNG


Real Name: Dr. Calvin Crawley
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Strength and Durability, Enhanced Vision, Flight, Acid Spit, Insect Manipulation
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Science
Motivation: Nature/Insanity/Emotional
Inspired By: The Lizard (Marvel), Baxter Stockman (TMNT), The Fly (1986)
When xenobiologist Calvin Crawley discovered a new breed of insect deep beneath the Earth, he believed that his career would skyrocket overnight. Unfortunately for him, however, his jealous partner sealed him in an experimental mutation chamber. As he was holding the specimen at the time, its DNA merged with his own, transforming him into a grotesque insect-human hybrid. Warped by his new instincts, Crawley began to stalk Arcadia City at night, preying on pedestrians and reaching urban legend status as 'Doctor Creepy'. Though Captain Collider ended his feeding frenzy, Crawley's motivations and physiology continue to grow progressively less human.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 023



Real Name: N/A
Powers/Abilities: Logic/Order Consumption, Insanity Inducement, Cosmic Fire Breath, Chaos Embodiment
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Nature
Inspired By: Jabberwocky (Through The Looking Glass), Shuma Gorath (Marvel), Mr. Mind (DC), Mr. Mxyzptlk (DC)
When Captain Collider used his Parton Portal to investigate a disturbance in the quantum fields between dimensions he encountered a sapient dragon-like being made of pure chaos feasting on the logic and order that governed various realities. The creature drove Captain Collider insane and escaped into our world where it began to devour its physical laws and order, inverting Arcadia City into a madhouse devoid of any reason or logic. Fighting through his madness, Captain Collider managed to use the Parton Portal to revert its damage and trap it in a dimension without order known as the Vorpal Zone, where he hoped the 'Jabberwocky' would eventually starve to death.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 024



Real Name: Dr. Perry Cluster
Powers/Abilities: Replication, Brilliant Nuclear Physicist
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money
Inspired By: Multiplex (DC), Mirror Master I (DC)
A doctor of nuclear physics, Perry Cluster often found himself being beaten to the punch by others in his line of work, too busy being torn between several projects to complete one. When sudden exposure to a blast of nuclear energy while in possession of a defunct piece of future tech retrieved from Blacksmith granted him the power to replicate himself, his priorities took on a sudden change. Finally able to perform several tasks at once, Cluster became the Fissioneer and used his duplicates to sabotage other competing projects before Captain Collider put a stop to him. Now a disgraced criminal, the Fissioneer makes ends meet through crime rather than science. He has been repeatedly rejected from the Renaissance Men and, recently, has declared gang war on them for it.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 025



Real Name: Alexander Parton
Powers/Abilities: Consortium Power Suit, Future Tech
Occupation: Leader of the Collider Consortium
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Purpose/Ideals
Inspired By: General Zod (DC), Cicada (DC), Sinestro (DC)
Hailing from a distant future where an entire order of 'Colliders' has been formed to uphold the law, Alpha Collider is the elected leader of the Collider Consortium and its most powerful member. Leading the Consortium to the original Captain Collider's time supposedly to retrieve Blacksmith, Alpha Collider and the Consortium showed their true colours when they attempted to execute the villain. Revealed to be intergalactic dictators who had developed an almost cultish obsession with Captain Collider by Blacksmith, the Consortium attempted to procure the original Parton Collider to enhance their abilities. With Blacksmith's assistance, Captain Collider fought Alpha Collider and the Consortium to a standstill and trapped them all in Point Z until a more permanent solution presents itself.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-003



Leader: Alpha Collider
Members: Various
Type: Organisation
Origin: Founded
Motivation: Purpose/Ideals
Inspired By: The Legion of Superheroes (DC), The Sinestro Corps (DC), Kryptonians (DC), Cicada Cult (DC)
From a future where Captain Collider has retreated from the universe, the Collider Consortium originally started as an organisation modelled after the hero, mimicking his abilities iwth suits infused with Power Particles to uphold universal law. However, they soon began enforcing a dictatorship across the universe and using their power to oppress others 'for their own good'. Developing an almost cultish obsession with their hero, all members of the Consortium took the surname 'Parton' and many even altered their appearances to resemble him. After travelling back in time to harness the Parton Collider to increase their strength, all known members of the Collider Consortium were trapped in Point Z and have remained there ever since.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 026



Real Name: Dr. Ethan Proctor
Powers/Abilities: Timetwister Suit, Future Tech, Brilliant Quantum Physicist
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Power/Fame/Emotional
Inspired By: Chronos (DC), Time Commander (DC), Zoom (DC), Kang the Conqueror (Marvel)
Ethan Proctor first came to prominence as the pitifully ineffective super criminal known as the Minuteman, whose self-designed Timetwister Suit allowed him to go backwards and forward in time by exactly one minute. When the Collider Consortium attacked Arcadia City, however, Proctor managed to secure the tatters of a power suit from the corpse of one of its members. Using its future technology, he upgraded his suit to allow for total time manipulation. Since then his notable crimes include trapping Captain Collider at the end of time and nearly erasing his loved ones from existence, quickly making him one of the hero's most despicable foes.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 027



Real Name: Tectrax
Powers/Abilities: Earth Possession
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Nature/Emotional
Inspired By: Krakoa (Marvel), Savage Land (Marvel), Godzilla (Godzilla), The Land That Time Forgot (1975)
When a cosmically irradiated meteorite fell to Earth in prehistoric times, the radiation flowing through it caused it to merge with an island off the coast of South America. This unique phenomenon resulted in the land mass gradually developing a consciousness. When a group of workers seeking to turn the island into a beach resort were killed by creatures thought to be extinct years later, Captain Collider investigated the island and discovered its sentience. Calling itself Tetrax, the "island" marked all human life as a threat to its existence and proceeded to rampage through South America. Though the battle was long, Captain Collider managed to separate Tectrax's conscious fragment from the land mass it had 'infected', rendering it powerless.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 028

Triple D.PNG


Real Name: Dennis Dalton Dee
Powers/Abilities: Dimension Shifting
Occupation: Super Criminal/Mercenary
Origin: Science/Cosmic
Motivation: Money/Thrills
Inspired By: Folded Man (DC), Shadow Thief (DC), Mirror Master II (DC), Billy Ray Sanguine (Skulduggery Pleasant)
A prominent contract killer, mercenary, professional thief and general odd-job in the world of organised crime, Dennis Dalton Dee worked his way up to the big leagues from a trailer park in Dallas. Eventually, his talents got him hired to steal the Parton Portal. However, QUARK responded to his intrusion mid-heist, causing him to activate the portal and fall in unprotected. When he awoke after being saved by Captain Collider, he found he could shift between dimensional planes ranging from zero to three at will. Choosing to take his accident as an opportunity, Dee broke into the 'costume game' as the 3D Bandit, using his control over his own dimensional cohesion to go anywhere, steal anything and kill anyone.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 029



Real Name: Vito 'Cash' Cardellini
Powers/Abilities: Cosmic Power Rings, Cosmic Hybrid Tech
Occupation: Kingpin of Arcadia City
Origin: Natural/Cosmic/Tech
Motivation: Money/Power/Ideals
Inspired By: Bruno Mannheim (DC), Hammerhead (Marvel), Kingpin (Marvel), Silvermane (Marvel), Mandarin (Marvel)
Once a major crime boss of Arcadia City, Vito 'Cash' Cardellini became a victim of its slant from organised crime to super crime, constantly being outmatched and outgunned at every turn. When Mongrull came to Earth to challenge Captain Collider, however, he made a deal with Cardellini: in exchange for his gang's aid in vanquishing their shared foe, Mongrull bestowed him with cosmic rings. These rings gave Cardellini enhanced strength, the ability to generate forcefields and project energy, and the power to subtly alter probability in his favour. Though they failed to defeat Captain Collider, Cardellini used his 'gift' to become kingpin, outfitting his gang with gear based on his rings to make his city a little less extraordinary.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-004



Leader: Vito 'Cash' Cardellini
Members: Cash's Mafia, The Triad, The Chrome Crew, The Wild Ones, The Renaissance Men*, The Fissioneer*, Computron's Gang*
Type: Syndicate
Origin: Mutual Interest
Motivation: Money/Power/Ideals
Inspired By: Intergang (DC)
Despite the dominance of super-crime, organised crime still has a presence in Arcadia City. Overseen by the kingpin, Vito 'Cash' Cardellini, the major gangs of Arcadia mostly work on a basis of mutual acquiescence, keeping to their respective turfs. These gangs include Cardellini's Mafia -- the oldest and largest, the Chinese Triad -- a close second to the Mafia, the Chrome Crew -- a street gang of young upstarts, and the Wild Ones -- a street gang of genetically spliced animal-human hybrids. The major super gangs of the city -- the Renaissance Men, the Fissioneer duplicates and Computron's cyber criminals -- have also been members of this alliance, when not opposing it.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 030



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Super Leaping, Invulnerability, Unbreakable Carapace, Reactive Adaptation, Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Senses, Healing Factor
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Cosmic/Science
Motivation: Nature/Purpose
Inspired By: Doomsday (DC), Hulk (Marvel)
The creature known as Carapace was once a biological weapon created by an alien race eons ago. Designed to be capable of levelling an entire planet, the weapon quickly proved too troublesome. It was placed in stasis and jettisoned into space, eventually reaching Earth in the paleolithic age and sinking into the Mariana Trench. Millions of years later, a group of Lemurians stumbled upon the fossilised creature and used technology to awaken it. Immediately, it tore through Lemuria's warriors to reach the surface, going on an unstoppable rampage through Arcadia City and almost killing its protector. It was soon trapped within Point Z, where it could do no further harm.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



"Everyone has a weakness. Thankfully, I'm no exception." - Captain Collider
"If you're willing to surrender, I'm willing to lower the scary, glowing fists."

Earth-Shattering Kaboom: Captain Collider's greatness weakness is his lack of fine control over his powers. If the belt of his suit is damaged beyond repair and the strain on his powers is too great, it is a strong possibility that he could explode into super dense particles, creating a black hole in his wake. The fear of doing such a thing constantly weighs on him and prompts him to limit himself.

Right in the Joules: He also runs the risk of losing his molecular stability if he absorbs too much energy, though the upper limits of the amount he can absorb is unknown.

Shock to the System: Captain Collider has shown more vulnerability to electricity than any other type of naturally occurring energy based attack. Too much of it can scramble his Power Particles, disorienting him.

Abra Kadabr-ouch: As with many science-based heroes, Captain Collider has little resistance against magic based attacks and is far more vulnerable to them than any other means of attack.

Made From Concentrate: The more complex elements of Captain Collider's powers are extremely difficult to control with precision and require concentration to be used with any proficiency.

Plight of the Pacifist: Captain Collider is a textbook pacifist. A smart opponent can take advantage of this 'weakness', so long as they remember that even his pacifistic views have their logical limit.

Head Strong: In order to effectively use his powers, Captain Collider needs to understand the particles he's working with and what he's doing with them. If you cut off his knowledge or screw around with his mind enough, you can cut off some of his powers. A good psionic is a big weakness.

Tachyon Trouble: Concentrated tachyon bursts can temporarily disorient the Power Particles in Captain Collider's system, affecting his perception of time, his age, his control over his powers, his ability to use his powers at all and even his sight in some instances. The effects of tachyons on his system are generally unpredictable, however, and can be just as dangerous to his attacker.

Cold As Ice: Though it takes a lot to accomplish it, Captain Collider's molecules react like any other when cooled to a sufficient degree. If an opponent is able to freeze him completely solid or drastically lower his temperature it would, at the very least, slow him down and, at the very most, completely neutralise him.

As You Live And Breathe: Either through his own unwillingness to do so or an actual limitation of his powers, Captain Collider cannot manipulate the matter of living organisms. While not a weakness in a traditional sense of the word, it's helpful to know which lines he won't cross.

Test Your Metal: Captain Collider is incapable of seeing through lead or questionite with any of his vision-based powers.

Projecting Problems: While Captain Collider can project all manner of energy and radiation, he is only able to channel and project one kind at any given time. He is incapable of mixing and matching multiple energy types and, instead, must settle for 'switching out'.

Can You Hear Me Now: With his enhanced sense of hearing, Captain Collider is particularly susceptible to sonic based attacks and has little resistance against them.

Let's Get Physical: Due to the nature of the Power Particles which grant him his powers, Captain Collider has found that being taken to dimensions where the physical laws are drastically altered from the norm sometimes causes him to lose certain abilities and gain unpredictable new ones.


"I'm not fussy. Do you want to make me a mixtape?" - Captain Collider

1. Flight Of Freedom - Aaron Sapp

2. Odyssey - Hi-Finesse

3. Solaris - Christopher Drake

4. Obsidian - The Hit House

5. Vanguard - Nick Murray

6. Reaching - Audiomachine

7. Godspeed - Audiomachine

8. Defenders of the Realm - Twelve Titans Music

9. Arrival - Thunderstep Music

10. Rush - Clearspeaks Music

11. Superhero - Mikhaël Bureau

12. Galaxy One - Dos Brains

RP Hooks

"I'm not too difficult to get a hold of, provided I'm not on another planet. Or another plane of existence." - Captain Collider
  • If you're a scientist or a science enthusiast, you might be familiar with Captain Collider's work and presence in the scientific world. You might even have worked with him before or after he became a hero.
  • A student studying physics at a college level? Perhaps Captain Collider has given you a lecture at some point.
  • It's not unlikely that you may have seen Captain Collider attending or participating in a charity event.
  • Captain Collider has published a number of books about the Power Particle and other key topics of physics in his long-spanning career as a physicist. Interested in the subject? Maybe you've read one.
  • If you're a business type, you may have encountered Unlimited Dynamics in the past, in which case you've probably heard of their pride and joy, Captain Collider.
  • If you're living in or near Arcadia City, you may be familiar with Captain Collider's reputation.


"'The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know.' Albert Einstein. Of course, he couldn't dissociate atomic structures by pointing at them..." - Captain Collider
"Humanity is always to be treated as an end and never as a means."
  • Captain Collider is primarily inspired by: Captain Atom (DC), Firestorm (DC), Superman (DC), The Flash (DC), Dr. Manhattan (DC) and Mr. Fantastic (Marvel). Additional influences include: The Atom (DC), Steel (DC), Mr. Terrific (DC), Hank Pym (Marvel), Hyperion (Marvel), Blue Marvel (Marvel), Icon (Milestone) and Tom Strong (America's Best Comics).
  • Power Particles and the Metaverse are inspired by: The Firestorm Matrix (DC), The Quantum Field (DC), The Speed Force (DC) and the Higgs Boson.
  • If I had to pick a voice actor for Captain Collider it would definitely be Phil Morris.
  • Captain Collider has written a number of books on particle physics including his best-seller, 'The Power Particle'.
  • Captain Collider occasionally uses the term 'Sir Isaac's Ghost' as something of a catchphrase, typically using it to express awe, surprise, frustration or discovery.
  • Captain Collider regularly gives lectures on physics at various higher education institutions around the world and finds teaching to be one of the greatest joys in life.
  • Captain Collider makes frequent use of a swear jar. If he's lucky, he usually ends up with an average of $3 a year.
  • When Captain Collider's costume was first designed it had a red and black colour scheme. After wearing it once he quickly informed the designers that it was too 'menacing' and asked for a more calming primary colour.
  • Captain Collider has a tendency to be slightly obsessive when it comes to keeping things in a neat, orderly manner. In some cases, he can hardly concentrate when there's a mess.
  • Captain Collider is an absolutely terrible cook.
  • Captain Collider has a rather inconsistent taste in music. He constantly bounces from political rap to Japanese pop and everything in-between with no real sense of consistency.
  • Though he has the power to manipulate the laws of physics themselves now, Captain Collider hasn't retired from his role as a physicist. Far from it, he actively uses his new powers to aid in his scientific investigation and to help other scientists.
  • It's a good thing Captain Collider is a pacifist because he has no combat training whatsoever. When he does need to fight hand-to-hand he usually just throws simple punches.
  • Since his first appearance Captain Collider has accumulated a number of titles and nicknames. Most media outlets and Unlimited Dynamics itself use 'Man of the Millennium' or 'Master of the Atom.' Other heroes and law enforcement officials tend to use 'All-Powerful Pacifist' as a somewhat derogatory title and, in the scientific world, he is often called the 'Final Frontiersman'. Lately, with Arcadia City's embracing of Captain Collider as its hero, he has been referred to as the 'Best of the Brightest' to tie in to Arcadia's nickname, 'America's Brightest City'.
  • While Captain Collider has many rogues, the most prominent among their ranks are Blacksmith, Doctor Collider, Captain Chemo and Mastermind, who compete for the dubious honour of being the hero's 'arch-nemesis' on different levels. Blacksmith is a puppet master manipulating events to bring the hero down from behind the scenes. Doctor Collider, on the other hand, is a more personal threat who is every bit Captain Collider's physical and intellectual equal willing to do whatever it takes to destroy him. Captain Chemo, in contrast to the others, is a more mundane and professional adversary who substitutes raw power and magnitude for cunning, frequency and a strength in numbers. And, lastly, Mastermind is arguably the greatest danger to everything Captain Collider holds dear and remains, in many ways, the ultimate test of his resolve.


"A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes it's all it takes to remind people that they don't have to be afraid of what they don't understand." - Captain Collider


"Constructive criticism is the mother of self-improvement. Just try not to be -too- harsh." - Captain Collider

Have you got something to say about the high-flying, pacifistic Man Of The Millennium? Feel free to get it down here. Just try to be courteous.

"Limp-wristed lefty." - All-Star

Swixname.png v  d  e
Active: Captain ColliderAll-Star
Inactive/Incomplete: Mach VScience StorkThe FleaBearzerkerKid Billionaire
HenchmanCaptain CashCitizen ZThe Lovecraftian ManScrewballPatricia Pan
Misc: Frontiersmen