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= '''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #8A4B08">Equipment</div>'''''=
= '''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #8A4B08">Equipment</div>'''''=
*<b>Bloodhound Armor</b>: As Nightbeast, Franklin wears the Bloodhound Armor, the armor was made specifically for if Franklin lost his powers he could survive almost anything til he gets to safety. The Armor is composed of bulletproof padding that can even withstand laser rifle blasts. The suit is even environmentally-sealed using <b>Dragonite</b>, a flexible alloy which can withstand extreme temperatures, an item of unspecified origin. Finally the suit is fire and electric proof. Although possessing a healing factor that can heal wounds in a matter of seconds the armor is like Franklin's "second skin" and keeps him alive if he ever lost his regenerative healing factor. The Bloodhound Armor keeps in-touch with H.E.C.T.O.R and monitors Franklin's vitals, constantly giving him updates on whats wrong with him if he sustains a serious injury during most fights.     
*<b>Bloodhound Armor</b>: As Nightbeast, Franklin wears the Bloodhound Armor, the armor was made specifically for if Franklin lost his powers he could survive almost anything til he gets to safety. The Armor is composed of bulletproof padding that can even withstand laser rifle blasts. The suit is even environmentally-sealed using <b>Dragonite</b>, a flexible alloy which can withstand extreme temperatures, an item of unspecified origin. Finally the suit is fire and electric proof. The mask is composed in small part by lead, which shields Nightbeast's face from identification via x-rays. It has also an infrared viewer and auditory sensors. The mask is outfitted with security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.) like the utility belt. The mask is also a transmitter-receiver. Although possessing a healing factor that can heal wounds in a matter of seconds the armor is like Franklin's "second skin" and keeps him alive if he ever lost his regenerative healing factor. The Bloodhound Armor also keeps in-touch with H.E.C.T.O.R and monitors Franklin's vitals, constantly giving him updates on whats wrong with him if he sustains a serious injury during most fights.     
*<b>Viperium Daggers</b>: Viperium is an experimental light-weight super-metal created by VIPER for their body armor. Franklin managed to manufacture his own version of Viperium and incorporate it into the form of daggers he can use to cut through almost anything.  
*<b>Viperium Daggers</b>: Viperium is an experimental light-weight super-metal created by VIPER for their body armor. Franklin managed to manufacture his own version of Viperium and incorporate it into the form of daggers he can use to cut through almost anything.  

Revision as of 03:27, 13 September 2014

Werewolf Badge.png
The Feral
Millennium City's Bloodhound
Woof, Woof Music-player.png
Player: @somerandomkid500
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Carter Enterprises, Carter Technologies
Real Name
Franklin Carter
Bludhound, Frank, Frankie, Bloodhound
Feburary 9th
Millennium City
Carter Enterprises
Carter Tower, The Doghouse
Superhero, Billionaire Philanthropist, Owner of Carter Technologies and Carter Enterprises
Legal Status
Non-Registered Vigilante, Ex-Military
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Janice Carter (Mother, deceased), Samson Carter (Father, deceased)
Physical Traits
Mutant (Homo Superior)
Apparent Age
225 lbs
Body Type
Athletically Built, Buff
· Distinguishing Features ·
Shaved Beard
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman Strength,

Superhuman Speed,

Superhuman Agility,

Superhuman Durability,

Superhuman Reflexes,

Superhuman Senses,

Fear Sense,

Disease Immunity,

Foreign Chemical Immunity,

Q-Metal Claws,

Regenerative Healing Factor
· Equipment ·
Bloodhound Armor, Viperium Daggers, Questionite Bindings, Dog Whistle, Holographic Decoy, U-12 Paralysis Grenade
· Other Abilities ·
Genius-Level Intellect, Martial Arts Master, Business Management, Skilled Swordsman, Skilled Marksman, Skilled Acrobat, Diplomatic Immunity, Multilingual, Master Inventor


Samson Carter, owner and founder of Carter Enterprises and Carter Technologies and also a beloved husband and father to his wife and son, Janice and Franklin Carter. Samson and Janice were well-known and wealthy billionaires that commonly attended parties and balls, they had the look of other billionaires in Detroit; fancy clothes, cars, money, everything. The Carter Family's son, Franklin would also attend public schools before in his tenth grade year of high school he would be regularly bullied for being rich and believing hes was better then others. Franklin would then be put in private schools so he can get a "better" education.

The next chapter of Franklin's life would involve him wanting to join the military, this of course didn't settle with his parents wanting him to prepare for running the family business once hes out of school, but Franklin didn't care and once he turned eighteen he enrolled in the army and soon became a soldier. Franklin learned how to grow a backbone and his attitude grately changed, seeing things others couldn't handle. On one mission, Franklin was greatly injured in a landmine explosion that caused the jeep him and bunker mates were in to flip over and gravely injure or kill most of them. Franklin was soon hospitalized and within a week his wounds healed rather quickly and was let back on the field but he was kept an eye on due to he mysteriously healed alot quicker then the average human.

Within the following years it was discovered, Franklin wasn't human at all he was in fact a mutant, born with a super accelerated healing factor, it was this reason alone Franklin was recalled from the military and sent back home where he learned his dad was dying from a disease and his mom had divorced him for having an affair with a younger woman during Franklin's time in the service. It wouldn't be long before Franklin found out his mom was killed in a hit-and-run with a drunk driver and for that explains why his mom never showed up at her own ex-husband's deathbed.

Franklin's dad finally passed away leaving him in charge of Carter Technologies and Carter Enterprises and this later led to a young twentie year old Franklin to create new technologies. Franklin would also be inspired to become a superhero after ARGENT raided a press conference on what new technologies CarterTech planned on creating, left Franklin completely exposed and vulnerable to superhuman attacks and threats. Franklin soon spent years training with some of the best martial artists around the world, learning how to hone his sense and prepare his body for the upcoming fight. This training would also lead Franklin into discovering some other mutant powers like super strength, speed, agility, and reflexes along with retractable claws, superhuman senses, the ability to sense fear, and immunity to most Earthly diseases.

Franklin soon returns to Detroit (Now Millennium City by this time) and adopts the superhero alias of Nightbeast and use his new power and martial arts prowess to face the villains Millennium City has to offer. Franklin by this time would also suffer from Post Tramatic Stress Disorder after years before, The Battle of Detroit would cost the lives of most of his friends and family. Years after the Battle of Detroit, Franklin would go into a deep depression and coup himself in his penthouse with the press and media wondering what happened to billionaire playboy, Franklin Carter.

Franklin would return to action after a villain called, The Commandarin would challenge the one known as Nightbeast to a duel. This would soon make Franklin skyrocket out of his room and don his costume again to become a hero once more. Franklin as Nightbeast would defeat the Commandarin and would continue being a hero.

Present Day

Franklin now runs CarterTech and Carter Enterprises while also serving time as the vigilante, Nightbeast. As crime in Millennium City continues to rise, the Nightbeast will always be there to protect the citizens using his Claws of Justice to deliver the smackdown the villains need in order to realize, "We Are Heroes, This is What We Do!"

Appearance and Personality


Franklin Carter is commonly described as a strikingly handsome young man in his mid to late twenties. His skin is fairly regular for any average Caucasian male and Carter's overall physique can be described as athletically fit and takes course in moderate exercise while also standing at 6 feet tall and weighing around 225 lbs and always seen with the infamous "TV Dad" look of the iconic 5'o Clock Shadow look. Although he stands taller than the average man his height may be intimidating but Carter has been said to walk and talk with an overconfident swagger, believing he's smarter then those around him, commonly described as a "douchebag". Carter is often seen dressing in pricey and super expensive business suits and is rarely seen wearing casual clothes, but when he is wearing street clothes they usually compose of a simple black t-shirt or button-up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up along with some slacks or blacks jeans and some standard black and white sneakers.

As Nightbeast, Franklin wears a reinforced costume that is mainly brown and black as well as slight tan textures here and there, the suit can be described as intimidating due to its realistic take and characteristics of a dog. The mask is looks to be made of leather with a dog-like snout and feverish yellow eyes which can make many tremble in fear. The suit as well has fur attachments added on to it, primarily on the shoulders, back, forearms, and most of the back. When in "attack mode" the yellow glow in Nightbeast's eyes become stronger the angrier he gets and is always seen slashing his opponents with his retractable Q-Metal Claws which have a tendency to form a weird vibrational aura around Nightbeast's hands, they can even disperse energy which can be fired at enemies as projectiles.

Business Affiliations


Harmon Industries

Leader: James Harmon IV
Interests: Defense and Aerospace Company

"Carter Technologies has contributed to Harmon Industries many things. Asking Mr. Harmon will get you nowhere since hes like many of the playboys in this city, including me. Carter Technologies has "donated" airplane parts and engines to Harmon Industries within the past year"


Carter Technologies

Leader: Franklin Carter
Interests: Computers, Plasma Weapon Systems, Pulson Particles, Power Armor
Affiliations: UNTIL, PRIMUS

"Ahh. Carter Technologies, founded by old man, Samson Carter. He built CarterTech with his bare hands and now its up to me to live up to the legacy he built. CarterTech is currently aiding UNTIL and PRIMUS with some of their current weaponry and power armors, but soon by the end of this year CarterTech will become infamous."


Carter Enterprises

Leader: Franklin Carter
Interests: Shutting down Anti-Mutant Organizations, Aiding other Companies
Affiliations: UNTIL, PRIMUS, Other organizations across the globe

"Carter Enterprises unlike Carter Technologies is mainly my main residence, yes I live there in Carter Enterprises. Carter Enterprises also works to shut down organizations like IHA, ARGENT, and if we're lucky VIPER."


Binary Corp.

Leader: Unknown. Official superhero for company is Binary Man
Interests: Computers, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Plasma Weapon Systems

"I haven't done much with Binary Corp besides lend over a few parts and components here and there. The Company is pretty much silent from here on out from the looks of it."

Business Contacts


James Harmon IV

Name: James Harmon IV
Affiliations: Harmon Industries, Harmon Labs, UNTIL, PRIMUS

"James Harmon isn't that bad a guy....til he steals your "Man of the Year" Award. Other then that cool man and very arrogant, I swear I rather consult with Defender then ol' chisel chin."



Name: Hyperly Enhanced Computer programmed To Obey and Research
Affiliations: Franklin Carter, Candi, Carter Technologies and Carter Enterprises

"H.E.C.T.O.R is my artificial intelligent butler. Sorry I dislike the SOCRATES system after the whole Cybermind thing nearly wiped my account clean of all my money. Anyway, H.E.C.T.O.R is programmed to do whatever is commanded after all, H.E.C.T.O.R does stand for Hyperly Enhanced Computer programmed To Obey and Research"



Name: Sandra "Candie" Simpson
Affiliations: Carter Enterprises and Carter Technologies

"Candie is the best assistant, secretary a man could have. Once a former teenage girl caught up in the wrong crowd now reformed into a beautiful young lady. She is currently 23 years old and is the only one that knows my "secret". I trust her with all might heart and soul."

Friends and Allies

"Recognizing "Friends" Database..." - H.E.C.T.O.R"

FILE 001



Real Name: Michael Brock
Powers/Abilities: Superhuman Senses, Fighting Skills
Occupation: Sidekick
Origin: Mutant
Motivation: Revenge
Michael Brock is my crimefighting sidekick, Badger. He became my "apprentice" after he stole the Badger suit from my lair and used it to avenge his father's death at the hands of Underground Ring Lord, Frank Zaretti. I later adopted him as my "son" and now he fights crime with me time-to-time.

FILE 002


Real Name:

FILE 003


Real Name:

FILE 004


Real Name:
Occupation: Maniac
Origin: Mutant
Motivation: Unknown

FILE 005


Real Name:
Motivation: Unknown

FILE 006


Real Name:


"ACCESS ACCEPTED: Good Evening, Sir..." - H.E.C.T.O.R

Threat Levels:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Not worth any action. Let the cops take care of it.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Minor threats. Usually common meta-criminals.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Could prove a personal challenge, but not much else.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Moderate threats. Worth looking into.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous. Definitely ones to look out for. Usually for low-to-moderate powered mercenaries and assassins.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous nationally and internationally.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
High-Level Threats. Capable of posing a real danger to governments, organizations and super-teams.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Worldwide threats. Must be immediately investigated. Reserved for cult leaders, terrorist organizations and the like.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
World Annihilators, must be stopped at all costs.

FILE 001



Real Name: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: Magic, Spell-Casting, Flight, Illusions
Occupation: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Motivation: Power
"I don't know much on "The Commandarin", but that hes a magic user skilled in the fields of illusions. He also happens to be wearing the Dragon Armor and wields the Eight Rings, ancient Chinese artifacts of mass power and it seems that he might be teaming up with Hi-Pan soon, but I smell this will be a one time thing before branching off to do his own projects. The first, killing me."

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


FILE 002



Real Name: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: None
Occupation: Assassins
Origin: Unknown
Motivation: Unknown
"The Parliament recently found out Nightbeast's secret identity and are willing to cause as much destruction until they can finally get his attention. The Parliament is a group of owl-themed mercenaries and assassins, I don't know what they exactly want or what their main motivation is, but it certainly rubs me the wrong way. Recently a kid is said to be their youngest assassin who happened to branch out and away from the Parliament, but that doesn't mean these guys won't stop til they finally get their hands..or talons, on me."

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


FILE 003



Real Name:

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


FILE 004


Real Name:
Motivation: Unknown

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


FILE 005


Real Name:

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


FILE 006


Real Name:

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Powers and Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Although the exact strength limit is unknown, Franklin can push his muscles beyond the natural limits of the human body without injury, granting him some degree of superhuman strength.
  • Superhuman Speed: Nightbeast can move at low level speeds, pushing his leg muscles to limits not even the finest Olympic athletes could.
  • Superhuman Agility: Nightbeast's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels far beyond the natural physical limits and capabilities of the finest human specimen.
  • Superhuman Durability: Nightbeast has superhuman durability. Franklin's is incredibly dense, allowing him to survive brutal punches from Black Fang, Ripper, or Black Talon. His durability is also slightly enhanced when wearing the Bloodhound Armor.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Franklin's reflexes are similarly enhanced, they are also superior to those possessed by the finest human specimen and are equal to the likes of the current Black Mask.
  • Superhuman Senses: Nightbeast possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. He can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. He retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distances, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that have thick walls with enough focus. He is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success.
  • Fear Sense: Nightbeast can use his keen sense of smell to detect fear due to chemical changes within a person's scent.
  • Disease Immunity: Franklin's highly efficient immune system, which is part of his accelerated healing factor, renders him immune against all known Earthly diseases and infections.
  • Foreign Chemical Immunity: Franklin natural healing also affords him the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, except in massive doses. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated from alcohol. For this reason alone, Franklin is rarely ever seen drinking alcohol.
  • Q-Metal Claws: Franklin has the mutant ability to grow his fingernails to resemble claws. Franklin's Bloodhound Armor uses Multifarian memory metal within the gloves and can break down basically all metals at the molecular level. The claws also have the ability to emit small energy blades from the tip as well as launch them as projectiles.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Franklin's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process that enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. He can regenerate greatly damaged or destroyed tissue with few seconds. Franklin's accelerated healing powers have been commonly referred to as his mutant healing factor. The full extent and speed of Franklin's healing factor isn't known. He has been shown to fully heal from numerous gunshot wounds, severe burns covering most of his body, and regenerate missing eyes within a matter of seconds. Among the more extreme depictions of his accelerated healing factor involves him having his skin, muscles, and internal organs incinerated from his skeleton only to fully regenerate the tissue within minutes.


  • Genius-Level Intellect: Franklin is a polymath genius with a genius-level IQ and is probably the 6th smartest person in the world. He is said to possess an eidetic, or commonly known as "photographic" memory, although none can say for sure. He has been able to manage two companies with ease as well as break down super-materials like Viperium to learn its formula in order to re-craft his very own version of the metal.
  • Martial Arts Master: Taking up an interest in self-defense as a better way of being prepared for a fight, being the commonly known rich boy in school. Franklin has trained with some of the best martial artists the world has to offer, its undetermined how many he plans to uses but he still seeks to become the best there is, as he fears losing his mutant gifts and becoming powerless. So far Franklin has learned Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Kung Fu, Boxing, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu, Muau Thai, Hapkido, and Hebjitsu, a martial art created by VIPER which Franklin happened to learn after a brief battle with Mechaniste caused him to somehow remember it, hinting that Franklin might also possess photographic reflexes. Franklin most likely plans to learn more in the following years.
  • Business Management: Franklin Carter has extensive skills and experience in business management, has thorough understanding of financial marketing and management and is often known as a example of successful industrialist and businessman, he can run two businesses from the ground-up and have little trouble keeping up with recent events that unfold within one of the two of them.
  • Skilled Swordsman: Franklin is also very proficient with a sword. He has beaten several skilled and expert swordsmen and women in a sword-fight. He can deflect an incoming bullet, arrow, knife, etc. with either a sword, staff, pole, anything that can qualify as a sword to Frank.
  • Skilled Marksman: Franklin is an expert marksman. He is skilled with throwing projectile weapons, archery and firearms. He has been practicing such skills since the early days of his training and is capable of throwing almost anything in his hand into a weapon, this can range from knives, playing cards, toothpicks, lockpicks, keys, etc.
  • Skilled Acrobat: Carter is proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics.
  • Diplomatic Immunity: Carter Enterprises is a widely known organization and has companies across the globe, for this reason alone Franklin can travel anywhere he pleases without having government organizations like UNTIL stopping him.
  • Multilingual: Before doing his whole traveling around the world montage during his teenage years, Franklin took multiple foreign language classes so he can better understand the people of where he went and their native langauge. Franklin has learned Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese, English, Russian, Mandarin, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic and can speak them very fluently.
  • Master Inventor: Franklin can invent various devices with special properties when needed. He possesses engineering abilities and intellect that makes him a peer and has proven to be able to invent and create weaponry that rivals their engineering capabilities. Franklin can also duplicate practically any other technologies after learning how they work or by glancing at the designs.


  • Bloodhound Armor: As Nightbeast, Franklin wears the Bloodhound Armor, the armor was made specifically for if Franklin lost his powers he could survive almost anything til he gets to safety. The Armor is composed of bulletproof padding that can even withstand laser rifle blasts. The suit is even environmentally-sealed using Dragonite, a flexible alloy which can withstand extreme temperatures, an item of unspecified origin. Finally the suit is fire and electric proof. The mask is composed in small part by lead, which shields Nightbeast's face from identification via x-rays. It has also an infrared viewer and auditory sensors. The mask is outfitted with security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.) like the utility belt. The mask is also a transmitter-receiver. Although possessing a healing factor that can heal wounds in a matter of seconds the armor is like Franklin's "second skin" and keeps him alive if he ever lost his regenerative healing factor. The Bloodhound Armor also keeps in-touch with H.E.C.T.O.R and monitors Franklin's vitals, constantly giving him updates on whats wrong with him if he sustains a serious injury during most fights.
  • Viperium Daggers: Viperium is an experimental light-weight super-metal created by VIPER for their body armor. Franklin managed to manufacture his own version of Viperium and incorporate it into the form of daggers he can use to cut through almost anything.
  • Questionite Bindings: Handcuffs made basically for containing and metahumans. Sometimes used on super-powered or normal everyday thugs and gangsters.
  • The Dog Whistle: This tiny microchip resides in the mouth piece of Nightbeast's mask. This was made by the redesigning of UNTIL's U-ELC Screech Owl Pistol and taking the special sonic sound chip and incorporating it into his mask. It is activated by reading the brain's neuro-electric pulse. Upon activation the chip pierces the eardrums of enemies within a 50 foot radius.
  • Holographic Decoy: This is compact disk that hides within Nightbeast's belt. Upon dropping against the ground the disk creates a convincing, realistic decoy of Nightbeast, confusing enemies and soon with the press of buttton the decoy can be armed to explode, knocking anyone within it's blast radius unconscious.
  • U-12 Paralysis Grenade: This compact grenade releases a non-lethal, but powerful electric shock which stuns a person's nervous system and renders them paralyzed for a full hour until its effects can begin to wear off.


  • Sensory Overload: Franklin is very dependent on his mutant five senses and they are susceptible to be overloaded special devices or machines outfitted to do just this. This also includes sonic weaponry that is used against him.
  • Kelvarite Exposure: Franklin's powers and healing factor act awry when he's around Kelvarite or Radium X, the radioactive energy Kelvarite gives off. Whenever around this strange item his healing factor can begin to become unstable and won't heal him as quickly.
  • Pulson Particles: Ironically, the strange energy that Franklin's own company takes interest in, is actually one of his weaknesses. Pulson Particles have a chance to burn right through Franklin's skin.
  • Magic: Magic seems to effect Franklin dearly, most likely due to that his powers are of mutant origin instead of the usual supernatural. For this reason alone, Franklin does his best to avoid magic at all costs.

Comments and Opinions


RP Hooks

  • Posters regarding Carter Technologies are often found posted all around the city.
  • Nightbeast is frequently targeted by VIPER.
  • Need armor and/or weapons? Carter Technologies is known for its infamous metal, Flexium that is frequently incorporated into many power and body armor types.
  • Franklin Carter is often seen on TV, supporting mutants and mutantkind.
  • Newspapers regarding Nightbeast's harsh and brutal actions are regularly seen in newspaper vendor machines and more.
  • Only and ONLY Franklin knows the formula to Flexium and is publicly known for what it can do and for that, he doesn't regularly let other lab corporations have the formula.
  • Nightbeast has a widespread reputation throughout mainly Westside and Millennium City's City Center.


  • Franklin owns a separate company outside of Carter Technologies thats devoted to shutting down anti-mutant organizations like IHA.
  • Franklin is a patronizing womanizer with a cocky and overconfident attitude. He does this to further throw people off from making the assumption that hes the Feral Nightbeast.
  • Carter Technologies has enough heavy machinery to refine 4 caves of Questionite Ore.
  • Franklin enjoys chewy chocolate chip cookies. He says he likes how it almost feels like its melting in his mouth.
  • Assumptions have been made that Franklin could be a mutant due to how hes one of the few billionaires that supports mutants.
  • Enjoys calling James Harmon "Chisel Chin".
  • Absolutely loves tacos.
  • Once had to wear braces during most of 10th grade year.
  • Loves watching Nancy Grace on the HLN channel.
  • Despises being called "Frank".
  • The CreepyPasta story on Jeff the Killer actually creeps Franklin out, let alone the horrifying look of the character gave him nightmares for a whole week.
  • Franklin is the creator of a special metal called, Flexium. A malleable metal that can be applied to power armor, body armor, or any spandex costume and offer the same levels of protection as Kendrium.
  • Character aspects of Nightbeast include Batman, Black Panther, Green Arrow, Iron Man, and Wolverine.