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'''Origin:''' Natural<br />
'''Origin:''' Natural<br />
'''Motivation:''' Ideals<br />
'''Motivation:''' Ideals<br />
<font size=1px>Bursting into existence in Arcadia City, the mysterious Mallory Dearden claimed to be an adventurer from the future, much like the city's founder, Eli Arcadia. Unbeknownst to even Captain Collider, however, Dearden was actually an anti-human terrorist responsible for the deaths of thousands during a robot revolution who wished to establish her regime in a time where she believed Captain Collider would be too weak to stop her. Summoning her robotic horde through a temporal wormhole, 'Mother Superior' attempted to conquer Arcadia City, leading to a heated battle with Captain Collider which ended with her defeat. With her wormhole device destroyed she remains trapped in this time, seeking to use her intellect and knowledge of the future to bring about the end of human 'inferiority'.</font>
<font size=1px>Bursting into existence in Arcadia City, the mysterious Mallory Dearden claimed to be an adventurer from the future, much like the city's founder, Eli Arcadia. Unbeknownst to even Captain Collider, however, Dearden was actually an anti-human terrorist, responsible for the deaths of thousands during a robot revolution, who wished to establish her regime in a time where she believed Captain Collider would be too weak to stop her. Summoning her robotic horde through a temporal wormhole, 'Mother Superior' attempted to conquer Arcadia City, leading to a heated battle with Captain Collider which ended with her defeat. With her wormhole device destroyed she remains trapped in this time, seeking to use her intellect and knowledge of the future to bring about the end of human 'inferiority'.</font>
<br>'''Threat Level:'''<br />
<br>'''Threat Level:'''<br />

Revision as of 05:51, 22 December 2014


The Immeasurable
Captain Collider
The Man Of The Millennium
Captain Collider 4.PNG
"If you have the potential to do something, do good."
Freeform Music-player.png
Player: Swixname.png
Super Group
Prodigious Physicist
· Other Affiliations ·
Unlimited Dynamics
Real Name
Dr. Malcolm Franklin Parton
The Man Of The Millennium, The Master of Matter, The Mighty Man of Molecules, The All-Powerful Pacifist, The Atomic American
12th May 1977
Arcadia City, CA
Flag USA.png American
Arcadia City, CA
The Powerdome
Particle Physicist
Part-Time University Lecturer
Legal Status
Registered Hero
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Vanessa Morello (Ex-Wife), Luna Morello-Parton (Daughter), Gerald Parton (Father), Regina Parton (Mother), Melinda Parton (Sister), Nicholas Parton (Brother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
6'4" (Previously 5'11")
260lbs (Previously 190lbs)
Body Type
Muscular, Large, Built
· Distinguishing Features ·
Unnaturally Blue Eyes
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Particle Manipulation
· Equipment ·
Collider Stabilisation Suit - Nullymer Cape - QUARK - The Power Collider - The Parton Portal
· Other Abilities ·
Super-Genius Level Intellect - Brilliant Physicist - Expert Chemist and Biologist - Multilingualism

Once a brilliant physicist with a view for changing the world for the better, Malcolm Parton's life was changed forever when a freak accident caused him to fall into a highly experimental particle collider mid-collision. Though he should have been killed, an unknown variable caused the hyper accelerated particles to destroy and reconstruct Malcolm's body, merging with his physiology at a subatomic level. The process radically altered Mal, granting him the power to manipulate the very particles that make up the universe itself. Imbued with power beyond his wildest imagination, Mal vowed to use it responsibly in keeping with his pacifistic beliefs and became Captain Collider, the immeasurable Man Of The Millennium!

A gentle and reserved soul at heart, Captain Collider considers himself a scientist and human being first and a superhero second, always prioritising thought and diplomacy over unnecessary violence and confrontation. Though his levelheadedness makes him a hero among heroes, his idealistic pacifism occasionally borders on naivete. Still, with the potential for absolute power constantly present within him, Captain Collider strives every day to ensure it doesn't corrupt him absolutely.


"I wasn't always as powerful as I am now. In a way, I'm glad that's the case. I don't think I'd fully appreciate the magnitude of what I can do now if I had my powers from day one." - Captain Collider

Born to renowned physicist Gerald Parton and medical doctor Regina Parton, Malcolm Herschel Parton was the middle of three children, his elder brother, Nicholas, and his yet to be born younger sister, Melinda. Born into well-educated, well-off family, Mal wanted for little and received all the love and support he needed from parents, siblings, friends and teachers growing up. From a very early age, the true value of companionship and community were instilled within him.

"I had a very normal life. Good family. Good home. Sure, it may not be the most interesting superhero origin, but I wouldn't have it any other way." - Captain Collider

Inheriting his father's natural genius, Mal showed a staggeringly high intellectual capacity very early in his childhood. Inheriting his father's love of science and his mother's compassion for others, he would often spend his free time studying the world around him in the hopes that he could somehow use what little knowledge he possessed at the time to make the people in his life happier.

"My parents always used to tell me that if you had the potential to do something, you should always do good. It's a lesson not nearly enough people learn and even fewer remember, but it's one I live by." - Captain Collider

His timidity and general lack of malice quickly earned him the scorn of his first bully, however. The older boy, eager to put Mal in his place, promptly singled him out and beat him up. Astonished by the boy's behaviour, Mal quickly ran home to report it to his parents. It was then that his father sat him down and told him the importance of both pacifism and knowing when to resort to violence and why.

"It was my father who first taught me the concept of pacifism -- of moral objectification towards acts of violence, against war, against picking on the little guy because you know he can't push back. But he also taught me what it meant to stand up for what's yours -- of knowing when there's no choice between getting your hands dirty and getting pushed into the muck. I'd hold on to those teachings for the rest of my life." - Captain Collider

Far away from his brother who favored the arts over science and his sister who simply preferred to socialise with her friends, Mal grew to become more and more enamoured with science and, before long, was off at one of the better high schools in the country, an honour roll student with aspirations of becoming a physicist even half as acclaimed as his father. There he met the woman who would go on to be the love of his life, fellow honour roll student Vanessa Morello.

"I was just a gangly geeky kid back then.Vanessa loved me not in spite of that, but because of it." - Captain Collider

Becoming fast friends and, eventually, unlikely sweethearts, Mal and Vanessa both graduated from high school and attended Arcadia City University, with Mal studying physics and Vanessa studying chemistry. It was during their study at the university that a twenty-one year old Mal proposed to Vanessa. Engaged to be married following the receipt of their respective PhDs in Particle Physics/Engineering and and Analytical Chemistry respectively. When their years of studying came to a well-deserved end, the two long-time lovers marked the occasion with a small wedding ceremony of family and friends.

"It was the happiest day of my life next to...well, that next part's coming up." - Captain Collider

A year later, their first and only child -- a healthy girl -- was born. Settling on the name 'Luna', Mal and Vanessa agreed that Vanessa would temporarily put aside her scientific career while Mal secured a job working within the physics lab of Arcadia City University both as a particle physicist and as a lecturer. In this position, Mal quickly established himself as a brilliant physicist, helping to make a number of breakthroughs in the field of particle physics and gradually making a name for himself via his own personal discoveries and theories. One such theory would go on to form the basis of his later work, and that theory was the 'Power Particle'.

"Just think -- no more superpowers stemming from freak accidents; no more volatile, dangerous metahumans risking their lives and the lives of others by losing control of their powers, no more tragic deaths stemming from deluded, desperate people trying to replicate the anomalous circumstances responsible for creating so many of the heroes we owe our lives and well-being to. There would be a definite, common link between anyone with powers, be they mutant, mutate or even magical in nature; a single measure we could take to give a terminally ill patient a regenerative healing factor or a person with a degenerative bone disease enhanced strength and durability. That is the Power Particle." - Captain Collider

Quickly becoming a popular name for his various theses and books on the Power Particle, it wasn't long before Mal received the support he needed to turn his theory into a reality. Approaching the bold, young physicist with an offer of his own lab stocked with resources, a team of diligent, intelligent physicists at his disposal and all the money he needed to make sure he made the most of them, Olivier Martin, President and CEO of Unlimited Dynamics, enlisted Mal's brilliant mind in the search for his much vaunted Power Particle, establishing a professional and personal friendship that would span throughout the following years.

"Ollie was everything I wasn't. Where I was shy and reserved, he was outgoing and loud. Where I was a simple guy who had worked my way to excellence, he was born into it and forced to protect it from vultures. I was fascinated by the various possibilities of the Power Particle, but he only saw the profit for Unlimited Dynamics. By all accounts, we should have hated each other-- but I saw that, beneath all the bravado, Ollie was a good man. I like to think he saw something in me too." - Captain Collider

Not all was well in Mal's personal life, however. Though he had always tried to be a loving and attentive husband and father, his commitment to his work on the Power Particle put a notable strain on his relationship with Vanessa and the now nine years old Luna. Their relationship was pushed to its full limit, however, when Luna was hit by a speeding car while playing outside. Though she survived the experience, she became permanently crippled from the waist down, confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Consumed by grief and guilt, Mal devoted himself to finding the Power Particle even faster in the hopes that he could use it to allow his daughter to walk again.

"It was...I should have been there. I could have saved her. No nine year old girl should have to accept the fact that she'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Not in my world." - Captain Collider

Though he insisted he was doing it for Luna's benefit, Mal's increased fervour towards his work inevitably had its toll on Vanessa, who was left alone to cope with the grief and added burden of Luna's accident. Eventually, the couple had a heated argument on Mal's thirty-fifth birthday and quickly filed for divorce soon after. Vanessa won sole custody of Luna on the grounds that Mal wouldn't have the time to look after her properly. Though reluctant to give Luna up, Mal was forced to concede that she was correct.

"I was so stupid. I thought that if I was going to end up saving Luna like I swore I would, I couldn't have any distractions. Not even her." - Captain Collider

Without a family to go home to, Mal increased his work hours and devotion to the Power Particle over the next year, even inventing a robotic assistant named QUARK to help reduce his workload, with only moderate success. Eventually though, as if through sheer determination, his efforts bore fruit and he created the Power Collider -- a particle accelerator that hoped to uncover the mystery behind the Power Particle through the collision of various other particles theorised to be related to it. On the precipice of finally proving the legitimacy behind his life's work, Mal immediately called a press conference for the first attempt at giving birth to the Power Particle.

"I don't think anything could have prepared me for what came next." - Captain Collider

With scientists from all over the world, the Unlimited Dynamics board of executives and news crews all gathered for the momentous occasion, Mal and his team readied the Power Collider and prepared to make the final preparations for what may have been a life changing world event. As the collider powered up and prepared to fire, however, a walkway on the upper levels suddenly gave way, causing one of the scientists working on the collider to slip, narrowly grabbing on to the dangling walkway. With the walkway rapidly coming loose, Mal acted before thinking. Hoisting himself up to the walkway despite protestations from the rest of his team, he hurriedly pulled his fellow scientist to safety. As he turned to follow her to stable ground, however, the walkway finally came loose, sending Mal plummeting into the collider just as it fired off. As the horrified guests and scientists watched helplessly, Malcolm Parton was atomised before their very eyes.

"I'm not really sure if I can describe what it feels like to be reduced to subatomic particles to you. I've never been tortured, but it isn't hard to imagine that it's something similar to that -- only happening at the speed of light while seeming to take years." - Captain Collider

As the rest of Mal's team ran to shut down the collider in an attempt to save their leader, however, something unexpected began to happen. As the collider continued to smash particles into one another, a form began to coalesce within the light of the lofty machine. As if particles of energy were beginning to come together of their own sentient will, the collider's particle beams gave way to an indistinct, humanoid shape. Startled, the team activated the collider's emergency shut down and watched as the shape within the collider fell to the ground, revealing itself to be a stark naked Malcolm Parton.

"It was like I could see through every one of the subatomic particles my matter was broken down to. I could hear -- no, I guess -sense- would be a better word -- all the cries of terror and stunned gasps and then I could feel some outside force pulling me back together. If being atomised was painful, that was even worse." - Captain Collider

Though Malcolm appeared to possess the same memories and basic physical features he had prior to falling into the collider and being atomised, his body had been completely altered during the reconstruction process. Going from a lean, brown-eyed 5'11" man, he was 'reborn' with extremely dense and well-developed musculature, almost unnervingly blue eyes matching the hue of the collider's particle beams, the sides of his hair whitened and all with an extra five inches added to his height.

"I can't really recommend falling into a highly experimental particle accelerator to bulk up, however." - Captain Collider

Further study of Mal's physiology quickly yielded even more shocking results. For all his altered looks and musculature, the most radical change to his body came at a more subatomic level: indeed, his blood, bone marrow and even saliva all radiated a unique type of energy which indicated that the very building blocks of his body themselves had been manipulated completely. In his effort to create the Power Particle, Mal had become the Power Particle -- or at least the closest thing science had seen to it by that point.

"It was some kind of ironic twist, almost. All that time spent searching for the particle and I ended up trapping it inside of my own body by accident, where it was no good to anyone." - Captain Collider

Desperate to replicate the conditions that led to the particle manifesting itself within his own molecular structure, Mal ignored any further requests to detain and study the changes to his body and hurriedly attempted to figure out just what the variable or catalyst was that led to the creation of the particle last time but which could not be found in more controlled settings. Though he devoted a large deal of time to trying to rediscover the particle over the coming month, he eventually conceded defeat, realising that it would be impossible to find the one-in-a-million fluke that crated the first Power Particle.

"My life's work. My years of devotion. My marriage. Luna... It was all for nothing. What was the point of the Power Particle if I couldn't use it to better lives? To help people who truly needed it? Was it any wonder I became so dejected?" - Captain Collider

Everything was not as it seemed with Mal's physiology, however. As he slaved away in his lab, the changes within his body caused by the presence of the Power Particle began to manifest themselves in a more external way. Reaching for a desk lamp to better illuminate his research notes, Mal was rather startled when the device was flung into a wall when his hand accidentally knocked it off the desk. To further escalate things, his vision began to blur and distort. As he struggled to clear his head, and reached for a bottle of water, the water within the bottle almost instantly reached a boiling point. When he recoiled at the sight of it, the water froze solid. Quickly losing his normally calm demeanor, Mal bolted from the lab and rushed home -- but not before reducing the his coat to sand and cracking the ground where he walked.

"It was like my body was a hotbed of chemical reactions! I was too caught up in how confusing it was to really appreciate it back then, but I was a living matter converter and, as it would turn out, so much more." - Captain Collider

As Mal ran home, the impossible reactions his body and presence triggered in a number of things and people continued to overwhelm him: street lights flickered rapidly, the fur of various dogs and cats stood up on end, asphalt sizzled into tar beneath his feet, flowers wilted and bloomed in a matter of moment and, most of all, Mal began to perceive the various atoms, particles and molecular structures within every person, creature and inanimate object he could see for brief, dizzying flashes. When he finally hurtled through the door to his home, throwing it off its hinges, he realised that the cause of the chaos unfolding around him was the Power Particle.

"It was so simple, really. Scientifically speaking, it was almost exactly what I hypotesised it would be, only multiplied by an incalculable number. My molecular structure was made up of clusters of Power Particles, to the point where I had become a -living- Power Particle -- imbued with limitless, frightening potential, capable of manipulating the world around me in the same way I theorised just one particle would be able to manipulate a human's genetic structure. Needless to say, I was...a little 'un-calm'" - Captain Collider

As he struggled to make sense of what was happening to his body, Mal began to make his way towards the bathroom upstairs. Missing a step in confusion, however, he hurriedly slammed his foot down to save himself from tripping and, as a result, launched himself through the roof of his building and into a billboard several miles away.

"I believe that particular billboard was advertising pain relief pills." - Captain Collider

Worried that his powers would only further spiral out of control and cause some adverse reaction -- mostly involving him exploding into a black hole -- Mal locked himself away in his basement and began drawing up plans for a suit capable of containing, focusing and stabilising the Power Particles flowing through his body. After about a week, he emerged from his isolation and contacted Olivier Martin, informing him that he needed access to a Unlimited Dynamics test-site and a robotic engineering lab. Though wary of the seemingly unstable Mal, Olivier agreed.

"I had a chance to salvage my work: to still make a difference despite what happened. I wasn't about to squander it. With the Collider Stabilisation Suit, I'd be able to use neurotelepathical communication technology to better control the influence of my particles on myself and my immediate surroundings -- to fine tune them and develop them. Mostly, I would be able to not destroy a...country." - Captain Collider

Using his plans to assemble his 'Collider Stabilisation Suit' with the materials at his disposal, Mal donned the outfit and went with QUARK to meet Olivier at the test site. Despite Olivier's skepticism at what appeared to be Mal losing his mind as a result of his accident, the CEO of Unlimited Dynamics quickly stowed his criticism when Mal began levitating off the ground. And any remaining doubts were quickly put away when he began flying, QUARK monitoring his incredible flight speeds the entire while.

"The suit only allowed me some crude, basic control over my...well, it feels a little silly to say 'powers' but, yeah. My current speculation is that my ability to control particles is being held back by my own primitive, limited human brain and my own psychological homocentric way of thinking. If I could somehow untether my perception from-- Uh, I'm probably getting a little carried away with myself." - Captain Collider

Though his flight landed in another crash, Mal's point had been made -- the Power Particle existed and worked and could still be used to some effect. Through the use of his stabilisation suit, Mal believed that he could personally refine and use his new found powers to aid in scientific progress in a more 'hands on' manner.

"I could actually touch the stars, accelerate chemical mixtures for faster reaction times, understand the comprehensiveness of almost any physical structure just by looking at it. With my powers, I could do and -be- everything and anything for the sake of scientific inquiry." - Captain Collider

Over the following three months, Mal and Olivier worked in secret to test the limits of his powers of particle manipulation, using the former's knowledge of science and the latter's creativity to thinking of new ways to manifest finer sub-powers and honing his pre-existing powers to their full potential. All the while, Olivier attempted to persuade the reluctant, pacifistic Mal to use his powers to become one of many costumed crimefighters in Arcadia City, thereby promoting Unlimited Dynamics and his own celebrity status. Mal declined the idea of doing so, however, not wanting to become a cheap gimmick or a superpowered glory-hog. Though he kanebted the udea if nussubg a valid business opportunity, Olivier begrudgingly relented.

"I had absolute power, and I was going to use it for the betterment of mankind, not as a hopped-up atom bomb for UNTIL or one of those 'super teams' of glorified thugs to drop on all their problems. Heh, At least, that's what I initially thought..." - Captain Collider

With Luna's eleventh birthday fast approaching, Mal took a break from his regular trial runs at the Unlimited Dynamics test site to go and check up on her. Deciding to keep his distance rather than risk getting in a quarrel with Vanessa, he used his powers to fly up high and use his telescopic vision to watch her from the skies. As he checked up on her, however another nearby even caught his attention: the armed robbery of a local bank. With the local authorities nowhere in sight and one of the criminals clearly on edge, Mal reluctantly spurred into action. Landing in front of the bank, he first tried to talk the criminals down. When one of them took a little girl that looked similar to Luna hostage, however, he quickly opted to diffuse the situation more forcefully.

"It's like my dad always used to say: there's a time and a place for force. And when just the right amount of force is applied to just the right object, you get all kinds of unique results." - Captain Collider

Acting quickly, Mal used his particle vision to atomise the hostage taker's gun. When the other two bank robbers fired on him, he used a focused wall of radiation to stop the bullets in mid-air. With that out of the way, he quickly accelerated towards the criminals in the blink of an eye and -- taking a firm grasp of both weapons -- melted their guns into molten metal, effectively disarming them. With his impressive show of power over with, Mal implored them to give up once more. They surrendered without resistance.

"Diplomacy works." - Captain Collider

As Mal watched the recovered security guards cuff the defeated bank robbers, however, the getaway driver made a speedy escape with the bags of stolen money already loaded into the vehicle. Giving chase, Giving immediate chase, Mal lifted the speeding car off of the road and gently placed it upside-down, welding the door handles shut to keep the driver in place until rescue services arrived. As he came away from the situation, though, he was surprised to see a gathering of civilians cheering him on for his works -- with an ecstatic Luna among them. Overcome with a sudden pride at having aided and inspired the crowd -- and, by association, his estranged daughter -- Mal departed from the scene and arrived at the test sight with a new tune -- he was going to be a superhero.

"I must have sounded like a condescending jackass when I berated heroes for being self-centred showboaters. It wasn't until I saw my little girl in that crowd that I realised the true value of heroes to the world -- men and women who use their powers, their technology, their steely-faced determination to inspire the people who look up to them. Sure, some of them are thugs and some are gloryhounds, but every single hero whoever donned a silly costume and saved a life meant something to somebody; they meant something to Luna. And I had a responsibility to do the same. Well, maybe do it a little less dangerously, but I digress..." - Captain Collider

Rushing the prototype stabilisation suit to his PR and marketing departments to have them give it a more 'heroic' motif, Olivier began promoting the live broadcast premiere of 'Captain Collider': the 'Man Of The Millennium'. Though he had his doubts about his friend's branding of his superhero identity, Mal agreed to go along with the publicisation of his superhero persona, believing that, with his powers, it would be best to make his intentions and his gentle nature as clear as possible.

"I've been a 'weak' man. I know what it's like living in fear of those guys flying high over our heads with enough power to topple skyscrapers. I didn't want there to be any mistake about who I was and what I wanted for my fellow man. Plus, it was pretty obvious Olivier had planned for the whole thing anyway -- wouldn't want that to go to waste." - Captain Collider

The very next week, Mal made his very first appearance as Captain Collider during Unlimited Dynamics' presentation at the Arcadia City Science Expo. Introduced as a man who blended all the best elements of science and superheroism, he became the face of Unlimited Dynamics and its de facto 'head of security' in all manner of scientific dealings. With his fantastic powers, it was undoubtable that he would make the world a better place and help aspiring scientists everywhere to usher in a brighter future. In a blinding storm of flashing cameras, Captain Collider was born and Arcadia City had a protector.

"Personally, I do like the name. Dr. Collider sounds kind of self-gratifying. And a little evil." - Captain Collider

Now thirty-seven years old, but seemingly immune to the effects of aging, Malcolm Parton has been Captain Collider for just over a year an a half. In that time, however, he has encountered and thwarted a number of supervillains and other threats and has tirelessly used his powers to push the boundaries of science and heroism on an almost daily basis, quickly beginning to build a reputation for himself. And though his secret identity of Dr. Malcolm Parton, the particle physicist who just happened to get into a freak science-related accident a short time before Captain Collider made himself known, is probably the worst kept secret in the world, he continues to better himself as a man and a 'superman', mastering his command over particles with every passing day.

"A lot of people think I wear an atom on my chest because of my powers and their source, but that's not why. The atom, so small and insignificant at a glance, holds within itself unlimited potential. For growth, for change, for progress -- for the future. And when all those little particles come together, they're capable of creating anything and everything. To some my emblem is just a form of identification: to me, it's a philosophy." - Captain Collider


"Well, I don't really like to throw mine around..." - Captain Collider

Particle Manipulation

"Particles are the building blocks of all creation. They make up everything we understand to be real and, more than likely, everything we suppose to be real too. And through the manipulation of those particles, I can do a lot of good or a lot of bad. Don't worry -- I'll stick to the former." - Captain Collider

As a result of the Power Collider deconstructing his body and reconstructing it with an infusion of Power Particles in his molecular structure, Captain Collider is capable of manipulating particles of all kinds to various effects. Though the vast cosmic potential for absolute power which stems from such a potent ability is enough to give anyone a cause for concern, Captain Collider's control over the particles in his own body and the particles of those around him are severely restrained by both the human brain's comparatively small capacity compared to those of more cosmic beings and his own narrow purview of what constitutes as reality and fiction, limiters present in most human beings. As a result, his mastery over particles is both crude and simple. In addition to this weakness, Captain Collider also abhors the use of excessive violence and completely strays away from the use of more destructive applications of his power, rarely even exploring ones which only serve to destroy. This means that entire branches of his particle manipulation go completely ignored. As time passes by, however, Captain Collider refines his own powers through concentration and training, pushing the boundaries of his own potential to new highs.

Currently, Captain Collider is able to use his powers of particle manipulation to achieve the following sub-powers:

Atomic Manipulation

  • Atomic Energy Projection
  • Atomic Fists
  • Atomic Breath
  • Atomic Dissociation

Perhaps the most conventionally destructive branch of Captain Collider's powers, atomic manipulation allows him to manipulate matter on an atomic level. For obvious reasons, his general influence over such a devastating power is crude and limited, only manifesting itself in the ability to project and manipulate atomic energy in a handful of ways, such as firing concentrated beams of atomic energy from his hands, capable of heating up or blowing up anything on the receiving end. The most advanced application of Collider's control over atoms is atomic dissociation, which effectively allows him to undo the atomic bonds in objects to reduce them to fine particles -- or 'atomise' them. He has never tried to use it on a living creature and doubts he ever will.

Energy Manipulation

  • Particle Vision
  • Energy Projection
  • Energy Fists
  • Energy Absorption

With his mastery over energy, Captain Collider can fire concentrated beams of particle energy from his eyes, allowing him to perform delicate procedures at low intensities and melt through or explode objects at higher intensities. He can also absorb and resist most forms of energy based attacks, allowing him to improve or boost his own energy levels. The most devastating use of this power branch, however, is the ability to replicate and weaponise most forms of energy.

Graviton Manipulation

  • Gravitation Adaptation
  • Immobility

Another potentially catastrophic power, Captain Collider typically utilises his limited graviton manipulation to bend graviton particles around him for easy adapatation to extreme gravitational pressures or to increase his immobility during combat for defensive purposes.

Ionic Manipulation

  • Electromagnetism Manipulation
    • Electromagnetic Vision

With ionic manipulation, Captain Collider is capable of exercising control over ions, which in turn gives him control over electromagnetic forces. Though he lacks a finer control over this branch of his particle manipulation, he is able to manipulate electromagnetic waves in a way which allows him to use the entire electromagnetic spectrum to enhance or otherwise influence his vision.

Matter Manipulation

  • Density Manipulation
    • Super Strength
    • Invulnerability
    • Super Breath
    • Enhanced Lung Capacity
  • Self-Sustenance

A very intricate branch of his particle manipulation, Captain Collider generally admires the vast potential of matter manipulation. With it, he can alter his density to vastly increase his strength, durability and lung capacity. He can also survive without the need to eat, drink or sleep, which definitely helps with his workload.

Molecular Manipulation

  • Molecular Reconstruction

Though Captain Collider only has one documented sub-power permitted by his power of molecular manipulation: the ability to reconstruct certain molecules to alter their physical structure and qualities is definitely not to be taken lightly. This power is severely limited, however, as he cannot (or, perhaps, will not) alter biological organisms and must instead settle for altering non-biological objects not too complex to manipulate.

Radiation Manipulation

  • Radiation Projection
  • Radiation Fists
  • Radiation Generation
  • Radiation Absorption
  • Radioactive Vision

Generally too dangerous to use in a non-lethal capacity, radiation manipulation is one of Captain Collider's less utilised branch of powers, if not the least utilised. It's hard to be a friendly neigbourhood superhero when you're throwing around dangerous blasts of radioactive energy, after all. Still, being able to replicate, generate, project, emit and absorb different kinds of radiation has its applications in the field and in the lab.

Photon Manipulation

  • Flight
  • Super Speed
    • Enhanced Reflexes

By bending the photon particles surrounding his body, Captain Collider is able to fly or run at the speed of light. He does, however, prefer to move much slower as his reflexes, while enhanced, are nowhere near as fast as an average speedster's. He usually settles for supersonic speeds or lower when in an urban or otherwise busy environment, save for the occasional short burst of speed. While not the most offensive or defensive of his abilities, it can't be argued that photon manipulation has its utility purposes.

Positron and Electron Manipulation

  • Telescopic Vision
  • Microscopic Vision

Another infrequently used power branch, Captain Collider can manipulate positrons and electrons with a thought. He only seems to use it to enhance the range of his vision, however.

Subatomic Particle Manipulation

  • Decelerated Aging
  • Healing Factor
  • Enhanced Senses
    • Enhanced Hearing
    • Enhanced Smell
    • Enhanced Taste
    • Enhanced Balance

His most complex branch of particle manipulation, Captain Collider still doesn't really seem to have any fine control over subatomic particles. Its only effects on his powers are strictly secondary and subconscious, greatly slowing his aging process, speeding up his body's healing abilities and enhancing some of his senses to superhuman levels.


"My suit is all the equipment I need. Besides, I don't have any pockets." - Captain Collider

Collider Stabilisation Suit

"It's what holds me together, and that -matters-. Hm-hm. Uh...sorry, that was a joke. I was -positive- it'd get a better -reaction-. No? Tough crowd." - Captain Collider

When Captain Collider's power of particle manipulation first began to manifest itself, it did so in dangerously erratic and unwieldy ways. Realising the dangers of having such little control over such devastating power and theorising that, if he ever completely lost control over the Power Particles flowing through him, he could wind up combusting into a large black hole, Captain Collider constructed the Collider Stabilisation Suit. Made out of a patented energy and radiation channeling nanoweave material called Invinciweave, the Collider Stabilisation Suit is capable of both containing Captain Collider's fluctuating power levels and offering resistance to all manner of radiation and other destructive elements, making its exceedingly difficult to penetrate or tear while remaining flexible and skintight enough to be worn comfortably.

In addition to the Invinciweave bodysuit, the stabilisation suit is also outfitted with a number of focusing devices which allow the hero to better control and concentrate his particle manipulation. Crafted out of a kendrium alloy designed to make them both durable and adept at funneling otherwise unstable energies, the stabilisation suit's bracers and boots can better channel and control Captain Collider's powers while also acting as power limiters. The belt -- crafted from the same material -- acts as the essential element in monitoring the Power Particles in Captain Collider's molecular structure, keeping him structurally sound and giving him fine control over all aspects of his particle manipulation. Finally, the headpiece acts as an amplifier and modulator for the neurological link between Captain Collider's powers and his mind, better allowing him to 'will' himself to use his powers in more refined ways.

Primary functions aside, the suit is also outfitted with life support systems which allow Captain Collider to operate in the vacuum of space, underwater and in other dangerous conditions unabated, is interlaced with adaptive nanofibres which allow him to change its colours at the push of a button and has an in-built computer which lets him log data and perform a wide variety of minor tasks while out and about, including communicating with QUARK, the friendly robot designed by Captain Collider himself.

When Captain Collider first opted to become a costumed superhero, the prototype stabilisation suit was revised and redesigned by Unlimited Dynamics' PR and marketing departments to make it more 'heroic' and 'friendly'. After adding a less drab colour scheme, a bright cape and an atom as a chest emblem, the suit changed from an impersonal containment suit to the costume Collider wears into battle every day and -- though it has been tweaked or upgraded one or twice along the way -- it has remained a constant reminder of the hero's roots and the importance of being responsible with the power he has.

When not operating as a superhero, Captain Collider usually uses his molecular reconstruction to transmute the suit into his regular clothes. This process happens within the blink of an eye and, to most anyone watching, it would appear as if a giant atom is engulfing the glowing form of Mal Parton and, in a burst of light, transforming him into Captain Collider.


"I made QUARK to be my assistant, but I'm glad to say he became much more than that. I don't want to think about where I'd be without him." - Captain Collider

While attempting to prove the existence of the Power Particle and harness its potential, Mal Parton decided to decrease his workload and expedite the process by inventing a multipurpose robotic assistant. Resembling a particle in design, the diminutive robot, QUARK, was made to maximise its mobility in the lab and in the field, forgoing traditional bipedal movement in favour of levitation and flight through the use of gravitational electromagnetic propulsion, whgich is capable of matching Captain Collider's cruising flight/run speed and his usual maximum speed when pushed. Built with a learning artificial intelligence, QUARK possesses the intuitive mind and personality of a human with the processing potential of an advanced robot. In order to make his robotic assistant more friendly and endearing, Mal also gave QUARK a 'voicebox' which allows him to simulate human speech patterns to create his own voice and identity. He also gave QUARK the ability to express its simulated emotional states through the use of emoticons, which are projected on the screen it uses for a 'face'. In place of hands, QUARK utilises concentrated tractor beam projectors mounted on either side of its spherical body, allowing it to manipulate several objects at once through the use of multiple beams. For durability, his outer plating is constructed out of a titanium alloy, making him resistant to harm, but not to a significant degree.

Apart from its various outer features, QUARK also possesses a number of secondary features implanted to better serve Mal during his day to day work. As well as using its 'face' to communicate, QUARK can present information on it like a computer or a television and can even act as a two way video communication device. Its tractor beam projectors can be used to project force fields and fire defensive stun blasts, equivalent in strength to your average taser but also capable of being adjusted for added power or to charge something with electricity. Additionally, a number of useful tools are stored within QUARK's body to be used by the robot itself or anyone who so chooses to take advantage of its services. QUARK is also capable of tapping into various radio frequencies and remotely interfacing with technological devices of various shapes and sizes, manipulating tehm or accessing their information. A universal translator allows him to interpret any known language of human or alien origin and seamlessly translate it with a very small margin of error. An omni-scanner built into its top half can be used to scan any number of substances, organisms or energy forms to identify or further analyse them using the robot's wide database of information and has, in more recent times, been outfitted with enhanced vision settings to match Captain Collider's. For added analysis or storage purposes, a retractable draw can also be used. For additional storage of foreign objects, QUARK has a limited amount of space set aside as a storage compartment in its back. This compartment is usually used to store any of Captain Collider's mission specific equipment or a spare stabilisation suit. Running on a long-lasting, rechargeable power source, QUARK gains power from solar and electrical energy, which can easily be provided by sunlight or Captain Collider.

Since donning his cape and becoming a hero, Captain Collider has found QUARK to be an invaluable ally and has a habit of using him as a 'sidekick', albeit in a support capacity. Though the robot isn't much use in a fight, he has used what few offensive measures he has to save Captain Collider's life on more than one occasion. With its somewhat timid and unadventurous personality, however, QUARK isn't too fond of having to risk his 'life' doing so and is always ready to voice his apprehension towards Captain Collider's dangerous lifestyle.

The Power Collider

"The Power Collider. Both my greatest creation and my most devastating failure. Only time will tell if it will spell disaster or salvation for the world but, no matter what happens, it will always be my greatest responsibility." - Captain Collider

Created for the purpose of discovering the Power Particle through the collision of other accelerated particles, the Power Collider was expected to change the very foundations of human existence for the better by allowing for superpowers to be reliably bestowed upon any given subject with an almost imperceptible margin of error. After Mal Parton activated the Power Collider for the first time, however, a spontaneous act of self-sacrifice combined with an unknown variable to cause an unexpected turn of events. Though the variable allowed the Power Collider to work on that particular occasion, Mal was bombarded by its accelerated particle beams. Torn apart and reconstructed on a subatomic level, he became infused with stable Power Particles and gained extraordinary powers over particles both internal and external. With these powers he became Captain Collider, the Man of the Millennium and a shining example of mankind's bright future and unlimited potential.

Though he tried to replicate the extraneous, unforeseen variable that led to the successful creation of Power Particles many times following his accident, Mal has yet to succeed in doing so and limits himself out of a fear that his experiments may do more harm than good. Nevertheless, the Power Collider remains situated in the very centre of Captain Collider's headquarters, the Powerdome, and plays a vital role both in the present and, as Captain Collider is beginning to discover, in the future. As more and more metahumans imbued with stable and unstable Power Particles continue to surface and denizens from other worlds, realities and timelines make appearances in our own, the question of whether the Power Collider and the discovery of the Power Particle ushers in mankind's ascension or damnation begins to weigh more heavily on Captain Collider's mind and the events unfolding around him.

Nullymer Cape: Captain Collider's cape is made out of the experimental hyper-durable polymer known as Nullymer, created by Mal Parton himself. Through the use of a unique and subtle vibrational frequency constantly resonating through its atomic bonds, Nullymer is able to 'negate' most harmful substances and elements to a significant degree, making it ideal for protecting its wearer from all manner of harm. By using his Nullymer cape, Captain Collider can protect himself and others from danger, smother fires and other destructive forces, cloak himself from certain means of detection and, in a pinch, weaponise it against his enemies as an expanding net, though Captain Collider has always believed that particular function to be a bit ridiculous.

The Parton Portal: An interdimensional portal generator created by Mal Parton for the purpose of branching out to other dimensions in search of perfected Power Particles, the Parton Portal was an unmitigated disaster as, on its very first run, it opened a gateway to a dimension of endless war and destruction known only as Point Z. From Point Z, the Antimatron arrived in our world and may have destroyed a large part of it if not for Captain Collider righting his wrongs. Though he vowed never to utilise the Parton Portal again, Captain Collider was forced to use it to trap a rampaging Captain Chernobyl where he could do no harm, sequestered in a universe already ravaged by ceaseless chaos. Although Captain Collider abhors his creation with every fibre of his being, he cannot bring himself to destroy it once and for all if only because of its utility in disposing of threats with power far exceeding his own.


"I'm very good at integral and differential calculus; I know the scientific names of beings animalculous~" - Captain Collider

Super-Genius Level Intellect: Endowed with an IQ of 300, Captain Collider possesses a super-genius level of intelligence and a brilliant scientific mind. With his level of intelligence, Collider has ready access to an eidetic memory, a high capacity for academic progression and the uncanny ability to think faster and on a higher level of reasoning than most people, which makes him well-suited to the mental toll of exercising his powers. Truly, his mind is the most valuable asset.

Brilliant Physicist: With multiple PhDs in particle physics, mechanical engineering, robotics, quantum mechanics and metahuman science, as well as bits of knowledge from other branches of physics picked up throughout his career, Captain Collider's highly-trained scientific mind is only the result of a natural affinity for scientific pursuits. His vast knowledge of physics is also regularly applied to his crimefighting and the use of his powers.

Expert Chemist and Biologist: Though not as adept in either of these subjects as he is in physics, Captain Collider's knowledge of chemistry and biology is nothing to be sniffed at and he's usually able to put it to good use. Of particular note is his moderate level of study in biochemistry, genetics and xenobiology.

Multilingualism: Having used a mixture of his super speed and his eidetic memory to greatly expedite the learning process, Captain Collider has become fluent in a vast number of Earth's many languages. It would be far easier to list the number he has yet to gain some understanding of than it would be to list all the ones he can speak. He knows no alien languages yet, though he has taught himself sign language and knows how to read lips.


"I may not always look it, but I'm one of the good guys. I'm just a little more...bioluminescent." - Captain Collider

Personable, sincere and generally upbeat, Captain Collider is a genuinely nice person inside and out. A generous, gentle soul, he only wants happiness for as many people as possible and truly wants to see the good in everybody. In his mind, altruism is the human condition and the only reasonable way to ensure mankind's progression as a species. As such, he always goes out of his way to make sure everyone is treated fairly and with a modicum of human decency, even the ones who may not deserve it.

Captain Collider is loyal and trusting to his friends, merciful to his foes and polite to anyone else. This all-loving personality is reflected in his pacifistic philosophy, which he references regularly and always strives to maintain. To Captain Collider, violence in any case where violence is not strictly needed is the result of a failure by people to act as civilised creatures and, therefore, an embarrassment to human intelligence. That isn't to say he completely avoids violence, however; levelheaded and reasonable, he understands the necessity of it and rarely ever impresses his own views of non-violence on others. The one exception to this is when he perceives others as being irresponsible or selfish with their power. Responsibility and duty are very important to Captain Collider, especially in the wake of receiving his powers. He believes it is his responsibility as a person to use his powers for good and frowns upon anyone who exploits them either for the sake of evil or their own personal gain. He also can be rather outspoken about his views when confronting those he believes to be responsible for unnecessary conflict and war, including some heroes. This approach to the use of superpowers specifically stems from his own fear of causing harm to others or losing track of his humanity. With responsibility close at heart, he exercises extreme caution to make sure he never crosses any boundaries -- perhaps to a noticeable fault.

A man of science, Captain Collider has a seemingly boundless curiosity when it comes to the subject and seems to approach any opportunity to expand his intellectual horizons with an adventuresome, overzealous spirit which contrasts starkly with his usual sobriety. Indeed, he has an almost unquenchable thirst for understanding how all things work, from the complexities of the universe to the mind of a supervillain. In addition, he usually confronts obstacles with the lateral mind of a scientist, preferring to take the thinking man's path to victory over any other. At times, Captain Collider can hardly stop himself at expressing awe or excitement at some of the many marvels he stumbles upon during his adventures and always seems to view things within the context of either bettering humanity or bettering scientific advancement -- though the two often go hand in hand in his mind. He holds knowledge and information in great esteem and believes that both are fundamental to any sapient species. When the stakes are high, however, Captain Collider will gladly pick mankind over science any day of the week, with only the slightest pang of remorse in some cases.

Though it's easy to get lost in Captain Collider's larger than life presence and power, the hero readily indulges in his humanity, warts and all. Still your average nerd, he can be somewhat awkward and cautious in spite of his, quite frankly, intimidating physical form. He still conducts himself with the mannerisms of a man much more accustomed to burying his head in a book than saving lives. His speech and body language can sometimes be stiff and overly overly formal and he seems to take most people -- facetious or not -- at face value, often responding seriously to subtle jabs and sarcastic remarks. Despite his modest nature, Captain Collider is sometimes prone to parading his own intelligence around, rattling off information or coming in with a pithy quote. He usually apologises for even the slightest show of arrogance, however, his modesty exceeding his intellect. His pacifism, though admirable in some ways, can occasionally border on naivete, especially when dealing with more morally grey scenarios. Indeed, he is strongly devoted to his own personal beliefs and can become indignant when they're drastically infringed upon -- especially when his good nature or the science he loves so dearly is taken advantage of. When this happens, he tosses aside his usual docility and shows a much sterner, angrier side. Behind his usual sunny disposition, the burden of Captain Collider's powers and the constant challenges to his overly optimistic worldviews constantly weigh on his soul. If not for his own great patience and strong moral fibre, he would be much more prone to outbursts. He has a great amount of respect for tradition and laws, so long as he believes they perform the intended task of serving the people and -- as a staunchly left wing person -- he isn't afraid to speak his mind when he believes the world isn't working as it should be..

On a more personal note, Captain Collider loves people, regularly touring the world on his university lecture circuits and attending public events on behalf of Unlimited Dynamics. He has a fairly good sense of humour and rarely takes offense to the odd joke on his behalf -- though his own attempts at humour are often rather awkward and groan-inducing. Open-minded to the extreme, he's always willing to 'go with the flow' and try new things. He is a connoisseur of the arts, literature and the science of cooking, and is a published author in his own right, having written various non-fiction books on his research. His tastes in music are also surprisingly erratic, and he seems to bounce from classical to political rap to Japanese pop music with no real sense of consistency. Despite his friendliness, Captain Collider is still very much an introvert and likes to spend time alone to be with his thoughts or to just recuperate when the hustle and bustle gets to be overwhelming. In romance, he has a tendency to be traditional and the slightest bit shy, far from a womaniser or a playboy. If he develops romantic feelings for a woman, he rarely if ever makes the first move and usually tries to keep his affections to himself, having only been with one woman his entire life and not quite used to being 'attractive' yet.

Captain Collider's Myers-Briggs personality type is ISFJ.

Friends & Allies

"The English metaphysical poet, John Domme, once wrote that no man is an island. I wouldn't be a sound molecular structure without those all-important bonds! ...That one was a little corny even for me." - Captain Collider


Olivier Martin: The president and CEO of Unlimited Dynamics, Olivier is Captain Collider's boss and his best friend. Born into money and having inherited his post from his father, he has a tendency to be somewhat spoiled and ignorant of other people but is an inherently good person beneath it all and a savvy businessman.

Vanessa Morello: Captain Collider's ex-wife and and a chemist of some renown. Though they are now divorced, Vanessa still harbours feelings for her ex-husband and has come back into his life following his accident. On Captain Collider's part he still loves Vanessa and only wants to get back together with her, becoming a family again.

Luna Morello-Parton: Captain Collider's twelve year old daughter who was confined to a wheelchair after a hit-and-run accident, driving Captain Collider to push forward on his research into the Power Particle. A sunny, intelligent girl, she loves and admires her father and doesn't blame him for her accident. Nevertheless, Captain Collider strives to find a way to restore her body.

Gerald and Regina Parton: Captain Collider's parents, the Partons are loving and nurturing towards their son and are fully aware of his new superhero lifestyle. Though they worry about him, they trust him to use his intelligence and morality to make the world a better place for his being in it. Mr. Parton acts as an intellectual and philosophical mentor to their son while Mrs. Parton offers more moralistic advice.

Melinda Parton: A successful executive for Unlimited Dynamics' competitor, Steel Industries, Captain Collider's sister is ambitious and ruthless in business but very much cares for her older brother, despite their conflicting ideologies. Captain Collider worries that she may end up getting involved in the company's more shady dealings.

Nicholas Parton: An artist, musician, writer or whatever else catches his fancy, Captain Collider's older brother may be the 'black sheep' of the family but he is also a kind and positive person who his younger brother looks up to and regularly seeks advice from, especially following his accident. With his creative mind Nicholas frequently comes up with solutions and ideas which may have evaded Captain Collider's more logical way of thinking.

QUARK: A diminutive robotic assistant invented by Captain Collider to help expedite some of his workload, QUARK mostly carries out more menial tasks during the scientist's research and occasionally monitors his altered physiology. He's also a rather good listener and has a tendency to help his creator with problems when no one else is around.

Rogues Gallery

"Enemies may come and go, but friends stay the same. And with the kind of friends I have, I'm confident my enemies won't be burying me any time soon." - Captain Collider

(Created and archived by QUARK)

Threat Level Key:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 1: Insignificant. Chances of defeat: minimal. Otherwise, may be disinterested in harming others. Observation: comical.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 2: Minor. Potential to increase in threat to others under certain circumstances.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 3: Low. Can pose personal danger to Dr. Parton or his loved ones.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 4: Moderate. Craftier, more powerful, more dangerous. Also: less comical.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 5: High. Should not be allowed to roam free. Prone to harming innocents and other heroes.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 6: International. Alert: extremely dangerous. Immediate intervention: Very yes.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 7: Multinational. Potentially a threat to several nations. Common occurrence: vacation. Probability of sun fun: low.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 8: Global. DANGER. DANGER. DANGER. Emphasis: DANGER. Clarification: EVERYONE.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
LEVEL 9: Cosmic. Observation: we are doomed. Strongly advised: prayers, familial bonding, reminiscence. More advised: Dr. Parton.


FILE 001



Real Name: Maxwell Steel
Powers/Abilities: Super-Genius Level Intellect, Future Tech
Occupation: President of Steel Industries (Power Company)
Origin: Natural(?)
Motivation: ???
The CEO and president of Steel Industries -- a competitor of Unlimited Dynamics -- by day, Maxwell Steel has a habit of donning a hi-tech helmet and getting up to dubious activity as the mysterious criminal known as Blacksmith by night, often dipping his hand in high-stakes criminal activity and even outfitting certain criminals with technology far beyond what is readily available to most. Though he seems to be your average crime boss, he is, in actuality, a time traveller from some unknown future. His only goal is to destroy Captain Collider -- and he appears to be using a stabilised batch of future Power Particles to create metahumans to do just that.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 002

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Real Name: Randall Pittman
Powers/Abilities: Amorphous Physiology, Shapeshifting
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Emotional
Needing a weapon capable of posing a legitimate threat to the newly surfaced hero, Blacksmith used a canister of concentrated Power Particles he had brought with him from the future to create one from a victim no one would miss: the lonely, anti-social janitor, Randall Pinkman. Targeting Pinkman as his subject, Blacksmith secretly subjected him to the gas transforming him into the grotesque Amorphous Man. After being manipulated into blaming Captain Collider for his accident, the Amorphous Man attacked the hero, almost besting him before a narrow loss. Now, he struggles to find a cure for his condition, and will do anything to anyone to get it.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 003



Real Name: Dr. Joshua Streek
Powers/Abilities: Electricity Manipulation, Flight
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Fame/Power/Money/Emotional
Dr. Joshua Streek was once Dr. Malcolm Parton's most outspoken advocate, despite working at Steel Industries When Mal became Captain Collider, Streek made a failed attempt at replicating his accident, flinging himself into a strange machine left there by Maxwell Steel (Blacksmith) and giving him an almost cosmic level of control over electricity. Though he attempted to be the hero Powerline, his lack of responsibility endangered lives. When confronted by Captain Collider, he lashed out in anger, sparking a fight which ended in his defeat. Now embittered towards Captain Collider, Powerline has decided to settle for being the villain that killed the hero.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 004



Real Name: Emmerich Hirsch
Powers/Abilities: Reflection Manipulation, Shard Protrusion, Self-Reconstruction, Skilled Fighter and Assassin
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Fame/Power/Money/Emotional
The illegitimate son of the late Klaus Hirsch, the first Mirror, Emmerich Hirsch followed his father's various exploits throughout his life. When the Mirror was killed by All-Star, Hirsch was consumed with a desire for vengeance. Travelling to America, he made an attempt on All-Star's life, but was foiled and imprisoned. There, the Blacksmith offered to use Power Particles to give him an enhanced set of his father's power so long as he targeted Captain Collider too. Putting both in his sights, Hirsch became the second Mirror and forced the two completely opposite heroes to team up. Now, the Mirror II hopes to restore his father's name by taking down Captain Collider.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 005



Real Name: Mason Mann
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Enhanced Jumping, Unbreakable Skin, Expert Martial Artist
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Fame/Emotional
A fierce mixed martial artist known for his towering size and strength, Mason 'Obelisk' Mann career soon came to an end when a fight for the championship left him permanently crippled. Desperate to fight again, Mann turned to medical science and was soon infused with a mysterious Power Particle formula disguised as an experimental treatment. Transformed into a towering man of unbreakable stone, Obelisk stormed his former ring and almost beat many of its fighters to death before Captain Collider intervened. Now a full-fledged criminal, Obelisk sees defeating Captain Collider as the ultimate proof of his strength and nary lets an opportunity to fight him go by.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 006

Lady Winter.JPG


Real Name: Jacqueline Frost
Powers/Abilities: Ice and Cold Manipulation
Occupation: Super Criminal (Power Company)
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money
The socialite wife of a wealthy jewellery tycoon and a friend of Maxwell Steel (Blacksmith), Jacqueline Frost lost the two most important things in the world to her when her husband's company went bankrupt: her wealth and her social status. Humiliated and shunned, Frost convinced a "reluctant" Steel to use his future Power Particles to give her powers of her own after he arranged for her to "accidentally" stumble upon them. Gifted with the powers of cold and ice manipulation, Frost became Lady Winter and sought to take back her jewels and wealth through less scrupulous means. Though she was thwarted by Captain Collider and divorced by her husband, Lady Winter continues to indulge her kleptomaniac tendencies.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-001



Leader: Blacksmith
Members: The Amorphous Man, Powerline, The Mirror II, Obelisk, Lady Winter
Type: Coalition
Origin: Masterminded
Motivation: Varies
Consisting of the first six metahumans created by Blacksmith through the use of his future Power Particles, Power Company was formed as the actualisation of Blacksmith's master plan to defeat Captain Collider, but disguised and pitched as a petty revenge gang to its other members. Convincing his unwitting pawns to put aside their differences in the hopes of accomplishing just that, Blacksmith finally revealed his presence to Captain Collider with the team at his back and proceeded to lead them against the unprepared hero. Through a combination of luck and wit, Captain Collider was able to narrowly defeat the team, but not before Blacksmith escaped.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 007



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength and Durability, Flight, Antimatter Staff
Occupation: Interdimensional Warlord
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Nature
Accidentally brought forth onto our dimensional plane during one of Captain Collider's attempts to create a portal to another universe, the Antimatron is an interdimnesional warlord who leads an army of physiologically similar creatures known only as the Ravening Horde. Wielding a powerful cosmic staff capable of transforming matter into antimatter and manipulating that antimatter, the Antimatron sought only to completely annihilate all existence in our universe and was only defeated when she was driven back to her own realm by Captain Collider. She has not made a return to our dimension since, and it is Captain Collider's hope that things stay that way.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 008

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Real Name: Dr. Patton Malvo
Powers/Abilities: Particle Manipulation
Occupation: Ruler of Earth 95-S
Origin: Science
Motivation: Power/Insanity/Emotional
A version of Mal Parton from a parallel universe and his complete opposite in every way, Patton Malvo was a physicist working on the ultimate weapon when he was infused with unstable Power Particles after being caught in the detonation of one of his own Power Bomb. When Malvo reconstituted himself, he found that he had the ability to manipulate particles and became Captain Chernobyl, razing his world and gradually going mad from the unstable particles. When he grew bored, Malvo used his own 'Malvo Portal' to travel to Captain Collider's universe so he could kill and replace him. Though the hero defeated the villain, forcing him to stand trial for his crimes back in his own universe, Malvo has sworn to return to get his revenge and has yet to go back on that vow in their subsequent confrontations.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 009

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Real Name: Mongrull
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Healing Factor, Enhanced Senses, Bludlust, Cybernetic Enhancements
Occupation: Space Pirate
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Ideals/Emotional
Once a slave on a world far away, Mongrull led his fellow slaves against their owner using Bludlust, an axe made of Barbarite -- a near indestructible metal capable of absorbing and redirecting energy. Crowning himself the 'King of Slaves', Mongrull roamed the cosmos with his crew of freed slaves, bringing death and destruction to all who would rob others of their freedom. He was eventually captured by Hedonus and forced to fight in gladiatorial combat against a similarly captured Captain Collider. When the hero refused to fight him and instead defeated him non-violently, Mongrull swore to win back his honour by forcing him into a fight and beating him.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 010



Real Name: Dr. Morris Whitman
Powers/Abilities: Hypno Tech, Powered Exoskeleton, Hi-Tech Crown, Brilliant Psychiatrist and Engineer, Master Hypnotist
Occupation: Super Criminal (The Think Tank)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Power
Morris Whitman was a wheelchair bound psychologist with a history of obsessive controlling tendencies. Crippled and powerless, Whitman used his mastery of hypnotism and his station as a psychiatrist to live his own power fantasies through many of his patients, bending them to his will and using them to seek revenge on those who had wronged him or to pull off various heists. When Captain Collider found him out, Whitman went into hiding and, utilising his advanced knowledge of engineering, developed a suit of power armour and a range of mind manipulating technology. Calling himself the Tyrant, Whitman took a more proactive role in satisfying his megalomania.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 011



Real Name: Dr. Octavio Quentin
Powers/Abilities: Formula Wand, Brilliant Mathematician and Quantum Physicist
Occupation: Super Criminal (The Think Tank)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Ideals/Fame/Money
A renowned mathematician and quantum physicist on the cutting edge of the scientific world, the ever eccentric Octavio Quentin's greatest invention came in the form of a hi-tech 'wand' capable of manipulating quantum particles on a minor level. The 'Formula Wand' granted him very limited reality manipulation through the use of mathematical formulas fed into the device via a neurological link. Deciding that the ultimate test of his genius and technology would be to take on the role of a costumed crook, Quentin became the Mathmagician, using his 'magical mathematics' to go on a wild crime spree and, eventually, to give Captain Collider a run for his money.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 012

Sergeant salvo.PNG


Real Name: Dr. Bryce Decker
Powers/Abilities: Hi-Tech Explosives, Hi-Tech Grenade Launcher, Brilliant Explosives Engineer, Military Training
Occupation: Super Criminal (The Think Tank)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
When his criminal brother fell into debt with a mob boss after a botched heist, explosives engineer and former soldier Bryce Decker was forced to help him out. Dressing as costumed criminals to trick authorities into believing they had powers, Decker and his brother's crew used his hi-tech explosives to pull off a second, bigger bank heist. When a security guard killed his brother, however, Decker murdered the man in blind rage, losing his mask and ruining the heist. Now a wanted criminal still saddled with his brother's debt, Decker has committed to his 'disguise' as Sergeant Salvo, working to pay his dues and losing his morality in the process.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 013



Real Name: Dr. Spencer Nguyen
Powers/Abilities: Chem Blasters, Bio-Suit, Brilliant Chemist
Occupation: Super Criminal (The Think Tank)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Thrills
Talented and brilliant, Spencer Nguyen quickly grew bored with the tedium of his job as a chemist and dissatisfied with his insulting pay grade. Deciding to introduce a change of pace to his life, Nguyen built his greatest creation yet -- the Chem Blasters. With his new weapons, Nguyen could utilise chemical 'ammunition' to create and project dangerous substances limited only by his knowledge. He could also use concentrated blasts of energy to transmute substances at will. Outfitting himself with a protective bio-suit and helmet, Nguyen hit the streets as Chemico, using his knowledge of chemistry to pull off extraordinary heists -- provided Captain Collider isn't there to stop him.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 014



Real Name: Dr. Wallace Heck
Powers/Abilities: Sonic Guns, Sonic Tech, Jet Pack, Brilliant Audio and Aerospace Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal (The Think Tank)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
Once a talented aerospace and audio engineer, Wallace Heck's life fell to pieces when his prototype for a supersonic jet pack backfired, killing its pilot at its unveiling. Fired and blacklisted for his mistake, Heck spent the next few years of his life perfecting his design. Despite his efforts, however, most employers refused to acknowledge him. With his debts piling up, Heck designed a flight suit and a pair of sonic blasters and robbed an armoured truck to make rent. After he succeeded, however, the easy money overpowered his wavering conscience and he became Hellbat, a high-flying, high-volume super criminal with a habit of shaking Captain Collider up a bit.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 015

The Living Colour.JPG


Real Name: Dr. Zachary Specter
Powers/Abilities: Colour Manipulation, Rainbow Manipulation, Colour Tech, Brilliant Spectroscopist
Occupation: Super Criminal (The Think Tank)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Fame
A young and brash spectroscopist, Zachary Specter always had a mind to use his knowledge to break into the world of villainy like his late father once dreamed of. Using his father's old research with some of his own improvements and modifications, Specter invented the Colour Suit -- a suit made of solid light which enabled him to manipulate visible light, in a number of ways. With his new powers, Specter became the Living Colour and started on a one man crime spree through Arcadia City which was only cut short by Captain Collider. Nowadays, the Living Colour prefers to hire out his services, looking to make some rep and a buck any way he can.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-002



Leader: Tyrant
Members: The Mathmagician, Sergeant Salvo, Chemico, Hellbat, The Living Colour
Type: Team
Origin: Mutual Interest
Motivation: Money/Power
Having been defeated by Captain Collider one too many times, Tyrant decided to bring together a team of like-minded super criminals for the purpose of uniting their efforts both in pulling off crimes and in keeping Captain Collider at bay. Opting to work with fellow former academics over uneducated criminals, he recruited The Mathmagician, Sergeant Salvo, Chemico, Hellbat and The Living Colour to his cause. Believing themselves to be above common super criminals, the Think Tank prefers to use their combined intellect and coordination to get ahead and possess a dynamic more akin to a super group than a gang of criminals, loyalty and all.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 016



Real Name: Dexter McCarthy
Powers/Abilities: Computer Virus Physiology, Technopathy
Occupation: Hacker
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/Power/Thrills
A hacker operating under the name 'Killabyte', Dexter McCarthy wished to transcend his crippled human body by implanting his mind into a superior robotic one. McCarthy used his hacking skills to steal blueprints for a QUARK 2.0 and constructed his own. Using his own plans for a transference machine, he went through with the procedure just as Captain Collider flew in and smashed the computer used to control the device. Though it appeared to leave McCarthy comatose, the interference actually trapped his mind in the digital world. Furious, McCarthy used his new state of being to take control of the prototype QUARK 2.0 and terrorise the city until Captain Collider and QUARK destroyed his body and digital form respectively.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 017



Real Name: Dominic Filch
Powers/Abilities: Life-Force Absorption, Questionite Crowbar
Occupation: Professional Criminal
Origin: Magic
Motivation: Money/Fame
A burglar and a constant victim of circumstance, Dominic Filch could never quite get his big payday. During a routine museum heist, a strange pair of cuffs caught his eye. Believing they would fetch him a decent buck, Filch strapped on the cuffs to hide them from his team. When they found out, however, the cuffs could not be removed, prompting them to try and saw off Filch's arm. Panicking, Filch reached out to grab at the heist leader, killing the man by absorbing his life-force, skills and memories. Revelling in his new powers, Filch took command of the group and became the Swindler. As the Swindler, Filch succeeded in stealing Captain Collider's powers a number of times, but has yet to pull off a win against the hero.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 018



Real Name: Dr. Perry Hamilton
Powers/Abilities: Replication, Enhanced Strength and Durability, Brilliant Nuclear Physicist
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money
A doctor of nuclear physics, Perry Hamilton often found himself being beaten to the punch by others in his line of work, too busy being torn between several different theses and projects to complete one. When sudden exposure to a blast of nuclear energy while in possession of a defunt piece of future tech retrieved from Blacksmith granted him the power to split himself into several copies, his priorities took on a sudden change. Finally able to perform several tasks at once, Hamilton became the Fissioneer and used his duplicates to sabotage other competing projects before Captain Collider put a stop to him. Now a disgraced criminal, the Fissioneer makes ends meet through crime rather than science.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 019



Real Name: Wyatt Jenkins
Powers/Abilities: Toy-Themed Weapons and Gadgets
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Insanity
An eccentric toy engineer and owner of Arcadia City's Hellraiser Toy Store, Wyatt Jenkins' instability was pushed past the point of no return when a chain toy store opened up nearby and inevitably drove him out of business. Bitterly vindictive, Jenkins decided to get back at the store through force. Designing a costume modeled after his store's mascot and a number of deadly weaponised toys to go with it, he premiered as the Hellraiser and set his sights on trapping the owners of the chain store in bizarre deathtraps. Though his revenge scheme was foiled by Captain Collider, Hellraiser's madness continues to drive him to new twisted acts of crime, using an almost limitless box of lethal toys to terrorise Arcadia City.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 020



Real Name: Col. Zheng Quan
Powers/Abilities: Black Hole Physiology, Gravity Manipulation, Super Strength, Invulnerability, Flight, Pain Immunity
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Emotional
A Chinese astronaut, Col. Zheng Quan's ship was bombarded by negative energy, leaving him the sole survivor. When he was rescued by Captain Collider, Quan found the accident had given him superpowers and the Chinese government pushed him into a superhero role. Soon, though, Quan began to develop dangerous new powers, absorbing matter like a black hole. When his government opted to put him in cognitive blackout, he angrily rampaged through China, his body rapidly becoming an unstable void until his friend, Captain Collider, had to restrain him. Despite the hero's protests, the government placed Quan in blackout.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 021



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis, Telepathy, Precognition, Cosmic Intelligence, Cosmic Awareness, Immortality, Cosmic Tech
Occupation: Universal Mastermind
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Purpose
The latest in the line of beings chosen by the cosmic force known as the 'Spark of Genius' to become the Universal Mastermind -- a cosmic entity tasked with doing all in its power to guide the universe along a predetermined path -- the current Mastermind is considered by most to be an unstable, rogue agent. Deeming all sentimentality, individuality and disorder to be a threat to the universal plan, the Mastermind has struck out on his own, bringing 'order' to world after world through psionic force or mass lobotomy. Only dissuaded from taking his mad quest to Earth by the preemptive confrontation of a diplomatic Captain Collider, it cannot be known when he'll reappear.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 022

You literally cannot make a decent gorilla in this game.PNG


Real Name: Argo
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Atomic Breath, Fire Generation, Radiation Generation
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Science
Motivation: Nature/Emotional
When a team of scientists believed they had cracked the secret to the Power Particle they opted to test their theory on a gorilla named Argo, bombarding the ape with accelerated particle rays to replicate the experiment that gave Captain Collider powers. Unbknownst to them, however, Argo had been running a high fever prior to the experiment and, upon being exposed to unstable 'faux' Power Particles, became horribly deformed on a subatomic level. Constantly burning with fire and radiation which left it in agonising pain, the atomic ape incinerated the scientists and stampeded through Arcadia City before being peacefully sedated by Captain Collider. He currently resides in suspended animation at the Powerdome until the hero can find a cure for his condition.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 023

Dr freakshow.PNG


Real Name: Dr. Calvin Crawley
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Strength and Durability, Enhanced Vision, Flight, Acid Spit, Insect Manipulation
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Science
Motivation: Nature/Insanity/Emotional
When xenobiologist Calvin Crawley discovered a new breed of insect deep beneath the crust of the Earth, he believed that his career would skyrocket overnight. Unfortunately for him, however, his jealous partner grew weary of his hogging the limelight and, in an act of revenge, sealed him in an experimental mutation chamber. As he was holding the specimen at the time, its DNA merged with his own, transforming him into a grotesque insect-human hybrid. Believed dead and warped by his new animal instincts, Crawley began to stalk Arcadia City at night, preying on pedestrians and reaching urban legend status as 'Doctor Creepy'. Though Captain Collider ended his feeding frenzy and incriminated his partner, Crawley's motivations and physiology continue to grow progressively less human.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 024



Real Name: Otto Doppler
Powers/Abilities: Fusion, Diffusion
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Metahuman
Motivation: Money
A metahuman super criminal born with the somewhat unusual power of being able to fuse any two entities together or, conversely, split anything into two distinct halves, Half-Man first became known to Captain Collider when the hero attempted to thwart his bank robbery and ended up being split into a meek and powerless Mal Parton and a cold and calculating Captain Collider. Though the hero eventually managed to pull himself back together and defeat Half-Man, the villain has reappeared more than a few times and has been known to cause trouble when he does, whether its by loosing an army of Rhino-Tanks on the streets of Arcadia or making evil doppelgangers of its entire police force. In any case, he can either be a very minor annoyance or completely throw an unsuspecting Captain Collider's day out of whack.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 025

Mother Dearest.PNG


Real Name: Dr. Mallory Dearden
Powers/Abilities: Super-Genius Level Intellect, Future Tech, Brilliant Robotic Engineer
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Ideals
Bursting into existence in Arcadia City, the mysterious Mallory Dearden claimed to be an adventurer from the future, much like the city's founder, Eli Arcadia. Unbeknownst to even Captain Collider, however, Dearden was actually an anti-human terrorist, responsible for the deaths of thousands during a robot revolution, who wished to establish her regime in a time where she believed Captain Collider would be too weak to stop her. Summoning her robotic horde through a temporal wormhole, 'Mother Superior' attempted to conquer Arcadia City, leading to a heated battle with Captain Collider which ended with her defeat. With her wormhole device destroyed she remains trapped in this time, seeking to use her intellect and knowledge of the future to bring about the end of human 'inferiority'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 026

Mr. marathon.PNG


Real Name: <Unpronouncable>
Powers/Abilities: Reality Manipulation
Occupation: Marathon Master of Channel Zero
Origin: Cosmic
Motivation: Money/Fame
Hailing from Channel Zero, a dimension of cosmic beings who spend the majority of their lives watching television from across the multiverse, the Marathon Master was responsible for maintaining and hosting a constant stream of television from every known universe for his people to watch. When a noticeable ratings drops of 0.000001% occurred unexpectedly, he ventured into our dimension in search of interesting subjects so he could capitalise on the popularity of reality TV. Spotting Captain Collider as he saved innocents from a flaming building, the Marathon Master used his reality warping powers to force him into a number of different scenarios mirroring popular television so he could broadcast it to Channel Zero. Though Captain Collider evnetually outsmarted him and sent him packing, he has occasionally reappeared with more of his troublesome 'pitches'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 027

Omnivorous Rex.PNG


Real Name: Omnivorous the Devourer
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Invulnerability, Enhanced Intellect, Tectonite Weaponry, Tectonite Crown
Occupation: Warchief of the Dinomen
Origin: Magic
Motivation: Ideals/Power
The current and longtime king of the Dinomen, Omnivorous Rex had never been satisfied with living below the Earth and always longed for more. When an oil drilling operation unearthed a Dinoman settlement and killed many of their innocents, he declared war on the Earthmen above and, leading a battalion of his finest soldiers, blazed a warpath through the South of America. When Captain Collider arrived to stop him, Omnivorous Rex used the mystical properties of Tectonite to very nearly kill him. Eventually, though, he was beaten in single combat and honour bound to return to the Earth, though not before promising his people would rise from below to reclaim their land once again.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-003



Leader: Omnivorous Rex
Members: Various
Type: Race
Origin: N/A
Motivation: Ideals/Power/Emotional
Moments before the dinosaurs were wiped out, a particular area inhabited by a large number of them collapsed into the Earth after an earthquake, burying a cross-section of different species deep beneath its surface. There, they encountered a large glowing rock embedded within the foundations of the planet -- this rock, responsible for the powerful vibrations which caused the earthquake, was tectonite - a volatile mineral of mystic origin. The tectonite mutated the dinosaurs over the course of the next few years, recreating them in more humanoid and intelligent forms. Calling themselves the Dinomen, these creatures have lived extended lifespans beneath the Earth, where they harness tectonite ore for its mystic powers. They answer only to their king, Omnivorous Rex.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 028

Ms Perfect.PNG


Real Name: Ivanna Kazakov
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Strength and Durability, Bionic Physiology, Tachyon Vision
Occupation: Super Criminal
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Emotional
Once a popular Russian supermodel dubbed 'Miss Perfect' by the media, Ivanna Kazakov's decadent lifestyle soon came to an abrupt end when an evening of drinking and driving led to a violent car accident. Disfigured beyond repair, Kazakov was desperate to reclaim the beauty that defined her: so desperate that she accepted Maxwell Steel's sinister offer to implant her consciousness into a robotic body. The limitations of Kazakov's new body on her old life quickly began to drive her mad to the point where Steel was able to direct her anger towards Captain Collider for failing to save her. Though Kazakov's subsequent attempt on the hero's life was thwarted, she still blames Captain Collider for her current situation and pursues him every opportunity she gets.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 029



Real Name: N/A
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Strength, Invulnerability, Size Manipulation, Energy Absorption
Occupation: N/A
Origin: Cosmic/Tech
Motivation: Nature

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 030



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Super-Genius Level Intellect
Occupation: Crime Boss
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 031



Real Name: Alexander Parton
Powers/Abilities: Consortium Power Suit, Future Tech
Occupation: Leader of the Collider Consortium
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Purpose/Ideals

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE S-003



Leader: Alpha Collider
Members: Various
Type: Organisation
Origin: Founded
Motivation: Purpose/Ideals

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



"Lately I've been partial to a little Korean Pop music, but I don't think that's what you're asking." - Captain Collider

Earth-Shattering Kaboom: Captain Collider's greatness weakness is his lack of fine control over his powers. If the belt of his suit is damaged beyond repair and the strain on his powers is too great, it is a strong possibility that he could explode into super dense particles, creating a black hole in his wake. The fear of doing such a thing constantly weighs on him and prompts him to limit himself.

Right In The Joules: Captain Collider may have great power, but pushing it too far causes him to run the risk of losing his molecular stability, even while wearing his stabilisation suit. As such, pushing him to his very limits is a good way to take him down.

Pushing Your Quark: He also runs the risk of losing his molecular stability if he absorbs too much energy, though the upper limits of the amount he can absorb is unknown.

Abra Kadabr-ouch: As with many science-based heroes, Captain Collider has little resistance against magic based attacks and is far more vulnerable to them than any other means of attack.

Made From Concentrate: Captain Collider's powers are extremely difficult to control with precision and the more complex abilities require concentration to be used with any proficiency.

Nice Guys Finish Last: A genuinely nice person is rarely treated with kindness in turn, especially when facing not-so-nice people. Captain Collider cares about everyone, no matter whom and this leaves him vulnerable to those willing to exploit that considerate nature.

Plight of the Pacifist: Captain Collider is a textbook pacifist. He doesn't believe that violence and aggression are suitable ways to approach any problem which can just as well be solved through diplomacy and a level-head. A smart opponent can take advantage of this 'weakness', so long as they remember that even his pacifistic views have their logical limit.

Head Strong: In order to effectively use his powers, Captain Collider needs to understand the particles he's working with and what he's doing with them. If you cut off his knowledge or screw around with his mind enough, you can cut off his powers. A good psionic is a big weakness.

Tachyon Trouble: Perhaps because he has no control over tachyons, concentrated tachyon bursts can temporarily disorient the Power Particles in Captain Collider's system, affecting his perception of time, his age, his control over his powers, his ability to use his powers at all and even his sight in some instances. The effects of tachyons on his system are generally unpredictable, however, and hitting him with too concentrated a blast can be just as dangerous to his attacker.

Cold As Ice: Though it takes a lot to accomplish it, Captain Collider's molecules react like any other when cooled to a sufficient degree. If an opponent is able to freeze him completely solid it would, at the very least, take him a very long time to thaw out on his own and, at the very most, completely neutralise him. A truly prepared enemy can even completely freeze an entire room or lower its temperature to absoule zero to prevent him from reconstructing anything in it.

Supermen Can't Multitask: Though Captain Collider's particle manipulation can be used to induce a great number of effects, it is nearly impossible for the hero to use too many at once, especially the more powerful ones. For instance he is far more vulnerable to physical damage when reconstructing molecules and so on. An opponent who times their attacks right can capitalise on his vulnerabilities tremendously.

As You Live And Breathe: Either through his own unwillingness to do so or an actual limitation of his powers, Captain Collider cannot reconstruct living organisms. While not a weakness in a traditional sense of the word, it's helpful to know which lines he won't cross.

Test Your Metal: Captain Collider is incapable of seeing through lead or questionite with any of his vision-based powers.

Projecting Problems: While Captain Collider can project atomic energy, nuclear energy, fire and ice blasts and more, he is only able to channel and project one kind of energy at any given time. He is incapable of mixing and matching multiple energy types and, instead, must settle for 'switching out'.

Can You Hear Me Now: With his enhanced sense of hearing, Captain Collider is particularly susceptible to sonic based attacks and has little resistance against them.


"I'm not fussy. Do you want to make me a mixtape?" - Captain Collider

1. Reaching - Audiomachine

2. Superhero - Mikhaël Bureau

3. Lift The Atmosphere - Jeremiah Pena ft. Juliet Lyons

4. Obsidian - The Hit House

5. Sailing On The Wind - Vincent Diamante

6. Legendary - Nick Murray

7. Rush - Clearspeaks Music

8. Arrival - Thunderstep Music

9. Flight Of Freedom - Aaron Sapp

10. Greatest American Hero (Believe It Or Not) - Joey Scarbury

RP Hooks

"I'm not too difficult to get a hold of, provided I'm not on another planet. Or another plane of existence." - Captain Collider
  • If you're a scientist or a science enthusiast, you might be familiar with Captain Collider's work and presence in the scientific world. You might even have worked with him before or after he became a hero.
  • A student studying physics at university? Perhaps Captain Collider has given you a lecture at some point.
  • It's not unlikely that you may have seen Captain Collider attending or participating in a charity event.
  • Captain Collider has published a number of books about the Power Particle and other key topics of physics in his long-spanning career as a physicist. Interested in the subject? Maybe you've read one.


"'The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know.' Albert Einstein. Of course, he couldn't dissociate atomic structures by pointing at them, but I feel it's still appropriate." - Captain Collider
  • Captain Collider is inspired by: Captain Atom (DC), Firestorm (DC), Superman (DC), The Atom (DC), The Flash (DC), Dr. Manhattan (DC), Blue Marvel (Marvel), Hank Pym (Marvel) and Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)
  • QUARK is inspired by: Skeets (DC) and H.E.R.B.I.E (Marvel)
  • If I had to pick a voice actor for Captain Collider it would definitely be LeVar Burton
  • Captain Collider has written a number of books on particle physics including his best-seller, 'The Power Particle'.
  • Captain Collider regularly gives lectures on physics at various universities and finds teaching to be one of the greatest joys in life.
  • Captain Collider makes frequent use of a swear jar. If he's lucky, he usually ends up with an average of $3 a year.
  • When Captain Collider's costume was first designed it had a red and black colour scheme. After wearing it once he quickly informed the designers that it was too 'menacing' and asked for a more calming primary colour.
  • One downside to Captain Collider's newfound physical presence is the difficulty he now has finding clothes in his size. He doesn't care for loose-fitting jerseys because he's unfamiliar with most of the sports personalities they're branded after.
  • Oddly enough, Captain Collider was a boy scout for a short time in his youth but quickly left in favour of science camp.
  • Captain Collider has a tendency to be ever so slightly excessive when it comes to keeping things in a neat, orderly manner. In some cases, he claims he can hardly concentrate when there's mess about.
  • Captain Collider is an absolutely terrible cook.
  • Captain Collider is a big fan of rom-coms for whatever reason. It's not really something anyone wants to understand.
  • Though he has the power to manipulate particles themselves now, Captain Collider hasn't retired from his role as a physicist. Far from it, he actively uses his new powers to aid in his scientific investigation and to help other scientists.
  • Captain Collider isn't particularly handy. Since receiving his powers he has been trying to improve himself, however.
  • Rather predictably, Captain Collider is very into sci-fi and fantasy genres. Though he doesn't spend quite as much time indulging in his habits as he used to, he knows a fair bit about the two genres.
  • It's a good thing Captain Collider is a pacifist because he has no combat training whatsoever. When he does need to fight hand-to-hand he usually just throws simple punches.


"You know, you'd probably get less lens flare if I turned down the Sun a little. Uh, no, I can't actually do that -- it was a joke." - Captain Collider


"Constructive criticism is the mother of self-improvement. Just try not to be -too- harsh." - Captain Collider

Have you got something to say about the high-flying, pacifistic Man Of The Millennium? Feel free to get it down here. Just try to be courteous.

"Limp-wristed lefty." - All-Star

Swixname.png v  d  e
Active: Captain ColliderAll-Star
Inactive/Incomplete: Mach VScience StorkThe FleaBearzerkerKid Billionaire
HenchmanCaptain CashCitizen ZThe Lovecraftian ManScrewballPatricia Pan
Misc: Frontiersmen